Jinn (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Strange Whispers - full transcript

When a school trip to Petra turns deadly, some students suspect supernatural forces are to blame. Back home, a mysterious boy appears before Mira.

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- No, Mira, I'm not going.
- Why not?

Come on, Layla, please!
We'll have fun.

You say that about every trip
and we always end up in trouble.

This time it's different.
I promise, it will be fun.

The whole bunch is going.
There will be music, a bonfire...

- And Nasser will be there, so...
- That's why I don't want to go.

It's over between us.

Plus, he would think I was there for him
or that I'm dying to see him.

- Ready for the party tonight?
- You too, cuz?

We should stick together.
Petra is dangerous at night.


You know, because of Jinn.

They're like vampires.
They only go out at night.

I heard one was looking for Layla,
so watch out!

Grow up, Hassan.

- Oh, so it's over between you two?
- I hate you.

You're coming with us today.

- So you all got the copies?
- Yes.

Now, you each give me ten JD
for these copies.

- Even with the copies, I might not pass.
- How about I give you free hash?

- Then we call it even?
- Deal. Tonight's going to be epic!

- Come on, everyone.
- That cunt Yassin...

If he says anything to Ms. Ola
he's dead meat.

He's telling her now for sure.

We still have a long drive ahead.

Let's go.

- What?
- Nothing. I'm just excited for tonight.

Me too.

It's the only reason
I'm going on this trip.

Make sure you have all your things.
Sweaters and everything.

- Did anyone forget anything?
- Stop.

- What now?
- You should learn to shut your mouth.

- What did you tell Ms. Ola?
- Nothing she doesn't already know.

- Stop.
- What?

You'll regret telling her about me.
You'll see.

- Will Tareq ever stop being an asshole?
- You know what he's like.

- Just ignore him. He's not worth it.
- OK, Hassan.

Did you know that it used
to be ruled by the Jinn?

- What?
- Petra was ruled by Jinn.

Then humans forced them out.

Oh, yeah? And where did the Jinn go?

I don't know.

I don't know.
I never thought about it, but...

I'm sure they went to a better place.

They say that
since humans kicked out the Jinn,

the Jinn have been trying
to break into our world.

Over time,

many of the Jinn united with people
and were able to connect with them,

but at the same time,

many Jinn are trying to destroy humans
and their way of life.


Good morning.
Welcome to Petra.

I give you special price.

The Nabateans have lived here
since before the first century A.D.

They found the region
to be a strategic location,

so they started carving their homes,

their graves, their temples,
into the rocks.

They used to worship idols.

- One of their gods named Dushara...
- I have a question.

- Yes.
- Where did the Jinn go?

The Jinn are still here.

They live here, just like we do.

They can see us,
but we can't see them.

When they call you...

You'll hear their voices.

- Put your ear over there.
- Where?

- On the rock.
- No way.

- You obviously want to.
- I don't want to.

- You don't want to hear them?
- No.

Then I will.

Their caravans
used to travel all over the world.

Come on, Mira! We don't need him
to start a new conspiracy theory!

- Hassan, I think I hear them.
- Just drop it.

Come on!
Don't you want to hear them?

I can hear them. Come over here.

- Hear that?
- No.

They're saying that Hassan...

is a chicken!

- A chicken or a weirdo?
- Will you drop it?

Wait. Let's take a selfie.

- Layla, not now.
- Come on!

- What's up?
- Hi, guys.

- Ola knows about the copies.
- Delete them.

- I know it was Yassin.
- He's going to regret this.

- Why didn't you smile?
- I did. I smiled on the inside.

- Let's do it again.
- Another question.

Is it true that a Jinn can manifest
in the shape of an animal?

Yes. It could be a cat, a dog,
a donkey, even a human.

And another thing. Their eyes...

are like this, vertical and flat.

Not like human eyes.

- You really believe this crap?
- It's not crap, and yes, I do.

- Then watch out for the dog!
- Mira!

Later, Layla.

- I'll take a selfie with you.
- I don't want to.

- Why not?
- I just don't.

Yassin! Get back here!

I didn't say anything.

You did.

You did!
I saw you talking to Ms. Ola again.

You know what I'd like to do?

- I'd like to bury you here.
- That's enough, man.

Let's head back. You beat him.

- Let's get out of here.
- Let go. I'm not done.


Son of a bitch!

Where did that bastard go?

Wait, wait. Let me see.

Let him go. Tareq, look at me.

Can we go?

Let's get back before Ms. Ola notices.


- It's dark.
- Watch your step.

- Yassin?
- Omar! Down here!

Help me!

What a sucker!

- Serves you right.
- Guys, please...

Yeah, serves you right.

Here you are, at my mercy.

- Omar, help me, please.
- Give me your hand.

- Hey, what are you doing?
- What the fuck, man?

- Let's just get the hell out.
- You gave us quite a chase.

- Omar...
- You're going to enjoy this!

Let's just get out of here. Please.

- What are you doing?
- What the hell? Are you stupid?

You're really something,
aren't you? Are you done?

- Stop it, you freak!
- Let's go, man. Let's go.

- Let's get the hell out of here.
- You shut up.

Unless you want to join him.

Let's go.

- Omar, you can't just leave me here!
- You're never getting out.

You'll spend the night here,
smelling like piss.

I hope you fall and break your neck,
you asshole!



- Your piss is all over me.
- Get over it.

Wait for me, guys.

My phone... Where's my phone?

- Anybody there?
- Hey!


What are you doing down there?

I was exploring the cavern
and I dropped my phone.


And why are you shirtless?

Are you going to help me or what?

Good work.

Sorry, I...

I was trying to make...

a rope with the T-shirt.

I'm Vera.


We go to the same school, right?

This trip sucks.

You're not enjoying the school trip?

You're a senior, right? I saw you.

Thank you for the...

I thought I was going to die in here.

How about we go get you a shirt?

Two students are missing.
I have no idea where they are.

- How should I know?
- Where's Yassin?

God, Ms. Ola is so hot
when she's angry.

- She's old enough to be your mother.
- Even better.

- Older women have more experience.
- Get your head out of the gutter!

- Come on, man!
- Are we still on for tonight?

Tonight. I'll also be doing
that other thing I told you about.

With Omar?

No, not with Omar, smartass.
With Mira.

Mira's all talk.
I bet you nothing happens.

Want to bet?

Tomorrow, you'll beg me
to teach you how to be a man.


Fahed. Where's Yassin?

Maybe he's taking a piss.

There he is.

Anyone smell piss?

Who peed themselves?


- What did you do to him?
- Nothing.

We didn't do anything to him.
He did it to himself.

- You're such a jerk, just like your dad.
- Mira!

- Don't think I wouldn't hit you.
- Yeah?

- Come with me.
- I'll hit you!

- I'll smash your head in.
- Go ahead.

- I'll make an example out of you.
- I dare you.

- Chill, man.
- Zip it!

- You're so macho!
- Let it go. Enough.

- Chill out. Calm down.
- I'm warning you.

- Calm down.
- Show some respect.

- Where were you?
- Miss, we can't do this.

What is it?

Yassin, will you tell me what happened?

We can't be seen talking alone.

- What's this?
- Nothing.

- What happened?
- Nothing.

I'm not a snitch, OK?

You wouldn't be snitching if someone
did something to you. What happened?

Ms. Ola.

If you're not careful
you'll lose even more kids.

What are you...

Stay here, OK?
We're not done talking yet.

- What's this?
- Nothing.

What's that?

Do you hear that?

- Do I hear what?
- That sound.

- Can't you hear it?
- What sound?

What is it?

What are you doing?

- What?
- Shh! Wait.

I thought I heard whispers.

Maybe you're dehydrated or something.

- Is something wrong, Yassin?
- No, nothing's wrong.

Will you just drop it?

You can talk to me.

Nothing's wrong. I don't need your pity.

- I'm just trying to help.
- I said there's nothing wrong.

- Yassin, tell me what happened.
- Nothing happened.

- Look at you! Look at your hand.
- It's nothing. I'm fine.



That's when a huge spirit
descended upon me.

"Get up!"

So I said to her,
"You startled me! Who are you?"

"I am the mother of all civilization.

I am the Rose City."

Petra... Such a strange wonder.

And now...

close your eyes.

Close your eyes.

You can make a wish,

and your wish
might actually come true tonight.

Layla. Let's go.

- Now?
- Now.

Open your eyes, please.

Open your eyes.

I don't understand
how people actually live here.

It's the scariest place
I've seen in my life.

Says the girl who almost got married
to a complete stranger!

Not true! That was just a dumb idea
we had. And we did go out together.

- Once.
- It still counts.

- Not in the 21st century.
- Whatever.

Yes, I record a lot of things.
I'll play them back for you in Amman.

- We can't do it here.
- What took you so long?

Finally, the booze is here.

- Who invited him?
- It's OK, Mira.

There's alcohol?
You never said anything about alcohol.

- Tareq, apologize.
- What?

- What do I have to apologize for?
- For being an asshole.

I'm sorry, sweetheart. Happy?

Don't call me your sweetheart!

Listen, I apologized and I said I'm sorry.
So zip it already.

How about you zip it and sit down?
Isn't that better?

Guys, chill. We're here to get drunk,
not to make trouble.

Now he shuts up!

- Mira, can we leave?
- It's OK. It'll be fun.

Once we get a drink we'll be fine.

- Is he still looking?
- Yes.


- Can someone pour me a drink?
- Do it yourself.


2,200 years
before the advent of Arabic art,

the Nabatean society used
to value community and hard work.

- Have you been here long?
- Not that long.

Others would prepare...

drinks for the trade caravans.

Some would work as builders...

You startled me.

I'll teach that bastard to keep quiet.

- You peed on him!
- That wasn't enough.

- Wasn't it?
- That's not funny.

- Why?
- No.

- It's just a photo.
- We're not together anymore.

I can't pose with you for my Instagram.
It's in the terms and conditions.

But you post selfies with your friends.

So you want us to be friends now?


I figured.

Did you know that if you listen
carefully at night you can hear the Jinn?

- Shut the fuck up.
- You shut the fuck up and listen to him.

- You think I'm joking?
- I need a drink.

I'm serious.

Jinn can possess animals
and they call to you or whisper to you.

You think we're little kids?

Fine. I'm joking. Don't believe me.

Jinn says...

"Goats! A Jinn is coming to fuck you!"

We heard the goat
right after we mentioned it.

I swear it's a Jinn.

- You swear, huh?
- Stop being a dick.

Wait, Fahed. Did you hear that?


Fahed, did you hear?

Slow down! Fahed!

- What?
- I said slow down.

- Why?
- Because I said so.

- Why?
- Because I said so!

- But we're alone.
- OK, but we talked about it.

- A guy wanted to buy a whole bread loaf.
- But he found a hole in the loaf.

Let's try to work things out.

Let's go to Mira's
surprise party together.

I'm going anyway.

No, I mean together, as a couple.

But there's nothing between us.
We're not a couple anymore.

- Is there someone else?
- No, it's not that, but...

You were right to dump him.

I know.

Who takes a beautiful girl like you
on a date to Popeye's?

On Valentine's Day? Please, cuz.

You're a hero.

- Nasser, pour me a drink.
- You've had enough.

I said, pour me a drink.
I want to get drunk.

I don't want to.

- Is this your cup?
- Yeah, that's mine.

When will you stop staring at Mira?

I'm not staring at her.

- Fine.
- Take it from me.

She will never give you the time of day.

- Stop making a fool of yourself.
- OK. Thanks for the advice.

- How did you know about Popeye's?
- What do you mean?

- Your pictures were everywhere.
- The Amman Gossip page?

Yeah, Amman Gossip. Hello! Wake up!

OK, but the pictures didn't show
where we were.

- Really?
- Yeah.


- Yeah, I am happy!
- What's wrong with you!

Gross, Hassan!

I came here to get drunk,
not look at your faces.

Let's go.

Who the hell are you to decide?

What are you talking about?

- I'm here to get drunk, and I will.
- But you are drunk!

Why would you decide to go?
I came here to get drunk.

Relax. Come on, man.

It's OK, don't be mad.
I'll get you a loaf without a hole.


Man... I love you, man!

- It's fine.
- We'll get drunk in Amman.

OK, let's go, guys.

Take this.

I don't get it. What did you expect?

- To spend some time together, you and I.
- Spend time together doing what?

Let's just go. My bad.

See how you always blame yourself
and play the victim?

When really, you're all talk.

I don't see the point
of this relationship.


- What do you mean? What point?
- This whole relationship.

I don't understand.

Fahed, I'm not like Layla just because
I don't want to sleep with you.

We've already talked about this.

OK, just go.


- Shouldn't we wait for Mira?
- Don't worry about her. She's with Fahed.

- Where are you going?
- I need to pee.

What's wrong with your dick?
You've been peeing all day.

- You should get it checked.
- Then get me a date with your mom.

- Eat me.
- Both of you, shut up.

- What a jerk.
- Careful on your way back, OK?

Hey! Where do you think you're going?
You want to watch me tinkle?

- Watch out.
- Watch out for what?

You're in danger.

What's going on?

Oh, shit!


Oh, my God.

- Tareq...
- What the fuck happened?

- A Bedouin...
- Tareq!

Tareq! No! Can you hear me?

Mira, we need to get help.

Mira? Do you think
he's going to make it?


I don't know.

You didn't see him.

I don't think so. I don't know.


Did you hear anything weird
before Tareq's fall?


I mean...

- Weird, how?
- Something doesn't feel right.


- Tareq must have tripped.
- He had too much to drink.

We need to find out.
Did you hear any whispers...

Hassan, this is no time for your bullshit.
Can't you see she's upset?

It could have been us.

- How is Tareq doing?
- Who brought the alcohol?

- How could you go behind my back?
- It wasn't the alcohol.

I'm telling you, somebody pushed him.
He wouldn't have fallen on his own.

- Is he going to be OK, Ms. Ola?
- No, he's not.

Get on the bus.

Get on the bus!

You too.

Go on.

Get on the bus.

Are you sure
she brought the alcohol?


And she saw the whole thing?

Mira, honey.

Let's go home.





Can we talk?

About what?

- About what happened.
- I'm tired.

Thank you.

Will you tell me what happened?

Mr. Malik told me that you saw Tareq fall.


What? You don't want to talk to me?


You can't keep doing this.

- When you were little, we...
- We used to talk all the time.

I know. I mean...

- Try something new.
- I'm trying.

- Believe me, I am trying.
- Try harder!

You know, if Mom was still alive...

she would have punished me.

I don't think that punishment
is what you need.

You didn't have to walk me home.

I mean, thanks,
but you're probably exhausted.


I can't believe we have to go to school
after someone just died.

Even if he was a bully.

I wish I could change
the things that are happening.

- Change?
- Change myself.

I know we just met.
But I feel I've known you forever.

Trust me, a lot of people try
to change themselves

and never find a place where they fit in.

But only a few people
are honest with themselves.

Those are the people I appreciate.

I thought I was honest with myself.

Don't think.


Feel your heart and let it out.

I'm afraid that if I express what I feel,
I'll become even lonelier.

Think about it.

Which is worse?

To be alone...

and happy...

or to be surrounded by people...

yet lonely?

Good night.

Good night.

This glass stinks.

Don't you wash the dishes anymore?

If we don't pay this time,
they might expel Yassin.

It's fine.
I'll work and pay for his tuition.

Can we stop talking about this?

You'll stay at home
and you'll work for me.

I don't want to keep repeating myself.

Don't talk to her like that.

What did you say?

I said, don't talk to her like that.

You two are living under my roof.

And what I say goes,

whether you and your mother
like it or not.

It's your house,
but don't raise your voice, OK?

If you think you're a man,
stop me right now.


Stop me.

Out of my way. I knew it.

- How do you put up with that asshole?
- I'm sorry.



Mira... Mira...



- Don't scream.
- Who are you?

Easy, Mira...

How do you know my name?
How did you get in?

- How did you get in my house?
- Don't shout!

If you don't get out now
I'll call the police.

No, you won't call the police.

Dad! Dad!

Are you going to scream?

I'm not here to hurt you. But like Tareq,
your friends are in danger.

- I'm Kerasquioxian.
- What?

How did you do that?

I was with Tareq. I tried to save him.

- But I couldn't.
- How do you know Tareq?

- Did you kill Tareq?
- No, no...

- You killed Tareq!
- No, it wasn't me.

- Tareq was murdered, but it wasn't me.
- Murdered?

- You could have saved him.
- What? Save him?

Mira, you can save everyone.


What do you mean?

Mira? Honey, what are you doing here?
What's wrong?

What's wrong?

Come here, come.

- What's wrong?
- I thought there was...

- What's wrong?
- There was...

Did I scare you? Come here.

What is it? What's the matter?

I miss her.

I miss Mom.

- And I miss Fu'ad.
- I miss Fu'ad too.

Everything will be alright.

Believe me, everything will be alright.

It will be just fine.

Come here.

I miss them too.


How about I make you
a cup of herbal tea,

with a little honey?

Everything will be right as rain.
Come on. OK?

Let's go.

Excuse me.

Come in.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- I need to get inside.
- Sorry, that's not authorized.

- Please, open the gate.
- Go back to the main entrance.

The kid who died yesterday
was one of my students.

I want to go in and see where he fell.




That's where he fell.

- Where did he fall from?
- That cliff.

All the way up there?

- Can you take me up there?
- OK.

- Did anyone come up here before me?
- No, nobody.

How do you get away with it?


Layla, I told you,
my dad isn't the punishing type.

But to tell you the truth...

I think I should be punished.

But you had nothing to do with any of it.

He said "a Bedouin"? Are you sure?

Positive. There's no way he tripped
and fell because of the alcohol.

I've gotten drunk with him before.

I don't want to talk about it.

Tareq is dead,
and I'm the one who let him die.

Yeah, I know it was your fault.

Guys, it's not anyone's fault.

Would you believe me if I said
it was something... abnormal?

Like what?

Why are you still sitting here?

- Hello.
- Hi!

Just waiting.

What for? Let's go.

- Hassan, snap out of it! Tareq is dead.
- I'm serious.

It all adds up.
I've read stories about this.

Stories about what?

This idiot thinks Tareq is dead
because of Jinn.


Are you upset because of Tareq?

I thought you hated him.


I mean, I did, but...

Everyone's upset.


you're not everyone.

Come on.


Are you OK?

Layla, what happened was my fault.
I shouldn't have left him.

Don't talk like that.
You had nothing to do with it.

You're saying that to make me feel better.

No, I'm saying that because I'm sure
you had nothing to do with it.


I do love you.

Listen, can we talk about this later?

Later? When is later?

Happy now, motherfucker?

What is it now?

What are you telling her?
That Tareq deserved it?

- That you're happy he's dead?
- I wasn't telling her anything. Also...

I think you're delusional.


Show respect when you're talking to me.

- And if I don't?
- Then I'll make you.

Enough! Nasser, enough.

I suggest you change your tone.

Who is she?

Your new balls?

You don't want to play this game.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

Try me if you want.

- Nasser, come on, let's go.
- Go on, Nasser.

Come on.

Hassan, listen...

I wanted to ask you about...

- About what?
- Never mind.

- Tell me.
- It's OK, I'll tell you later.

Up to you.

Mira, wait up.

- Where are you going?
- To the bathroom.

Do you want to come with me?

Mira, Nasser is not OK.

- I'm sure he's fine.
- No, I'm sure something's wrong with him.

Well, if you give him some time
he might get better.

- Mira, you're not always right!
- What's the matter?

What's wrong?

I know Nasser better than you.


We're gathered here today
because as you all know,

during our trip to Petra
one of our students had an accident...

OK, Layla.

I'm talking about Tareq,
who fell off a cliff.

- And I'm sorry to say that he died.
- What is he doing?

Nasser, what's wrong?

What's Nasser doing?

What is it?

He's in danger!


We don't deserve this world.

What are you doing?

I'll call you back, OK?

- Did you hear?
- I did.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

What's going on?

This world is not for us!

This world is not ours!

Nasser! No!
