Kukhnya (2012–2016): Season 1, Episode 10 - Kukhnya - full transcript

Barinov offer to act in the culinary program on TV, but he refuses. Instead chef puts on a football match. But such a large sum had not, and he uses the money necessary for the purchase of eggs for the needs of the restaurant. It takes money, and turning the tricky operation, but it fails. Max escapes Vick, deciding that she fell in love with him. Victoria learns about this and decides to respond to Max terrible revenge. Intervention chief, displays them on clean water.

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Where have you been hanging around?

Sorry, mommy,
I stayed with my friends after school.

You are lucky that daddy hasn't seen you
coming so late.

He gambled away all the money again.


Pickle brine (rus. folk cure for hangover)


- What do you want?
- There is a lady asking for you there.

- I'm listening to you.
- Good afternoon, Viktor Petrovich.

- Do you remember you were
in our cooking show recently?
- And?

Our producers liked you very much.

And they want to offer you to be our regular host.

- What time?
- 8 am on Sunday.

And how much
do your producers think my work worth?

Well, you know,
they just launched the show.

-10.000 per show.
- Euro?

- Rubles.
- Good bye.

- No, goodbye forever is even better.
- Wait, let’s discuss.

What is there to discuss?

You offer me to work for nothing
on my weekend.

I pay 5 times more for child support.

- Good morning, Viktor Petrovich.
- Hello.

He gambled again.

- Would you like some tea or coffee?
- I’d drink some vodka.

What happened?

And aunt Vika said that she loves you.

Cool!! or no?

Kostya, if she loves me it means...

now she will need a relationship,
then wedding and then what?! Kids?!!

Why in the hell would I need this?

Viktoria Sergeevna!

Timur, I almost forgot.
I need 5 kg of black caviar for tomorrow.

Caviar? what caviar? You will get your caviar.

Why are you so mysterious?

Do you remember I told you about my distant cousin,

who in reality is a very close relative,

he is working as massage therapist at "Spartak" club?
- And?

Well... you remember you said
if there's something, I should let you know.

Timur, spit it out!

Slava, get out!

Later, I'll do myself.

Anyway, there is a chance to make some dough.

Imagine, "Spartak" has a new trainer

and he has some misunderstandings with your guys.

with Eminike, Dzyuba and this one...
What's his name?


No, no...Wild!

- Dykan? ( dykii rus=wild)
- Yes, yes, exactly… exactly the way you said...that one...

Anyway, something happened during their practice.

And he shouts: " I swear to my mom,

that you won't be playing next match."

Anyway, I'm telling you,
next game CSKA will tear apart your Spartak.

Sorry that I’m saying this,
but we can do some real dough, ah?

No, no...it can't be truth.

- Without 3 base players? CSKA?
- I swear with my uncle.




Hi, Vika!

Kostya is calling, sorry.

Hello, Kostya?

Speak louder...I can't hear you... Kostya...

Ah... You want me to come to the bar?

Ok, just a moment.

Kostya, why did you call me?

- What do you mean "call you"?
- Did you want me to help you?

Ok, then... lets go.

Hello, Dmitrii Vladimirovich, good morning to you.

Hi, I won't give you any money,

I've already given you two salaries in advance.

What do you want?

I don't call you for this.

What for then?

I'll call you later.

- 5000 rub.


- Buddy...
- No, Chef, Im broke.

Moreover you still owe me 5000 rub.

- 3000 rub.

-7000 rub.

- 2500 rub.

- 4000 rub.

- 28 rub.

- 200 000 rub.


Please, do it faster.

This peacock, at the 5th table,
is waiting for his quail too long.

- That’s it, you can take it.
- Perfect.

Wait, wait, just a second.

- Why?!
- I need to finish.

How are you?

- Fine.
- Are you sure?

Yes, I'm just a little bit busy.
Let’s talk a bit later.



- Kostya?
- Yes?

-What’s happening with Max?
- And what’s happening with Max?

- No, I am asking you.
- I…

I don't know. He did't tell me anything.

I have no idea why he is hiding from you.

- So he is hiding from me, right?
- What? No!...Who?

- Kostya?
- Yes?

Kostya, either you tell me what's going on,
or I give Nastya a different shift,

Let me I'll help you.

And you will see each other
only during general cleaning days.

Oh, sorry.

No worries.

Your niece told him,
that you are in love with him. That's it.

- And what?
- What? He is not ready for a serious relationship.

What if there's wedding...
and then what? kids?

Why the hell would I need...
why the hell would He needs it?

Aha, that's what this is about.

Poor Max, got scared of babies.

Thanks, Kostya.

- For this knife I can give you 800 rub.
- How much?!

Are you out of your mind?
It’s a Japanese steel, handmade.

Ok, you convinced me, 900 rub.

This knife costs few thousand dollars.

Please, I beg you.

Do you know how many times
I hear this phrase per day?


What can I offer you for a better price?

- Jewelry, for example.
- Please, I beg you.

I've been married 3 times,
what jewelry?

Let's think...

Maybe you have a car

or something that looks more expensive than your knife.

Wait few minutes... an hour and a half.

Put at 4.

Wow, and what is this?

- Chef, where is our cooker?
- I gave it for a service.

But it was working just fine,
and I was cleaning it yesterday myself.

I gave it for check-up.
One, two days and it 'll be back.

Till then, use this one.

Tamarochka, hello, Its Vitya Barinov calling.

I'd like to make a bet on Spartak-CSKA.

No, no. On the win of CSKA.

Yes, you didn't mishear. CSKA.

100 000 rub.

Reserve my bet, please,
And I’ll get you money a bit later today.


Don't look at me this way.

Money is more important for me now then principles.

I'll buy you food with this money.

Why are you doing orders so slow?
Guests are leaving.

Vitya, what is it? Where is our cooker?

The cooker is taken for service.
There was something wrong with the handle.

Why do I find out about it only now?

Sorry, it didn't have time to keep you a note,
when it was leaving.

- But it asked me to tell you not to worry.
- Enough, stop clowning.

Get the cooker back, or I'll call Dmitrii Vladimirovich.

Completely forgot, here is the money for caviar.

It's a big day!

Please, and don't tell me that I never listen to you.


- Hi.
- Hi.

- How are you?
- Fine, and you?

I'm fine too.


I need to talk to you.

There is something, I don't have right to hide.

- Vika, I understand that you like me....
- I’m pregnant with your baby.

- Are you sure it's my baby?
- I didn’t have anyone after you.

Don't you worry, I don't need anything from you.

I just wanted you to know.

Here we go, as we agreed.

5 kg of the best caviar.

- Is it fresh?
- You offend me, brother.

It’s the freshest caviar
that exist in Moscow at this moment.

Even the one that Onyshchenko (politician)
eats for breakfast is yesterday's.

Try it.

Yes, it's delicious.

- How much?
- 5kg is 200 000 rub.

Ok, Timur, l'll take the caviar and
give you money in a week.

- I don't have cash now.
- No cash, no caviar then.

Timur, I'll give it to you.
I bet all the money on the horses on your tip-off.

- On horses?
- I mean on CSKA.

So let your horses to produce caviar for you then.

- By the way you owe me 300 rub.
- Why?

What do you mean "why"?
You’ve eaten the whole spoon of caviar.

Are you out of your mind, chicken-but?
Its burning!

Yes, I'm sorry.

What's wrong with you?

Vika is pregnant.

Well, come with me.

You are in trouble.

You should have used your head
and keep your loins covered at least or something.

Chef, it so happened.

- She got knocked up.
- Its not her, it's you who got knocked up.

Now they will never leave you alive.

They will put you through the wringer.
It's not a family, it's a snake pit.

They had only one good soul in that family.

- But they throw him out.
- Who are you talking about?

What do you mean "who"? About myself.

Chef, what should I do then?
Should I run back to Voronezh?

Don't you dare.

You have to take responsibility for your actions.

So? Did you get it?

As you requested.

Pike caviar..... 5 kg.....

200 rub per kilogram.

Ok. Let's color it.

Pike's Easter.

Papa, let's go home.

Max! Max! Wake up!


- Nightmares?
- Worse…

I'll become a dad soon.

- And it's not a dream.
- Are you serious?

My congratulations,
and who is the mother?

Viktoria Sergeevna.

Holy shit!

That's why she was asking about you.

Vika was asking something...what?

- Take it easy, I handled it.
- Kostya, tell me in details.

She comes and asks:

" Why Max is running away from me?"

So i explained her everything step-by-step.

You don't want any relations. It's too early for you to get married and...

you don't care to have any kids.

- And what did she say?
- And she is… “Poor Max got scared of babies”.

Something like this.

So you decided to play with me, Viktoria Sergeevna.

No problem, let's play.

Thanks, Kostya.

Ok, go to sleep.

Vika, did you lose your mind?
Do you think about baby's health?

Listen, I just gave a thought to what you said.

So I called home to mom and dad,
they will come.

We will have the wedding.
It's all for the baby.

If there is not enough money,
we will take a loan, ok?

And on Monday I 'll move to your place,
so we will expect together.

That's it, I'm off.



We call our baby Zhenya.

Evgenii Maksimovich.

Sounds good.

And if it's a girl, then it will be Eugenia.

Do you like it?

Everything is fine, Chef.

I think we didn't add enough color.

If the caviar did't look like real...

Senia wouldn't steal it.



Serve the caviar!

- Amazing caviar!
- The taste is very natural!

- Yea, I ate the same only in Astrakhan.
- Right.

Tasty, very tasty.

Good afternoon, this way please.

The corner table.

Why didn't you call me?! Finally!

- What happened?
- You are pregnant.

- How do you know?
- Vitya told me.


- Vitya! What did you tell Tania about me?
- Is she not pregnant? Did you lie to me?



Did you lie to me?


"So spill the beans."

"Good move.
But you, boy, messing with the wrong one".

I didn't want to announce it so early.

"You asked for it! And now its a show time ".

- Nice to meet you, I'm Maxim.
- Tatiana.

I'm the father of your future nephew.

Tanya... Vitya....

We are relatives now.
I want to tell you something important.


Will you marry me?

"You are bluffing."


We'll apply for a marriage licence tomorrow, right?

Tanya, do you have someone
who will do the ceremony process for us faster?

- For such an occasion, we'll find someone.
- Yea?

Mmm, so if everything went so far...

Let's tell everyone.

And make our team happy for you.

- Wait, wait, wait!
- Kitchen!

- I rushed a bit with the answer.
- And I’m with proposal.

- We will think a bit more.
- Yes, we’ll think.

Long story short...

Enough, sort it out yourselves.
My football game is about to start.

- Go...go...
- Yes, Chef.

CSKA scores third time,
there are still 7 minutes of normal time.

SPARTAK is losing 1:3

It’s hardly possible
that guys in red-white can win it back.

You will never win it back! Invalids!

I've known you for 20 years.

- Chef, Dmitrii Vladimirovich is asking for you...
- Go away. - Chef....

- Chef....
- Ok, ok, I’m coming.

2 minutes of extra time, so they need to play and do their best..

Watch the score.

- Vitya, what is it?
- What is what?

What is it?


- By the way very good one.
- Vitya, are you stupid?

What do you mean?

What is it?

I'm asking you what is it

It’s a pike's caviar.
Some scientists say that it’s even healthier.

Sorry, Dima, we couldn't find the regular,
and the order was for black caviar.

- So I decided if...
- Quiet.

If your scam comes up,
they will most probably kill you.

They'll kill you and bury you.

I won't even cry on your grave.

If it doesn't come up, you are lucky.

You'll just work a month without salary.

I'll fine you 200 thousand.

- Are you serious?
- Yes.

- And how will I live this month?
- That’s it, go. Don't make me angry.

Get me a drink.

You have a very tasty caviar.

We get it.... from Astrakhan....

on Boeings.

So what?

- Everything is good.
- It can’t be otherwise.

That's it, 3:3...

- What? 3:3?
- Ours did a great job, they got even.

For 20 years they've never won it back
and today they did!!!!

- Chef...
- Invalids!!!

Freaks! Freaks!


- Who did you cheer for?!!
- Who did you cheer for I’m asking you?!!!

Get out, tiny mouse! Get out!

You shouldn't play poker.

You don't know how to bluff.

Very funny.

- Why all of this scam anyway?
- Just wanted to see your reaction.

Have you seen it? Now happy?

- Vika, it's a kindergarten.
- And why did you change your mind?

- Did you get scared of responsibility?
- I didn't get scared.

I was just not ready.

And now you will be ready.

I did my best for your next girl.

For the record,
you shouldn't joke about such things.

- I really found a name for our child.
- Oh, come on.

Why not?

Zhenya is a nice name,
will be good for a girl and a boy.

Oh, my God! What is this name? Zhenya?

Every day life gives us
thousands of chances.

Chance to change.

Chance to start all over again.

or a chance to show another side of yourself,
to discover new talents.

Good morning!

To everyone who is not sleeping so early.

"Tasty morning"!

We'll be cooking today...omelette.

The most important is not to miss this chances.

because it can happen that destiny won't give it to you second time.