L.A.'s Finest (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - Thief of Hearts - full transcript

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That's enough!


I'm gonna find out what
you know about Jen Striker.

That name means nothing to me.

Good night, Detective.

I cannot believe you
went after the mayor like that.

And then picking a
fight with his muscle?

That thug started it when he
threw me out of the restaurant.

And that...

Is a shit-ton of money.

Right? And guess
where I found it.

In this bag, in her closet.

Hidden in plain sight.

Isn't that where a
young Nancy Perez

used to hide her ill-gotten
gains... In her closet?

No. Please don't go there.

we were thinking that she was doing

the whole... Camgirl thing.

And this is hard evidence
that we were right.

Izzy could basically be performing for
guys like Calvin from freakin' Fresno,

on his mom's couch with
a bag of freakin' Funyuns.

Not Funyuns.

Watching the Izzy show.

Every night. That's happening.

God. It's nauseating.

Yep. She has figured
out how to low-key

cash checks or-or
money transfers

or however... To hide all this.

What you're saying is,

little Izzy Pablo Escobar is a
better criminal than you ever were?

Fascinating. Oh, God.

did you tell Patrick about all of this?

No. Not exactly a conversation
you have over the phone.

Okay. So, next steps.

We need to image her laptop

and track her comments.

What do we do... Go to the LAPD
cybersecurity and ask them to hack

into the D.A.'s
daughter's laptop?

No. We ask Fletcher.

No. Fletcher is at a yoga
retreat in Mexico City.

But I do believe that he left

some of his equipment
at the bar. Maybe...

Throwing it out there...

Uh, we could do the job.

We could do this.

Can I see that face?

It's bad? Sexy.

I just can't believe you,
of all people,

couldn't charm the truth
out of Mayor Garrison.

Kind of disappointed in you.

Shut up.

You don't really think the
mayor of LA killed Jen, do you?

I think his reaction
was too big.

He knows something,
and I would be willing to bet money

that he's the one that has
Jen's black pearl necklace.

So I guess we have to figure
out who he's hanging out with

and where he's been,
who he's talking to.

Hmm. Wha... What
are you gonna do?

I'll do what any...

detective would do

with a bag of peas on
her face at a time like this.

I'm-a steal his phone.

Somehow I feel
like this involves me.

Think of it as
returning to your roots.


Reuben, Choi,
and our suspect's lair of guns and ammo.

You do know we have
computers to do all this,

so you don't have to waste all my tape,

Yeah, but when you use the
tape you can actually feel the clues.

There is literally
nothing new up there.

You got to use the wall,

Do you know what
my batting average is

on closing cases
that make the wall?

No, I do not.

90%, baby. Okay, first of all,

it'd be a .900 batting average,
not 90%.

And second of all,
nobody has a .900 batting average.

And if they did,
they would be Hall of Fame. Three times.

Morning, guys. Wow.

Morning. The wall. Nice.

Ah. See? She gets it.

Old school. Emphasis on "old."

I'm actually retro.

So where are you guys at with
hunting down our K-town bomber?

Nowhere new. Close.

Okay. Uh...

Are y'all up for a
little covert operation?

Anything to get me
away from this wall.

Great. All right,
we're gonna start

with tracking down the
mayor's afternoon schedule.

All right.

Did she say "mayor"?

She makes me nervous.

Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor.

It's on the schedule
for tomorrow.

Okay. We will be there.

Yep. No problem. Bye-bye.

Sir, are you all right?


Eugene, my boss! Eugene!

I feel like there's
an elephant sitting

on my chest. Oh, no.

- Try to take it easy.
- Delroy!

It's all right. Delroy! Delroy,
your father!

Delroy! We need a paramedic!

It's all right. Come on.

Somebody call 911!

- Is anyone a doctor?
- I'm calling 911!

I'm calling 911! GARRISON:
Try to take it easy.

Try to take it easy.

Really, he's in a bad way!

He might be having
a heart attack!

We're, uh, here at,
uh... Where-where are we?

Casa Rancheria.

Wh-What? Hotel Casa Rancheria.

good. Casa Rancheria! And-and my boss

is-is not doing well.

Your guys,
the mayor of LA is helping my boss

and I think he's having a,
a heart attack. Gosh...

I told him not to
eat so much butter.

Where are we? I told
him don't eat so much butter!

Sure about this? 'Cause we
just stole Mayor Garrison's phone.

You said you wanted to
get away from the wall.

I want to find Jen's killer,

I just don't want to get
arrested for petty theft

in the process. We're solving a murder,

We'll do whatever it takes.

How they doing?

Should be fine. We
just got to hurry up,

or else Baines is gonna
start singing Father Figure.

You steal this UFED
from the crime lab?

Tut-tut-tut. Tut. Borrowed.

Borrowed, Walker, borrowed.

McKenna's a pro.

She'll keep everybody occupied.

Ay, dios mio,Delroy!

Where is that paramedic?

They put me on hold.

They put you on what?

Excuse me,
sir. What kind of city

are you running here, mister?

I should've listened when
everybody told me not to hire family.

How you feeling now?

I was always
hoping to meet you when,

when I was getting the
key to the city or something,

not dying in front of you. Oh!

Come on, come on, come on,
come on.

We may get you
that key yet. Okay.



Maybe we should move him inside,

No. No!

The-the... The paramedics
said to keep him here.

All right, let's find an AED,
maybe we have to shock him.

I'll call the front desk. No!

Why would you shock him? He has a pulse,
you could kill the man!

What sense does that make? Okay.

Syd. Almost.

Okay. Go. Go.

I still got it.

My chest! GARRISON:
Try to take it easy.

He taught me how to be a man.

Uh, I'm the hotel doctor,
maybe I can help.

Oh, great, great. Come on.

Uh, hey, yeah, you got a Xanax

for Delroy over here?

You know what,
I-I don't think it was a heart attack.

I think it was just
angina. Angina?

Yeah, angina. Angina.

Angina? NANCY: Angina?

In the leg?

He's got angina!

Angina, no! Angina?

Oh, my God...

Heartburn? Yeah.

I'm sorry I panicked. Mayor?

You have been just a real peach.

You are a hero. A
national treasure.

let's give the mayor a hand!

Thank you...

Wow. Let's take him back...

The mayor of LA,
ladies and gentlemen.

He saved my boss' life.

- You saved... You saved Eugene's
leg! - And thank the nurse.

- And thank the nurse,
too. - I'm a doctor.

Thanks for the assist, guys.

Anything on the mayor's phone?

A lot of scheduling e-mails.

And gym selfies.

Nothing useful, though.

You had me lying on
the sidewalk for nothing?

Well... Oh, wait, no,

maybe not.

Is that Jen?

Somebody sent that photo to
Garrison from a blocked number.

But check the
message that's attached.

It's blackmail.

That must have been why
Garrison was acting shady.

He was worried
about being exposed.

What, having sex with escorts

or killing Jen?

We need to find out
who sent this to him,

because Garrison's
not gonna talk.

I still think
you should have come in

and been like, "Yo,
I was one of Jen's favorite clients, too."

You know,
he would have opened up. Like...

Like a bond. Like a...


Oh. Yeah, oh.


You and Jen were, uh...

Close... Ish, yup.


Uh, yeah,
before we get out of here,

McKenna needs some of Fletcher's
equipment that he, uh, left here.

Do you know where that is?

Yeah. There's a... Box.

I'll get it.

I owe you lunch.

For a month. For a month.

And just let go, completely.

What's up with you? Uh... What?

Oh, nothing,
nothing. Oh, no, no, no.

Don't do that. Don't
come in here distracted,

'cause that gets me distracted
and then it's a whole thing.

All right. Fine.

I'm trying to figure
out how I can afford

to put a fourth kid
through college.

A fourth... Faith is pregnant?

Dude, congrats! No, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I-I just
got a message from a sperm bank.

Sperm ba... Why?

In my younger,
government cheese days,

I was what you might
call a frequent flier.

I donated sperm a
couple times a week

whenever my bills
got stacked up.

They paid good money, man.

That is way too
much information.

And then, just now,
they left me a message saying

call 'em back at my
earliest convenience.

we all know what that means.

There's only one reason
why a sperm bank calls.

Why? There's a test-tube

Baines baby that
want to meet me.

Probably gonna shake
me down for a college fund.

And I didn't tell Faith
because I didn't know

how she would feel
about me being a donor.

Especially if you're one
of them sperm donors

that has, like,
40 kids out there.

Can we talk about
something else?

Other than your sperm? Yes,

What you got here, man?

Uh, I actually got something
new on our K-town bomber.

Partial print lifted
from one of the rounds

of the gun that shot
Reuben Velazquez...

It matches the prints we got
from our bomber's hideout.

So you think Reuben and Choi may
have gotten killed by the same guy?

Which is weird if this is
about a neighborhood dispute.

I mean, our two victims
are on opposite sides of it.

You know what bothers me? Hmm?

You and I both are in peak
physical condition, right?

I am. But it doesn't make sense

that the shooter
got away from us.

I mean, he's not Usain Bolt.

And then all of
this high-end shit...

I mean, it's not like the
guy walked into RadioShack

and just plucked
it off the shelf.

No, course not,
because when was the last time

someone walked
into a RadioShack?

When was the last time
you bought electronics, 1998?

Oh, you got jokes?

I'm not kidding.
You got jokes today.

You'll see. The 'Shack
is making a comeback.

All right, all right, all right.

Our suspect is highly skilled,
he's got money to burn

and is able to just
disappear into thin air.

Hmm. And with all this hardware,

he has a bigger plan
than just our two victims.


Got you.

Daddy, how'd you find me?

Well, I know where all the
good hiding spots are, kiddo.

But it's time to get a move on.

So, we got to get going, okay?

Okay. All right.

Go on.

How are you doing?

You must be Izzy.

Oh, wow. Hi.

Hi. Holy crap.

Hi. I'm Letti.

I wasn't sure

if you'd actually come.

Oh, come on. You think I'd
flake on a meetup? Really?

I-I mean, it's just that...

You're Dylan Pace. Mm-hmm.

Believe me,
I wouldn't miss this for anything.

Sit. Let's talk.

According to this,

an average camgirl makes $200

to $1,000 a day,

only working three
to five hours daily.

I think Izzy's in a higher
tax bracket than me.

that does sound like really good money.

How many hours
a day did you say?

I found, like,
$20,000 in her backpack, so...

So how long do you think
she's been doing this?

Mm-mm-mm. But white jailbait
ass can charge a premium.

It's true.

I lost my appetite.


Hey. Let me see that.

Houston, we have a winner.

First time's the charm.

Yeah, you got lucky. Who is she?

She is Tina Kelly.

Frost did question her,
and she is a known associate of Jen's.

But according to this,
she barely knew her.

That photo does not look like two
women who barely know each other.

I've already told
you guys everything I know.

We just want to talk to
you about a couple things.

Like this photo. Right here.

I've already talked to
another detective about this.


Think I can, uh, have a go?

You think it's too late for me to
live out my Geena Davis dreams?

Maybe I'll make the Olympics?

I'd have to see you shoot.

Tina, Jen was a friend.

I just want to see
whoever did this to her pay.

Don't you? I mean,
if you know anything,

something you might not have
mentioned to anyone before,

anything at all.

I don't know what
else I can tell you.

All right,
let me notch this for you.

Coming over.

Arm up.

Keep it down, elbow locked.

Not bad.


Garrison's being
blackmailed with that photo,

and now Jen's dead.

Maybe because of it.

You could be in danger, Tina.

I don't want to see anything
bad happen to anyone else.

That photo isn't
exactly a photo.

It was taken from a
video. It's a screengrab.

Garrison had a sex
tape? Not exactly.

That's from a party
at Eric Jeffries's place.

He has these sex
parties for the crazy rich.

Bondage, threesomes,
stuff that's a lot more fringe.

Whatever expensive thrill they want,
they can get it.

We're familiar with those
parties. Aren't we, Syd?

Then you know,
the people at these parties,

you don't say no to them.

They have the money to
make people disappear.

They're powerful.

You mean Garrison.

You didn't want to piss off the
most powerful politician in LA, right?

I thought if he found out
I'd been talking to the cops,

if anybody did,

I might end up like Jen.

But you know, clearly Garrison

didn't know those parties
were being recorded.

But you did.

You know who made that video.

Tina, if you know something,
you got to tell us.

Whoever shot that video

is probably the one
blackmailing Garrison.

That's impossible. Why?

Because Jen took that video.

That's a smart move by Jen,

making those
videos for insurance.

Guys at those parties think
of those girls as disposable.

Uh, if Jen had those videos,

why didn't we find them?

Crime scene techs
were all over Jen's apartment

the morning after
she was murdered.

And according to
the police report,

there were no
signs of a break-in,

and they didn't find any videos.

I mean, really, those things

could've been stolen at any time,

All we know is that Tina
went to the apartment

to look for the hard copies,
and they weren't there.

I mean,
they could've been stolen

weeks before Jen was murdered.

I looked into Garrison
on the dark web,

I didn't find
anything scandalous.

So somebody must
have them. Yeah.

What's weird is
why they wouldn't

go after Garrison right away.

Why wait until
after Jen's death?

So, what now?

Tina did say that she boxed
up a bunch of Jen's stuff

and put it in a storage unit.

I guess we shake some boxes

and see what we find.

You okay? Yeah.

Did you get his plates?

There were no plates. Yeah.

Guess I'd remove them, too,
if I was trying to run down some cops.

So that car shows up right
after we talk to a witness

with information
about that sex party?

That driver was following us.

Well, as far as intimidation tactics go,
it's pretty ballsy.

Yeah, and desperate.

It means we're
on the right track.

We're gonna need some
protection detail on Tina.

Baines. Hey. Huh? Yo.

Did you know the cost of
college has gone up 213%

over the last 30 years?

213%! What are the
strippers gonna do?

Crime scene techs found
this in mystery man's lair.

They thought it was
a piece of a bomb.

But it's not? No. It's not.

It's a piece of
a prosthetic leg.

I knew it. He wasn't Usain Bolt,
he's the Blade Runner.

That's why we couldn't
keep up with him.

Dude, the homeless encampment.

There was that guy with one leg.

Oh, shit.

Oh, he was right in front of us.

I looked right at him.


Hey, Iz!



Yeah. I know.

Hey. Hey.

You're, uh, home late.

Yeah. We took a dinner break.

We just got some chemistry
homework to finish up.

Oh, it's Thai, by the way,
so if you want the leftovers,

you should probably grab
them before Syd gets to it.

I'm just gonna go drop
this stuff in your room. Yeah.

Hey, Iz.

Can I, uh,
talk to you about something?

What's wrong? I, um...

I found the, uh...

I found the cash in your closet.

You searched my room?

I-I didn't want to... I cannot believe you.

That is such an
invasion of privacy.

No, really, what is this,
a police state?

It's not a police state. Oh,
what else do you call it

when your private space gets
searched without any warning

o-or reason?
You're 16 years old.

These random packages
coming to the house?

Like, every other day,
another package.

You think I wasn't
gonna notice that?

So, yeah,
I searched your room. It's a lot of cash.

Is it illegal?

Illegal? Really?

That's what you think?

I don't actually have to tell you anything,

Since apparently I'm dealing
with Detective McKenna

and not Nancy,
think I'm gonna exercise my right

to remain silent.

That's not fair.

I just need to know
what you're doing.


Since, you know,
I'm 16 years old.

Unless you want to put
me in cuffs right now.

Am I being detained, Detective?

Should I call my attorney?

Hey. Yeah...

"Wicked stepmother"?

That's rude. That is very rude.

I am a concerned
person in Izzy's life.

Can you just... None
of your business.

Little help here?

Hang on, Fletch.

I'm allergic to arachnids.

That's not a thing.


Track the IP address I gave you

and see what the hell
Izzy has been up to online.

That's it. Okay, bye.

She wants a police state,
I'm giving her a police state.

Find anything?

Oh, yeah, this is a box of,
uh, hair products.

So if you want a beachy wave,
I got the hookup.

You know
there's a slim to zero chance

we're gonna find anything
related to Jen's murder in here?

Well, let's keep looking.

If we don't find anything,
I'll hit up cyber and see if they can

pull the metadata
from that screengrab.

But you know, on Forensic Files,
it's always the last place

that the cops look that
gets them to an arrest.

I love that narrator's voice.

Just when the detectives feared
they had reached a dead end,

the spiders yielded a clue.

Oh, here we go.

Here we go. Look.

Son of a bitch.

Come. Look.


We had the geotag
from the screengrab

leading us straight
to this location.

I got to say, I think it's kind of
weird that Decker's watching

these kinky tapes of his boss.

Almost as weird
as us sitting around

watching these kinky
tapes of his boss.

This is proof that Decker is
the one that's blackmailing the mayor.

We got him cold.

Which is kind of what
it looks like right now.

That's a lot of
shrinkage going on.

But why now?

Decker had to know that
his boss was partaking

in after-hours
escort activities.

Maybe. But he didn't have proof.

Jen's black pearl necklace

went missing from her
apartment after she was killed.

Kind of a thing a
high-class escort

might get as a gift
from the mayor of LA

Kind of thing the
mayor of LA might ask

his right-hand man to retrieve
once said escort is murdered.

Decker breaks
into Jen's apartment

and steals the necklace.

But if I'm Garrison,
I want to make sure

that there's nothing
else in her apartment

that can lead back to me.

So my guess is he
just asked Decker

to search the whole place.

And that is when Decker
discovers Jen's insurance videos.

But Decker's sneaky.

He gives back the necklace,
shows he's loyal,

also becomes the last
person that Garrison suspects

of blackmailing him.



Now that is the face

of a guilty man. Oh, shit.

Go, go.

Stay with him!
I'll call for backup!

Don't move.

I hate assholes who make me run.

Wait, is that you blowing up?


Oh, it's Fletch. Hmm.

He found the video,

Relax every...

What is that?

Is she whispering? Shh...

Let go of your worries. Oh,
I kind of like it.

It's-it's, um,
it's one of those, uh,

those videos where
they make you feel,

like, tingly, right?

What? Yeah.

You get the tingles
when you listen to them.

Izzy is not giving anybody the tingles.

Where is she? I felt tingles.

Yo, what is going on with you?

I don't have a sperm
bank baby. Huh.

Turns out the
cooling system failed,

and they were contacting
all the past donors

just to restore their inventory.

Oh, great,
I don't have to listen to you

do college tuition
calculations anymore.

Yo, but get this,

I asked them how many
times did they use my stuff.

You know,
so I can prepare for the future, all right?

Of course. They told
me nobody used it.

After all these years,
nobody wanted my sperm.

Well, that's what you wanted,

No surprise sperm bank babies.

No. I want them to want
my superior genetics.

Okay. Well,
all of this has got me thinking.

We lost a lot of nights and
weekends on this job, man.

I love my kids,
but I missed a lot of stuff,

and I don't want them growing
up thinking that I'm not around,

that I'm just a donor.

Yo, you're constantly telling
me about your three perfect kids

and your perfect wife.

They know you love being a cop,

but they also know that if you had to
choose between your job and your family,

you'd give up being
a cop in a heartbeat.

You're a great father,

not a donor.

So can we stop talking
about your sperm?

Thanks, partner.

Yeah, for sure.


Trace on the serial number
from that prosthetic piece came in.

You got something good?

Better than good. I got a name.

Clete Winslow. Ex-Army Ranger.

Honorably discharged
in 2015. He's got a kid.

Hmm. His military record's
more redacted than not.

It's like every mission this
guy went on was classified.

Damn. Our boy's
a killing machine.

a killing machine with more planned.

Think about all that gear
we found in that warehouse.

There's one thing I
just do not understand.

Just one thing?

A guy like this, right,

seriously skilled,
decorated veteran,

why is he going after
Reuben and Choi?

Why don't we ask him
when we haul his ass in.

But in the meantime, we need to
get an address on our boy Winslow

before he starts going
wild in K-town again.


Are you ticklish?

I know I am.


Go again,

but slower this time. Right?

Make 'em want it.
That's your audience.

Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay?

we have a situation in the main room.

Sup, Officers? "Sup"?

Did he just say "sup"?

Yeah. No,
he did. Who the hell are you?

So I'm assuming, Dylan,

that this is your establishment?

Yes, it is.

How old is the average underage

person here? SYD: No,
no, no, no, no.

No, no. Dylan,
how old are you? 'Cause you look 35.

At least. I-I'm 28.

Twenty-eight? Does he
look 28 to you? Pfft. No.

Not with that hairline. No. Wait,

No. No, sir.

You're like a LeBron James 28,
not 28.

Wait, wait, wait. This-this is

a talent incubator
for influencers.

An incubator? Who the
hell are you influencing?

You like minors?
There's absolutely

nothing illegal going on here.

Wait, are you trying to be an
authority on the law right now?

He's trying to tell the
police about the law.

No, no. No, no. NANCY: What?

Y-You think you're a lawyer?

Oh, well,
if you're old enough to be a lawyer,

then you shouldn't be
hanging out with Izzy.

Izzy? Is that,
is that what this is about?

so you know the minor in question?

She's in high school.


Normally, I'm the... I'm the loose cannon,
but mama bear here...

Well, she smells blood in the water,

That's a really mixed metaphor.

What? I'm gonna break your face.

Oh, my God. Uh...

Okay, whatever this is,

it's over.

I cannot even believe you. Ugh!

This isn't over.

Izzy? Izzy?

What are you doing here, huh?

And what are you
hiding in this place?

I'm not hiding anything. I'm...

I'm making ASMR videos.

Autonomous sensory
meridian response.

It's like this weird brain
reflex you get from whispering

and quiet sounds...

After I got kidnapped,

I couldn't sleep.

I would just watch videos,

and eventually, I found ASMR.

And I started watching
more and more of them,

because they actually helped.

It's like turning
the volume down,

and everything feels
smaller and safer.

So I started making my own,
and I uploaded a few of them.

And I-I don't show my face,
'cause I'm not stupid.

I never said you were.

And I kept getting
these comments

from people that I
was helping them

with their insomnia and anxiety,
and it...

It just kind of blew up.

And I started making money,
like, a lot of it.


You make... Whisper videos?

And that's it?


And the sex toys are just,
you know, recreational...


For sounds. They're just props.

And that guy, Dylan,
who you terrorized?

He's a huge influencer
who was gonna help me.

But who knows if he's
gonna want to work with me

after the Syd and Nancy show,
so thank you for that.

Why didn't you tell me?

And why are you
keeping secrets from me?

You know, you can trust me.

You can tell me stuff.

Trust you? R...

First, you search my room,

and then, you just show up here.

There is no trust at all.

I was worried.

Why? 'Cause I care about you.

Why? It's not like you're
gonna stick around anyway.

I... You think I can't tell
that you and Dad are just

keeping up appearances
for the campaign?

You're gonna leave me,
and you already have one foot out the door.

I will never leave you.
I will never leave you.

Don't even say that.

Your father and I,

that's a whole other
situation that's...

It's not about me? Is that
what you were gonna say?

But it is,

'cause the one thing I asked

was that you not drag it out.

So just... Just go.

I... I'm just...

Izzy, I'm not... Hey, McKenna.


Let her go. It's okay.

Oh... She just
needs to cool off.

I really screwed up.

You know what I think'll
make you feel better?

What do you say we take down a suspect,

The Bens got our K-town bomber.

Oh, God. All right. Come on.

Units en
route to suspect's residence,

please respond Code
2. No lights or sirens.

Both teams out. Move.

Team Two, go.

Local PD says
the kid's at school.

Winslow's alone in the house.

Alpha, move.

Tripwire! Stop!


All teams, check for wires.

Look out for the tripwires.

There's more traps in
the yard. How's our guy?

Still alive from
the looks of it.

First floor, far left window.

Your suspect essentially turned
the property into a minefield.

He made it upstairs.

He can see all of us. Like
shooting fish in a barrel.

Ready? Cover. Yeah.

Baines? Walker?

We're here.

From where you're at,
you've got the best cover.

Winslow's got the
rest of us pinned down.

What's the plan, Syd?

I got an idea. Cover me.


McKenna, go!

Suspect is in custody.

Nice work, Delroy.

And that's what you
call superior genetics.


Move in and clear.

We got lots of ammo over here!

What's going on? It's Izzy.

She-she got in a car accident.

Okay, go, go,
go. Just call me after you see her.

Bad news, Clete.

We've got evidence
that ties you to an arson

and two homicides.

The potassium
chlorate is the same stuff

you used to blow up Choi.

And all these explosives,
you were gonna pull another job.

But you know
what's really interesting is that

we dug into your financials.

It turns out that a
nice chunk of change

ended up in your accounts
just hours after each crime.

So, somebody's paying you.

Or your daughter sold a
lot of Girl Scout cookies.

Look, you're just the triggerman,
we want the money man.

So you give us a name and we'll
put in a good word with the judge.

And maybe you get to
stay close to your daughter.

Not interested.

Yeah, he's too good of a
soldier to give up his boss.

but those deposits into Winslow's account

wasn't pocket change.

So whoever the money man is,

he put a ton of cash
into that chaos in K-town.

Mm-hmm. Whatever this is,

it's not over.

Hey, Patrick.

Izzy was in an
accident... A car accident.

I think she hurt her arm.
I don't... I don't know.

I'm... I just arrived,
so I'm gonna see her now.

Okay, well,

I'll have her call
you. I promise.

Okay, bye.

Hi. Isabel McKenna?

assistance to room number 209.

Wheelchair to Room 209.


Hi. Hey.

How did you even
know that I was here?

Letti called.

You okay?


Really, I'm fine. Really.

Your dad's... Hysterical.

You should call him, you know.

He's really worried.



I'm sorry about before.

I was just mad,
and-and embarrassed,

and I shouldn't
have said that stuff.

It's fine.

Uh, I mean, I'm sorry, but...

I just...

You know, I...

I just feel like it's
my job to protect you.

And-and... When you were taken,

I-I felt responsible.

And-and so, you know, I just...

I feel like I failed you.

It isn't your fault, Nancy.

Regardless of who's to blame,

we should talk
about things more.

Yeah. Okay?

I think I just wanted
something that was mine.

You know? So I could be me

and not "the
candidate's daughter"

or "the girl who got kidnapped."

I get that.

And, you know, you...

You found your thing.

It's a little weird. The Internet
is a very weird place, Nancy.

Yeah, it is a weird place,

with lots of porn.

Mostly porn.

You know,
I think about the people who may be

watching your videos... Mm-hmm.

Chucky from Downey,

naked on his mom's couch,
like, eating eggs with ketchup.

Drinks Cactus
Cooler with Funyuns.

Wow. You know,
watching your-your videos.

You've really
thought this through.

Yeah. Okay.

Just-just promise me that
you're not gonna tell Dad.



Oh, yeah, no,
I'm not gonna tell your dad.


...you're gonna tell your dad.

No. I'm not gonna have
that conversation with him.

That's awkward.

No, not for me. That's for you.

you want to be treated like an adult,

you got to act like one.

So A, you got to pay taxes.

'Cause the IRS don't play.

And-and B,
you have to talk to your dad

about some of these hard truths.

Okay, Izzy,
we are all set to get that X-ray.



Uh... Dr. Verone.

You must be Izzy's...

Stepmom. Uh, Nancy McKenna.

Ah. It's, uh,
nice to meet you, Nancy.

Um, we're ready for you.

So I'm gonna have somebody
from radiology come in

and we'll get that
arm X-rayed. Okay.

Just, uh,
another two minutes. Thank you.

Dang, that man is a snack.

Who, the-the doctor guy?


I-I didn't notice.

You chose a place nobody
would see me cause a scene.

I picked a place where
I can come to reflect

on what's important.

Thank you for...

...responding to my text.

I want those videos you
found in Decker's apartment.

And I want to have
the conversation

you denied me the other night.

All right.

Okay. You were a
client of Jen Striker.

Jen was murdered.

Your right-hand man
broke into her place

looking to remove
any connections to you.

Detective... Those are
the facts that I can prove.

You keep dicking around,
my next move will be to see a judge.

I didn't kill Jen.

When you're in my position, you can't
afford to be tied to a dead call girl,

no matter how much you cared
about her. Don't bullshit me.

When you achieve what I have,

everybody wants a piece of you.

But not Jen.

She made it feel like

the world was only
as big as the two of us.

From the way that you're
going after this case, I...

I suspect you already know that.

She wasn't just some escort.

I loved Jen.

She was special.

Yeah. She was.

I need those videos.

How about a trade?

Jen really loved this.


Garrison was worried it
could be traced back to him.

Probably would've ditched it,
which Jen would've hated.

So we made a deal.

And he trusts you won't
use that against him?

I gave him something
a little bit more damning.

But I won't be
voting for him again.


You know,
when McKenna mentioned you and Jen before,

I didn't know the
two of you were...


It didn't ever
seem like the right time

to bring that up when I was
asking you to give her a job.

"Hey, Dad, you know, uh,
can you give Jen a job?

"You know,
the woman that I'm sleeping with?"


God, no.

But you cared about her. Yeah.

Once upon a time,

I lost somebody
that I cared about.

Somebody that I
was trying to protect.

Syd, I hope you know

that you don't ever
have to hide who you are.

You're my daughter.

And we...

...seem to
have this unspoken agreement

that we won't say it often,

but I'm saying it now:

I love you.

I guess it just...

Most of my relationships
have seemed transactional.

Just... Skin-deep, you know?

Just... I-it felt safer

to keep people at arm's length.

But I just keep thinking, what if, what if
I would've let Jen get closer? You know?

Just let her in, and-and maybe

I would've seen what was
going on and I would've...

I... She wouldn't
be dead right now.

Don't put that on yourself.

Syd, all those maybes

are just gonna drive you crazy.

And guilt,
it won't bring her back.

Maybe not.

Maybe not, but...

I'll settle for justice.

May I?


So I-I found this when I
was going through Jen's box

with all her camera equipment

and the DVDs of the sex parties.

And all that stuff. Hey.
You know...

I'm all for
father-daughter time,

but I'm not sure I'm ready
to watch sex tapes with you.

Yeah, no father-daughter
should ever be that close.

No. This stood out

because there was
no address on it.

And... There was this.

I know you got a VHS. Huh.


And you said I'd never use
this "obsolete junk" again.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sometimes being
a hoarder pays off.

Maybe it's blank.



If you're watching this, then...

You realize I'm not dead.