Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 3 - Zari - full transcript

The Legends try to protect an outlaw named Zari in order to capture a rogue time traveler.

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- How will we be remembered?

Will it be
for saving the world twice?

Nope, we're the team
who broke time.

That's right, history
has been torn to shreds,

which means it's up to us

to put it back together again
piece by piece,

fixing these
so-called anachronisms

before we get torn to shreds.

So please
don't call us heroes.

We're legends.

Previously on
"Legends of Tomorrow"...

- I told you, I was leaving
to create an organization

to replace
the Time Masters.

- 15 minutes ago.
- For you.

Forming the Time Bureau
has been the work

of the last five years
of my life.

- They are undependable,
unpredictable, dangerous.

- Yeah.

- My decision to leave
had nothing to do with you.

I could feel myself
losing control.

The animal was in charge,
not me.

- Tell me
what we're facing here.

- That information
is need-to-know.

Welcome back, Kuasa.

- This is A.R.G.U.S.

Anti-meta-human curfew
is in effect.

Citizens, please stay
in your homes.

- HQ, this is Transport X-17.

En route to facility.

- Copy, X-17.

Standing by
to receive prisoner.

- What the hell?


- Code 99.

We have a code 99!

== Sync, Corrected by Prabhat Rana ==
Follow @1.prabhat.rana

- So there's this theory

that the phrase
"bring home the bacon"

started in a town
in Old England.

Bacon was awarded to any man
who can truthfully say

he and his wife had not argued
that past year.

- The same cannot be said
of you and Ms. Jiwe, however.

- No, because I'm eating bacon.

But since you asked--
- I didn't.

- Hey, it is
a little awkward.

I mean, I am
a little resentful--

- Please, if you need
to discuss this with someone,

I would suggest Amaya.
- Yeah, I know.

We should talk things out,

- Amaya.

Acute arachnoid somnambulism.

Now, this really is

- Oh, my God.

She's having a dream
she's a spider.

We gotta wake her up before
she crawls into the engine.


- You're not supposed
to wake a sleepwalker,

especially when they're
stuck to the ceiling.

- Why not?

- That's why.

- Are you okay?

- I...I was--
I was having a nightmare.

- And in the process,
summoned the ashe of a spider.


- No, Martin. It isn't.

What if I summoned a rhino

and I crashed through the hull
of the ship?

Or a lion and I mauled someone?

- Well, if the victim was
Mr. Rory, I can imagine--

- It's gonna be okay.
We're gonna figure out

what's going on
with you and your totem.

- What do you think
I've been trying to do

for the past six months?

- In my experience,

there is no problem
that cannot be solved

by the rigorous application
of science.

- It's a mystical totem,

- I believe we should start
in the med bay.

Please, please.
Come with me. Come with me.

- Code 99.
This is Agent Gary Green.

Seattle, Washington, 2042.

I just witnessed a female meta
of unknown origin.

She killed everyone.

- Hey. What's going on?

- We intercepted
a distress call

from one of Rip's
Time Bureau agents.

- Why?

Actually, forget it.
I don't care.

- It's the dweeby one, Gary.

- Still don't care.

- Yeah, I gotta go with Mick
on this one.

Why would we help
those ass clowns?

I mean, that's not our job.

- Hopefully
that little time dweeb

learns his lesson.

- Agreed,
but last time I checked,

we help people
who are in trouble.

- I don't.

- Something feels off
about this place.

- Yeah. Like,
where is everybody?

- Martial law.
It's a police state.

- How do you know?

- I can smell pigs.

- He's right.

All the cars on the street
are military.

- More pigs!
Get down! Get down!

- That's A.R.G.U.S.--covert
paramilitary organization.

- Yeah, but it seems they've
forgotten how to be covert.

- The signal we intercepted
came from over there.

Should be here somewhere.

Gary! Gary!


- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

She's gonna kill me.

- The chick
from your distress call?

- Agent Sharpe.

She hates you guys.
- Well, feeling's mutual.

- Look, you said
there was a female meta

killing everyone.
What's going on?

- No, this is classified
Time Bureau business.

- Open your mouth
and say some words.

- Guess you're gonna have
to decide

who you're more afraid of,

Agent Sharpe or Mick here.

- Uh...

the Bureau got a ping
on some unregulated time travel.

But when I got here, the person
I was supposed to arrest...

- Was a meta-human who had
no problem murdering people?

- Her powers
let her control water.

- A human squirt gun.
Big deal.

- No, you guys
really have no idea

how dangerous this woman is.

- Dweeb's right.
That chick's dangerous.

She just blew through
those pigs like it was nothing.

- Actually, I fought someone

with water powers like this
a few years ago.

It was not very pleasant.

- Well, why would
a time-traveling meta-human

come to 2042 to kill
a bunch of A.R.G.U.S. agents?

- She didn't.

She came here
to kill their prisoner.

- Well, it looks like
she struck out.

- Something tells me

our assassin
doesn't give up so easily.

- You got a plan, Captain?
- Why?

We saved Four-eyes.
Mission accomplished.

- And Four-Eyes' mission
was to prevent the anachronism.

- You mean stop the water witch

before she kills whoever
was in the back of that truck?

- Gideon, scan A.R.G.U.S.' logs.

See if you can ID the prisoner.

- I can do better than that,

I can project the prisoner's
most likely destination.

- Even better.

- Zari Tomaz?

- Come with us
if you want to live.

- Yeah, I used
that one once.

- Come on,
let's get out of here.

- Yeah, I don't know who you are
or what you're doing,

but you're gonna lead A.R.G.U.S.
right here.

- No, don't worry.
We can protect you.

- Who's gonna protect you?

- This is A.R.G.U.S.

Sara Lance, Nathaniel Heywood,

Raymond Palmer, and Mick Rory,
you are listed

in the Meta-human Registry
as missing.

You are hereby under arrest

for violating
the Anti-Meta-human Act.

- Anti-Meta-human?

- Yeah, meta-humans
have been illegal since 2021.

Didn't you guys get the memo?

- No.

Well, nice to meet you.
I'm out.

- Wait, your life
is still in danger!

- Remain where you are.
- Ditto. Bye.

- Detainment units
have been notified.

- Hate to destroy
futuristic technology, but...

- Stand down!
- Go! Go!

- You are surrounded.

Under the Meta-human Act
of 2021,

you are under arrest.

On the ground!
Hands behind your head!

Final warning!

- Do as they say.

- You gotta be kidding me.

- That's an order.

- Don't suppose
I get to call my lawyer.

- What?
- I wanted to shoot someone.

- All right, let's get back
to the Waverider,

see if we can get a line
on Tomaz.

- Why? Pretty sure
she just told us to screw off.

- Doesn't change the fact that
there's a rogue time traveler

trying to kill her.

- I can see why.

- Let's go.

- There's nothing
to worry about.

Gideon can't find anything
medically wrong with you.

- I told you, Martin,
my problem is mystical.

It's not scientific.

- Believe me, mysticism
is merely science

that hasn't been
understood yet.

- Hey! Did you figure out
what's wrong with her?

- I'm sitting right here,

- I suggest we consider
a new battery of tests...

- I don't think there's--

- To check on an overactive

latent chromosomal imbalance,

not to mention
temporal dysplasia.

- I'll ask Jax to adjust
Gideon's diagnostic algorithm.

- There's no algorithm
for what's wrong with me.

It's my totem.

It's the legacy
of my ancestors.

- Great, so let's go talk
to your ancestors.

We're on a time ship.

This totem means
I protect my village,

not mess with its history.

- What is her problem?

- Side effect of temporal
dysplasia, I suspect.

- Hey, how you feeling?

- Like I just understood

what you meant
by the term "mansplaining."

I take it from Nathaniel's
premature return,

you didn't have much luck
with Ms. Tomaz.

- Well, that was interesting.

Turns out Zari's a bit of a...
not very nice person.

- Apparently it's illegal
to be a meta-human in 2042.

- You know what I don't get?

In 2016, they weren't--
- Idiots.

- Well, I was gonna say
they weren't trying

to control the city
with killer drones, but...

- Any authoritarian organization
always goes bad--always.

- Which means
it's only a matter of time

before Rip and his Time Bureau
turn into the Time Gestapo.

- In case you've forgotten,
the Time Bureau only exists

to clean up your time mess.

Which now includes
an at-large time assassin

and a fugitive hacker!

- Is that your way
of thanking us for rescuing you?

Gideon, do we have
a location on Zari yet?

- Negative, Captain.

I'm afraid Ms. Tomaz
has stepped up her efforts

to remain undetected.

- Damn, I can see why.
Look at this rap sheet.

Burglary, larceny,
grand larceny, identity theft,

digital trespassing,

meta-human smuggling,

- Impressive.

- Multiple religious

- What do you mean?
- Zari's Muslim.

And apparently religion
is illegal in 2042.

- Rory, if you had
this much heat on you,

where would you go?

- My bar.

What have they done to my bar?

- Too much, Ray,
too much.

- What? I look like
I just robbed a bank.

- Or a costume store.

- There she is.

You run, scream, or sic
one of those drones on us,

I'll light you up.
You got that, missy?

- Are you guys stalking me?

- Not me, but for some reason,
my boss has a bee in her bonnet

about protecting you
from that, uh,

water bitch.

Not you, sweetheart.

- Yeah, I can take care
of myself.

- Is that right?

That why you're
in this bar?

Looking to hire muscle?

- Look, you can trust us, okay?
We're the good guys.

Oh, don't be fooled
by our disguises.

Good guy!

- It's her.

- Let's get out of here.
Come on.

- Oh, a pool party.

- Cute tricks.

Get her to the ship!

- You guys have a ship?

Is it a big ship?

How about a diversion, Rory?

Who wants to fight?

- Go!

- Okay, this is...

almost amazing.

- What do you mean,

- Don't worry.
You'll be safe here.

- Who's the woman
that's after you?

- No idea.

- Any idea of why someone
would want to kill you?

- Yeah, I can think
of quite a few, actually.

- Look, if we're gonna
help you,

you need to start being
more straightforward.

- What is she doing here?

- Uh, water woman
was trying to kill her,

so we're, um,
protecting her.

- No, this is technology
you are not allowed to see.

Civilians are not allowed
to know about time travel.

- Wait, you guys
are time travelers?

- Nice one, Gary.

- Okay, that's on me.

Uh, b-but still, our job
is to prevent the anachronism,

which means capturing
the assassin, not the target.

- I can't believe--

You guys are time-traveling

- Yeah, we've actually
saved the world twice.

Not that we're counting.

- Really? You saved the world.

- Twice!
- Then why does it still suck?

- Uh, just for the record,

dealing with that messed-up
police state of yours,

that's on our to-do list, so...

- But after we capture
the person trying to kill you.

- And we need your help
to do it.

- Oh, I get it.

Since you have no way
of tracking this water psycho,

you plan to use me as bait,

- Right.

- Okay, I'll help you,
on one condition.

You help me break my brother
out of the A.R.G.U.S. facility

where they're holding him.

- Prison break.

I'm in.
- No, no.

No, no, no, no, no,
they're not helping you,

because they're still
helping me.

Guys, this mission has gone
way off the rails as it is.

Zari's brother
is not the priority.

- If you really want my help,
then that's my price.

- Guess we're breaking
into an A.R.G.U.S. prison.

- Okay, so I've been
doing some research.

Turns out there's a root
from your region of Zambesi

that's known for its spiritual
healing properties.

- The Lyoga root?
- That's the one.

- It's a powerful

- Yes, and people use it
to go vision quests.

- Oh, so you admit
that my problem

might be mystical
in nature?

- Well, if you say
it's mystical,

then it's mystical.

Anyways, I was having a chat
with Gideon,

and it turns out our favorite
talking supercomputer

is really great at synthesizing
pretty much anything.

- No.
Please tell me you didn't.

- We re-created
the Lyoga root extract

right here on the ship.

I mean, Gideon did
most of the work.

I pushed, like, seven buttons.

- Nate, this is
a really bad idea.

A single miscalculation
could be lethal.

- Which is why I did a quality
control test on myself first.

- What? You already took it?

- Yeah. I just had
to make sure it was safe.

So far, pretty good.

Um, the tongue,
getting a little numb.

But, um, you should
drink it now

so we peak
at the same time, please.


- Ah!

- Right, we should be
sitting down for this.

The room should be dark.


- Okay.

So what do we do now?

Believe it or not,
this is my first vision quest.

Do we chant?

- No.
- No.

- We stop talking.

Close your eyes
and just...breathe.

- Breathing in.
Breathing out.

Breathing in again--

- Nate.

- Sorry.

Rory, don't.

- Just a little.

- Maybe later.
Which way?

- My brother's
in the east wing annex.

- The blueprints
Gideon downloaded

said the control
panel's this way.

- You guys open the cell.

Let's go talk to your brother.

- Now.

- Hey! How's it going?

- There's no maintenance
scheduled here till tomorrow.

- Really? We got a call that,
uh, something was broken.

- Yeah? What?

Your nose.

- Says here my brother's
being held in cell 4587.

- You guys got a location
on the other security console?

Yep, all clear.

- All right, which cell
do we need to open?

- It's room 4587.

- Okay, I'm on it.

- Wait a minute.

- You mean everybody
locked up in here is a meta?

- Yeah.
Looks like A.R.G.U.S.

is conducting
experiments on them.

- Guys, open the cell now.

- I can do a lot better
than that.

- What are you doing?

- What does it look like?

- Hurry! This way.
Come on.

Come on.
- Let's go!

- I thought you were just
gonna open her brother's cell.

- You didn't see what we saw
on the monitors.

A.R.G.U.S. is experimenting
on these prisoners.

- Hey, where's Zari?

- What the hell is going on?

- I thought this was just about
grabbing your brother.

- Yeah, about that...sorry.

- Sorry for what?
- There is no brother.

There is no prison break.
It's a heist.

- You used us.

We bent over backwards
to help you.

- As lies go, this was
a pretty white one.

This used to be my brother's.
Now it's mine.

- Wha...

Oh, my God.

- Not supposed to talk.

- Nate, look.

- Not supposed
to open your eyes either.

Oh! I think
I'm starting to peak.

- Amaya, you okay?

- Nananom ba ho ban me.

- Oh, boy.

- Where's Zari?

- Go! Go!
- Oh, man!

- Knock yourself out.

'Bout time.

- Uh, Nate, buddy?

We need you to bring
the Waverider to us--now.

- Um...



Okay, um...

Yeah, I can, um--
I can do that.

My face! My face!

This room is huge!

Pulling up the anchor!

Raising the sails!

Full speed ahead!

- That's enough, Zari!

You're not going anywhere
without us.

- Is that right?

- That's a cool getaway.

- Don't worry.
I'll follow her.

- Where's Pretty?

- Nate, how are we doing
with that rescue?

- I'm givin' her all she's got,

The ship can't take
much more of this!

- Actually, Dr. Heywood,
the engines are still idling.

- Then why does it feel like
my face is peeling off?

- Yo, are you high
or something, man?

- You have no idea.

- Gideon, take command
of the ship.

I'll arrange
a rendezvous point.

Let's get out of here.

- Where's Stein anyway?

- I believe he's checking
on Ms. Giwe.

She seems to be experiencing
a, well, unusual side effect.

And as for Mr. Heywood,
he's in--

- We got bigger fish to fry.
Ray, you have eyes on Zari?

- Yep, I'm on her tail--
not literally.

I'm following her posterior
from a respectable distance.

- I can't believe
she played us like that.

The whole sob story
about her brother,

just an excuse to get her hands
on some magical necklace.

- When we find that chick,
I am gonna kill her.

- I like her.

- Uh, when you say kill her,
what you really mean is--

- Kill her.
And slowly.

- No, no, no, no, no, no,
we have to restore the timeline,

which means getting Ms. Tomaz

back to the A.R.G.U.S.
black site where she belongs

and tracking down
your time assassin.

Oh, and cleaning up
the prison debacle!

- Don't worry, Gary.
We got this.

- Jeez Louise, this disaster
keeps getting bigger

and bigger and bigger.

- What are you doing?

- Well, I hate to say it,
but Gary's right.

We gotta put Zari
back in the bottle.

- Look, she's not exactly

my favorite person
either right now.

But you didn't see
how it was back there.

The way A.R.G.U.S.
was treating those people?

- She played us, Jax.

We're lucky that it's not us
in that prison instead.

- She had a water witch travel
through time to hunt her down.

I mean, did Zari really act
any differently

than you would've
in that situation?

I'm just saying, do we really
want to be the people

who put her back
in a meta prison?

Is that who we are?

- I can see through my hand.

- Are you on drugs?

Your face.
I want your face.

- Okay, buddy. Not a good idea.

- Gideon!

- As I was trying to tell you,

Mr. Heywood
is under the influence

of a hallucinogenic compound.

- To help Amaya
with her totem problem.

Okay? It's totally safe.

People in her village
do it all the ti--

It's safe, I think.

- As for Ms. Giwe,

Professor Stein helped her
to the medical bay.

- Get him to his quarters now!

Give him some water
and maybe his fidget spinner.

- Told you, bro.
Let's go. Come on now.

- Cobra!

- All right, all right.

- Amaya.

- Amaya.

- What is this place?

- You are in the world
between worlds.

- Who are you?

- I am your blood.

I am all who have
come before you.

I can feel the fear
inside you.

It is a burden that weighs
heavy on your heart.

- My totem, I can feel it
growing stronger.

I fear that I'm
losing control over it.

- You can't stop
the forces of nature,

no more than you can stop
a charging stallion.

You must learn to run
beside it.

- But why is it
getting stronger?

- The totem's strength grows

when the threats that you must
face become more powerful.

But you cannot face
this new threat alone.

You must find the girl.

She needs your protection.

Do not fail
this new totem-bearer.

Do not resist your power.

Trust in it.

- Zari.

Look, I don't want to fight,
but we gotta go.

We can't stay here.
It's not safe.

- I don't understand.

They're not here.

Nobody's here.

They were supposed
to meet me here.

This was supposed to be
our Jannah.

- Jannah?

- It means "sanctuary"
in Arabic.

My brother had powers
because he wielded this.

He fought against A.R.G.U.S.'
injustices, so he was hunted.

We all were.

The night we were leaving,
A.R.G.U.S. raided our house.

Killed my brother

and took the only part
that's left of him.

- And that's
how you got caught--

trying to steal it
the first time?

- Yeah, I couldn't let
A.R.G.U.S. keep it.

With my brother gone,
I needed its power

to help me protect
my parents, but...

- Maybe they got away.
- Where?

Can't you see there's
nowhere left to go?

This was our last hope.

- Zari, I'm sorry
about everything

that's happened to your family,
but we really have to--

Sara, the water woman
just showed up,

and she looks pretty grumpy.

Like "kill anyone that gets
in her way" grumpy.

- Send us your coordinates.
We're on our way.

What's going on now?

- Unidentified ship
approaching, Captain.

- A.R.G.U.S.?
- No, Captain.

It's the Time Bureau.

- I don't understand.

How does the Time Bureau
know where we were?


- I'm sorry. I know you said
you could handle it,

but you guys
can't handle anything!

I should go.

- Sara Lance.

I see that you and your team
have managed

to get yourselves
in over your heads again.

- Chill, lady.
- We were just trying to help.

- By starting a prison riot
at the A.R.G.U.S. facility?

When are you going
to learn that the Legends

should not be interfering
with Bureau affairs?

- Maybe when you stop
screwing things up.

- Uh, perhaps it's best
not to antagonize someone

on such a large time ship.

- I don't care what Gary says.
We don't need backup.

- Sara! I need backup!


Where are you guys?

- Interesting--sounds like
one of your team members

has stumbled sideways
into finding our assassin.

- Yes, that's rather
our style.

- Just give us
his coordinates.

We would be happy
to save him for you.

- You know these guys are just
gonna hand Zari back

to those A.R.G.U.S. bastards,

who are gonna do
God knows what to her.

- And if you don't comply,

we would also be happy
to scatter you all into space.

- Did you just shoot at us?

- I am not screwing around.
Give us those coordinates.

The next one will not
be a warning, Ms. Lance.

- I knew we shouldn't have
trusted that time dweeb.

- Just give her what she wants.

- Fine.

I'll uplink
their coordinates to you now.

- You gotta be kidding me.

- Ready?

- Ready to receive.

- Whoa, they're gone.

- I can see that, Gary.

Track their signature
and follow them.

- That was easier
than I thought it'd be.

- Is this what
you're looking for?

- So you do have it.

But are you capable
of using it?

- What are you offering
for the totem?

- I can give you what you
really want, Zari.

What you want more
than that little trinket.

I can give you revenge.

Revenge on A.R.G.U.S.

They targeted you
and your family.

Turned you all into fugitives
and criminals.

They should die.

- In exchange for your help,
I give you this?

- You can't control this power.

It wasn't meant for you.

I can free you
from this burden

and help you get
justice for your family.

- Maybe picking a fight
with the Time Bureau

wasn't the best strategy.

- Yep, well, they fired
on us first.

- And if they continue
to do so,

we will sustain critical damage
in less than five minutes.

Four minutes.

- Well?

- I-I guess I have to say...


Come on, Ray.
She's too much for us.

We gotta move.

- And she tastes terrible!

- What's happening?

- Time pukes
are shooting at us.

- At least you seem to be
feeling better, Ms. Ziwe.

- Yeah, Nathaniel's plan,
while ill-advised,

was beneficial.

- Quiet! The marshmallows
are talking.

- Get to the jump ship!
Get a fix on Ray's position

while Stein and I keep our
Time Bureau friends busy.

Not you, space ranger. Sit!

- Whoa.

I really love this show.

- Gideon, status.

- The jump ship
has been deployed.

I don't believe
our pursuers noticed.

Oh, dear! I'm afraid
our rear deflectors

have been completely lost,

- Sara, please.
We still have enough time

to arrange a détente
with the Time Bureau.

A compromise, if you will.

- Sorry, Martin.
I don't compromise.

- Would you please help me
talk some sense into her?

- I like broccoli!

- Gideon, divert everything
to our forward shields.

You guys might want to hold on.

Gideon, hail the Time Bureau.

- What are you doing?

- Being true to who we are.

My team doesn't roll over
on their own.

- Zari Tomaz is not
one of your own.

- Either way,
we're not gonna let you,

A.R.G.U.S., or anyone else

put her behind bars
for who she is.

- So you'd rather kill
your team and mine?

- Collision in ten seconds,

- Last chance, Ms. Lance!

- Sara, this is madness!

- Change your course!

- I'm good.

- Impact in three, two, one.

- Are we dead?
Did--did we die?

- The Time Bureau vessel
jumped away.

- Gideon, make sure
they're not following us.

Professor, you all right?

- Nothing that a cup of tea
won't fix.

- One cup of Lyoga root tea
for the professor coming up,

'cause you're my best friend!

- What made you change
your mind?

- Thought about what my brother
would want me to do.

Weren't your friends supposed
to be coming to rescue us?

- Good point.

- You had your chance.

I was willing
to offer you a compromise.

But now I have to kill you.

- I'm afraid
we can't let you do that!

- If anyone's gonna kill
Haircut, it's me, lady.

- Aw, thanks, Mick.
- Pleasure.

- You think you could stop me?

- Trust in it.

- Whoa, what are you doing?

- Trusting it.

- How?

- Stay down.
I can do this all day.

- I would kill you.

But I'd just be
killing myself.

- All right, Gideon.
How are we doing?

- Our time jump from Jannah
remained undetected, Captain.

I think we can safely say
our Time Bureau problem is--

Oh, bollocks.

Perhaps I spoke too soon.
- What is it?

- Incoming transmission
from Agent Sharpe.

- Put her on.

Oh, hey, Ava.

How was your day?

- You do realize that
that little stunt of yours

could've destroyed us both.

- You tried to kill us first.

- No, I tried
to warn you first.

But you don't take warnings,
do you?

- Now you're starting
to get it.

- Well, this isn't a warning.
It's a promise.

If I ever
track you down again,

you and your band of idiots
will be exiled

to the dawn of time.

Whatever leniency
Hunter gave you is over.

- What a bitch.

You took the words right out
of my mouth, Gideon.

Plot a course to 2042.

- Hey, how do you feel?

- Yeah, much better.
And you?

- Ugh, I thought the hangover
I got drinking with P.T. Barnum

was bad, oof.

- Hey, I wanted
to thank you.

I've gotten a handle
on my totem again.

That's great.

You can at least try not
to sound so disappointed.

- It's cool. I just thought
you were staying on the ship

because your totem
was out of whack,

and now that it's back
in whack...

- I can't go.

This whole experience
has made me realize

that my fate is entwined
with someone else's.


- Well, um...

Sara said we're dropping her
back off in 2042.

- We could've
dropped you off anywhere.

Why this dump?

- With Jannah gone,
this is home.

- Oh. Well, you got a lot
of heat on you.

- I can handle heat.


- Wait!

It's not safe for you here.

There's no reason to suggest

that sorceress
won't return for you.

- Well, it's not like I have
any other options.

- That amulet,
it's not an amulet.

It's a totem, like mine.

We're bound together somehow,

in a way that I have yet
to understand.

Come with us.

- That's all nice
and weird, but--

- Totems, they guide us
in strange ways.

What if yours
guided you to us?

- What would you rather do?

Hide from A.R.G.U.S.
your whole life

or do something really stupid,
like time travel?

- I'm not a superhero.
- Neither am I.


- You can't pedal forever,
you little nerd!

- Come on! Come on!

Where are you, nerd?

- I think he went
down this way!

- Come out, come out
wherever you are!

- He went down here!
Down here!

- Hello?

Hi, what's your name?

Mine's Ray Palmer.

== Sync, Corrected by Prabhat Rana ==
Follow @1.prabhat.rana

- Greg, move your head!