Las Vegas (2003–2008): Season 2, Episode 2 - The Count of Montecito - full transcript

The gang tries to figure out the tactics of card counters. Nessa has an unwanted admirer. Danny finds a scam artist. Mary gives an employee orientation to topless women.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The Montecito is...

the finest casino
and resort in as Vegas.

We provide flawless service.
Unrivaled accommodations
and gaming.

Oh, Danny?
I gotta check
on something outside.

And now, our
Bella Petto Pool and Lounge...

where guests
can enjoy a pool experience
that's a little bit more...


And, you ladies
will be contributing
to that experience...

What do you mean,

I thought all we had to do was
lay around with our tops off.

Yeah, well, I guess that
would be your contribution.

All righty then.

Let them breathe.


Let me guess,
security check.


You know, if we were married,
you'd have to learn
not to stare like that.

We made the right decision.

We both need
some time to readjust.


I meant to give this back...
That's yours.

Just don't expect another one
when this whole readjustment
period is over.

So, whose idea was it
to hire these ladies
to lie around topless?

Oh, marketing.

And Mike.
Mike, sure.

And me.

Anyway, it looks like
under control here.


Security check?

Yeah. You, too?

I'm here on something
of a busman's holiday.

I'm an archeologist by trade.
I teach at NAU.

Las Vegas region
is one of my specialties...

Did you know that
the native population here...

I prefer that term to
Native American because they
were here before there was...

Absolutely. Mike,
this is Mr. Dortch.

He was wondering if you could
find him a space outside?

They said that they couldn't
get a chair for me
until Thursday.

I'm sorry,
we're already overbooked.

I sort of have
a professional interest.
I'm an archeologist.

Most people assume
that bosom-baring societies...

are solely indigenous
to equatorial regions...

Why don't we
give you a VIP tour...

This is Sam.

Wait. What, $5,000 a hand?
I'll be right there.

Everybody's happy? Great.

In the brown shirt.
$5,000 a hand
for the last 20 minutes.

Hi, Sam Marquez.
I'm with the Montecito.

Lisa Lundquist.
Hi Lisa,
are you staying with us?


Because I'd like to make
one of our suites
available to you.

I live in town.
That's nice. You're a local.

Then let us comp your meals,
shows, spa treatments...

and we're gonna
put one of our limos
at your continuous disposal.

No, thank you.
Not interested.

Okay, well...

you call me
if you change your mind.

Do you have
another casino host?

I don't even know
what that is.

Oh, Nessa.

That's right.

The penniless man
who came to the Montecito
to kill himself...

and left with a new attitude.

And, oh, yeah, $6 million.

That was some winning streak.

Well, it was all because of
your guidance and friendship.

Oh, Fred,
that wasn't necessary.
Thank you.


Sorry. I just want to shout it
from the mountaintops.

Know what I parlayed
that $6 million into?
I don't know. $3 million?

$14 million.

Little IPO opportunity,
available only
to millionaires.

Well, I'm glad
you're doing so well.

I've got to
get back to work.
Wait, Nessa.

This humble, fabulously
wealthy man would like to
take you to dinner.

The most expensive
restaurant in town...

beluga caviar.


Or whatever you want.
I'll order three
or four of them.

I'm afraid I can't.
Nessa? Don't you see?

I have come here to woo you.

Fred, listen,
I don't think...

Okay, a salad,
then, or a drink, or water.

Water with no ice.
Just give me a chance.

Okay, a drink.

I'm off in an hour.

Another adventure begins.

Get some rest.

What is she up?

I know it's not that much,
but something's off.

The first hint is
that she's betting that big
using an odds card.

Turning down comps,
not knowing
what a casino host is.

Leaving on a reshuffle.

Hey, you think she's counting?

I don't think so. I've been
watching her for awhile.

She started betting heavy
since she got to the table.



You two seem pretty tight.

What is it with you and Leo,
he owe you money or something?

Danny finds Leo
esthetically threatening.

I just think
the guy's a douchebag.

Hey, watch your language.

Who's a douchebag?

Nobody. Nothing.

What's going on?

A guest is having
a problem with his room.

Wants to speak
to the individual in charge.

And this woman on the floor
won $90,000.

Hate to break it to you, Sam,
but once in a while folks
will win some money.

Okay. So she's
definitely not counting.

Well, something ain't right.

I don't get it.
I've seen people win $900,000.

Listen, just check her out,
will you?

You tell him
what we do up here, okay?

It's okay. You're new.


No. I'm good, thank you.

You really didn't need to go
to all this trouble, Fred.

Nothing is too much...

for my Nessa.

Fred, I'm not your Nessa.

And I'm not sure
I ever will be.


I just remembered.
I talked to my accountant
this morning.

It turns out
I have $16 million.

You know,
if you laid that end to end...

Look, I think
it's great that you've
made a lot of money...

and I'm flattered
that you find me so appealing.

But it doesn't
change anything.

It's not gonna happen, Fred.

Stop singing!

She was telling the truth
about being a local.
She lives out on Sahara.

Only problem is
I checked her bank records.

Aren't there some privacy laws
we gotta roll with?

No? Yeah? No?
So fill me in
on those bank records.

She's never had more than $576
in her account.

So where did she
get $25,000 to buy chips?

Parents, slots,
moonlighting as a hooker.

Or someone else was counting,
fronted her the money...

then sent her in to play.

She was here yesterday, too,
won $65,000.

Casinos freaking
over card counters has
always kind of thrown me.

Thrown you how?

Just on the whole
fairness level...

if someone learns how to
play blackjack really well,
we toss them.

It's like a country club
not allowing a scratch player
on a golf course...

Mitch, I need tape of the hour
before Lisa Lundquist...

arrived at the table
every time she played.

Get one difference,
my ethics-minded friend.

Scratch golfers
don't put golf courses
out of business, all right?

If we let one of these
card counters play
we gotta let them all play.

And then all the people
who suddenly
learn how to count.

The next thing you know,
we're out of business...

and the card counters
are building
5,000 room hotels.

I guess.
That's why we
can't let them outsmart us.

Not even for $90,000...

Hey, Danny, I took care
of that homeless guy
at the west entrance.



Another security check?

No. Ed wanted to
meet me down here.

Right. Ed hasn't
done his security check.


Do you work here?
Yes, I do.

Can you
take care of that for me?

Can you?
Because I sure as hell
don't want to be out here.

Hey, kid.
Hey, boss.



I just can't believe
we actually opened this place.

It was your idea.

That's only because
Mandalay Bay and Caesar's
did it first.

Hey, look.

I thought I told you
to make sure that
not one of these rooms...

have an unobstructed
view to this place.
I did.

I checked out that guy's room.
You see that gap over there?

Look, see
between the two trees?

Well, there's a very nice man
and he's extremely religious.

Apparently, every time
he looks out his window...

he's got
three sets of headlamps
staring at him.

There's a ficus tree
over by the storage shed...

Yeah. They were supposed
to move that over,
but they must have...

I think the backhoe operator
got sick...

See, what I'm hearing
is like a bunch of excuses...

and I'd really
like to hear a solution.

Yes, sir.
I'll move it myself.

We're taking care
of the card-counting
situation, so you know.

Ficus tree.

Hey, Fred?

Oh. Hi, Mr. Deline.
Hey, nice to see you, again.

You, too.
How's it going?

Well, I'm even richer
than when I left here.

Yeah, but, you know
that old saying,
"money can't buy happiness"?

What about your girlfriend?
You know, the one
we reunited you with?

Dumped me.

Second time, for those of you
keeping score at home.

But in a way, you know,
it was kind of...

a good thing because
it made me realize who
the true love of my life was.


So I came back here
to woo her.

But she's not interested,

Have you been
seeing that therapist?

So here I am,
surrounded by beautiful,
naked women...

and miserable.

What I think you should do...

is just to think back
to when you were
the very, very happiest.

I mean, where you were,
what you were doing,
who you were with.

Oh! And make it happen again?

You'd help me do that?

Yeah, sure.

Because you know
when I was really happy?


When I was working
at Fido Frank's Stereo Corral.

Because I got to
talk to people,
give them advice.

Help them with important
audio-visual decisions.

I'll get a hold of
this Fido Frank and I'll set
something up for you, okay.

They're out of business.

Well, then, you find somebody
like Fido Frank's.

I gotta run, Fred.

Okay, listen. I will
think of something and I'll
let you know, Mr. Deline.

You promise to let me know?
I promise.

Feeling better already.

I took a look at all the tape.

Every time Lisa Lundquist
sits down to play...

You want me to do this later?

No. All set. Let's go.

Ed, Mike and I
have been analyzing
Lisa Lundquist's play.

Every time she sits down,
the deck is loaded
with high-value cards.

Since the deck is already rich
before she sits...

That's what I've
been telling you.
Someone else is counting...

then they're signaling her
to start playing.

And this dude is at her table
before she comes. Every time.

Then leaves
a couple of minutes
before she gets there.

Well, that's our man.

This is Mike. Thanks.

Dude is back.

Okay, this is live.
Danny McCoy.

All right.

All right. Lisa Lundquist
just bought a latte
at Cup-a-Joe's.

She's probably sitting there
with a vibrating cellphone,

some kind of silent receiver.
I want you to go find out.

Just wait for him
to signal her...

and then bring them both
to my office.

You got the signal detector?

It covers the entire
wavelength spectrum.

Fifty megahertz
to six gigahertz.

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,
cellphones, UHF, VHF,
digital spread products.

So that's a "yes."
And you gave one of those
to Sam?

Yeah. She went
to find Lisa Lundquist
there at Cup-a-Joe's.

Can I have a latte?


Oh, hi.
Sam Marquez, from earlier.

I remember.

Derek, give her
anything she wants, on me.

No, thank you,
that's not necessary.
Oh, please.

It's just my job to reward
our more serious players...

and make sure that your stay
is as enjoyable as possible.

Wow. Guess we could start
by changing this music?


How the hell's
he signaling her?

Maybe it's visual.
But we didn't see
anything on the tapes.

You're forgetting
something, Danny. There's
a new sheriff in town.

I'll solve this guy.

The detector didn't pick up
anything. She's still here.

Yeah. Nothing here, either.
Just keep an eye on her.

I'll watch this guy.
I gotta go move a tree.

Move a tree?


No. I don't want him
waiting in the hall.
Just tell him...

Oh, hell! Just send him in.


Well, I did what you said.

I thought of something
like the Fido Frank's job...

that would make me
happy again.
Oh, that's great.

Yeah. But you don't know
the really great part.

Give me a hint.

Okay. It has something to do
with here at the hotel.

You got me.

I want to be a bartender
at Mystique.

Oh, it's perfect.
I love the Montecito.

I'll get to see new people
and talk to them
and give them advice...

and I might even
meet some potential
Mrs. Puterbaughs.

And since you said
you'd help me...

and you actually
run the place... Hello.

Here's the thing, Fred.

We're on a pretty
strict budget here
and we gotta stick to it.

I've got $16 million,

You don't have to pay me.
I'll work for free.

I'm not going to
replace one of my bartenders...

so you can
just forget about it.

It's not like
someone's losing a job
or even missing a shift.

It's more like
an unpaid internship, okay?

If Fred's tending bar,
he'll get tips my real
employees would've gotten.

All right. Look.
I'll cover their tips.
I'll even double them.

The point is, I really
don't want this guy...

taking another swan dive
off the South Tower.

Just let him
mix a couple of cocktails...

and I can send him home happy,
you know?

Does he have
any bartending experience?

Tell him to come talk to me.

Honey, you know
that skirt's a little short
on the right side there.

How's it going?
You solve him yet there,

Close. Very close.

So, how did
your tree excavation go?

Take a look at this.
I found some pottery.

State law says we can't
dig further until we know...

if they have
any historical value.

You know, I talked
to a guy at Bella Petto...

who said
he was an archeologist.

Walker Dortch,
specialized in local stuff.

He's staying
in the South Tower.

Thanks, Mike.

You want me
to take a look at this?

Don't tell me you know
about this stuff, too.

I'm a bit of
an armchair archeologist, yes.

Then knock yourself out.

He's leaving.
Lisa's still here.

Check that. Walking.

Did it look like Lisa
got any kind of signal?
No. Nothing.

She just sat down to play.

Check change. $10,000.

Good luck.


Lisa's leaving.

She's up $50,000.

Lisa waits at Cup-a-Joe's.

When the deck gets rich,
the counter leaves.
Lisa moves in.

As far as we can tell,
they're not communicating...

verbally, visually,
or electronically.

Well, if they're not
talking to each other,
there's gotta be a relay man.

Danny's checking video.

Danny, you talk to
that archeologist?

Don't tell me I got to
dig up half an acre
to look for broken plates.

No. I'm gonna meet him
in a few minutes.

So, I checked
everyone close enough
to see him leave...

and nobody shows up
more than once.

Maybe he's got
a bunch of relay guys?

It doesn't matter
if he has a whole army.

Where Lisa sits
in Cup-a-Joe's, she can't
see into the casino.

Yeah, she's right.
I checked that, too.

Ed, why don't we
just kick them out?

Players are a dime a dozen...

but if they got a system
that's beating us,
we're in trouble.

Wait a minute.

Who else sees him leaving?

We do.

You mean an inside job?

Who's on duty up here
when that counter's
at the table?

There's only one match.

I'll pull him in.

What? Fire him
for doing his job?


Now, we'll watch him.

Mr. Dortch? Danny McCoy.
Thank you for meeting me here.

This is what
I found right over there.

State Law says we
can't dig further
until we know for sure...

Until you ascertain
its historical value.

Nevada Revised Statutes,
Section 383.170.

Right here?
Right there.

Sounds like
you're our guy.

So, I heard you were having
a little trouble
getting into Bella Petto?

Yes. It seems to be
quite the popular attraction.

We appreciate your help.

There is one small caveat.

I don't know that
I'll have time
to do this for you.

I have a lengthy conference...
Mr. Dortch, for helping us out
with this...

I'll personally make sure
you have a cabana
at the Bella Petto...

for the rest of your stay.
Excellent. Wonderful.

Danny McCoy.

Got it. Well,
I got to follow up
on something...

but I'll be sure to have
the rest of these artifacts
delivered to your room.

Excellent. Maybe I'll
examine them in that cabana.

Wherever you'd like.

You look positively
fetching tonight, boss.

Don't breathe on the glasses,
ask if you have
any questions...

and card anyone
who looks younger than 30.
Got it?


Name your poison,

A glass of merlot, please.
The house pour is fine.

And may I see some ID?

And maybe a phone number?

may I see you? Now?

The counter's back.
I know.
I just talked to Nessa.

Oh, look who's on duty.

Check Cup-a-Joe's,
would you?

Yep. There's Lisa.

Wait a minute.

She's reading
The Great Gatsby.

The counter
was reading the same book.

Didn't Sam say that Lisa
worked at a bookstore?


What does that tell us?
I don't know.

I don't, either.

One Sneaky Pete,
coming at you.

What's a Sneaky Pete?

Tequila, lime juice,
pineapple juice,
and cr?me de menthe.

I got it.

You have another customer.

Hi. Can I get a Greyhound,

And for your friends?

He's leaving.
Yeah, I'm watching.

Looks like
Leo's watching, too.

Anyone want anything
from Cup-a-Joe's?

Call Sam and see
what's happening over there.

Hey, it's Leo.
I've got an order for you.

Did you hear a phone
ring down there?

No. The phone must be
in the back.

So the phone ringing
isn't the signal.

She's leaving.

Okay, I'll let Mike know.
Did she do anything
that looks like...

Wait a minute.
The same song was playing
the last time she left.

Okay. Find out who is
taking the phone orders...

and who's
controlling the music.

The lady in pink.

Hi, Daddy.

So, how's our man doing?

I hate to say it...

but other than
a few broken bottles,
he's doing pretty well.

People seem to like him.

The only problem is...

he's telling
anyone who'll listen
about his internship.

I've had three people
come to me...

and they all want
their own internship.

Oddly enough,
the most popular choice is
the towel boy at Bella Petto.

I gotta pull him.


And who might be
drinking that Cosmo?

With all due respect, sir,
that's a ladies' drink.

Hey, buddy, if I
want a Cosmopolitan,
you're gonna...

Fred, please.
Ed, baby.

Give the man...
That's a ladies' drink?

What do you suggest?

J. Curbis Scotch.
Says something to a woman.

Yeah. Give me some J. Curbis.
Sounds good. A double.

Double it up.


Mr. Deline,
you know that suite I'm in?

I want to book it for
the next seven or eight years.
I'll pay in advance.


I'm afraid, Fred,
that I can't keep you on
as a bartender here.

I'm really sorry.
I really am.

But, look, I have
14 people who want
this internship stuff.

It's just
not gonna work out.

So, I would like
for you to finish out
your shift tonight.

Have this on me, please.
And we'll talk tomorrow,
okay? I promise.

Okay. Thanks.

Hey, where's my J. Curbis?

In my belly!

So, Cup-a-Joe's
has some rocket scientist
in the back room...

who's answering the phones
and playing the CDs.

So the same guy does both?
Yeah. His name's Tyler.

Hot flash.
Counter's name is Paul Snow.

I went back to that bookstore
and asked around.

He and Lisa
are in the same book club.
That's the connection.

Right. So now
we have a signaling method.

Leo sees Paul
leave the table...

calls this guy Tyler
down at Cup-a-Joe's
to place an order.

Then Tyler changes the music
to The Pi?a Colada Song.

So you know he's got problems.
You don't like that song?

That's a great...

I got it.

That song is her signal
to head for the table
to start betting.

So there's
no direct communication.

So there's nothing
to pin on them. Sharp.

So we got nothing
to connect Leo...

other than you
think he's a jerk.

Let's go get a latte.

My man Tyler?

Mr. McCoy. Mr. Cannon.

If I screwed up a drink order,
you'll have to take that up
with "Big Mama."

This isn't about
a drink order. Come on.

Hey, keep your hands off.

All we want to know is
what's going on with
Lisa Lundquist and Paul Snow.

Oh, and Leo.

I told you, man.
I don't even know them.
And I didn't do anything.

Every time Leo
calls in his order, you
play The Pi?a Colada track.

Well, first off, I get what,
a 100 phone orders a day.

Second, The Pi?a Colada track
is my favorite song.

Leo tell you to say that?

If you didn't do anything
why did you run?

I had taken some stuff
from the shop once...

like some bottled water
and some soda.

You know, I thought you guys
were there about that.

If you're gonna fire me now,
I'm just gonna go home...

No, you're not going anywhere.
You're gonna finish your shift
in this room.

I don't get off until 8:00.

Yeah. And if this is
your last day, which I
suspect that it might be...

your final assignment
is going to be
to sit in that robe...

and think about
how stupid it would be
to lie to us.

And how stupid you look.

Okay, I admit it.

I did say
that I would help him...

and I did set him up
at Mystique...

and I did pull out
the rug from under him.

So why is Fred
now my responsibility?

Because, my dear, right now
you're the only one
that can cheer him up.

I mean, he will listen to you.
And to tell you the truth...

I mean, I feel a little sorry
for this guy. He's a good guy.

I know, but...

Listen, I really
would appreciate it
if you would do this.

As a favor to me.

What am I supposed
to say to him?
How the hell should I know?

Just go in there
make him feel better.

I told him you'd meet him
over here at the Bella Sera.


Hi, Fred.

Oh, hi.

Listen. I wanted to clarify
what I said to you
the other day.

Oh, the "not gonna happen"
part? I think I understood.

No. See, I don't think
you did.

See, if I were in the market
for a boyfriend...

you would be
right at the top of my list.

You're funny,
intelligent, handsome.


All of that.

So, you have a boyfriend.
Why didn't you just tell me?

You don't have a boyfriend.
I'm gay.


I mean "Oh."

You're sure?
Men just don't do it for me.
I've tried.

Tried the rest.
Now try the best.

We can still be friends.

A beautiful lesbian friend
who can give me
chick advice...

and get me tickets
to the Dinah Shore Golf

Front row.

Oh! And then afterwards,
I can watch you
and your girlfriend.


There's good news
and bad news.

Bad news.

Well, I would estimate
the pottery you dug up
is somewhere...

between 900
and 1,100 years old.

It's Anasazi
in design and composition.

Probably, originating
in an area not far from here
know as... Don't touch.

In an area not far from here
known as Lost City.

a remarkable civilization.

They cultivated corn and beans
and wove fine cloth...

and fired beautifully
painted pottery.
What's the good news?

Well, as you know,
state law requires
excavation of the site.

And if it turns out to be
a large settlement,

who knows how much
of your property would be
made inaccessible.

Where are we
going with this, Walker?

I, uh...

I had some unfortunate luck
at the gaming tables.

Last I checked,
I owed your casino...

something in
the $14,000 neighborhood.

If you could find a way
to forgive that debt...

well, I could just say
that what you found
is worthless junk.


You know, you work here
a few years and think
you've heard every kind of...

I think it's really,
what's the term they use

Good news. Did he tell you?

What's your good news?

I had that pottery piece
radiocarbon dated. It's like,
50 years old, machine made.

I would seriously
question those results...

Great! Call that college
where this jerk works...

and tell them they got
a professor who is a liar
and an extortionist.

Greg, get this slimebag
out of my hotel, will you?

Danny McCoy.
Stop it! You're hurting me.

All right.
Paul and Lisa are back.

How long has she
been sitting there?
About 20 minutes.

The deck isn't ready yet.
They played the song.

Then you weren't listening.
Yes, I was.

Don't follow me.

Montecito Security.
I think we need to talk.

You were
just in the coffee shop.

Yeah, I was.

So, therefore, I
strongly suggest that you
tell us everything you know.

Okay. I counted cards.
Then Lisa made the big bets.

And Leo's call
cued the music to change.

Who's Leo?

That's not very convincing,

Look, I admitted
I was counting, okay?
Throw us out.

Ban us from the Montecito
for life. Whatever you
have to do.

You've made your point.

See, boys,
I really don't think
they understand.

This is a little more serious
than never coming back
to the Montecito.

Counting cards isn't illegal.

But using a device
to analyze a strategy
for betting is.

The casino surveillance camera
is a device.

The sound system
at Cup-a-Joe's is a device.

Show the penalty.
Assuming this is
your first offense...

It is, really.

You're looking at
one to six years
in state prison.

What do you guys say?

They testify against Leo,
we let them walk?

Testify against Leo
and return all the money.

I can't.

He says he knows people.
Dangerous people.

You're willing to sacrifice
six years of your life
to protect this guy Leo.

You're a devoted little thing,
aren't you?

Okay, we'll testify.

I swear I didn't know
it was a crime.

Leo knew someone
from our book club, okay?

We met him one night
and I told him I was
a pretty good card counter.

He said he knew a way
that we could all
make a lot of money.

Leo, can you come in
for a minute?

Shut the door.


you know a Lisa Lundquist?


What about a Paul Snow?
Never heard of him.

That's funny.
They know you.

Lisa and Paul.


Yeah. They're in
a friend's book club.
They only use first names.

We know about your
little card-counting
operation, Leo.

Paul leaves
the blackjack table...

you call Tyler,
the music changes...

Danny, I know you
don't like me.

And I don't really
like you, either.

But I don't throw around
ridiculous accusations.

So all those calls
to Cup-a-Joe's just
before Lisa goes to play...

that's just a coincidence.
I've called them every day
since I've been here.

Ask anybody out there.

What's the problem, Dan?

Got to show everybody GI Joe
can still cut it back
in the real world?

Don't make it worse, Leo.
You know,
you came back pretty quick.

Maybe you couldn't
cut it over there.
Yeah, right.

All right.

You know what? I quit.

Life's too short
to work for a jerk like you.

Mr. Broder,
you're under arrest.

Told you.

So I guess your judgment
isn't infallible after all.

What the hell
are you talking about?

You hired him,
didn't you?

Look, I have more
than 7,000 employees
working for me.

So, every once in a while...
You need something to do?

I'm checking on a report
on a copulating couple
in stairwell four.

Hey, Mr. Deline.
Hi, Danny.


Hey, Clark.
How's that suite treating you?
Great. Good. Yeah.

I gotta go.
I've a plane to catch.

She's one of our
topless sunbathers. Yeah.

He's the religious guy
who complained about the view.

Only in Vegas.