Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Blue Dragon Plays with Fire - full transcript

When the kids grow over-confident after beginning their training, they decide to intercept a distress call and sneak off without permission, only to land themselves in hot water.

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1x02 - Blue Dragon Plays with Fire

everybody up! It's Kung Fu time!

- First day of class!
- Intruder!


Oh! Hey, Master Po!

Wow, that would've been bad! [LAUGHS]

Let's go wake up the others.




Huh? What up, Master Po?

Up and at 'em, little guy.

- Hey, where's your sister...
- Present, Master Po!

What are you doing?

I was so excited,
I couldn't sleep.

Here, I made a list of all
the Kung Fu I want to learn.

Diggin' that Kung Fu 'tude, Nu Hai.

We're gonna need it if we're gonna
get to the bottom of that insane...

Four Constellations Hero Chi
you've got.

And I've got a surprise for you.

I found an amazing new place
for us to train!

PO: Ta-da!

BAO: We're supposed to train
all the way up there?

Look at all those great stairs, huh!

You think I was born with this
killer bod? No, I earned it.

Running up the stairs of the Jade Palace.
Race you to the top!


Am I there?

I knew I'd beat those kids
to the... Oh, come on!

- She's a real beaut', sir.
- NU HAI: Yeah, this is good.

I'm sure if we slap a little of
paint on it, and maybe some nails...


ALL: Woah!


Kung Fu teachable moment.

This new training hall may look
less than epic on the outside...

but in Kung Fu, it's all about
what's inside that counts.

Wow. It is so much worse inside.


- It smells like dying in here.
- Yeah, nice.

Wonder if I could
get this as a scented candle.


I bet there's even stuff in here
we could use to make equipment.

No offense, Master Po,
but this place is...


Okay, before we start,
let's talk chi.

Hero Chi is supposed to go to
one master in every generation.

And somehow all four of you got it.

How did you receive your Hero Chi?

I got it from dying and coming
back from the Spirit Realm.

Which, P.S., I don't recommend.

And Master Oogway got it from
the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom.



No way!


JING: Awesome!

You guys got your individual
powers for a reason.

Now that's some serious
chi power you kids are rockin'.

We could easily blow the roof off
this place if we don't control it.

And, uh... What?

- We...
- About that...

We don't know how we got our chi
to show up the other night.

We got jack squat
in the clue department, Sir!

That's okay. We'll
figure it out together.

It's gotta still be in there.

You, Fan Tong.

You got Red Phoenix, right?

PO: Master Red Phoenix was the most
courageous Constellation of all.

Willing to jump into the middle of
the most dangerous battles and, and...

Fan Tong? Where'd he go?

- He's probably peeing his pants.
- Correction. "Peed."

So maybe we've got some work to
do. Okay, who's got White Tiger?

Right here! Hyah!

PO: White Tiger was an excellent
healer, and such a chill guy.

His chillness was legendary.

Everyone who ever met him was
like, "Man, that dude's so chill.

"He wouldn't even hurt a fly."



Jing, what are you doing?

Just trying to hurt this fly.
It looked at me weird!

- Hyah!
- Chill.


Moving on.
Master Black Tortoise.


PO: Always put the needs
of others above his own.

He was the most selfless of
all the Four Constellations.

One time he even stopped a
meteor from hitting the Earth...

...using only his chi.

BAO: Aw, yeah!

I'm the best at being selfless, y'all!
Ooh-ah! Ooh-ah! Ooh-ah!

Can I go next?

I assigned a ton of homework to myself
to prepare for our first class...

So I know all
about Master Blue Dragon.

NU HAI: Blue Dragon
was the leader.

Smart, focused,
always knew what to do.

And he was a crack shot
with a bow and arrow.

Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew!

Ha-haa! Got ya!
Pew, pew, pew...


How come she gets a bow and
arrow, and all I do is heal?

Lame. I wanna trade with Nu Hai.

You know what? I'd like to
upgrade to a cooler power, too.

the turtle! I like turtles.

- No, guys, come on. You can't trade.
- BAO: Not the face!

Chi doesn't work that way.




Ah, these old bones.

Many blessings,
sisters and brothers.

We are all connected by
the chi of the universe.

Legend tells that the original Dragon
Warrior subsisted on nothing more...

than the dew from a ginkgo leaf,

and the chi of the
universe.[ALL EXCLAIM]

it may sound far-fetched...

but I have been sustaining myself
with chi for as long as I can remember.

Keeps me young. And...

A thousand apologies,
sisters and brothers,

it seems I'm needed elsewhere.


Could someone help me up, please?

Have you lost your mind,
Jade Tusk?

Showing your face in my monastery.

- Ooh! Drama!
- Silence, Huifang!

We are never to be seen
together above-ground.

I have had enough
of your failure...

- Master, I've located Pious Chan.
- Who's Pious Chan?

Can someone please get her
out of here?

Lure her away with a snack,
or something!

Why do you show her
such kindness, Master?

Her uncle works for the emperor.

Now where can I find Pious Chan?

In a cave, half-a-day's journey from
here. I will bring him to you, Master.

No. I should pay a personal
visit to our old friend.

By the by, what do you think
of my winter plumage?

I think it's very slimming.

You are always divine
in my eyes, Master.

Right answer.

Master Po, wait until you see what
we have done in here. It is spiffy.

I can't even believe
we're related sometimes.


Sweet bodacious bodacity!

This place looks awesome!

Dang! We really Kung Fu'ed
the crud out of this dump.

There sure is a lot less
moist garbage than before.

Yeah, if you ignore
how bad it smells in here,

this place is probably
like the Jade Palace.

We've got one of those!
And that thing!

Ha! Hoo! Hee! Hiya!


Oh! Chill, Nu Hai.
Let's take a breath and focus.

Not jump ahead of ourselves.


Wow, you're right,
I do feel more focused.

[EXCITED] I love Kung Fu!

Me too!
I painted a face on this dummy!

His name is "Fan Tong Junior."

All righty! Let's see
what we're working with.


- Woah!
- Yaaa!






Great first week, everybody!
You guys are really coming along.

Right here. Give me some paw.

Right there, yeah! Whoa!

I'll do a little research on the Four Cs
while you're at school tomorrow.

See if there's anything that
might help us unlock that Hero Chi.

But I think we're on the right track.

We're just regular kids.
What if this was all a mistake?

There are no accidents!
And I'm going to prove it.


The Master will be pleased to
see there's still powerful chi

running through those
old veins, Pious Chan.

You are lucky
the Master needs you alive.

JINDIAO: Oh, Jade Tusk...

Must everything be so dramatic
with you?

Grand Abbot Jindiao?
Your Holiness, who are these monks?

I've never seen them at the Temple
of the Heavenward Plum Blossom.

Master Chan, I require
your help. [COUGHS]

The Hero Chi of the Masters of the
Four Constellations has been found.

That's amazing.

Uh, one teensy wrinkle.

Apparently the chi is being
guarded by a fat ridiculous panda

claiming to be the Dragon Master.

I don't understand, Grand Abbot.

- What do you need from me?
- So glad you asked.

Pious Chan, my dear old friend.

I need your...



I'm surprised to see you,
Master Po.

Well, I can't be saving the
world all the time, right?

No, I meant, you don't strike me
as much of a reader.

Oh! Ouch.
Okay. Good feedback.

Look, I need to see
whatever scrolls you have

on the Legend
of the Four Constellations.

All of a sudden, everybody's
got Four Constellations fever!

Oh? You're welcome.

Don't eat, or make a mess, or do
anything weird in here while I'm gone.

Pfft! You make sure you don't do
anything weird, old timer.




The universe picked us to be
special-er than I already was.

I don't see why we still have
to go to regular school.

Guys, I hear you,
but as your leader...

- As our, huh?
- Yeah, who decided that?

Uh, the universe?

It saw my natural leadership skills
and decided I was Blue Dragon.

"Leadership skills"? [SCOFFS]
Like what?

Organized. Excellent speller.
Always five minutes early.

Willingness to try strange foods.
Arithmetic. Need I go on?

PING: Attention, everyone!

I come bearing a message
for the Dragon Master.

Bandits have overtaken Wu-Ran Village

and the local constable
requests his help.

We are the Dragon Master's
students. I am the leader.

Still up for debate.

We will deliver your message
to Master Po.

Your kindness warms my heart.


Hey, does this cafe have a public bathroom,
or do I have to buy something?

Oh-em-gosh, you guys!
This is huge.

I know! Delivering mail! Somebody
pinch me. But not too hard.

No. Don't you see?

We couldn't get our chi to work
at the Training Hall...

But remember what happened when
we fought those warrior monks?

- Boom! Chi!
- That's... not totally dumb.

Like Master Po said,
"There are no accidents."

This has to be the universe
pointing us to our destiny!

No, no, no.

We should definitely deliver
this straight to Master Po.

Oh, I'm sorry, kids.
Po's not here right...

Welp we tried.
Let's go save a town.

Are you forgetting what
Master Po said about...

"taking a breath" and
"not getting ahead of yourself"?

I bet if we took out those
bandits, you'd be famous.

Let's go be heroes, y'all!


Argh! Come on!


"Many have sung the praises of the
Masters of the Four Constellations.

But few ever mention
their humble origin..."

Huh? What a mess.


Ow! Ow!

Okay, that's enough.

Come on!

Okay, that tickles.

Oh. Hey! Dragon Master!
Back already? Huh?

Back from Wu-Ran Village?

Your, your students said
they'd give you the message.



NU HAI: Holy underpants!

Guys, it's time to get our chi
on and save this town!



Halt, evil-doers!
Your days of crime are over.

ALL: Hmm?



Come on!
You want a piece of me?


Okay, heat of battle! Ready to go!
Here comes the chi!


NU HAI: Any minute now.


Your aggressive grunting does
not seem to be slowing them down.

Okay, we might have
gotten ahead of ourselves here.

Uh... New plan. What would Master Po do?

Okay, everybody split up!

No, no, no, stay together!

What's the ding-dang plan,

Come on Nu Hai, think!
You got this! Think! Come on!

Into that alley!



Yeah! Ha-haa!


Hello, hello.


What have we here?

Wait! Nu Hai!







Think, come on! Come on,
Nu Hai, think! You got this!

PO: Just take a breath. Focus.





That was so cool!

Oh, Master Po's here?
I'm just gonna go ahead and...


What the heck are you guys
doing out here?


Hold that thought.


Where was I?
Oh, right.

You had one week of Kung Fu
training! You're not ready for this!

You could've gotten hurt!

Don't be mad at them.
This was my idea.

Well, I'd, like, be way madder
if this wasn't so awesome!

And you hit that dude,
like blaow!

And taking the heat
for your mistake?

That's legit leader skills
right there.


How did you do that chi thing?

I just stopped and took a breath.
Like you taught me.

I taught you that!

I totally taught her that!

Now we just gotta figure out

how to get the rest of your
guys' Hero Chi activated.

But clearly I'm an excellent teacher,

and you guys
are excellent students.

Chiggy-ty-check this out.
Did a little research-a-rooney.

Turns out the Four Constellations

didn't start out
as masters of chi either.

They were farmers and
shopkeepers. Humble origins.

And they found the greatness
inside of themselves.

Just like we're gonna do.


We should have nothin'
to worry about.

- You look well, Master.

Yes, I do, don't I?

Our old friend Pious Chan's chi
did not disappoint.


I feel more like my old self already.