Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 4, Episode 14 - Nip/Stuck - full transcript

When Sara hesitates to make a tough call, Rory steps up creating a wedge in the team. Meanwhile, Ava gives Gary the responsibility of handling the Bureau performance reviews for all the Agents.

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Previously on
"Legends of Tomorrow"...

What kind of egg is that?

- It's a dragon egg.
- Oh.

Okay, you got
possessed by Neron.

I can't stop!

I give up.
Do you hear me, Neron?

Spare Nate
and I'll let you have me.

- Neron?
- I can make you whole again.

- My nipple.
- Gary, no!

Nora, I need your help.

I am asking you
to face another demon

as a member of the Time Bureau.

Let's do this.

All right,
enough of the sightseeing.

Can we go now?

I'm a bit knackered,
to be honest with you, mate.

We're not here as tourists,

Ah, right, you're
gonna get rid of me

in some dramatic fashion.

Get on with it, will you?

I'm not gonna kill you.
Not yet, anyway.

I need you for a favor.
Is that right?

Mm, I need you to open up
a doorway to hell.

Oh, right.
Well, why didn't you say so?

I will gladly open up
a vortex right here

and give you the old heave-ho
to the great beyond.

The door is not for me, Johnny.

It's to bring someone here
from the other side.

Ah, that's right.

If she comes straight
through the doorway,

she doesn't need a human vessel.

And what in that demented
demon brain of yours

makes you think that I'm going
to open a vortex for you, eh?

Unlike Gary,
I've still got both my nipples,

so you don't have much
to bargain with.

Speaking of which,

what have you done
with the Muppet?

Gary's just fine.

He's back at the Time Bureau
taking care of business.

Okay, Nora, you can do this.

Just... be normal.

You can be normal.

'Cause you are normal.

- Next.
- Come on!

That's your ID picture?

They wouldn't let me retake it.

Oh, it can't be that bad.
Let me see.

Uh, maybe we'll just use your
photo from the wanted poster.

So your ID is in process.

And you have me to help you
with your orientation.

All that's left is this.

What the hell's that?

It's your start paperwork.

No, I should be out
looking for Ray.

I really have to fill
all this out?

I know.
I know, Nora.

But until we have
a line on Neron,

there's really nothing
we can do.

And let's be honest, Nora.

You have a storied history here.

I need you to prove that you
can be a team player.

Have fun.

Oh, and you know what, Nora?

I'm really, really proud of you.

Welcome to the Bureau.

Director Sharpe.
I've been waiting for you.

Gary, I told you,
no playing with my chair

until after hours.

Oh, playtime's over.

Shut the door.

We need to talk.

Synced & corrected by MaxPayne
== https://subscene.com ==

If Neron wanted John dead,

he would have killed him
on the spot.

He must need something from him.

We have to find them before
he can get what he wants.

Who knows what he's doing
in Ray's name...

or his perfectly grass-fed
organic butter body?

If Haircut's even there.

We don't know that Ray is gone.

Look, everybody just breathe.
Gideon's already on it.

I've attuned the magic-o-meter

to Constantine's frequency.

When he uses his abilities,
I can zero in on his location.

And what do we do till then?

- Stress eat.
- Drink.

Yeah, how'd you lot
survive until now?

Look, until we get an alert,
we wait.

Right, we wait.

I gotta go clear my head.

What do you think this is about?

With everything
that's been going on,

I bet Director Sharpe is about
to lay down the plan of attack.

I've gathered you here because
today we're setting time aside

to conduct performance reviews.

But this time, I thought
it would be useful

if you were assessed
by one of your peers,

Agent Gary Green.


- Seriously?
- Huh?

Thanks, doll.

How are my babies doing?

Let's rap for a sec.

Is Gary cool now?

That's impossible.

Now, I know performance
reviews can be quite a drag,

but this year's gonna be
different 'cause you've got

superagent Gary Green
in your corner.

So no need to stress...

unless your infraction is
looking too good in that suit.

Agent Reyes knows
what I'm talking about.

Oh, my God.
I think she just swooned.

This is a nightmare.

So I'll be meeting
with agents one-on-one,

and, uh, wait till
I call your name.

Looking forward
to some good face time.

Ava, are you sure
this is the best time

for performance reviews?

There's no better time
to assess the performance

of our operation.

But are you sure
Gary's qualified for...


Of course, Mona.

Gary Green
is all the man we need.

Oh, my, what a big,
scary knife you've got.

I'd sooner be filleted
than do your bidding.

This knife is not for you.

It's for Raymond.

The human body is fascinating.

Delicate, fragile.

Did you know that if I cut
this artery right here,

it will take only
a matter of minutes

before Ray's body
goes into shock

and eventually expires?

Hey, big man.

Come on.
I know you're in there.

Snap out of it, eh?

Ray's gone.

I've taken over his body.
We made a deal.

And you of all people
should know what it means

to make a deal with a demon.

Now, if Ray was still in here,

would he do this?

I knew I could make you
use your magic.

Great, yeah.
So you got me.

What's that big grin
all about, eh?


You'll see.

Huh, I always took you
to be more Springsteen

than "The Rite of Spring."

It's not for me.

I read that classical music
is good for babies.

Wow, this is very,
um, impressive.

Yeah, I found a book
about dragons

in Constantine's collection.

"The egg must incubate
under the mother

at her body temperature
lest the egg expire."

Yeah, I'm not gonna sit
on that thing.

I figured as much.
That's why I got a heat lamp.

We have to do
everything possible

to make sure nothing bad
happens to this egg.

- Hey.
- Hmm?

The egg's gonna be okay.

I know it.

Wait till Ray sees
that we have a dragon.

- He's gonna love it.
- Yeah.

I've picked up an alert

with Constantine's
magical signature.

That's them.

The signal is coming
from 1.3 million years ago.

That's the Ice Age.

He's in the part
of North America

that would come to be known
as the Donner Pass,

named after a doomed group
of settlers in the 1800s

who resorted to cannibalism

after their food supplies
ran out.

There is such thing
as too much exposition, Gideon.

Hah, there they are.
Our heroes.

Captain Lance, thanks
for coming all this way.

If you're looking for Ray,

he's, uh, checked out.

Is Neron on comms?

But if you'd like to join him,

I can make arrangements.

Sara, open fire now.

This may be your only chance.

We can't fire.
That's Ray.

Ray made a deal with a demon.
He's gone.

We can't lose anyone else
to this bastard.

Do it.
What about you?

Blow us both to kingdom come.

I'll be happy to go to hell
for the cause.

Gideon, ready the blasters.

Yes, Captain.

Whoa, whoa.
Hold up!

If we kill Neron in Ray's body,
we lose Ray forever.

But if you let Neron walk,
then things are gonna get

much, much worse.
Trust me.

Well, come on, boss.

Something's wrong.

Awaiting orders, Captain.



It's a trap!

We gotta move!
They're getting away!

Get us out of here, Gideon!

That's not good.

By my calculations,

we're buried beneath
357 feet of ice and snow.

Plus, our primary temporal
delineator has been rendered

with the extreme weather.

Well, so that's it, then?
We're just snowed in?

Yeah, at the Donner Pass.

No one's turning me
into beef jerky!

Everyone calm down.
Gideon, hail the Bureau.

Should we leave a voice mail?

Ava will get the alert.
In the meantime, we wait.

Gideon, how long
until the ice thaws?

The Ice Age ends
in 11,121 years.

All right, who we eating first?

'Cause shotgun, not.

Captain, we're running
on reserve power.

I recommend disabling
all nonessential functions

to conserve energy
for life support.

Do it.

We need to be responsible
and conserve power.

Cut off the main generator,
the fabricator,

and the thermostat.

Neron is out there
with Ray and Constantine

all because we fell for his
trap because you fired on Ray.

And what was your plan, pretty?

Beat him to death
in a snowball fight?

We were supposed to take him in,

not take him out, Mick.
Ray's gone!

When a team member goes dark,

you end them
before they end you.

Rory, with me.

You made the call.

You're helping us
get out of here.

- No problem.
- All right.

Always assumed
I'd go out alone, anyway.

First you kill my friends,
and now you bring me

to this miserable era.

Oh, Johnny,
quit being such a crybaby.

I just did what I had to do.

Can't have your friends
getting in the way of us

creating that door to hell.

There's still no way
I'm helping you.

Besides, the vortexes I make
are strictly one-way.

They suck you in.

And don't you think,
if my magic was powerful enough

to stabilize a vortex,
I wouldn't have saved Desmond

or Astra?

Yes, and that's why we're here.

As powerful as your magic is,
you can always teach

an old dog new tricks.

And it's more than magic
that you need to learn.

Oh, yeah, right.

So I'm supposed to learn
something off one

of these yokels, am I?

No, Johnny.

Not from them.

From a king.

Hold on a minute.
That bloke's got my face.

That's because
he's your ancestor.

King Konstentyn,
ruler of these parts

and progenitor
of your magical bloodline.

What kind of creature
do you think they're hunting?

Can't be sure,

but I'm guessing
it wasn't rabbits.

Make way for your king!

Start paperwork, am I right?

My forms keep getting
rejected because records show

I'm 15 and living
in a mental institution.

I forget that we don't
have normal problems anymore.

Speaking of which,
Ava's having Gary

do performance reviews.

I mean, he's not my first
choice for... responsibilities,

but don't we have bigger issues?


And when I pointed that out,
Ava shut me down.

Not to stereotype,
but I think a clone

might have replaced her,
and we need to look into it.

- No.
- Yes.

- No.
- Yes.

- No!
- Yes!

I just earned my freedom.

And I don't wanna get caught
going behind Ava's back.

You heard what she said.

I need to focus on being
a team player.

She said Gary
is all the man we need.

That's not weird to you?

Why is that weird?

Gary Green
is all the man we need.

Okay, I will check on Gary,

and you contact the Waverider
and see if Sara knows anything.

- Mm-hmm.
- And then...

we're gonna find out
what form 37-C is.


Ah, this is useless!

Why don't we just
blast a way out?

Using your heat gun in here,
Mr. Rory,

will deplete our low supply
of oxygen.

Yeah, ease up, Mick.

Last time you pulled
the trigger,

we ended up here.

You're pissed at me
for firing on Haircut.

Well, it's a good thing
that this Snart bloke

kept a supply of jackets,
though, isn't it?

They smell good too, actually.

What is that?
Is it sandalwood?

Look, I'm pissed at you
because that

wasn't your call to make.
Someone had to make it.

It was our only chance
to take out Neron.

I made the call you should have.

All right, guys, come on.
Just pick away, will you?

No, this is good.

All of a sudden,
now you care about the mission?

Where were you when Neron
took Ray in the first place?

Oh, you're gonna put that
on me as well!

All right, as much as I wanna
watch you guys duke it out,

lets save it for when
we're not freezing to death.

You know what?

Both of you off scamming people
at some book convention

while there is a demon
on our ship.

Mm, let me get
this straight, Captain.

You're the only one that can
have fun outside of this

rusted bucket of bolts?

All you do is spend time
with the girlfriend

and nothing's ever,
ever your fault!

You know what?

You have all the answers.

You get us out of here.

Oh, when I was a boy,
we used to run wild

in these woods
around the village.

Not a care in the world.

These same woods where
your children play today

and where my hunting party
just encountered

another dangerous beast that
threatens not just our safety

but our entire way of life.

Oh, this bloke is right tedious.

Why are we here?

Because I want you to learn

that it was your ancestor
that created the rift

between humans
and magical creatures.

And why would he do that?

Because fear is a powerful
source of energy for magic.

The more he exploits these
creatures to stir up fear

in his people, the more powerful

his magic becomes.

I come from a long line
of bastards,

but not even we
would resort to that.

Because your kin
are always so right.


And if the king is sending
this creature to hell,

then surely it deserves it.

Do you really think
that everyone in hell

deserves to be there?

What about Astra

or Raymond Palmer

or my Tabitha?

This is your opportunity
to make things right,

starting with her.

You know, if your plan
is to guilt me

into doing what you want
by showing me the sins

of my forefather,
it ain't working, sunshine.

But to another.

Behold the unholy beast!

Hold on a minute.
That's a Púca.

May not look threatening,
but sometimes

in order to see
the true nature of a creature,

one must draw it out.

No, no, no.
He's got it all wrong.

They aren't evil.

Guess your bloodline isn't as
righteous as you think it is.

He's clearly misinformed.

Well, if you think that,
maybe you should go

and have a chat with the king.

You are truly blessed
that I am here,

for I alone can save you
from these monsters.

And tonight at the rise
of the low moon,

I will banish this creature
straight to hell.

Agent Powell,
please report to my office

for your performance review.

Just need a signal
on the Waverider.

That's weird.

What are you doing in here?

Uh, just thought I would
check on the timeline.

Yep, looks good.

You have clearance for this?

Have you completed
your performance review?

Yes, I've had
my performance review.

And how did it go?

Gary Green
is all the man we need.

Gary Green
is all the man we need.



You were right.
We have to talk.

But we can't do it here.

The heat lamp
must have turned off

when Sara shut down
the generator.

It's okay, Wickstable.
You're gonna be okay.

What... what did you call it?


The drawing I made
of Heyworld when I was a kid,

the one that inspired my dad,
the dragon in it,

I named it Wickstable.

I thought we could
just name it that.

But I'm open to other ideas.

No, uh, I-I like...
I like Wickstable.

Our little Wicksty.

I can't believe
I'm about to say this,

but I think it needs
skin-to-skin contact

like the book said.

I think it's working.

Hey, uh, why does it feel
like we skipped past

all the fun stuff
into, you know, this?

We can still do the fun stuff.

What about the egg?

Um, there's other ways
we could create heat.

Seriously, dude?


Come on, Gideon.

There's gotta be a way
to boost the engines.

Ray would know
how to read this.

How much longer do we have
on life support?

Power reserves
are at 34 hours, Captain.

- Hey, you got a second?
- Not now, Rory.

I actually came here
to apologize for, uh,

blowing up before.

Wow, that's... thank you.

And I should have never...
And another thing!

Give it up, Charlie.

Why were you wearing my face?

And were you about to apologize?

Only because Charlie
was catfishing me.

All right, shut up.

Do you think Ray would be
fighting right now?

No, he would be trying
to get us out of here.

Yeah, you're right.
He's always got a plan.

It's annoying.

All right,
let's search Ray's quarters,

see if we can find
something helpful.



I tried talking to Ava,
and all she'd say was,

"Gary Green
is all the man we need."

Gary must be controlling
the Bureau somehow.

It's those performance reviews.

If we can find out
how he's doing it,

maybe we can find a way
to snap them out of it.

I can try tapping
into my powers,

see if I can read him.

If I can get to his office...

We're all we have left.

We can't risk losing each other.

I've got it.

We'll tell Gary you found
some security issues

in the containment cells.

You walk him
over here like this.

Then I'll close the cell doors
and you courier out,

trapping him.
That's a great idea.

Yeah, just like that.

Okay, it works.

You can let me out now.

I'm sorry.
I can't do that right now.

Sure, you can.
Just use the hand thing.

No, Mona, you need a time-out.

Gary Green
is all the man we need.


Go and tell the others to
prepare the ritual for tonight.

As you wish, my lord.

You're wasting your time,
focusing on that monster.

A Púca only reflects
the person it's with.

It's only angry because
you scared the fur off it.

That creature doesn't deserve
to go to hell.

I see not why I should heed
the advice of a stranger.

Then perhaps you will heed
the advice... of your kin.

I know not of any kin
outside of this village.

And yet the similarities
of your features...

I'm a cousin from afar and a
practitioner of magic like you.

If you want to rid your village
of a real monster,

then I know of a demon
in our midst

that we can banish together.

A demon?

In my village?

Well, then lead the way, my kin.

But this face stealer
with the other creature.

Aye, my liege.

Hell shall have two more guests

by the end of the night.

"Cards to Save the Timeline:

a team-building card game
by Ray Palmer."

Ah, I miss hating him.

You remember that night
when we all met,

standing up on that rooftop,
and Rip told us

that we were gonna be legends?

Mm-hmm, embarrassing.

You know what?

We're the last of the originals.


Yeah, weird.

Legends were different
back then.

We were different back then.

Look, I know
that book convention

was important to you.

And I'm really glad
that you got to go.

I'm glad you have Ava.


Guess we're growing up...

and hopefully not growing apart.

Ah, here we are.

What is it?

"Ray Palmer's
Survival Guide."

Let me see this.

Oh, hey.

"What to do if you're caught
in an avalanche."

Uh-huh, what does it say?

Yeah, we've already tried
all of these.

"If all fails, remember
you still have each other,

so enjoy that as long
as it lasts."

Ah, we're dead.

Yeah. Maybe.

Hey, it's all right, little one.

I don't bite.


I see your talk went well.

Knew you'd be here.

Ah, so I come from
a long line of bloody bastards.

Big reveal.

Have you even considered
what it's really gonna be like

for you in hell with all those
pissed-off folks you sent there

just waiting for you?

Including my Tabitha.


Who is this bird, anyway?

Why is she so important?

- Who is she?
- Yeah.

You're just like your ancestor.

So convinced
you're always right.

You don't even know
who you're sending away.

Fitting that he's about
to do the same to you.

But once you see
how powerful magic can be

when fueled by fear,
you can save yourself

from being sucked to hell.

Oh, you would love for me
to stabilize that vortex,

wouldn't you?

You see, the thing is,

I'm not afraid of going to hell.

I've always counted on the fact
that I'd end up there one day

no matter what.

And what about this
innocent creature beside you?

Well, I guess I'm just a
bloody bastard, then, aren't I?

What's the bad news now?

Oh, no bad news.

And no more fighting.

Gideon, fire up the ship.

If I do that,
life support capacity

will be reduced by half.

You heard me, Gideon.

Turn on the fabricators
and turn on the heat.

I'm thinking s'mores,
maybe some hot cocoa.

The captain's gone mad.

She's not mad.
She's right.

I could go for a s'more.

Look, Ray would want us
to have faith

that we will escape.

He wouldn't want us
cold and miserable.

So right now, we are going
to enjoy our time together.

Let's go.

Let's get some music going.

Who's gonna bring me food
if I'm stuck in here?

This is how I'm gonna die,
isn't it?

Without any books or laughter

in the basement
of a government building?


You're right.
I'm not alone.

I have you.

I'm sorry you're stuck here
with me, little one.

Ah, you should be out there
in the woods, frolicking about.

Or whatever it is you Púcas
get up to these days.

You know, to tell you the truth,

I'm bloody well terrified.


It's not the eternity of torture

or the people
who are after my head, no.

It's that I'll have to watch
Raymond and Astra

and all the others I've failed
be tortured along with me.

Even led the Legends
to their death.

And you're next in line.

Yeah, that's right.

You sense the rottenness
inside me, don't you?

No better than the bloody king.

Why would you heal
a bastard like me?

Up with you.

Time to see the king.

All right, then, little one.

Let's go see what this party's
all about, shall we?

We live in a world
of wonder and amazement.

At times, it's beautiful,

At other times, cruel,

And monstrous.

Before you are two
foul creatures of the dark,

one a grotesque
woodland creature

that would not hesitate
to tear out your heart,

the other an imposter,

a wielder of the dark arts

that would usurp
my very body and soul.

Now, my people,
I seek your wisdom

in these matters.

What would you have me do
with such wretched beasts?

To hell! To hell!

To hell! To hell! To hell!

We're very excited
for you to receive

your performance review.

But what actually happens
at the meeting?

Feel free to give me
any spoilers.

Don't worry.
I had my doubts too.

But then I met with Gary
and realized

Gary Green
is all the man we need.

Gary Green
is all the man we need.


Please step forward,
Ms. Wu.

Take a seat.
Make yourself comfortable.


Eh, no, thanks.

Don't mind if I do.

Let's see.


I see you've made
quite an impression

in your brief time here.

But lately you've been
slacking off.

It says right here
you've been very disloyal

to the Time Bureau.

Not yet, Wolfie.

Okay, I'll judge this round.

You and your team are stuck
in a trash compactor

in an impromptu and possibly
fatal homage to "Star Wars."

What do you do?

Boom, that's the one.

- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
- Yep.

Ooh, gonna have to go with,

"Steel up as Sara
scales a wall."

- Another point for me.
- Favoritism!

Why would I display favoritism?

'Cause you two
are obviously shagging.

- What?
- Hmm?


Yes, finally!
This is great.

Maybe you guys
won't be so weird now.

Okay, I'll judge next.

A teammate turns on you,
lost to the dark side.

What do you do?


"Escape via musical number."

Not this time.

"Fabricate eveningwear
and infiltrate a party."

You guys know I love
a good party sneak.

"Don't give up on each other.
Work together.

You're more than a team.
You are a family."

Well, I guess that card's
the winner, then.

Point to Charlie.
I'm on the board.

- The hell was that?
- Due to your reckless use

of our rapidly depleting energy,

internal temperature
of the ship has melted

the surrounding ice enough
to shake the ship loose.

What do we do?

We work as a team.

Zari, engine room.
Get the thrusters back online.

Seal the cargo bay.
You two with me.

My dear people!

I hear your cries
and feel your anger.

And therefore, by your command,

I send these creatures

where they belong.

Straight to hell!

Straight to hell!
Straight to hell!

Straight to hell!
Straight to hell!

Begone, you unclean beasts!

Come on, Johnny.
You know what you need to do.

Oh, bollocks.

Here. Run, run.

What have you done?

I've used your own magic
against you.

We may be kin,
but we are not the same.

Now, you may not agree
with my methods,

but I will always
protect my people.

Now, the question is,
Ms. Wu,

what shall we do
about your disloyalty?

Uh, maybe...

I lose my snack room
privileges for a week.

Oh, no!
Not my almonds!

Oh, I wouldn't worry
about your almonds.

Because as I'm sure
you've heard,

Gary Green
is all the man you need.

Now, gaze into the nipple.


What's a Wolfie?



I knew you could exploit fear
to make yourself

even more powerful.

Well, it looks like
you taught this old dog

some new tricks after all.

But now I'm gonna use those
new tricks to strike you down.

You know, I do have
a few tricks of my own.

We're running on very low
reserve power.

The odds of us successfully
pushing through the avalanche

above us are 3,720 to 1.

Never tell me the odds, Gideon.

Everyone hold on tight.

Oh, this better work.

It will.

- You got Wicksty?
- Yeah, I'm not letting go.

Come on, come on.

- Boom!
- Whoo!


All systems are back online,

Fantastic, Gideon.

Now let's go find
Constantine and Ray.

Oh, damn executive
privacy button.

Uh, hey.

Can you do me a solid and press
that button over there,

if you...

Do you really think I'm letting
you get out of here alive?


Get away from him, you beast!

What happened?

I don't know.

But I'm guessing he had
something to do with it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

It may be too late to save Ray

or Desmond or the Legends.

But at least I'll get to send
you back where you belong.

Oh, you bastards.
You did it.

You bloody survived.

I've never been so happy
to be wrong in my life.

Don't do it, John.
Don't kill him.

Don't give up on Haircut.

What are you gonna do, Johnny?

You're all out of moves.

No, I'm not.

I'll see you lovely lot
at the end.

I'm gonna save Ray.


The magic-o-meter's picking up

strange activity on the ground.

Tabitha, show yourself.


So wonderful to be back.

Brimstone was so awful
for my complexion.

Oh, but you look ravishing,
my love.

Hold on.
Is he kissing...

Oh, the Fairy Godmother.

Is that tongue?

More singing.

We're so screwed.

Come with me, my pet.

Let's find you a new host.

It's his nipple.

He tried to hypnotize Mona
with his nipple.

His nipple?

Neron gave you back your nipple
which became bad in hell,

which is now poisoning
your mind and making you evil,

and that's why you came back
to the Time Bureau...

So that you could
nip-notize everyone

and Neron could take over.

You will do no more harm
with your nipple!

No, no, no, no!

No, no, please no!

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

It wasn't me.
It was my nipple.

I swear.

Save me!

As you wish.

You have to go.

Tell the Legends
what's going on.

- Wait, what about you?
- I'm not leaving Mona behind.

Always knew you were
a team player.

You okay?

It's a long story,
but Gary took over the Bureau.

He nip-notized everyone.

Yeah, you're gonna have
to explain that.

The germ turned.

Well, it's not just him.
It's Neron and...

The Fairy Godmother, Tabitha.

She's Tabitha?

Yeah, you missed a lot.

And Ray is still in hell.

I know he hasn't given up,

so we're not gonna
give up on him.

Now, let's do this...

for Ray.

Bloody hell.