Kung Fu (2021–…): Season 3, Episode 2 - Kung Fu - full transcript

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Nicky, why am I here?

I don't know.

I went somewhere...

A realm,

some kind of afterlife
for... Warriors and guardians.

I was there.

My mother, too...

And all the other
bloodline spirits.

But then, I was here.

The rest...

It is blank.

What is that?

I was wearing it when I woke,

here in your world.

It's ok, shifu.

We don't have to figure
all this out at once.

I'm just...

Happy you're here with me.

So I, uh, got your message.

No details,
ask to talk in person

can't be good news.

- Have a seat.
- Oh, god.

It could be worse.

I spoke
with D.A. ursillo.

She's offered us a deal.

She's considered that
you turned yourself in,

that the violation of users'
privacy was unintentional.

She's willing to drop
the criminal charges.

- That's good, right?
- There is a condition,

and it's a little unusual.

She's banning you from
the Internet for a year.

- What?
- If we agree to the deal,

you'll be required to hand over
all your Internet-enabled devices...

Laptops, tablets,
cellphones, everything...

And you'll be monitored to
ensure you don't violate the terms.

If we refuse,

she's gonna proceed
with criminal charges,

and you'll likely face
jail time.


Look, this business
needs immediate help.

We'll get you funding
fast, while providing you

- a host of other benefits.
- What other benefits?

Digitized bookkeeping,
outsourcing payroll,

take a lot of work
off your shoulders.

It'll finally bring your
operation into the 21st century.

We're pretty experienced at
this stuff, with mom-and-pops

with bloated overhead and
archaic management practices.

Neil. We'll reset
your workforce, normalize wages.

Our relationships with large-scale
suppliers will cut costs on everything

- from produce to inventory.
- Hold on a minute.

When you say "reset"
my workforce,

do you mean you're going
to be firing my crew?

Well, technically, your staff's
been laid off since the earthquake.

And you're gonna
stop sourcing from the farms

and wholesalers I've
been using for decades,

people who have become
some of my best friends?

This is a business, correct?

- I think we're done.
- Yes, we are.

You won't do better.

Without help, you can kiss
this place good-bye.

Keep trying, shifu.

Just... be.


I am there.

Pei-ling, voice-over:
I feel you.

You are here, in the realm.

You are not alone.
My sister.

She is here, too.

I am trying to find you.

Something is wrong.

The ground is moving.

You are gone.

I must find her.





What happened to zhilan?

Watch out!


Wow. I mean,
this is a good thing, right?

However it happened,
your shifu's alive.

Yes, having her back

and just seeing her again,
it... It feels...

Uh, I feel a "but" coming.

Look, I know it's her,

but when we fought,
I saw something,

a glimpse of someone else...

The alchemist.

Somehow, I think xiao is
connected to all this.

The resurrection,
moving between worlds...

It sounds a lot like xiao.

She was trapped in that realm
for over a thousand years.

- What if she's using pei-ling to get back?
- What does pei-ling say?

She doesn't know how she
got here. We need to know more:

How she got back,
what she's doing here.

I still have the research we
pulled from Juliette's phone,

xiao's notebooks.
I'll start there.

- What can I do?
- We have another problem.

You two almost got
blown up last night.

Whoever set that bomb
is still out there,

and this isn't just
some random gang member.

They're smart, capable.
Work with Evan,

- figure out what we're dealing with.
- Got it.

- If you need help hacking, you could ask Bo.
- No!

Uh, I just... Don't feel
like sharing my work today.



If I realized
I was saving you...

I wouldn't have bothered.

- Can I help you?
- Grant Harrison?

My name's Henry.
I'm Danny yan's son.

I'm looking for something.
I, uh...

Think you can help me find it.

Come on in.

- Tea?
- Sure.

So, what is it exactly
that you are looking for?

An ancient compass.

It's called si nan.

I see.

I worked with Danny for years.
He never mentioned a son.

Yeah, well,

he kept a lot of secrets.

I don't know if you heard,
but he's dead.

He wrote about you,
you know, in his journals,

about how you two teamed up,
looked for si nan together.

That's how I found you...

So, please,

I really just want to talk.

Door's open.

If you're here to try again,
you're wasting your time.

I came to apologize.

My colleague favors a hard sell.

It works, on some people,

people with nothing to lose.

I know what this place
means to you.

You have power, Mei-li.

What power?

Power to negotiate.

Our company wants to do
business with you.

They see potential
in your name and brand,

your food.

Quite frankly, they see money.

You have leverage.

Make a deal that you like, or
at least one you can live with.


I wouldn't know where to begin.

Employee wages,

It'd cut into our
margins, but I've seen

the numbers and I know
what we think you're worth.

There is ground to be made
if you come back to the table.

Why would your bosses
want me to know this?

They wouldn't.

They don't know I'm here.

I've eaten your food.

I've seen you work that kitchen.

I'd just like to do
business with you.

The issues facing our district,

the crime, the pace
of the rebuild.

I know you're frustrated.
Many of you know me.

I've lived here my whole life,
and I am committed

to getting this district
back on track.

Yes, Mr. Shen.
Sorry... Jin.

- Hmm. Old habit.
- Hello, Anthony.

Good to know.
Good to know.

I have no doubt
you mean what you say

and that you care for this city.

But caring and doing...

Two different things, right?

- Right, right.
- It's been months

since the earthquake
devastated our city.

Weeks and days after that,

all sorts of promises were made

by the mayor, by you.

You say all this relief...

Rent freeze for
long-term residents,

bridge loan for
small businesses...

So help them rebuild.

My family's hurting, man,
and we're not the only ones.

A lot of people
here are hurting.

- Yeah, yeah!
- So, with all due respect,

I gotta ask...
Where you been?

And where's the help
we were promised?

- Yeah!
- Jin's right.

And it's not just about relief.

What about the real issue?

Theft's gone through
the roof, on your watch.

Who in this room has been robbed
in the last few months?

Who knows someone,

a friend or a family member,
who has been robbed?

When are you going
to do something?


All right.

We already knew xiao was trying to
help the emperor achieve immortality.

She worked on a lot
of possible methods,

but he rejected her most
successful experiment.

Unlike Russell tan, the emperor
refused to kill his own child.

So, xiao started
to find another way.

She decided her best bet
would be to create

a spell she could use
after he died

to, uh, "make his spirit flesh"

and resurrect him
in the afterlife.

Ok, but how would she even
get to the afterlife?

According to her, she
didn't need to use magic.

Xiao claimed to be
a shen xing zhe,

a traveler, said she
had a natural gift,

that she'd been crossing
worlds since she was a child.

Maybe that's how she got
to the realm in the first place,

before source magic,
before jyu sa.

There's a ton of information
here; I mean, without more

to go off of, I don't really
know where to start.

Well, you can start here.

Pei-ling was wearing it
when she crossed over.

I think it's connected
to how she came back.

All right.
Thanks, bug.

All right, bye.

That was Nadia.
It's a pet name.

- Cute.
- All right, "pebbles."

Serial number.

Cops pulled it off
the bomb's transistor.

Could point back to our guy.

I'll see what I can do.

Have you thought
about it, the deal?

Don't have much of a choice.

Haven't had the heart
to tell anyone yet,

- not even Dennis.
- Hmm.

Just trying to make the
most of the next few days,

do what I can while I can
so I can really avoid facing

the fact that I'm about
to lose my superpower:

The cornerstone of my identity,

the entire foundation
of my career,

the one thing on this planet
that I'm really, really good at.

I'm sorry...
But, hey,

you're... you're good
at lots of things.

Not this good.

I linked the serial number to a
black-market sale on the dark web.

Buyer paid through
a Swiss bank account,

so I hacked their firewall,
snooped in the account records,

and got a name... Max deveer.

He's the one that bought
the explosives.


Althea, what's up?

- We think we've ID'd our mystery man.
- That's great.

Evan doesn't think so.

Our guy, Max deveer, came
up in military intelligence,

worked as a mercenary
for hire before going legit.

Now he does business as a
disaster security consultant.

- What kind of business?
- Well, various entities

hire him to move into
places of conflict...

Wars, civil unrest,
natural disasters...

Scoping out opportunities.

- Opportunities for what?
- Profit.

He doesn't just assess
crises; He Stokes them,

creating instability
for maximum profit.

Like forging a gang alliance
and manufacturing

a crime wave in our community?

The security bill
will protect us.

Why haven't you voted for it?

I'm sorry.
I can't vote for ordinance 11.

I'll explain if...

We are making progress.

Sfpd made a huge bust
last night,

recovering a large stash
of stolen goods.

Oh, please.
That wasn't the cops.

We all know there's only one
person in Chinatown keeping us safe.

Well, that was a waste of time.

And you're right. Bad as things
are, they'd be so much worse.

Yup. I don't know what
we'd do without that shen girl.


"That shen girl."

So, post-earthquake,

this deveer guy gets hired

to scope out "opportunities"
in our city.

He goes above and beyond,
fanning the flames,

Maximum chaos, maximum profit.

Then, two months ago,
he brokers a truce

between Oakland gangs,
gets them working together

as an organized ring.
Theft skyrockets.

When Max realized someone
was on to him,

he was ready to blow up
his haul just to take us out.

It was never about
the stolen goods.

It was about creating
a crime wave?

So who stands to profit?
Who's the client?

I think I might have an idea.

I'm old-school.

Check the headline.

- Ordinance 11?
- It's currently stalled out

with the board of supervisors;
There are still a couple of holdouts.

It's being presented
as a simple spending package,

but it's actually
a massive handout

to private security
contractors, one in particular.

"Delta security

Their lobbyists basically
wrote the ordinance.

You think Max is messing
with our city on their behalf?

We won't have much luck going
after delta security endeavors;

They keep their dealings
with Max clean, legal.

Then we go after Max.

We have to stop him
and put him away.

- We need hard evidence.
- What about the gangs?

Herding rival gangs into an
alliance, money must have

changed hands, and with street-level
criminals, could have gotten sloppy.


The relief package
died in committee.

I tried to get it through, Jin.

I failed.

I didn't know the full story.


I lit a match in this room.

Wasn't your fault.

Crime's up. That heat
was coming my way.

I can't vote for ordinance 11.

No, you can't.

- You read it?
- We got enough problems

without giving the city away.

Knew today would be rough.

Didn't expect that.

I thought this job
would bring me closer

to the city, to my people.

The reality, the day-to-day...

I've never felt
more disconnected.

You're a good kid, Anthony.

You'll get through it.

I don't think so.

Getting primaried.

If I don't fix this,
they'll win.

I need help,

someone on my team who has

roots in the community,

someone who can help me connect

with my constituents...

Someone like you.

That thing... what was it?

We call him the harvester.

He hunts us down, one by one.

One Nick from his
blade, you're gone.

Simon, please.

Before I saw that woman, I
thought that I was alone here.

I thought that I was in hell.

What is this place?

Far as I know...

This is our new home now.

After our world collapsed,
we all ended up here,

the warrior
and guardian spirits.

Don't know why,
what this place even is,

but, hey, figure
nature abhors a vacuum,

so... we had to end up

What got you?

I guess I did.

Kind of a self-sacrifice.


You know, I used to imagine
all the ways you'd go out,

most of them painful,
not very heroic.

I'm sorry, Simon.

Yeah? For what?

Go on, say it.

Killing me?


All right, I think we've
covered enough distance.

A few of us banded
together, formed a camp.

That's where I'm headed.

Look, I appreciate the apology,

but I have to think
of them first,

and I don't trust you.

Look, I'm really sorry
about your father,

but I'm outta the game.

Before he died,

my dad apologized,

said he was sorry for
not telling me who I was.

His last words.

I need to know what he
meant. I have to understand.

- Could have been talking about anything.
- Maybe, but

I feel like it's
connected to si nan.

This is the one mystery
I can solve,

the only shot
I'll have, otherwise...

I'll never know.

We looked all over China.
All we found were dead ends.

I know.

I used dad's journal
to retrace your steps,

all the way to
that temple in shaanxi...

Your final dead end,

the place you called it quits.

He said it broke your heart.

Yeah, well, it broke mine, too.

I didn't know
where else to look,

thought I'd never get an answer.


But then I remembered something,

something my dad once told me.

China's not
the only place with magic.

Different context,
but it... it got me thinking.

The si nan legend
started in China,

but the myths and source texts,

that flowed from the legend;

All the maps and
explorations, all the speculations

about where it could
have been hidden.

China interacted with other
civilizations when the legend took root.

We've been looking
in the wrong place.

Oh, ok. Uh,
remember those messages

Bo and I decrypted off
the sugar crash app?

I managed to pull
the full thread,

going back weeks.
The messages were fake,

but one of the gang
members slipped up.

They asked when they
were getting paid for the job.

Someone else on the thread said
that they were getting paid the next day.

That "someone else" must have been
running point between deveer and the gang.

By going through their
communications, comparing them

to the names of the men that
were arrested at the warehouse,

I narrowed it down and
identified Max's contact...

Mark Alonzo.

I hacked into
his account records

and found a $150,000
deposit into his account.

So all
we have to do is tie that payment

- back to Max.
- Already did...

Same Swiss bank account
I already hacked.

Is that enough for an arrest?

A large payment to a recently
arrested gang member?

It's enough to snare him
in investigation.

Can you send those files
to me, as well as Nadia?

She'll kick it up
to the D.A.

Althea, you are an evil genius,

and we would be nothing
without your skills.


So, xiao was working on
magic to resurrect the emperor

in the afterlife, but she
discovered a problem:

How to get him back. As a
traveler, she could get there,

but she doubted her
ability to bring the emperor

back to earth,
so, to solve this,

she looked to create a device

that could resurrect the emperor

and join her to him, a
kind of mystical tether.

Jotted down some early
designs in the margins.


- The pendant.
- Yeah.

Ok, so worst-case, xiao
needed a body to get back.

She used this tether to
anchor herself to pei-ling,

hitch a ride back to
earth, but if this pendant

is xiao's connection to
pei-ling, can't we just destroy it...

- Cut the tether, banish xiao?
- Maybe,

but if we're right, and this
pendant is the same magic

xiao was working on, it's
also the reason pei-ling's alive.

We destroy the pendant,

pei-ling could die.


I'll miss texting you
most of all, bam bam.

Buy you a drink?

Oh, no, thank you. I'm
waiting for some... One.

Hello, Ms. Shen.

Just tell me what happened.

I was supposed to meet her
at apothecary.

I get there,
she's nowhere to be seen,

but her bag is just sitting
there, under the bar,

so I tried calling her.
No answer.

Took me a whole minute to
realize it's because her phone's

in her bag on silent, so I
begged my manager to let me see

the security footage,
and that's when I saw that.

Who is that guy?


It's Max deveer, the guy
behind the thefts in Chinatown.

You mean the guy who tried
to blow up my wife?

- He has her?
- Ok.

Dennis, I promise I'm
going to find her.

I... Heard
about a shen girl...

A hero, a protector
of her community.

I wondered if this
was the same girl

who tried to bust up
my operation.

Then a member of my team
identified a security breach,

Poking around

in my bank records.

I discovered she had a sister...

A disgraced tech wiz.

Interesting family.

What do you want from me?

Your talent.

I know you stole files linking
me to the Oakland gangs.

You're gonna tell me
who you sent it to,

and then, you're gonna
undo the mess you made:

Hack into their
computers and then wipe

any trace of those records.

I'm guessing there's
an "or else" coming?

- Hey. Sorry to rip you away from work.
- No, that's ok.

Um, you said althea's got
her computer on her?

- She left here with it.
- And it wasn't at the bar.

- Ok, you got her phone?
- Yeah.

If I can get into her phone,
I can use the locator app

to track down her computer.
You know her password?

I tried getting past
her lock screen.

- I couldn't remember it.
- Can you crack it?

The security on these
are pretty tight.

- I'm sorry.
- Hey, that was Nadia.

She was about to send
the files to the D.A.,

but they're gone...
Scrubbed from her email,

her hard drive, disappeared.

Uh, guys.

W-What's happening?

I'm guessing the same thing
that just happened to Nadia.

- Somebody's taken remote control of your system.
- Deveer?

I don't know.
Is he an amazing hacker?

I'll unplug the system,
lock him out?

Whoa, whoa, wait.
That... that might not be Max.

- Then who?
- Althea.

How's it coming? I
can sneak around the override,

back trace their hack, but
actually getting an ip address,

finding their location...
That could take a while.

We don't have a while. Althea's a
genius; She'll run circles past us.

- How's it coming?
- It's coming.

Ok, that's weird.

- Bad weird or...
- No, no, good weird.

Someone pulled down
their security.

What was that?

Just a quick search
of his cache.

You want me to be
thorough, right?

Ip's unprotected,
like they want to be found.

- Right under Max's nose.
- That's my girl.

Got their location.

Let's go.

Keep running all those programs.

Ok, this is taking
way longer than it should.

It... it's not my fault.

The system, it's sludgy.
It's almost like...

No, no, Dan, you can't
get back to me.

In this instance, I think it needs
a... an immediate police response.

Like what, Ms. Shen?

Like the hard drive's

Well, I guess you
better fix it, then.

- No, no, no. Baby, no.
- What happened?

I'm slowing down our
system, but it's not working anymore.

She got around me.

Well done,
Ms. Shen...

And thank you for your service.

So this is it, huh?

You'll never get away with this.


How's that?

You've been messing
with Chinatown,

manipulating us, hurting us,

and you've been
doing it for... Money?

My sister's a warrior.

You're everything
she's born to destroy.

I appreciate the warning.

I'll make sure to kill her next.

Find out whoever did this!

Leave her to me.



Go. Find her!



Sorry I took so long.

Ok, ok, ok.
A breath, a breath.

I'm sorry. It's just... if anything
had happened to you...

Mmm. Wish we still had
all that evidence,

but abduction and attempted
murder should do the trick.

There's something
I have to tell you.

I heard
the D.A.'s offer and...

Is it bad?

It's pretty bad...

But... if I can get
through this...

I think we'll be ok.



Thank you

for dropping everything

and risking your life
to save my family, again.

I don't need thanks.

Anything you need, I'm here.


- Where are they?
- I'll never tell.

Do you think you're
helping them?

You only delay their salvation.


Thank you, both of you,

for coming back.
You know, we've put

our entire lives
into this place.

As you can imagine,
it's been emotional for us.

Of course. We're just glad
you've come around to the deal.

Actually, we called
you back not to sign the deal.

We called you back to negotiate.

About the redesign,

we are not comfortable
with the changes.

We put a lot of thought
into the rebuild,

and we are happy with
the path we've chosen.

Of course. We're always
happy to collaborate on decor.


- What's this?
- More of our demands.

We will maintain
operational control

over employee pay
and produce-sourcing.

And as for nonperishables,
we will consider your suppliers,

provided they meet
our standards.

These are significant

but I'll bring them
to the board.

I think we could
sell them on this.

- Really?
- One last demand.

The 60/40 majority stake... Neil: We're not
gonna budge on that. No company on earth...

- I understand that.
- We spoke to our lawyer

and found out deals
of this nature,

in some cases, certain
exemptions can be made.

- Exemptions?
- Carveouts, if you will.

You maintain
your majority stake,

we maintain veto power over
certain important decisions.

We really appreciate
your interest in us,

but we have
to protect ourselves.

I'm sure you understand that.

Well, all we can do is take it to the
partners, see what they say, right?

It has been a
pleasure negotiating with you.


- Lo por...
- Hmm?

You're incredible.


Heh heh! You think
they'll take it?

We'll see, Lao gong.

We will see.


I thought you said
his blade was fatal,

sudden death.

Yeah, I've seen it many
times... every warrior

and guardian spirit,
gone in an instant.

Maybe you're different.

How did you die?

Uh... I was
in the cave,

near the source.
Walls came down and...

So you were alive when
you entered the realm?


but I stayed behind

when the world was ending.
I... I thought that...

Your sacrifice.

Did you ever consider that
maybe your sacrifice didn't take?

The blade reaps spirits.

Didn't reap you.

Sorry to say it, but I
don't think you're dead.


I had a crisis to deal with.

Is everything ok?

I remembered...

My last moments in the realm.

I saw xiao, wearing my face.

She had the pendant.

She is the reason I am here,

this... alchemist.

You already knew?

Not for sure...

But yeah.

Far as we know,

xiao used this pendant to

bring you back to life and
to bring herself back to earth.

You know what we must do.


This might be the only
thing keeping you alive.

Shifu, I can't lose you again.

Ever since I returned,

I have not felt like myself.

Something was not right.

Now I know it is

because of xiao.

What if she chose me

for a reason, hmm?

What if she knew
you would protect me...

Her vessel... at any cost?

I will not be used like that.

I refuse.

We must...

Take that chance.

Hey. Everything ok
with your friend?

Yeah, yeah.

Actually, things are looking up.

She's feeling much
better, and so am I.


Uh, your text sounded
kinda urgent.

It was.

You want to talk
about something?

Not really.

You sure this lai-taang
bow-raan is our compass?

The lai-taang bow-raan
was discovered decades ago

in what is now
modern-day Thailand.

It's special, it's...

There it is.

It's mysterious.

I never thought
it could be si nan

until you opened my eyes.

Let's get a closer look.


Oh, it's beautiful.

May I?


What's happening?

It's reacting, to you.



Greg, move your head!

Nice shot, mom!