Legends (2014–2015): Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot - full transcript

A deep-cover operative named Martin Odum, who has an uncanny ability to transform himself into a different person for each job. But his own identity comes into question when a mysterious stranger suggests that Martin isn't who he thinks he is.

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A very sophisticated explosive device...

A group calling itself the
Citizens' Army of Virginia...

...if you can imagine this,

- were larger...
- ...known only as the Founding Father.

They were trying to move
people out of the way...

...has claimed responsibility
for the bombing...

...did go off. It did the damage...

...which has so far taken

the lives of 57 people.



hold your fire.

Streeter wants to see you.


You. Now.

I got Lincoln Dittmann here, boss.

What's the matter?

You all look like your
d-dog died or something.

Some kind of problem?

Russell here thinks so.

He says you've been talking
trash about the Citizens' Army

of Virginia.

Oh, you think that's funny?

Come on, Russell. All I said
was I'm tired of shooting

p-p-paper targets.

I came here 'cause I
heard you were the ones

who blew up that federal
building in Wichita,

but all I've seen so far is a bunch

of wannabes who don't
want to do anything real.

The Founding Father's
gonna change all that.

The F-F-Founding Father?

That's right.

He's ready to start a
fire that's gonna burn down

the so-called government.


all I can say is, what took him so long?

I mean, that's all I've been
waiting for since I got here,

the chance to blow some shit up.

I'm in. You just tell me
what you need me to do.

I'll do it.

Anything, okay? Anything.

Even die?

Talk is talk, and you sure talk

a lot.

But how far are you
willing to go for the cause?

I worked c-construction for 15 years.

Then they gave my job to some wetback.

My wife left me,

took my daughter with her.

I ain't got nothing to lose.

Life's a bitch, Lincoln.

But no one trash-talks

the Citizens' Army of Virginia.

You got big balls, Lincoln.

I'll give you that.

Come on.

Is this how this works?


Does that mean I'm in?

It means the Founding
Father wants to meet you.

Well, when?


What the hell?

This is the ATF.

Get on the ground!

Hands on your head and drop your weapons!


Streeter, we got to get you out of here.

Come on! Come on!

- Let's go! This way!
- ATF! Get on the ground!

I'd have appreciated a
heads-up the ATF was coming.

I didn't know.

I have no idea why they're here.

Lose the gun, Russell. Lose it.

Put your hands on your head. Do it now.

Don't move! Do not even breathe!

Easy, boys. I'm FBI.

Covert Operations.

And he's with me.

Clearance code


Dispatch, I need cover code confirmation.


Copy that. Checking now.

Six months.

That's how long I've
been under, six months.

And you blow my cover for a weapons bust.

Foxtrot-Echo-Zulu cleared, sir.

We came here to serve a warrant

to seize illegal firearms. We're
not taking the fall for this.

You're more worried about covering your ass

than stopping a terrorist attack.

What are you talking about?
What terrorist attack?


So, who are you?

Martin Odum.

Call it in.

Hey, kid.


Come here.

Hey, look at you.

I didn't know you were coming.

I missed you.

I'm sorry I didn't call, but...

I thought about you every day.

Did you get 'em? The bad guys?


Yeah, I got 'em.

- I knew you would.
- Wow, look at you.

Six months, you must've grown a foot.

A half inch since you left.
I've been keeping track.

And, Dad, I can do this trick with
the ball where I can, like, flip it.

I mean, I can almost do it,
but I just need to work on it.

Yeah, I saw you.


Hi, Sonya.

Hey, I, uh...

just brought around your check.

Go inside so I can talk to your dad, honey.

- Mom, he just got here.
- That's okay, Aiden.

I can't stay.

Listen, maybe I'll cook
you dinner tomorrow night,

huh? Chinese.

- Huh?
- Awesome. Can't wait.

See you then.

Didn't know you were back.

I'm sorry. I should've...

You can't just pop back up

after months of being gone

and expect everything to be the same.

- They're not.
- I'm sorry. I'll get going.


you signed the check Lincoln Dittmann?


You signed the check Lincoln Dittmann.






Martin, where you going? Hey,

your grocery!


It's Russell.

I told you not to use this number.

You dumped Lincoln's cell.

How else am I supposed to contact you?

I'm calling from a pay phone anyway.

What do you want, Russell?

Streeter reached out to me this morning.

The Citizens' Army is back in business.

Russell, be smart for once in your life.

Walk away.

The Founding Father wants a
sit-down with Lincoln Dittmann.

Face-to-face. Tomorrow.

Sit-down for what?

Streeter says after the ATF
raid, we got to hit back hard.

He says this is the big one,

what they were planning before.

I'll make the arrangements.


How long has Russell Stillman

- been your C.I.?
- Two years. He's the one

who got me into the Citizens'
Army in the first place.

How do you know they're
not using him to set a trap?

I don't.

But that's a chance we've got to take.

Here's the status on the Bellevue case.

What's he doing here?

Lincoln Dittmann's still in play.

The Founding Father wants to meet Dittmann

- tomorrow in Chicago.
- Sir...

Ellroy Streeter has already sent
a plane ticket and a rental car key

to Lincoln's Arizona P.O. box.

He wants Lincoln to meet him

at a strip club outside
O'Hare tomorrow afternoon.

Sir, that mess in Virginia happened

because Martin refused to loop us in.

Nothing from you in six months,

not a word.

Then I get a call that you
crash an ATF weapons bust,

and I'm still cleaning up after you.

The last time I looped you in,
one of your people blew my cover.

So... forgive me if I
didn't send you a memo.

Martin, can you give us a moment, please?

Excuse me.

I have tried running him

for two years. It doesn't work.

You're acting like we got a choice in this.

He's got some kind of personality disorder.

Three out of four shrinks on the
committee found him unfit for duty.

What did the fourth shrink say?

"That he's the most naturally gifted

"deep cover operative that we've got

and maybe the best that we've ever had."

Crystal, we're talking about
an imminent attack on U.S. soil.

Now, I know we're taking
a risk in reactivating him,

but I'm more concerned
about the risk if we don't.

You need to debrief my group.

Before you do, just wipe
that smirk off your face.

Just trying to be civil.

Do not patronize me.

How long do you plan on
being pissed off at me?

I run Field Ops.

One of my people goes off the
grid, it makes me look bad.

I didn't mean to undermine your authority.

What did you think would
happen when you went AWOL?

I'm sorry.

I'm also curious.

That the only reason you're mad at me?

Don't flatter yourself, Martin.

We were consenting adults.

We made a mistake.

Happens every day.


true patriots fought
back against the so-called

president, who is a puppet
for international bankers...

We don't even know who he is,

except that he calls
himself the Founding Father.

He's the most dangerous domestic
terrorist in the country.

And now he's gonna try to top himself.

Except that we're no
closer to finding him now

than we were three years ago.

Well, it sounds like Odum got close.

The guy's a rock star.

Sure, Odum was good. But he should've been

put out to pasture a long time ago.

And I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Don't let me stop you, Buchanan.

I'm done.

Martin, this

is Maggie Harris. She
joined the team last month

to help out Bobby with
analytics and field support.

Hi, Maggie.

We actually have something in common.

I'm an Air Force brat, too.

- Oh.
- Only my father was never stationed

overseas, so I didn't get a
cool accent out of the deal.

Lots to cover,

let's get started.

Russell Stillman, former member

of the Aryan Brotherhood,
until he found God.

Became the best asset I've ever recruited.

Ellroy Streeter. The Founding
Father's top lieutenant.

Tossed by the 82nd Airborne for
striking his superior officer.

If you're meeting Streeter tomorrow,

we don't have a lot of time
to work out tac support.

I'll make sure the follow team
gets to you within two minutes.

Make it five.

- Two minutes is standard.
- Streeter knows counter-surveillance.

Two minutes is too close.

I'm down with the
whole respect-your-enemy

drill, but aren't you giving
these guys too much credit?

Martin knows these guys
better than any of us,

plus he's the one that's
inside. It's his call.

- Fine. Five minutes.
- Before they

activate Dittmann, they're
gonna dig deeper into his

- background.
- Yeah, we need to build up

- his history.
- It's already

built. In here.

Then start sharing,

because you're not flying solo anymore.

Lincoln was a demolitions engineer for a

- construction company in Arizona.
- Come on, set those charges.

He was good at his job.

But his job took him away
from home so much that

his wife...

finally left him.

He tried getting her to take him back.

But it was too late.

So he lost his wife.

Then the recession hit

and he lost his job.

He took it hard.

Couldn't get back on his feet.

Got upside-down on his mortgage,

buried in debt.

- Children?
- A daughter.


- Oh, and Ellie-May has special needs.
- What in the hell are you

- talking about?
- Ellie, dinner's ready, honey.

Lincoln is socially
awkward, highly insecure.

He's got a persecution complex

and a... stutter.

If he's that angry,

there should be a record.

I'm building up his e-mails, and I'll post

backdated comments in chat rooms.

As his savings dried up,

his writing

grew more strident.

More extreme.

I'm giving him a credit
history that shows him

falling behind on bills,

getting deeper into debt.

It's not fair.

I did everything right.

Learned a trade,

worked hard.

I deserve...



You stuttered

and your accent changed.

You didn't notice?

Go home.

We'll backfill the legend.

Hey, this is Aiden.

You missed me. Leave a message.

Hi, Aiden. It's Dad.

Um... look, I'm really, really sorry,

but I've-I've got some bad news.

Something's come up and
they need me back at work.

Um... I don't think I'm gonna

be able to get together with you tomorrow,

but, listen, I will make it up to you.

Give me a call when you get this.

I love you, son.

What do you want?

Huh? Why are you following me?

I'm trying to help you.

What the hell are you talking about?

You don't know where your life begins

and your legend ends.

Who are you?

I don't know.

Who are you?

Who do you think you are?

You really think you're Martin Odum?

There is no Martin Odum.

He's a legend.

Everything about him is fake.

Trust no one.

No one!

Trying to give yourself a heart attack?

Prevent one.

My cholesterol sucks,

and my doctor says I
need to do more cardio.

I hate the gym.

Need a favor, Bobby.

Well, technically, you outrank me,

so you can just order me to do that.

This is off book.

Just between us.

I'm hoping you can

clean this up enough to make an ID.

It's from a subway security camera.

What's this about?

Maybe nothing.

Probably nothing.

But just keep it...

Between us. Got it.

Let me just download it

to my hard drive and...

Okay, stop it there.

I'll run it through facial recognition

and get back to you when I have something.

Thanks, Bobby.


I know you don't think so,

but it's a good thing,

letting us watch your back tomorrow.

We're gonna stop these guys.


Don't worry, Bobby.

We'll get 'em.

Your flight's in two hours.

We'll be an hour behind you.

The Chicago field office

is prepped for your arrival.

Streeter will have eyes on it.

I'm not going anywhere near there.

Just make sure you stay in contact.

Lincoln's debit card, ID, cell phone,

picture of his daughter.

Streeter sent a plane ticket

to Dittmann's P.O. box in Phoenix.

Already in there.

Dittmann's boarding pass

- and baggage claim receipt.
- I'm impressed.

Well, hopefully the
Founding Father will be, too.

Omnidirectional mic

with a built-in GPS pulse.


A leash.

A lifeline.

I told you,

Streeter has a serious hard-on

about counter-surveillance.

Put it on, keep it on.

When you make contact
with the Founding Father,

I'll send in the tac team.

We'll be five minutes from the strip club.


Flight 425 to Savannah,

final boarding.


You guys.

Hey, buddy, hurry up.

I got a plane to catch!

I'll be... right out.

Streeter and Rand are approaching now.

Copy that. We got eyes on you.


That was crazy back in V-Virginia.

Give Rand the car keys.

The Founding Father?

He's really gonna meet us here?

Stop asking so many damn questions.

Excuse me.

- What is it?
- I don't know

if this is a problem, but
just in case it's a problem...

Russell Stillman's supposed to check in

with me every hour, right?


Five minutes late.

Crystal, we may have

a situation here.

Stillman hasn't checked in.

Check his motel room. Be discreet.

If he's not there, find him.


Tell me again...

You believe in the cause, Russell?

You're the Founding Father.

I believe in you,

and you gotta know...

I'm not a traitor.

Neither is Lincoln.

Data can be planted...

records manipulated.


people always tell the truth

in the end.




Our people checked Stillman's motel room,

and there's evidence of a struggle.

Okay, if they break
Stillman, Martin's dead.

Isn't there a way we can pull him out?

No. We'd lose our only chance
of stopping this attack.

He has to know that he
may have been compromised.

He's already under, Maggie.
There's no way to make contact.

Not necessarily.

Hey. Give me the keys.

Crystal, what are you doing?

Next up we've got

Lovely Linda on the main stage.


Isn't she supposed to c-call?

Just sit back and enjoy the view.

Hey, boys.

Which one of you wants to help the economy

with a private dance?

I'm Star.

What's your name, sweetie?

His name's Lincoln.


Well, Lincoln here...

he looks like he could use

a little TLC.

What the hell's she doing?

TLC... tatas,

- legs and, uh...
- Park the mouth, Mehta.

Don't you worry, sweetheart.

You just watch.

Let me do the work.

Don't insult the lady, Lincoln.

One song. Change your life.

Go get her.

I had to talk to you.

Careful. Stay in character. Camera.

Did it ever occur to you

that Crystal is a cool stripper's name?

I'll be sure to tell my
mother that you said so.

Russell Stillman never
checked in with Maggie.

We have to assume

that the Founding Father has him.

Got to pull you out of this.

Russell wouldn't rat me out.


What makes you so sure?

Three years ago,

the Aryan Brotherhood ordered
a hit on him over a meth deal.

I ran interference.

Are you willing to bet your life on that?

I already have.

You'd better go.

The camera.

There? Oh, it's just a smoke detector.



Song's not over yet, sport.

Let's go, Lincoln. We have a schedule.



They made him.

Legend's blown.

How do you know?

I read people. That's what I do.

Move the follow team in now.

Follow team's still five minutes
away, just like Martin wanted.

Tell them to get moving.

Move it, dead man.

Hey. What are you doing?

Founding Father still has
some doubts about you, Lincoln,

and Russell... well, he didn't live
long enough to put them to rest.

Our man's in trouble.

Follow team, what's your ETA?

We're still three and a half minutes out.

On your knees, Lincoln.

Hey, you owe me

50 bucks!

Shouldn't have come out here, sweetheart.

You want money?

I got cash.

What's so damn funny?

You think that I am afraid to die?

I'm already d-dead.

Don't you know?

Know what?

I have stage four c-c-cancer.

I just...

I just didn't want to die
before I made my m-mark.

He's improvising. He's giving

the follow team time to get there.

Follow team's still two minutes out.


Dittmann says he's dying of cancer.

Ask him where he was diagnosed.

Where were you diagnosed?

Arizona Medical Center. Tucson.

Talk to me, Maggie.

I'll give him, uh, Ewing's sarcoma, first

detected when he complained

- of pain in his right knee.
- Awesome.

Chemo and radiation non-responsive

after three rounds of doxorubicin,

and another three of methotrexate?


Doctor's name?

Who was your doctor?

Claude Metzger.

No records for a Lincoln Dittmann

at that hospital.

No records. You're lying.

That's impossible. I uploaded everything.

- I don't understand.
- Follow team, what's your ETA?

60 seconds.

Are you sure

he's spelling it right?

Two Ns! Dittmann has two Ns!

Stand down, Streeter.

He's good.

Lucky day, Lincoln.

You checked out.

What about her?

Let her go.

She doesn't know anything.

We don't need any more

- c-c-complications.
- Please.


I've been around long
enough to keep my mouth shut.

I'm like a priest, I swear.

- I swear.
- You say anything

to anyone, I'll find you.

Get lost.

Let's go.

Follow team, drive past target.

I say again, do not engage.

Roger that. Driving by target.

Crystal, what's your status?

I'm clear.

Use cash, lay low.

We'll contact you.

So when is this happening?


You hear that?

Call Gates.

Financial ministers from the G7

will be at the IMF summit tonight.

There's a whole media event
planned at the Willis Tower

to announce the economic
cooperation agreement.

If that gets hit, that
could turn the recession into

- a full-blown depression.
- As far as

high-value targets go,
it doesn't get any better.

It's not just a symbolic target.

10,000 people work there.

We'll work up a threat assessment

and alert all relevant
law enforcement agencies.

I want everyone here

on standby for when
Streeter calls Dittmann.


You took a risk coming here.

Oh, we did a sweep. They're
not watching the motel.

Well, what's going on?

I wanted to tell you in person.

Chicago PD found Russell's body
in a vacant lot near the river.

It looks like he was tortured.

You were right about him holding out.

Not breaking.

Oh, we should do something for his family.

Um... he mentioned a sister in Kentucky.

Lexington, I think.

I don't think that's appropriate, Martin.

But he was my C.I.

He risked his life for me.

He was also a card-carrying
member of the Aryan Brotherhood.

Yeah, well, people change, Crystal.

He changed.

Became someone else.

You saved the operation today.

All right, it's not how
I would've done it, but...

you kept your composure,

you preserved your cover.

You know, we have a chance of
actually stopping this thing.

I-I-It was...



I bet that wasn't easy for you to say.

You have no idea.

I have to take this.

Hello, th-th-this is Lincoln.

No, I'm alone.

Yeah, I...

I can g-g-get there.

You-you got it.

I meet the Founding Father tonight.

As we reported earlier, the
treasury secretary has been

in negotiations all day
with finance ministers

from the G7 member nations

and the heads of major
banks from around the world.

This IMF summit hosted by
the U.S. treasury secretary...


Get in.

Alpha Team?

They're moving east on Van Buren.

Copy that.

Keeping a two-block buffer.

Don't ever get divorced.

I'll make a note of that.

My wife was a good woman.

But I treated her like dirt.

Everything that went
bad was all my f-f-f...

All your fault... got it.
You can stop talking now.

He's talking about himself, isn't he?

First rule of undercover...

make the lie as close
as possible to the truth.


They're turning into

an alleyway between Adams

and Jackson. The only
place that's listed here

is an auto repair shop.

All set.

Wow. C4.

Guess how much.

500 pounds?


"All talk, no action," huh?

Here you go, Officer...


I see t-two hats.

Does that mean I'm going in with you?

You'll be going in with me.

Sorry about Russell, but we
couldn't take any chances.

Sometimes a good soldier
has to fall for a good cause.

Alpha and Delta Team standing by.

Waiting to confirm target.

The police staging area is right here,

next to where the bankers and
their puppets are selling out

this country.

You'll be firing the first shot
of the next American Revolution.

Ready to make history?

Yes, sir.

That's what I signed up for.

Except I di-didn't see
a detonator in the car.

I've got it.

Once we're inside the perimeter,

you'll let me out.

And as soon as you get close enough...

So... so you're not

going in with me.

Listen to me.

We've all got our parts to play, right?

I'm your Founding Father.

And I will be your witness.

So I can tell the people

who Lincoln Dittmann really was.

Yes, sir.


Yes, sir.


Get your uniform on.

It's time.

Alpha, Delta,

target is confirmed.

Target confirmed.

Stand by to breach on my count.


I'm picking up radio communication

just outside this building.

Let me hear it.

Repeat, maintain fire discipline.

We have a man inside.

Repeat... man inside.

- FBI!
- FBI! Drop your weapons!

FBI! Empty your hands!

Show me your hands! Show me your hands!

Stay back!

Or I'll take this whole place down!

- Drop it!
- It's a dead man's switch!

You shoot me, my finger
goes off the trigger.

And everyone dies.


Get behind the wheel.

We're driving out of here together.

No. You won't.

You stand down

or I swear I'll take us all out.

Right here, right now!

I don't think so.

If you were gonna do it,

you would've done it already.

What are you waiting for?

Do it!

You heard him.

Go ahead.

Do it.

Do it!

That's right.

You wanted me to do it.

So you could watch. Yeah?

Bomb's clear!

All right, we're clear.

Where are you going?


You don't know where your life begins

and your legend ends.

There is no Martin Odum!


Bring it on, bitch.


I'm really sorry about your C.I.


Thanks for backing me up.

I'm not the best team player.

Learned that about myself.

That's what Bobby said.

Not in a bad way.

Where is Bobby?

I don't know.

I haven't seen him.

This is Bobby.

Can't pick up the phone right now,

so leave a message and don't be boring.




You really think you're Martin Odum?

There is no Martin Odum!

I need a favor, Bobby.

I'm hoping you can clean this up enough

to make an ID.

Trust no one!


Are you ready to listen?

I've been ready to listen.

Now I want some answers.

What is this?

My friend died trying to find out

- who you are.
- I told you not to tell anyone.

Look! I want to know
what the hell is going on!

Listen to me.

Meet me at Union Station.

Platform six.

I need to give you something.

- What?
- Hurry. I'm being followed.

They'll kill me if they get the chance.

- Who will?
- Hurry!

- Just get here!
- Stay on the line.

I want you to answer some questions.

Tell me what happened!

You were never supposed to remember.

Remember what?

- I got to get out of here.
- Wait.

I'm just pulling up now.

Listen, I'm coming! All right?

- I'm here.
- I don't see you.

I'm almost on the platform.

Just wait!

Been waiting too long.

They're probably watching.

Who's watching?!

Are you there?

Hey! Hey!

They don't want you to know the truth.

They don't want you to know

who you are.

Who doesn't?

There's a book, left pocket.

The answer's in there.

I didn't find it in time.

But you can.

Tell me who you are.

I don't know.

Who am I?

Who am I?!

911... there's an emergency.

Hey, lady, call 911!