Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999–…): Season 7, Episode 20 - Fat - full transcript

A band of teenage siblings attack and sodomize a teenage girl, who is a gifted piano student at a prestigious high school in Harlem. When Warner identifies the attackers as overweight, Detective Stabler and his new partner, Detective Lucius Blaine, track down the siblings -- who claim they attacked the victim to avenge an attack on their morbidly obese brother.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(male announcer)
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses are
considered especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate
these vicious felonies

are members
of an elite squad

known as
the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

Forgive me, Father,
for I have sinned.

It's been two years
since my last confession.

These are my sins:

I was selfish.
I was disrespectful.

I lost my temper.

For these and all
of my sins I am truly sorry.

After two years
that's it?

Why don't you tell me

what's really
bothering you, Elliot?

It's like I keep losing people.

Like your family?

My family...

my kids...


You said friends.

You mean someone at work?

[pager beeps]

Sorry, Father, I gotta go.

Okay, but you should
come back.

Ego te absolvo,
in nomine patris,

et filii,
et spiritus sancti.


Elliot, for your penance,
call your wife.


You weren't
at the house.

I thought you
clocked out early.

Lucius Blaine,
Queens SVU.

You and me,
we're gonna be partners.

Victim's a teenage hottie.

No purse, no panties,

unconscious with head trauma,

ligature marks
around both wrists,

and her finger
sliced clean off.

Dump job?

We got fresh tire tracks.

Perp pulled the girl
out of the car.

Dragged her
behind this barricade.


We got two clear sets
of footprints.

From the depth of indentation,
these guys aren't small.

Get me an ID
on the tires and the shoes.

Who found her?

Marie Antoinette over there.

Her footprints are
all over the scene too.

Oh, yeah?

You officers
check this woman?

Ma'am, turn around.

Turn around.
What are you doing?

Where is it?
It's gone!

Here it is right here.

Let it go.

Well, well, well,
what do we have here, huh?

It was on the ground.
I didn't steal it.

So it just jumped up
into your coat?

Hold her.

It looks like our victim's name
is Jessica DeLay.

William Osler High School.

Oh, my God.

What the hell is this?

You cut off her finger,
you freakin' witch?

No, It was just lying
on the ground!

Uh-huh, so taking her money
wasn't enough, was it?

You had
to get this ring?

We can still save it--

We can still save it.
Put it on ice.

Answer me!

Hold the bus!
Put it in the cup!

Put it in the cup.

Hold the bus.
I'm coming with you..

[sirens blare]

Jessica's being prepped
for surgery.

Thanks to you, we might be able
to save her finger.

You do a rape kit?

No fluids.

She was sodomized
with a blunt object.

What about the cuts
on her wrists?

Made by a knife,
not by ligatures.

Somebody tried
to cut off her hands?

Couldn't get through the bone,
took a finger instead.

Can I talk to her?

After the surgery.

Excuse me.

Did you call
Jessica's parents?

Mom's on her way.
You question her yet?


There she is.

Hey, I'm a detective,

Leave her alone.

Look, Jessica,
just tell me what happened.

I need to know who did this
to you, okay?

Let me know.
Just tell me something.


Look, man, we've got
a window of opportunity.

I understand that,
but scaring the girl's

not gonna get us anything.


I forgot I was dealing
with Detective Sensitive.

Why'd you land
this blowhard on me?

He's a good cop.
Queens SVU speaks highly of him.

Right, that's why
they dumped him on us.

Where's Benson?

Computer crimes.

You needed a break
from each other.

In whose opinion?

Decision's made.

Bring me up to speed.

Sure thing, Captain.

CSU ID'd the tires
as Bridgestone RX,

used on any number
of SUVs and vans.

Now the shoe prints were made
by a Quattro Game

and a Solon Shock.

Now given the size of the print,

creep number one
is about 5'10", creep two, 5'8".

Where was Jessica attacked?

I wouldn't know.
I wasn't allowed to talk to her.

But she was probably grabbed

between her school here

and the downtown
subway station here.

Now for the amount of blood,
CSU reckons

that she was probably raped
and mutilated on the scene.

Until we talk to her,
we won't know.

You got anything
of value you want to add?

Just that it was personal.

Perps didn't take
her money or credit cards.

They just wanted
to inflict pain.

So why did they steal
her cell phone?

How do you know
she had one?

She's 16
with three credit cards.

She had a cell phone.

Something else
the perps didn't take,

Jessica's Health Department
ID card.

I never heard
of a teenager working

for the Health Department.

Neither have they.

So what's she doing
with a fake ID?

I don't know, but check out
the number on the back.

It belongs
to Rufus Brownell,

an inspector
at the department.

He's not in the office today.

He's on 14th Street
checking out stores.

His license plate number
is AEV7685.

That's our boy.

He's got a little friend
in there with him.

What the hell?



Take your hands off her!

Get out here!
Get out here!

What seems
to be the problem?


What, One girl
isn't enough for you?

Leave him alone!

It's cool.
I'm a cop, okay?

I'm not doing anything wrong.
Calm down.

I can explain.
All right,
let's everyone calm down.

Calm down.
Come here.

Let me see some ID.

Now, what are you doing
with that girl?

I'm a Health Department

I'm working with Lori.

What, you're working
with her undoing her bra?

I'm fixing her wire.
This is a tobacco sting.

I'm trying to catch stores
selling cigarettes to minors.

You use children
as bait?

Lori's 16.
I pay her eight bucks an hour.

Listen, I'm not
doing anything illegal.

Fake ID come with the job?

What do you mean
it's fake?

Look, it makes
the kids feel important.

Like part of a team.

How about her?
Is she part of the team?

Where did you get this?

From her purse after she was
attacked and nearly killed.

What are you talking about?

You use kids
as bait, man.

You don't think
they might get hurt?

I'm always close by.
Nothing bad happens.

Tell that to Jessica.

We're gonna need a list of
stores that you sent her to.

These are this month's

The blue flags are stores
I raided with Jessica.

I'm surprised she had time
to go to school.

Jessica takes
the job seriously.

It's not
a job, man.

This is putting kids
in harm's way.

More harm than letting
them buy cigarettes?

Where we do these stings,
teen smoking is down by 50%.

I'm helping these kids.

You know, a store loses
its tobacco license,

it's a big hole
in its income.

Any of these places
threaten Jessica?

Sometimes store owners
get angry.

One guy--
one guy did get a bit rough.

That's Jessica.

She pays.

She takes the cigarettes
and heads out.

It looks like
she's laughing at him.

Yeah, but look.
Nothing happened.

The second there's trouble,
I'm in.

Yeah, that's comforting.

Who's that guy,
and where can we find him?

Hamzid Latif.

Third time
he's been caught this year.

He lost his license
for six months.

The store is two blocks
from where Jessica was found.

I remember
the little bitch.

She cost me
thousands of bucks.

So you took it out on her?

I didn't touch her.

Sure, you did.
We got it on videotape.

Yeah, the health inspector
said you wanted to kill her.

I was angry.
She comes in here.

She says, "I want cigarettes."
I say, "You're too young."

She says, "Come on,
I won't tell anybody."

And she is real pretty.


She is a hottie, all right.

She's all, like, you know,
flirting with me.

What could I do?

Yeah, what could you do?


You get turned on
by little children?

What are you saying?

I'm saying the little whore
came in here

and stole
your tobacco license,

so you wanted
to pay her back.

Okay, she got me angry.
She called me names.

She laugh at me,
but I swear I did not touch her.

That's why you took her outside
and hit her over the head?


Nice shoes.
Are those Quattros?

Tell you what,
why don't we take

Mr. Hamzid for a walk
through the crime scene?

Come on.
Get your jacket.

We need you to print
our friend's shoes here.

No way, you need warrant
for my footprints.

We don't need squat,
smart ass.

Just go stand in the mud.

There's no point.

Do it!

I took casts
of the perps' shoes.

Based on the depth
of impressions,

the smaller perp weighed about
240 pounds, the heavier 300.

At most, this guy weighs 150.

Good-bye, Mr. Hamzid.
Thank you for your time.

[cell phone rings]


Where's Olivia?

Detective Blaine, Dr. Warner.

Your rape-kidnap case.

I ran tests on the blood stains
on your victim's clothes.

There were two blood types.

A perp cut himself?

Cut "herself."

From the levels
of the hormones

FSH and LH
in her blood,

this female's going
through puberty.

We're looking
for a 240-pound girl?

Whose blood glucose
is through the roof.

So when you arrest her,
make sure you tell her

she's got Type Two Diabetes.

So we're looking for two kids?

Two very large kids.

You speak to Jessica yet?

No, she was sedated post-op.

And then her mom wouldn't
let us see her.

Said she was too upset.

What about
her finger?

They reattached it,
but, you know,

whether she'll be able
to use it again...

How's Blaine doing?


Okay, get Jessica to speak.

I'll send Munch and Fin
to her school.

I don't remember much.

I got out of school
at about 1:30.

And I was gonna take the subway
to Tommy's apartment.

I took my usual shortcut
down an alley.

And then I heard
a van behind me.

It stopped.

And then I heard footsteps.

And then suddenly there was
a bag over my head.

And I was being dragged
into the van.

The next thing I know
I'm here.

How many people were
in the van, Jessica?

I don't know.
More than one.

Did they say anything to you?
To each other?


Do you have any enemies?
Any school feuds?

No, I get along with everyone.

I have a lot of friends.

Is that true?

Why are you asking me?

You're her friend,
aren't you?

Jess doesn't have any enemies.

We think your attackers
knew you.

Which means
you probably know them.

Is there any reason why someone
would want to hurt you?

Why are you making me
go through this again?

I already told you I don't know.

Can't you see
you're upsetting her?

We're just trying
to find out who hurt her.

Did you have your cell phone
when you were attacked?

I don't think so.

We didn't find it
in your purse.

Well, then those bastards
must have stolen it.

Why didn't
they take anything else?

Why are you being so mean?

Please, just get out
and leave me alone.

In Queens we treat
a victim like a victim.

Then go back
to Queens.

Gentlemen, you get anything
from Jessica?

Not much.

She wasn't given much
of a chance.

What happened?

Stabler intimidated her.
I'm not buying her
"Little Miss Innocent routine."

You saw how she
led on that store owner.

Hey, good for her, man.

She took down
a drug-peddling creep

who had a thing
for schoolgirls.

The guy
was selling cigarettes.

Jessica's school faxed over
her outreach schedule.

Busy little bee.

Plays, concerts,
debating society.

Who was
the last concert?

The most recent was

the Coretta Scott King
high school orchestra.

That's where we start.


Because whoever attacked her
knew she played.

You wanna screw up a pianist,
you cut off her finger.

Do you have any big kids
in the orchestra?

Like over 200 pounds?

It used to be
heavy kids played music

just so they wouldn't have
to do P.E.

But we don't have P.E. anymore,

and about a third
of our kids are overweight.

What are you
doing about it?

Made the cafeteria serve
more salads and fruits.

But kids like
burgers and fries.

Got about a half dozen food
restaurants right on this block.

Vending machines are locked
during school hours,

but kids stock up before.

It's not
just about food.

Right, I mean, these kids,
they could exercise.

Play sports.

Where you been, Detective?

We can't afford
sports facilities

or the teachers
to run them.

They're lucky
to have an orchestra.

Why do you wanna talk
to the kids anyway?

We're looking
for a witness.


Excuse me one second.

Munch checked
Jessica's cell phone records.

There was a call made
an hour after she was attacked.

You get the number?


[instruments tuning up]

Hi, everyone.
These are police officers.

They've got a few questions.

We're looking for witnesses
to an assault

that happened
Monday afternoon.

A girl was attacked
on the way to the subway,

and she was hurt real bad.

[cell phone rings]

Kenny, no phones in practice.


Hey, Kenny.

What's going on?

You tell me.

Where were you
two afternoons ago?

I don't remember.

You don't remember.

Stand up.
Come with us.

Leave my brother alone.

Hey, and what happened
to your face?

Put it down.

You're coming too.

Let's go.

What's up with him?

Kenny Bixton, 16.

Wearing Quattro Jumps,

same size as the prints
from the scene.

He say anything?

Yeah. "Get me a soda."

He needs to ease up
on the soda.

What about the girl?

It's his sister Mia,
age 14.

Mom's coming on down.

Get the forensics,
get a confession,

and put this to bed.

The victim described you
pretty good, Mia.

As soon as we walked
into the band room,

we knew exactly
who you were.

Where's my brother?

Next door.

He's been telling
Detective Stabler all about it.

You see, this is
what we call truth time.

Tell us the truth,
and it counts in your favor.

It counts a lot.

Is my mother coming?

The thing is, sweetheart,

once your mother shows up,
the lawyers show up.

And then truth time
is over.

And whatever you say has
to be put in the book.

And once it's there,
it's on your record forever.


I just want my mother.

We're trying to find her.

In fact, my colleague
will leave now and call her.


This is your chance.

Tell the truth now.

And the fact it's your
first offense, you'll get off.


You'll get immunity.

Detective, outside now.


Outside, please!

What seems
to be your problem?

You--questioning a minor
without a parent present.

Oh, give me a break.

Even if you get something
in there, we can't use it.

Look, we can use it
to break the brother!

They did it, man!
Look, they brutalized that girl!

Right, and when
the defense finds out

how you got
the confession, what?

How they gonna find out, huh?
You're gonna back me up!

The words of two detectives
against a kid.

There's no way
I'm doing that.

Don't give me
that holier-than-though crap.

I know how you work.

You know
nothing about me.

No wonder
your partner dumped you.

What'd you
just say to me?

You screwed her, and now
you're trying to screw me.

Get off me!

Come on, guys, easy, easy.

Get off me!
Get off me!

That's enough!
Elliot, come on!

Blaine, my office now.

Everybody, back to work.
Fun's over.

What do you got
to say, Elliot?

Either you get rid of him,
or I quit.

You get changed,
and get in my office.

I like that shirt.

What are you doing here?

I heard what happened
between you and Blaine.

What can I tell you?
He's a prick.

Why didn't you tell me?

Elliot, we've been partners
for seven years.

Longer than anybody else here.

We needed a change.

I'm sorry.

I should have
talked to you.

It's just
too complicated.

Thanks for dropping by.

You got anything
to say?

I've already said it.

You're not leaving.

Is Blaine?

He stays,
and so do you.

You're running away
from yourself.

What are you talking about?

You know why
I put Blaine with you?

Because you
started drinking again?

So you know what
you're like to work with.

What does that mean?
I don't lie to kids.

He bends the rules.
You do too.
Not with kids.

You want me to list every time
you've crossed the line?

You're a good cop.

But God knows how Olivia
put up with you for so long.

Oh, well,
Olivia's a saint.

The kids' mom just left.

CSU is on their way over
to search the house.

Get Blaine,
and get over there.

You will work this case
together, understood?

Sorry about your shirt.

Sorry about your face.


Look, we don't got a choice.

Let's just work this case,
all right?

Fine with me.

Ms. Bixton, do you own a car?

How could we afford a car?

Do you have access to one?

This is New York City.
What do we need a car for?

Excuse me.
Where were Kenny and Mia
two afternoons ago?

At school.

What time
did they get home?
I don't know.

I work in a Laundromat
until 8:00 at night.

Maybe your son knows.

Rudi, tell them.

Where were your brother
and sister Tuesday afternoon?

They came home
after school.

They were here.

Those are some bruises
you got on you, Rudi.

What happened to you?
Did you get in a fight?

I fell down some stairs.
Hurt my leg.

Hurt your hand too?

Broke a couple bones.


Souvenir bat
for the Bronx Gators.

I think it's
what they battered Jessica with.

Hit the lights.

It's blood and skin fragments.

They used this
to beat her unconscious.

And then used it
to sodomize her.

Do you know what that is, Mia?

You don't have
to answer that.

That was found
in your brother's room,

and it has
Jessica's blood on it.

They could have found that bat
in the street and taken it home.

This your shoe print, Mia?

That's the shoe print

from the scene
where Jessica was found.


That doesn't mean
Mia put her there.

But it sure does
add up.

Pretty soon
we're gonna find the knife

that you used
to cut her with.

Gonna find the van.

And we're gonna
match your blood

to the blood
on her clothes.

Just don't say anything.

He's right,
you shouldn't say anything

about what you did to Jessica.

Now, what we
wanna know here...

what'd Jessica do to you?


She stole his cap.

Okay, whose cap?

My brother Rudi's.

She was wearing it
at the practice for the concert.

How do you know
it was his?

Because he's the only guy

dumb enough to support
the team the Gators.

It still doesn't mean
that it's his cap.
It was!

Because I asked her
where she got it from.

What'd she say?

She said that she took the cap
off this fat slob

that was stinking up
the park bench.

And that's when I knew.
Knew what?

That she was one of the people
that beat up my brother.

Kicked him so bad
they put him in the hospital.

Cost him his job.

So it was time for payback?

You bet it was.

So you grabbed her,
you beat her, and you cut her.

My brother's hand has gangrene
under the bandage

because of his diabetes.

Doctors had
to cut off three fingers.

I wanted her to suffer
like he did.

Why'd you
sexually assault her?

She called
my sister a pig.

She said pigs shouldn't
be allowed to breed.

I could never say

such a terrible thing, never.

So if we search your house, will
we find Rudi's baseball cap?


I don't wear baseball caps,
and I don't even know

Rudi Bixton or Mia Bixton--
any of them.

They know you.

That's because they kidnapped
me, did horrible things to me.

They tortured me,

and you're treating me
like it's my fault.

I'm Lionel Granger,
your attorney.

Jessica's mother called me.
This interview is over.

we're just talkin'.

You're talking, she's crying.
That's harassment.

Come on, Jessica.

Hey, we believe
she was involved

in a brutal assault.

This alleged assault, is there
a police report of it?

An E.R. report?

That's because
it didn't happen.

Why don't you go do your jobs
and charge the little--sorry--

large bastards who ruined
this girl's life?

Granger's right.

We have nothing on Jessica
and everything on the kids.

I have to charge them
and put them on trial.

Then the case is closed.

What about Rudi?

He's a grown man.

He coulda reported the assault.
He didn't.

And even if he did,
it isn't a case for SVU.

Type up your DD5s
and move on.

Here's my paperwork
on Jessica DeLay.

So what do you want me
to do next, Captain?

[phone rings]


Uh, what?
Cheney shoot somebody else?

A rich white girl gets attacked
and the fine officers

of the NYPD are on it.

Within 48 hours
her attackers are arrested,

charged, arraigned.

Thank you, Assemblyman Molina.
But when a person of color
is beaten nearly

to death,
where are the police?

Where is the outrage?

I mean, must the ghetto always
suffer from unequal justice?

It's just a lot
of hot air.

Yeah. Well, I--

We--Yes, sir.

We're right on it.
Yes, sir.

One Police Plaza.

What I said about Rudi
not being an SVU case--


He is now.


I'm not saying
the police are racists.

All I'm saying is
that if you have money

you get a better kind
of service.

Detectives, it looks like
the TV cameras have

to show up
before you do.

Lucious Blaine,

on finally investigating
a three-week-old crime.

We investigate crimes
when they're reported to us.


You know him?

Grew up
on the same block.


For all!

Yeah, I was coming from work.

I stopped for a minute,
must have fallen asleep.

The next thing I know
I got these two devils

kicking and beating on me,

cursing and shouting
that I'm a fat scum.

And to get my fast ass
out of their park.

Did you see any faces?

Don't know
I'd recognize them again.

I was trying to protect my head.

You remember anything else?

At the end, when I couldn't
see through the blood,

I heard one of 'em say,
"Get a picture."

There was a flash.

And they left.

Did they take your cap?

Why is it that you
didn't report this, Mr. Bixton?

You don't understand.

No, I don't.

Why would you let

your little brother and sister
fight your fight?

What kind of man are you?

Why are they in jail

when the people who
attacked you should be, huh?

Because I got so damn fat,
I let children beat me.

No names, no faces.

Checked the park where it
happened, no security cameras.

And no forensics.

Been two storms
and a snowfall since the attack.

Rudi mentioned
a camera flash,

could have been taken
with Jessica's phone.

It could have been why Rudi's
brother and sister stole it.

It was.
I was just at Rikers.

Mia told me
she checked the phone,

no pictures
of Rudi on it.

Where's the phone now?

The bottom
of the East River.

But its billing records
are here.

Jessica made lots of calls
in the hours

before and after
Rudi was attacked.

Mostly to two numbers.
One was Tommy Strahan.

Hey, that's the guy that was
with her in the hospital.

And the other was
an Internet sign-on page.

Maybe she
was emailing something.

Like a photo.

Computer Crimes
is already on it.

Our latest recruit
sweet-talked a subpoena

out of a friendly judge.

And then got Jessica's ISP
to show us exactly

where the girl went
on the web.

Straight to a private website
accessible only by password.

The kind of we normally see
with Jihadists

or child pornographers.

to vent your hate.

Oh, pet peeves.
Choose your topic.

Fags, spics,
dykes, coons, fatsos.

They're a special favorite.

Even have a thread
about how to get rid of them

including shipping them
to Africa

to feed them
to the starving.

What does this
have to do with our case?
Follow the thread.

You want another way
to get rid of porkers?

Kick 'em into shape.

That's the park
and the park bench.

Rudi on the ground.
And that...

Jessica's friend Tommy Strahan.

Taken with Jessica's cell phone.

Tommy Strahan.

How can I help you,

You can turn around
because you're under arrest

for assaulting Rudi Bixton.

What are you doing to him?

Jessica DeLay,
you are under arrest

for assaulting Rudi Bixton,
come on.

Luke, call my dad.
Tell him I need a lawyer.

Do you recognize
the girl who attacked you?

No, I don't see him.

Do you see the man
who attacked you?

Number four.
That's him.

I don't even know
who Rudi Bixton is.

He says he knows you.

He's lying.

He was sitting on a park bench

minding his own business
when you jumped him.

I never touched him.

Yeah, who's this?

Sorry I'm late,
Mr. Strahan.

The only reason you arrested my
client was political pressure.

You have not one scrap
of evidence against him.

We have this
and a positive ID.

What ID?

The victim picked him
out of a line-up.

Only because he'd seen him
on the TV news.

People are shocked about
the arrest of two teenagers

in connection with the assault

on East Harlem resident,
Rudi Bixton.

Kids and their
damn camera phones.

That item was first broadcast
30 minutes

before your officers
collected Rudi Bixton

from his home
and brought him here.

You have no proof Rudi saw it.

You have no proof he didn't.

Let's get him in here.
Ask him.

Whatever he says
doesn't change the fact

that your line-up
was contaminated.

No judge will allow
the identification.

Good thing we still got
this photo showing

your client beating up Rudi.

It shows
an unidentifiable man

kicking another
unidentifiable man.

It was taken
by Jessica Delay's cell phone

and posted on the web
the night your client

beat Rudi Bixton
to a pulp.

He was playing poker
at a friend's house that night.

You have nothing.

My client's going home.

Why don't we just talk
to your ADA,

use the Internet photo to get

a warrant
to search Tommy's house?


Rudi, what are
you doing back here?

I heard you let the girl go.

What about the guy?

We couldn't hold him.
Not enough evidence.

Had a good lawyer, huh?

Sorry, man.

Wish you'd come forward
in the first place.

Me too.

Even with a warrant,
Jessica and Tommy

have had plenty of time
to get rid of the evidence.

Yeah, thanks
to their expensive lawyers.


Hey, you!

Hey, I'm talkin' to you.

Remember me?

He's got a gun!

Drop it!
Drop it!

Somebody call a bus!

Did I kill him?

With all the security
in this building,

how did Rudi
get a gun in here?

Nobody thought to search
the guy in the wheelchair.

What do we do
about Jessica DeLay?

What can we do?
Rudi didn't identify her.

And any half decent lawyer

will pull the Internet photo
to pieces.

Keep digging.

These two psychos,
they started this whole thing.

And they've been punished.

She was raped, beaten,
and mutilated, and he's dead.

If the Bixton family
didn't keep taking the law

into their own hands--

Hey, they have
no reason to trust the law.

Assemblyman Molina,
what an honor.


I was told I could find
Miss Novak here.

Rudi Bixton, I assume
you're gonna plead him out.

I'll try him
for murder.

Look, he saw the man

who brutalized him
walk free as a bird.

He reacted out
of rage and despair.

And I'm sure the defense
will try that argument.

So if you came here to bully me
into making a deal--

No, I'm here to warn you
that this trial is about more

than Rudi Bixton.

He's just one victim
in an epidemic.

What epidemic?

[Blaine snickering]
And Type Two Diabetes.

No, this trial
is about a murder.

It's about what led up
to a murder.

Now race, class,
and geography

guaranteed that Rudi
would become obese,

would get Diabetes.

Obesity put Rudi
on that park bench.

Made him the victim
of a hate crime.

If you think a judge
is gonna let you

use a health issue
as a smokescreen--

4100 people diagnosed
with Diabetes every day.

55 go blind.
120 have kidney failure.

230 get a limb amputated.
That's every single day.

Is that a smokescreen?

It's got nothing
to do with the case.

Rudi Bixton is the case.

And by the time he's told his
story, no jury will convict him.

How much do you weigh, Rudi?

320 pounds.

Have you always been
that heavy?

I guess so.
Most of my family's big.

What is your favorite food
that you remember,

when you were a kid?

Snippy's Snowy Flakes,
the one with the lion

called Snippy on the box.

And why was Snippy
so special?

He was my favorite character
on TV.

And the cereal came
with little toys inside.

Did your family
eat breakfast together?

Moms had to work.

So she would just sit us
in front of the TV

until school time.

What about when you
came home from school?

Did your mom cook dinner?

Are we going to hear about
every meal Mr. Bixton ever ate?

Ms. Waldron.

Your Honor, I'm just trying
to show the jury

how impossible it is
for a child

to learn how
to eat responsibly.

Your Honor--
Especially when the teacher
is not a parent,

but a TV set
whose sole purpose

is to sell him as many sweet
and fatty foods as--

Your Honor, she is testifying.

Jury will ignore
Counsel's last remarks.

You may answer the question.

Moms didn't cook.

She was always tired
from working two jobs.

We'd go out for burgers

or fried chicken,

order in pizza
to eat in front of the TV.

What happened
when you got sick, Rudi?

When I was diagnosed
with Diabetes

I went to a clinic.

I did good too.
I lost nearly 50 pounds.

Had my blood sugar
under control.

And then?

The clinic closed.


The hospital couldn't afford it.

The insurance company
said it cost too much.

Do you have
health insurance now?


Why did you shoot Tommy Strahan?

I was so mad.

It was like
I was blind with rage

because of what he had done
to me and my family.

He was just gonna walk away.

Are you sorry for what you did?

I am.

Thank you.

Your witness.

That's a very sad story,
Mr. Bixton.

Thank you for sharing.

You're welcome.

Now, the sequence of events
on the day of the shooting,

you picked Tommy Strahan
out of a line-up.


Then you went home,
you got a gun,

and you returned
to the police station.


And then because you were

blind with rage, and he was
just going to walk away,

you shot him.


So you must have known
he was going

to walk before you got the gun.

That's right.

How did you know?

You didn't.

Be honest, you were gonna shoot
him no matter what happened.

He could have been
on his way to court,

you still
would have shot him.


You weren't blind
with rage.

You planned
the entire thing.

He beat you.
He humiliated you.

You wanted to prove
that you were a man.

You aren't sorry
you shot him, are you?

Are you?


I'm glad he's dead.

And I'd do it again.

Nothing further.

How'd it go?


I goaded the gentle giant
until he snapped.

Detective Tutuola found
our baseball cap.

Perched on the pretty
little head of Jessica DeLay.

It's the Bronx Gators.

We got her.
And when and where
was this taken?

The security camera
at Coretta Scott King High.

The day she showed up there
for concert practice.

I found something else
on Jessica.

Are you working
this case now?

I've been following
her postings online.

She's obsessed.

With what?


I took a look
at her high school yearbook.

She hasn't been at that
fancy private school very long.

Where was she before?

Some very interesting places.

There she is.

Have a seat right there.

Shouldn't I have
my lawyer here?


You're not under arrest.

We just need help
with something.

You said you never wore
that baseball cap.

There it is on your head.

Yeah, Rudi's sister
Mia said

that you told her
you took it off a--

what was that again,

A fat slob stinking up
a park bench.

I didn't say that.
She's lying.

I found that hat.

You can't keep me here.

No, no, you're free to go
whenever you want.

You hate fat people,
don't you?

No, I don't mind them.

What about me?

I'm kinda heavy.
Do I disgust you?


Come on!

You see a 300-pound mountain
shoving food in his mouth

in a restaurant,
that doesn't make you sick?

People can't help
being black

or gay, but being fat, well,
that's their fault, right?

No pride, no self-control.

Check this one out
right here.

Look at her.

She's a heifer.

Jessica DeLay, age 14.

Where did you get that?
Jessica, aged 15.

230 pounds, and this is
from your yearbook

at Hidden Glades Ranch
in California--what's that?

A very exclusive school
for very heavy teens.

Good diet, lots of exercise,
strict supervision.

Why are you doing this?

The final result
is this right here.

A beautiful young girl
who hates fat people.

Stop it!

'Cause she used
to be one herself.

You don't know what it's like!

People staring at you
every bite that you eat.

The jokes.

Do you sleep in a crate?

Broken any benches lately?
You're a leper!

Is that how
you saw Rudi Bixton?

Is that why
you attacked him?

Tommy started it.

Yeah, but you joined in.


I couldn't stand
the sight of him.

I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.

[sighs heavily]

So you'll give this
to the defense?

Yeah, but it
won't help Rudi much.

Some of Jessica's
money might have.

Like they say, "You can never be
too rich or too thin."

(male judge)
In the case of
The People vs. Rudi Bixton:

On the sole count
of the indictment,

murder in the second degree,
how do you find?

(jury forewoman)
We find the defendant...


[gavel bangs]

This court is adjourned.

Where's Rudi?
I don't know.

I didn't have a chance
to find out from Roger.

You heard the verdict?

I was there.
Rudi wasn't.

What happened?

He was rushed
to the hospital.

Double whammy--kidney failure
and his left foot amputated.

Guilty verdict's
kind of irrelevant

when he's under
a death sentence anyhow.

You leaving?

Captain said to close
the case and move on.

So I'm moving on.

I won't say
it's been a pleasure.

Take care.
