Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - The Justice Society of America - full transcript

The Legends travel to Nazi-occupied Paris, but find themselves surrounded by the Justice Society of America (AKA JSA.) The Legends discover a time aberration that threatens the JSA, but the JSA wants nothing to do with them or their help. Nevertheless, the Legends force their way into the JSA's mission to intercept and seize a mysterious package. Nate is desperate to prove that he should be part of the team, but he has a secret that he shares with his grandfather Commander Steel that might make it difficult. Ray is so focused on impressing the JSA, he puts himself and Vixen in danger. Meanwhile, Stein has stepped in as the leader with Rip gone, but when decisions aren't being made Sara seems to be the one calling the shots.

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My name is Sara Lance.

Last year, a former Time Master
named Rip Hunter recruited

a team of heroes and villains
to save the world, and we did,

but in the process we
destroyed the Time Masters.

Now we've taken up their mantle

of protecting the timeline
from time criminals.

We are no longer saving the world.

We are saving history.

But don't call us heroes.

We are legends.

Previously on "Legends of Tomorrow"...

Heywood. Dr. Nate Heywood.

I need to talk to you about
Sara Lance, Ray Palmer,

and the rest of the Legends.

I think they're all in trouble.

I am piloting us on a collision course

with a torpedo.

- Gideon.
- I'm here, Captain.

Where's Captain Hunter?

I would be happy to play
his final message for you all.

Together, you are the best crew,

the best team a captain
could ever hope for.

Good luck.

What do you guys say we get out of 1942?

Not until you answer a few questions.

We're the Justice Society of America.

And you're coming with us.

Oh, my God.

You're Commander Steel.

Who the hell are you?

- Whoa, whoa.
- Just relax.

We're all friends here.

Rex Tyler told us about the JSA.

You guys are awesome.

Hey. The name's Jax.

Rex never mentioned any of you.

Mind telling us what you were doing

impersonating OSS agents?

It's quite simple, actually.

We were protecting Albert
Einstein from Nazi agents

who were attempting to kidnap him

and force him to build an atomic bomb

in the future.

Time travel. It's... it's hard to explain.

You can take all the time you need.

In custody.

Whoa, take it easy.
Let's talk for a minute.

I mean, after all, you're my...

Obsidian, shut off the lights!

Wow, that's pretty neat.

She's trying to kill us!

Nah, she's just flirting.

We don't want to fight!

You win!

You just had to mention
time travel, didn't you?

Yeah, well, at least he
didn't throw the first punch.

I'm perfectly capable of
defending myself, Raymond.

I'm pretty sure that you got knocked out

by a teenager in a star-spangled leotard.

Her name's Stargirl.

Did anybody catch her
regular-person name?

I'm surprised you
didn't ask for her number.

Oh, so it's my fault that
we got our asses handed to us?

Look, they're just better
coordinated than us.

You guys, just listen to me for two...

Pretty, shut up.

If I recall, you were late
coming to the party.

Oh, is that right? How did you see that?

Never laid eyes on
them before in my life.

They seemed quite
adamant that they knew you.

Believe me, if I'd met this bunch,

pretty sure I'd remember.

What do you propose we do with 'em?

If I may be so bold, sir,

I say we find the darkest hole

in Leavenworth and throw away the key.

I say we ship 'em to the boys in
Bellevue Mental Hospital.

I suppose before we do anything,

we ought to question them.

So far up Mr. Goggle's...

If we can even manage to get a word in.

I don't understand why they were

tracking us in the first place.

Because they're the
Justice Society of America,

the single greatest secret force
this country has ever known.

If it's so secret,
how do you know about them?

Because his Nazi handlers
have briefed him, no doubt.

- Look, I'm not a Nazi.
- I'm a historian.

Here we go with the time
travel nonsense again.



Those are numbers on your dog tags.

They're not disclosed on any documents,

military or otherwise.

How do you know that?

You gave these to your wife

after the birth of your son in 1955.

The dent in the front was
from an assassin's bullet

when you saved President
Roosevelt in 1939.

Your son passed them down to his son,


You are late, Herr Thawne.

You'll find that I have

an entirely different
concept of time than most.

Did you located the item?

It's in Berlin.

The Fuehrer refuses to part with it.

I have something much
more valuable to offer him.

The JSA are basically a
group of super-soldiers.

To win, the Reich will need their own.

This is just a taste.

Enough to dose one person.

Proof of concept.

Give me what I want

and your Fuehrer
will be planting his flag

on the White House lawn
within a matter of months.

Do we have an accord?

Mr. Tyler.

See? Rex Tyler.

Told you we knew the guy.

I don't know you.

Any of you.

Tell me what the heck is going on here.

- Well, we tried explaining...
- I'm sorry, ma'am,

I was addressing the team leader.

Uh... uh... oh.

Oh, well, simply put,

we've come here as time travelers

to identify aberrations in
history and correct them.

We're superheroes, like you guys.

You think you're just like us?

What are your qualifications?

Well, I used my personal fortune

to create an advanced exo-skeleton,

which is powered by dwarf star alloy.

And I'm nothing like you. I'm a criminal.

Are there any other felons on your team?

- No, no...
- Yes.

She's an assassin,
but never convicted, right?

We're protecting history.
It's pretty important.

In the future, you risk your own life

to save us, Mr. Tyler.

How do you know my name?

Because you told us your name

in 2016.

My name is Rex Tyler,

and I'm a member of the
Justice Society of America.

Never heard of 'em, pal.

That's because I'm from 1942.

The same year in which all of you will...

Bite the bullet?

So if we don't go back to 1942,
we're safe, right?

Not to be rude,

but how do we know you
are who you say you are?

You all have no idea
what you're up against.

If you return to 1942,
the consequences will be


That was weird.

So I crashed your ship,

told you some bunk about
not staying in 1942,

and then I just disappeared?

It was more like "fritzing" out.

You might've been on to something

with the Bellevue idea.

Yes, Mr. President, sir?


Oh, tell him I'm a big
fan of the New Deal.

Hey, uh, I'm sorry about earlier.

I just, uh,

I never imagined meeting you like this.

I actually never imagined
meeting you at all

because you're dead.

I mean, where I come from,
you're... you're dead.

My dad used to tell me
bedtime stories about you.

All the battles you fought.

You're a hero to me.

I'm a hero to a lot of people.

That's the job.

Of course. All right.

You can count on us, sir.

All right, we have to move out.

Baron Krieger's been spotted in Paris.

If it's permissible, sir,

I'll fly ahead and record
Krieger's movements.

Sensible, as always.

We could help you out with that.

Fighting Nazis is kind of our thing.

Yeah. Last time we tried,

we ended up at the bottom
of the Atlantic Ocean.

We can handle Adolf's buddies.

I think it's best for
the 20th Century if...

For us to leave it?

And that's why you're team leader.

Well, I guess we'll be on our way, then.

Can you believe what we
just saw with our own eyes?

The actual JSA.

And Hourman? That guy's amazing.

Aw, haircut's in love.

Come on.

Those guys were precise, professional,

in constant agreement.

We can't even agree on

whose turn it is to make dinner.

Not it.

I can't argue with you, man.

They got some serious skills.

Big deal.

Apart from the fancy
headquarters, discipline,

and calls from the White House,

I mean, what do they have that we don't?

An actual leader.

Rip's gone,

and who knows when or if

we'll ever find him.

In the meantime,

we need someone who can
make the tough calls.

Let me guess, you're volunteering?

With all due respect, Raymond,

I think there's a reason
Mr. Tyler just naturally

assumed I was in charge.

Yeah, because Mr. Tyler is from 1942

and you're some old white dude.

"Old," meaning


- What about...
- Martin's right.

With Rip gone, we could use
some adult supervision.



Well, then.

Thank you all for your support.

Now, I believe our first order of business

concerns Dr. Heywood.

Is that Grandpa?


Pictures of him are hard to find.

You just got to know where to look.

Well, that must've been something,

getting the chance to meet him.

You would think so, right?

But... I don't know.

Felt empty somehow.

Well, meeting your idols usually does.

Think of it this way.

You are gonna have one hell of a story

to tell your friends when
you get back home.

Back home? 2016 back home?

You can't cut me from the team.

Well, you're right,

because you're not a member of it.

And even if you were,
history can be dangerous,

and it's no place for a...

A historian?

I'm more than...

that's weird.

It's really not so weird.

You don't have any superpowers.

You don't even have training...

Not that. My grandfather's dog tags.

They aren't around my neck.


So I haven't taken
'em off since I was a kid.

They were here a minute ago,
and now they've...


What does that mean?

That history has changed.

What are you doing?

Reviewing my notes on the JSA.

We have to go back to 1942.

Nate, the JSA was pretty explicit

on us not going back to 1942.

That mission the JSA went on

to track down Baron Krieger in Paris,

they're all gonna die there tomorrow.

My grandfather too.


And this is where the JSA's gonna die?

Not unless we save them,

including my grandfather.

Well, first we got to find them.

Fortunately, we know they're looking for

a Nazi named Krieger.

A Nazi named Krieger...

can someone please help
me operate this thing?

Oh, God.

Thank you.

Krieger and his men
frequent Folies-Bergère.

We find Krieger, we find the JSA.

So how do we sneak into a Nazi nightclub?

I have a plan.

Are any of you familiar
with Max Suelzenfuss,

better known by his stage name,

Max Lorenz?

He was Hitler's favorite
singer and, fortunately,

bears a passing resemblance to moi.

That's French.



Are you sure about this?

'Cause bluffing at a
card game isn't exactly

the same as bluffing Nazis.

You disapprove of my plan?

I'm just saying, we're
dropping into the middle

of World War II here,
and you're not exactly

a wartime consigliere.

- And let me guess, you are?
- I...

Or perhaps you would prefer
the arsonist, the assassin,

or the incredible shrinking man?

I'm just saying,

you're smart and analytical and stuff,

and real deliberate,

but when bullets start flying,

analytical's not gonna cut it.

Well, thank you for pointing
out my inadequacies.

Come on, Grey.

It's Captain Grey now.

Well, I'm glad it hasn't
gone to your head.

Ouch. Where'd you get that?

Uh, it must have happened

when I fell after my
grandfather decked me.

Hey, that fabrication room's pretty cool.

Can it really make clothes from any era?

Yeah, you know, we may not have trophies

or framed letters from former presidents,

but we've got a few cool toys.

Including ingestible translator.

Swallow this,

you'll be able to speak and understand

any language spoken to you.

That's cool, but I already speak

German, French, Japanese,
Italian, and Latin.


You speak six different languages;

you have a tendency to
run towards danger;

and you're related to
a member of the JSA.

Why did you become a historian?

It's a long story.

Um, hey, where do I go

to get a gun?

You ever shoot someone before?

I mean, I may not be trained by

the League of Assassins,

but I can take care of myself.

Not out here you can't.

Out here, even the strongest

and the bravest of us die.

Like Captain Hunter?

I'm just trying to make sure
you get home safe and sound.

So the lady does have a heart.

Don't tell anyone.

Excuse me...

The club is closed tonight
for a private function.

Do you have any idea who I am?

I am Max Lorenz.

- Did you say Max Lorenz?
- Yes.

And I have never been
treated with such rudeness.

Of course not.

You're more than welcome here, Herr Max.

Thank you.

No sign of Krieger or the JSA.

Canvass the area and stay on the comms.

Think I got something.

The lady with the animal powers.

But she looks different.

You mean hot.

May I?

What are you doing?

I'm on a covert mission.

Not for long.

You and your team are all 24
hours away from being killed.

What are you talking about?

I'm a time traveler, remember?

Something changes in the future,

and you all die.

But if we do,

how do you know it's not
because of your team?

Hadn't thought of that.

Look who I found,

and she's thrilled
we've offered our help.

Herr Lorenz, I must introduce you

to General Gerd von Rundstedt.

He's a huge fan.

Oh, lovely to meet you, General.

You are Max Lorenz?

Lorenz is well over 6 feet tall.


My towering voice often causes people

to overestimate my height.

Perhaps you will treat us
to a song, Mr. Lorenz?

Maxie has a concert tomorrow night

and needs to rest his pipes.

I insist, Fraulein.

And, uh, please,

no Negro music.

- I sw...
- Mm,

not worth it.

It'd be a little worth it.

Heads up. Baron Krieger just arrived.

Is this on?

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

My name is Max Lorenz,

and, uh, this little waltz

I am about to sing for you

is an original song.

Uh, very popular in Austria

where... where the hills are alive

with the sound of music.

Key of A.

Watch me for the changes

and try to keep up.

One, two, three. One, two, three.

♪ Edelweiss, Edelweiss ♪

♪ Every morning ♪

♪ You greet me ♪

♪ Small and white ♪

♪ Clean and bright ♪

♪ You look happy to meet me ♪

No, no, Herr Krieger, please.

The Askaran Amulet is
not degenerate artwork.

It is a masterpiece.

Which you will help my men transport

to the exchange tomorrow at 01000.

Refusing would meet with
the Fuehrer's disapproval.

♪ Edelweiss ♪

I know the Baron's plan.

Let's get out of here.


♪ Bless my homeland ♪

♪ Forever ♪

Heil Hitler!

Heil Hitler!

You did not salute the Fuehrer.

Oh, yeah. Sure, I did.

I'm all about saluting the Fuehrer.

You're lying.

I was watching you the entire time.

Uh, you know what? I... I just...

I have a little crick in my neck,

and it's really hard for
me to straighten my arm.

Heil Hitler.

Heil Hitler!




Ha... aw, hell.

Why do you get to punch him?

Protect Max Lorenz!

What the hell are you doing here?

We came back to...

to rescue you.

If we're meant to be impressed
by all this technology,

it has the opposite effect.

It only makes you that
much more dangerous.

Well, and there's evidence
to support that,

but I think what's important now

is for all us to stop arguing.

Does your team ever stop arguing?

Fair point.

I think what Martin is trying to say

is we're gonna help you
whether you like it or not.

You're going after Krieger.

We know where he's going next.

And given the laws of
temporal mechanics,

if you die,

your grandson ceases to exist.

Well, I don't pretend
to understand any of

this time travel bunk,
but these fellas do have a timeship.

Might come in handy.

And having them as our
back-up might be the only way

to keep them out of trouble.

Let's put it to a vote, then.

The ayes have it.

Did your reconnaissance at the
club yield any usable intel?

Only to map the area.

Bringing one online now.

- What was that?
- AI.

A talking computer.

What's a computer?

There. The Fontainebleau Forest.

Now, I saw a few of Krieger's
men studying a map of it.

That must be where Krieger's planning on

making the exchange.

Nate overheard Krieger talking about

making a trade for something

called an Askaran Amulet.

Hitler has long amassed

ancient artifacts such as this one.

He may want the amulet
because it conveys

some sort of occult power.

Our objective should
be to take out the Baron

and stop this exchange at all costs.

I propose we survey all
military activity in the area

to learn what we're up against.

We don't have time for that.

I concur.

We should have both teams gear up while

Dr. Stein and I finalize the details.

Be ready to go at first light.

How are things with your grandfather?

You know, I think he's
avoiding me for some reason.

Well, it's hard for people
to look at their future.


Oh, one of the Nazis at
the club had a knife.

Well, that should have
stopped bleeding by now.

I'm just gonna get a new bandage.

To go with your bruise?

Well, you know how fragile
we historians can be.

This isn't fragility.

I know my cuts and bruises.

You're a hemophiliac.

Your blood doesn't clot,
wounds can't heal,

and if it's bad, you can bleed to death.

Yeah, well, you don't have
to worry about that.

Too late.

You could've died tonight.

But I didn't. In fact,
it was the opposite.

I never felt more alive.

Look, when I was five years
old, I cut my knee,

and my mother wouldn't let me
out of the house till I was 16.

I'm a grown man.
I can make my own decisions.

- Not on this ship, you can't.
- Sara...

Look, I cannot let you
go out there tomorrow,

knowing that you could get killed.

I have enough deaths on
my conscience as it is.

Look, I know you don't think
I can add anything to this team,

but out there? Out there is history.

And nobody knows more about it than me.

Well, we've been managing
just fine without you.

Mostly fine.

Your suit looks a bit cumbersome.

Oh, actually, I made it
to fit me perfectly.

It's constructed out
of a proprietary alloy,

and it's been battle-tested quite a bit.

I even wore it in space once.

Personal highlight.

So your superpower is

wearing the suit?

Yeah, I guess so,

it's a little more complicated
than that, but yeah.

You're still mad at me for punching out

that Nazi in the club, huh?

I'm mad because you blew my cover.

I'll never be able to go
undercover in Paris ever again.

Yeah, sorry, I didn't think about that.

I imagine that's a pattern
with you and your group.

But I can't dwell on it.

Getting stuck on past mistakes

only takes focus off the
primary goal at hand.

Well, I got to admit,
watching your team work

like a well-oiled machine
kind of makes me feel

like I'm doing this
whole hero thing wrong.

If it's any consolation, Dr. Palmer,

you're not really a hero.

We better get ready.

We've spotted the Baron's caravan.

ETA five minutes.

I've got eyes on the Baron.

What the hell's going on down there?

Animal Girl and I are
going after Krieger.

In the field, I'm called Vixen.

Negative, Raymond.

Our target is the convoy.

We've got the convoy
covered. Pursue the Baron.

The mission is the amulet.

Our mission is Krieger.

We don't have time for this.

Give me a moment. I... I...

need to assess the situation.

Krieger's getting away, man.

What the hell was that?

We're under attack.

It's Krieger! He turned into a...

We need backup!

Dr. Palmer? Vixen? Do you read?

Their comms are down.

Oh, my God.

I've got the amulet.

Good work.

Dr. Mid-Nite, Stargirl,

Vixen and Dr. Palmer need assistance.

Copy that.

But I think we have a new problem.

Grey, you got to get 'em out of there!

I just need a minute.

Come on, Grey! Do something!


Fall back. Get Obsidian.

Mick, lay down fire to cover our retreat.

Now you're talking.

Mick! Come on!

Uh... Commander Steel, do...
do you still have the amulet?

Yes, sir! En route to your position.

What about Ray and Amaya?

You just can't leave 'em there.

Nor can we engage this super-Nazi.

Not without compiling
more information first.

This is not a science debate, Grey!

Damn it! Jefferson, I know that!

But for now, they're on their own.

I must admit, it's a feat of engineering.

Far beyond anything I have ever seen

or expected from you Americans.

Well, maybe you Germans

should just stick to your luxury cars.

Why should I fear a robot suit

when I have become der Ubermensch?

You really think a single case

of 'roid rage is gonna win you the war?


Once I have replicated the super-serum

for the entire Wehrmacht.

But you haven't replicated the...

what'd you call it? Super-serum?

Kind of on the nose, don't you think?

If all this is just a
preamble to you killing us,

get it over with.

I was hoping to torture
you a little bit first,

but since you're in such a rush,

I will be glad to accommodate you

with your schedule.

Wait, wait.

I'm a scientist.

That exo-suit? I invented it.

I can help you with your little
supply and demand problem.

I'll even improve it.

Just don't shoot her.

I hope you are as
smart as you say you are,

for her sake.

You know he's gonna kill us both

even if you help him.

I have a plan.

That's what I'm afraid of.

We have the amulet. Now what?

First priority is making
sure Ray and Amaya are alive,

and then getting them out of the bunker

where the Nazis are holding them.

Actually, our first priority
is destroying the Baron

and whatever serum is
making him indestructible.

Perhaps we could propose a trade.

Their lives for the Amulet.

Unfortunately, the amulet's
not ours to barter with.

We need an extraction plan.

We need to eliminate the threat.

Now, Professor Stein, please, tell us,

what is your plan of action?

How... how am I supposed
to come up with a plan

when I can't even hear myself think?

Would... would you please all just leave?

I... I need a moment
to collect my thoughts.

What the hell, Grey?

I can practically feel you
going crazy inside my head.

I'm fine,

Jefferson, I'm trying to determine

the best course of action.

I wouldn't believe that even if

we didn't have a psychic connection,

which... hold on... we do.

I just don't know how Rip
was able to do all this.

So many decisions to make,
consequences to manage,

opinions to consider.

Trying to reach a
consensus with this team

is like something akin to chaos theory.

That's the thing, Grey.

We don't need someone
to reach a consensus.

We just need someone
who can call the shots.

Then you should have put a tactician,

not a theoretician, in charge.

You were right, Jefferson.

I'm not a wartime consigliere.

Are they gonna be okay?

They'll live to fight another day.

It's what we do.

I used to fantasize about meeting you.

Trading stories or having a beer.

Or just making eye contact.

I'm sorry, I, uh,

I guess back at, uh, headquarters,

I was afraid to get too close to you.

Why? You're my grandfather.

You're... you're more than that.
You're a hero to me.

I don't want to be anyone's hero.

That look you gave me
when we first met,

I've seen it before,

when people look up to me,

decide that they have
to act a certain way,

a way that's likely to get them killed.

I do what I do

so that others don't have to.

So you wouldn't have to.

My whole life, people
have been trying to

shield me from the
world, your son included.

Meanwhile, all I ever wanted
to be was a soldier, like you.

It's a parent's job

to protect their child,

but it's a child's obligation
to themselves

to live their own life.

You can and should

do whatever you set your mind to.

But you should know,

you don't have to be a soldier

to be a hero.

And we approach from the southwest,

destroy the weapons lab
and the Baron in one move.

Except for the last time we faced him,

he took out both of our teams.

The last time, we weren't being backed

by a squadron of B-17s.

Then how do we get Ray and Amaya out

before the bombs start falling?

We don't.

This conflict is bigger
than any one of us.

If it means ending the
war one day sooner,

Amaya would happily make that sacrifice.

But she doesn't have to.

Look, I know you and your team think

we're a group of irresponsible losers,

but I know Ray Palmer,

and he has a plan to
get out of that bunker.

We just need to give him time...

Which means giving the Nazis time.

I'm calling in the strike.

I can't let you do that.

You don't have the authority.

Yes, she does.

Miss Lance speaks for all of us.

I have watched her
become the beating heart

and steady hand of this team.

She is the proper person to lead us.

And if she says that we are

going to rescue our people,

that is what we are going to do.

This would go a lot faster
if I wasn't handcuffed.

I mean, what do you
think, I'm gonna escape

using a microscope?

Are you going to make more serum,

or is your friend going to die?

First off, it's not a serum.

It's a biomolecular enhancer.

By the way, who gave you this?

Because from an engineering standpoint,

it's really rather ama...

Yes. I can make more.

Ray, don't do it.

Don't help him.

Back to work.

Watch them.

How can you do this?

No member of the JSA
would ever help the Nazis.

Neither would a Legend.

Damn, I really wanted to do
it with just the microscope.

Get the handcuff keys.

Alpha-stabilizer's damaged.

Suit's not gonna work.

They took my amulet.

And without it,
I'm guessing you're just...

A 5th-degree black belt,

with training in edged weapons combat.

Nice, but

I think we'll need more than
that to get past super-Krieger.

What are you doing?

I told you I had a plan.

It was to get my hands on this

and enhance it, but not for them.

I'm not only a man in a metal suit.

At least not after this.

We are under attack.

Baron Krieger has ordered
us to transport you

to a more secure location.

Who's attacking you?

Sir, the sentries are reporting

a man made of fire flying
through the forest.

Lock down the base.


Firestorm is drawing the
troops away from the bunker.

Copy that.

We still need to find Ray and Amaya.

Mick, look out!

Thanks, Haircut.

I believe this belongs to you.

Steel, Mid-Nite, we've
recovered the rest of the team.

I suggest you save the
teary reunion for later.

Hourman ordered the bombers to strike.

They're five minutes out.

But Herr Krieger is here right now!

Come on, you Nazi bastard.

- Get on!
- What are you doing here?

Saving you! Get on!

Bombing run about to commence.

All points, get clear.

Working on it!

What was that?

He's dead.

You did it. You saved us!

I'm afraid Mr. Heywood's
vitals are dropping.

There's got to be something on board
this tub to get him back on his feet.

You people are from the future,
for God's sake!

The bomb blast caused
massive internal bleeding,

and because his body lacks
the normal clotting factor,

there's only so much Gideon can do!

Were you two close?

No, not really,

but if it wasn't for Nate,
I'd still be trapped

in the Cretaceous period,

being chased by a T. rex.

I'm sorry.

This is our fight, not yours.

- The Nazis are not...
- Nazis.


You kept the serum?

There may be enough.

I think I can save him, with this.

Is that the Nazi serum that created

that hideous berserker? Are you mad?

I did a little tinkering
tothe formula, so...

So what will it do now?

With any luck, save his life.

How do we know if it's working?

He's not dead yet, so that's a good sign.

And he's not turning
into a Nazi berserker.

His vitals are improving.

He's stabilizing.

What'd the Nazis want with
a piece of jewelry anyway?

No idea.

Hitler's known to be
obsessed with the strange.

We'll keep it safe, in any case.

I guess that's your
way of saying thanks.

Right, well, I think it's time

we got out of 1942.

This was fun.

It was unusual.


I wanted to

apologize for what I said.

About me not being a hero?

You're not a superhero,

but what you did for Nate,

giving him the serum,

giving up your chance at real powers,

that was heroic.

Oh, it's about time, Sleeping Beauty.

I was afraid you wouldn't wake up in time

for me to say good-bye.

And here I was afraid

I wasn't gonna wake up at all.

I was afraid of that too.

I'm sorry if I didn't

live up to the version
of Commander Steel

you dreamt of meeting.

Nah, I like the real version better.

Well, I'll be damned.

Guess this means we're
both gonna make it.

Not bad for a historian.

Not bad for a hero.

Hello, Rex.

Who are you?

Oh, we've met before.

Quite a number of times, actually.

In fact, after our last go,
you discovered my plan

and then traveled through time yourself

to stop the Legends from coming here.

They... they said I disappeared.

Not disappeared.


Erased from the timeline.

Like this.





Rex, no.


time traveler.

