Kde padají hvezdy (1996–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

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Czech television

the creative team of
Kateřny Krejčí and Ivanz Průchové...

...presents the series...


Written by
Markéta Zinnerová

Jan Hřebejk

I was sent back to the sanatorium.

For the third time.

It's survivable, but I miss the horses.


Most of all, I was looking forward to meeting Kristýna.
She lives with her father in a house near the sanatorium.

Her aunt cooks there, and her
uncle works as a supply manager.

But Kristýna is with us most of the time.

I'm not going anywhere!

Her mother lives in Switzerland, but
Kristýna doesn't want to move in with her.

If I don't pick up the letter, they'll return it.

As if the addressee is missing.
Or unknown.

She loves her father more, who's
taken care of her since childhood.

- Do you do gymnastics? - Yes, she was
selected for the World Championship.

A pompous girl called Sandra
came here, we call her "The Cast".

She's got a cast on her leg, but
she acts like she's the coolest.

Such is our "plastered" star.

Kristýna has newborn kittens.

In our room lives Štěpán, Hynek and myself.

And David as well. We call him Foxl.

Stop lurking!

You're such a sissy, aren't you?

Foxl! Ougrabka! Go to lunch!

Recently, a car with a Swiss number plate
has begun to drive around here.

Kristýna was quite surprised.

part two

I've been training three
times a week since childhood.

At the gym and at home, of course.

Stretching, splits, various somersaults...

I've probably done them a million times.

You don't even know what it's like!

Take a deep breath and rise.

We bow our heads.

Knees together, like so.

Now we straighten up.

- Aren't the crutches too big for you?
- No, why?

I'm good at this!
I want to be a gymnast too!

Are you out of your mind?

You're too stocky. And you're
already too old to begin gymnastics.

My mum signed me up when I was five.

You don't need to gorge yourself
as you did today at lunch!

You'll never make a gymnast.

We turn our body.

Like that. Over the left knee.

Fine. Straighten up.

Štěpán, like so. Excellent.

- David, turn your head back.
- Can you do it yourself?

- Stop it!
- Look, I can do it!

You'll kill us all!
Try to do it like her. It's safer.

- I can't, I'm wearing a skirt.
- Oh come on, stop making it up!

Girls! Lunch!

So, let's go, let's go!

When is lunch?

We're finished.

"I've been training three times a day
since I was a kid! Got it, stupid?!"

"One, two, three, four..."

You train so hard -
and they laugh at you.


Let's go!

Hey, stop it! Put away your slippers, Foxl!

Don't call me Foxl! Denisa-Creepa!
And you - stop staring!

She follows him around!

Ignore them, since they don't
even have a video player at home.

As if there aren't enough
girls here without her...

- Peasants stick together!
- "Peasants"!

Miss Udlínek!

Show me what's in your pockets.

I'm going to get the caretaker!

Stop that!

Sandra, where are you from?
- From Prague.

- What district?
- What do you care?

I know several districts.
Prague-Zizkov, Prague-Vinohrady,...

Malá Strana, Velká Strana,
the Small Town, the Old Town,...

- Prague-Prčice...
- Where the annual walk takes place?

- That's right.
- Do you get lessons in local history?

We live in Prague-Rzeporie.

So how long does it take to get to
the city by bus? An Hour? Two?

That would be completely lunatic.

When I drive with my grandfather to
the village square, it takes half an hour.

But sometimes our tractor breaks down,
and there's a delay.

Her mother was gushing to the head physician
about what a wonderful daughter she had...

...and how she takes her to training sessions
all over Prague five times a week.

She's a gymnast, you see.

She's so wonderful, she wins all the
competitions, always a success.

Such a star!

“The flower is completely wilted!"

"The flower withered from evil pride.
You left him all alone."

"Bring me another one now! Or I'll
tell the king and he'll kick you out!"

"Growing flowers is difficult work.
Until you learn how to sing..."

"But I want one now!"

"Then try it. Sing."
"I don't want to sing!"

- What?
- Nothing.

If only they knew that
that's my grandmother!


"I want…"

"I want to do it..."

- Can you tell us where we can find him?
- You need to go back and down.

Hello Kristýna. What are you doing here?

Dad's on the night shift.
May I sleep at your place?

Alright. Come on.

- Where have you been?
- At the cinema.

- What are those?
- Kittens.

Leave them here.

Wear this, if you like.


Koksha! Do you want some nuts?



- Is Kristýna up yet?
- No.

She came yesterday because she
got scared when she saw the Swiss car.

- What car?
- You don't know? She didn't tell you?

Well, I suppose you're almost
never at home anyway.

I'm amazed at you: where is your head?!
Don't you know what's going on around you?

Everywhere murders, kidnappings! Recently
they wrote that they'd found a little boy buried!

And you leave the girl alone at home
at night! Are you even normal?

And what am I supposed to do?

Do you want me to quit?! Shall
we eat the grass in the pasture?

Come on, come on. Divorce your Renata
and find a real mother for the girl.

How can I be sure the court will
grant custody of Kristýna to me?

Of course they will.
Now is the time for a divorce.

Her mother hasn't taken care of her for many
years - only occasionally sends her some clothes.

The responsibility has been yours
exclusively - everyone will confirm this.

Why do you think those
Swiss people came here?

Good morning.

Hello... Get dressed and let's go.

Wait, let her have breakfast first.

Come to me.

And when you're on night
duty, send her here to me.

Your aunt will take care of you.

Do you know what Swiss
license plates look like?

It was the same car in which my mother brought
the urn with the ashes of my grandmother.

Kristýna, don't wander
about alone at night.

- Do you lock the door?
- Yes.

I go everywhere with my kittens!

Yes, they'll protect you!

Today I'll again spend
the night with my aunt.


Don't you want to go to your mum's?

I think it would be better that way.

No, I want to stay with you.

I'll pick up the letter from Lausanne.

As soon as I can get to the
post office - when it's open.


Don't run around like wild animals!
Calm down!

What's small, blue and flies?

- Don't know! - A mosquito with
a varicose vein on its leg.

What nonsense!
Eat at your aunt's. Bye.



It's them.

Tell Kristýna: if she brings those
kittens indoors again, she will find...

...that I'll deal with them the way
a big dog deals with a small one!

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Watch out, don't break your nose!
- You'd like that - sadist!

But it's not private, is it?

That's true. But you parked
the car in the kids' area.

And, as a rule, a prank like that...

Just great!
It's like a developing country.

Is there even a taxi?

We can't get a taxi now.

If you're tired, you can spend the night
with us. There's a guest room upstairs.

In the morning the police
will remove the clamp.

It's like the Balkans!

Girls, I think we have visitors here!

- You're impossible!
- What's wrong?

- Those idiots aren't worth it.
- Let's sleep.

Go on.

- Are you kidding me? - I'm not kidding.
What do you bet, if you don't believe me?

A brilliant idea!
Now they're right inside our house!



They were supposed to park in the
parking lot. Next time, I'll tow them.

Imagine, they wandered around
the sanatorium building at night.

And the old one said that the
air here is better than in the Alps.

- Of course it's better.
- Yeah…

- Have you seen Pinda and Minda?
- No.

Maybe they ran out when I went
to put out the rubbish last night?

- Pinda!
- Pinda!

- Minda!
- Pinda! Min-

- Don't shout. Do it quietly.
- Well, show me how to do it.

Pinda, Minda... Pinda!


...They sniffed the air, measured
the walls - how thick they were.

- Can I take this?
- Take it. And sit down at the table.

Really!… Minda!

Do you know how they call cats in America?

Pinda! Minda!

- But these are Czech cats.
- Well, then it's different then.

Pinda! Minda!


That's chi-chi-chi.



Pinda... Minda...

Guys, please take the salt
and sugar to the dining room.

- Alright.
- Thank you.

- What?
- Nothing. Come on.

Dump it all in there!

Wait, wait. Don't rush.
Try it first!

I'll put salt on it.

- How is it?
- Alright, but very salty.

What is this?

It's starting…

- What's this?
- Are you allergic to tea?

You're pigs!


- What have we done to you?
- Eat this yourself!

Calm down!

What are you doing, idiots?!

We didn't change anything!


Let's ask!

- Mrs Kukalová!
- Yes?

Tell them that it was you who
gave us the sugar and salt.

Well, yes, I did.

- There you go!
- Who's to blame then?

We're not making up anything!

Calm down! So the cook made a mistake.

But that doesn't mean
you can throw food!

The boys are not to blame.

- Firm!
- But fair!

- Coward.
- Who's a coward?

- You.
- Why's that?

- You didn't own up.
- It doesn't mean that I'm a coward.

- Then prove it.
- How?

Sneak out of the building tonight.

Are you mad? How can I leave the building?
All the exits are closed at night.

- Then you're a coward.
- Then you do it!

I have a cast.

What's the specific challenge?

Spend the night in the chapel
and bring a flower from the altar.

For you?

No. To prove that you're not a coward.

- I don't have a key.
- So you're a coward!

- Are you coming back for a bathe?
- Quiet, Hynek.

Jan Malíř

Jan Hřebejk

Subtitles by diogenes