Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999–…): Season 5, Episode 14 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - full transcript

When the remains of a boy are found and evidence that points to Santeria are found. They begin by checking out local practitioners but the man in charge claims that who did was not a true practitioner. They learn that the boy is Nigerian and that he was brought over as part of the slave trade.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses are
considered especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate
these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as
the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

This ain't no job
for the squeamish.

You find dog crap, pick it up.

Used condom, pick it up.

A needle, be careful,
but you gotta pick it up.


What the hell?

Hey, hey, Jimmy.

Take a look at this.

Is that blood
in those bowls?

Yeah. You get that sometimes.

Wackos sacrificing animals.

Mother of God.

Buddy, you ain't
gonna last too long

if you let a few dead chickens
creep you out.

Uh, Jimmy.

This ain't no chicken.

Black male.

I'd say seven or
eight years old.

Head, arms and
legs are missing.

Looks like some kind
of ritual killing.

Could be. The limbs were
severed through the bone

instead of at the joints.

There are easier
ways to cut up a body.

I'll check the
blood in those bowls,

see if it's his.

Did you see anybody
hanging around?

Nah, it's too cold,
even for the homeless.

We're going to need
all the trash

that you picked up in the area.

You find stuff
like this before?

Couple of dead
goats, birds.

There's pretty freaky
people in this city.


Thank you so much.

You know, animals
I've heard of.

What religion
sacrifices kids?

None that I know of.

Any chance he died
of something else,

and this is some kind
of funeral rite?

There's blood
clotting at the neck.

This boy's throat was cut
when he was still alive.

The child bled out when
his carotid artery was cut,

then he was dismembered.

He's in rigor, so
I put time of death

around 12 hours ago.

Is there anything
to support

the ritual sacrifice

Whoever did this knew exactly
what they were doing.

So this wasn't
a hack job.


After he died,

the extremities were
removed methodically.

First, the flesh around the
limbs and neck was flensed.


Scraped from the bone,

using a sharp
knife like this.

Then the bone was
severed with one blow

from something like
a butcher's cleaver.

What about the blood
in the bowls?

Blood type matches
your victim.

My bet, DNA will, too.

I've never seen anything
like this before.

A dismemberment?
Sure you have.

Not where the blood was
drained from the body

by hanging it
upside down.

How can you tell?

The blood coagulated at
the top of the spleen

which means the
body was inverted.

So, is there any way
we can ID him?

An old scar
on the abdomen.

Not surgical,

but the wound was severe.

Well, if it's from abuse,

maybe we got a record of it.

I doubt it.

No signs of torture
or other trauma.

This child healthy and well fed.

No hits from missing persons
in the tristate area

going back three years.

National Center for Missing
and Exploited Children

lists four kids with
the right age and race,

none with abdominal scars.

A kid killed
for religious reasons.

Probably related
to the murderer.

Get DNA from those four kids'
parents just to make sure.

Guy who teaches the occult
at the Academy

confirms that that's the kind of
candle they use in Santeria.

First practiced by slaves
brought here from Africa.

Owners forced them to convert
to Christianity,

so the slaves just put
saint names on their old gods.

How do you know all that?

Drug dealers from
the Caribbean and
South America

practice Santeria.

Put hexes on me,
threw grave dust.

I can't tell you how many
dead chickens I found

out in front of the precinct.

Yeah, well,
killing a chicken's

a long way from human sacrifice.

Which Santeria
stopped doing

about a century ago.

Let's go with what we got.

A ritualized murder by somebody
who may practice Santeria.

"Martinez Imports."

Olivia, Elliot,
pay them a visit.

Yeah, we made this.

For who?

Hey, that's a long list.

I supply hundreds of
botanicas and churches.

Is there any way to tell where
you sent a particular candle?

Come on, we sell
thousands every month.

Well, maybe you could
just check for us.

Come on, we don't want to bother
all your customers.

( sighs )

Can I see the
candle again.

Ah, you're in luck.

This is our
new St. Cecilia.

You know, she was one of
our first Christian martyrs.

The executioner tried
to cut her head off...

And failed. I know.

Could you do that list
for us?

Yeah, sure.

Okay, let's see what we got.

Ah. Here we go.

Okay, so far they've been
shipped to three buyers.

One in Miami,
one in New Orleans,

and one in New York.

The Center
for the Study of Santeria.

Thank you so much.

This is outrageous.

Santeria's a peaceful religion.

We're not murderers.

We're not accusing you
of anything.

Mr. Odufemi, we have some
questions about these candles

that you bought
from Martinez Imports.

Well, we buy them
by the case,

and we sell them at
cost to our members.

We're going to need
a membership list.


We had nothing to do
with this child's death.

Sir, with all due respect,

your religion has a history
of human sacrifice.

Are either one
of you Catholic?

I am.


your church teaches that
when you take communion,

you are consuming the
body and blood of Christ.

Does that make
you a cannibal?

This is about a murder,
not religious tradition.

Our church outlawed human
sacrifice in the 1930s.

There hasn't
been one since.

You sacrifice animals.

And I'm sure, as you know,

the Supreme Court
ruled our rituals legal.

Sir, I don't give a damn
about your legal rituals.

A candle you sold

was placed a few feet
from a dismembered child.

If you don't have a court order,
I'm not giving you our list.

Why not? If your church
outlawed ritual murder,

your members have nothing
to fear from us.

Except for persecution
based on your bigotry.

Now, should I show you
to the door,

or can you find
your own way out?

The guy was definitely hostile.

I might be hostile

if you accuse my religion
of child sacrifice.

We still need a list
of his members.

From what you told me,

he never came out and
said there was a list.

You get us in there,
we'll find it.

Hey, before we trample
on the Constitution

and attack religious freedom,
we need probable cause.

We traced the candle

to Odufemi's center.

But the candles
were also sold

by churches in Miami
and New Orleans.

There's no proof that
the one used in the park

came from the center.
What is this,

a Boy Scout meeting
gone wrong?

You got blood in bowls
and a candle-- it's Santeria.

Casey, we checked
those two churches,

and they haven't sold
any candles yet.

Okay, that's still not
enough for a warrant.

Very little of
the victim's blood

was found in the park.

If you're gonna kill a
kid and drain his blood,

you need a place
with some privacy.

Come on, Counselor, just
help us out here, all right?

Talk to everyone who lives and
works near the Santeria Center.

Find me someone
who's seen anything

that backs up your theory.

I don't want
to sound prejudiced,

but it sounds
like voodoo to me.

Loud music, drums beating.

I know people
have their culture,

but I don't think young people

should be exposed
to such things.

Now, you've seen
children over there?

Oh, coming and going,
sometimes till 10:00.

School nights!

Do you remember seeing any
children there last Monday?

A whole group of them,

not one of them more
than eight years old.

Involving kids with
stuff like that.

It's a crying shame.

The Center?

Pretty weird stuff goin' on
in that place.

Give us an example.

The other night, I'm closing up,
I hear this shrieking.

What kind of shrieking?

I figure it was an animal,

with the chicken and goats
I see him bring in.

But when I saw the paper,
I thought,

uh-uh, maybe it was that kid
you found in the park.

Our detectives found
several witnesses.

Strange behavior is not grounds
for a warrant, Miss Novak.

An eyewitness saw children
going into the center

the night our victim died.

One child would be noteworthy;
a group isn't.

The center holds regular
youth classes.

That same night,
another witness heard
bloodcurdling screams.

Reported by an elderly
white woman and...

what nationality
was the other witness?


Like many of the practitioners
of Santeria.

Are you suggesting the witnesses
were racially motivated?

It wouldn't be
the first time

people in this city had problems

with neighbors
of a different color.

A seven-year-old
boy is dead.

Someone cut his throat,

hung him up
and bled him like a pig.

The candle found
near his body

came from the
Santeria Center.

With all due respect,
Your Honor,

we have probable cause.

All right,
you've got your warrant.

I hope this doesn't turn into
a witch-hunt.

We'll test the stain

on the floor,
but it's probably animal blood.

We found chicken carcasses
in the garbage.

No lists in the filing cabinet
or on the computer.

What'd you do, delete them
after our last visit?

Of course not.
I know the law.

And if you knew anything
about our religion,

you would know that our
believers could never do this.

And what makes you so sure?

The child was
found near a lake.

And that proves what?

The lake is
ruled by Yamaya.

She's an orisha.

The African equivalent
to a saint,

and she's the mother and
protector of all children.

To kill a child in her
name would be blasphemous.

Well, maybe we're looking
for a heretic.

I mean, it's possible
that there are people

still in Africa
practicing human sacrifice,

but not in this country.

Do you have any recent

in your congregation?

There's a few,
from West Africa,

but they're not
peasants or farmers.

( phone rings )
These are educated people.


Then they won't
mind talking to me.

What have you got?

I want that list or I'm going
to be here at every service

talking to her and him and him,

and anyone else
who walks through that door.

And I'm going to make damn
sure that Animal Control

and the Health Department
come on down here

and pay you a visit
at least once a day.

We're on our way.

I want that list.

All right.

This is blackmail.

That was Warner.

She got something.

By testing a person's skin

and hair, we can tell

what chemicals they've
been exposed to and when.

Like with drug testing.


Each geographical area on Earth
has its own chemical signature.

I sent your victim's hair
for an analysis

of hydrogen
and nitrogen isotopes,

and they match isotope levels
in New York City.

Can you tell how
long he's been here?

Based on the rate of hair
growth, I'd say four weeks.

What about before that?

The bones tell that story.

You can tell where he
lived based on his bones?

By analyzing strontium levels
in his skeleton.

This is an X ray
of the boy's hip

and a graph showing the
strontium in his bones.

I consulted a forensic

He compared the
levels in the boy

with geologic samples
from around the world.

( typing )
He got a match.


Can you be more specific?


Precambrian rock
found only within 100 miles

of Benin City matches
strontium levels in your boy.

Looks like he lived there
all his life.

This kid came to
New York from Nigeria.

Wasn't here more than a
month, and he was killed.

Which is why nobody
reported him missing.

He was brought here
to be sacrificed.

So the victim came here
from Nigeria

within the last four weeks.

Yeah, kind of rules out
the Santeria Center.

No new members from Nigeria.

Yeah, and all the parishioners'
kids are accounted for.

Could be the boy was
here legally.

Yeah, we're going to check
with Immigration,

see if they got him
on file.

The United States accepts

about 2,800 immigrants
from Nigeria each year.

That's more than
200 a month.

How many of them
are kids?

Last month, ten male children
around the age of your victim.

Any way
to check up on them?

After your call,
I sent our people out

to check on the local addresses
listed on their I-94s.

All the kids are safe.

So our kid's
got to be illegal.

Not surprising.

The third largest moneymaker
for organized crime in the US

after drugs and guns,
is the sale of human beings.

You mean world wide.

I mean the United States.

15,000 kids are trafficked
here each year.

A lot from Africa.

Is the Nigerian government
doing anything about this?

There's a woman at their
Consulate, Kema Mabuda.

She's passionate about
stolen children.

The ritual murder of a child?
That is terrible.

Have you come across
anything like it before?

You need to understand,
most Nigerians are educated,

but we do have the largest
population in Africa.

In more remote areas,
tradition dies hard.

So you're saying human
sacrifice does happen.


Hundreds of children vanish
every year from my country,

and Thailand, and Albania.

They end up here and in Europe.

For rituals?

No, the slave trade--

child labor in sweat shops,
as domestics,

or for sexual exploitation.

Some kidnapped, some sold to
smugglers by their own families,

often for as little
as a television set.

Does your government keep
records of missing children?

As best we can; nearly half
our population is under 16.

We've linked our victim
to an area

around Benin City.

Now, have there been
any missing child reports

from that area
in the last month?

No boys that age...

but there is a note.

One of our switchboard operators
logged a call two days ago

from a girl worried about
her missing brother.

Did you get a name?


The note also says
the caller hung up

before the operator could get
any more information.

We could find out
where that girl's call

originated by checking
your phone records.

I have your word your findings

will only be used
in the investigation?


Bring me the necessary forms.
I will sign them.

I'm surprised the Consulate
agreed to the phone dump.

Half the population
of Nigeria is Muslim.

Do you think our government
would let them take a peek

at our phone records?

Mabuda knows we're not

in their state secrets.

Eight calls to the consulate

around the time Ajani's
sister called.

Split 'em up,
it shouldn't take long.

What do you bet this caller was
looking for

the scoop on safari vacations?

Pretty white bread up here
for anything else.

Yeah, not that many
Nigerian kids in
this neighborhood.

( doorbell ringing )

Can I help you?

Detectives Munch
and Tutuola.

We'd like to talk
to Mr. or Mrs. Laymon.

They're not home.

But if you have a card,
I'll make sure they get it.

You know a child
named Ajani?

I'm sorry, you'll have
to come back.

What's her name?

I have to go now.

No, you don't.

You have no right
to be here.

Unless you want
to spend the night in jail,

stand back, okay?

What's your name?

It's okay.

Did you call about
your brother?

We're here to help you.

Tell me your name.


You found Ajani?

We're going to take you
someplace safe

and talk about that.

Come on.

I start work at 6:00
and finish at midnight.

I can't go out unless
the rich people

are with me.

How'd you know
that was your brother?

Madam was watching the news.

I heard them say
they found a boy.

They said he had
a mark right here.

Just like Ajani had when
he fell climbing the tree.

How'd you get to this country?

Men. They came to our village.

They told my mother
they would take me

to a wonderful school
in America.

Ajani begged her
to let him come with me.

Na'imah, when you came
to the United States,

where did those men keep you?

A big room
with no windows.

Lots of beds.

People came and looked at us.

I hoped someone would take
my brother and me together,

but Madam only wanted me.

They kept her locked in
a cellar,

so she couldn't get away.

Look, we can collar the Laymons
for unlawful imprisonment.

As soon as we
find her mother,

we'll arrange to have Ajani's
body shipped home.

What did Munch get
from the housekeeper?

She said Mr. Laymon's
in Zurich.


Charity event at
the Windsor Garden Hotel.

I suppose
she does not know--

charity begins at home.

I want to congratulate
the cochairs

of the flower show host

Nancy Forner,
Karen Stern, Sheyna Smith.

Ladies, please stand.

( applause )

Second table on the right.

And a special thank you goes to
our design consultant,

Alison Intrieri, for...

Marian Laymon.


Please come with us.

I'll do no such thing.

Sure you will, or we'll
haul your ass out of here.

You don't need to speak
to me that...

Marian Laymon, you are
under arrest

for violation of the United
States Code,

Title 18, Section 1584.

Would you mind telling me
what that means?

We're busting you for
violating the Involuntary
Servitude and Peonage Act.

In case you haven't heard,
Lincoln freed the slaves.

My client wants to clear up
this misunderstanding.

There's no

Your client had a slave.

That girl is a domestic.

That's not what
Na'imah says.

She's a liar.

I should've fired her, but I
felt sorry for the poor girl.

Mrs. Laymon opened her home
to a girl

from a disadvantaged background

and provided her
with a job.

That is not a crime.

How did you find her?

She was
referred to me.

By who?

Some day laborer working
at my house.

I don't remember his name.

Maybe you remember
how much you pay her.

I provide her with
room and board.

For an 18 hour day?

It's more
than she could

ever earn in her country.

And how did she get
from her own country?

That's hardly
Mrs. Laymon's concern.

But you knew

that she was not here legally.

Detectives, we all know

how difficult it can be
at times to establish
immigration status.

no excuse.

Harboring an illegal alien
is still a crime.

Half of Park Avenue is guilty.

Look, lady, I don't
give a damn

what you or your
damn friends do.

Slavery's a federal crime.

Now, you're going to be spending
the next ten years in lockdown.

That's not
the Junior League.

You cooperate with us,

we'll put in a good word
for you with the Feds.

If you don't, I guarantee you

you're not going to like the
dress code in the joint.

What can we offer you?

The name of the person
who sold you Na'imah.

I told you, I did not buy her.

I'm done with this, I'm done.

That person is walking free,
you're going to prison.

Book her.

Hold on. Hold on.


All right, I did pay a fee,

but I don't remember
the man's name.

How'd you get in touch with him?

I had a number,

but the person I gave it to
said it was disconnected.

a prepaid cell.

Where did you get Na'imah?

I went to a warehouse
in Long Island City.

Guy who rented the warehouse
paid cash for a six-month lease.

Never got his name.

Not even to run
a credit check?

It's just storage space.

They pay, they stay.

If not, we padlock it,
auction the contents.

Here we are.

Looks like the guy
ran out of money.

That's not our lock.

He's paid up
for another month.

Bolt cutters.

The light.

Oh, my God.

It's okay.
We came here to help you.

His name is Ajani.

Take a good look at him.

Has anyone seen him here?

Do any of you know Ajani?

I do.

He cried when they took him
away from his sister.

Who took him,
a man or a woman?

I don't remember.
Many people came.

They made us turn around

and they looked at our hands
to see how strong we are.

Look really hard, you guys.

Huh? Try to remember.

I know you can
help me out here.

He was my friend.

His bed was next to mine.

Okay. What's your
name, sweetheart?


This is really important, Kwasi.

Can you tell me about the
person who took Ajani?

He was very nice.

He brought us candy.

Was the man white
or was he black?


And what did he say?

He had magic powers,

and he would bring us luck,
like Ajani's doll.

What doll?

Ajani brought it from home.

The man liked it and said

he would bring him lots
of dolls for good luck,

if he would go with him.



Thank you.

The mastermind behind this

left those kids there to die

once he found out
Ajani was murdered.

BCIS is debriefing
the kids,

trying to track down

the smugglers.

This little boy give
you anything else

on the guy who took Ajani?

Kwasi only remembers that
he was a white guy with candy.

And by the way Ajani was
killed, whoever did it

either knows Santeria
or is damn good at faking it.

So, if the Santeria ritual is
a cover, what's it covering?

Trafficking in kids isn't
just for sweatshop labor.

It's also for sex.

So you got a perv
who uses Ajani as a sex slave.

He gets tired of him.

He chops up the body to make
it look like a sacrifice,

but also to get rid
of any evidence

of sexual assault.

He knew about Ajani's doll.

He must've studied
African folklore.

Go back to the
Santeria Center.

We only asked Odufemi
about his members.

See if he recalls
selling any candles

to a white man.

Fin, go visit Na'imah.

That doll's
gotta mean something

more than good luck.

What does the doll mean?

It's not a doll;
it's an ikenga.

My mother gave one to me
and one to Ajani

to protect us
on our journey.

She made the pouch herself so I
could wear it close to my heart.

Did she make a pouch
for Ajani, too?

Just like mine.

Where'd she get the ikengas?

My great-great-grandfather
carved them.

See his mark?

My mother says they

look like brother
and sister.

Are they taking good
care of you here?

Yes. They said they'd put me
in a foster home

as soon as they find one.

But I want to go back
to my mother.

We haven't found her yet.

A neighbor said she went back
to Lagos to look for you.

Take it.

For good luck,
to help you find my mother.

Santeria has
white followers
all over the city,

but none in this
particular house.

You're sure you didn't sell
any candles to a white man?

Believe me,
I would've remembered.

Anyone on your staff
who might've sold them?

It's possible.

We had a recent exhibit
of some local artists,

and, uh, there were
a few white people

who bought some carvings
and statues.

Did any of them buy candles?

Uh, I didn't make
any sales that day,

but I will check.

Here's someone who bought
two Senegalese statues

and a box
of St. Cecelia candles.

Name is Maggie Shaye.

I buy a lot of
things, Detective.

I'm always on the lookout for
interesting primitive art.

Well, what about
those candles?

Do you sell them here?

No, I burned some here,
and some at home.

They were cheap and
I like their scent.

Why are you asking me
about my candles?

You're just part of
an investigation.

We're talking to dozens
of people who bought them.

Uh... just
for the record,

were you here
at the gallery
Monday or Tuesday?

No, I was in Ghana
on a buying trip.

Then I discovered a
fantastic new artist

and cut my trip
short by a month.

I've only been back
since late Tuesday night.

I found this statue
on your desk.

Can I buy it?

I'm sorry, Detective,

that's not for sale.

The ikenga was a welcome-home
gift from my husband.

You know where he got it?

125th Street Flea Market.

Lots of Africans sell
their tribal objects there.

Can I get
your husband's number?

I know my wife would love
to have one of those.

You can probably
reach Allan

in his office.

He teaches art
history at Hudson.

I don't understand.

What would a present for my wife

have to do with
a police investigation?

Well, we really can't discuss
that right now.

Do you know a lot
about African art?

Actually, no, my specialty
is Tibetan sand paintings.

But you knew how
valuable the doll was.

I had no idea
till my wife told me.

The man selling it said it was
some kind of tribal symbol.

Would you recognize
this man?

I think so.
I'd be glad to go with you

to the flea market
next Saturday.

I'm sure we'd find him.
Is that convenient for you?

That'd be great.
We'd appreciate that.

No problem.

If this is about
smuggling antiquities,

I feel strongly
it should be stopped.

I'm active in the campaign

to get the Elgin Marbles
back to Greece.

"Elgin Marbles," my ass.

This is our guy.
He's as slick as they come.

Well, his wife was
away for two months,

he figures he'll have some
fun, buy a boy for sex.

Then his wife
calls and says,

"Hi, honey, I'm coming home

Shaye panics,

has to get rid of Ajani,

and he stages the Santeria
ritual to throw us off.

The wife deals
in African art.

He teaches art history.

It's a short leap
to knowing about ikengas.

See, what I don't get is,

why didn't he just
throw the away the doll

or leave it in the park
with the body?

It's a trophy.

He gets his rocks off
seeing his wife with it.

Ajani's sister kept her doll
in a beaded pouch.

Where's the pouch to this one?

That's why God invented
search warrants.

Those ikengas are going get us

into Shaye's house
and his office.

We've been over the floor,
the tub--

Hit the light.

That's all blood?

No, bleach.

This was all cleaned recently
and it was done well.

Hold on.
This doesn't make sense.

If there was blood here, it
should still be in the grout.

Not necessarily.

The grout's still fresh.

Seal it with a
penetrating polymer,

even blood won't
get through.


Not a speck, not a hair.

If Ajani was here,
we ain't gonna prove it.

We got diddly. You?

So far, zip.

We'll keep you posted.

The Rites of Santeria.

Looks like the professor's
been doing his homework.

I bet that's got a chapter
on ritual sacrifice.

The security people
said you wanted

the keys
to the filing cabinets?

Thanks. Who're you?

Professor Shaye's
research assistant.

He'd want me to help you,

if you'll just tell me
what you're looking for.

A small beaded pouch.

Blue fabric, red beads.

Why didn't you say so?

Dr. Shaye gave it
to me as a present.

Well, where's Professor Shaye
right now?

He's lecturing.

In 990 A.D.,
when the Tangut Tibetans

conquered western China,

it was the beginning of a...

of a... stunning leap
in their civilization

and a fertile period in, uh...

Sorry, Detectives, I'm
in the middle of a lecture.

That's okay, you can
finish it in the car.

Allan Shaye, you're under
arrest for the murder
of Ajani Haruna.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say
can and will

be used against you
in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you cannot
afford one

one will be
provided for you.

I don't need a lawyer.

I don't even know
why the hell I'm here.

That's why you're here.

The pouch?

The ikenga I gave my wife
was in it.

So what? That doesn't
prove anything.

You keep thinking that way.

Ajani's mother made that pouch.

It's exactly like the one she
made for his sister's ikenga.

Who's Ajani?

The boy you murdered
and hacked to pieces.

I told you, I got the statue and
the pouch from a street vendor.

He must be your killer.

Why aren't we out there
looking for him?

So this is all just one
crazy cosmic coincidence.

You just happened to buy
a tribal artifact

like the one worn
by the dead boy's sister.

Your wife buys a candle
like the one

that was right next
to his body?

Professor, I'm not that bright--

you're the educated guy here--

would you buy
that coincidence?

because that's what happened.

Okay, smart-ass,
why don't you tell me

why we found bleach
on every surface
of your house.

I had a cleaning service in.
The place was filthy.

With Ajani Haruna's blood.

Actually... I wanted
to spruce things up

because my wife was coming home.

You think I wanted her
to find the place

looking like a bachelor pad?

( chair clattering )

I'll tell you
what I think, pervert.

I think your wife
surprised you

by coming home early, so you had
to get rid of Ajani fast,

but you couldn't risk just
dropping him off somewhere,

because he might be able
to finger you,

so you murdered him

and you made it look like
a religious ritual.

You can't hide from me
behind your fancy education.

I smell you.

You're nothing but a skell

who gets his rocks off
screwing little boys.

That's insane.

He is not a child molester,

and he is certainly
not a killer.

You seem very sure
of that.

Let me ask you a question.

What do you make of these?

One, your husband
gave to you,

the other belongs to the sister
of the murdered boy.

You're wrong. No.

There could be
dozens of those.

You really believe that?

I mean, you're the expert,

Two statues.

Same markings.

Both carved
by the same person.

Both in the same
handmade pouches...

...made by
the children's mother.

So they could carry around
their protectors.

Monday evening,
I was in London

when I called Allan.

I told him I would be
coming home early.

I thought
he would be happy.

He snapped at me.

He said I needed to
give him more notice.

How was he was going to
get the house ready for me

in just 12 hours.

I asked him why he was so angry.

He calmed down immediately,

But I couldn't
help thinking...

Thinking what?

That he was having

an affair,
and I had interrupted them.

Do you recognize these?

The candle.

It's like the ones I bought
at the Santeria Center

before I left for Africa.

I asked Allan why
one of them was missing

and he said he used it--
and the bowls...

And the bowls what?


No, I can't. I can't.

Maggie, if you don't

help us now,
another child might die.

( sobbing )

When I called from London,

Allan asked me where I put
the key to the storage room.

I keep inventory there.
That's where the bowls were.

And where is that room?

In the basement...

under the gallery.

Detectives, I have
blood over here.

You sure?

This time,
I doubt it's bleach.

Looks like we
got a trail.

Leads over to that crate.

"Ship to Allan Shaye,

Tibetan Research Center,
Katmandu, Nepal."

I hope this isn't
what I think it is.

Fancy box.

( heavy sigh )

Call a medical examiner.

How much longer are you
going to hold me?

You'll be leaving soon.

For Death Row.

Your wife tells us
this is a Moroccan tile box.

She bought it from a family

in Marrakesh.

Look familiar?

Sorry we couldn't
ship it to Tibet for you.

I'd like you to meet

Assistant District
Attorney Novak.

You got two choices.

Cooperate, you spend the rest
of your life in prison.

Don't, you die
by lethal injection.

Am I supposed to be intimidated?

Nobody's been executed
in New York State for 40 years.

You're right.

But given your crime,
I bet a jury would be willing

to break with tradition.

So, go ahead,
Professor Shaye--


It's your life.

You want to see what's inside?

I'll cooperate.

Why did you do this?

I could hardly risk

having body parts floating up
in the East River.

And it would have

ruined your Santeria scam, too,

How did you find Ajani?

Through a guy called Bosuh.

Who is he?

He calls himself a facilitator.

Greases the wheels so people
can ship things internationally.


You mean children.

How do you get in touch

with this Bosuh?
By cell phone.

I can give you his number.

The number's no good,
there's no deal.

It's good.

I talked to him last week.

He said he had a new shipment
coming tomorrow.

Martin Bosuh.

VCIS has him as a Nigerian

currently in
the United States
on a work visa.

Comes and goes
about once a month.

Interpol's got him
on their radar--

slaves, drugs,
black market stuff.

We checked the cell number--
working prepaid cell.


We'd better have a plan
before we dial.

This guy left
a dozen kids

locked up to starve to death.

He's got to know
the heat is on.

I think the only way we're going
to get this guy

is if we try to buy a child.

And if we send you
and Elliot in there,

he's going to smell cop
before you get to the door.

Well, he may not suspect
somebody from his own country.

Mr. and Mrs. Robinson--

what exactly are
you looking for?

My wife wants a girl

who can cook,
clean and keep house.

I cannot stand
American servants.

They steal, they lie,
they do not know their place.

And my husband's business
requires discretion.

I understand.

She must be

quiet, but above all,
she must be obedient.

That is most important.

Do you have what
we're looking for?

I may.

What business
are you in, Mr. Robinson?

My business.

Your husband is a man
of few words.

How long have you been married?

Seven years.

Yes, seven years.

May I suggest,

perhaps you would like
a younger girl,

one you can train
to your liking.

A five- or six-year-old.


Excuse me a moment
while I make the arrangements.

We're blown.

Wait right here.


Stop! Police!

They were kids,
you sick son of a bitch!

Fin! Fin!

Enough, enough, enough, enough.

Off, off him.

Martin Bosuh,
you're under arrest

for kidnapping
in the first degree.

Turn around.

Tell us where
the children are,

and maybe the judge will
take that into consideration.

I have nothing to say.

You'll be doing ten years
for each kid

you left to die
in that warehouse.

I don't think so.
I have this to bargain with.

You fell fleeing
from the police.

Please, Detective.

Another African man,
brutalized by a vicious cop?

I don't think
your Police Commissioner

wants more bad publicity.

You've come
to beat me again.

I am not afraid of you.

You should be afraid of her.

What can a woman do?

Claw my eyes out?

( chuckles )

Deport you.

Your passport's been revoked.

Meet Nigerian
Under-Consul Kema Mabuda.

I have a few friends home
in Nigeria.

Perhaps it is time I paid
them a visit.

Have them visit you.

At Kirikiri Prison, while you
await your execution.

They use a firing squad
there, right?

Yeah, and the warden thinks
that's too easy,

So he ties you to a pole,

in the boiling sun.

Then he has his firing squad
start at your ankles

and work their way up
real slow.

How soon can we
get him on a plane?

If I tell you
what you want to know?

I'll ask for leniency.

There is a truck
arriving tonight.

( sirens wailing )

Get out of the truck

and put your hands
in the air! Now!

Come on, out of the cab.

Get down, come on!

Get away from the truck.

Let's open her up.

It's okay.

Come ahead.
We're not going

to hurt you guys.

We're the police.

Come on.

Come ahead.

Get Children's Services.

Take good care of them.

They're a long way from home.