Kde padají hvezdy (1996–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

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Czech television

the creative team of
Kateřny Krejčí and Ivanz Průchové...

...presents the series...


Written by
Markéta Zinnerová

Jan Hřebejk


Your mum called. She couldn't
reschedule her duties...

...so she'll come next time,
and sends her regards.

Fools are more important
to her than me?!

The kids' parents came to visit.
But not everyone's.

Most of all, this pissed off Foxl.

The idiot started shooting at birds.
We didn't even know he had an air gun.

The headmaster confiscated it.

…What else do you do for fun
here besides shooting birds?

Is this a children's sanatorium or
a Gestapo interrogation room?

As if you didn’t dial an internal
number, but called your fucking mummy!

- Don't swear, alright? - But it's true!
You don't breath air where you live, but a fart!

So do you in Ostrava!

Foxl began to torment to Hynek. He went
on about his father being in prison.

We guys got tired of it.

It makes you happy, right?
To bully, to shoot, to snitch?

Ougrabka is a criminal!
His dad's in prison!

Got it?! A criminal!
Ougrabka's a criminal!

Meanwhile, the Udlíneks have
completely different concerns.

Kristýna's mother died in a car accident.

In addition to the sanatorium, which she owned,
they have a lot of debt hanging round their necks.

One of the foreigners
turned out to be a lawyer.

He desperately wants to buy
this sanatorium for someone.

And the one who drives the car
brought Kristýna's mother's pendant.

She noticed that he had a fresh scar.

Do you mean me?

part five

On your marks! Get set! Go!
Come on, come on, come on!

Come on Štěpán!
Come on, Štěpán. Faster!

Come on!


Come on, damn it!

What are you doing there?!

Why are you giving up?!

Great finish!

- Why are you giving up?
- And we're first!

We won!! We won!!


- We almost beat them, and you gave up!
- We could have got 2 cakes...

The results are surprisingly close.

The boys could have won, but,
unfortunately, due to disqualification...

...one of their participants lost 2 points.

So a confident and well-deserved
victory was won by... the girls!

- What is that gesture?
- "Total loser"! - Oh dear!

- And what about Ougrabka?!
- Unlike you, at least he's normal!

He also lost a point!
Criticise him, not me!

Well, the competition is over,
the battle's subsided.

And it won't be the only one in your
life in which you will have to yield.

Now I will recite to you
the prayer of an athlete...

...which is carved in the
North Athletic Stadium.

"Give me, Lord, in the fight...

"...that goes on around us, the
courage to strike…and to take risks.

"If I am destined to win,
may I do so in such a way...

"...that my honour and
conscience are clean.

"And if I fail, give me the strength...

"...so that I can stand along the path
of the winner and glorify him...

"...as he passes me."

Did you compete there as well?

So, I congratulate you!

- Well, girls! Your time has come!
- A consolation prize!

Get out of here!

Sister, can I ask you...
I didn’t get anything.

- They didn't give you anything?
- Thank you.

Well, take it, and run along!

Get lost!

Foxl, you won't be such
a pig after that, will you?

Can I have the toothpaste?


Ugh! Is there any soap?

Thank you.

Why don't you like me?! So, I'm not
interested in your races! So what!

Any criminal, for you, is better than me!

His dad's in jail!

It's true, isn't it?

Let's take a bath.

Leave me alone!

Here we go!

- Bastards!
- Well, get in properly!

So, girls, everyone to bed.

- Did you forget to go to the toilet?
- No.

Listen - that's your lot yelling!

Help! I'm drowning! Let me go!

- Once! And twice! Once! And twice!
- I'm drowning! Help!


- Once! And twice!
Come on, come on! - Help!

Boys! What's going on here?!
Let him go now!

But he wanted a hairwash.

No... I didn't!

Listen, David, you do still
have to wash your hair.

Let me.

He's so clean now!

- We simply wanted to help him.
- What are you talking about, you bastards?!

How civilised(!)

If you continue to torment me like
this, I'll transfer to the girls!

- What was going on here anyway?
- Don't ask me!

Don't think you can
get away with this!

Don't play with the reflector!
So where were we?

They're not friends with me!
They're all against me!

Why aren't they friends with you?

They're stupid! I hate them! Let them die!

- Let them die?
- So what?

What would your mum say?

She shoved me here
to get rid of me!

- That's enough! You won't get to me
like that. - They call me a snitch!

And if I hadn't told about Lojza,
he would have suffocated in the chapel!

- Are you sure you wanted to help him?
- I…

Or did it make you happy that you,
as you put it, snitched on him?

I'm telling the truth!

And they shoved me
under the water for it!

Cretins! I'd have them shot!
All of them!

- I hope you're not serious?
- And they call me "Foxl"!

David... Go to your room.


It's David! Mum, please get me out of here!

Take me away please! It's horrible here.
I don't want to be here!

They beat me here!

And no one here likes me!

I'm not crazy!
That's how it always seems to you!

You have one important duty, one duty!

I won't survive here! I beg you!
Or I'll do something to myself!

I'll jump out of a window!

I beg you, mother, take me away, I beg you!

Deal! So tomorrow!
Alright! Bye! Bye-bye!

Straighten up.

Pull in your stomach and arse.
Learn to look ahead.

Stretch your legs and walk on tiptoe.

And don't twist your hands
like that. Yes, that's right.

- Not like that.
- I can't...

I'll show you.

You do it so well!

By the way... compared to
you, Monica's an old aunt!

- Is Monica also a gymnast?
- She's always breathing down my back.

But while I languish here, she
might even snatch a medal!

If she were my sister, I'd beat her!

But I'd get along with you.

What are you always on the lookout for?!
Don't smirk, get lost!

You've learned to walk beautifully,
but you're still crazy!


So, please, come in.

The setup here is very genuine.

- Hi.
- Hi.

There are offices here, and classrooms.

- And what's that?
- It's the buzzer alarm.

- And does it work?
- Of course. Press the switch, please.

Hi Doctor, don't say
that you're the buyer!

Hello, ma'am...

He is the buyer!

I came for Sandra. Do you know
where her group hangs out?

- Near the cottage.
- Thank you. - You're welcome.

Take this for Lojza and Kristýna.

Fetch, Foxl!!

Bon appetit, dude!

Who's it for?

For Mum.

For my brothers.

And that one?

My brother, when he was little, called
a stone for mummy a "mumsy".

And for daddy - a "dadsy".

That's funny!

I know something, Hynek.

And so does the head physician. Your mother
told him when she came to see you.

- The old man in prison?
- Yes.

I hope they keep him there.

For a long time.

He'd beat her constantly!

He "borrowed" things from strangers.

And didn't pay for them.

He said that he would sell things...

...and pay off debts...

It never worked out for him.

When I grow up…

...I'll protect my mother.

Even if it means killing him!

- Do the boys know?
- Yes.

- And how do they treat you?
- As normal.

- Hi.
- Hi. Thank you.

Well, shall we learn how to move?

I need to feed the goat.

Then think about who you want
to be: a countess or a stable wench.

Not all my family was aristocratic.

But if you practice, it is the aristocrat
in you that will become visible.

What do we have today?


David Feyfar, someone for you!

I wouldn't call it bullying.

The boys are only marking out
acceptable boundaries for him.

Moreover, I believe a slap in
the face - at the right time...

...can sometimes suprisingly
facilitate the teaching process.

It's not the way you see it at all.

He's always looking for someone to
acknowledge him. Who will like him.

- A friend. I...
- You feel sorry for him.

And so you forgive him everything.

Even selfishness.

Yes, yes! You're harming him.
Believe me.

- Granny!
- Hello! Hello my girl!

- You're late today!
- We have plenty of time.

Look, today after the exercises...

...we'll eat a big ice cream and say goodbye.

- But you said after the X-ray...
- I got a role. A good one.

I'm returning to Prague this evening.

Well, wish me luck!

She's going to eat ice cream, and
here we are eating bread and butter!

Mummy! Mummy! We're leaving!
Right? Yes, mum?

Maybe next time you'll knock, David?

Go ahead, David. And wait below!

Mum, he's got my gun!

- Dad, what are you doing there? - Well,
they wanted to look at the summer palace...

...the one in Vysoka.

- Bye then.
- Bye.

Do you think sending me a
postcard every Sunday is enough?!

The others get letters!

Oh, yes, it was me who threw the kittens
in the dustbin! Too bad only one died!

You're lucky you're with your mother!

You hear?

- Before you go. - Yes, sorry?
- One minute.

Frankly, if you take him away
now you'll have to use...

...much harsher methods in the
future than just leaving him here.

You'll have serious problems with him.

Maybe you're right.

And besides, I do have a
lot of work at the hospital.

- David! - What now?!
- Turn off the radio!

- Wouldn't you like to stay here
to the end? - Mum, no! No!

- I promise I'll write letters
to you. Alright? - No!


Kristýna, a smaller fire! Slightly less!


Kiki, come here! Take Mareka
for a minute!... Go to Kiki!

- So... do you have sugar?
Thanks, I'm fine.

Yes, good...

I wanted to ask, Mrs Veselá...

...Do you happen to know for whom this
Mr Rosenbaum is buying the sanatorium?

- I thought you knew.
- No.

Alas, we do not know.
He told Ladya, my brother, that...

...the name of the client would
not mean anything to him anyway.

And more importantly, he should be
happy that the buyer is wealthy...

...so he can pay off Renata's debts.

Offer Mrs Veselá some salad.
Would you like that?

You can see for yourself, he's a bit crazy!

No, I just thought, since you know them...

...maybe they mentioned something.

No, nothing.

They didn't even mention that they
were going to buy the sanatorium.

- Or maybe some pickled mushrooms?
- No, we don't need mushrooms.

He eats too much, just grabs
everything that comes to hand!

- Don't they seem strange to you?
- Dr. Rosenbaum is an excellent lawyer!

His family is from Brno.
They left shortly before the war.

Yes, I didn't really mean
the old man, but his chauffeur.

You know, he's so arrogant!

He gets into everything,
as though he were the buyer.

Well, what are you thinking! Vok?
Yes, he behaves like his supervisor.

He was born around here somewhere...
Laskowice - that's what the village was called.

Laskowice? That's not far.

He emigrated with his mother to
Lausanne, they have relatives there...

...so they settled down quite well there.
His mother worked in a bank.

Mrs Veselá, this 'Vok' is not,
by any chance, called Matej?

That I don't know.

But recently he had a
car crash in the Alps.

- Really? - He climbed out,
but... almost lost his life.

Thank you for the coffee, I have to go -
I want to return to Prague before evening.


I just wanted to ask Kristýna to...
to convey to Sandra... it's important Sandra...

...sends me a letter as soon as they have
the results of the X-ray - about the leg.

- Yes, of course! I'll pass it on to her.
- Thank you. - You can rely on me.

Maybe at least something for the road, no?


I was just thinking, in case
you didn't suggest it to her...

So, Vok, right? What did your
mother-in-law say to you?

Wait, where is it? Here!

"I was received by my childhood
friend Anna and her son...

...and thanks to my French and
German, they managed to get me...

...a place in the bank.”
Hmm, the countess in a bank!

And now pay attention!

"Write to me at the address:
Anna Vokova..." Anna Vokova!

"...Lausanne, 907-32." Remember?

- Yes. I have greasy hands.
- Anna Vokova, remember that.

Well, now... the son. Here!

"Matej is a very brisk young man,
he's always busy."

Well? Understand?

So when the grandmother received the
inheritance, she took him as her secretary.

He had helped her before. Right?
And now - what does Renata say?

So... "I send a kiss to Kristýna,
see that nothing happens to her..."

Blah, blah, blah... Ah, right here!

"After grandmother died,
I was in despair.

"It’s good that her secretary
helped me with everything."

Well? Understand?

Well? Secretary!

"I ask you again: give me Kristýna.

"Think how well I can take care of her.
You'll never have that kind of money."

Well, of course, we are no match for her...
She had a secretary to help her!

Understand? Give me a drink.

Well, why else did this secretary
come here in secret? Why else?!


What is it, Mouse? Had enough? Was it good?


Don't touch the hooks!

And don't touch the valve!

And leave the palm alone.

- I wanted to ask, what is your
buyer's name? - Mr Bauer.

Mr Joachim Bauer is a
Swiss-naturalised Czech.

He… loves his homeland,
it is extremely dear to him...

...and he would be happy to
contribute in its flourishing.


- Will he leave the children here, though?
- That's not your concern!

Your job is to pay the bank! The gentleman
explained everything to you clearly.

Did I ask you?

We could request a government
real estate valuation for tomorrow.

At the expense of my client, of course.

Right now, we're organising trips,
so the evaluation can wait.

It's already better. Muscle atrophy is gone.

- She's working hard. - Mum says that
diligence and work overcomes everything.

It's just that nothing is got for free.

What if you work hard and practice...

...and train, but someone beats you anyway?

I never lose!

Your opponent may be stronger
than you. This is sport.

For your information: I have a tonne
of medals and 2 crystal cups!

- Have you tried jumps?
- No, they say it's too early.

You'll be able to run. But professional
sports, my girl... are over for you.

How is that? I'm training!
And the coach praises me!

I'm sorry. But your bone will
not withstand the peak load.

- We must be in time for the championship!
- Of course I must!

Jan Malíř

Jan Hřebejk

Subtitles by diogenes