Kara Sevda (2015–2017): Season 1, Episode 20 - Episode #1.20 - full transcript

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Good night Mr Kemal

You too

The address of the murderer.lt is written here.

I asked for his name

I am giving you more, I give you the address

Go there and face the truth yourself

Who could it be at this time?

Wait here. I will go look


What are you doing here?

Did something happen to father?
- No.

Nothing happened to father

It was Zeynep's wedding tonight

I know. I know.

I heard about it.

I hope you didn't come to tell me about it?
- Who came?

Kemal Soydere

Welcome! Come inside if you want

No, it's fine like this

Are you living here abi?

Is that a problem for you?

Is Tufan infoI'med about this?

He is or not.

Tell me why you came here?

Have you been in the Riva area last week?

How I should I know? Do you think I keep tally?

Have you or have you not?
- No I have not!

Why do you ask?

Come here abi


What's up? What's up?

What do you want from me again?

Are you in trouble?

Trouble? What trouble?

Thank god I feel great since I'm away from you

So Emir is not trying to force you to do something?

Go mind your own business! Are you high or what?

Who would make do what?

Come on, go! Go!
- Abi?

Last week, Monday evening

Where were you around six and seven?

Where were you?

He was with me.

We wanted to go to the movies

but when we turned back home when I got a migrane at the last moment

Maybe the tickets are still lying somewhere if I haven't throw them away

If you like she can search and bring them to you?

No need to

I don't know why you came to question me at this time.

And you don't believe my words anyways.

So let me prove you with the evidence where I was.

You will relieve.

Anyway. Sorry for disturbing you

Good night
- Good night

Why do you protect me?

Why have you told him that I was with you though I was not?

Because you could be in trouble

And I didn't want that your brother blames you for something again

Thank you

Why did he ask you those questions? Do you know the reason?

That's Kemal.

You never know where and when he thinks about what

This Tufan is playing tricks.

Something strange is going on here.

Tarik can't be a murderer

You know your brother better than I do.

This has nothing to do knowing him

Tarik is not a man who could cause a murder

If you say so then it is boss

You think it's possible?

Well my head always works when it comes to dark things master.

It's a professional sickness

I will find out what's behind this story.

I will find it

What do you think you're doing?

Kemal came to you

Then I guess you know the reason of his visit

First tell me what you talked about

He came to sound me out.

He asked me where I was the night the murder happened

What's more important. Why is Kemal asking me this?

Of course if no one pointed him towards me

You don't need to drop a hint.

I send Kemal to you

How can you do something like this?

How can you send my brother to me? Are you insane?

Calm down first.

I wouldn't put you in a dangerous situation intentionally

As we supposed Kemal is after this thing. He searches for the killer everywhere

We need to get him away of this thing somehow.

I stopped him from bringing everything upside down.

You Tarik, are the only person who he wouldn't expeet committing murder

So that sure are you?
- He can't prove it.

There's no evidence left behind.
- What if he will prove it?

Now that we overcome this crisis, I can leave with my mind at peace

This was not a crisis.

This was the happiest day of my son

Good night

Let me walk you out

Good night

Good night.
- Good night

The documents will be ready in two days and afterwards we can go to the land office if you want

I will leave abroad tomorrow. I won't be there for a few days. We can go after I'm back

Whatever you say.
- Bye Bye

See you

Thanks to you we have hit the floor Zeynep.

Thanks to you we have seen a wedding saloon. The only thing missing was the shawm-and-drum

Actually I have missed the lack of cake and lemonade,

But it was still a fantastic wedding

Mommy! Daddy!

Thank you for this night.

Thanks to you I had a wedding I will never forget about

What's important is your happiness

Nothing will happen to us as long as you are beside us

But it can come from alcohol

You shouldn't stretch the celebration thing. My unhappy Queen

I'm very tired. I'm going to sleep

You heard the gong sound. That means the time to follow my wife has come

Good night

- Leave me

You drank too much. Anyway
- Could you let me go

Good night
- Good night

Good night

Whenever I see a groomsbride our honeymoon comes to my mind.

I remember that we still haven't become husband and wife

Maybe you will give yourself to me since you're drunk.
- Don't get ugly! Let me down

Stay away from me!

That's not possible
- I'm going to sleep.

You can't come

Are they not staying in the same room?
- No

How that?

They're just playing married

What does that mean?


It's not over yet

Look into my eyes

What is written there?

Read it well!

Well can't you see what's written in my eyes?

Or are you blind?

Nihan does not love you!

And never will!

If she comes a thousand times to the world, she will be disgusted a thousand times from you again

Oh poor Emir.

You will never posses Nihan

Have you read it? Huh?

Leave me!

Emir, leave me! Would you leave me?

Leave me! What are you doing?

Emir would you leave me?

What are you doing? Leave me! I said leave me

Have you come to yourself?
Have you come to yourself?

What are you doing?

Have you woken up from your dream?

Stop making dreams!

If one day I will believe that this heart won't belong to me anymore,

if I will believe it...

What will you do? What will you do?

Would you kill me?

Don't take me out of your orbit!

If this all is just fake and a game.

Then I don't understand why Nihan abla still keeps on playing this game.

It was just figure of speech darling.

I just messed with you

You did this once already

and now you're changing the subject again

Now you're doing the same again.
- I don't change it.

There are no games. Why don't you believe me

There are things you're not telling me.

Come on tell your wife

Do you really want to talk about Nihan and Emir on our wedding night?

Eh, I actually don't feel very good.

I'm really exhausted.
- I won't tire you

Actually I have a head.ache.

Because of the noise

I will be your medicine.

Or do you feel strange from me?
- Ozan, shame on you.

Are you trying to upset me talking like this?

No my love! No way

Okay then. Don't force me today.
- Fine

At least you can give me a goodnight kiss.

Good night

To you too my one


Save me!

Nihan! Where are you

Are you alright? Did something happen Nihan?

I am in a prison. I am captured.

Come get me out of here Kemal. Please

Has Emir done something to you

He took me away from you.

He stole my life.

He hijacked the years I wanted to spend with you

You drank too much.

Go take a shower and then sleep

What happened? Why are you laughing?

I already took my shower, don't worry.

I became love-besotted

Can we talk later?


You know you've told me that you don't want to go downhole again?

Without you the surface is like downhole for me.

What you call the darkness is the sun for me.

Are we starting all over again?
- No!

I add it to the rest.

Every passing day I love you more Kemal

Illegal skyscrapers have rised above my love and you have no idea

Don't laugh

You will see when my world comes down on me because of uncontrollable love

Then you will be late to save me

Then you'll have a look and see the Nihan has died


In fact you can write on my gravestone

"She died in disappointment"

Since you can mock around again your mood must be uplifted

But what if the joke becomes reality?

What if I will die and leave before I reach to you?

Would you not hurt so bad in your heart that Nihan died without seeing you?

Okay Nihan. Okay!

Even making fun about it is bad

Please stop it now. Please!

Go to sleep

Please don't try to get rid of me now.

And besides what could be more important than me?

Can we talk later?


We don't need to talk. I got my answer!

Would you like to tell me whatver the issue is?

What kind of man is this Tufan?

I mean is he trustworthy?

I have net seen him doing anyone wrong so far

So you would entrust him with a secret?

Has Tufan found out a secret about you?
- No

It's not such a situation.

Some cheeky things are going on but I haven't solved it yet


What are you trying to do?
- Actually what are you trying to do?

What kind of play are you after?

I should have known that you would play a double-game.
- What were you expecting?

That you draw a bow at a venture?
- You have killed her, right?

You! are so sure that I have let her killed that you even thiink that you can play me with my own man.

But Kemal I have not even the slightest to do with it.

I don't know who the killer is

Your voice reaches here so weak. Scream some more!

Scream! Scream!

Then let me tell you also like this.

Maybe your ears will open

You have seen whose name will come out if you will keep on going after this thing and poke your nose into

Do you want to blame Tarik for ther murder?

Look you're still talking about murder.

I say I don't have anything to do with it but you're still walking up to me


Take the gun down

You can't even shoot me from the back without having a plan

You can't haI'm Tarik

I won't.

You will

I will have to take precaution for the day you might mislead the justice and throw dirt on me

I will sent Tarik for killing Karen right into prison

I will do it. Believe me

I will never allow this

You are not a god. Your power won't be enough to change things

But I am the devil.

I will bring people from their ways

And Tarik is one of my victims, so why not?

There's no privilege for anyone in our institution, I'm sorry

I will bring out all the secrets that make the people in your life captured to you piece by piece

I will make you suffocate in the smoke of your own made fire

I will be your end Emir Kozcuoglu

You will see it

Zehir! Tarik is innocent.

He threatened me to blame Tarik for the murder

Sir, do you think that he believed us that Tarik is innocent?

In a stroke of genius

"What's going on?"

"Is there a problem?"

" No. We were having a conversation"

"What's his problem?"

"He tried to sound me out, as he sees it"

" He asked me where you were the night Karen got killed"

"He's a strange guy. He doesn't know to give up"

"Sir, there's one more thing."
- "Tell me."

"Kemal tried to corner me too."

"Did you allow him to?"

"I have only made him thought I would."

"And in return he wanted to know the name of Karen's murderer"

"I wonder about something."

"What did he threaten you with?"

"He found out that you're getting blackmailed sir."

"He implied that I am the one"

"The story becomes better. So?"

"Sir I thought now."

"If Kemal thinks that I am a mole,"

then I can play on both sidies. So he can think that I am his man"

” This way I can estimate the moves he will make.”

" It's not a bad idea."

But two heads are better than one.

"I have a better idea."
- "What is it sir?"

You will give Tarik's address to Kemal.

"Tell him that the killer is there. Let him see his brother and come back"

"Leave the rest to me my disciple."

"I will tell him the ways to close Karen's chapter myself"

"Tufan you earth woI'm."

Thanks to you a corridor opened in my mind.

I got rid of the blind spot.Well done!

Keep on doing like this

I'm always in your command Mr Emir! Always

You have evidence your maturity now.

Otherwise I would have wrote an end for you to make an example of you

What happened man? Have you seen me in your dream?

We need to talk.
- Look.

Don't think I have forgotten what we talked about last night.

Zeynep and you

don't exisit for me anymore

Open your ears and listen good to me.

Look I won't warn you again

Don't believe Emir under no circumstances!

Take care of the steps you take.
He's setting you up

Shut it! Shut it! Knock it offalready!

I am tired of listening to you but you are not tired to keep on telling me lies

Has he overwhelmed you with so much money...

Yes Yes because of that. Stay away from me man!

Stay away! I am not anymore the hairdresser helper Tarik

Keep your advice for yourself from now on

Was it Kemal?

What is he saying
- Nothing

What's your problem with Kemal?

That I'm powerful now.

It bothers him that I don't need him anymore

Good morning

Where are they?

Good morning my love

What's this now?

I have made them prepare breakfast for us

And this is yours

Thank you

But how did your mother allow this?

I thought she wouldn't allow such thing as long as she's in the house?

Today everyone left early.

Nihan left early. Emir didn't come home the night

Today the whole house is ours

Sleeping in separate rooms. Not coming home at nights and such things.

You think you can fool me that their marriage is real

How curious you are!
- So yvhat dear?

Is that bad that I want to get to know my family?

Get to know your husband.

Every day from now

Is your head ache gone?

You womanizer!

And then you're calling me a cat.

The more time I spend with you, the more I fall in love with you.

Love is not filling.

I am really hungry

Let me eat the omlette before it gets cold

Are you looking for a new place?

I have just passed the denial phase.

I have started to accept it as you can see

We can hire a moving company if you like?

You won't tire yourself

No. I have time anyway.

I want to say farewell to every inch of my house on my own

Whatever you say

I'm looking

What are you doing here?
- Good morning to you too

Were you here when you called me last night?

What's up? Are you offended?

Who is it?

You will see when he comes in

The black cat is between you again.
- She's never leaving.

Don't you that she's very touchy

Don't look that he's talking like he's innocent Leyla

I said I had something important to do last night

What could be so important in the middle of the night that you can t tell me?

So? It's your turn.
- Look at him.

He was for sure with someone sneaky last night when he's not talking

Oh my! Or have you made your breakfast and come here Mr Kemal?

Nihan you should write a roman! You shouldn't waste your imagination

He's still beating around the bush. You are aware of that, right?

It's really entertaining to watch you

Your jealousy made you change shapes and found yourself in Asu's body


It's over!

From now on I am resigning from being jealous on you!

You think I can't do it?

I haven't said anything

I won't say not one word anymore

But don't do that Nihan!

It's better when we're not at the same place.

That's what he wants anyway.

See you Leyla

See you! Goodbye


What was this now?

She needs to stay away from me until her marriage ends

and I find the answers to the questions

Slow down. Keep your distance before she realizes it

I have a top secret task for you

What secret?

In Turkish

it means that you will keep your eyes glued to Tufan from now on

Sometimes the biter is bit, we will catch the snake when he hunts

I guess you know about the happenings of last night

This master plan was made by me in person.

You're not in danger, don't worry

But Tufan's accounting books are bloated.

I will give out a five year balance sheet for him

All your men need to be make sure that they won't look like they are suspicious of him.

Is that clear?
- It is clear Mr Emir

So don't disappoint my trust in yo'iu. Make me proud

So this is the devil's office

Sweetie! Can you bring me the box from over there? The small one

What are they doing here?

I want to create this house from a new.

I don't want that this house keeps any marks from the past.
- You don't have to Worry.

Everything will be like you want it.

What's the matter? What are you doing here?

Can we keep on later?
- Alright, have a nice day

What do you want?

I want to decorate my house

Do you have any objections?

Leyla is still living in this house. This house is her house!

You can't come here when you feel like

This house is mine now!

I will erase all of your traces in this house

This house is not the prize of your war.

This is the reminiscence of my mother and father.

When you tear this house down

then you will erase them and not me!
Don't do it

You can't stop me Leyla

I will take the house back.

You know this, right

Oh really? In your dreams?

I will give you a fantastic answer very soon

You know, I've changed my mind.

You will leave this house right today

Or else I will come with the police.

You would do it. I would expect it from you.


Will you empty the house?

I can't bear to get out with police force

Don't worry!

We will get the house back.

Trust me

But for this time you will stay with me!
- No dear! What next?

No back talk! talk! I have decided. No!

I won't let you alone. Never!

- Kemal, where are you?

I'm with Leyla. Are you alright?

Can you come to me? There's something I want to talk about with you

Is it urgent?
- It's very urgent

OK then


I find a moving company and store all your things in their storehouse. And you pick out the things you take with you

When I come back we will go to my place

No back talk! OK?
- OK

Thank you!
- Come

" Don't miss me so much."

" I can't ease your longing."

You are not so lucky to get in bed with me a second time

Get yourself together Zeynep

Nobody can help someone who forgets his pain


She's not home!

Where has she gone?

This morning she went out saying she's going to her workshop.
- Ozan?

Ozan is in the gym room and Mr Onder and Mrs Vildan are not here sir

Mrs Bride?

Mrs Bride was in her room but

I saw her in the garden the last time.

Oh no no. She's in her room now

I won't be able to put up with you right now Emir

You little mouse

What do you think you're doing

Actually what do you think you're doing?

Are you rushing in rooms without knocking the door in this house?

You know the rules better how to rush into rooms in this house!

What were you doing in my work room?

I don't even know where your room is

I wonder if there's a hole in this house that you won't find?

Mr Emir, would you please leave my room

Is now Pasha Ozan's teenage mansion your room now?

What else would it be?

I'm his wife

Including his wife,

every inch of this house belongs to me!

But if you are aware, I got into it and don't leave

What do you want to do?

You've started to overstep the limits

If I were you, then I wouldn't trust the pictures you have that much

I am sure now.

You can't risk loosing Nihan

Are you sure that you want to play Russian Roulette with me?

As long as I am in this house, this weapon is pointed at your head

Think about it.

That I've told Nihan everything

Do you think that Nihan will stay one more minute in this house when she finds out about our affair?

And I will reinvent the fire by rubbing and rubbing and rubbing your brain on the ground

Then at least I will die and don't grieve

As long as I see that your balloon marriage explode

You're a null set Zeynep

You think you've mastered the secrets of a marriage in two days.

You're still very dumb

I can't stand it longer!


What happened? Did something happen?

I feel so bad

Don't scare me Asu! What happened?

My uncle is dying!


None of the treaments are working

Leave your message after the tone

Do you think you get rid me of by not taking my call?

Only when I know that you don't love, I will get off your back Kemal!

You should know the only thing you're doing when you act distance and disinterested is to make me mad!

Who are they?

Kemal! Kemal! Two men have entered my workshop now and I don't like their looks

Don't come closer! I called the police!

Don't come!
- Open up! We won't haI'm you

One is short and has a blue scarf on his neck and the other one is tall and blond and has a scar on his face

Don't come! Don't come!

Don't come! Don't come! I've called the police!


Shut up! Shut the hell up!
Help! I've called the police. Help


It's not the police! She lied/
- Clear up here

But Mr Hakki! Why haven't you told me before?

My uncle didn't want me to tell you.

I didn't know it myself. I found out by chance

There's no giving up!

You will keep on fighting for us.

We can go to another hospital.

We can keep on with different treatments!

If we have to we will go abroad/
- Forget these things now

What could be more important than this Mr Hakki?

We need to do everything we can to get rid of this sickness.

I'm sure there's a way. Trust me
- Kemal!

Kemal, be sure that I've tried every way out

I have prepared myself to this outcome.

There are more important things than my life I need to talk with you about

Could you please leave us alone my daughter?

Call me if you need something

I come from the office for Mr Emir to...
- You came for Mr Emir's signature.

Please come in and let me infoI'm him.
- No, I will wait here

Alright, it's up to you


Are you here to see me?

I come to see Mr Emir

And I thought...

What have you tought Zeynep?

Have you thought that your brother came to congratulate you?

And then after you lied t© him looking in his eyes!

I didn't lie to you brother!

Of course! Of course dear!

You kept it, you silenced and did something behind my back

It's not the same thing of course!

You will do the same to me like my parents, right?

I should do more to you.

But I won't do it.

I will silence just like you

But from now on I won't hold you in esteem!

Just like you did with me.
- Brother!

Don't say brother to me! What brother? Is there a brother?

Have you thought about your brother until you entered the new house?

Stay away from me Zeynep.

You've made your decision. You've made a new family.

Keep on like this

Come on.

Let's hope for the best

We have upset you already in the morning Mrs Bride

It was an unpleasent meeting. My fault.
- My fault.

Don't mention it Mr Emir/
- No! No!

I should have thought about it when I called you here

Zeynep should have thought about it!

Not you!

She should have thought about the outcome.
- You're siblings.

It will be alright

You need to sign here

Let's bring her over there

And you get lost and torch the car!

We re late, let's call him right now.

It's me! We've got the girl.

We are where we said we are

She's sleeping. She knows nothing

Alright, we ll wait

What's he saying?
- We have to wait


Has she wake up?

No! She's talking in her sleep.

Sooner or later she has to wake up anyway. Come


"What are you doing?”

" I'm trying to find out if you're real or not"

"Is this the way you find out?"

"If I can touch you, then it means that you're real”

"So what when you can't touch me?"

"Then you are a dream."

"You’re not there."

"You're not there."

" I am real when I am beside you"

Even if you can't touch me every time.

’’Even when I'm net beside you when you wake up"

"But I don't want to wake up at all.""
- But you have to wake up"

"Will you be by my side when I wake up?"

"Would you like me to be?"

"I would. I really would like it a lot."

”I would like you by my side when I sleep.”

"I would like you by my side when I wake up."

"I would like you to be by my side”

"I would like you to be by my side"

"I will be by your side"

"As long as you wake up."

"As long as you wake up.

" Wake up Nihan."

" Wake up"


"As long as you wake up."

"Kemal don't go"

"Wake up l\lihan>"

"Kemal, please don't go"



Where am I?

Who are you? What have you done to me?

Calm down. Calm down.

We haven't done anything/
- Don't come any closer.

But we could do it.
- Dont't come closer!

What would you like us to do with you

Should I just sit and wait Mr Hakki?

Is this what you want from me? How could I do it?

There's nothing else to do my son.

There's always something you can do!

Actually there is.This is what I want to talk with you.

You can do nothing against my sickness

but there's something you can do for me/
- Anything you want!

Anything you need! Always! But you know that already.

You don't need to. I just wish it

You know I have seen you like my son.

If you accept this as the last wish of this man,

then I would like you to see to be very happy with Asu

Mr Hakki

Asu and me.
- Asu and you

I want to entrust Asu to you and the company to both of you

Your silence is not a good sign

I would do anything you want. You know that anyway.

But don't ask me to do this Mr Hakki

I can't do this!
- Which one?

To marry my niece or to lead my company?

I don't expect you an answer right away.

Think about it first

But Asu has her heart set on to marry with you.

Don't forget this while you think about it

There's nothing to think about Mr Hakki

I can't give neither Asu or you

any false hope

This doesn't suit me

If I marry Asu...

Then I will leave her disappointed

Because I love someone else

I know.

You love Nihan Kozcuoglu

How do you know about it?
- Let's say experience, age.

And you need to be blind on the other side to not see it

But has the time not arrived to bury your youthful romance Kemal?

It is not a romance Mr Hakki

It was not maybe.

But today? Now?

Is it not a romance under these circumstances now?

Don't get me wrong.

I tell you because I see you like my son.

Because I don't want to see you gettting upset

Today, Nihan doesn't belong to you anymore.

And she never will.

Even if it will be like this...

During someone else is in my heart...

I won't be able to give Asu any hopes Mr Hakki

Please forgive me


The person you are calling is unavailable at the moment....

Classic Nihan. First unanswered and then shut off

Yes Emir?

Yasemin, where is Nihan?

We haven't talked. We wanted to meet at the workshop
- She's not at the workshop!

I'm going in now. Are you also here?

How is your workshop working where one doesn't know where the other one is ?

You're overwhelming me.
- But with my love

Has this girl no right to not look on her phone for two hours?

She has not!

When it's this often then not!

Especially in this weird environment

She has no right at all to make me worried.

It's a pity for loving hearts

She's probaly gone somewhere. She will come a little later

Where is she when she's not coming?

I don't know that Emir!

But when she comes back she's yours and when she's not then you know it anyway

She's either mine or no one's Yasemin! You still haven't learned it!

"I want to entrust my niece to you and the company to both of you"

"Today, Nihan doesn't belong to you anymore."

"And she never will."

Leyla! I am making you wait. So sorry about it! I am coming right away

Sweetheart that's not a problem.

I can wait if you have something to do.

Wait for me! I'm coming now. Now!
- Kemal

Take it

It's all good. It's just tea/
- I don't want it

It's cold here. It will be good for you

Why have you brought me here?

How long do you want to keep me here?

She can eat shit. Come here

If you freeze, tell me and I bring you a new one

Where are you Kemal? Where are you?

How was he able to hide it for so long? And why?

He didn't want us to be upset.

He said there was nothing to do.
But of course you are not convinced

I'm not of course. How could I be.

I will go talk to his doctor as soon as possible

I will find out in which phase he is. If there's really nothing they can do

I also think you should talk to them.

I can come with you if you want?
- Thank you

It's a pity. Asu must be devastated

Asu is devastated and on top of it I broke her too

But you said the truth Kemal.

She would be more sad if you'd prolong this

Look what I caused on a day I should have been beside her

You still will be beside her.

These are two different things Kemal

I mean once she get herself back together, she will give you right.

What does she want with a man who doesn't love her? Is this girl crazy

So are you going to think about the company offer?

I am not thinking about the company Leyla.

As long as Mr Hakki recovers that's enough/
- Of course dear.

But I think he will leave it even when he recovers

It has nothing to do with his sickness.
He is tired, that's clear

Of course he's tired.

The fatigue of all the years/ Oh honey.-

Don't be upset.

Where there's life there's hope.

Maybe there's still a way/
- I hope so

What's he doing here again?

Good gracious

Welcome to your humble abode

You are overdoing this unexpected guest thing

My dear, have you come here without stepping by at our house?

What do you want?

Don't you want to invite me in?

For a tea or coffee?

I have a guest. Another time
- And then a staying guest.

The house owner has turned out nimble

So that means if you had bought my house then you wouldn't had kicked me out. Dash-it

A very nice lady. Seriously

Are you expecting more visitors today?
- There's no one else I expect.

You weren't expecting me either for example

And I haven't opened my doors /
- I would've been surprised

I think you don't want to touch me today!

That's why you should go!

A bad day of yours?

I wouldn't expected it from you.

Or do you have some problems?
- I don't live so carefree like you do

You have known this Emir Kozcuoglu really the wrong way

I don't think so

He says he doesn't know nothing about it/
- Because I doesn't

For some reason I believe you this time

That's because I must have told the truth

"Just for once be honest with me!

"Do you had something with Zeynep?""-Of course not!"

”I wouldn't even bring this girl as a servant into my house."

"Am I clear enough?"

"If I will sense something about it...

"As long as I am in this house, this weapon is pointed at your head"

"Think about it."

"That I've told Nihan everything"

"Do you think that Nihan will stay one more minute in this house when she finds out about our affair?"

What nonsense is his holiness Emir Khan talking about again?

What would Emir want from me?
- Nihan

He's at my door when doesn't see her for ten minutes

Let me send her message to warn her at least.

Let me tell her that her husband gone mad again

Nihan! She called me today

Oh are you calling her?

But I couldn't get back to her because of Mr Hakki's thing

It's noI'mal. You were perplexed Kemal

She left a message

"Do you think you get rid me of by not taking my call?"

"Only when I know that you don't love, I will get off your back Kemal!"

"You should know the only thing you're doing when you act distance and disinterested is to make me mad!"

"Who are they?"

" Kemal! Kemal! Two meh have entered my workshop now and I don't like their looks"

What happened?

"Don't come closer! I called the police!"

"Don't come!"
- "Open up! We won't haI'm you!"


’’One is short and has a blue scarf on his neck and the other one is tall and blond and has a scar on his face"

"Don't come! Don't come!"

"Don't come! Don't come! I've called the police! Help!"
- Kemal who are they? What's going on?

"Shut up! Shut the hell up!"
- Help! I've called the police. Help!

They have kidnapped Nihan/
- No!

Oh my god! Why?
- I don't know!

I'm leaving Leyla.
- I'm coming too.

Leyla no!
- I'm coming too

You're not coming! I will call you!
- OK

I will call you

Command me boss!

Zehir, come to the tea garden now! Now!

What gives? What's the matter?


OK OK OK ,calm down,I'm coming! I'm coming

Okay you stay here

Any news from Nihan?
- No sir

You will call her every five minutes and the second her phone is on, you will beam yourself to me
- I understand sir

Come in

And you have started to make this a lavatory for you

How is it? Are the society news ecxiting?
- What?

What have you told to Nihan, Zeynep?

What do I say to her?

What would I tell her?

And that's what I can't find.

I say to myself what would she say to her? But then my ears are hearing annoying louds continuoulsy

You are really scared of me

Think about that when I will tell Nihan everything. And that she won't stay in this house when she finds out

Do you remember?

I don't like to ask things ten times! Zeynep

I am starting to get annoyed.

What did you tell Nihan so that she's disappeared? Tell it with one sentence

You are sick! You're a jerk!

That was two sentences

I thought maybe she is ignorant and brave

But you're only ignorant


Tell them to prepare my coffee

Who are you calling?

Your girl has vanished like a breeze

Nihan is not here.

We got used to it

I didn't get use to it Mrs Sultana

and I won't. My wife is not a morning coffee so that I have to look out for it like a habit

- No sir

Hang up.

You will call the police and tell Mr Mustafa to call the hospitals.

Get out and call them and don't come back before you have something

Emir there's no need to exaggerate. She will come soon

Nihan is not there Mrs Vildan! My wife is not there!

Actually you should question your son-in-law when I don't exaggerate.

Anyway, let me ask Onder

I guess you haven't heard. Nihan is missing

Don't you want to infoI'm your own husband Mrs Bride?

Anyone who has any idea where Nihan could be, talks now or talks now!

How precious your wife is?

"Soap or match?"
- "What's this?"

"Soap or match?"

"Seriously who should believe this question"


"Alright, salt or ice?"
- Salt!

"Alright, are you an umbrella or the sun?"
- "The sun!"

“What do you want me to know? ”

“Other thari what you see?"

"Other than what's obvious?"

" Truth or dare?"
- "It's too American"

"Truth or dare?"


"What am I for you?"

"I don't understand"

"Then let me ask you this way."

"What do you feel when you're with me?"

" What do I mean for you?"

"I mean...what could I say to this?"

"I like you...”

"I like you...you are so beautiful!"

" I think about you"

- "Always"

"Even now?"
- "Even now"

"It's your turn"
- " How?"

"Ask me"

"Truth or dare?"

" Dare"

Why didn't I take the call? Why? Why? Why?

"You will see when my world comes down on me because of uncontrollable love"

"Then you will be late to save me"

"Then you'll have a look and see the Nihan has died."

" In fact you can write"She died in disappointment" on my gravestone"

"Since you can mock around again your mood must be uplifted"

"But what if the joke becomes reality?"

"What if I will die and leave before I reach to you?"

"Would you not hurt so bad in your heart that Nihan died without seeing you?"


What's wrong brother?
- Nihan

They have kidnapped Nihan
- What?

I'm going to meet Zehir now!

I don't know where to start Salih!
I don't know where to start!

But I will find her!

I will save her!

I will save her!
- I'm coming too.

I can't leave you alone brother! Where is it?

Okay brother I'm coming right away. We will find her, don't worry. Okay?

What are we going to do? Sit here and wait?

Just a short while ago you said she will come and that I exaggerate!

I will go out and search for her. I can't wait like this

I'm coming too.
- No, you're staying

Where do you want to go?

You don't know what happened to your daughter but you're still raking up the past! Great!

What's going on?

My father is right. We can't wait like this Emir.

Is Efsane and Mustafa abi going to find Nihan?

Emir take the phone! It could be Nihan!

It's not her. It's work


Emir Kozcuoglu

That's me. Who are you?
- Your wife's destiny

What does that mean? Who are you?

Who could I be since I have your wife in my hands?

Think about it!

Have you haI'med someone's wife a short while ago?



God help her

What do you want from me?

I don't want anyting from you.

But I want your wife's life

Is this the way you want to pay me for the death of your wife?

Is this not quite fair?

You took my wife's life

and I will take your wife's

An eye for an eye and your wife for my wife

I don't believe you.

I have sent you to jail myself.
You can't even come close to Nihan

Yes I can't come close to her

but there are people I know who can.

I need to thank them they didn't upset me

You will Nihan let free! Have you heard me? You will leave my wife free right now!

Or else you will kill me, I know.

You will make someone stab me tonight.

But if I will die then your wife will die too

What do you want?
- Something easy.

I want you to make things right.

You will get me out of here Emir!
I didn't kill my wife

You will get out of there anyway you moron!We agreed on this!

What do you want from Nihan?
- Not in one year.l can't wait so long.

If you want that your wife lives then you have to get me out of here now!


Tomorrow I will be transferred to the Maltepe Imprisonment.

And I think if you have watched enough movies then you know how the rest of the plan looks like

Don't forget it retard! Tomorrow

Like we agreed.

My whole fortune is yours after this job is done.

Mr Emir! We have infoI'med all police stations.


It's a pitty for Mr Emir.He is devastated.

It's not easy of course. Mrs Nihan is missing

We all are worried about her!

Thanks god we haven't received any bad news

But we haven't got good news either.
We couldn't say thanks god so far

Eh sure. He's imagining now things in his head, that's noI'mal.

But...to be honest I am a bit surprised

About what?

In the end Mr Emir is not the man who sits at home with his wife.

It seems odd that he's so flurry of activity

It shouldn't be odd for you Mrs Zeynep. Mr Emir is very fond of his wife.

Of course. It's his wife in the end.
- She's not his wife

Mrs Nihan is Mr Emir's precious

We will see who is whose precious

Who would kidnapp Nihan for what reason?

Why? All we have in our hands is a scarf and a scar mark

Where do we get with this infoI'mation?

It's diffucult my brother.
But we will find a way

It's not that easy to find it

Boss! How was this scarf? What did Nihan say?

A purple-white scarf

A purple-white scarf.
A purple-white scarf

This guy is from Ordu!
- What?

Do you feel it in your bones?

Our friend doesn't know anything about football I guess.

Ordusport! Purple-White

Long live Zehir

There comes no crank out of there.
I don't think that makes sense

That means that one snag got out of there

Ordusport! Salih think about it! Ordusport! The Crazy Captain

Of course the Crazy Captain/
- You think he's still at his old place?

One moment! One moment! Who's the Crazy Captain?
- It's the tribunes legendary cheer leader.

He's Ordusport fan.

He knows everyone who came to the tribunes.

And if he doesn't then he finds him

So our friends love for football goes only so far to the colors.

The Amigo is one of us

Where do we find this Crazy Captain?
- Your brother Salih will take care of this

Boss, let him take us there now/
- Come on

You were a fisheI'man,right brother Salih?
- Yes, so what?

That's where you know the captian from not from him being an Amigo

You're stubborn sister.

We are not so bad. All I did was giving you tea

She's a beautiful woman

That's why

Beautiful woman are mostly stubborn

But there are many ways to overcome their stubborness

We will still be here for many hours

Maybe we should try out something?

Hey she's escaping!

Where do you think she can escape?


Don't come closer


Don't do it!

What do you want to do with that?
- Don't come closer

or I will hurt you! Don't come closer!
- Leave her!

Leave her!What are you doing?

Or else you will break the agreement.

Nothing will happen to her until Taner comes.


Did Taner do this?


Take this! Tie her up


I just received the route.

Your good deeds won't stay unrewarded.

You will get the money paid cash tomorrow

What's our problem sir? And our plan?

Exactly on time

Go and welcome our guests Tufan

Mr Emir.
- How many men do you have?

As many as requested.
- Good

Is this the route which came in from the boss?

Tomorrow in the morning they will take a break at 10:30 at this gas station.

You will kidnapp the man who will come with this car.

Who are they going to kidnapp?

I mean we will kidnapp...

For now you're only bit-playe

You will stay with me and Tufan will be the responsible of the live broadcast

Of course if he won't get shot

Who is it? Do you have a picture or else?

You don't need a picture.

Even if you don't know the man you have to bring here,

you will know what it is

Because in this car he will be the only one who will wear handcuffs

So that means tomorrow you will kidnapp a prisoner from this gas station,Cevher

Tufan knows who he is anyway.


There will be a bargain after we get Taner.

An interchange.

We will give Taner and get back my wife

But who are we going to take Mrs Nihan from sir?

How did you you hit on that Kemal?

He's my grandpa's Amigo

He told it in the car on the way here.

You don't need to repeat what was already told

Kemal, you haven't told me so far

Why are you looking for this man? Tell me

Uncle, are you going to find this man or not? Tell me this

Our boys are looking my nephew. Don't be in a hurry. Wait for a while

And while you wait eat some of this fish soup.

It's hot and will be good for you. Come on take it

I will take one for sure

You are half-tipsy. Wonderful!

I will also go out uncle

I feel annoyed too.
Sit down there. Sit down and eat your soup

How's your father? Tell me


We ll find her. Calm yourself

What if something happens to her?
- We know it, okay

You don't know it Zehir. You don't know it

You don't know what will happen to me if something happens to her

I was thankful that I was alive when I saw her for the first time.

And later she slipped through my hands and was gone.

I forgot how I lived, Zehir

The food I ate was tasteless.

The water I drank was like poison

When she was laughing my soul would hurt for her beauty

I came back to live with here again

This love came and moved into my heart.

And later that day I realized...

Nihan is always in my heart. Always with me

I said to myself that"this girl is your destiny!"

If it's destiny what we re going through then

the name of my destiny is Nihan

I have good news brother!
- Do you have news?

We have.
- Tell me uncle

First you tell me.

I asked you before and you haven't said it

Why are you looking for this man?

It's a matter of life and death for two people. One is my life

It's Blind Iskender's man. A boy called Sagdik

Where do we find this Blidn Iskender?

Behind bars

Where are they keeping him?

Maltepe Prison

Mal t' ep e Prison

Uncle I won't ask you again.
- What's going on?

Karen's husband and your best friend are in the same place

Abi, we won't never be able to reach them at this time

What are you talking about?

You two started talking in riddles.

You have made a good way in being best friends

You know, you are one kind of an original friend

The fake one's are the ones who will understand the original the best

You said that he would always listen to the prison radio?

What else can the poor guy do?

Call there now!. Now!

Leave him a message he will understand

Head or tail?
- Tail

It's head. Come on get on the back seat

Why are you afraid to untie my hands?

Why would we be afraid?

That doesn't look so

It's because I hurt you, right?

We need a separate place in hell for coward guys like you who call themselves man

But don't worry.He is also on this world.

He will now or later come and knock at your door

Don't you guys worry

You talk too much

Have you still not got bored of those cliche quotes?

You will infoI'm me about every step in the morning

Are you not coming?

Alright sir! Alright

It's his wife in the end

Kids, come here. I need you

When we arrive at this place you will take me and bring me there

She's not taking it.

How can she not take it? She left without saying any word at all

Don't worry!

I am sure that Emir will find Nihan.
- Ozan,

are you alright?

Do you want to sleep for a while? Do you want that?

Do you think we and Ozan can sleep as long as Nihan comes back to the house?

You can go sleep. Your world is fine anyways

It's be enough!

Even now in this situation you're looking for a way to drop innuendos

Okay Ozan, stay calm.
Sit down here. Come

It's okay, you're mother is right.

Everyone is tense at the moment

And besides I want to say that I am also very sad.

I think she has no right to not take Emir's..eh Mr Emir's phone calls

Zeynep, could you be silent?

You see the situation we are in

I go take some fresh air

Mr Onder! She will come back sound safe, don't worry.

I know it

Yes my yearners, we have now a relative of a prisoner in our line

A very good evening my friend. Have a good broadcast

I call for my dear friend Necmi who I want to deliver a message through your broadcast,

Who is in the Maltepe Prison right now and who I assume is listening to me at the moment.

Of course, we re listening

Thank you very much sir. I start now

We have no other chance

"Don't forget that my hand is on your shoulder my friend beyond."

"Whatever time it is, whatever night it is,"

"whatever enemy should wait for you, just turn and look once, that's enough"

"The things I have to tell you are waiting for you."

"Let me hear your voice that's enough"

Have a good broadcast. All the best and thank you sir

It will worl out.
- I hope so

It has to work

We will be alright. Right Kcppok?

These days will pass.

We forgot your food. Come



Where are you? Come!

There we go

Come with me. Come

There you go

Take your curse away from us Leyla. Take it away

I haven't deserved to live like this!

Every godamn day I live the price of a sin and shame

I feel an inferior happiness

Please, Please,Please! To talk about these things it s...

Leyla! Nihan is missing!

I know it!

And I also know that nothing will happen to her.
- Do you know it?

When I take a look at every unlucky thing that happened to me,

then I look at your eyes

In front of me, always your eyes, where world's not fitted

Oh Onder

You said my name

Do you have a nickname?

Have you started to use a pseudonym? What have you done? What should I have said?

I couldn't withstand it when I saw you

and dragged myself here.

I couldn't hold myself

I wish you had held yourself

I mean I know, I know,

I understand you. You feel bad but

They have taken your house away from you.

That's why you're here, right?

That's why you're at Kemal's house

But I am not here so that you can look at me and pitying me

This is my kids house, my friends house.

So there's no situation to be sad, take offence or feel like a dooI'mat as you might think it is

Win this law suit Leyla!

Take back your rights at the company
- You send them, right?

You send me the old documents so that I can win the law suit

I don't understand what you're talking about

I accept it

If I had thought that they would come from you to do something good for me, I wouldn't had

I take them because it's not a good deed.

That's what I gave you years ago

Of course you were going to tell me the going-on.

Because the conscience

Pangs of conscience is something different

And besides I want to be free now.

And I want to leave you free too

And we are all square on the accounts

And why should there be,right?

I accept the help you send me and erase your debts

And this is the price for that

Could that be Necmi?
- Open the speakers

Hello? My friend beyond?

Tell me my brother.

What's wrong? One moment my brother

I would have done the same thing for you. You know that my brother.

I know it my brother, I know it! And you're doing it already, don't worry

Necmi! It's me Kemal.

You know the one...
- Yes I remember

There's a man called Blind Iskender in the Maltepe area

Oh he's dangerous

We need to get infoI'mation about one of his man.

The man's name is Sadik

He has kidnapped a girl with force and threat.

There's something wrong in this but...

I want to find out why and where he kidnapped the girl

That will cost a pretty penny.
- Whatever you want

Thank you.

But don't expect for an answer tonight.

I will infoI'm you early in the morning

You will get double the money

the sooner I will get infoI'med

Thank you

I will go out and take some fresh air

I couldn't protect Nihan, mother

I could have not seen this coming

Just that she not gets haI'med

Just that no one get close to her

I made a mistake when I attacked people around me

I am the one who haI'med her actually

When I will lose her while I fluttered around to not lose her

If even one hair on her head gets haI'med

Then because of me

Just because of me

Hold on!

Hold on my ocean faced

I will find you wherever you are

Hold on

"Wet your finger"


"My teacher! My teacher!"

" I want to say it first teacher"

"Are you not nagging me to teach me the winds?"

"Okay Okay. I'm sorry my teacher."

"I am not interfering your lesson"

" But my finger froze a little bit"
- "Where did it freeze?"

" Here”


" Where does the sun rise?"

"Oh the sun rises in the east, crosses the sky..."
- "You're a fast learner"

"Thank you very much but if I don't learn it right away then I get head aches."

"And I think we have a southwester"

" No you're wrong. Because the answer was hidden in the question

"Wherever the sun rises, there blows the wind from :


"So the name of the wind is easterly wind."
- "Eastery wind?"

"But you are my southwester,"

" north-easter, my breeze, my star, my everything"!

"You are my sunrise, sunset, my midday sun, my evening primrose"

"What was this now?"
- "My breath"

"That's my most favorite wind"

"Blow wind! Blow!"

Tell me Necmi

Your fainthearted is behind this
- Who?

Oh my god

It s Taner, the one who shot his foreign woman and went to jail.
- What?

He made a deal with Blind Iskender

He gave him all of his fortune. And said that this woman has to be kidnapped

Why that? Why?

As far as I understand it's a revenge thing

She's someone's wife

Your guy has some grudge on someone.
- I'm coming now

You don't need to

The bird has flown from his nest

What does that mean?
- He has a transfer.

They tooK him early this morning.
- Where are they bringing him?

This Iskender has two storehouses in the Beykoz area.

They have brought him to one of them


I need to find a way to get in and there's only one thing coming to my mind

I wil have to greet Iskender and meet with his guy

I will organize a job with them.
- No!

He would take too much money.

I will forward him that you're a new connection to me.

And the rest is up to you

So what are we doing?
- What are we doing?

We will wait

We will wait

Is our guy on the road?
- Yes sir!

They are driving from Istanbul towards Gebze at the moment.

And Mr Cevher's man are waiting at the gas station and I am behind the vehicle as a precaution and follow them

As a precaution? Press the pedal Tufan and drive to Cevher

Tarik is at your place waiting for you

I am waiting for good news from you/
- I know it sir.

I am aware of the serious situation

He accpeted it

You can go in with his allowance

but there are one or two tricky situations

I will explain you and the rest is up to you

I'm listening, tell me

Now when you're in the neighborhood,

You will go to the coal dealer

You will ask for 3 1/2 gas oil

He will ask you why? And you will say you drink it

He will understand the signal.

And of course you shouldn't the greeting of the father

And after that bon voyage

And oh, don't go empty

So what did he say boss?
- What happened brother?

From this point on it's my job.
You won't come

I can't put you in risk

What are you talking about brother?
- As if we would put you in danger

Come on
- Come on

Come! Come!

I'm coming too

You will stay here

I will go wherever you go. That's it

I am going to find out where Emir is

- What do you mean yes?

It's cruelty what you're doing! Cruelty!

I'm hanging up the phone. Then my cruelty can rise

Emir, where is Nihan?

Your daughter will be home tonight!
That's all you need to know right now

Kemal where is Nihan?
- Nihan has been kidnapped

Are the cameras out of order?

And the market guy?
- He's unconscious

Everybody listen up.

While you occupy the millitary police, me and Tufan will kidnapp Tanerfrom the backside

You will shoot on my order


The vehicle is in sight commander/
- I understand

Tufan, you will run behind the market at the gas station

Come on


I'm waiting a live cast

The operation is about to begin sir

Start the fire

The time has come beautiful girl.

To be fair you're like water.

One doesn't feel like wanting to haI'm you.
- I think you shouldn't make such a quick decision

What does that mean?
- It means what it means.

You dirtbag! You sell out!

Goddamn it!
- What happened?

Why did you say it?
- Tufan!

Give me Cevher

Taner is not here

I am sure this not the answer Cevher!

Huh! Ceveher!

Unfortunately he's not here

How's father Iskender?
Hope he's alright?

He is greeting you

Bring me quickly to that son of a bitch's wife!

We wanted to buy gas oil. Three and a half liter

What do you want to do with the gas oil?
- I want to drink it, what else!

I brought you Iskender abi s geetings

Has he not said that we'd come here?
- What's the job?

Come with me

Closeiticlose it.

What do you want to do with him?

I heard that Iskender abi has two storehouses.

We want to rent one for tonight

How can I know that you're not the cops?
- That's your job?

I will take a lot of money

Wait here two minutes

If it will take five minutes then we will fo to blond Yusuf. Ok?

Oh my daughter! Oh my daughter! Oh my kids

Follow the young guys with your car

If you bring us somewhere else than to Iskender abi's place,

then you won't get any money

You will get the other half of your money after the job is done

Abi, one of the places is occupied already.

The boys will bring you some place empty and you can do your job in peace

Just don't get us into your dirty things

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

So don't worry your head

Follow me

Are you alright?
- Yes?


Let a car between us! Let a car between us!
- Okay


Thank you

Do you had to?

To put me in the same car with this dickhead? Do you had to?

Dude, one is her brother the other her father.

Who am I to hide her daughter from them?


Your husband has helped me to escape from prison, my beauty


But it's a pitty. He couldn't plan this.

But I would never be here, if it weren't for Emir Kozcuoglu's power and intelligence

Leave me! Leave me!

What do you want from me? Ransom?
- Ransom?

Your husband has killed my wife!

And later he threatened me over and over to take the blame on me

Either death or prison! But look, it's both not

There is no ransom that could redeem the death of my wife Nihan Kozcuoglu

I will make Emir go through

the same he made me go through

It will be a pity for you

Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!

Mr Emir, you...

Speak you bastard!
- Watch your langauge!

I'm giving you chance to say farewell to your wife

I will kill you if you even haI'm one hair of my wife's head!

Wherever you will be? I will kill you Have you heard me? I will kill you

I will torture you for years until you die. You won't get away with one bullet

You're still talking Emir

You broke our deal.
- Our deal?

You have made my life miserable you bastard!

You killed my wife!

I will make you go through the same you made me go through

I will kill your wife a little later in front of your eyes.

But wait!

Wait so that you the same feeling devours you like did devoured me

Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Okay, I can make up for that

I can help you escape abroad! I can give you as much money as you want. I give you anything you want

Man! You have taken the only thing I loved in this world away from me.

But don't worry, soon your loved will also die.

Wait for it

Have you located that idiot's location?

It's the Old Beykoz wreckage depot.

Make things right together with your men, Cevher



What is he saying?


He got abducted while he were transferred

Hold on Nihan! Hold on Nihan!
Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!

Faster! Faster!

My daughter! My daughter!

What's that?

Do you think that they will save you?

We could have never known that things would come this far

Believe me. I am really sorry

But I have nothing done to you Taner.

The only thing I wanted was to find out if my brother was innocent

As a matter of fact, your brother is innocent


Do you know something Taner? Tell me!
- There's an existing record.

Somewhere only I know where!

But let me first toI'ment your husband.

And then I will sent him to jail just like he did with me

Tell me! Tell me Taner! Tell me what you know

You will die! It's the truth and bla so on

You can't do it
- Me?

I can't do it! Yes!

But here are the men to do it who I sacrificed my whole fortune to.

Is this the other warehouse from Iskender abi?

We haven't found the other one/
- Okay brother okay

Come let's mind our own business Kemal .
- Salih


Come here! Come on!

I guess it's all there.
- It's okay

Kemal! Kemal let me come too

No, you're not coming anywhere! Stay here!

Are you alright?
- Ozan!

Sal ihi ?

My attaboy! Are you alright

Take care of Mr Onder and Ozan

I will bring Nihan and come.

I promise you I will bring her. Don't worry

I will bring her back even at the risk of my own life.
- Okay

Are we ready?
- Always

I guess we waited more than long enough for your husband.

Look good at this face you piece of shit!

Because you won't forget it again.

Oh and look at this face.

Nihan! Sweetheart!

Because you will see it for the last time!

Nihan my love don't be afraid!

Nihan, look where I am! Nihan!

Look at me you son of a bitch

Look at me!

And I don't have spare outfit.

As you know your wife will spread over me very soon

What's going on? What's going on?

I can't hear it!

God damn it! Nihan! I don't hear you, Nihan!

Are you alright?
- Kemal! Kemal! Kemal!

I knew you would come

- Stop moving

I am not finished with you yet!



I want to report the place of the Maltepe prison escaper

He is inside the old Beykoz warehouse.
- Zehir! Run!


Go. Come this way

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! We got Nihan! Let's go!

We will pick up your car later sir. Come on!

Where are we going?
- They went downward. Come on


What's going on?

Kemal Soydere ploughed through

Kemal... Kemal I almost... Kemal I was dying

You know when I told you.

When I told you I fullfill my longing