L.A.'s Finest (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Maverick - full transcript

In the middle of investigating a new case, McKenna enters family guidance counseling. Syd has to give Jen's family some unfortunate news.

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- Hey, how's it going?
- Hey.

- What up, girl?
- I got it.

So good to see you.


All right, all right, who
wants to go shot for shot

with your boy?

Yeah. Yeah, you was ready.

All right.

'Cause I need my vitamins.

Cheers to... Health.

- Salud.
- That's right.

Another one?

Ricky, Ricky. Take, take it easy, champ.

You're still in training.

Man, we'll get another venue.

Cheers to that.

Another venue.

All right, you need
a night to sulk, fine.

But we're back on the regimen tomorrow.

Come on, the rest of you
leeches, take it outside.

That's my corner man for you.

Stop yelling in my house, Corey.

Come on, lion.

Do I even know you, miss?

Not yet.

Didn't you hear I'm on a regimen?


I think there's a lot we can do.

- What's going on here?
- Sorry to cock block, Ricky,

but you're gonna need to come with us.

Come on, darling. Take a walk.

Hustle up.

You'll thank us later. We need to

I'm not going anywhere,
'cause I didn't do nothing.

We can talk about it
down at the station.

Am I being arrested?

- Not unless you make us.
- I'm Ricky's trainer.

- What's going on?
- I'm not leaving.

Ricky, we don't need to do
this in front of everybody.

- You're not taking him anywhere!
- I need you to step back.

- Everybody back up.
- We don't want this to get ugly.

Come with us. We'll ask
you a few questions.

Let's just go.

Look... Whatever you guys
think I did, I'm innocent.

Prove it. Just come down
to the station and cooperate.

I'll be all right.

- You good?
- Yeah. Hold it down, all right?

All right.


Back up! Back up. Put your phones away.

Party's over.

- Shit. Move.
- Nothing to see here.

Drink this. Wake your ass up.

Tired of waiting on you, champ.

You hear about the bombing
in Korea town two days ago?

Yeah. They pulled the permits
to my fight right after.

Said something about security.

The bomb was homemade,
detonated from a cell phone.

Your cell phone.


No, that's impossible.

It's right here in black and white.

IT verified it wasn't cloned.

The call came from your phone,

- 3:36 p.m.
- You're not hearing what I'm saying.

My fight got canceled.
It was a title fight.

Do you have any idea
what that's gonna cost me?

All right. Where were you two days ago?

I was training, like I been doing
every day for the past few weeks.

Would only have taken a
second to make a call.

Could've been during a water break.

I don't know what else to tell you.

I needed this fight.

My career was hanging on it.

Why would I do this?

Where do you keep your phone
when you're training?

It's in my locker.

All right. Who else is in the
gym when you're training?

It's just me and my boys.

So if you didn't make this call,

it had to be someone

with access to the locker room.

Someone in your circle
is setting you up.

Everybody in my circle is loyal.

Well, you'd better double-check.

Because somebody made the call.

Family therapy is all well and good,

but I have to take advantage
of this moment.

If I don't, Dylan's right.

I will miss an amazing opportunity.

And what would be so bad about that?

If I don't see this through,
I will always wonder

who I could have become and
what I could have accomplished.

- Are you currently attending class?
- Yes.

Yes, I said I would keep going

if we could keep talking about it.

Isabel, you've got to admit, dropping
out of school is a big life decision.

It's my life.

Yes, it's your life.

But wasn't it also Dylan's idea?

He's successful.

So are your parents.

Tell me, Patrick,

why are you so afraid of
Isabel dropping out of school?

Besides her abandoning her education?

She agreed to get her GED
or even be home-schooled.

But again, Patrick, what scares you?


I'm afraid she's gonna
end up in my courtroom.

Desperation changes people.

Forces them into bad decisions.

Every day in my court,
I see people that...

They just didn't have the opportunities

I've worked so hard to provide for Izzy.

I feel like if she drops out of school,

she could end up like one of them.

There are certain mistakes
that you can make in life,

that you, you can't come back from.

And how do you feel about that, Nancy?


I don't feel like
your mistakes define you.

Hey. How'd it go?

Fifteen miles, Dad.

Jen's family lived 15 miles
from the daughter

they thought was dead, and had no idea.

You haven't gone inside yet.

I have nothing to offer them.

I don't have a suspect,
I don't have leads.

I mean, maybe this is just really
selfish of me to put this on them.

I mean, what's,
what's the chance of them

even having any information
that can help us, anyway?

I took you to exactly one birthday
party when you were young.

Your friend Jamelah

something or other.

It was at a water park.

You climbed up the high dive,

but froze and refused to jump.

I had to climb up after you
just to get you down.

I remember.

You grabbed me and jumped anyway.

Scared the hell out of me.

I had to get you down.

But as I recall, as scared as you were,

you were even more pissed off

that Daddy had to come and get you.

Why are you telling me this story?

'Cause I could be there in 20 minutes.

I'm good, Dad. Thank you.

I thought so.

Hey, Syd. You're gonna solve this.

We've been waiting for
this day for a long time.

- You were?
- Now we can give her a proper funeral.

That's why you're here, right?
You found her body?


I'm so sorry, and...
Please forgive me.

I know this is going to be
really difficult to understand.

Mallory is gone,

but she didn't die in 2006.

She was killed six months ago.

No. No-no-no, see, the police
told us that she was...

The police were mistaken.

But the, the killer, Leonard
Avery, he confessed.

I looked into it.
It was a false confession.

He claimed credit for dozens
of missing girls.

Some of them were found alive.

You're mistaken. They told us.

This is Mallory.

It was taken less than a year ago.

- Who's he?
- My father.

That's not her.

Mallory was my friend.

My really good friend.

So I can't even imagine...

The blue eyes.

The-the crooked smile.

- I am so sorry.
- You should leave.

If there's any way that I can,

- I could just ask...
- Just go.

You really ought to think
about resale value, Ricky.

Who's that?

Booster Ward!

I haven't seen you
since we were kids, brah.

- How long has it been?
- Too long, champ.

Look at you, man. Living that life.

I was gonna say the same
about you, you know,

until I smelled the place.

And your front door's open.

Don't worry about that, man.

Just having some fun.

Letting off some steam.

Well, I thought you,
I thought you were training.

They canceled the fight.

Have a seat, brah.

Make yourself at home.

Man, it's...

Well, it's a damn shame.

K-town could've really used
something to celebrate.

I know.

The old neighborhood. It's gone to hell.

I mean, you, you hear
what happened to Ruben?

I was there.

- Jesus Christ.
- Crazy night.

Why'd they cancel the fight?

We lost the venue.

City couldn't secure it after
everything that went down.

Safety concerns.

Well, what if I could
get you another venue?

I don't know, man.

I'm just going through
a lot of stuff right now.

You know, I had to let
go of all my people.

I got sponsors looking at me sideways.

They're probably gonna leave, too.

No loyalty, brah.

This is not a good time.

Well, it sounds like you
could use some fresh blood

in your corner.

And trust me,

there's always another sponsor.

The neighborhood needs you, Ricky.

So what you been up to, Booster?

It's good to see you, champ.

It's like I brought her back to life
just to kill her again.

I didn't get to ask my questions
before they booted me out.

- That's pretty bad.
- Yeah. So what do you got?

Well, the therapist
recommended more sessions.

- That's a good thing, right?
- No.

Between Patrick and me, couples therapy.


So you got to tell him everything?

Everything? There's nothing to tell.

I have a drinking buddy, that's it.

- He's a doctor. We drink.
- Yeah.

Well, the good news is,

- you won.
- Thank you.

I don't know why you think your
problems are worse than mine.

The weekend cleaning crew found him.

Shot twice, once in the
neck, once in the torso.

Doesn't look like it was a robbery.

Computer and iPad are here.

Got a wallet.

Peter Adderley.

- Fifty.
- This can't be the murder weapon.

- Only one shot was fired.
- Yeah, but he was shot twice.

You think our-our victim fired back?

Well, there's two casings over there.

Probably where the killer was standing.

Look at that, blood.

Blood stops here, so killer
must've had a ride or something.

This is a secondary crime scene.

Let's call the techs out.

Angela, you're bleeding.

Angela, what are you

- I need my bag.
- Where have you been?

- Why did you leave the hospital?
- Where is it?

I have it.

I tried to return it, but you
were gone when I went back.

- What've you been doing?
- What does it matter?

What do you mean?
You brought me into this.

And I am absolving you.
I can finish this myself.

These people, what did they do to you?

They took my life.

Lieutenant Calloway.

Lieutenant Calloway,
what is the latest out of Korea town?

Can you confirm that Ricky Leon
is a suspect in the bombing?

Ricky Leon has willingly complied
with our investigation

and is not a person of interest
at this time.

- Do you have other suspects?
- Is there another attack coming?

LAPD is on top of this investigation.

There is no imminent threat.
Have a good day.

Lieutenant Calloway,
is this a terrorist attack?

Creepy ass clown van.

Thank you... for the heads up.

You come in the front?

Yo, you were supposed to
text him about the reporters.

Yo, I thought you were supposed to
text him about the reporters.

- Where are we?
- Yeah, where are we?

Okay, the bomb was made out of
muriatic acid, battery packs,

blasting caps and a cell phone.

Did they find potassium chlorate?

No. This one's different than
the ones that Clete Winslow made.

But we did find CCTV footage of
the van before it blowed up.

And we got a good look at him

but he had on his costume and makeup.

There's no way to id this guy.

Sick clown bastard.

You know, you're using a lot of words

to tell me we don't have
any new information.

- Yeah, but we'll stay on him.
- I just promised the city

there was no danger of another attack.

And you're telling me we got no leads.

Yeah, but we're... we're on it.

Lieutenant, I mean, you know, we're
not just standing here clowning around.

Did you see how I did that?
Did you see how I worked...

- Is everything okay?
- Yeah, it's fine. It's just

Gloria had

a parole hearing this morning.

Your mom? How'd it go?

My brother thinks she's gonna get out.
He claims she's changed.

My whole childhood,
that is all I wanted.

All I wanted was for her to change.
And now...

Apparently she has,
but I do not believe it.

Yeah, but you put up a
lot of walls, bro.

Tearing them down is not gonna
happen overnight.

You should talk to her again.

Let me call you back.

- Hey. What's up?
- Well, turns out,

our vic, Peter Adderley,
is a regular Bernie Madoff.

Yeah, his investment company has been

under investigation for
the last couple of months.

Turns out he duped hundreds
of people out of their money

in a Ponzi scheme.

Is there any world in which your brother

could be one of these people?

What? Nico? No.

I just got word
that we lifted Nico's prints

from a coffee cup
at the secondary crime scene.

No, that-that can't be right.

I wish that were so.

It's a match to the prints we
took when he confessed to...

You know.

Yeah, I know.

I was letting you know
as a professional courtesy.

There are a lot of eyes
on LAPD right now.

This needs to be aboveboard.

I just sent the Bens to bring
him in for questioning.

You could've told me first.

Yeah, I got it. She'll be fine.

Now's not a good time, Nancy.

Yeah, well, your fingerprints
were found at a murder scene.

What? Where?

East 14th, high-rise building.

Sound familiar? The Bens are coming

to bring you in for questioning.

It's that chick Angela, isn't it?

- Yeah.
- Just cooperate, all right?

You'll be fine, and don't cover for her.

All right, thanks for the heads-up.

I got to go.

Can I?

Who was that on the phone?

It was my sister.

- The cop?
- Yeah.

They found my fingerprints
at that place I took you.

That's unfortunate.

It's fine.

She can help me.

She can help you, too.

Just-just talk to her.

You're sweet,
but it's too late for that.

I can stop you myself.

You could, if you remembered
to lock your door.

Hey, Nico, you think, um,

you can answer some questions now?



you know who attacked you?

No clue. I-I mean, some Asian guy.

I'm pretty sure he was there for
a woman named Angela Turner.

She hired me to-to be her driver.

Dude was young.
He had this nasty scar,

like-like a...
I don't know, like a burn.

- How long you been driving her?
- Couple weeks.

You know, errands, business
meetings, normal stuff.

You aware we found your fingerprints

at a crime scene
in the Valley this morning?


What happened?

I was taking her to a meeting,
I waited outside for her,

I heard gunshots,
Angela came out bleeding,

I rushed her to the hospital,

and, apparently she left.

And do you know why
she showed up at your place?

Her briefcase.

Do you know why the guy attacked you?

'Cause I was trying to convince
her to come talk to you guys.

I even tried to stop her myself.

I just didn't want to see her get hurt.

Well, it looks like
she stole your vehicle,

so we have a APB out on it.


Well, if you can write down
any place you ever took her,

that would be helpful.

Good of you to let her sit in.

Could I have stopped her?


So tell me about Angela.

Why does she want Peter Adderley dead?

I thought it was about money,

but there's nothing that indicates

that she was a client, and...

Then I found this.

An obituary?

For her husband, Neal Turner.

He worked for Peter Adderley. See?

"At the time of his death, Neal Turner"

"was a senior associate at
Adderley Financial Services."

Yeah, and he died
four years ago in a fire

that also killed
their daughter, Rebecca.

Angela and their son, Isaac, survived.

A local hospital

treated a woman two days ago
for a gunshot wound.

She disappeared after the surgery.

They e-mailed me stills
of the security footage.

That's Angela. Peter shot
at someone before he died,

and maybe Angela somehow
blamed him for the fire.

Interesting theory. Keep digging.

- You okay?
- Can I borrow your office?



- Good to see you, Emma.
- Thanks.

Have a seat.

Thank you.

Um, I'm sorry about earlier.

Losing Mallory destroyed my mother.

Took her years to put
everything back in its place

and start to function,

so seeing that photo
just broke her all over again.

I'm so sorry to put you through this.

I'm not my mother.
I want to know what happened.

Honestly, I'm still trying
to figure that out myself.

It's why I came to see you.

So what do you know?

I know that there's a gap
in Jen's... Mallory's life

that I can't account for,

so whoever wanted to harm her

met her sometime between
the last time you saw her

and the first time I met her.

How did you meet her?

I... Met her on a case.

She helped me save a young boy's life,

and we just stayed close ever since.

She saved a young boy's life?


And helped me through
a really rough patch in mine.

That's how I remember her.

Mallory always wanted to help people.

She talked about being a nurse one day.

Sorry to interrupt. We found Nico's car.

- Okay. Thanks.
- Sorry.

No, no. No.

Emma, I'm gonna find out
who did this, okay?

Forgive me, but I've heard
that promise before.

With your help, together, we can...

We already told the police
everything we know.

It wasn't much to go on back then,

so I can't imagine we'll
be much help to you now.

I'm sorry, Detective. Thank you.

Yeah, same. I was, like, this is.

- Isabel McKenna?
- Who are you?

Nathan Baker, I'm a blogger.

- You wrote that article.
- You're an asshole.

I know it was a shock,
but from what I understand,

it-it's helped your profile.

Your ASMR channel gained
thousands of subscribers

- since I published it.
- Thanks. Bye.

I want to write another
article, solely about you.

What for?

You're a public figure
who's led a fascinating life.

You've been through
your parents' divorce,

you lost your mother
and you overcame all that

to become an Internet personality

under the wing of Dylan Pace.

I mean, think about
how many people your age

would be inspired by that story.

Dude, you're better off driving a
windowless van that says, "Free Candy."

Yeah, stay away from me, Nathan.

And stay away from schools

in general.

The night your mother died,

want to know where your father was?

All right, thanks.

According to Walker, Adderley wasn't
even in town the night of the fire.

He was keynote speaker at a
business conference in Chicago.

So he couldn't have set the fire.

At least, not directly.

And according to the reports,

the fire was deemed an accident.

There were faulty electrical
wires in the house.

So, Angela might just be
a paranoid beeyotch.

Just 'cause you're paranoid

doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

We'll have the techs comb through it.

Maybe we can get some DNA and
identify her accomplice.

But what's up with this place?

I mean, do they own
land here or something?

Where the hell is my car?

It's been 30 minutes...
This is ridiculous!

I apologize, sir.

We are doing everything we can.

Where is my car?

Did one of you take it for a joyride?

No, of course not, sir.

We've just... Misplaced the keys.

You, you've lost my car keys?

We misplaced them. LAPD.

As well as the car.

What kind of car were you driving?

It's, a red Infiniti.

Hey, you sure about the address
for the office park you gave us?

Absolutely, it was the last stop we made

before I found that
shell casing in my car.

All right, well, it's a security firm.

Beck Securities.

And they have a contract
with Peter Adderley's company,

and it's run, owned and operated

by Stanley Beck,

who has been missing for a week.

When did you take Angela to his office?

About a week ago.

Damn, did she kill him, too?

But I went back to that office building.

There was nothing there...
No blood, no body.

You went back? Why would you go back?

I wanted to make sure
Angela was on the up-and-up.

I had my suspicions.

A lot of good that did.

All right, well, is there anything else

on this list that stands out to you?

You know, she made you take
a left instead of a right?

Or some weird place
she had you pick her up?


You know, she did take me
to this neighborhood.

I thought she was trying
to buy a house or something.

But we never stopped, so I-I didn't...

What neighborhood?

I think it was Milbank
Street, Sherman Oaks.

How's the noggin?

A lot better than my front
door you knocked down.

Which is coming out of my
security deposit, by the way,

so I appreciate that, thank you.

134 Milbank Street.

Fire investigator, Edmund Carlyle.

Didn't Angela's family die in a fire?

Yeah, and guess who
ruled it an accident.

We go to go see Edmund.

We're gonna need you
to stay here for a bit.



You know, Angela lost her family.
She's in pain.

She needs help.

You did good, Nico.

Shop has a security camera,
and guess what?

We got a hit.

That's Angela.

Well, white privilege says

his car has tracking software.

Traffic's gonna send us the location

as soon as they ping it.

"White privilege"?

Yeah, Conner was pissed.

He wanted to speak to a manager.

Sounds about right.

- Thanks for talking to us, Mr. Carlyle.
- Yeah.

Do you remember a woman
named Angela Turner?

Um, no, I-I don't think so.

Well, you investigated a
fire at her home four years ago.

Yeah, it's a faulty
electrical outlet...

It's pretty common, actually.

I-I see that dozens of times a year.

Yeah, well, we're,
robbery-homicide, and,

we don't forget the jobs
where there's two dead bodies,

let alone a little girl
burned alive in her bedroom.

Angela Turner didn't forget, either.

She's already killed two people.

Wait, what?

You recognize either of these two guys?

Yeah, um...

That's Stanley Beck.

After I investigated the fire
at the Turner home,

Stanley came to me.

I was ready to call it arson,

but Stanley threatened me
into ruling it an accident.

We pulled your bank records.

Did he threaten you
with a higher tax bracket?

Yeah, my wife was sick.

And I had a chance to help her.

The Turners...

They were already dead.

So I took the money.

Is Angela coming after me, too?

You sit tight.

Yo... You guys find Angela yet?

No, not yet, but we're closing in.

She lost some of her head
start when she swapped cars.

- Whatever she's doing, she ain't done yet.
- Yeah, well,

we're here with the investigator
that looked into the fires.

He said it was arson, but he was
paid to rule it an accident.

- By Peter Adderley?
- Nah, Stanley Beck.

Works for a security company
that did business with Adderley.

Okay, so,

Adderley hires Beck
to torch Angela's house,

and then Beck pays off
the fire investigator.

But why target Angela and her family?

They were just collateral damage.

This is about Neal Turner. He found out

his boss was running a Ponzi scheme.

So was he gonna blow the whistle?

Could be, but either way,

Angela's going after everybody involved

in killing her husband and her daughter.

Stanley Beck was reported missing.

We think Angela killed him, too.

So, that fire investigator
could be the last man standing.

Well, we're with him now.

Well, according to this GPS device,

Angela's in Sherman Oaks.

Yo, we got company.

Somebody's outside... We got to go.

We'll be there in five.

Hey, where you expecting...

Hit the lights!

Go, he's reloading.

Cover me!



I would've thought they'd be more clever

when they burned my family alive,

but it was just gasoline.

I guess they could afford to be cheap

when they had you protecting them.

- I'm sorry, okay?
- Of course you are. Now.

But you didn't lose
a single night's sleep

when that happened to me.

My wife was sick.

I was desperate.

You protected murderers!

Without you, they would've gone to jail.

But you covered for them.

You are the one who brought me here.

God no! Please, no!

No! Please!

Walker, cover me!

You guys good?

Edmund's out back!

No! Wait! Wait, please!

I've waited long enough.


Angela, drop the gun! It's over.

It's not over until this man
pays for what he did.

We know what he did.

We still can't let you kill him.

Think about your husband.

And your daughter.

I'm doing this for them!

Then think about your son.

You got him out of the fire.

- You saved his life.
- For what?

So he could go to prison?

I got the shot.


My brother Nico, he cares about you.

You could've killed him today.

It would've been safer
for you, but you didn't.

I don't think you're gonna hurt anyone

that hasn't hurt you first.

I don't think you're
gonna hurt me, either.

I'm not moving.

What's it gonna be?


Thank you, thank you.

You're welcome.

- You're under arrest.
- What?

- Hey.
- Hey.

Don't you have a super for that?

Yeah, if I want
to get it done next month.

- What is that?
- Groceries.


How about a "thank you"?

And, "you're the best sister ever"?

Wow, place looks pretty good.

What's that?

Cold water and club soda.

Have I taught you nothing?

White vinegar, half an hour.

Takes it right out.

How's the head?

Fine, head's good.

I'm more worried about my car.

I think you can pick it up from
the impound today, though.

You know, I was thinking about

trading the thing in for
something a little bit bigger.

You think Patrick would mind lending

his favorite brother-in-law
a little more cash?

I don't think it's a good time.

Not that you're not
good for it, it's just...

We're not great.

What's up?

Well, basically, my marriage is dying.


I don't really think I can save it.

I mean, I don't, I don't
even know if, if I want to.

Patrick thinks I am a
terrible role model for Izzy.

His biggest fear in life
is that she'll end up like me.

I don't know how you can
recover from that.

You know...

The person that you were saved my life.

The person that you are...

Has saved countless others.

Nancy, if Patrick can't see
the greatness in that,

then you should leave him.

I just can't leave Izzy.

You guys are off today.

Something I need to know?

Nah, just working on the K-town bombing.

We know it's connected
to Ruben and Choi's murders.

We're just digging deeper.

- You got something?
- Nope.

But we will.

I told you, we ain't clowning around.


- You already used that joke.
- I... I shouldn't have done that?

Just figure out what's
going on in Korea town.

Home, sweet home.

Leave me alone. Get off me!

Get over here, you butt!

Drag him in the alley.

Run your pockets!

- Drop his ass.
- No, let him go.

The two-on-one isn't very sporting.

What are you, a cop?

Nah. I just don't like bullies.

Snacks, now, I understand you.

You know, bigger than
your friends since day one.

Well, they bust your balls
for all the lbs,

but when push comes to shove,
they got a use for you.

It's the mouthpiece here
that I can't abide.

You talk a lot of shit, but you
don't get your hands dirty.

You find yourself an easy target.

You know, pick on them so nobody notices

how worthless you actually are.

But sooner or later,
they always figure it out.

Today's the day.

Now, Snacks...

How much to, to break his nose?

- What?
- I'm not talking to you.



I'll tell you what.

Thousand bucks for the nose
and his front teeth.

Yo, man. Let's get out of here.



I'm-a kill him.

Fletcher's a hacker.

This isn't his specialty.

He said he would take care of it.

We didn't give him a lot of time.

Please. Dad, stop defending him.

This... I mean, this is ridiculous.

Okay. Here they come, Dad.

Joseph Vaughn.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

And yours, too.

I understand you knew my Mallory.

I cared for her a great deal.

She was a good girl.

My apologies, about the headstone.

We're ordering a new one.

We knew her as Jen Striker.

Jen Striker?

Does that name mean anything to you?


It's a long story.

You don't know what it means
to know that-that someone gave her

a proper burial.

I can't thank you enough for this.

Here it is.

Take a look at it,
I'll go get the paperwork.

All right. Thank you.

Everything okay?

Yep. All good.

What the hell you
getting me into, Booster-Seat?

I always loved escaping the city.

- I always hated that name.
- I don't give a damn.

You just said to use his phone.

You didn't tell me nothing
about no damn explosion.

You got paid, corner man.

There's no way to tie you
to it if you keep your cool.

- Ricky got hauled in because of it.
- I know.

They canceled the fight.

Did they?

I don't get you, man.

I don't like this, Booster.


Well, if you ever want to
see the rest of your money,

you come to peace with the
fact that's the last time

you're gonna call me anything
other than my name.


And what if I don't, Booster?

I'll make do.

I'll keep this brief.

We've secured a new venue

in conjunction with
the City of Los Angeles,

so I will still be defending
my title next week.

Korea town could use something to
celebrate now more than ever.

And after defeating my opponent,

I will donate all winnings to
rebuilding the neighborhood.

My neighborhood. Thank you.

Good for you, champ.

Ricky Leon is really stepping up.

Never thought I'd be glad
I went to a cemetery,

but I loved seeing
what you did for that family.

We just arrested a woman for killing
two people over unfinished business.

Closure she never got.

Okay, I'm not saying Emma
was gonna burn the world down,

but... She deserved some kind of peace.

There was a time not that long
ago where you would've had

blinders on to their pain,
if it got you what you needed.

They had nothing to offer, but
you took care of them anyway.

I'm proud of you, Syd.

Thanks, Dad.

Emma. Hey.

Hi. Um

I'm sorry to just pop in like this.


I just wanted to see where she worked.

This is it.

Why do I feel like I owe you
another apology?

What's that supposed to mean?

No. No, this is nice.

You let her into your family.

Get you anything?

Do you have any white wine?

I'll check.

Um, this belongs to you.

You know, I've been thinking
about what you said,

about that period in Mallory's
life that you can't account for.

It was-was over ten years.

If she was alive,
why didn't she come home?

Why did she forget about me?

There's something I think
you need to see. Come on.

I love you, Emma. And I miss you.

I miss you so much.

If you ever get lonely,

just think about those
fun times at St. Croix.

She never forgot you, Emma.

But something scared her
enough to keep her away.

To keep you out of it.

To change her name.

Jen Striker.

When we were kids,
we used to play superheroes.

I'm Wonder Woman, I'm Supergirl.

But not Mallory.

She wanted to make up her own superhero.

Jen Striker was her superhero name.

She even used it on her fake ID.

You know, I guess if she had
to hide as someone else,

who better than Jen Striker?

You know


belonged to her.

In fact, we have a lot
of her things in storage.

From the life that she built.

Jen Striker's life.

But I think that Mallory

would be happy to know that you have it.

Maybe it'll bring a little part of her

back to you for a little while.

Do you really think
you can find who did this?

I'm never gonna give up on your sister.


What else can you tell me about her?

She was a big coffee drinker.

That girl had a mean coffee fix.

She was really big
on the environment.

She always walked around
with one of those travel mugs.

Hey, hon.

You okay?

I met Nathan Baker.

What? Where?

He found me at school.

What did he say?

He said that you were with
Nancy the night Mom died.

That's why you didn't pick me up.

Is it true?


Is it true?

Iz, it's not what you think.

Okay? Nancy and I, we knew each
other before we were together.

Okay? It was an LAPD fundraiser.

You were supposed to pick me up.

It was your weekend.

If you would have just
picked me up that night,

Mom wouldn't have been driving
and she wouldn't be dead.

Hey, what's going on here?

I know it is hard to understand,

but Nathan, he is trying
to hurt me, okay?

- He's trying to hurt all of us.
- But it's true!

You just said that it was true!

And now the two of you can't even stand

to be in the same room together.

So... Was it worth it?


This is-is complicated.

God... Complicated?

Yes, it's complicated.

Well, if you two won't call bullshit

on this family, then I will.

- I'm leaving.
- What?

- Excuse me?
- It's called emancipation.

No, Iz, you are not leaving this house.

Yeah, I am.

More than half of the artists
that Dylan works with

are emancipated from their
parents, so I can stay with him.

But y-you don't know these people.

We should talk about this...

No, there is nothing
left to talk about. Just...

- We will go back to therapy as a family...
- What for?

So someone with a degree can tell
you that you're full of shit?

Watch your mouth!

You do not get to make this decision.

Okay? We are not equals here.

Do you understand?

Well, I guess that's
up to the courts now.

I already filed the paperwork.

- Iz...
- Give it up, Nance.

I'm going to Letti's.