Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - The Last Guardian - full transcript

The warriors meet the reclusive Rukhmini and try to convince her to hand over the fire whip. Colin the stag questions his alliance with the weasels.

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Watch, she's gonna start coughing.
They always do that.


I am Rukhmini,
Protector of the Whip of Endless Flame,

Last of the Desert Wind,
and Priestess of the Tianshang Guardian.

Let us do battle!

We can't fight you.

Why not?

I mean, you're really...



How's that for old?

Now, you shall pay
for invading the sacred city,

trying to steal the whip.

We're not here to steal the whip.

We're here to protect it.

Oh, the whip is clearly well-protected.

Not from what's coming.

We need to get it out of here.

The whip
shall never leave this place.

Nor will I. Nor will you.

For there is no way out.

No way out?

Welcome to your new home.

Back to the "no way out" thing.

So, just for clarity,
are we, like, "trapped" trapped,

or just, like, casual trapped?

Because I don't wanna be
stuck in this... city.

No offense. It's just kinda... mildew-y.

Hello, Diya. Fine day, isn't it?

Uh... Oh.

- Hello, Diya!
- Don't patronize me.

I am fully aware
that I am talking to moss.

What about the Whip of Endless Flame?
Could that break us out?


Its power does not work
within these walls.


Listen, I know
you have little reason to trust us,

but we want to protect the whip

and honor Master Long-Tooth's legacy,
just like you.

I have spent my entire existence
protecting the whip.

You've really never left this city?

Aren't you lonely?

I have many friends.

I was alone once, for three minutes.

Started talking to a radish. Ow!

My apologies.

I did not mean to belittle the devotion
you have put into your duties here.

I have seen what power can do
when it lands in the wrong hands.

It would be my honor to inherit your duty.

To swear my life,
just as you did, to the whip.

Lotta sauce on that one,
but still so cool!

I see that your intentions are pure.


I doubt you are capable
of protecting the whip.

But perhaps
hope is not lost for you.

There may be a way out of the city.

There was a cave-in down there, years ago.

It blocked the way out.

- I can take you there if you wish.
- I think I see it!

Great, let's get going.

Po, what are you doing?

What am I doing?
I'm trying to get out of here.


Our mission is to get the whip,
no matter what.


Maybe if we show her how awesome we are
by getting out of this creepy dungeon,

she might pass the whip down to us.

Huh? You know what I mean?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but...

That's a good idea.

Ah! Uh-huh?

Why don't you give us a lookie?
A little peek?

Over my dead body.


Oh, I can do that, I can.

- Let's get to know each other a little.
- There's no point.

Come on, give us a little something.
What's your name?

Come on, you've gotta have a name.
Come on, come on!


Colin? Colin?

What's so funny?

I would've imagined
something more formidable.

I'm a stag, named Colin.

That's more than you need to know.

He's hiding something, he is.

So are we.

Oh, hello there.

The mayor. I've been smitten
since the day I made him, but I'm shy.

You should tell him how you feel.

He's moss. Moss!

Don't patronize me.

How have you lived without it all?

Forests, mountains, the big blue sky,

tea made with tea!

You may soon live without it.

I cannot guarantee your exit.

We'll have to swing across.

Or you may turn back now, if you wish.

This is
what you're worried about?

You're in very capable hands.

Hm. Yes, quite impressive.

Oh, you two have indeed
lived interesting lives.

Should you fail to escape,
I imagine you will be missed.

You're getting so big.

Before I had you,
I was quite the traveler.

Oh, you'll see the world one day too,
and you will do so much.

Promise me, huh?

No matter how big you get,
you will always find your way back home.


Po! Come back to us.


- Where am I?
- Hanging between life and death.

Okay, now I feel like
you're trying to freak me out!

Swing over here.


- Come on!
- Come on.




It's me. What's gotten into you?

I... I just...

Mm, nothing. I'm fine, I'm fine.

I, you know, w-whatever.
I just wasn't expecting a skeleton pile.

Po, we need to show Rukhmini
that we can guard the whip,

and you're having a bloody fit.

Buck up!

You're making weird faces again.

I-I don't understand. Take this seriously.

I'm done.

- Ow!
- Get out of my way.

I'll be back.

I need to... water the shrubs.

Thank you, go on.

I got it. I got the map.

"Dawning moon. Waning sun."

I think it's all in code.

"My empty heart echoes as it beats."

It's not code, it's poetry.

I'm keeping this.

Oh no. No, there's too many of them.

Are you a kung fu master or not?

Why are you suddenly afraid of everything?


What are you doing?

I miss my home.

Listen to me, Po. We will get out of here.

That's a promise I make to you.

Okay, okay.


Now, fight with me.

Thank you.

I, uh...

Perhaps I am not the guardian I once was.

You, however, have proven yourself.

You both have.

Ooh! Mm-hm. Mm?

Now, I think it's time we go.

We? You're coming with us?

Ah, yes.

Goodbye, my love.

I promise to honor your legacy.
To protect the whip with my life...

Yeah, yeah. Let's get outta here.

It's working.

Come on.


Come on!



Oh no.


If we've read the map correctly,
the city should be over this hill.



It has to be here somewhere.

No map.

Let's leave him here.

And go where?

One more step, and I'll...

Calm down, Colin.

I'm going to help fix your leg.

No tricks.

It healed.

You're welcome.



You're mages.


Great, Klaus. Just great.

Po, can you hear me?

Stand back. I'm going to use the whip.



No, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no!

Okay, Po.

It's okay, just calm down.

You can figure this out.

There's a way out.

There's a way out.
There's gotta be a way out.

There's gotta be a way out.

There's no way out.

- Oh, Po?
- Huh?


Hello, son.

Oh no! I'm losing my mind already.

Or am I dead?

Are we both dead?

No, no, silly. You're not dead.

I'm merely a figment of your anxiety.

Ah... Phew!

I'm sorry, Dad.

I made a promise.
I told you I'd always come home.

But what if I don't make it out?

What if I let you down?

you could never let me down.

A piece of you is always home,

and a piece of home is always with you.

You can surrender,

or you can summon
the strength I know you have

to get through this.

Ah, believe me,
you have more strength in your thumb

than most people do in their whole bodies.

Thanks, Dad. I do have it in me.

I mean, I did imagine you and
this whole conversation. Kinda awesome.

Oh yes, yes, Po. That is awesome,
but listen to what I'm saying.

You have more strength in your thumb...

than people do in their whole bodies.

In your thumb!

The other thumb, son!

You're not the Protector of the Whip.
You're not from the Lost City.

You lied. Who are you really?

I am Rukhmini, the Raider of Raipur.

Raider? You're a thief?

A treasure hunter.

And now that I have
my freedom and the whip,

oh, my name will be known once more!

Actually, you gave me the whip.

Oh, actually, I didn't.

I'll sell it to the Emperor of China
for a fortune and get what I deserve.

I can't let you take that whip.

I've been doing this
since before you were born.

You're no match.

I was trying to help.

- I don't need the help of mages.
- "Ever subtle, ever sweet."

- "Twisted and twined, our souls do meet."
- You stole my journal?

Alright, thumb.

Tell me you've got
some of that Tianshang magic, too.




What are you doing?

It wasn't me, it was the gauntlet.

My arm!




"For the maiden fair, my heart does beat."

Colin Wolin, who's the lucky lady?



Aren't you supposed to be trapped?

Aren't you supposed to be
a frail old lady?

Aren't we supposed to be friends?

Whoa, cool.

A figment of my imagination
showed me that move.

She played us.

And now we've lost two weapons.

Or did we?

I used the thumb to get out of the city.

It has some of the legendary power in it.

If the gauntlet calls the thumb
whenever those weasels use it...

Then the thumb could call the gauntlet.

We don't have to search
for Klaus and Veruca anymore.

We can bring them to us!

Let's catch some weasels.

My arm.

What a rush, eh?

I think this gauntlet likes us.

He's gone.

Come on, let's get you fixed up.

I don't know how far I can walk.

Don't be a baby, baby brother.