Legacies (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 16 - Facing Darkness Is Kinda My Thing - full transcript

In a race to save Josie, Hope infiltrates her subconscious and finds herself in a fairytale world filled with dark magic. Back at the Salvatore School, Alaric, Lizzie and the Super Squad ...

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Previously on

My daughter Josie

is under the influence
of black magic.

You said you came back here
for a reason.

All right, Sister Satan,

let's dance.

...generis fiantus.

Don't cry, Dad.

One less mouth
to feed.

She thinks she won.

Hope had a plan B.

Hope's in Josie's mind?

Let's use that dark magic
to raise and control

Malivore himself.

If we raise him

and he gets
his dirty hands on Landon...

I have plans for Mr. Kirby.

Well, this is unexpected.


Your subconscious
is weirding me out.

Literal bread crumbs.


It's okay.

You don't have to run.

Post tenebras

spero lucem.

You don't have to hide, either.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

Would you shut your piehole,

And put out
that light,

before you get us both killed.

Season 02 Episode 16

Episode Title:
"Facing Darkness Is Kinda My Thing"

Aired on: March 26, 2020


Get the robes!

We must have ceremony.

With the phoenix vessel
no longer a threat to our plans,

today's the day
we raise Malivore!


What have you done

to my crypt?

Mm. Classing the place up a bit.

Which means
no more robes.

It's tacky.

They're iconic.

I was skeptical at first,

But... look.

I think the
curtains really do

tie the room together.

Shut up, Chad.
You're out of your element.

You were all supposed to be

the pit.

About that, I know that I said

we'd raise Malivore
after the Merge was done.

But if the Merge
was successful,

I would have
absorbed my sister.

And I can't feel her at all.

So something's wrong.

We're guessing it's Hope.

It's always Hope.

As urgentas that all seems,

you're not the one
who decides what we do next.

See, these are mypuppets.


are gonna do what I say now.

Is that clear

or do I need
to make you nod?

Your wish is my command.


Get your zombie
eye to find out

what really
happened to Lizzie.

Back to work.

I look so peaceful.

Angelic, even.

No wonder you had
a thing for me.

That's not why I had
a thing for you.

And why are you speaking
in the past tense?

- You're totally alive.
- That wreath can't go there.

That is where the doves
are being released,

which is after the video,


this does not matter, okay?

None of this is real.
It's just a show.

A show to convince
Homicidal Hot Topic Josie

that she actually killed me,

so it better be
a damn good one.

There's still so much
left to do.

If you're trying to play dead,

managing your own funeral
defeats the point.

I'm way ahead of you there.

That is what this
freakishly large ring is for.

I'm unique and special.

And for some reason,
I'm really emo about it.

Wait here while I go sacrifice
myself unnecessarily.

How'd I do?

- What's going on here?
- Hey, Daddy.

What is going on?

I figured since we're disguising
Hope's body as me

while she roots around
in Josie's subconscious,

that I could pretend to be her
while she's gone.


Wow, is she really
this short?


You need me to oversee
the funeral.

Are we really gonna
roll with this?

Like, this is gonna happen...

- Dad!
- Mm.

The emotion has to be real.

And who better to put together
a touching memorial to me

than... me?

Uh, sweetie, I think
it's a great idea,

but I just... I think
people are gonna...

figure it out.

Yeah, he's right.

The pack's never gonna
fall for this.

Ahem. Hello there...

fellow wolves.

So nice to see you again,

Piper, Trevor, Brock.

Yo. We're gonna
build a human pyramid

after the funeral,
if you want to join.

I'd love to.
And then maybe after we could

run around outside

- and stare at the moon
for awhile. - Nice.

Yo, you rock, Hope.

Back atcha, Brockmeister.

The defense rests.

Fine. But no doves.

All right, you heard the man.

We've got work to do.

Dr. Saltzman.

I need your help.


Hey, would you wait up?

Take your "innocent
girl with the basket" act

some place else.

Last thing I need is
some trigger-happy skirt

doing magic near me.

Why? What happens
if I do magic?

Don't find out!

And quit following me.

You don't belong here, toots.

Sexist talking pigs
aren't really my thing.

I'd love to leave, but
I'm not going anywhere

until I find my friend Josie.

What do you want with her?

I came to rescue her.

Yeah, well, you're too late
for that.

What do you mean?

Pull up a stump.

Once upon a time,

this was a beautiful land.

A peaceful kingdom,
ruled by Princess Josette.

And then the Darkness came.

The princess tried
to fight it,

but using her magic only made
the Darkness stronger.

It was tied to her somehow,
and if she kept fighting it,

the Darkness would grow
to cover the entire land.

So Princess Josie

a sleeping spell on herself

so that she could never
do magic again,

and so that the Darkness
could never grow.

If we wake her up,
the Darkness will grow again.

So... as much as
we all miss her,

this is how it has to be.

- Destiny's a bitch, huh, doll?
- Maybe.

But I still have to try.

She would do the same for me.

And I think I know
how to find her.

Uh, you don't want to do that.

Where's the rest of the trail?

Well, um,
here's the thing.

You-You're not gonna
believe this.

The, uh... Whenever, heh,

the, uh, elements, um...

Uh, you know what, I ate it.

Okay? I ateit!

Ha ha! "Why would I
do that?" she asks.

Because I'm disgusting,
and I have no self-control.

Do you see the package
that I'm working with right now?

Okay, you know where
this trail goes.

You know where she is.

If you don't tell me

where she went,
I'm gonna start doing magic.

The Darkness will come.

Facing darkness is
kind of my thing.


Fine! Gah!

You're a bossy little thing,
you know that?

Ah, that's a compliment
in my world.

Remind me not to visit
that place.

Raf, just calm down, okay?

Whatever it is,
it can't be that bad.

I killed him,
Dr. Saltzman.

The Necromancer made me do it.

We're gonna figure all that out,
okay? Just...

It's okay.

Look, he's gonna come back.

He'll come back.

Not this time.

Josie? Josie?

Josie, wake up.

You should try kissing her,

I know this is
a fairy tale and all,

but a nonconsensual kiss
is never the answer.

Well, excuse me,
little Miss Big Words.

You got a better idea?

I do.



- We said no magic.
- I know you're scared

of the Darkness, but this is
Josie's subconscious. -

- Nothing can really hurt us here.
- Oh!

What the hell is that?

That is the Darkness,

And it can definitely hurt us.

Little pig,

little pig,

who's your new friend?

I can smell

that magic's
being used here again.


Happy now, you dumb broad?

You nearly got
us both eaten...

Which is a lifelong fear of
mine, I'll have you know.

And now the Darkness knows

- your magic-using ass is here.
- Yeah? Well,

my magic just saved our asses.

Afterl pulled you
to safety.

Oh, yeah. Thank you

so much for
pulling me behind

- a single piece of rubble.
- What do you want

from me?
I got hooves for hands.

I want you to stop talking down
to me

and be grateful that
I just saved our bacon.


How dare you!

I'm sorry.

It's just a figure of speech,
all right?

Look, truce, okay?

We both miss Josie.

We can work together
to wake her up.

If we do that,

the Darkness
will only grow again.

Princess Josie
did what she did for a reason.

She made her sacrifice

because she didn't know
that help was coming.

So, if we can't
wake her up,

then we're just gonna have to
defeat the Darkness ourselves.

What's Landon up to?

I don't know.

Probably off somewhere
being a total beta.

Which I'm super into.


You bringing anyone
to the funeral?

You guys are bringing dates
to the funeral?

Aren't you in,

like, mourning or whatever?

Over Lizzie?

I thought she was
pretty popular.

Because we were all
scared of crossing her.

It's kind of a relief

to not have to worry
about what crazy thing

she's going to do next.

Besides, it's not
like she's gone.

If The Necromancer brought
drama queen Alyssa back,

who's to say he can't
bring Lizzie back, too?


We need more ribbon.

Memory of Lizzie.

Oh, uh, once,
she put up a barrier spell

and trapped us all in the school
with a gargoyle.

Um, not really sure
why she did that,

but it was...
it was pretty scary.

Yeah, no, uh...

More like
a personal memory.

Oh. Um... Okay.

Once, she walked by me

and just said, "Hard pass"
for no reason.

Um, okay, cut.

Um, uh...

That felt pretty good to me.

Y'all need
anything else or...?

I think...

- We'll call you.
- We'll call you.


All right.

Yeah, we're gonna need
to edit that last one.

It's a memorial,
not a roast.

Yeah, it's pointless, man.

We'll never get them to say
anything nice about Lizzie.

Girl has burned everyone in
this school at least once. Yeah, well,

doesn't mean
we give up on her.

Everyone thought
Alyssa was mean, too.

They just didn't know
the real her.


You think Alyssa's doing okay?

Dude, I'm not gonna talk
about this.

Especially not with you.

been watching the basin all day,

as requested.

The entire school,
including the Tribrid,

is planning a memorial
for your sister,

who is dead.

Which we already knew.


There's something new in my mind

that I can't
quite reach.

Something that
shouldn't be there.

That means they're acting.

Which means they know

about your little
zombie eye.

You've been fooled,


Don't ever...

Well, what do you want me to do?

My father must be behind this.

Have a chat with him.

I'll search my mind...

...for the thing
that's out of place.

As you wish.

Oh, my God. Lizzie.

- You're alive...
- Drop it. Okay?

The coast is clear.

Then what are you doing?

I couldn't pretend
for one more second.

Nobody is upset
about me being dead.

They all hate me.

They don't hate you, Lizzie's

good friend Hope.

I think

they only just got
to know one side of her.

That's what my
eulogy's about.

Great idea. The perfect eulogy
would force everyone to remember

what an amazing person
that... shewas.

And I should be
the one to do it.

After all,

I knew her the best.

I don't, I don't think
that's a good idea.

It's what Lizzie
would've wanted.

I'm good.

This is all wrong.

He always comes back by now.

It never takes this long.

All right,
let's not panic, okay?

The prophecy said
"felled" by a golden arrow.

Now, "felled" could mean
anything. We just have to find

the original Coptic word.

Do you remember what else
is said in the prophecy?

The wolf with many faces.

I killed him.

The Necromancer can make me
kill again whenever he wants.

Listen to me. I am gonna get
that monster out of your head.

No. You got to put me down.

That is not an option.

Look, look.

I warned Landon
that I can't control this.

Now, if you don't do this now...

...then it might be too late.

All right, listen, uh...

W-We're gonna get
a sleeping spell.

All right?
And we're gonna put you

in a state
of suspended animation

until we figure
this all out.

I am not losing
another student.

Then why did you bring
that down with you

when you got your book?

That is just a precaution.

I am trying
to keep everyone safe.

So am I!

Pick up your sword.


Do it! Pick it up!


Do it or I will kill you.

I don't believe you.

Pick it up.

You need to stop me.

You killing Landon
is not your fault, okay?

I'm gonna find a way
to save you both.

All right? You're not
responsible for killing Landon.

Well, he did try
to warn you, Alaric.

Where's my dad?

He'll be here any moment.

A memory of Lizzie?


I miss Lizzie so bad.

The entire school
will never get over it.

Lizzie was


really cool.

Really hot.

So many memories

of Lizzie.

And the fact that we remember

Lizzie at all means that
she didn't go into Malivore.

- Which, that-that's something...
- All right.


Technical difficulties, folks.

We're just gonna move on with
the next part of the service.

Thank you.


This one's for Lizzie Saltzman.

♪ How do I

♪ Say goodbye

♪ To what we had

♪ The good times

♪ That made us laugh

♪ Outweigh the bad

♪ And I thought we'd get

♪ To see...

♪ To see

♪ Forever

♪ But forever's gone away

Okay.♪ Ooh, you know it's gone

♪ You know it's gone ♪
♪ You know it's gone away ♪

♪ Doo-do-do-do-do-do-do, gone.

Okay, thank you.

Thank you so much
for whatever that was.

I'm here today
to deliver the eulogy

for Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman.

Lizzie was more than one thing.

She was a witch, a daredevil,
a lover.

Was she a saint?

Eh, who's to say?

But I can say this.

She was the absolute best of us.

She was a kind soul.

She waskind, and nice.

And sometimes she was just tired

or having a bad day,
or whatever.

You all think you knew her,
but you didn't.

You're all wrong!

That's strange.
He's always home.

Mr. Huntsman.

I brought a nosy friend.

Oh, stew's on.
He must be nearby.

Ah. Nice.

Sweetie, if you think that's
enough to stop the Darkness,

you are crazy.

Probably, but I'm not going down
without a fight.

What do you say?

Are you in?

I-I would be no use in battle.

I-I know, I bluster a lot.

But, uh, I just get so scared,

and then I say dumb stuff
when I'm scared.

Yeah, I know.

I-I could finish
the stew, though.

Maybe find some bread.

Uh, make you a nice meal
before you go off to die.

That'll do, pig.

Don't press your luck, kiddo.


It's a trap!

Little witch, little witch,

let... me... in!

Hope Mikaelson...
are you in my head?

Wh-What, what's going on?

This pub's under new management.

Dr. Saltzman!

He'll make us fight you.

- Don't.
- He just wants to talk.

It's true.

I have an offer for you.

I'm not making
any deals with you.

Not even if it
saves your daughter?

Turns out we both
want the same thing.

To get that black magic
out of her

and send her home.

Yeah, but I'm doing that
without your help.

By which you mean
that little

suicide mission into her mind?

Ah, it's going to fail,
I'm afraid.

She already suspects
you're up to something.

It's only a matter of time

before she figures out
what you're up to

and puts an end to it.

I wouldn't care
either way, but...

...I want that black magic

for myself,

and that wretched girl
out of my life.

The good Josie is
still in there,

deep down.

I've seen it.

You set them free, too.

No strings attached.

Why not?

I'll raise these puppets,

then I'll sever my tie
with them.

Can you bring back Landon, too?

Of course.

You said you
wanted a way to save both of us.

Come on, you gotta do it.

Listen to the lad.

Yeah, but there's no way
I can trust you.

An unbreakable
covenant spell, then.

If both of us don't hold up
our end of the bargain,

neither of us gets
what we want.

You lose your puppets,
and I lose me magic.

No exceptions.

When you've made up your mind,

you know how
to signal me.



What's going on?

Where's Pig?

Oh, uh...

I-I was the pig.

I thought if I
disguised myself

the Darkness would
leave me alone.

You were the pig?

You do realize he said some
really patronizing

- and-and sexist things to me.
- No, I know.

I just didn't want you
to suspect it was me,

because I need you to leave.

Okay? I don't want you
to get hurt.

Josie, I'm not going
to leave you behind.

No, you don't understand.

I can't have somebody else
get hurt because of me.

No one will.

I love that you thought
it would be that simple.

Oh, my God, run!

Okay, time for some real talk.

I have something to say.

My first day here,
Lizzie was my tour guide.

Just like she was
for most of you.

I was so scared.

And she knew it, too.

At the end of my tour,
I mentioned... hating my name,


And she said,
"So change it."

"No one here knows.
How 'bout MG?"

Remember that shock bracelet
Lizzie had?

Or when she was suddenly
into talent shows

and-and Miss Mystic Falls,
and-and football?

She was always trying
to start over.

And, yeah, she could be extra,
but she knew it.

And she never stopped
trying to change.

But did you all let her?

Or did you hold onto one image
of her at her worst?

She was an easy target

who couldn't control
her brain chemistry.

So it was easier to think
that she was broken than to

root for her and accept
that she was changing.

If you really stop and think,

I'm sure you have
a good Lizzie story, too.

Here's your chance.

Start over.

I liked to sew a lot.

But there was no one else
to do it with.

When Lizzie found out,
she started the sewing club.

We have to keep moving.

It doesn't matter, we're
never gonna get away from her.

Jo, while you've been
trapped in here,

she's been rampaging
in the real world.

Okay, she even tried
to Merge with Lizzie.

Oh, my God, is she okay?

For now. But that's why
we have to stop her.

- She's more powerful than I am.
- Jo...

...she isyou.

Or some part of you.

You can control
her somehow.

I don't know how, but...

Landon would have some theory
about the psychology,

and what part of your
personality she represents.

He would, wouldn't he?

Pretty messed-up

you got here, by the way.

Are we surprised?

My mom used to read us
fairy tales

for bedtime stories.

They were so calming.

There was good guys
and bad guys.

Very clear rules
that you had to follow.

It all made sense.

Unlike my life.

Well, this fairy tale sucks.

It's accurate. I'm either
the powerful, petty bitch

or the good, weak victim.

That's the story
that you're telling yourself.

I mean, your subconscious
made a fairy tale

that the good you is weak
and the powerful you is evil.

Tell yourself a different story.




Let's fight.

That's strike one.


Ah, thanks for the extra magic.

That's strike two.

Josie, you can
fight her.

Hmm, that's strike three.

Josie! Change
the story.



I hate you.

You're so weak

and vulnerable.

The kind of girl who's so quiet

that her father and mother
forget about her

in the chaos of Lizzie.

The kind of girl Penelope
won't fight for anymore.

The kind of girl Landon
breaks up with in one speech.

The kind of girl who's destined
to lose the Merge.

You needed me.

Because without me,

you would have never survived.

This is what being strong
looks like.

That's the story
that you're telling yourself.

That the good you is weak,
and the powerful you is evil.

I was afraid of being strong.

I thought being strong
meant hurting Lizzie.

Oh! Josie, please!

Here's what
being strong looks like.

Or being
like Kai. I told myself

that being powerful
meant being evil.

But it doesn't.

Hope is strong.

And she's good.

You made a story...

Imade a story...

where I was powerless.

But that's not true.

Because I can change this story.


I'm not afraid of you anymore.

Because I'm holding the axe.


I just bound you
to this cabin.

You're trapped here forever.

I'm not trapped.

Because we're not
in the cabin anymore.

And... if you use your magic
against me,

it hurts you, too.

But most importantly...

...you're not wearing
armor anymore.

It's over.

It'll never be over.

As long as you
have black magic in you.

I will always find a way back.

We'll see.

Magia tollox de terras...

Magia tollox
de terras...

Magia tollox de terras...

Magia tollox
de terras...

Magia tollox de terras...

Magia tollox
de terras...

Magia tollox de terras...


Hey, I got this myself.

- Hey, studs.
- Uh... You got it yourself?

- Alyssa. Um, are you...?
- Back?

Fine? Not a zombie?

Don't make it a big thing.

Um, maybe later,
we can, uh...


Yeah. You...

You want
to talk about this?

No, man, she be...
I'm good.

She didn't
have to be rude.

- Is really the thing.
- Right? We're people, too.

People. I mean, I have feelings.

Thank you for not
giving up on me.

Even though I
didn't deserve it.

You know, one of the many joys
of being your father

is getting to see you slowly

figure out how much
you deserve.

And one day, you'll realize
that what you deserve

is to never be given up on.

Tell me that when
the all-powerful Necromancer

comes back.

We'll deal with him
when the time comes.

I'm not willing to lose
another student.

Oribos turai filio...

♪ To me, it is simple,
I needed an angel ♪

♪ There's no need to let go...

I saw your biological mother
do a spell like that once.

♪ Just until next time

- ♪ Forever on our minds...
- Did you just...?

I just put my siphon power

into this coin.

♪ It's a beautiful life

Just... just for a while.

Till I'm ready to use it.

♪ It's a beautiful life

When you think about it,
a eulogy is just a story

that we tell ourselves
about someone that we've lost.

Since my friend MG is immortal,

he may never get a eulogy.

But I am now convinced

that everyone should hear
their own eulogy.

So here goes.

The story of MG.

♪ It's a beautiful life...

He was the son
of a preacher

and a shady
government operative.

He kept what was good from each
and let go of the bad.

He had his own demons,

but even when they chased him
into the dark,

he never stayed there.


he danced
like a sparkler

and smiled like the sun.

He wrote a new story
every day,

and reminded me
to always find the light.

♪ To me, it is simple,
we needed an angel... ♪

That's as far as I got.

I don't know where
the story goes from there.

Just hasn't been written yet,
I guess.

Thank you for...
putting up with me today.

I guess after all the stuff
that happened with Josie,

I just...
really needed to feel...

less alone.

♪ It's a beautiful life

I know.

I should probably
go and explain

to everyone why
I'm not really dead.


You're alive?

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Oh-oh-oh


♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ It's a beautiful life.

He hasn't, uh...?

I don't get it.

The Necromancer freed me
and Alyssa,

but Landon, he...
he won't wake up.

Yeah, but we had a deal.

He made good
on part of it.

My heartbeat's back.
I'm alive.

It doesn't feel like I have
that little voice

in my head anymore.

I'm free.

Landon should be back by now.


That's not
our only problem.

I don't understand.
What's wrong with her?

I'm not sure.

But she won't wake up.