L.A.'s Finest (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Kangaroo Jack - full transcript

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LAPD! Open up!


Wayland James, come out!



He must have seen Emma
when she came to ID him.

He got spooked and
took off. But check it.

He wasn't alone.

Looks like he has a lady friend

named Beverly Gamble.

Hello, Beverly.

This family got some damn fine genes.

You said the mom was single, right?

Keep it in your jeans.

So this Wayland James just disappeared?

Yeah, he packed up his shit and
emptied out his bank accounts.

What makes you so sure it has
to do with Mallory's murder?

You got to be guilty of something
serious to take off like that.

So, where'd he run to?

Put out some APBs, but
nothing's turned up yet.

Which is why I'm here.

I'm starting to feel like
the only time you call me

- is when you need something.
- Starting to feel?

Wow. Okay.

So I'm gonna do this for
their mother, not you.

If Wayland's left any digital
tracks, I'll find them.

You're the best, Fletch.

Okay, enough.

I mean, don't tell
them where you're going.

You didn't bring me flowers.

I should thank your brother
for sending you here

and finally agreeing to

- to an actual date, so...
- This is not a date.

- It's not?
- No, this is just dinner.

- We're just hanging out.
- That's a date.

No. A, you didn't pick me up.

Nor did you bring me flowers.

Was your last date in the 1950s?

And... I'm not gonna let you pay.

Cheers to that.

Drink your damn wine.




All right, I'll meet you there.

- All good?
- Yeah, we...

- We got a body, so I got to...
- Go.

I know the drill. Go do
your thing, Detective.

What is this? No, we're not doing this.

- You have to take it.
- Okay. You know what?

- This is you paying for the drinks...
- No.

- Which makes it a date.
- It is not a date.

- I look forward to dating you again.
- Not a date.

This is, like, seven dollars.

It was just dinner.

Tell me when you get to dessert.

Third dispensary hit
in the last two weeks.

We officially have a weed ring.

Or, as I like to call
it, a "crop circle."

- Good one, B.
- Didn't think I was gonna miss Walker so much.

We've heard of the weed ring.

- How do you know it was them?
- Same MO.

Mask, gloves.

Hit the shop right before closing.

Stole weed and cash,
but only this time...

They killed someone.

Victim's name is Tommy Nash, 23.

He was shot in the
chest during the robbery.

His mom owns the chain of dispensaries.

Receiver on the handgun looks
like it came from a 3-D printer.

Ghost gun. No serial number.
No way to trace the owner.

His stepdad witnessed the whole
thing, he's out with the medics.

This corner. On three.

Mr. Reeves, I'm Detective
Burnett. This is Detective McKenna.

Could you please tell
us what happened tonight?

My stepson Tommy was
closing up for the night.

- Get your hands up! Now!
- Put 'em up!

Hands where I can see them! Do it!

Put the cash in the bag!

- Get your hands off of that!
- Who the hell is that?

- What about the gun?
- Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

Let's go! Let's go!


I was supposed to protect him.

You did everything you could.

Most people don't run
towards danger, Mr. Reeves.

What you did was very brave.

- We'll be in touch.
- Yeah.

All right, Calloway's sending us

all the weed files from
Narcotics. It's our case now.

Just feels like we're missing something.

Hey, don't sweat it,
Nance. We got this, a'ight?

Did you just call her "Nance"?

Don't abbreviate me, kid.

Hey, you called me and
Baines here Sanford and Son

- in front of the whole office.
- It's a classic.

- I had to Google it.
- That's on you, son.

My God!

That was so fun.

- Man.
- When you said "doughnuts,"

I didn't know you
meant, like, doughnuts.

I needed this.

- Figured this would cheer you up.
- You were right.

Although, you know, I...

Kind of want my bed back.

What? Between... I thought
we were great roommates.

- I mean, I... No.
- I didn't know it was, like, a burden.

It's good, it's good,
it's good. We're good.

I'm just kidding. I'm...
I'm gonna move out.

It's just taking me a while, you know?

So, we got to return this sweet car

- back to whoever you borrowed it from.
- My garage.


She's mine.

I... I refurbished her myself,

put the new rims on
it last night, and...

- Now she's yours.
- No.

You raised me, okay? You protected me.

You have been there for me.

This car is for you.

- Nico, it doesn't...
- Just... just don't say anything.

You're gonna... You're
gonna ruin the moment.

Fair enough.

Thank you.

Let's go get some doughnuts or
something, some real doughnuts.

I need some tacos, too.

- On you, of course.
- Me?

I thought for sure, since
you're in a giving mood

I just want you to feel like
you're giving back to me.

Hey, John.

Glad you're feeling
better. I'll see you soon.

Syd. Long time no see.

Been busy.

Took your advice and found some friends.

That's good to hear.

My goodness.

So many have recently lost their homes.

The Hwangs over there used
to own a bakery on 6th,

before someone burned it down.

Couldn't afford rent anymore.

And Yuri was evicted when her
landlord sold the building.

More and more building
owners are getting skittish

and selling before property
values drop any lower.

Seems people... Don't
believe in Korea town anymore.

This is horrible.

Excuse me, Syd.

Hi. How you doing?

- Okay.
- Good?

We got some room over here, okay?

I give you the future of Korea town.

We'll transform every block
from Western to Vermont

by focusing on the three R's

Restaurants, retail and residences.

We've already got investors
lining up to get a piece of this.

Forgive me, Malcolm,

but this is not the
reason for our gathering.

- You requested an update.
- And instead you're selling.

I'm closing deals ahead of
the schedule we agreed to.

Leave us.

The situation has changed.

Korea town’s council seat
is up for reelection.

We have an understanding
with the incumbent.

But current polls show that his
challenger, Vivian Kim, is winning.

If we don't break ground
before the election,

this project has no chance.

That's why you hired
me in the first place.

Your reputation did precede you.

But that reputation
also implied discretion.

My plan is working.

Owners are selling. Sooner or later,

- they'll all get the message.
- Sooner or later?

Perhaps the message is not our problem,

but rather the messenger.

I just need more time.

Make an adjustment, or we will.

Hey, our vic's parents just checked in.

McKenna and I are gonna
go run the interview.

Copy that. You okay?

Yeah. Why?

Well, for one thing, you knocked first.

That was weird.

I went for a jog in
Korea town this morning.

St. Thomas is overrun with transients,

all the people displaced
by the arsons and bombings.

- At least they can rebuild.
- Yeah, but they're not.

The property owners are
selling, and... and...

They're afraid.

And I can't say that I blame them.

Well, we've caught Winslow and Hobbs,

and shut down that app.

Yeah, but we're no closer to
figuring out who's behind it all.

You know there's gonna
be more lieutenants

and apps and God knows
whatever else, and that.

I don't know how much
more these people can take.

Korea town’s stronger than you think.

You didn't see what I saw.

Knock, knock.


What are you doing here?

Well, your dad and I
thought it would be nice

if I took you to school.

Letti's already on her
way, so I don't really

I'm sure Letti will understand.

You have to see what Nico got me.

It is s... Amazing.

I... I'm sorry I... I
haven't been around more.

Must be really tough juggling a
divorce and your new boyfriend.

What? What are you talking about?

My doctor, Nancy? Really?

- How did you get that?
- I was right. I was right.

I knew that you started acting weird

- the second that he walked in.
- We're just friends.

That is why you hid him from me,

because you're just friends.

It's not how it looks. I...

It looks like you just
moved on and replaced us.

That's my ride.

Have a nice life, Nancy.

My God.

There he is!

- Ooh.
- Sorry about that.

Nice to see everything's how I left it.

- Yeah, about that.
- Whoa.

What? I'm not dead.

Listen, it's only temporary.

Skim milk, two sugars.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Seriously?

You must be Ben Walker.

Man, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir.

- Sir?
- No, listen, when you were laid up,

I was paired with
this detective trainee.

Meet Liam Quinn, or
as I like to call him,

Black Irish!

Look, the brass thought
it would benefit him

if he had some veteran experience

- before he take his exam.
- Well,

no one's more veteran than you.

Um, I forgot your
dry cleaning in the car.

I'll be right back. Nice meeting you.

Yes! He's always on it.

Baines, you still
need that waffle pillow

and now you got this kid
kissing your ass every day?

You know, you're right.

That was a good one. That
was a good one. You know what?

Here you go.

I don't need this.

Black Irish can have it.

So, we think this was
a robbery gone bad,

but we want to cover our bases.

Do you or your family have any enemies?

Lord, no.

We have a few neighbors

who judge us for opening a
weed shop that close to Rodeo,

but their adult children are
some of our best customers.

How did you become the Kate
Spade of the weed business?

Recreational cannabis laws were
changing. I saw an opportunity.

So you just built this
empire all on your own?

I couldn't have done it without Tommy.

My son stayed up late with
me, going over business plans.

- He was so proud of you.
- I should've listened to him.

He wanted to keep a gun in
the store, but I said no.

We don't like guns.

You know, this isn't your fault.

- Do you have children?
- No.

I mean... It's... It's complicated.

No matter how complicated it may be,

I'm sure you understand why I
believe this is entirely my fault.

What about competitors? Any
problems with any of them?


But I understand the robbers
have hit other shops besides mine.

Yeah, but they've never killed anyone.

They're animals.

We believe that the escalation
of violence was personal.

Is there anything that you
can think of about this robbery

that is specific to you?

Now that you mention it,

the robbers took my entire
stash of Kangaroo Jack.

That strain's my best seller,
and it's exclusive to my stores.

Can you write down a list
of those other owners?

Of course.

Attaboy, champ.

Go back on the horse.

Don't call me that, Booster.
I'm not the champ anymore.

Well, they can vacate
the TKO if you'll appeal.

So what if I was
poisoned? They don't care.

And if I start crying about
it and I get my belts back,

there's an asterisk next to my name.

Nobody respects that. That's not me.

No, this ain't you, Ricky.

I'm still messed up
from that poison, man.

You know, I can't eat nothing.

My balance is off, my
focus. I can't see anything.

What am I gonna do
if I can't fight, man?

You listen to me. Title or no title,

you're still the champ. These
people, they worship you,

because you inspire them.

How am I gonna inspire them now?

I needed that money to help them.

There are other ways to help.

I work for some investors
who've recently become interested

- in buying property in K-town.
- Investors?

After everything that's gone down,

K-town's gonna get carved up,

- one way or another.
- And?

Stubborn-ass people we
grew up with won't sell.

I don't... I don't want to
see 'em left with nothing.

And neither do you.

I dedicated my whole career to K-town.

And you want me to tell
the people to leave?

Your career gave these people pride.

I'm trying to do the same thing.

How is that the same thing?

Now, what gives people more pride

than putting clothes
on their kids' backs?

Than putting food on their table?

The money I can get them...

No, that... that we can
get them can do that.

You and I had opportunities the
rest of the neighborhood never had.

Just because we left doesn't
mean we stopped reppin' K-town.

I don't know, man.

What do you need me to do?

Thanks again for coming in.

So spill it. What
happened with you and Izzy?

- What do you mean?
- "It's complicated"?

She found out about Luca.

She thinks that's why
her father and I split up.

You didn't explain that
he's just a drinking buddy?

I tried. But you know what?

I realized that it
doesn't matter who it is.

She's gonna be pissed about
anyone who isn't her father.

Nah, I get it.

When my mom told me that Joseph cheated,

I just felt like our family
wasn't enough for him.

She just looked at me
like I was a stranger.

Give her time.

Me and Joseph have figured it out.

Yeah, but Joseph's your father,

that's your blood. I'm just
someone who married Izzy's dad.

No, you are not her mother,

But you are her Nancy,

and there's one thing that you are

- that Joseph never was.
- What's that?

In her life.

You got this.

- Yo.
- For real?

I just had to try it out.

This is dope.

Like sitting on a cloud.

So get your own cloud.

Hey, now, why don't
you leave the kid alone?

You used to make fun
of the thing anyway.

- Still here.
- Goodness.

Only you'd be put on desk duty
without having an actual desk.

No, he's got a desk.

Can we get back to the case, please?

Our weed ring has been hitting
dispensaries for cash on hand...

Because weed isn't legal
on a national level,

so banks can't accept
cash from dispensaries.

You know I was in the DEA, right?

But we appreciate the
mansplaining, tweenager.

The personal nature of
the crime has us thinking

it might be illegal
dealers with a grudge.

You know what? I would be pissed, too.

If I did time selling weed

and then white folks
gentrified neighborhoods

with Apple Store-looking weed spots...

- Word.
- Come on.

The robbers only took a unique
strain of weed called Kangaroo Jack

that only Marjorie carries.

We just got to find who else is selling.

Kangaroo Jack since the robbery.

No, if it was a rival owner,

they wouldn't sell it in their
shops or they'd get caught.

Smart call.

Sweet Jesus.

We are not looking for
dime bags here, folks.

They're gonna be moving major weight.

Guess we'll have to
reach out to Narcotics

and our CIs, set up a deal.

Our dealer will lead
us to his suppliers,

AKA our robbers, Lil' Romeo.

- Right.
- Looks like we going undercover.

Slow your roll, Detective No Desk.

We need somebody to
run down those alibis

- of these dispensaries.
- I'll put in a call to Narcotics.

Do you guys have any
CIs in the weed game?

Of course we do.

- Like we're new to this.
- I mean...

- We are true to this.
- Come on.


They tough, man.

Sorry, Syd. Nothing on Wayland yet.

We are actually here about another case.

Y'all came to run
a train on ol' Fletch?

Every time he speaks,

a little piece of me just dies.

No, we are actually here
looking for some weed thieves.

Have you ever heard of Kangaroo Jack?

I can't sleep without it.
Knocks me straight out.

You know, a computer
screen, it emits a blue light

that restricts the
production of melatonin,

messing with my circadian rhythm.

- Circadian rhythm?
- Yes, my sleep cycle.

But you can wake me
from my slumber whenever.


You think you can help us arrange a buy?

- How much you thinking?
- At least a pound, so we know it's from our robbers.

Ooh, a pound.

Ounce or two would go missing
and nobody would even notice.

- So you're in?
- Does a baboon have a big red ass?

Starting to regret sending you that pic.


I like Nancy,

I wasn't trying to blow up her spot.

It's better I know the truth.

She said they're just friends.

Maybe that's all there is.

Whose side are you on?

Yours! Which is how I know
that you always do this.

Do what?

Cut people out because you're
afraid they'll do it to you first.

Well, maybe the ones
who matter won't let me.

I like Nancy too.

It just sucks.

You gotta admit one thing though...

Your doctor's hot!

My God.

What, my lawyer not
answering your calls?

I'm not here on police business.

I was in the neighborhood.

What are you doing in the neighborhood?

I used to live here.

I saw you fight before
you were the Lion.

What can I do for you?

I heard there's a town
hall tomorrow night.

Something about investment opportunities

and that you'd be speaking.

Yeah. What's it to you?

I noticed you haven't
rebuilt the community center.

Why would I rebuild
the community center?

So someone else can burn it down?

The neighborhood needs you, Ricky.

No, the neighborhood
needed you to do your job.

I used to teach at CHS.

You know what happened there.

And this was back
before school shootings

were on the nightly news, so
nobody knew how to move on.

Or if they could move on.

But I've never seen a community
band together like we did after that.

It could happen again.

Korea town just needs to be
reminded of what it's made of.

You know, my cousin
Miguel went to that school.

He said his teacher kept 'em alive

and that his teacher took
down the shooter by himself,

and that he left to become a cop.


Good student.

- Hard worker.
- Yeah.

Turned his grades around and
got into SC if I'm not mistaken.

Yeah. I'm helping him
through grad school now.

Guess people just need
someone to believe in them.

Your boy is late, Fletch.

Dealers back in my day
knew how to keep a schedule.

Okay, Bumpy Johnson.

My God. Would you look at this?

Look at this hipster bullshit.

Focus, Fletch. We need
confirmation that's Kangaroo Jack.

Y'all need to get out of my
ear is what you need to do.

- Fletcher?
- Yes, sir.

Damn. You play basketball or...

Because I'm tall, black and handsome

- means I play basketball?
- No, I didn't say any of those...

You know, whatever. Let's just...

- Let's do this.
- Yeah.


Keep it low.

You're out here wasting my time, player.

Hey, man, that is primo stuff.

Look at me. This body is a temple, baby.

I don't eat meat, I don't drink soda,

and I only smoke Kangaroo Jack.

I can tell that smell anywhere.

Hello, Kangaroo Jack!

- Get ready.
- God, I missed you.

Surprise, fool.

You are under arrest.

- I'm sorry. What was that?
- What?

- Hello? Can y'all hear me?

- I just said he's under arrest.
- Sh...

- Nope. Nope. Nope.

Move! Move! LAPD!

You are not a cop!

- You are not a weed smoker.

- Stop!


Go, go, go!

- Out of the way! Go, go, go! Go!

Move! Move!



- Come on!
- Nice tackle.

- Watch the threads.
- You take the scenic route?

- That thing is fast!
- No, this is entrapment.

That guy was a cop, right?

He didn't tell me he was a
cop, so you can't arrest me.

You're for three, homey.

Good news is we could give
two shit about taking you in.

We just want your suppliers.

Well, then, my suppliers you shall have.

You guys are fast.

Bert and Harry Denofrio

are sitting in interrogation as we speak.

- Brothers?
- Husbands.

Yeah, just got out of
prison two months ago.

Did three years for possession
of weed with intent to distribute.

So we have a Ronnie
and Clyde situation.

Walker, you find anything
on the rival businesses?

All alibied out for the robberies.

No connection to these two.

So we're looking at two
illegal dealers with a grudge?

Hey! What's up?

- Yeah. Yo, there we go.
- Thank you. Thank you.

- Seriously?
- Sorry, man. I

I didn't know you was gonna be here.

Look, I need you two
to go take a run at 'em.

We only have them on
possession of the stolen KJ,

- but we need to place them at the scene of the robbery.
- All right.

Marjorie and Richard are on the way in.

We'll prep 'em for the lineup.

We're on it. Want a sip?

- No.
- I don't know where your lips been anyway.

After you.

- Sorry.
- That was cold, man.

Bert, Bert, Bert.

Searched your place, Bert.

We found your mask and
glove. We found loads of cash.

Weed from three recently
robbed dispensaries.

A 3-D printer with
schematics to a ghost gun.

Know anything about that?

Answer the man!

It's okay.

I get it.

A woman like Marjorie Nash
making bank off of something

that you went to prison
for. That's not fair.

You and your husband were pissed.

But robbing 'em just wasn't
enough for you, was it?

Answer the man.

Was it?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Just... Count to a hundred.

- Got it.
- To yourself.

Heard you.


I know you spent a lot of the
years of your life in prison,

and you want revenge,

so you shot Tommy.


- Cat's out the bag, Bert.
- What the hell?

I didn't do that.

Well, what about the robberies, Bert?

Yeah. Did you do that?

Talk! I'm not playing with you.

Just... Excuse us.



Save me.

- It's not my case.
- What? You gonna make me beg?

Did he see me?

- Yeah, it's a glass room.
- Okay.

How about this?

Limp your ass in there, or
I'm-a take my blood back.

Damn. All you had to do is say "please."

So, where were we?

Who's the new guy?

The same guy.

- The other guy was black.
- I don't see color.

Look, I know my rights.

I've got marital privilege, which means

I don't got to testify
against my spouse.

So here's the thing
about a murder charge.

It doesn't really matter
who pulled the trigger.

Someone died during a robbery.

You both get charged with murder.


I don't really need your confession.

That's my partner.

And he's right, Bert.

The murder's on you guys either way.

But if you are the shooter,

your husband doesn't have
to go down for murder.

You could protect him.


It was me.

Wait. What?

- Say that again.
- You heard me. I shot the kid.

Well, Harry, your husband
also confessed to it,

so that tells us two things.

- A, the two of you clearly love each other.
- Mazel Tov.

And B, in your efforts
to protect one another,

you have now both
confessed to being there.

So, would you like to start over?

Okay, yeah, we robbed those spots,

but we didn't kill nobody.

That's not your gun?

It is...

But I never shot it.

You just pointed it at a
20-year-old just for fun.

I was never gonna shoot
the guy, all right?

Look, I couldn't have anyway because

the other guy knocked it out of my hand.

How'd it feel knocking
that old man to the ground?

- Make you feel good?
- Are you kidding?

I got him off Bert, and then he
started swinging that bat around

like a psychopath, so we bolted.

Right. Right, right. So
you didn't push him down

just like you didn't trample
over him on your way out the door?

I didn't. Honest.

When we left.

Everyone was alive.

I swear.

It's okay.

- Are you okay, Ms. Nash?
- She's just a little winded, that's all.

It's okay, Richard.

We just came from chemo.

We are so sorry.

- You... you didn't need to come.
- No.

I want to be here for this.

- Now what?
- Now you will...

View a lineup containing six men.

One of them may or may not be
one of the men who robbed you.

- You get a confession?
- Yes and no.

Look. They... they
both started out claiming

that they were the shooter

to protect their partner
from the murder rap.

It was a real "I am Spartacus" moment.

But then, when we told them
what their partner said,

they changed their tune,
they confessed to the robbery

and assaulting Richard,

but they denied shooting Tommy.

And you believe 'em?

Think they're telling the truth.

When they left, the
gun was on the ground,

Tommy was still alive.

So, the only other story
we have is Richard's.


Your gun empty?


No need for a lineup.

We got a confession.

That's fantastic news.

We just need you to
corroborate their story.

In your statement, you said

the smaller suspect
stepped on your hand.

Yet the taller suspect was the
one who confessed to doing that.

Any chance you were mistaken?

Yes, I'm... I'm sorry.
N... I remember now.

It was... It was the taller one.

I remember you saying
that you hate guns.

Have you ever fired a handgun?

Never. Never.

So you wouldn't be familiar
with the term "slide bite"?

- I... I don't know what that is.
- What's this about?

You see, when your grip's too high

on the handle of the
weapon, a slide kicks back.

Your hand gets caught in it,

and you get two nasty little bites,
like a snake bite right there.

Hurts like hell, doesn't it?

Those guys didn't kill
Tommy, did they, Richard?

Get your hands up! Now!

- Put 'em up!
- Hands where I can see 'em!

- Get the Kangaroo Jack!
- I got it.

You did hit Bert with the bat,

but not after he shot Tommy.

- He didn't shoot anyone.
- Hey, wh... what about the gun?

Bert dropped the gun. Harry
hit you, but you didn't go down.

You scared 'em off.

Leaving you alone with Tommy, a gun

and the perfect cover-up.

We got to call the cops.

Your wife is dying,

and her multimillion-dollar
empire could be yours

if only her son was out of the way.

What are you doing?

No, no, no, no, no, no. Please don't.

- Please don't.
- I'm so sorry.

Please don't.

Except you don't know how to hold a gun.

What are the odds your DNA

- match the traces we pulled from the gun?
- You're wrong.

Richard would never...

- Tell her, Richard.
- You killed Tommy

so that you could inherit her business.

I want to speak to my lawyer.

How could you?

You monster! I brought you
into this family! I trusted you!

Come on.

Hey. Good job in there today.

Didn't feel good.

Well, you trusted your instincts.

It really makes you think
who you bring around your kids

if you ever remarry, though.

- I don't follow.
- It's just,

when you're a step-parent,

you're trusted to take care of
a child like they're your own.

And to never intentionally hurt them.

Hold on. Okay, Richard was
a greedy prick. A monster.

- That's not you.
- Well, I still hurt Izzy, though.

- Where you going?
- Date night.

Ooh! Go see Top Gun Maverick!

Tom Cruise is delicious.

Good luck, kid.


- Where they sending you?
- Hollenbeck.

Feels like the minors
after working downtown.

You'll have that badge in no time.

Guess I came on a
little too strong?

All right. I'll deny if
you ever tell anyone, but,

I was intimidated as hell when
they paired me up with Baines.

It... it wasn't Baines
I was trying to impress.

- It was you.
- What?

Everyone knows what happened
with that Winslow guy.

What you did to survive.

Y... you're a legend, sir.

Just Walker.

Okay, Walker. Well, see you around, man.

Almost left with this.

Keep it.

Seat suck in the back.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Yo, have you seen my ass cushion?

Yeah, mini-you just took it.

I can't see you anymore.

I see.

You, um, you trying to make it
work with Izzy's father again?

- No, no. That's totally done.
- Okay.

I don't know. I got to
get my shit together.

I feel like I've been defined

by relationships my whole life.

Whether it's my brother,
first boyfriend, husband.

There's got to be room
in there for just me.

Where is the girl that I met at the bar

the first time we were here?

She kind of looks like you a little bit.

She was way more fun.

She was a good time.

- Right?
- Yeah.

You know, I wish I could be her.

I do, but.

I just have a lot to juggle,

all these relationships,
and if I continue,

I just know I'm gonna hurt someone.

So, we... we technically go on one date,

- and I'm already being dumped.
- I mean...

- That's a record.
- You're still trying to call that a date?

- It's a stretch.
- Well, you paid, you paid.

- It was...
- Technically, that makes it a date.

- Not a date.
- Okay, listen.

If this is actually goodbye,

then goodbye. But if not...

You know how to find me.

Syd, right on time.

You ready to hand over that
Kangaroo Jack that you swiped?

I got something better than weed,

I got a lead on that
creepy-ass dude that Emma ID'd.

- You found Wayland?
- I found Wayland's maternal great-aunt June.

How the hell is that better than weed?

She's Wayland's only living relative.

- You think she's hiding him?
- Not intentionally.

She been in a nursing
home for the past 15 years.

Jen went missing
during that same window.

Even more interesting,
Wayland had no known residence,

from 2000 to 2011.

You think he might've been
living with Auntie June?

Maybe, but he isn't there now.

No, we checked in on the place.

Nobody in or out.

- I want to check it out myself.
- You got a warrant?

Are you going to give
me the address or not?

Are you gonna take my Kangaroo Jack?

We'll split it.

- You just gonna smoke it right here?
- No, he's not.

Well, thank you for
letting me speak today.

And now a few words from Father Suho.

Thanks, Father.

Thank you, Michael, for
those passionate words.

I know a lot of you are upset,

but we can't lose faith.

James chapter 1, verse 12 says,

"Blessed is the one who
perseveres under trial,

for when he has been approved,

"he will receive the crown of life."

And what he's talking
about there is faith.

What is faith?

Faith means weathering the storm

even when there is no end in sight.

Because God never gives
us more than we can handle.

Hey, that's Ricky.

I know it's a very challenging time.

But this is when you
need faith the most.

Community the most,
sticking together the most...

- Well, thanks for coming, Ricky.
- And you will come through

I said I'd be here, right?

- You ready?
- And you will end up

in a place you never expected.

I was born ready.

- Well, go get 'em, champ.
- Special guest who would like to say

a few words. Thank you all.

- Hi, Ricky.
- Evening, Father.

- I'm so glad you came.
- Thanks for having me.

Crowd's a little restless.
But all these people,

they look up to you.

They could use a reminder of
what this neighborhood used to be.

What it can be again.

That's gonna be a tough sell.

"A man who has no
imagination has no wings."

What verse is that?

Muhammad Ali.

Thank you, Father.

Evening, everyone.

Look, I'm...

Not gonna lie to you.

I came here today to tell everyone
they needed to leave Korea town.

That you should take the money and
sell while you had the opportunity.

But that's not what
Reuben would've wanted.

It's not what I want.

So I'm gonna do everything
in my power to help you stay.

I'm from here.

Trust me when I tell
you there's nothing.

I mean nothing stronger
than this neighborhood.

And we're gonna show everyone
that we're gonna fight for it.

Korea town is our home.

And it will always be our home.

Welcome back, champ!

I know you're still mad at me.

Glad that came across.

I'm not seeing Luca
anymore, even as friends.

You know, the only thing that
really matters to me is...

If we're okay.

Is there really even
a "we" anymore? It's

Izzy, just because I don't live here

doesn't mean that you and I

aren't gonna have a
relationship. Are you kidding me?

- I'm gonna get into your personal space.
- No.

And I'm going to hug you.

And irritate you.

- And make you smile.
- Okay.

- And be nice.
- It's not working.

You know, I spoke to your father.

Geez, the two of you speak more now

- than you did when you lived here.
- Right?

It's working.

This whole arrangement
is actually working.

You and I are gonna have
a standing date night,

once a week, starting tonight.

So this is the beginning of our date.

You wanna smile.

- No. No!
- You're like basically smiling.

Yes! Look at that!

- No, I'm still mad. I'm still mad at you.
- You smile!

- Great.
- Okay.

Have you ever heard of a rage room?

No, but I have rage.

- I love you.
- I love you.