Knight Rider (2008–2009): Season 1, Episode 9 - Knight Fever - full transcript

Mike and K.I.T.T.'s botched attempt to stop a truck hijacking results in a hi-tech computer virus turned loose and their mission to stop it must be from a distance where it will not affect K.I.T.T. due to its ability to mutate and take over anything electrical, computer, or even metallic.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
ELECTRONIC VOICE: Initiating satellite
surveillance coopt in three, two, one.

We have satellite

Who's in the truck?

Just stop the bad guys.
That's all we know.

He seems nervous.

I can hear you, Billy.



KITT: 35 seconds
to intercept.


Hydraulic systems operating
within tolerable limits.

Fuel cells at 92%.

Shields and defensive
weapon systems...

(SIGHS) There's times for long
answers and times for a short one.

Yes or no question,

The short answer is I'm ready.

(SIGHING) All right,
here we go. Attack Mode.

KITT: Initiating

Transformation complete.

BILLY: Whoa.



Not bad for a newbie.

KITT: 10 seconds to intercept.

What the...

Ballsy move.

Whose side are you on, Mike?

Just admiring the ballet.

Your EMP's ready.



Sorry to interrupt. You're
going to want to see this.

On my way.

Come on, girlie.


KITT: Electromagnetic
pulse fully charged.

Hold your fire.
I'm taking over.

KITT switched to manual.
Mike's driving now.

I'm not deaf, Billy.

Not your morning, is it?

Mike, your EMP will fry
the big rig's electronics.


SARAH: He'll stop
in under 10 seconds.

FBI's 10 miles out. Just
zap him and wait for backup.

The EMP will jackknife him.
Got to get his speed under 80.

KITT, calculations.

KITT: Michael is
right, Dr. Graiman.

At this speed, the
truck will jackknife.




Damn it, Mike!

No, can't look.
Mmm-mmm. Mmm-hmm.

You're missing the whole
thing, sweet cheeks.

Michael, I'm picking up some unusual
readings from inside the truck.

And the bikers are
prepared to disembark.


Deploy the EMP.



FBI's 60 seconds away.

KITT, Infrared.

KITT: Michael, something strange
is happening inside that truck.

Do not approach the truck.
Wait for backup.

Sorry, Carrie.
I can't hear you.

The EMP must've
jammed my earwig.


Can you hear me?

Do you copy?

KITT: Michael, he's
getting away. Michael?

That's a '79 Shovelhead.

It's got no electronics,
so the EMP has no effect.

KITT: Michael.

MIKE: What the
hell is going on?




Decontamination complete.

KITT: Michael,
I want to apologize.

I should have identified
the '79 Shovelhead sooner.

Of course, it would
be immune to my EMP.

It'd be easy to miss.

It's just that Sarah and I used to
ride old Harleys back in the day.

"Back in the day. "

I really like
the sound of that.

No, not "back in the
day. " Back in the day.

I will take note
of the placement

of the emphasis in
this colloquialism.

Look, KITT,
you and I are a team.

Sometimes, I'm going to see something
you might miss and vice-versa.

Today, I spotted the Harley. It's no
big deal. I got your back, you got mine.

Then you're going to omit
my error from your report?

It's what partners do.

They watch out
for each other.

If I may attempt a
colloquialism of my own.

Thanks, brosif.


That's the last time you pull a
stunt like that, do you understand?

We had a deal.

You run all of this,
I'm in charge of the car.

Sarah, make sure KITT's okay.

Running a complete diagnostic now.

So, who was I chasing,
motorcycle ninjas?

And what the hell
happened in that truck?

The voltage on the EMP was
set too high, that's all.

Then we just
killed three men.

Why not just
tell him the truth?

I'm busy, Charles.

Look, I don't like you
blaming KITT for this.

This was not the EMP.
This is the Arrow Virus.

Arrow has been out of the lab
since the Army bought him out.

Alex, listen to me.

Now, a nanovirus
infects technology

just like an organic
virus infects people.

Anything that
has a chip in it,

a processor of
any kind at all.

Like televisions or
cell phones or computers.

Right, and almost everything electronic
has some sort of microprocessor in it.

And the virus hones in on
that processor and feeds on it.

So, instead of spreading through
the air via a cough or a sneeze,

it spreads through metal. And
if there's no metal, it stops.

Right, and it appears to burn itself out

if it doesn't have anything
metallic to conduct it.

But the truck...

Now, the truck was surrounded by
asphalt and other organic material,

so the virus
stopped there.

Well, what about the Harley?

It could be a carrier.

Well, what if it's
not even infected?

Look, that bike could
destroy everything electronic

within a 500 mile radius
in a matter of hours.

And if it uploads itself through
the phones or the power lines,

theoretically, it could use the
Internet as a host to create an epidemic.


That damn thing gets
online, we will have

a worldwide disaster on our
hands in a matter of days.

Then find that
Harley, Charles.


Why did you pass me a
note to meet in the hall?

You're not going to
get weird on me again.

(WHISPERS) Act normal.

You act normal.

I know what killed those men in the
back of that truck. It's a virus.

What kind of
virus does that?

A nanovirus.

What if Mike has it?

The virus only infects
technology, not people.

Okay, that's not possible.

Not only is it possible,
I think it's spreading.

Okay, if it doesn't infect people, why
were the bikers in the truck all dead?

Because they were
wearing chain mail.

The virus
spreads through metal.

It has properties
like acid when it moves.

It burned right
through their bodies.

How do you know this?

There's rumors
that the Pentagon's

been developing
a tech-virus for years.

It's ours?

(WHISPERS) I think so.

We've got to tell Torres.

No, no, no, no, no, no.
Torres already knows.

But he blamed it on KITT.

It's not cool
to blame KITT.

Haven't you noticed Torres
getting more secretive lately?

I overheard him on
the phone the other day.

You mean
you eavesdropped?

You have to swear not to
say anything to anybody.

Who am I going to tell?

Okay, I swear.

He was talking about KARR.


(WHISPERS) Come on!

KARR doesn't even exist.

That's what they
want us to believe.

KARR lives.

I don't care what Torres
says, it wasn't the EMP.

And I don't want to just sit
here with my thumb up my...

So, I'm having a threesome tonight with
Zoe and Torres. Do you want to make it four?


Earth to Sarah. Hello? Hi!


What happened on that truck,
it's some sort of virus.

I've seen something similar
before, but only in a lab.

KITT: Yes, Sarah.

Show us a map of where
the truck was hijacked.

I've got a hunch.

Show all possible escape routes.

Now, show a radius indicating
the maximum distance

a '79 Shovelhead could
travel on one tank of fuel.

One tank? Why couldn't he stop for gas?

Assuming the bike's
carrying the virus,

when he stops, all hell's
going to break loose.

KITT, overlay
all gas stations.

Your hunch, KITT,
where's the bike headed?

KITT: A hunch is defined as an intuitive
reckoning. I don't do hunches, Michael.

Okay, then calculate
a probability profile.

That is within my parameters.

There is a 75% chance, the motorcycle
is headed south on State Route 85.

Billy, how did they know
the virus was in the truck?

Maybe they didn't.
I mean, it's unlikely,

but it could've been a random hijacking.

No, they must've been tipped off.

I have formulated an
interactive evolutionary algorithm,

designed to determine the
Harley's initial escape route

and subsequent destination.

Billy, monitor all gas
stations fanning out

300 miles south
of the hijack area.

Monitor for what? You'll
know it when you see it.

Chamber doors opening.

KITT: I believe
Sarah's hunch to be right.

Whomever's riding that Harley knew exactly
where that truck would be and when.

MIKE: Oh, I see how you are. It's
okay for Sarah to have hunches.

Sarah is a genius, Michael.

Who authorized
KITT's departure?

I did.

Mike, you know that thing you were
talking about that seems impossible?

I think,
this is probably it.


It didn't move
that fast before.

Whoa! Did you see it jump there?

It's mutating.

are you seeing this?

MIKE: You still think
it's an over-cranked EMP?

ALEX: It's a nanovirus.

It infects everything electronic
and it spreads through metal.

Yeah, we know.

Well, the only
good news here

is that humans appear
to be completely immune.

Unless you're using a
pacemaker or a titanium hip

or a steel plate in your head.

You have to
find that Harley.

We're already on it.
Intercept in three minutes.

How did you...
KITT had a hunch.

KITT: I appreciate the credit,
Michael, but it wasn't a hunch.

Initiating transformation.

KITT, make certain
your shields are up

when you approach
the convenience store.

You're sure it'll keep
him from getting infected?

Yeah, these shields are
designed to hermetically seal

the entire car,
so they'll hold.

But bear in mind, they
may reduce KITT's mobility.

I pinged the
convenience store's modem.

(CHUCKLES) All it's got is
an old dial-up connection.

Mike, you've got to find the phone line
before the virus gets to the Internet.

KITT: I suggest you remove your earwig
and your watch and your cell phone.



Oh, my God,
what's happening?

Do you work here?

Yeah. Have you got a phone inside?

A phone.

No, just that one there.

You might want to hide
behind the building.

Dude, your car's glowing.

there is not much time.

your car's talking.

Dude, duck. KITT,
take out the payphone.

We have containment.

KITT: It appears we have
overlooked something, Michael.

What's that?

It seems the Harley we are
pursuing is spreading the virus,

but is not affected by it.

I should've
noticed it sooner.

See, now I've got
your back, Michael.

Okay, partner.

Thanks, brosif.

SARAH: Come on, Dad, we both
know where this virus came from.

Ryan Arrow's fallen off the planet since
he sold out to the Defense Department.

He was your research
assistant, he'll see you.

I think
he'd rather see you.

Mike know
about you and Ryan?

Mike and I
are just friends.

Friends? That what they're
calling it these days?

Dad! Ew!

BILLY: Mike?

Yeah, Billy?

I think I found your Harley.

I'm on my way.

Nice move.
KITT: Thank you, Michael.

KITT, shields up.

Engaging shields. Michael?

Yes, KITT?

There is an access
road 200 yards ahead.

You could say I have
a hunch he'll take it.

Diverting to access road.


The shields are interfering with my
ability to give chase on this terrain.

MIKE: Then drop your shields, KITT.

But, Michael, there is
a danger of infection.

We can't lose him.

He's trying to spread
it to the power grid.


The virus is spreading.

KITT, stop.

There is a
danger of infection.


Arm Plasma Pulse.

Activating pulse.


Right where
you said he'd be.

Old habits die hard.

Ryan, good to see you.
Listen, a virus like...

Doc, I know
why you're here.

You owe me a dance.

When we broke up...

(LAUGHS) When you
broke up with me.

We were supposed to go dancing.

That's why
you owe me one.

Something different
about you.

A confidence.

You look the same.


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

It's good.

Very good.

Try Sarah again.

She is not responding, but Billy has
updated me on her mission status.

Where is she?

A drinking establishment
called The Well.

A bar?

Sarah and Dr. Graiman are attempting
to track down a former colleague,

Dr. Ryan Arrow.

Get me a bio
on this poindexter.

What is a poindexter?

A geek, a nerd, a dweeb.

Ryan Arrow, magna cum laude, Stanford.
Ph. D., particle physics, MIT.

Ph. D., electrical engineering,

He was Dr. Graiman's research
assistant for two years,

concentrating on the
theoretical molecular structures

of silicon based


Olympic hopeful
in the decathlon.

Spent one year as a
fashion model in Milan.

Also, he and Sarah dated
for a while two years ago.

I am searching
for exact dates.

Never mind the exact dates.

Get me telemetry
on Sarah right now.

Coming up on screen.

I show unusually high levels
of serotonin and adrenaline.

And she appears to be engaged in
some sort of physical activity.

RYAN: Charles Graiman always
did love his alternative rock.



Your father said something
about a nanovirus.

Your nanovirus. It's loose.

First of all,
it isn't my virus.

I sold it to the military so they could
screw it up like they do everything else.

And second, it's harmless.

No, it's not harmless, it's
mutating, and we need your help.

Who is we?

You're working for the
man now, aren't you?


I heard something about Alex
Torres and some secret project.

It's KITT, isn't it?

I'd tell you, but then
I'd have to kill you.

Remember the Big Sur?

We didn't get out
of bed for three days.

(CHUCKLES) You're drunk.

(INHALES) We should
never have broken up.

Tell you what,
go out with me again

and I'll help you
track down the nanovirus.

Ryan, it's not that simple...



I'm sorry.

I'm serious.
We could start over.

You spilled my drink.

I'm sorry,
I'll buy you another.

You going to buy me
another shirt, too?

Someone should.


Just tell the bartender.
Whatever you want.

What I want is for you to keep
your little girlie here in line.

What did you just say?

Maybe we should leave.

KITT: Sarah's heart rate is extremely
high. She might be in trouble.

Go! Go, go, go.


I hate it when people call me girlie.

Girlie was a little ill
conceived, don't you think?

Oh, hey, Mike.
Do you want a beer?

Michael, is everything okay?

Everything's fine.






Come on, you really went out
with le douche over here?

How come you
never mentioned him?

Because you disappeared off the face
of the earth for three years, remember?

The whole "I thought
you were dead" thing.

Okay, good point.

And not that it's
any of your business,

but I didn't sleep
with him last night.

I know.

I sat up all night watching him.


KITT, you are marvelous.

KITT: Merci, Dr. Arrow.

Are we just supposed to let
anyone talk to the talking car?

It's okay.
Ryan's a friend.

RYAN: And his responses. Not
just simplistic "Yes" or "No,"

but rich, thoughtful, complex answers.

KITT's current capabilities go far
beyond the original prototype you saw.

Well, the detail evident in
his chip matrix is spectacular.

The car part's
not bad either.

You've done it, Doc.

You've created functioning
artificial intelligence.


Payroll reports.

Ryan Arrow's been on the Defense
Department payroll for the last five years.

Where did you get this?

From a very hot guy at the Pentagon.

Shred them
when you're done.

Get Mike on
the chat line.

RYAN: Designed the original
virus to clean up toxic waste.

Literally eats heavy metals and then
craps out harmless organic matter.

Not anymore.

That's because they turned
it into something else.

I never intended.


You act like
someone stole your baby.

You sold it to the
military, remember?

You're not a scientist.
You wouldn't understand.

You're right.
I have a life.

We need your help.

I have no idea
how to stop that virus.

Even if I did,
why should I?

Serves them right.

Then we're wasting
our time here.

it's Carrie. Are you alone?

I'm going to
get ready to go.

(SIGHS) Go ahead, Carrie.

CARRIE: Is Arrow any help?

He says he knows nothing about the
virus since he sold out five years ago.

CARRIE: If he sold out, then
why's he still on the DoD payroll?

He's still working for them.

KITT, show me blueprints of the house.

Michael, may I ask
you a personal question?


I've never really seen
you act this way before.

Are you threatened in
some way by Dr. Arrow?

(CHUCKLES) You think I'm
jealous of Sarah and Arrow?

Your behavior is consistent with
the human emotion called jealousy.

I'm just concerned Dr. Arrow's
not telling us the whole truth.

And yes, I'm jealous.
What's this?

There is an additional
room beneath the main house.

The entry door
is on the deck.

You mean a basement?

It is lead lined and is too deeply buried
for my infrared sensors to penetrate.

Sounds like a good
place to hide something.



Why don't you tell
us what you're hiding?

Whoa! Whoa! Mike,
what is wrong with you?

I think your jarhead
boyfriend wants to kick my ass.

First of all, genius,
jarhead's a Marine.

I'm Army all the way.

Yeah, well, they only paid me.
Looks like they branded you.

I don't work
for any "they. "

Yeah, just keep
telling yourself that.

I'm not the one still on
the government's payroll.

You're still
collecting a check.

Is this true?

I might be giving up
100 IQ points here,

but how come I'm the only one
who knows you have a trapdoor

hidden under your rug?

Ryan, what's going on?

Why'd you let the virus go?

(SIGHS) Because I'm a better
scientist, than I am a thief.

I screwed
the whole thing up.


DIA came to me and asked me to
mutate my harmless little nanovirus.

Yeah, they just came
and took it from you?

They didn't come with guns.
They came with a checkbook.

I said yes on
the seventh zero.

You all think you're part of this
fantastic little egalitarian experiment.

Mark my words, they'll find a
way to take it all away from you.

That's why you tried
to hijack the big rig.

It was you?

I knew they were transporting the virus.

Tried to take it back.

It was my one chance to put
the genie back in the bottle.

But the bottle broke and three men died.

And now it's too late.

Mike, Sarah, Charles,
do you copy?

They must be out of range.

KITT, scan the house.

The house is empty,
Mr. Torres.

Are you certain?
I am certain.

I detect the
presence of the nanovirus

and a high speed
Internet connection.

It's my recommendation
that we take out the virus

and the means
to spread it now.

Agreed. We take out the compound
and let it burn itself out.

I am proceeding to
optimum firing position.

KITT, load your missiles.

Warheads armed.
Fire when ready.

There is a way we could
synthesize the vaccine.

CHARLES: Show me.

KITT: Missiles
fully operational.


KITT, what are you doing?

All clear.

No! Not all clear! Do not
fire, KITT! Do not fire!

Oh, my God!
They're in the house.

KITT. Abort! Abort!
Do not fire!

SARAH: Ryan!

No! I got to get the antivirus!

There's not enough time.

Firing two
missiles as directed.



How could this
have happened?

Maybe because they were
underground, KITT couldn't see them.

And Mike couldn't hear KITT
because his earwig was jammed.

It still doesn't explain why KITT fired the
missiles after you gave the order to abort.

Maybe he caught the virus.
Maybe he's sick.

No, I've run a remote scan
of all of KITT's systems.

Everything comes back normal.

Have Sarah and Dr. Graiman
run a complete diagnostic.

When are they due in?

Their helicopter
lands in 10 minutes.

Mike will be back with
KITT in under an hour.

KITT: You are being
uncharacteristically silent, Michael.

I don't feel much
like talking today.

Would you like to
hear some music, partner?

ON SPEAKER) Turn it off!

I am sorry, Michael.

What part of "Abort, abort"
did you not understand?

I have thoroughly
examined my memory unit.

I have no record of a
transmission from you or the SSC...

Are you sure you don't have the
virus? Run another self-diagnostic.

I have repeated the
tests several times.

All of my systems
are functioning normally.

Your screens are out.
Your lights are flickering.

What else could it be?

A short occurred when
the missiles were fired.

I'm certain
it's nothing serious.

I forget sometimes that you're not
a person. That you're just a machine.

I believe I am feeling what you would call
regret for causing Dr. Arrow's death.

You're sorry
about what you did,

but you don't have
any feelings, KITT.

Only people have feelings.

Of course, Michael.
It was just a theory.

Hangar doors opening.

Secondary decontamination

The secondary decon
cleared him. KITT's okay.


We have to consider decommissioning
KITT. At least for a while.

Is that really
necessary, Charles?

You didn't have two
missiles fired at you.



CARRIE: Doctor?

KITT's primary guiding principle
is that he do no harm to people.

It is built-in, literally
hardwired into his core memory.

Now, this sort of thing
should never happen.

I'm afraid something's
gone terribly wrong.

Sarah, do you agree?

Ryan Arrow died
for no reason today.

I'll call Washington.



It's the virus!
We're infected!

Security bypass.

Emergency procedures
in effect.

We're infected!
Initiate full quarantine!

Billy, we've got
to contain the virus!

Cut all connection to the Internet!

It's not responding!



Oh, my God! We brought
the virus in with us.

It's everywhere. I
can't get him to turn.

Help me.

(EXCLAIMS) I can't cut
our connection to the Web!



(SCREAMS) No, no, no, no, no.

Oh, come on.
I just got that!

How are you feeling?

KITT: I'm sick, partner.
Really sick.

Is he drivable?

I think so, but it could
damage him beyond repair. Why?

Another hunch. Get in.





We could spread the virus.

If we don't go, he dies.


Chamber doors opening.

KITT: Strap in. It's
going to be a bumpy ride.

Why did it take so
long to infect him?

Ultra high density carbon fiber.

His non-metallic parts
protected his metal parts

from catching the
virus for a long time.

(GRUNTS) He's fighting me.

Billy! Status.

The virus has spread to levels three
through six. It's moving much faster now.

It's getting smarter.

It's using KITT's artificial
intelligence to replicate itself.

It can't be stopped.

KITT, can you hear me?

Sarah, is that you?

I'm here, KITT. You've
got to let Mike drive.

I killed Ryan Arrow.
I'm very sorry.

We've got to distract him.

KITT, can you calculate the
value of pi to its last digit.

Come on, you know
that's impossible.

Pi is a mathematical
constant that...

I said distract him, not get us killed.

I estimate we lose total
control in 15 minutes.

Mike? Sarah?

I recommend a full evacuation and
initiation of self-destruct sequence.

We destroy the SSC and let
the virus burn itself out.

It's the only way.
It takes two of us.

Billy, begin
a complete evacuation.


Total sci-fi moment.

Three, two, one, mark.

destruct sequence commenced.

How did you...

This is what Arrow was heading
for when KITT fired the missiles.

The bike's immune, but I don't
think it's because it's old.

What the...

It's running some
sort of antivirus.

Can't you use it
to immunize KITT?

You mean like synthesizing a vaccine from
the antibody rich blood of a healthy human?

Yeah, that or whatever.

Mike, didn't you ever pay
attention in science class?


First, I'd need root
access to the source code,

then a detailed schematic
and of course,

a benign host in which
to transport the antidote.

You know,
I guess it is possible.

MIKE: Great! So, why
don't you download it?

It's a little ironic, don't you think?

That we end up the
architects of our own undoing?

Evacuation in progress.

Not much for irony,

I can't. It's encrypted.

All other levels have been
evacuated. We're all that's left.

Get out of here, Billy.

That's an order.

Three minutes.

Ability to reach safe
distance may be compromised.

Dad? Dad? Ryan put an antivirus
program into the Harley,

but it's password protected.

How strong is
the encryption?

512 bit.

Even if we had
a supercomputer,

it would take
days to unravel.

If only KITT were able to...

That's not an option
right now.

What's that sound?


minutes to self-destruct.

(DISTORTING) I did not
intend to kill Dr. Arrow.

It wasn't your fault,
KITT, you were sick.

Michael? Sarah?
I am afraid...

It's okay, KITT,
we're right here with you.

I don't want to die, Michael.

We can't wait any longer,

It's no use.

Ryan could have made the password
from an infinite number of things.

He could've. But I don't think he did.


Michael, Sarah, goodbye.


He's alive!


Of course, he's alive.

Dad, it worked!

Sarah, we can barely
hear you. Say again!

I've uploaded the antivirus to
the SSC's core operating system.

Cancel the destruct sequence!


CARRIE: Alex, it looks
like the virus is retreating.

What's going on?


Sarah reversed it. Can
you get back in here?

... 17, 16, 15, 14,

13, 12, 11, 10,

nine, eight, seven...

It's not working.

... six, five, four, three...


(SIGHS) Piece of cake.

confirmed. Self-destruct aborted.

You don't think KITT was
really feeling emotions, do you?

I'm sure it was just an
anomaly brought on by the virus.

I'm sorry about Ryan.

You'd have liked him, if
you'd have gotten to know him.

I'm sure I would have.

You going to be okay?

Yeah, I'll be all right.

What about you, KITT?
You okay?

Core systems
fully operable.

Tire pressure, compression,
fuel system, normal.

99. 72% healed.

He's fine.

Let's go home.