Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - Abominations - full transcript

The Legends find themselves fighting for survival against Confederate zombies in the Civil War.

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Time travel is real,

and all of history is
vulnerable to attack,

which is why we must
travel through time

to stop the spread of these
so-called Time Aberrations

and to erase their damage to history.

We are a team of outcasts and misfits.

So please don't call us heroes.

We're Legends.

Previously on "Legends of Tomorrow"...

I think I can save him.

It's a biomolecular enhancer.

You got super powers now, dude.

Name's Steel.

I'm not going back until Rex's
killer is brought to justice.

You let the shogun steal
a 21st century super-suit?

I have to teach you to destroy

the only thing that makes me hero.

- Do it!
- Aah!

- I am so sorry.
- It's okay.


Dontar, are you reading this?

They're dead! They're all dead.

The heist went off easy.

We got the TX-90 out of 2235

as contracted, but...

but Alec got infected.

And then he killed...

God, you wouldn't imagine
what he did to everyone.

I don't know when I am.

I'm activating the temporal beacon.

You get in the "Dauntless"

and you get out here and rescue my ass.

Don't move.

What the hell is this thing?

I can't risk putting
any more lives in danger.

And neither can you.

Which is why you'll keep what
I'm about to tell you a secret.

Even from the rest of your team.

A war is coming, Captain Hunter.

How many times are we gonna listen

to this message from Future Barry?

Until it make sense.

So, forever is basically
what you're saying.

You haven't spoken to
anyone else about this?

- No.

We agreed that we wouldn't.

And yet, I find myself asking.


Oh. Sara.

W-what can I do for you?

You never call me Sara.

Everything with you is Ms. Lance.

I'm turning over a new leaf.

Well, turn it over in the Library.

We've got something.

I don't know when I am.

I've activated the temporal beacon.

You get in the Dauntless

and you get out here and rescue my ass.

A bit vulgar for a Time Master.

Time Pirate, we're thinking.

He activated a beacon.
We have to go after him.

He's a Time Pirate.
Why would we rescue him?

Because if he ends up
somewhere he shouldn't...

And does something he shouldn't...

It's Aberration-palooza.

So, where do we think
he's going to end up?

Looks like Mississippi, 1863.

Height of the American Civil War.

It's also the bloodiest
year in American history.

We gotta watch each
other's backs out there.

Yes, which is why you will be
watching ours from right here.


If you don't mind,

someone has to stay behind as backup.

I can't believe Ray got pined.

No suit, no powers, no tech.

I mean, I guess Sara had no
choice but to bench him.

Well, I-I'm sure she's
just trying to keep him safe.

This time period is replete
with various perils.

Perhaps it might be easier

if he were to remain behind
and keep Dr. Palmer company.

Perhaps you should remain behind.

No? Because you're not black.

Because you think that,
me going back to 1863,

- I can't handle it.
- That doesn't mean

there's a need for you
to subject yourself

to the horrors that
await you in that era.

Okay, now, I get it might be difficult

for you to understand this,

but I've been black my entire life, Grey.

And honestly, I can't think of a
time period we could go to

where I wouldn't face
some sort of racism.

So don't worry. Okay?

Along with comms devices,
I also packed sacked lunches.

I figured the food in
1863 is pretty lousy.

All right, the operation is simple.

We isolate the target,
we eliminate the timeship,

and we get out of there.

And all while wearing this dress.

Come back safe.

It's Mississippi, 1863.

The weather is a temperate 58 degrees.

Ooh, a little trivia,
you guys are in Hinds County,

which was named after
General Thomas...

Did you just...

Shut off his comms? Yep.

Guys? Guys?

I can't believe it.

It looks to be some kind of escape pod.

No doubt, it fell out
of the Temporal Zone.

No sign of anyone.

Well, the power core looks exposed.

That mean what I think it means?

Only one way to find out.

Ah. Thought you'd never ask.

Back up, everyone.

Ah, what's next?

Don't you think that's enough

incineration for one day, Mr. Rory?

No, I do not, Professor.

This is turning out to be

one of our easiest missions yet.

Help me! Somebody, please!

You had to say that, didn't you?

It's over there.

Help me! Help!

Whoa, wait, we're not
supposed to interfere

with historical events.

Try and stop me.

Oh, come...


She certainly has a fiery spirit.

Which is either gonna get her killed

or completely screw up history.

Just end it, fast.

Oh! Oh!


Let's get those
Confederates off his back.

Whoa, whoa. Relax.

All right, you're safe now.

What in tarnations was that?

- What did I just see?
- What was what?

I, uh, I didn't see anything.

Who are you guys?

What's going on, here?

Look, we're just passing through.

Okay, guys,
let's get the hell out of here.

We can't just leave him here.

Well, unfortunately, we have to.

If we rescue one man,
we could alter history

- in the wrong way.
- You're dispatch, aren't you?

Wait, what's a dispatch?

It's a former slave providing
information to the Union Army.

My name is Henry Scott.

I'm a free man from Trenton, New Jersey.

Well, you're a long way from home.

And we need to be getting out of here.

Uh, guys?

Oh, my God.

Those Confederates look a lot like...

Don't... don't... don't say it!

Quick, quick, just merge!



Is everybody okay?

What the hell was that?

You ask me, they look like zo...

No! Please, don't say it.

I know they're essentially a myth,

but I have this irrational fear of...

- Zombies.
- Please, don't say it.

Oh, God.

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.


- Hang on.
- Satch...

- What?
- My... satchel.

Are you... Union?

- Kinda.
- My... my orders.

Collins Plantations.

Confederate troop movements.

Without them...

Hey. Hey!

Nice job blowing up the
Time Pirate's escape pod.

Put another win in the mission column.

Did you not see what happened next?

No, I took a break.
Had to go to the bathroom.

You okay?

We were attacked by zombies.

And someone put sprouts on my sandwich.

The Time Pirate's distress call

referenced something called a TX-90.

It's a futurist bioweapon.

The infected's condition
represents strongly

those things... that... I can't say.

And if that infected
Time Pirate is out there

spreading this virus,
then our work is not done here.

No kidding. Having zombies,

or whatever they are,

running around the Civil
War is not a good thing.

Speaking of not good.

Get him to the MedBay.

What's going on?

Apparently, uh, you were wounded

during our encounter with the infected.


Those creepy bastards
didn't lay a finger on me.

But they might have gotten in a tooth.

Or 30.

Oh, my God.

He's already starting to turn.

Ray, you gotta fix me.

I don't want to be turned
into a frickin' zombie.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, it's pretty disastrous.

I'm guessing, thanks to the zombies,

the Confederacy won its
independence from the Union.

It wasn't just them.

That guy, the dispatch,
these are his mission orders.

From General Ulysses S. Grant.

My God.

He was supposed to infiltrate
the Collins Plantation

and steal Confederate
troop movement orders.

They named a high school after him?

That's because in the
original version of history,

the plans Scott stole helped Grant

win the Battle of Champion Hill.

And I'm guessing none of that happened

because Scott was
bayonetted by a Confederate

turned into a zombie by a future virus.

Okay, so...

how do we fix it?

We don't.

I do.

- Jax.
- There's a reason

black people were used as spies.

Because we were invisible.

That's why I'm going in there.

Don't worry.
If anything happens, it's on me.

No, Jax, it's on me.

Look, Mick is already hurt,
and I don't like the idea

of putting anyone else in harm's way.

And I don't like the
idea of having a flag

that has 20 stars on it.

I'm definitely not letting you

go in there alone.

Fine, I'll take Amaya.

All right. Nate and I will go

warn the Union Army about
the infected soldiers.


When we get to wherever we're going,

maybe I should be the one

that breaks the zombie
news to General Grant.

I'm someone he'll listen to.

Because you're a man?

We're a couple hundred years
away from gender equality.

- Only a couple hundred?
- Look, all I'm saying is,

maybe... just maybe...
When we get to the Union Army,

you let me do the talking.

Wait where you are.

Right there.

Okay. You do the talking.

So, what's our plan?

Well, if things go easy,

we sneak in while everybody's asleep,

find the Confederate
plans, and grab them.

Are things ever easy with your group.

- Eh, good point.
- Please, don't!

I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to burn the table cloth!

It was an accident, I swear!

An accident? You just let yourself

get distracted, that's all.

While you should have been
thinking about the ironing,

you were probably daydreaming
about Ulysses S. Grant

marching down here
to free all the slaves.

No, sir. I wasn't.

- Oh.
- Which is why

I need to focus your attention.

- No, no, no, wait.
- He's going to hurt her.

I know, and it's awful.

But if we blow our cover now,

we won't be able to fix the Aberration.

And we might lose the Civil War.

Don't matter how much you cry.

I'm still gonna hurt you.

Raymond, please hurry.

I don't like the way this is going.

You don't like the way this is going?

How close are you to
formulating a workable vaccine?


I think.


I'm counting on you.

Don't worry, Mick. I got you.

Here we go.

What's happening?

His heart rate's spiking.

Gideon, administer the sedative now!

Zombie! Zombie! Zombie!

- Screaming isn't helping.
- Zombie!

Gideon, put the ship on lockdown!

Lockdown mode activated.

This is incredible.

I did my sophomore
thesis on the Civil War.

I smell a history lesson coming.

Fun fact: Did you know,
out of the 3 million people

who fought on both sides,

300 were women in drag?

How is that not a fun fact for you?

General, we caught these two
outside the northeast perimeter.

This here is a war
zone, so either you two

are Confederate spies, or you...

are very lost.

Actually, we're neither, General Grant.

- How do you know my name?
- I'm a fan.

Actually, I'm, like, a really big fan.

And you are surprisingly taller
than I thought in real life.


I'm a Colonel in the Union Army.

Colonel Sanders.

I'm Colonel Sanders

with the 31st Pennsylvania Infantry.

Then why are you not
in proper uniform, son?

My uniform's in the wash, sir.

Or you are a Confederate spy.

- Okay.
- Look, we're not Confederates.

And truth be told, we're not a part

of the Union either.

But we are here to tell you

that your company is in danger.

In danger?

Of what?

Well, believe it or not,

a horde of zombies is headed your way.

What is a zombie?

They're not familiar with
that word for another 70 years.

- I've had enough nonsense.
- Look, it's not nonsense.

It's just really hard to explain.

And it would be a lot
easier if I just showed you.

And if I'm not back for any reason,

feel free to shoot him.

Just don't listen to her.

They're having some kind of party.

Oh, a Cotillion, actually.

According to Scott's mission papers,

he was going to get in
disguised as the help.

You mean slave?

We could have helped her. We should have.

Look, I've been doing
this time travel thing

for a little while now.

And if I've learned one thing,
it's you never know

what's gonna change history
and have massive consequences.

What, you think this doesn't
make me angry as well?

But we have a job to do.

And if we don't do it,
we can make things a lot worse.

Just... just stay on comms, okay?

He was... he was... he... he...

Calm down, calm down.

We're going to die.

- You just need to calm down.
- I will not calm down.

He was threatening enough
before he was one of

the walking dead!

Why didn't your vaccine work?

I-I-I don't know.

It could be that subcutaneous delivery

- needs more than one dose.
- Oh, and that didn't occur

to you while formulating your serum?

At least I'm not the one with
an irrational fear of zombies.

There's nothing irrational
about my fear of zombies.

He's a zombie!

Look, I'm pretty sure that I stunned him.

Oh, you're pretty sure?

And if he's knocked
out cold in the MedBay,

all we have to do is go back in there

- and inject him again.
- And if he's not,

I'm pretty sure he'll kill us!

So, me and my irrational
fear are staying right here.

Listen to me, Marty...

- Can I call you Marty?
- No.

You have to help me. If you don't,

and I get bitten, then you'll
have two zombies to deal with.

Oh, my God.

Amaya, it's Jax.

The study's a bust,
I'm gonna check the rest

of the plantation house.


I am so sorry, ma'am.

Boy, what did you just do?

I, uh, I'm sorry.

You took that woman's hand

and addressed her directly.

No, sir, I-I did not.

You calling me a liar, boy?

I'm not calling you anything, sir.

Who the hell are you?

I'm with the additional staff
for tonight's festivities.

Oh, so you're ignorant
about the house rules?

See, my staff know better
than to talk back to me.

I'm very sorry. Won't happen again, sir.


Don't you turn your back on me, boy.

There a problem, Mr. Collins?

Just a house boy who
don't know his place.

And needs to be taught some manners.

These zombies, they're...

They're going to kill all of you.

And I keep asking,

what in perdition's flames is a zombie?


I found him and 50 others just like him

less than a mile outside of your camp.

And, yeah, I said less than a mile.

Which means we don't have a lot of time.

Okay. You ready?


Just relax.

He's unconscious, remember?

- Raymond.
- Yeah?

If he's unconscious,

wouldn't he be here?

This isn't working.
We need more sharpshooters.

I can't spare the men.

You see what is out there.

We have to think about
the battle that lies ahead.

If we don't take Vicksburg,
we won't control the Mississippi,

and we need command of
the river to win the war.

At this rate, I'm afraid we will be out

of ammunition before dawn.

We need some backup.

Damn, it's dark.

Even if Mr. Rory wasn't
in a zombified state,

I doubt he possesses the intelligence

to operate a light switch.

Well, he probably just destroyed

a conduit or something.

Well, that's hardly comforting, Raymond.




All right, come on!

He got me! He's got my foot.

Oh, my God. Run, run!

- Come on.
- Ah!

This is a nightmare.

If Mr. Rory's intention
is to eat our brains,

can you imagine the
feast we'll provide him,

given our combined intellects?

Wait, wait! Ah, ah!

- Comfortable now?
- Ah!

Ahh, ahh, ah.

You've got a long night ahead of you.

Ahh. Ah.



Damn it.

- Ah.
- What is it?


it's... it's Jefferson.

- What's happening to him?
- I'm not sure

but I-I've never felt him so...

So frightened or angry before.

I knew I should have gone with him.

Well, Sara and Nate are still out there.

Maybe they can get to him.

Ray, Martin.

I've lost contact with Jax and Amaya.

I really could use some help out here.

I suppose there's your answer.

Here's the thing, Sara:
we'd love to come help.

But my vaccine didn't work,

and Mick got turned into
one of those things.

And he's confined us to the galley.

Until we can cure him,

you guys are on your own.

Yeah, looks like we all are.


Who are you?

My name's Jackson.

Ah, ah.

Jefferson Jackson.

Those are some pretty famous slave owners

you're named for, Jefferson.

- Uh...
- Look at his hands.

Have you ever worked a day in your life?

Uh, it's a long story.

What are you doing here?

Also a long story.

Uh, actually... ah.


Maybe... maybe you could help me.

I'm here for General Grant.

The Union general?

He sent me to steal details

of Confederate troop movements.

Even if you could get your hands on them,

there ain't no way off this
plantation, Mr. Jackson.

- There's always a way.
- No.

Master Collins got guard dogs.

Cuban bloodhounds.

Yeah, we had some friends.

They got caught less than a mile out.

But they didn't kill them.

No, they didn't want to lose the labor.

So they cut off their manhood.

And then hobbled them,
so they could never think of

trying to run again.

How do you endure this?

How does it not...

Drive us all mad?

Because that's what they want it to do.

They think they can break us.

♪ When the sun comes up ♪

♪ And the first quail calls ♪

♪ Follow the drinking gourd ♪

♪ For the old man's a-waiting for ♪

♪ To carry you to freedom ♪

♪ Follow the drinking gourd ♪

Jax, are you there?


Well, well, well.

Who invited you to the party?

Actually, my invitation must
have gotten lost in the mail.

Hm, you sure have a smart mouth on you.

Mm, pretty one, though.

We'll have to teach you a lesson on how to

talk to your betters.

We told Mick that we would save him.

Plus, I still have the vaccine.

We just have to figure out
a way to get it to work.

The vaccine wasn't effective
when we injected Mick.

But if we can aerosolize the serum,

and deploy it using something like a...

A fire extinguisher,

we could deliver the cure as a spray.

W-we're not doing anything.

But you, on the other hand...

Look, Marty,

I know that you're scared.

I've been nothing but scared
since my suit was destroyed.

I've been terrified that I
have nothing to offer the team.

But you have to get over your fears

if we're gonna survive this.

We've only seen these
things downwind from here.

We can pick them off in this valley

until they're all gone.

I got my best men on
the ridge to the West.

But reports are,
they are running out of ammunition.


Helps me think.

Well, without ammo, we can't take

all these zombies out,
even with perfect shots.

Can I talk to you for a minute?


Mr. Collins is gonna love

spending the midnight
hour with you, girlie.

I'm looking forward to it.

I hope he enjoys getting
punched in the face.

And thank you ever so much for showing me

where to find my friend.

What the hell was that?

Don't you know a
breakout when you see one?


Good. Now let's free them.

I thought you said if
we didn't do our job,

we could end up doing more harm than good.

Yeah, that's still a risk.

So what's changed?

The way these people are being treated...

that's the real Aberration.

I can see that now.

This is the history that
needs to be fixed.

No, no, I'm obliged,
ma'am, but I told you

- what happens if they catch us.
- Don't worry.

We're gonna protect you.

I know you're scared.

I get it. Don't ask me how I know this,

but it gets better.

Not perfect. Nowhere near close.


better than this.

But it starts right now

with us not giving up.


Your amulet.

You are a warrior of the Zambezi.

You're familiar with it.

That's where my mother was born.

We must follow her.

I believe in her.

I believe in them.

Then I do, too.

- What is it?
- We got company.

We've gotta get out of here.

Not without the Confederate plans.

- I think I know where they are.
- Okay, you,

get everyone to safety.

- Come on.
- Wait, Jax.

Good luck.

You ready?

Come on!

This way.


Mr. Jackson.

What are you doing, man?

For when things get
better, like you said.

Okay, come on.

What in Sam Hill are these things?

They're infected with something.

We gotta work together,

or we'll never make it out of here alive.

What are you saying?

I'm saying give us weapons.

Without us, you'll never
be able to fight them off.

You think I'm dumb enough
to arm my own slaves?

Come on!


For God's sake, help me!


We are down to our last rounds

with no hope of stopping
those abominations.

Whatever you have up your
sleeve, I suggest you play

that card now, Ms. Lance.

We are working on it.

- You good?
- Am I good?

Well, considering my survival hinges on

me accessing a superpower
I'm not familiar with,

I'm a little uhh.

Run fast, run hard, don't die.


I can promise you two of those things.

- I'm in the MedBay.
- Be careful, Raymond.

It won't take long for Mr. Rory

to figure out where you are.

Tell me something I don't know.

Party's over!

Those things are right
outside the perimeter.

Kill the lights and hold your fire.

Hey, over here!

Come and get it, you ugly freaks!

Follow me, you big dummies!

Come on! Follow the light!


Raymond, where are you?

What happened?

Oh, no. Don't be dead, Raymond.

On the other hand, if you are dead,

please stay dead.


Just unconscious, well done.

Now, where's that fire extinguisher?

Okay, Martin.

Just do what they did...

in those zombie movies...

that you never had the courage to watch.

Come on!

That gentleman is either the bravest man

I have ever had in my ranks,

or the dumbest.

If... if you'd... If you'd just cooperate

things will go much easier for us.

You may be stronger, but I assure you,

you will not eat me today.

Professor, what's going on?

Was I just trying to kiss you?

Uh, I could only hope, Mr. Rory.

I can only hope.

- Everybody good?
- Yeah.

Jax, we've gotta go.

This fire is gonna attract
a lot of unwanted attention.

I know.

I want to enjoy this for a moment.


You see your man anywhere?

What the?

Wait, hold your fire.


I am covered in zombie guts.

But you're alive.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

This is a godsend.

We know how the rebels are
planning to take Champion Hill,

and when they do,
we will be there to give them hell.

Set our cannon battery
up on the western ridge.

- Yes, sir.
- We will light them up

like the Fourth of July

when they roll over that hill.

- What's your name, son?
- Oh, it's Ja...

Henry Scott.

Mr. Scott, thank you for
your incredible bravery

and your service to the United States.

You may have just won this war for us.

Are these men and women
from the Collins Plantation?

Yes, they are, sir.

We will care for anyone seeking refuge

in our camp from the Confederate states.

We have plenty of food
and water for everyone.

Thank you.

We've spread the vaccine
our friends worked up.

The only Confederates you'll
have to worry about now

are the living ones.

I'm obliged.

Ah, your man Colonel Sanders, he, uh...

tells me you're his captain.

In any case, he mentioned something about

you having regrets about
putting men in harm's way.

I don't think that's something
I can ever get used to.

You know, by the time I
had taken over this division,

there had already been three other generals

in place before me.

They'd all stepped down and given up.

But I believe in my men.

And I believe in the good that we're doing.

Do you?

Do you believe in your mission,
Captain Lance?

I do.

Well, then, don't regret
making in those tough decisions.




Just checking up on you.

I don't feel like eating
anyone's brain, so...

thank you.

Well, maybe you feel
like eating a burger.

No sprouts.

What's wrong?


Well, there's a little something.

I had to ask, didn't I?

It's just, I don't think it's
any secret that without my suit,

I've been wondering what
my place on the team is.


I even have a place, you know?

Being an outsider is a good thing.

It's a great thing.

I've been an outsider my whole life.

You get to tell people to go shove it.

What are you doing?

Something I hope I don't regret.

This belonged to the greatest
outsider I ever knew.

I'm looking for a partner.


What on Earth are you doing?

Oh, uh, scrimshaw.

It's... was my mom's thing.

She taught me a little.

Makes me think of her.


I had no idea.

Are you homesick?

You checking up on me, Grey?

Given what you've witnessed,
what you've endured,

would that really be so bad?


You've just witnessed

the very worst of humanity.

We share a psychic connection,
but I still can't even

begin to fathom what you must be feeling.

It must be...

like your heart is broken.

Yeah. It is.

But I saw something
in those people's eyes

I... I didn't expect to see.

I saw hope.

I saw dignity.

Those men and women,

they were treated worse than animals.

But they never let anybody
stop them from being people.

You know?

I suppose there will always
be those who will seek to

dehumanize us.

But I believe there are more

that cling to hope,

despite the darkness.

Yeah, that is exactly how they were.

I was actually thinking
of you, Jefferson.

♪ When the sun comes up ♪

♪ And the first quail calls ♪

♪ Follow the drinking gourd ♪

♪ For the old man's a-waiting for ♪

♪ To carry you to freedom ♪

♪ Follow the drinking gourd ♪