Las Vegas (2003–2008): Season 1, Episode 23 - Always Faithful - full transcript

While counterfeit bills suddenly appear everywhere in the Montecito and the surveillance team doesn't have a clue what's going on, three people in the Montecito get a rather unexpected visit. Danny gets a letter from two army officers. Out of the blue he is recalled for active duty with the marines. A bad time since Mary could really use his support right now. Sam tells her her father is sitting in a bar and this greatly upsets her. She throws him out of the casino. Ed gets to talk with Fast Tommy Palone, who announces himself as a business associate. He tells Ed he won the ground on which the Montecito is situated in a poker game with mafioso Bugsy Siegel over 50 years ago. He offers Ed two options, either demolish the casino or give him full control.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Upbeat jazzy rock music]

Vegas sure has changed.

WOMAN: Come on.

WOMAN 1: This way.
MAN 1: Check in first.

- Here you go.
- Thanks so much. See you later.

MAN 2: Change, please.
WOMAN 2: Certainly, sir.

By the VIP, take the escalators down,
and you're right there.

GIRL: Okay.

NESSA: Careful with that drop box.
Heavy action.

[Upbeat jazzy rock music continues]

MIKE: Hey, fellows. How you doing today?

Vegas sure has changed.

[Lawyer murmurs affirmatively]

- You seem lost. Can I help you?
- I'm looking for Big Ed Deline.

Are you a friend?

You might say
I'm about to be a business associate.

SAM: Mary.

SAM: Hey, sweetie. Where's Ben Jelen?

You just missed him. What's up?

There's a man in Bella Sera looking for you.
He says he's your dad.

[Tense instrumental music]

What's he doing here?

- Where's Danny?
- Are you okay?

- Mary?
- I'm fine.

Have security escort him out.

- But he's your father.
- You're right.

I'll throw him out myself.

SAM: Mary.

SAM: Mary, what's going on?

MARY: What are you doing here?

- Look at you, all grown up.
- Get out!

MR. CONNELL: I was hoping we could...
MARY: Don't you dare touch me!

[People whooping]

[Upbeat jazzy rock music resumes]

[Elevator bell dings]

Load it all up in my car, boys.

DELINDA: Just joking.

You money handlers have no
sense of humour whatsoever.

[Machine alarm beeping]

MONEY COUNTER 1: We've got
counterfeit bills.

MONEY COUNTER 2: I got them here, too.

[Cell phone ringing]


HEAD COUNTER: The entire take of
hundreds from Blackjack 19 is counterfeit.

ED: I'm on my way.

[Women cheering]

MARINE: Lieutenant McCoy?

It's Danny.

Not anymore, sir.

Welcome to the war, Lieutenant.

You got some kind of
Marine reunion coming up?

Yeah, you could call it that.

I've been recalled to active duty.
I deploy in 24 hours.

[Rock 'n' roll music]

[Theme music]

MAN: Well, it's the best we've ever seen.

I might not have noticed
if the machine hadn't caught them.

Okay, this one's real. This one's counterfeit.

MAN: Now, they almost have
the watermark down...

except you should see
Franklin's face clearly...

from both sides of the bill.

MAN: Now, in the counterfeit,
Franklin's a little blurry from the other side.

Take a real expert to catch it.

How much of this is counterfeit?

MAN: The whole take from 19 and
a couple of dozen bills from other tables.

Ed, I'm sorry.
I should've caught this at the table.

I accept full responsibility.

Honey, there's no way
you would have found this out.

Listen, call the Secret Service,
tell them what we got.

They'll want to see this as soon as possible.

Then call Metro and tell Luis
to notify all the other casinos...

in case, you know...

By the way, where the hell have you been?

I'm being deployed in 24 hours.

- Where to?
- It's classified.

[Cell phone ringing]

DELINDA: Daddy, there's a man
looking for you.

He says his name's "Fast Tommy" Palone
and that you'd know who he was.

"Fast Tommy" Palone.
Well, he's a legend here in Vegas.

I'll be right there.

I need you to find out whoever the heck's
passing this stuff out, all right?

DANNY: I need to take care of...
ED: Nessa, you come with me.


[Cell phone ringing]

Yeah, this is Sam.

I'll have to call you back.

Mary, what was that all about?

It was just a little family reunion.

Christmas morning must have
been fun in your house.

If you only knew.

- You okay?
- Fine.

- You don't seem fine.
- I'm fine.

- You sure?
- Absolutely.

I'm supposed to meet a client,
but I can cancel.

So, go.

- You sure you're okay?
- Go! I'm fine.

- Okay.
- Okay.

[Soft instrumental music]


CROUPIER: Eleven. Pay the winner.

[People cheering]

ED: Just the man I want.
MIKE: What's up?

I need your help, Mike.
Danny's been called back to active duty.

I don't understand this
"called back to active duty" thing.

- He already served.
- Well, what is not to understand?

The Marines have called him back,
and he deploys in 24 hours.

MIKE: How can I help?
ED: Listen...

we've come across some counterfeit bills.

More than the $300 daily average?

Way more than the average.
But Danny's gonna fill you in, all right?


ED: Yeah?

- Where is this guy?
- Right there.

Who's the girl?

I'm hoping his granddaughter.

[Nessa laughing]

- Well, how do you do? Ed Deline.
- Hello.

- You don't look so big to me.
- What's that?

"Big Ed" Deline?

I'm big enough.

I assume you're the same...

"Fast Tommy" Palone
that ran with Bugsy Siegel?

- The one and only.
- Wow.

What can I do for you, Mr. Palone?

- Get off my property.
- Excuse me?

I own this land.
I won it in a poker game over 50 years ago.

I see.

Your lawyers have a copy for verification.

- And exactly who is she?
- My lawyer.

- That's some lawyer.
- The best.

- And where did you attend law school?
- Yale.

ED: Wow, Bugsy Siegel signed this.

He was a lousy poker player.

We have a 50-story resort casino
built on this property here.

Then knock it down.

Well, I'm afraid we can't just knock it down.

Well, then...

I will run it.


why don't we go to my office
where it's a little more comfortable?

MIKE: How are you with this
"called back to the Marines" thing?

It caught me a little off guard.

Apparently Ed, too.
You'd think he's the one shipping out.

- He probably knows something.
- Wait a minute.

You're an inactive reserve.
They are never called back.

If circumstances warrant their activation,
they are.

MIKE: They need you for something special?

You were serving a life sentence for murder.
How'd you get out?

- Good behaviour.
- Of course.

US currency is the
most desirable currency in the world...

and also easily counterfeited.

Some countries
actually have counterfeit operations.

Iran and Syria have produced as much as
$1 billion in counterfeit $100 bills.

I get long-winded sometimes,
but at least give a brother a courtesy nod.

Sorry, Mike.

You know why you're being recalled,
don't you?

Pretty good idea.

Mitch, can you run back Pit 3,
Blackjack 19, last shift?

Sure thing.

Here you go, barrister.
Won't you have a seat, please?

No. You want to run things,
you got to sit over here.

There you go.

ED: I've got to tell you, Tommy.

Things have changed in 50 years.
Forget about it.

I mean, everything is computerised.

We got cell phones, digital cameras...
So I want you to sit here, think about it.

While you're sitting here...
Take a look over here.

ED: That's Blackjack 19, pit number three.

We just pulled a whole bunch of
counterfeit hundreds out of that drop box.

So you keep an eye on that.
I'm sure you can handle that. And then...

ED: That guy looks like he's got a light wand.
Damn it.

Anyway, I'll be right back.

Light wand? What the hell is a light wand?

ED: There's a guy at Slots 5
with a light wand. Take him down.

ED: What have we got?

LAWYER 1: The document is legal
and binding. It is Bugsy Siegel's signature.

LAWYER 2: We checked with
the assessor's office.

Bugsy Siegel did own a piece of the land
that Montecito sits on.

- How big?
- Basically, the centre of the casino.

Well, how convenient.

Can't you tell the Marines you have a job?
Get some kind of deferment?

This'll never see the light of day.

We'll keep the guy tied up
in court for five years.

He won't live to see a judgment.

LAWYER 1: If he does,
we'll tie him up for another five years.

Couldn't have worked it better.
He has no living relatives.

He does own what he says he does.

It's a grey area.

What does that mean, "a grey area"?

Bugsy may have forced the owner
to sell the land at a fraction of its value.

And Bugsy lost the said piece of land to
one "Fast Tommy" Palone in a poker game.

Bugsy got whacked
before the transfer was complete.

Isn't that what they call it, "whacked"?

LAWYER 1: Land's been bought
and sold many times.

Nobody knew Palone owned it 'cause
he went to prison before Bugsy's death.

There's got to be some deal
we can make with this man.

He's an ex-con.
He murdered a man in cold blood.

He wants us to tear down
the casino, or run it himself.

Mr. Palone and his lawyer filed
with the State Supreme Court.

They may have a case.

A case? Then let's buy him out.

Are you suggesting we actually pay him?

I know it may sound strange...

to a group of lawyers
to actually do the right thing.

But this guy paid his debt to society.

He spent more than 50 years in prison
for a crime that was arguably self-defence.

He'll hold us hostage,
and there'll be nothing you can do.

He could set his own price,
force us to buy at a premium.

He is an old man. Let's just give him
what he's got coming, for God's sake.

Please, give him what he has coming.

- That'll be the casino.
- We have nothing.



Mitch, push in there.

MITCH: Sure.

[Suspenseful instrumental music]

DANNY: There's nothing suspicious
at all there.

Nessa's watching the table like a hawk.

MIKE: If this group of people
is passing counterfeit bills...

why would they sit together?

That doesn't make sense.

They'd spread across the casino, right?

We got another drop box of counterfeit bills.

ED: Same table?

Craps, Table 7.

So half the total on Craps 7 is counterfeit.

We checked playback.
Different people at both tables.

They all can't be working together?

Not with the amount of people at the tables.
Wouldn't be cost effective.

I'm afraid this is bigger than I thought.

- Now, Danny, look, you and l...
- Ed!


I ship out in less than 24 hours.

I've got to talk to you about that. Listen.

I've been thinking.
Because of your inactive reserve status...

you got a good case for not reporting.

What are you talking about, not reporting?

I could make a few phone calls, you know?

Can I talk to you outside for a minute? Door!

[Door alarm buzzing]

- What's going on?
- Nothing.

I just need your help
with these counterfeit bills, that's all.

I ship out in less than 24 hours.
I need to get my affairs in order.

[Tense instrumental music]

[Energetic instrumental music]

[People cheering]

[Machine chiming]

- I need to talk to you about something.
- I have to talk to you, too.

- I've been recalled.
- Somebody paid me a visit.

- I ship out tomorrow morning.
- Active duty?

And I need you to help me
get my affairs in order.


In case something happens.

Nothing is gonna happen to you, Danny.

You're gonna be fine.

Just in case.



- So what did you want to talk to me about?
- Wasn't important.

[Upbeat jazzy instrumental music]

We're gonna straighten
this whole thing out, Tommy.

ED: And while we do,
I'd like you and your lawyer...

to be our guests here at the Montecito.

Sam will take care of your needs,
and I'll give you a nice line of credit.

If you'll follow me,
I'll take you to your suites.

We only need one.

Okay. One suite it is.

- Rumour has it you graduated Yale Law.
- Cum laude.

You must have been a professor-favourite.

DANNY: Ed, can I talk to you for a minute?
ED: What?

Can I talk to you privately?

Change your mind about the phone calls?

No. Mary and I talked about it...

and we think you'd be the best person
to be the executor of my will.

Your will?

We both know the reality of the situation.

- We do. But, I mean...
- So how about it?

Will you be the executor of my will?

- How about your father?
- I'm asking you.

Well, here we go. One suite.

Patrick will take you in.
It's one of our finest suites, I might add.

SAM: Thank you, Patrick.
It's obviously none of my business...

but I'll go ahead and ask anyway.
Do you two...

You know.

The man spent 50 years
behind bars without a woman.

What do you think?

I need you to come work for me.

Mr. D, that's a pay cut.

I know it's a pay cut,
but it's a big promotion.

I don't know. I got to think about this.

What's the matter?
You still have claustrophobia?

- No, that's solved.
- Then what's the problem?

Contrary to what people think,
I actually like being a valet.

Look, Mike, I got a lot on my plate right now.

And I really need you in surveillance, okay?

Okay. But just until Danny comes back.

NESSA: You're gonna go?
DANNY: Yes. Mine is not to question why.

- That's a crock of crap. Just don't go.
- It's called AWOL.

NESSA: It's called standing up
for your beliefs.

- Who says I don't believe in it?
- Do you?

I believe in the Corps.

And what about the war? See, you don't.

All I know is there are guys coming home
in body bags every week...

and some are my buddies.
If I can save at least one of them, I'm going.

[Cell phones ringing]

- This is Nessa.
- Yeah?

We pulled more counterfeit bills
out of a roulette table drop box.

ED: They're showing up
in every drop box in the casino.

I'll be right there.

You need to find Mary.
Her father showed up. She freaked out.

- Her father was here? When?
- Just a little while ago.

Where is he now?

I don't know.
She had him kicked out of the casino.

The five seat is James Rollins.
His wife sits at the sixth seat.

They're here from New Jersey.

Third seat here, we got Steve Collins,
ski bum from Utah.

What's your point, Mike?

My point is, these people have absolutely
no connection to each other whatsoever.

Are you sure?

Positive. As far as we can tell...

the first time any of them ever met
is at this table.

You run a background check on all of them?

All upstanding citizens.

- And there're no mutual connections?
- No.

MIKE: They run in different circles.

Let's go. This is Danny we're talking about.

I want this to be the best party in Vegas.

WOMAN: Okay, Delinda.

What's going on? How are you?

Thank you for agreeing to play.

- My pleasure. Thank you. See you soon.
- You're the best.

MIKE: All right, Mitch.

[Mike exhales loudly]

Let's go back to the beginning.

Isolate all the individuals at the first table
the counterfeit bills showed up at.

MITCH: That's Blackjack 19.
It's coming up on P3.

Now, put each individual
on a separate monitor.

Now, run all the playback in reverse.
Let's see where they all came from.

[Mitch typing on keyboard]

[Mike laughing]

No matter how many times I see it,
it still makes me laugh.

We told you they would hold us hostage.

- The man is completely unreasonable.
- And his lawyer, I'd like to bitch-slap her.


I'll go talk to him.

- What did he want?
- He said he just wanted to talk.

- I don't think you should.
- Maybe I should.

- That's not a good idea.
- Maybe it'll help.

- Help who?
- Me.


Please don't talk to him without me.

DANNY: Okay?
MARY: Okay.

[Tense instrumental music]

- I'll be right back.
- Okay.

Hey. I want to be there when you talk to him.

- Okay?
- Okay.

Here's what we got.

There's no connection at the tables.

I already know that.
That's why you called me?

The whole connection thing got me thinking.

They got no connection to each other...

but somehow, they all have counterfeit bills
at the same table.

So I decided to follow every one of them.

You followed every one of them?

I didn't follow them where they're going...

MIKE: But where they've been. Hit it, Mitch.
MITCH: You got it.

[Mike laughing]

It gets me every time.

Come on, Mr. D, that's funny.

I really hate to be redundant here,
but what is your point?

Sorry. Keep watching.

ED: All I want to know is how is the
counterfeit money getting into my casino?

It's the ATMs.

[Tense instrumental music]

[Energetic instrumental music]

- Baby needs new shoes.
- Baby needs more than that.


[People cheering]

What'd I tell you?

MAN 1: Unbelievable.
MAN 2: Yeah.

ED: Those are the only three suspect
ATM machines in the casino?

Seem to be.

It still doesn't account
for all the counterfeit money...

winding up at the same table.

Pure chance and perfect timing.

A packed house,
and Table 19 just opened up.

Well, who loads the machines?

Same third-party ATM service provider
we've always used.

What have you got on the service providers?

DANNY: Spotless records.

DANNY: The company does
a security check before hiring.

Mike, how much money we talking about?

Fully loaded, each machine holds $150,000.
They're loaded at least three times a day.

[Tense instrumental music]

I'll be back in a minute.

ED: All right.
So, who else has access to the machines?

Second line maintenance providers.
If there's a problem, they service it.

And they serviced all three machines
in question during the time frame.

What have we got on them?

Apparently, maintenance providers
don't run a good security check.

One of the boys has a record.
He did time for passing bad cheques.

Counterfeit cheques.

ED: Why don't you run
a complete check on him?

Think this is our guy?

Because he's got a record,
doesn't necessarily mean it's him.

So it could be way down the line?

- They pick up the cash from the bank, right?
- That is correct, in an armoured truck.

Two guys stay in the truck.
Two guys load the machine.

If this leads to the bank,
we may never find out...

who's switching the counterfeit bills.

If it's one of these four guys,
and they got away with it once...

it's more than likely they try it again.

They have a tendency to get a little greedy.

I could rig a couple of
fibre-optic pin cameras for the ATMs.

- Get us some better eyes on the floor.
- That's good. Go do it.

MR. CONNELL: Can't we talk alone?


we can't.

I came to say I'm sorry for...

You know.

How can you say you're sorry
when you can't even say the words?

I need you to forgive me, Mary.

Forgive you?

Maybe you should ask God to forgive you.

He already has.

I don't think so.

Not for what you did to me.

Mary, I was...

Don't you dare make excuses
for what you did.

I was a little girl.

- And you were my father.
- Come on, let's go.

Mary, I've remarried. Met a woman at church.

I'd love for you
to come meet my wife and kids.

Come over for Sunday dinner.

You have kids?

Two little girls.

Does your wife know
what you did to your first little girl?

You tell her, or I will.

Mary, wait. No, you can't tell her.

Mary, I've changed. I'm not that man.

I told you the last time I saw you
if you ever touched her again, I'd kill you.

And I will.

Now, that's what I call a candid camera.

SAM: Ed, Mr. Palone.
ED: Hey.

Tommy... Thanks, honey.

Let's go on up to my office and talk.

- Man to man?
- Yeah, like the old days. No lawyers.

MARY: He'll do it again, Danny.
I know he will.

DANNY: You have to call his wife.
MARY: Can't.

- I don't think you have any other...
- No!

Danny, you are the only one...

I ever told.

And that's the way I want to keep it.

And you were right.
I never should have talked to him.

Okay? And I will see you later at Mystique.

DANNY: Yeah.
MARY: Yeah.

We are talking millions.

He'll never live long enough to spend it.

Are you kidding?
I've already drawn up his will.

If the excitement from all this money
doesn't kill him...

one night with me will.

MR. McCOY: Hey, buddy.

- How are you?
- I'm all right.

So, Mary called,
said you needed to talk to me.

What's up?

I've been recalled.

- Recalled?
- Yeah.

DANNY: I'll be okay.

Yeah, I know you will.
Just not so sure about me.

I think you need to find yourself
a nice lady friend, Dad.

What makes you think I haven't?

I hope you have.

- So when do you have to report?
- Tomorrow morning.

So soon?

DANNY: Wait.
WOMAN: Help!

Snatch-and-run at Slots 4.
He's heading for the south exit.

Join us at Mystique later.

MR. McCOY: You bet.

[Woman screams]

MAN: There he is!

[Thief groans]

I got pin cameras on all the ATMs, Mr. D.

MIKE: Worried about Danny, aren't you?
ED: Danny? No.

He's a Marine. He'll take care of himself.

I'm a little worried, yeah.

- You know something?
- No. It's classified. I don't know a thing.


you know, I'm just a little worried.

- Probably just put him behind a desk, huh?
- Yeah.

It's time for the ATMs to be filled.

The service provider's armoured car
pulled up at the side entrance.

ED: All right.

Let's see what we can see then.

[Suspenseful instrumental music]

[Camera whirring]

suspicious activity on ATM 2.

[Suspenseful instrumental music continues]

[Fast-paced instrumental music]

No! Secure the ATM.

Suspects headed north through Slots 15
toward Bella Sera.

MAN: Hey!



Say good night, Gracie.

DANNY: So they switched the cash
the only way they could, on the floor.

And the two guards in the armoured car
knew nothing.

LUIS: Turn them to the Secret Service.
Field agents are at the MGM.

Apparently, these two switched
counterfeit cash at every ATM they serviced.

Don't we have a party to get to
for one Danny McCoy?

Listen, you guys, just run ahead.

I'll catch up with you. I got something to do.

I overheard Tommy's lawyer
talking on her cell.

- She's only after him for the money.
- Yeah, I know.

Does Tommy know?

I'll catch you later.

ED: I transferred that money
to an account I set up for you.

And there's a plane waiting for you
to fly wherever you want to go.

Big Ed, thanks.


Well, is there anything else
I can do for you two?

- Nope. I think that about does it.
- Good.

Could you do me a favour, please?
I'd like a word with Tommy.

ED: Thank you. I appreciate it.

ED: Tommy...

you know she just wants the money, right?

I know. But don't worry. She'll earn it.

[Tommy chuckling]

It's a lot of money.

I'm giving all that money
to local kids' charities.

The lawyer know about the plan?

Maybe it'll help some kids
avoid the same mistakes I made.

That's great.

MARY: Mrs. Connell?

Hi, this is Mary Connell.

There's something you should know...

about your husband, my father.

[Slow piano music playing]

[Singing] At a stoplight
in the middle of the night

- Take care of yourself.
- I will.

You never did show me
the sights of Vegas, Danny.

I will when I get back. I promise.


[Singing] The right is history and to my left

the choice is right

But this seems a little bit too hard

- I got a favour to ask you.
- Name it.

I want you to take care of my car
while I'm gone.

That was your mother's car.

That's the last you have of hers.
Why don't you put it in storage?

Because it needs to be driven.

I want you to have it if I don't come back.
All right?

- No.
- Please.

MIKE: I couldn't.

Hey, buddy.

MR. McCOY: Your mother would be
proud of you.

Make it back in one piece.

I will.


Mum's gonna be upset
she didn't get to say good-bye.

She still in New York?

You know how the Deline girls love to shop.

I spent my entire childhood
hugging my father good-bye...

praying to God he'd come back to us.

And he always did.

Come back to us, Danny.

Daddy's hiding in his office.
He is not very good with good-byes.


BEN JELEN: [Singing] we sang out to the sea

Oh Mary

you always understood me

Please Mary

forgive me now


I heard you got popped.

Yeah, I'm getting a little slow.

- I'm not saying any good-byes.
- Good.

I don't want to make a big deal out of this.

I agree. I'll see you when your tour's over.

- Well, you be safe.
- I will.

Listen, please don't try being
no frigging hero over there.

If anything happens to me...

do not let them leave me there.

You promise me you'll make sure
I get back home.

[Sentimental music]

[Sentimental music continues]

ED: Danny McCoy, Daniel. Marine Corps.

Serial number 986-65-4320. Right?

I need to know where he's shipping out to.

Thanks, Doc.

[Sentimental music continues]

[Romantic instrumental music]

[Mary breathing hard]

MARY: Danny.

You're beautiful.

I have to go.

I know.


I love you, Danny McCoy.

MARY: I always have...

and I always will.

DANNY: How did you know I'd be here?

Man, where else would you be?

[Sentimental rock music]

DANNY: God, I love this town.

[Sentimental rock music continues]

Subtitles by The_Viper
resync by cotangent