Just Add Magic (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 23 - Just Add Barriers - full transcript

Hannah discovers new evidence that leads the others to believe that Mr. Morris, her tough new teacher at Fox Canyon, is the suspect who is cursing people. They cook a spell to protect ...

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Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

Mama P's is expanding.

You gotta do
something for me.

I'm going to get
the mayor's endorsement.

The last two people to lose
their memory of magic

were Grandma Becky
and Mama P.

Gina: You think I'm next.

Jake: Why would someone
destroy your garden?

Wouldn't they want to keep
the magic for themselves?

Do you mean magic
in a metaphorical sense?

Oh, no.
Not you, too.

How did this happen?
I've been with you all day.

Kelly: The magic must be
slow release.

- Hannah:
This might be helpful.
- Darbie: Who's Arthur?

He's the third protector.

Gina: Arthur.
Thank you for coming.

Miss Silvers just called
Mr. Morris Arthur.

Your teacher is
the third protector.


Mr. Morris?



[camera shutter clicking]


Hello, Mayor Davies.
Here's an iced tea.

And I'll put in an order
for a veggie melt

with a side of Mama P's
famous kale chips for you.

Well, how did you
know that?

You've become
a little predictable.

Hm. Well, I hope you
treat me this well

when I'm
no longer mayor.

Of course.
You're a great tipper.


Hello, Angela.
Nice to see you.


I like your Quinn pin.

Would like a--
a Be-Lever pin
to go with it?

No. Thank you, Adam.

You'll excuse me.

Why is Davies
supporting Terri?

I don't know.
Probably because she
worked for her,

and did a good job.

I paid you good money
to get me the endorsements

of the most
influential people in town.

And I got them.

Bob Ellison,
Macy Goldman--

But not Davies.

You said you were gonna
"work your magic" on her.

I remember our deal.

But these things take time.

You got the
other support overnight.
How'd you do that?

I just... talked to them.
I think.

Okay. I see what's
going on here.

All right,
you're trying to
get out of this.

You do not want to
double cross me, Ida.

Oh, please,
you're a councilman.

With friends at
the health department.

Be a shame if they heard
you had rats in this place,

and shut you down.

Now, you get me
that endorsement.

- It all makes sense now.
- To you, maybe.

I have no idea why your
teacher's cursing people
to forget magic.

My grades make sense.

That must be why
he's been so hard on me.

He knows I'm a protector.

He's evil.

He's evil and a copycat.

Conspiracy boards
are our thing.

And hiding it in his desk?
It's like he's not even trying.

What I don't get is
why he's cursing people.

Not people.

Guys, I think that chart
is a curse list.

Every name on here
is exed out.

Except ours.

So does that mean...

we're next?

I have class with Mr. Morris
first thing Monday morning.

Don't worry.
It's Friday night,

we've got all weekend to
figure out how to stop him.


Terri: Arthur.

So nice to see you.

Hello, Terri.

I love your
campaign headquarters.

The coffee is good
and the wifi is free.

What more do you need?

- I'm Jill.
- Hi.

Oh, Kelly.
This is Arthur Morris.

He's a teacher
at Fox Canyon.

Arthur, this is
my daughter Kelly.


Nice to meet you.

Arthur is advising me
on my education policy.

- Really?
- Mm-hm.

That-- Wow.
Um, since when?

Since yesterday.

Arthur reached out
through the website.

Told you it was
worth the effort.

You must really be into
local politics, Mr. Morris.

I always tell my students
to be civic minded.

Helping out your mom
is a good chance to
lead by example.

Oh, speaking of students,
you probably know Kelly's

- Hannah Parker-Kent.
- Indeed I do.

Hannah is one of my most,
uh, competent students.

Well, you'll probably see
Hannah tonight.

She's always over.

Wait, what's happening

Mr. Morris is
coming by the house

to help me prep for
the debate with Lever.

- You're sure you don't mind?
- Oh, it's my pleasure.

I'll see you later.


That's how he sees me?

For all we know,

Mr. Morris isn't even
a real teacher.

I don't see what
the big deal is.

My teachers
call me competent
all the time.

Focus, guys.
We thought we had days
to stop Mr. Morris.

Now we have hours.

Oh, look.

Raise the Wall
Roasted Tomatoes.

"Keep unwanted guests at bay

"with a wall around
the place you stay.

"And when you feel
secure within,

"open up and let them in."

You want to create
a magical wall
around the house?

To keep Mr. Morris
out for tonight.

If he doesn't show up,
my mom will think he's a flake,

and then she won't
ask him back.

But we need to hurry.
These take a while to roast,

and Mr. Morris
will be here at 7:00.

Let's go.


- Let's dig in.
- Just in time.

Mr. Morris
is gonna be here
in 15 minutes.

I don't usually
like tomatoes,

but these are awesome.

I'm gonna get us
something to drink.

Then we can find a recipe
to stop Morris permanently.

- Hello, Kelly.
- Hey, Kelly.

Mr. Morris,
you're early.

Well, you know
what they say.

If you're not early,
you're late.

I promise we won't
take up your whole night.

Just a few questions,
we'll get you out of here.

Mm. I'm in no hurry.

That was so thoughtful
of you, Arthur.

You didn't have to do that.

What did you do,
Mr. Morris?

He brought a homemade
fruit tart.


Cooking relaxes me.

How considerate.

I'll let you know
when we serve it.

Oh, yes.
There's more than enough
for everyone.


[bell jingles]


Cheryl, how are you?

Jake. Why don't you
refill coffees?

I was gonna wait on
Mayor Davies.

I'll wait on her.

Madam Mayor.
Here's an iced tea.

And would you like
your usual veggie melt?

- Yes, with a side of--
- Kale chips.

I'm sorry,
but we're all out.

Well, Jake's right.
I am predictable.

You like what you like.
Nothing wrong with that.

Just like with
Terri Quinn.

I don't follow.

Well, people are
just surprised that
you support her.

They are?

Don't give it
a second thought.

I love Terri, too.

She shows so much promise
despite-- Well, you know.

I'm not sure I do.

Good for you.
Ignoring popular opinion.

I think the fact that
Terri has no real experience

will work in her favor.

Actually, Terri's worked
closely with me

for the past few months,

and she's more than
proved herself.

Yes. That's exactly what
I've been telling everyone.

What was that all about?

What was what?

With Mayor Davies.
You totally threw
Mrs. Quinn under the bus.

Jake, I don't know
what you're talking about.

Terri's lack of experience
will work in her favor.

Come on.

I reserve three tables
for Terri every day.

What possible reason
could I have
to undermine her?

None, I guess.

I believe the words
you're looking for are
"I'm sorry."

I'm sorry.
But it seemed like--

I was just making

Now, take this
to table two.

Oh, hi, girls.

Told you.
They're always here.

Miss Parker-Kent.

I'd heard you were
friends with Kelly.


This is our friend

I'm sure you've
heard of her, too.

Can't say that I have.

Which is funny,

'cause I've heard
a lot about you.

And what a great
teacher you are.

I feel bad.
Teachers work so hard,

and here we are stealing
your Saturday night.

- If you want to go--
- Oh, nonsense.

I find everything
happening here fascinating.

Um, we were just about to
head out for a little while,

if that's okay
with you, Mom.

Sure. Where are you going?

- Mama P's.
- The trailer.

Uh, we are gonna grab
our stuff in the trailer,

and then go to Mama P's.

Okay. Have fun.


You know,
I don't need anything
from the trailer.

Me, neither.

Then I guess we should
go out the front door.

Change of plans?

We're going
straight to Mama P's.
See you all later.

- Let's get out of here.
- Ready when you are.

Right behind you.

Mm, it's too dark
to go outside.

I need my jacket.

Wait. What are we doing?

We really need to
leave the house.

Like, right now.

But I don't really
feel like it.

Excuse me, girls.

I left some of
Terri's talking points
in the car.

You know,
on second thought,

it might be a good exercise
for Terri to wing it.

would you mind grabbing me
a smoothie from Mama P's?

Actually, we're
staying in tonight.

- Sorry.
- No worries.

Just let me know if you
change your minds. Again.

I think the spell
went wonky.

It's like
no one can leave.

[lock clicking]

Oh, that's not good.

The recipe
was supposed to
keep people out.

[cell phone rings]

Becky: Hello.

This is Rebecca Quinn.

[sighs] I left my
credit card there.

Okay, I'll be
right back to get it.

Thank you.


The spell is definitely
keeping people out,

but why can't we leave?

Oh, no.

We were in such a rush
to put the wall up
around the house

that we didn't
think this through.

Walls work two ways.

No one in... or out.

So we're trapped in the house
with some crazy ex protector.

Teleporting Tacos,

Walk Through Wall-ffles.

There are so many spells
that could help us escape.

Except all of our spices
are outside in the trailer.

It's kind of like we're
in that scary movie,


Scary movies
give me nightmares.

But it's so good.

It's about this mime
who traps these kids
in a funhouse,

and they can't
get out and--

Oh, I just remember
how it ends.

Oh, that won't be us.
We have magic.

Kind of.

Here's another one.

Tear Down Tomato Soup.

Could tear down
the wall around the house.

let me see that.

The recipe calls for
lapsis cayenne
and werepos basil.

Which we have.
In the trailer.

We have them
right here.

In the Raise the Wall
Roasted Tomatoes.

They're both
tomato recipes

that use the same
magic spices.

If we cook this
into a soup...

We can transform
one magic recipe
into another.

Hannah, you're a genius.

Well, tell that to
Mr. Morris.

We can't cook in the kitchen
with Morris in the living room.

we might not have to.

I have an idea.
It's in the garage.

Here it is.

Is that an old
quick-bake oven?

It's no stove top,
but the light bulb in this

definitely gets hot enough
to make soup.

I know.
I used to have one of these
when I was little.

I accidentally melted
Hailey's favorite hair brush.


Okay, once Darbie grabs
the non-magical ingredients,

we'll be all set.

Darbie, right?

Yeah. You need something
from the fridge?

No. Could you grab
your friends?

What for?

We could use your help
in the living room.

Oh, sure.
We'd love to hang out with
Mrs. Quinn and Jill and you.

Thank you.

Terri: Thanks so much
for helping out.

Kelly: Of course, Mom.
What's up?

We've been discussing
Terri's education policy,

and Arthur had
an excellent idea.

I'm sure he did.

We want to help
our schools,

but we haven't actually
asked any students

what they think
the problems are.

Easy. School meals
should be organic.

Instead, they
over season everything

to hide the fact that
they use cheap food.

That's actually
a smart way to save money.

Not that I endorse

I wouldn't have thought
that was an issue with

Although with you,
I probably should have.

I think we should have
enough time

to do our homework
in school.

Mm, not sure it would be
homework then.

I know, it's just...

I'm really tired
when I get home.

I used high school as
a way to catch up on sleep.


- [cell phone buzzing]
- Excuse me.

What about you, Hannah.
What's the biggest problem
facing students?

Honestly, I think it's
the teachers.

Some of them
don't seem trustworthy.

Or competent.

The delivery guy's lost.

He was here the other day,
now he can't find us?

That's odd.

You know
those new driving apps
all have bugs in them.

He's lucky he didn't end up
in Lavender Heights.

Well, uh, I'm starved.

Maybe we can have
some of that tart, Arthur?


Uh, we can't eat that.

It'll spoil our appetite.

Something tells me you'll
still have room for dinner.

I think you'll all
really like it.

I made it from
an old recipe.

- Mm.
- Mm, this is
really good.

Thank you.

You should
give Kelly the recipe.
She's quite the cook.

All the girls are
fantastic, actually.

- Is that so?
- We're okay.

Um, may we please
be excused?

Are you sure
you don't want some?

We're waiting
for dinner.

And we want to get
our homework done.

Who does homework
on a Saturday night?

Uh-- I'm sorry.
You're right.

Always good to get
a jump on things.

Especially with this week's
ethics essay, Hannah.

It's complicated,
but I'm sure if you
take your time,

you'll figure it out.

Thank you, Mr. Morris.

You are very helpful.

Did Morris just spell
your mom and Jill?

- I don't know.
We need to get--
- Look.

Someone smashed
the cooking bulb.

Now the oven is useless.

Morris must have
snuck in here

when he went to
go get his tart.

This is just like
in "Shush."

You know, when the mime
puts everyone in a box,

and-- and they all had
a good laugh,

'cause nothin' bad

Mr. Morris took
the tomatoes, too.

Now we're really
out of spices.

Okay, that settles it.

We need to put
a secret spice pantry
in the house.

Everyone else has one.

That's it.
We need to use the spices
from Mama P's pantry.


Jake can't
bring them to us.

But Jake can cook
with them.

We can talk him through
making a spell
to get us out of here.

You guys really think
I can do this?

I mean, I know I'm
a good chef but--

Kelly: Yes, Jake,
we really do.

You're also
the only person left
who knows about magic.

And you're
a really great chef.

Okay. I found
the lapsis cayenne.

Now what?

Oh, no.

There's a bag of
kale chips in here.

The ones Mama P makes?
I love those.

Yeah, so does Mayor Davies.

And if they're hidden
in the pantry--

They're probably magical.

Mama P must have made these

but then forgot about them
when she was cursed.

Hannah: Mama P
using magic is bad,

but we kind of have
a bigger problem.

You don't get it.
They're for the mayor,
and they're magic--

What was I talking about?

- Something about
magic kale chips.
- Magic.

I mean,
I know these are good,

but I wouldn't
call them magic.

Oh, no, Jake.

Not you, too.

What's wrong?

Please tell us
you remember magic.


What are you
talking about?

Nothing, Jake,

we'll let you
get back to work.

We're slammed.

And Mama P is
too busy gossiping

with Mayor Davies
to help me.

It's not fair.
Jake never hurt anyone.

He's not even a protector.

Do you think
Morris cursed him

because he's
our friend?

I don't know,
but we need to stop him.


I'm out of ideas.

I-- I think we lost.

What have you been
doing back there?

Table number three
needs to be bused.

Where'd you find those?

In the back,
I think.

Great. I told the mayor
we were out.

Well, I'm not gonna
sit around

and wait for Morris
to curse us.

So you have a plan that
involves Kelly's closet?

I'm going to make a video
for my future self

reminding her of magic.

If anyone can convince me
magic exists,

it's me.

Okay, listen up,
future Darbie,

because I am about to
blow your mind.

Magic is totally real,

and it is awesome.

Here's what you need to know
about the magic:

It's nothing but trouble.

if you're watching this,

it means that
you have forgotten.

Magic is real.

We've used it
to help people.

...to read minds,
to conquer our fears,
to travel in time.

Yeah, time travel.

We saved Grandma,

we helped Miss Silvers
play in public,

we saved all of Saffron Falls
from a curse.

It's put us in
dangerous situations

that haven't always worked
the way we wanted.

It's also the best thing
that's ever happened to me.

Because it's brought me
closer together to
my two best friends.

And by we, I mean me,
Hannah, and Darbie.

The greatest part
about magic

was that I got to do it
with Kelly and Hannah.

It doesn't matter if you
remember magic or not.

All that matters
is that I don't forget
Kelly and Darbie.

We made a great team.

You know,
I've been thinking about
what you said about Terri.

Hm. What's that?

How Terri's proven herself
in such a short time.

She has perspective that
Lever doesn't have,

given all his years
as a councilman.

He does have experience,

which is a good thing
for a mayor.

Surely Terri's experience
running the Quinn home

qualifies her to run
the entire town
of Saffron Falls.

You know,
I'm not sure I agree.

I know you support Terri.


But I'm starting
to have doubts.

I have a lot
to think about.

Really? I--

I mean, of course.

We must remember
our history.

It's what makes us special.

As mayor of
Saffron Falls,

I'll preserve that heritage
for future generations.

I promise I will never
let us forget who we are.

- Nice job, Mrs. Q.
- I liked it.

I'd vote for you
even if you weren't my mom.

Or if I was
old enough to vote.

It's a very eloquent speech
for the debate.

Thank you.
Jill, notes?


it was good,
but it can be better.

I wasn't
completely feeling it.

It's like you put up a wall
between you and the audience.

I thought I was
getting better

as a public speaker.

Oh, you are.

But you need to
drop your guard

or you'll never
get through to people.

That's a great idea, Jill.

You want us to
come clean with Morris?

- No way.
- How will that help?

What if the barrier spell
is like

the secret spell I cast?

Everyone kept telling me
their secrets--

Until you told
one of your secrets.

Maybe the magic wall
guarding the house
won't come down

until we drop our guards
with Mr. Morris.

Well... Morris is
onto us anyway.

Can't hurt to try.

Let's go.

Mr. Morris.
We need to talk.

We know you
sabotaged our oven.

We know you know
about magic.

And we know you're here
to take the cookbook.

I came here to take
the cookbook,

because I didn't think that
you were worthy protectors.

And tonight,
you proved me right.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We're way better protectors
than your trio.

And the OCs.
And definitely Chuck.

[door opens]

So sorry I'm late.

I kept getting delayed,

and then I ran into this
very confused delivery boy

Hi, Grandma,
we'll be right in.

Terri: Finally,
food's here.

- Where are you going?
- To get away from you three.

Us? What did we do?

You trapped me here tonight
with a barrier spell.

We were trying to
keep you out.

You're the one
that brought over

a magical fruit tart
to curse us.

Magic fruit?
No, no, it was just
a fruit tart.

There's no way
a non-magical fruit tart

smells that good.

Admit it.
In the garage,

you were going to
cook a spell to curse me.

Huh? No.

You know,
I used to think
that you three

were just reckless.

Now I know
you're dangerous.

Because we made
the barrier spell?

We did that because
we were scared of you.

Scared of me?

You are the ones

cursing everyone in town
to forget magic.

Wait. What?
