Keeping Faith (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Episode #2.5 - full transcript

Faith reveals worrying news as she continues to explore Madlen's case, the Reardons threaten to ruin the Corran Energy deal, and Steve tries to play a dangerous game.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I sentence you to imprisonment for

Madlen, this woman in the

remind me what she looked like.

Slim. Pink coat.

Blonde hair.

A body has been found in a car -
a Medwyn Croudace.

I have no idea who he is.
Erm, he gassed himself.

Croudace turned down
Will Vaughan's planning application

a week before the murder.

He's dead!

Shut up, Faith.

Just get me Corran, right?
You know the deal.

Steve. Hey! Alys, look at me.
Tell me what you saw.

A white car. It didn't stop.

If she tried to punish me
by hurting my little girl...

The body in the dunes. Am I safe?

Get me Gael, Evan.

And if you put a foot wrong,

then I will arrest
your gorgeous wife

for money laundering.


Look how much you've grown!

Faith, it'll be all right.

Welcome home. I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Come in.

Come in.

Did you sleep?

Here, tea.

It's hot.

Thank you.

Take your time.
I'll see to the girls, OK?

Just be careful with Alys, please.
She's, um...

She's very fragile.

Yeah, course.

Thank you.

We've had some forensics back
on our body in the dunes -

wood fibres and paint flakes
under the fingernails.

But also, there's
large doses of asthma drugs

detected in the hair samples.

So if your theory is correct,

then we are looking at
an Eastern European or Russian man,

no injuries, who potentially
was trying to scratch his way

out of somewhere?

Looks like a case of people
trafficking from Ireland, no?

Let me talk
to some local contacts.

No, no. Leave that with me.
You crack on with Croudace.

I spoke to Mrs Howells.
She had no idea why he phoned her.

Well, there's a surprise.

Uh, Steve, I'm phoning about Angie?
How is she?

Well, she hasn't come around,
but she's stable.

Oh, thank God!

OK, um...

...take care.

Yeah, and you, love.

We need to meet.
South Car Park - 12.30.

Morning. Hi, Mam.

Hello, lovely.

Look at you!

Alys? She's OK.

I told her I'd, uh,
take her to see Angie later.

Angie's, um...

Angie's Steve Baldini's daughter.

She lives with him now.

I don't think she's going to be
well enough, darling. She is!

Her mam texted me.

I'll call the hospital later, OK?

I'll go.

Arthur! Hey, good to see you.
Hi, Evan, how's it going? All right?

You all right? I'm great, yeah.

Hey, I hear you've more or less
become part of the family.


Well, hey, we'd love it
if you could stay.

I'd love to. I'd love to.

Well, carry on, then.OK.

Apart from, I'll pick Alys up
today from ballet.

I'm going to take her to see Angie.
Yeah, there we are, OK?


Oh, perfect timing as usual.
Right, I'm off.


♪ I gave my heart whole

♪ I did

♪ I gave my heart

♪ And although it's lost

♪ It is still beating

♪ And I gave my whole soul

♪ I did

♪ I gave my soul

♪ And although I'm broken

♪ I am still breathing. ♪

Won't be long, sweetheart.



I'll be a couple of hours.

Call me if she, er...

If she...

Move it there to bring more stock
in, and then we can...

Time's up, Jernigan.

You need to get the deal done
before you sink any deeper.

I suggest you leave before
I have you arrested for trespass.

Get this done today...

...or there won't be a minute where

you're not worried about where
your wife and three kids are.

Hello, goodbye.

Cerys, I need to talk about Madlen.
Can't stop - money to earn.


The hell does she think
she's playing at, Tom?

It's got nothing to
do with the firm!

What she's done is totally
out of order, and you know it!

Can we talk about this in a calm and
collective way? Morning!


Your client sent her two thugs
round to our offices

to invite our acceptance
of her generous offer.

That has nothing to do with me.
It's nothing to do with the firm.

It's bullshit!

It's the truth, Geraint.
It has nothing to do with us.

Now we all know what
we're dealing with here.

So either Mrs Reardon
makes an immediate cash offer

in excess of 5 million...

...or next week, Corran Energy
goes into administration,

and those jobs
will be on your hands.

Then I will go to the police...

...and they'll happily
take you down with them.

The children must be happy
to have you home.

So far, so good.

Even if Faith isn't.

I suppose she... got used to things.

She and Arthur seem awfully close.

He wouldn't be my
first choice of help.

That ridiculous hair!

Do you need money?

If I could borrow your car
for a few days?

My pleasure.

I don't expect you to forgive me,
Evan, about the past.

But I need you to know that
you've always been

the most precious thing to me.

Things WILL get better.


Did Will ever speak about a planning
officer called Medwyn Croudace?

I don't know. Just have a think.

Please, it's important...
I don't bloody know!

Faith, I... I just want you
to get me out of here.

I can't bear it any more.
I'll go mad, I'll go mad! OK, OK.

Just breathe.

Just breathe.


Croudace was taking bribes.

Who was trying to
block Will, Madlen?

What if Hannah...

What if Hannah
had heard about Will

and this woman in a pink coat?
I'm scared, Faith.

And she thought that he...

I know you're scared.
I should be with Dyfan.

Not here.

Thanks for helping me.

You're going to have to...

You're going to have
to help me, Madlen.

Help me to help you.


Where do I start?

Hi, this is Cerys.
Please leave a message.

Cerys, I can't do this
Madlen thing without you.

Can you phone me, please?



She's come round. Hey! Who?

Still not speaking much.

She will.

Can I see her?
Only if you have time.

Yeah, that's brill... That's just...
I'm on my way. Yeah, OK.

She seems on edge.

Do you think she's happy
to have me back?

You off your head?
Of course she does.

She's... I mean, she stuck by you.
She's... she's never wavered.

Well, 18 months is a long time.

Steve Baldini, perhaps?

No way. She...

And I swear I've been here
the whole time. I've...

She's solid. She's like a rock.

Well, that's good to know.

The mind can start playing tricks
on you when you're locked up.

Nothing to worry about, you know.


OK, just put the pillow in
the other pillowcase.Yeah.

It's good to be home.
It's good to be home.

Yeah, can I have one?

Can I have one?

Go on - another one.


Alys can't wait to see you again.

I mean, she's hardly slept.

I'm OK.

The car swerved
right across the road.

Came straight at her.

Did you see who was driving,


It was all so fast.Yeah.

Just take your time.

Give me a moment.

Sorry about your girl.

Accident? You tell me.

You tell me this, Steve.

Who shot me brother Paddy?

A woman named Erin Glynn.

On her own?

I find that hard to believe.

Gael's held you close
for a long time now.

What does she think you know?

You think Gael paid the Glynns
to kill Paddy?

Would you bet against it?

You see,

between you and me, I'd say
she was a certifiable psychopath.

Capable of just about anything.

Me brother and cousins will need
proof before they give the nod.

I can help with that.

We'll look after you, Steve.

And your little girl.

Who was he? Shane Reardon.

My boss.

Just... sending best wishes.

You leave him to me, OK?


Right, I best make a move.

Take your time.

OK, precious one?

Thanks for coming.

You OK?


Right, Daddy's got to go speak
to this man.

You going to be OK, yeah?

I won't be long, OK?

You happy leaving him alone
like that?

What do you want?

When you were inside, there was
a man named James Fletcher.

He's big-time.

Wants to set up a supply line
to the United States via Ireland.

Now, he thinks it's the new
weak spot.Yeah.Money to be made.

Sorry, I... Yeah.
I don't recall any Fletcher.

Yeah, of course you don't.

That's just what you're going
to tell Gael. Now, listen.

You'll be wearing one of
these, which is a listening device.

Take it. Breeze, I'm not.
It's... No.There's no fucking no.

The only reason that you're sitting
in this seat is because of me.

Now, we're going to entice her
into a conspiracy to import,

and you and your lovely wife are
going to disappear into the sunset.

Take the fucking device.

Fuck! Good.

Now set up a meeting
as soon as possible.

Oh, and, uh, that body that
turned up at the Pembrey sand dunes.

Do you know anything about that?

No, sorry. Can't help you.

We're done.


You OK?

Let's see if Mummy's free for lunch,
shall we?

Do you want to meet for lunch?
No, I don't... I can't.

Look, I'm... I'm just about to go
into a meeting, and I'm not sure.

I'm going to phone you back, OK?

You've... You've pushed them
too far -

they're going into administration,
so it's 5 million.

2 million. Final offer.
It's... They're not going to accept!

They will not accept 2 million.
They can accept 5 million.

Why would they accept 2 million?
I mean, it's... Their net...

The net assets is worth twice that.
Well, it's your job to explain.

Gael, please!

I mean, what is your alternative,
Faith? Hm?

You can't be with your kids
every moment of the day, can you?

Don't say it, Faith.

No need to make
a bad situation worse.

Last chance, Faith.

I know who you are.

Who needs lawyers?
They're a waste of space.


Sodding bitch!

Horrible, horrible bitch!

We've seen dolphins, haven't we?

Did I bring you the right ones?
What? Hm?

Oh, yes. Thank you.

Oh, it's like being a kid again.

Just seeing everything fresh,
you know?

You had any more trouble with Gael?

You know, the Corran Energy...
I'm dealing with it.

if you need me to have a word...

No, I don't want
you to have a word.

I better go.

Your favourites!

No. DI Breeze is here.

Don't go eating all of them.

There's a really high
body count around here.

Mr Croudace - what were you doing
meeting him at the garden centre

on the 12th of September?
No idea what you're talking about.

Were you handing over huge wodges
of cash, by any chance?

Six weeks ago, you met with him
at 9am at the garden centre.

An hour later, he went into
charity shops,

giving away huge bundles of notes.

I did think that
the William Vaughan murder

was a straightforward domestic,

but now it seems Mr Croudace had
denied his planning application.

And there was a third planning
application on the way.

This could help
Madlen's case, Faith.

Do you have nothing to tell me,
Mrs Howells?

OK. Let's start with, uh,
Gael Reardon.

Why are you mixed up with her?

What hold has she got over you?

Are you protecting Evan?

You're pathetic.

And neither of you have told
the truth about Gael Reardon

from the beginning.

Don't waste my time.

Thank you, Delyth.

Go on, Alys. I'll wait here.

Hello, love.

Hi, Angie.

Did your mam bring you? Dad.

I'd better say hello.


Good to see you.

How is she?

She's young. She'll mend.

Was it Gael?

Can I help?

I'd say we're just about quits,
wouldn't you?

I feel for you, Steve. I really do.

But if you touch my wife again...

...I'll kill you.

Hi, Arthur.
I know I was a bit pissed,

but I remember you trying to say
something about the shooting.

Well, it's basic
human psychology, see?

Someone blazing angry comes at you
with a gun, what do you do?

You don't just stand there
and wait to get shot in the chest.

He must have seen Madlen coming.

He'll run.

She didn't shoot him.

It was someone he trusted.

Someone he wouldn't suspect.


Where's Dad? Showing Lisa the shed.

Hello, you.Hello.

How was Angie?

Did she talk to you?
What did she say?

What's the matter, Alys?

Everything is different.

I don't want him here!

Oh, hiya, babes!

You all right? Yeah. Yeah, fine.

Evan's just been showing me
the punch bag. Hm?

Feels great, dunnit? Hey.

There's a couple of blokes
I'd like to smack, I'll tell you.

I wouldn't last a round with her.

Terrible about Angie, innit?

Hit-and-run, Evan said?


Hey! Right, hey, look at this.

I bought you both some champagne,
to celebrate!

Proper stuff -
none of that cheap fizz, eh?

That's very, very kind of you, Lis.

It's no problem. Thank you, darling.

Yeah, well, you know, you don't
have to drink it now, do you?

Just have it when you feel like it,
innit? Right...

I should leave you.

I've got to see a man about a dog.

A sausage dog.

I, uh, got a date.




Right. Leave you to it.

See you, Megs! Bye, Lisa!

Love you! Love you.Bye.Bye!

Alys'll be all right.

You know, I think part of her's
enjoying the drama.

Hey, guys! Hey! Look...

Mummy's all right.

She's a bit tired.

Oh, Dyfan!

What have you done?

Please, no!

No, no, no, no!

♪ There's beauty between white lines

♪ Caught me on my blind side

♪ I'll recover, I'll recover

♪ Deep beneath the water

♪ Beautiful disorder

♪ From another, from another

♪ There was a heart here breaking

♪ Breaking

♪ There was a breath here taken

♪ Taken

♪ No prayer

♪ Hey

♪ No prayer

♪ No

♪ Washed upon... ♪

The body of an illegal immigrant
turned up along the coast.


They think he might have come over
on one of our trucks.

Baldini? Could he be making
a few quid on the side?

Nah, he's just a driver.

He thinks you had his girl run over.

Now why would I do that?

Because he's become a liability.

Well, you know people.

Mrs Howells!


Not a problem, is there? No.

It's, uh... It's to do with Cerys.

Oh, Cerys, OK.

And William Vaughan.Uh-huh.

We, um... Come in.

We became involved.Hm.



I care for her deeply.

It's just that...

I think there's something
you should know. Right?

Six months ago, she asked me -

in confidence - for details
of William Vaughan's finances.

Did she?

How much he owed.


...I told her.

She has a way of persuading you.

She can be beguiling.


Can I help with something?

Six months ago,

you persuaded our bank manager
to break a client's confidence -

Will Vaughan's. Why?

Evan contacted me from prison.

He said that,
to protect you from Gael,

he wanted to help her make a deal
that would take the heat off you.

He asked for one bit of information,
Faith. That's it.

So this... This is all
for my benefit, was it?

Yeah, it was, actually.
Was it? That's great!

Anyway, Will Vaughan could never

have raised the money to build those
houses. Gael had the ready cash.

There was over a million to be made.

A million? Yes.Shit.

What? Shit.

Gael gave me a...

She gave me a package.

I gave it to Medwyn Croudace the day
after Will Vaughan was killed.

All right.

OK. Say Gael was trying to
block planning,

bring Will Vaughan to his knees
so she could buy him out cheap.

Why would she...
Why would she kill him?

I don't know why she would kill him.
I don't know why she would.

But it WAS Gael.

And now I'm an accessory
to corruption. And we're screwed.

We are up shit creek.

We are. Shit.


OK. Look, Faith, what if...

What if Evan's in deeper
than we think? Oh, shit!


If Gael is behind
Will Vaughan's murder,

she would have
wanted Madlen convicted.

What if Evan's been...?

What did you tell him, Faith? Gael.

You were talking to him

during the trial. I know you were.

What did you tell him? Bloody Gael!

Gael, Gael, Gael.

Bloody Gael! Faith?

She... She must have leaked
to the prosecution.

Did you tell Evan about
the photographs

of the woman in the pink coat?


I can't do this. I can't do this.
I'm going to the police.

Nice for the kids... I can't
do this!..two parents in prison.

Faith, you're not going
to the bloody police.

You'd end up in prison,
I would end up in prison

and Madlen would stay there.

What we have got to do is find
that bloody woman in the photographs

and figure out
what the hell is going on.

You went behind my back.

Fuck off.

Broken wing mirror.

I'll see to it right away, officer.

The paint from your truck
matches the paint

under our body's fingernails.

My truck and 10,000 others.

This is, uh, an e-fit of a man
who died roughly 18 months ago.

It's funny.

That's around the time
you and Evan Howells were involved.

Just in case it jogs your memory.



Hey there, little man!


Wow, hi!

Haven't you grown?

Wow, you're looking well.

So are you.

So here we are again.

What's next?

I could do with a job.

Hmm, well, we'd have to see
the back of Shane first.

He was very fond of Paddy.

What's his interest here?

He wants to seal the deal
with Corran Energy,

somewhere to hide our money
for years,

but your wife keeps
screwing it up, so...

Maybe I could sweeten the deal?

I know someone who's
looking for an Irish angle...

Listen, we need to talk about
the body in the dunes.

You know I trusted you with
a simple task. Hey, no... Shh!


Evan. No, no!

Shit, Evan! You shit!

Fuck it!

OK, Evan, back to business.

I need you to find Diana,
before anybody else does.

Come on, champ!

Well done, you.

Thank you. Well done!
Go on, give me a minute.

You OK? Yes, I'm fine.
Give me a minute.

Come here.

Get that around you.
Keep you warm.

There's something I-I need to, er...

Go on, off you go.

Hi, Lisa, it's Tom.

I, um, just thought
I'd call to say hello.

So, hello!

Sorry I missed you again.

I'll try later.

OK, bye.

Bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye.

She doesn't want to
speak to you, Tom.

You've left her three messages today
and she hasn't called you back.

I think that's telling you
something, don't you?

She's young enough to be
your daughter. Whoa, Delyth!

This is none of your business.

Maybe I care enough not to want
to see you make a fool of yourself?

Had you thought about that?

No. Didn't think so.

Mrs Howells. The woman Will Vaughan
was seeing, we need to find her.

What exactly has this to do with me?
18 months ago,

you planted one of my earrings
at the scene of Alpay's death.

Now, Susan, I haven't mentioned this
to a living soul.

I think you owe me one.

What do you need?

Will Vaughan's phone, now, please.

You should know that DI Breeze
is assuming the worst

about your association
with Croudace.

It was me who uncovered your meeting
at the garden centre.

I didn't even know his name.

Let's have a look at
Will Vaughan's messages, again.

Right, what's this one? Hmm?

Numeral 4, "hodynnyk".

"Hodynnyk".Pocket text.

Hold on.

Right. Translate.

Detect language.



It means "clock" in Ukrainian.

Four o'clock.

Dial the number.

The number that
you have called is not recognised.

Shit! Please check the number...

So, Mrs Pink Jacket is Ukrainian.

Know anyone who speaks Ukrainian?

OK, thanks, Pavel.

We're just arriving at
the Ukrainian market now.

Yeah, I can see it -
Odessa Foods. Spasybi.

It's "thank you" in Ukrainian.

Go on, then.

Go on, what? Go on, then! In you go!

I'm going, am I? Yes.
What am I going to say?

Think of something?

Um... Blonde, blonde hair.

Um, she had pink, pink coat on.
It had like... Have you seen her?

If I write my number down here now.

Here, Arthur Davies.

Listen, cheers, man.
I really appreciate it.

I really do appreciate it.

Come on.

We'll get an ice cream
after I've seen the man, OK?

You're a good boy, aren't you?

Hey. What are you doing here?


Rhodri, look! Who's there?

Here we are!

What are you two doing here?

Uh, meeting a client. You?

Um, an interview.
Er, a letting agent.

Friend of Beth's.

It's better than nothing.
With Rhods?

Thought it might help.
Just give me a minute.

Take Rhodri back to the car for me.
You all right? Yes, I'm fine.

Just take him back now, please.


Cerys told me that
you've been snooping around

in Will Vaughan's finances.
Yeah, I was trying to...

I was trying to give her
a bit of work, protecting you.

Protecting me?

There's an innocent woman in prison.

Will Vaughan is dead. What Gael
does with that information...

Fuck Gael!
..has nothing to do with me.

Fuck Gael.

You promised. You promised.

You promised me!

You promised me
after you went missing.

You promised me
that you would never lie.

That you'd stop lying to me.

You've kept on lying.

Do you want the truth? Yes.

For once, I do, yes.

I'd have said anything.

I'd have said anything to get that
woman out of our lives for good.

More than anything, I just want it
to be me and you and the kids.

But you're a liar.
That's it. That's it.

Look me in the eye and you tell me,
am I really meant to believe

that you were here for
an interview at a letting agency?

Look at me.

I know I don't know everything
that's going on,

but I can see
it's tearing you and...

...the firm apart.

Maybe Tom was right
to warn you off this case.

We didn't have any choice.

Madlen didn't have anyone.

But you do have a choice now.

There are other lawyers,

even some who'd take
her case pro bono.

You've got enough to deal with.

Cerys thinks you're too involved.

Sometimes, there are... good decisions.

Sometimes you just have to survive.

If you want Gael,
you can get her yourself.

Did you know your wife was paying
off a council planning officer...

What, seriously?
..who then went and topped himself?

You see, the closer I look,
the worse it seems to get.

Especially for her.

She sold her soul for you, Evan.

And you? What have you done?

I hope I've made enough.

Maybe we could do some pasta.

I like to cook proper food, love.

Even though some people
can't tell the difference.

Don't worry, Granny.
It's all going to be all right.

You sound like your mother.

Do you think I need to warn Faith
about what she's, uh,

coming home to, or...? Um, I don't
think we need to add to her stress.

Oh, is that the engineer, is it?

Huh? Megs let it slip, she did.


No, it's all right, love.

Do you know what? Me and men -

we're done? Finished.
I don't believe that.

Why don't you stop looking and
wait for them to come to you?

She's right.

Oh, you might be right, babes.
Come here. Give me a cwtch.

We love you, Lisa,
and someone else will, too.

Aw! Thanks, love.

I love you too.

But you've got
lipstick on your head.

You've got lipstick
on your head!

Diana's gone to ground.

You know, she's packed in her job
at the club,

she hasn't left
a forwarding address.

I'm going to need some more time,
OK? Just...

Just give me a little more time.

Check your texts.


You don't want me to send this
to Faith, do you?

Goodbye, Gael.
Just find Diana.

Evan, are you there?

I'll be there now.

OK, here we go.

How's that? Happy with red, Marion?
Yes, happy. All right.

Just a little drop for you.
Tiny drop, Tom.

Yes! Ah, here she is!

Faith! Faith, come and sit here.

Evan? Oh, thank you.

Sit here. There you go.

Evan was just about to say
a few words.

Oh, am I?

Well, if you'd rather I did?

Oh, no, second thoughts -
we'll be here all night.

Corran Energy has agreed
to accept three.

Take it.

I don't want to make a speech.

Words can't do justice
to how I feel...

...surrounded by
all you precious people.

The only reason
I'm still here is because

each and every one of you have
shown me more love than I deserve.

And I will spend the rest of my life
in your debt.

So, thank you.

From the bottom of my heart,
thank you.

To Evan!

To Evan.

To Evan!

Right, then.

♪ I'll recover, I'll recover

♪ Deep beneath the water

♪ Beautiful disorder

♪ From another, from another

♪ There was a heart here breaking

♪ Breaking... ♪

I've got something
you won't want to hear,

so I'm only going to say it once.

Evan is far more dangerous
than either of us thought.

Whatever you decide,
I'll always love you.

♪ No prayer

♪ Hey

♪ No prayer

♪ No

♪ Washed up on the land
lies everybody's goodbye

♪ Undiscovered, undiscovered

♪ Floating on the high tide

♪ Truth gets lost, then denied

♪ Between lovers, between lovers

♪ There was a heart here breaking

♪ Breaking

♪ There was a breath here taken

♪ Taken

♪ No prayer
I'm not gonna ask for more

♪ Don't know what I'm praying for

♪ I'm not ever gonna ask for more

♪ No prayer
I'm not gonna ask for more

♪ Don't know what I'm praying for

♪ I'm not ever gonna ask for more

♪ No prayer
I'm not gonna ask for more

♪ Don't know what I'm praying for

♪ I'm not ever gonna ask for more

♪ No prayer
I'm not gonna ask for more

♪ Don't know what I'm praying for

♪ I'm not ever gonna ask for more. ♪


...I've got something
you won't want to hear,

so I'm only going to say it once.

Evan is far more dangerous
than either of us thought.

Whatever you decide,
I'll always love you.

♪ No prayer
I'm not gonna ask for more

♪ Don't know what I'm praying for

♪ I'm not ever gonna ask for more

♪ No prayer
I'm not gonna ask for more

♪ Don't know what I'm praying for

♪ I'm not ever gonna ask for more

♪ No prayer
I'm not gonna ask for more

♪ Don't know what
I'm praying for... ♪