Karma's World (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Switch's Secret - full transcript

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Have you ever had trouble
expressing how you feel?

Stick around,
I'mma show you what went down.

-I got it.
-Over here!

Karma, Winston!

Check out my latest invention.
The Mega Mouther 3000!

Hello, soccer fans,
and welcome to the Thunderdome!

Huh? Karma, is that Switch?

What? Switch said she was
at her Dad's today, but…

those are her headphones.

Hey, Switch!

Let's go after her!


Maybe she's not answering
because that's Switch's twin.

Or Switch's evil twin!

Or Switch's evil triplet!

-Or ‘cause of the headphones.

Why would Switch be going into school
on the weekend?

- Huh?
- Switch?


Switch never told us
she could play the violin.

Isn't she fantastic? She's practicing
for a big recital here tomorrow.

-Who is that?
-Switch's mom.

Oh, right, right, right, right.

What can you tell me
about Switch's evil triplet?


What are you doing here?

I was supposed to pick her up
from rehearsal, remember?

No, you told me that I'd get
to take her this weekend to…

You always do this, you are constantly
changing the schedule…

The "Sunrise Sonata,"
my favorite.

It's my favorite, too.



Mom, Dad! You're both here.

Karma, Winston, Keys?

-Your sonata's excellent, honey.
-You sound like a violin virtuoso!

Oh, yeah, the sonata. Thanks.

-We are just so proud of you--
-You are wonderful.

-Absolutely wonderful.
-Practicing paid off.

- It really did.
- Amazing!

Diner for dinner,
my little violin virtuoso?

You got it, Mom. See you there.

Switch, are you okay?

It's just… it's just…

I don't want to play the "Sunrise Sonata"
at the recital tomorrow!

What? But it's so good!

Maybe you're just nervous.

No, I'm bored.


I've played that song for ever and ever,
and it's just not me!

I wanna play hip-hop violin,
I wanna make mash ups, I wanna add beats,

I wanna, I wanna…

Let me just show you what I mean.


Karma, c'mon, join in!

That was amazing, Switch!
Your mash ups are dope.

But they could use a little…

- Robot keys.

You shouldn't play the "Sunrise Sonata"
if you don't want to.

You should play
that bangin' mash up instead.

I can't.

Why not?

You saw my parents. They're obsessed
with the "Sunrise Sonata."

I love my mom and dad so much.

But when they got divorced last year,

they promised things would stay the same,
and they're definitely not.

They're stressed, and they fight,
and, and…

When they hear me play the sonata,
it's like all that goes away.

Maybe you could tell them how you feel?

I guess I could give it a try.

We're here for you, no matter what.

We got you, Switch.

You're so silly, Mom.

Just trying to keep up
with my little violin virtuoso.


Hey, Mom? I need to talk to you.

What is it, honey?

Um, uh…

Can we get onion rings instead?

Sure. I'm going inside to see
if they have any dessert specials.

I know a violin virtuoso
who loves chocolate cheesecake.

Real smooth, Switch.

And then I said "onion rings",
and she got up to go look at desserts

and she called me
her little violin virtuoso and, and…

I'll never be able to tell my Mom and Dad

that I want to play my way
at the recital tonight.

It's okay, Switch.

We'll think of something.

I gotta figure out how Switch
can say what she feels.

Switch can't tell her parents
what she's really thinking.

But how can she?

What do I do when I have something to say,
and talking's too hard?


I write!

So, I was thinking, you should
write your parents a letter.

Uh, sure.

Hm. Dear Mom and Dad…

No, not that. What about…?

No, they won't understand.

Not that either.

I think
you misspelled "violin."

I think I might need
a different approach.

How about making a video?
That's what I would do.

I dunno, Winston.

Switch's secret reveal video… Take one!

Alright, everybody, places!

Ahem. I mean, action!

Hey, Mom, Dad.
You see the thing is, well…

Can we try it again?

Take two.

Mother, Father, I want to say that I…

- Take 67.

Take 112.


Take 319.


Pickle chips.

I give up.

I'm never gonna be able to tell
my parents what I really want to play.

Whoa, Switch, I didn't realize
how upset you were.

Your playing is fierce!

I guess it's just easier for me…

…to show how I feel
with my music!


I've gotta tell my parents how I feel
with music.

And I think I have a plan
for how to do it.

-What are you doin--

Did Switch invite you, too?

Greeting, Mrs. Switch's mom
and Mr. Switch's dad.

-Right this way.

The performance is about
to commence-utate.



Hm, let's see. A-ha! Here you are.

Mr. and Mrs. Stein!

You're here because
Switch has something she wants to say.

Well… play.


-Great job, Switch!

That song was incredible!
I loved those beats!

So… you're not mad
that I didn't play the sonata?

Mad? Of course not! It sounds
like you might be upset, though.

You wanna talk about it?

I'm tired of playing the same song
the same way over and over

because you both love it.

I wanna play mash ups, I wanna play music
that's me, I wanna, I wanna…

I wanna be able to tell you
how I really feel.

Uh… I'm sorry.

We haven't done a good job making
you feel like you could express yourself.

But I promise, we're gonna do better.

It doesn't matter what you're playing,
just that you love playing it.

I really do love playing my way.

Well, we can't wait to see our hip-hop
violin virtuoso at the recital tonight.



- Whoa!

Keys, turn it off!

Oh, come on!
This invention's become a real…
