Jett (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Rosalie - full transcript

Bennie finds himself keeping close company with Rosalie; Jett faces a major detour on her latest job.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What the fuck are you doing?

I was on my way to the hardware store
when I passed your local sex shop.

Men all in leather inside,
even in this weather.

Real rough trade.

Third time he's called.

Make him stop. And make it stick.

Carl? Yeah, sorry bro.
Got tied up with something.

Lost track of time. Yeah, you know it.

Look, I need you to cover for me,
will you?

Thanks, bro. I owe you.

- I'll see you tomorrow.
- "I'll call you tomorrow."

I'll call you tomorrow.

- What are you going to do?
- Don't know. Haven't decided yet.

You don't have to do
whatever it is you're doing.

Says who?

You had your fun, didn't you?

What fun?

You shot Felix. You kidnapped me.

You made me cry, made me feel ashamed.

I didn't know you then.

Do you remember what you said?

You said you would fuck me in the ass,
every hour, on the hour,

and then chop me up
and mail my body parts to Dwight.

- I only said that to scare him, I...
- You were so condescending.

You'll have an exciting survival story
to tell at cocktail parties.

Like I was nothing,
a little pet for you to toy with.

And then...

you judged me.

What are you doing? Messing around
behind your husband's back?

Like I deserved punishment.

Like I brought this upon myself.

I didn't know you.

And now you do?


Because you watched me
through my window at night?

Thinking what?

What did you want to do to me?



I was worried about you, that's all.

Why would you be worried about me?

I told you, I felt responsible.

- You wanted to save me.
- Well, sure.

- Yeah? Be my knight in shining armor.
- What's wrong with that?

I'm asking the questions.

This is my show now.

I’m the one who does things,
you're the toy.

You're fucking nuts.

Don't you wish.

What did you think was going to happen?

That I fall in love with you?
Is that what you thought?


I'd be so thankful, curl into your arms,

let you protect me.

You pathetic inbred.

Lick it up.

Haven't you been fantasizing about me?

Well, here I am.




I have to use the bathroom.

- You're joking.
- No.

- You need help?
- What?

- Oh, you need to sit?
- No. No, I don't.

Okay then.

Horror movie is on TV.

It's with what's-her-name, that light
skinned black actress, real pretty.

She was in one of those
superhero movies.

She plays a shrink in this one.

An academic.

Whose genius idea was that?

She wakes up in her own asylum.

Or maybe it's a jail,
she's one of the crazies now.

Have you seen that one?

Oh, you're not talking to me.

Dwight got kicked out of the force,
couldn't cut it.

Spent six months unemployed,

hanging around the apartment
all jacked up on meth.

Second date I went out with him he said,

"You are the prettiest looking girl
I've ever seen."

I think he meant the dumbest.

My dad was an addict too.

He'd show up
after disappearing for a week

and bring my mother
some sorry looking flowers.

Walking around the house like a tourist,
saying, "I've been missing all this?"

"How could I ever want
to miss all this?"

Strawberry shortcake, little doggie.

I made it for you, my guardian dog.

Eat it up.

Come on. Just stick your snout in there
and chow it down.


I know you don't want to hear this,
but you look very funny right now.

Maybe we should show this to your boss?
What would he say?

I got to say, I'm really enjoying
the silent treatment.

Hey! It's Bennie, your neighbor in 4B!

- I'm trapped in here!
- Shut up.

- Come help me!
- Shut up!

I've been chained all day, I need help!
Please come help!

I'm not kidding
I will blow your goddamn brains out

if you don't shut up.

You are a bad dog.


Very, very bad.

You need to be taught some manners.

This is so you don't forget
who's in charge.

Stay still. I'm not going to hurt you.

You'll get a little circulation going
here, but you still got the restraints.

Yeah, it's pretty tough.

It would take a while
to get out of those.

Not saying it's impossible,
but they're sturdy.

Sorry. Can't do anything
about the pants.

You got a lot of nice ones
in the closet.

You're thinking, "God Almighty,
what did I get myself into?

This woman's bat-shit crazy."

No such luck.

I been crazy a few times in my life.
This is sane.

I was crazy from depression
for about two and a half years,

if I'm honest.

I lost three babies.

Endometriosis. You know what that is?

Nah, don't figure you would.

Pretty common in women.

It's a disease where the tissue that
lines the uterus grows outside of it.

Hurts like...

Well, I was going to say
like giving birth,

but neither one of us knows
what that feels like, huh?

Looking back, it's a god-send of course.

Having Dwight's children
would've been too horrible a burden.

But it didn't make me feel any better,
miscarrying those little babies.

You know, miscarriage is so common,

they figure one in every five women
who has a pregnancy

ends up in miscarriage,

but nobody ever talks about it?

It's a cause of great shame.

They even have a day to celebrate
Pregnancy Loss, October 15th?

Isn't that some sick holiday?

Not sure if that's to celebrate
the memory of all the lost children

that were never born

or to celebrate
the women who went through it.

You'd think it's the first
but I hope it's the second.

I was pretty down on myself

and Dwight sure didn't make me feel
any better.

All it did was make me want
to smoke weed and watch TV.

I couldn't really find anything
to bring me back to life.

Until I met Felix
when he moved into our building.

This guy was so nice, so polite,

so optimistic without any
of that drink-the-Kool-Aid stuff,

but just real kind.

Grade-A human being.

I liked being around him a whole lot.

He made me want to put lipstick on
again, fix my hair.

Try and remember jokes
so I had something to share with him.

And then one day,
I just asked him to make love to me.

Just once, to see what it would like
to be with someone good.

Is this what you want?

Is this what you want?

Yeah. Is this what you want?

There you are.

You're a sick puppy, you know that?

- Do that again.
- Get away from me.

Come on.

Come on.

You need help. You know that?

You can hit me, if you want.

Yes. Yes.

You've done it before,
haven't you, Bennie?

In your job, you've had to hit women
before, haven't you?

You can do it with me.

I'm not going to hit you,
so stop asking me.

I might fucking kill you,
but I'm not going to hit you.

Have you killed women before?

- Snapped their necks like a twig?
- Shut up.

Boss, I'm so sorry. I can explain.

Yes, sir. I'm on my way.

What you doing?

When I can't sleep, I cook.

- What is it?
- Paella Valenciana.

Oh, the rice
with the shrimp and chorizo?

No. Paella Valenciana.

I know a grand total three things
in Spanish.

Vamos muchacho, tetas calientes
and mas duro.

Four. Eres enorme.

Eres enorme?

This guy always needed me to say that
before he came.

Vamos muchacho, mas duro, mas duro.

Oh, oh! Eres enorme.

Bam. Quickest 50 bucks I ever made.

You only charge 50 bucks a fuck?

No, I never fucked him. This happened
while I pulled off his pants.

- And then he'd let me feed his ducks.
- What is that?

Ducks. In his backyard?

Can I ask you something?

Do you ever worry about her?

- Alice?
- Jett.

We have a deal.
We don't worry about each other.

But do you?

Daisy is not like other people.

You call her Daisy?

Not to her face.

So, you don't ever worry
she'll get hurt?

- You ask a lot of questions.
- Yeah, I'm naturally curious.

- Tell me about your brother.
- Half-brother. The dumb half.

- What if he tracks you down?
- Oh, he has no idea where I'm staying.

This is delicious.

You're not having any?

You're only supposed to eat it
for lunch.

And never, ever put chorizo in it.



- I'm so sorry, pal.
- Where was she found?

Crenshaw Park, in a dumpster.

Before you go in there,
there's something you ought to know.


How? Shot? Stabbed? What?

Jack, they cut her head off.

The right hand too.

We ID'd her off prints.

- So when'd you see her last?
- Night before.


I stopped by her place.

- You spent the night there?
- No.

You spent the night at home with Helen.

I had a fight with Helen,
ended up sleeping in the car.

Was the fight about Josie?

I ask you what you and your wife
fight about?

I'm divorced.

So, when did you stop by?


Wait, what are you doing?

Are you shitting me right now?

You know a Phillip Epstein? Stockbroker.


He was found at her place.
Took two slugs to the forehead.

- You sure you don't know?
- I don't know him.

She mention
if she was dating anyone new?

- She wasn't fucking dating anyone.
- I'm on your side, Jack.

I'm just letting you know
that questions will be asked.

Christ, you're an asshole.

Why'd she beg me
to transfer away from you, Jack?

This grass is cold.

Is this about a case you're working on
or about us?

Can I ask you one?

I've been curious about something
for the past...

I guess it's been three months.

Why do you put up with me?

Because I saw right off the bat
that you're a keeper.

It's not the last three months
you should be worried about.

It's the last three years.

Here it comes.

No. Here comes nothing.

Best way to get an answer
is not to ask the question.

Said like a true interrogator.

I'm not going to fight with you tonight.

Why not?

Because you got that look in your eyes
tonight, like you're mad at God.

- You don't get mad at him?
- No.

Well, I have a few things to learn.

You want to talk about it?

Somebody killed Josie.



Only one guy I can think of crazy enough
to do it the way they did,

but it doesn't add up.

- What did they do to her?
- Trust me, you don't want to hear this.

Tell me.

They cut off her hand and her head.

Left her body in a fucking dumpster.

Jack. What's Carter doing
to protect you?

Carter's a buffoon.

- But what if they come after you?
- Nobody's coming after me.

You don't know that.
How do you know that?

Getting hysterical
is not going to help one bit.

- What if Josie told them about you?
- She wouldn't do that.

- How do you know?
- Well, she just wouldn't.

Somebody chopped off her hand
and she wouldn't?

Not a chance.

You know her that well.

You asked me, so I'm telling you.

But you don't need to take this on.
This is my job.

If it was the other way around
and somebody have chopped off your hand,

you don't think that maybe
you might give her up?

How's that relevant?

- Where are you going?
- To put coffee on.

I want to know for my own benefit

who are the good guys
and who are the bad guys.

She did what?

To be honest, I wasn't even sure I was
going to tell you until I just told you.

Bennie, you start letting women
urinate on your head,

- there's no telling what they'll do.
- I was tied up pretty good.

And you say
that afterwards she bathed you?

With a sponge, like a nurse.

In a dream sequence of a porno.
Very thorough.

- Shit.
- Yeah.

Hello? Yes.

You're positive?

Thank you, Curtis.

That was my friend
on the Jacinto Salas Task Force.

Spent a week at Pier 70.
No heroin shipment ever came in.

You think that punk who came after you
was lying?

You know what I think
is that somebody tipped Jacinto off.

Who knew about it?

You. Me. Carl.

- It's not Carl.
- Junior, but he didn't have any details.

And Jett.

Vicky? Vicky?

Fuck. Shit.

- Everything okay here?
- Yeah, it's all good, bro.

- Henry?
- Oh, hey, man! Seth!

- Is this your place?
- It's my girlfriend.

- She all right?
- She just had too much to drink.

- You mind if I come in?
- Oh, man, the place is a mess right now.

- The cats.
- What's your girlfriend's name?

- Huh?
- Doesn't she have a name?

- Vicky.
- You mind if I talk to Vicky? Vicky?

You want to talk to her? Why? What is it
you think she's going to tell you?

Are you in some kind of trouble here,

Me? No man. Come on in. It's okay.

Why did you have to go and do that?

Oh, God! I want a rug.

Now look at you, fool.

Can you hear me?

You wouldn't just be pretending
to be unconscious, would you?

As long as you know I'm serious.

Get out of town, they're real?

I'm not finished with you.

What are you doing?

Hey, is...



Stay still.

Tell me the whole story,
you, Henry, Nolan, the car.

I don't know anything

- Just a second, rodeo girl.
- Don't stop, baby. Give it to me.

- Just a second.
- Let it happen. Explode inside of me.

Now, boy. You are something else.

- Yes.
- Did I wake you?

- No, what's up?
- I need a lift.

- Everything okay?
- Well, it is now.

I ran into some obstacles.

- We're not done yet.
- Where are you?

Walking North on Flying Point,
coming to a street called Hays Lane.

I'll be there in five.

Can you at least drop me off
back at work?

Now? For what?

I can maybe still turn the night around.

It's the least you can do.

Come on.

We got to go back to the Meadows house.


The car's still next door.

- You all right?
- I'll live.

She's asleep, so no worries.

You're going to ask me
a lot of questions now, aren't you?

I'm not your wife
and I'm not your priest.

She's just a local dancer
I met the other night.

Classically trained.

Come on, Jett,
you never think of sex during a job?

Not during. Never.

After, always, like clockwork.

Exactly, tension release.

That's all this was.

You said meet back here.

I was done for the night,
stopped by her work,

and coincidentally, she was on break.

Except you know the job isn't done.
We're on the clock till tomorrow night.

Listen to you. On the clock.

I swear, you make this
so much like a regular job

I wonder how come
you don't just go get one.

The sooner you get rid of her,
the sooner we're out of here.

I thought we were leaving
tomorrow morning.

I want to get going tonight.

What happened out there?

Some asshole was spying on us,
Vicky's main squeeze.

He tried to get me
to cut him in on our deal,

but was surprised by the private
security guard and shot him.

So I shot him.

Vicky showed up,
told me the whole story.

The house belongs to a patient of the
doctor's, the car belongs to Charlie.

As in Baudelaire?

The doctor has
a serious gambling problem.

His debt was picked up
by the Russian syndicate.

They sent someone to put him up to this,
offered to erase his debt.

You think that guy is your guy?

Ties it in a nice bow, that's for sure.

Did you kill her?

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Chapter and verse.

The guy who approached Nolan.
Is his name Evans?

I never met him.

Tell me what you want, I can help.

You have nothing to trade, Vicky.

I get the feeling this is maybe
the only time in your life

you've been in this position, huh?

I'm really sorry.

Please don't kill me. Please. Please.

You were going to take off
with the money, weren't you?

Smart girl like you,
deserving so much better,

stuck in a small town,
surrounded by losers.

I'm scared.

Can you leave your life right now
and never come back?

Fuck, yes.

You're not worried about her?

You got chops working now
I don't think I can compete with.

You remember our first job together?

How about we don't do this right now?

Let's get drunk and shoot the shit
about old times some other night.

The thing is
I'm considering bringing her with me.

I know what I sound like.

I ever tell you
about my experience in Mexico?

About two, two-and-a-half years ago.

I took a shamanic dose of salvia
divinorum, a psychoactive plant

found in the cloud forest
of Mexico's Sierra Mazateca.

- You ever hear of this stuff?
- No.

Mazatec shamans believe the plant
is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary,

Ska Maria they call it.

So you can only imagine how strong
the visions this shit produces are.

I couldn't drive for three months.

But the clearest thing I saw

like a beacon
carrying me gently home to safety

was this little blue angel.

Like Tinkerbell with blue hair

and just the most proportioned
miniature body you ever saw.

and sweet Lord, through the Valley
and down to the dark forest,

if that bare ass naked girl in there
with the wig

isn't the exact personification
of that little blue haired angel,

well, I plain don't know what is.

You realize I'd dropped her back
at the strip bar

and she returned of her own free will?

Is that not a sign?

To be clear, there's a dead
private security guard in an apartment

with a dead guy who is the boyfriend
of the girlfriend of the idiot

who told us about this job.

We have to leave now.

- What else?
- Cucumbers.

- Also organic?
- Preferably.

- There you go, young lady.
- Thanks.

There's this creepy guy
in the produce section.

Oh, yeah? What'd he do?

Called me a young lady
and smiled like this.

Okay, stay with me.

There he is.

Wow. Look at you, all cleaned up.

You shop here too?

What do you want?

I think we met in the produce section
earlier, didn't we?

A very serious young child.

Wow. Brambleberry crisp?

Oh, they never had this
when we were kids, did they?

- Do I need to call security?
- And tell them what?

You ran into your brother and he's
complimenting your choice of ice cream?

What is it you want?

You don't answer my emails,
you changed your number.

I have nothing to talk to you about.

Now see, you say something like that,
it hurts me.

I really need to discuss something
with you, okay? I'll make it fast.

I'll make it fast.

You ever come near me again,
I will have someone hurt you.

Now fuck off, forever.

I bet your mom taught you
never to talk to strangers, huh?

I bet she did.

No. But Maria said to always trust
your gut when someone is a creeper.

- And who's Maria?
- I'm Maria. You must be the brother.

Oh, you've been telling people
about me, sis?

Has anyone ever smashed an organic
watermelon on your head, Neal?

Paper or plastic?

You think you're in charge
of your own destiny, but you're not.

So here's your chance to walk away.

You seriously think
I'm afraid of a watermelon?

- Miss?
- Paper is fine.

Leave my family alone.

What's wrong with your brother?

He's sick.

What's wrong with him?

It's nothing.

He fell on his head too many times when
he was little, so he's a little crazy.

Nothing to worry about.

I've been calling all day
but Nolan's gone missing.

What do you want us to do?

Sit tight. I'll handle it.

What does that supposed to mean,
sit tight? We're out in the open.

I'll be there in moments.

You're here, in Claymore?

Yes. I'll explain. See you shortly.

Stay alert. If our guy is not here
in five, let's move out.

Evans, this better be you.

It is. Two SUVs.

Three guys with me. Be cool.

Want to tell me what this is about?

Nolan called me in a panic.

Some nurse who means the world to him,
up and disappeared.

He's bereft. Can't function.

Go ahead and say it,
you knew this guy was an amateur.

Never saw any point
in arguing about past events.

- So what do you want to do here?
- What was planned.

My guys will help your guys
unload the vehicle into the container.

- Where's it going?
- A collector in Dubai

is paying three times the auction price.

Look, I know it seems like you're
being paid off a little for the job,

that's entirely up to my employer.

I never said a word.

- They're with us.
- Copy that.

Okay, you're on.

Mr. Bestic is very pleased
with the way you've handled things,

especially how you deal with obstacles
as they arise.

There's another duffel in my car
with the same amount for you

if you agree to handle
Nolan and his nurse.

If your boss needs somebody taken out,

there's a whole bunch of people
in that line of business.

I think he sees you
in a different light now.

What with Frank Sweeney and Blair
out of the way after the Savoy job.

And now the nurse's boyfriend
and the rent-a-cop from Portsmouth.

You've got
quite a network of information.

That's one thing we do well.

It’s important to know
what you're good at.

Tell your boss I'm a thief,
that's what I’m good at.

- Yeah.
- Hi.

Is this a bad time?

Well, I'm kind of...

Yeah, I'm at work.

Was there something you wanted to say?

Not so much to say.

I was just thinking about you.

Okay. Thanks for letting me know.

You can say,
"Hey, I was thinking about you too."

- But I wasn't.
- I don't believe you.

That's your prerogative.

Am I that easy to forget?

I didn't say that.

Are you still mad at me?

Why don't you come over here
so we can talk about it?

- Why would I do that?
- Oh, lots of reasons.

Yeah, I don't think
that's such a good idea.

Why not?

You might be, I don't know,
feeling territorial.

You're funny.

Why don't you ask me
what I'm doing right now?

What are you doing right now?

Lying on my couch,
with my panties around my ankles.

One hand on the phone,
the other between my legs.

And I'm supposed
to just take your word for it?

Oh, I always tell the truth.
Even when I lie.

I'm dripping wet.

If you think I'm going to walk into
something, some kind of trap, then...

Hurry up.

I help you?

No, boss.

You have something special
you're looking at?

Yeah, but not you.

Well, maybe you should run along then.

Why's that?

Because it's is a private neighborhood.

Private neighborhood.
What does that mean?

Means we don't like
suspicious looking characters loitering.

You ever go to law school, Wesley?

- I know you?
- Not yet, but I know you.

- What are you, a cop?
- I'm not here as a cop.

No. What you here as? An asshole?

That's clever.

But if you got
any sense of self preservation,

I recommend you pick up the clothes
and hurry inside.

Why, what happens if I stay out here?

Suit yourself.

But I wouldn't recommend
you coming over.

What you going to do
if I come over there?

I'm not here to do you harm, Wesley.

But if you can't recognize
a bad situation facing you

and decide to come any closer, I just
might shoot you in your fucking chest.

You're a cop,
you can't threaten me like that.

- You got a warrant or something?
- A warrant?

Should I be searching for something?

Such as what? Somebody's head?

A head?

Are you high or something?


- I don't know about you.
- Man, nobody knows anything.

Go on about your business.
Go kiss your master's asshole.

You got a really lousy...