Jericho (2006–2008): Season 2, Episode 3 - Jennings & Rall - full transcript

Dale returns from trading with news that the Hudson River Virus has crossed the Mississippi River, and when the town's vaccine supply is seized Jake coordinates a retrieval operation. Elsewhere, Hawkins is forced to show part of his hand to Beck.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Jericho:

We're on government orders.
Collect food and medicine.

Same government that ordered you
to kill all those people in the hospital?

Pretty soon, things are gonna start
to get back to normal.

will put itself back together.

And you know
who they're gonna send? Me.

I wanna take it all,
trade it for something

I can actually use
to build this store up again.

Whatever I don't use, I'll put
towards supplies the town needs.

I'm Major Beck,
10th Mountain Division.

As of this morning, we've restored
power to 70 percent of town.

Jericho's on the fast track
to recovery.

I want you to be Jericho's sheriff.

You guys heard
of the Hudson River Virus?

Yeah, from the news.
They stopped it at the Mississippi.

They don't want a panic,

so they won't let us publish reports
that it's jumped the Blue Line.

- Blue Line?
- What they call the Mississippi.

Western states have all
fallen in with Cheyenne.

They're strong and getting stronger.

This is our new mission:

Expose Cheyenne's secret before
they take over the whole country.

I have evidence that could expose
the whole cover-up.

Mimi, this is Trish Merrick,
she's with Jennings & Rall.

J&R does the day-to-day stuff.

Help deliver supplies
and getting people back to work.

I've seen what they do.

How's your search
for Sarah Mason going?

Fm sending you a private contractor
who knows the area,

who'll take care of the day-to-day
administration of the town

white you find the terrorist.

Trying to get through
to the Woodsman trading post.

Road's closed.

I don't have far to go from here.
It's over the ridge.

Road's closed.

Gonna have to go back two miles,
take a detour through Route 17.

What the hell's going on out there?

Sir, please return to your vehicle.

I don't know if you've heard yet,

but a new administrator
arrived here last night.

A contractor provided
by Jennings & Rall.

He'll be taking over
most of my administrative duties.

- I thought I'd give you the heads-up.
- Why?


- Jake.
- Thanks for coming by.

What the hell is this?

I was afraid our little misunderstanding
might come up.

Mr. Goetz has already informed me
of your previous run-ins.

Did he tell you about the massacre

he and his men carried out
in Rogue River?

Did he give you a head count on
how many he murdered in New Bern?

What I heard is that
a sanctioned government contractor

attempted to enter this town

and you opened fire on him,
killing one of his men.

- Yeah, that's what he told you.
- Major, let me have a word with Jake.

I'll be right here.

This is a brand-new building,
and this is my new office.

In that office is a desk.

And on that desk is a folder,

the Jennings & Rall corporate dossier
for Jake Green.

Let me try to put it
in perspective for you, Jake.

You had a very interesting
period of employment with J&R.

Especially Safa, Iraq.
Remember Safa?

You've heard stories about me,
you think you know who I am.

I wonder what the people of Safa
must think about you.

Hey, did somebody call a cop?

Hey, Jimmy!

Hey, good to see you.

I was told that many of you
came to visit me

while I was in the hospital.

And let it be known,
I was heavily sedated.

So I don't remember much.

But thank you, and I'm sorry
for anything I might have said.

Glad to see you're on your feet.

- Major Beck.
- Deputy Taylor.

You must be the one
that promoted Jake to be my boss.

Yes, is that a problem?

No, it's, you know--
I mean, whatever, it's cool.

Sorry for the imposition.
We're still getting situated.

Oh, it's great.
I'm ready to dive back in.

Just let me know where you need me
to go and I'll get right back to...

Have you seen this woman?

We got a problem.

- What's going on?
- Beck came to me today.

About what?

Jimmy came back to work.
He saw the picture of Sarah Mason

and he told Beck
that you were connected to her.


And what else did he say?

Thankfully, Jimmy thinks
you're undercover FBI,

so he didn't say much.

But if Beck asks the FBI about you,
Robert, what are they gonna say?

They're gonna say
that they got no idea who I am.

And how long
till he comes to get you?

Until he realises Sarah's dead
and you've got the bomb?

And his reputation is riding
on this mission. He'll never stop.

We gotta get the kids.
Baby, we gotta go, now.

Baby, if we run now,
we won't get far.

Well, what are we gonna do?

How can I help you?

I'm Robert Hawkins.

I'm With the FBI.

I really don't mean to start off
on the wrong foot...

...but you're killing my investigation.

I've been undercover on this case
for months,

but now you've been plastering
Sarah Mason's picture all over town...

I mean, it's not like it's a lost cat
we're looking for here, major.

I ran your name
through the FBI database.

There's no record
of an Agent Robert Hawkins.

No, there wouldn't be.

Well, not in Cheyenne's
FBI database.

Why not?

I haven't registered with Cheyenne.

And I don't think that I Will.

You see,
my bosses still work in Columbus.

They're the ones who sent me
to find Sarah Mason.

And when I do find her,

they're the ones
I'm handing her over to.

The Cheyenne government
isn't a state of mind, Mr. Hawkins.

On this side of the river, it is the law.

You obstruct it
for the benefit of another nation,

we call that treason.

Right now, I am much more interested
in catching a terrorist

than I am in playing politics.

And I think you are too, right?

And if your current methods
are any kind of indication,

you can use my help.

I want your wife out of this office.

I can understand that.

Now, tell me what you know.

I've been pushing all morning
with the Army.

No one can do anything
about Goetz.

It's like he's completely
above the law.

Goetz isn't. Ravenwood is.

Listen to me,

things might get ugly quick
around here,

so there's something
you should know.

Ravenwood is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Jennings & Rall.

It's their own private army.

And anything, anything,
that Jennings & Rall does

is judged by a different set of rules.

Well, I'm afraid to ask,
but how do you know this?

I told you I'd done some work overseas
hauling supplies while I was gone?

Yeah, you mentioned it.

I was working for Jennings & Rall.

Hold on. Hold on, listen.

One day in Iraq,
our convoy was ambushed.

A couple of our guys were killed.

We had no rules of engagement

and we had seen the village
they fell back to, so we just...

We just went in
and we started shooting.

After it was done,
there were six gunmen dead,

along with four bystanders.

One of them was a 12-year-old girl.

The only reason I tell you this

is because there were
no repercussions, none.

The Army had no authority over us,
the police didn't.

Most of the guys,
they just went back to their jobs.

The company? The company
wanted it quiet, so it was.

Do you understand?

Do you understand
who we're dealing with?

These guys,
they don't answer to anybody.

Jake, this isn't Iraq.


Maybe, but the rules are the same.

Hey, Dale.

Looks like somebody's been busy.
Where'd you get all this?

Here, Missouri, Nebraska.

I've been hitting
the big trading posts in the region.

What's that?

That's the vaccine
for the Hudson River Virus.

No, the virus ended
at the Mississippi.

A few days ago,
I came across this trading post

that was quarantined by the military.

Now, I asked around,
the next town,

they said that they heard there was
an outbreak of Hudson Virus.

I got the vaccine from the black market
not far from there.

- How far away was the trading post?
- Missouri.

Hundred miles west
of the Mississippi.


Let me know what you find.

What are you doing here?

I'm looking for a copy
of a report on a John Doe autopsy.

Major Beck thinks it might be related
to Sarah Mason.

I think you know
that's not what I'm talking about.

Thank you.

So Jimmy talked.

Told Beck I was FBI.

You seem awfully calm about it.

I'm not sure I got an alternative,

I can't run.

So the only way out of this thing
is through it.

So, what's the plan?

I got him talking.

I just need to see if he's willing...

Willing to hear the truth about
the people he's taking orders from.

And if he's not?

Then nothing I say will matter.

He'll call his bosses
and he'll tell them that I'm here.

And when Valente finds out
that I'm alive...

I paid for all this stuff.
You can't just take it away.

You're absolutely right.

What's going on here?

We got word
there was some contraband

in Mr. Turner's
most recent shipment.

I'm gonna look the other way,
but I got a paycheck to justify.

- Can you just leave the meds?
- The meds are the biggest problem.

Unregistered pharmaceuticals
could be tainted

and even cause an outbreak.

This'll all be shipped back to Cheyenne
to be disposed of.

If Jericho needs meds,
J&R will issue a safe supply.

Thanks for your help, sheriff.

Don't worry about it, Dale.
I'll talk to him, all right?

Besides, it doesn't look like
he took that much.

It's not how much, it's what he took.

There's something
you guys need to hear.

Virus jumped the Mississippi.

Can it be treated?

There's a vaccine which Dale
managed to find

a few thousand doses of, but--

Goetz confiscated it.

Three doctors
on this radio frequency

said the risk of the generic stuff
being dangerous is almost nil.

But somehow there's only
one legally approved source.


Hello? Hello, is anyone there?


This is Christina
in Fall River, Missouri.

Is this another quarantined town?


No, we're clear.

- How are you?
- Not too good.

I've been working around the clock
at the hospital.

Where are you?

We're in western Kansas.

We're just hearing
about the outbreaks in your area.

How long has it been
since the virus hit?

It's moving really fast.

I think we saw the first...cases
10 days ago,

but now we're down to two nurses.

How many people have you lost
since then?

Hard to say. About...20.

I'm sorry, you're breaking up.

Sounds like you've lost 20 people
in the last week?

Sorry, 220.

Around 220.

- Oh, my God.
- Look, if there's anything...

- Going to J&R.
- It's not gonna do any good.

Maybe we can at least
have Goetz transferred,

find someone we can reason with.

Go find Kenchy.

Work out a way of inoculating
as many people as possible

as fast as possible.

I'll figure out a way
to get the vaccines back.


That's not gonna happen here.

About three months ago,
we found this John Doe.

Broken neck, buried out in the woods
near Tookany Creek.

Wasn't hard to figure out that
Sarah Mason was probably the perp.

- What makes you think that?
- Well, look at his neck.

It's snapped clean. Whoever did that
knew what they were doing.

You run prints and DNA?

Well, the CSI department's
been a little busy lately.

We been off-line for a while.

All right, run it. See what turns up.

You know, when you do,

there are another set of prints
you should run as well.

Think you can lift a set
from that, Jimmy?

Sure, I'll give it a shot.


Whose prints are those?

- Sarah Mason's.
- I beg your pardon?

See, we exchanged fire.

Almost had her cornered,
but then she slipped away.

Left that clip behind.

I've already been given
a dossier on her.

- What more can her prints tell me?
- That's what I'm trying to find out.

There. How's that?

Yeah, Jimmy, that's fine.

Should I take it as a good sign
you're not in jail yet?

The major's conflicted.

There's a part of him that's not
completely signed up to Cheyenne yet.

What makes you think that?

He's not a guy
trying to wrap up a mission.

He's curious,
he wants to know the truth.

That said, I'm gonna need your help.

Now that Darcy's out of play,

I need somebody else
to keep tabs on the major.

We may have a problem with that.

I'm about to do something
that might cost me my badge.

- No.
- No?


Look, you are my only eyes and ears
in this place.

If nothing else, that badge
is one thing we cannot lose.

What's going on with you, Jake?

Look, I may not have a choice,
all right?

Those prints weren't good enough.

- No?
- No.

Here. Just try these.

Oh, yeah, that's better.

I'm sorry.
I can't get involved in any of this.

I wouldn't ask you
if we weren't in trouble.

- This new administrator, Goetz, he's--
- I know.

I have seen what he is capable of.

And I will not go against him.

This might be our only chance
to protect this town

and we can't do it without you.

All right, look, I will tell you
what you need to know.

You write it down, okay?

You administer the vaccine
to the fleshy part of the body.

No one who is ill,
no one who is getting ill.

No one who has egg allergies,
that's very important.

Children 6 months to 2 years,
pinch the fleshy part of the thigh,

administer the vaccine quickly.
The quicker, the better.

We don't need to get everybody,
just 75 to 80 percent of high risks,

and then we've achieved
herd immunity.

"Herd immunity." I...

- Yes, herd immunity. It's like when--
- Kenchy.

Please, help me with this.

I hope I can help you.

Usually the chief administrator
handles the issues

with local leadership.

The chief administrator
is the issue here.

I need to know how to have Goetz
transferred out of here.

I don't think
that I can do anything about that.

Yeah. Yeah, I know.

There's a lot of that going on
around here.


I'm not disputing J&R's authority
to have a chief administrator here.

- Mr. Green--
- But Goetz,

Goetz murdered
dozens of innocent people

in Rogue River,
and then in New Bern.

And if we hadn't fought him off here,
he would've done the same to us.

Officially-- Officially, my answer is

that Ravenwood personnel
can only do their jobs

if they're insulated
from these kinds of complaints.

But unofficially, my answer is

that the J&R policy that protects
Ravenwood is inexcusable.

It's one thing about this company
that I don't understand

and I wish I could change,
but I can't.

And neither can you.

You need to know that for every one
of them, there's one of me.

And if it's any consolation,

since the end of the lawlessness,

the reports of Ravenwood violence
have almost disappeared.

All right, well,
thank you for your time.

One last thing. I'm just curious.

Have you been inoculated
for the Hudson River Virus yet?


It's the name of a town in Missouri.

They've been hit bad
by the Hudson River Virus.

The isolated outbreaks in this area
are all being handled.

- Are they?
- Yes, they are.

Is there something else?

I don't care what the official story is,
or what the news is reporting.

People in that town
are watching their families die.

They need help.
And they're not getting it.

Looks like you're restocking
pretty fast, so

I'm assuming visiting trading posts isn't
all you've been up to out on the roads.


Dale, as sheriff, it's my job to tell you

that even though the vaccines
are heading out

on a J&R transport today
to be destroyed in Cheyenne,

it'd be a big mistake
to hijack that truck.

I used to haul supplies for J&R,
and let me tell you,

they are very meticulous
about inventory.

Every bar code that leaves at origin

is tracked at destination
or all hell breaks loose.

The only way someone can do it
would be to remove the contents

of the boxes without being detected

and leave
the bar-coded containers in the truck.

- You know what I'm saying?
- Yeah.

Trish, is the transport
with the vaccine on the road?

It left on schedule
about an hour ago.

I wanna know when it arrives.

Let me know
when it's been incinerated.

Why is it so important
that the vaccine be destroyed?

It's policy. Unregistered meds
could pose a danger to public safety.

But what if the virus really is a threat?
Shouldn't they have a chance--?

There hasn't been an outbreak
within 500 miles. There's no threat.

Clearly, there is some threat
out there.

I-- was mandated, you were menu--

When there is a threat,
I will let you know.

- What's this?
- Purchase orders.

That's a lot of syringes.
Who ordered this?

The Medical Center, I assume.

Call the driver of that transport,

have him pull over
and visually inspect the cargo.

I wanna know everything
that's on that truck.

Dr. Duwhalia.

I am wondering why you ordered
3,000 syringes today.

This is a clinic and I need supplies.

That's curious timing. It's almost
as if you plan to run out overnight.

I'd like you to tell me what you know.

Cheyenne, Wyoming?

So she wants you to work for J&R?

Why not?

I was so afraid
I was gonna lose you too.

How could such a little girl
survive such a terrible crash?

But you did.

You can do anything
you wanna do, honey.


You just--

You haven't had the chance
to figure out what that is yet.

Life's short,

and I want you--
I want you to be happy.

- You got it?
- Yeah.

Good job.

- A couple thousand doses unboxed.
- How did you pull this off?

All right, let's get it divided it up.

We'll load the trucks
and we'll get them off to their locations.

Soon as they're ready,
we'll give the go-ahead

to spread the word around town.
Got it?

- All right, be careful.
- Jake, where are you going?

Kenchy was supposed to be here
30 minutes ago.

As I've told you, many of the supplies
I ordered are a completely--

Completely routine matter. I know.

I'm really trying to resolve this
in a civilised manner,

but you're making that very difficult.

You may be wearing civilian clothes,
but you're anything but civilised.

I know you.

The hospital in Rogue River,
you were the ER doc.

I saw what you did to those people.
I know what you are.

All right, I'm gonna ask you
one last time.

Where are the vaccines?


Now let's talk
about how uncivilized I can be.

What did the prints turn up?


Came back classified.

- Top secret.
- Mason or John Doe?


I'm gonna call DHS,
must be some sort of mistake.

It is not a mistake.

- Get your hand off the phone.
- Okay.

But don't you realise
that you just stepped on a land mine?

What are you talking about?

Two subjects,
both reclassified profiles.

One killed the other,
and it's a professional hit,

and she has avoided capture for
months despite a full-scale manhunt.

Come on, major.
You're not hunting a terrorist.

You're hunting a spook.

You see those profiles? They
would not be locked for any reason

other than a former involvement
with a covert agency.

There are plenty of valid reasons
for a terrorist file to be sealed.

Yes, but your orders
are to kill on sight, aren't they?

My orders are my orders.

Well, they want you to find her
and kill her

before you figure out
what it is you're involved in.

You call your bosses and you tell them
that you are even onto a scent of it,

and they will remove you
from the situation.

Or worse.

Get me Valente on the conference,

Ask him if Sarah Mason
ever worked for the government.

- Step out.
- You just ask him.

Because he will either say yes
and explain her involvement

in your investigation,
or he will say no.

If he says no, then understand,

you have just stumbled
into a government conspiracy

that will stop at nothing
to protect itself.

He's all yours.

What did you do?

A little Q&A,
a matter of corporate security.

He's tougher than he looks. Let's go.

- What did you tell him?
- I didn't know what else to do.

- What did you tell him?
- The vaccines, the warehouse.

- Jake.
- Get everything and get out now.

- Go out that door.
- But we have one more truck to load.

Look, there's no time, go.

We leave these meds,
we will lose them.

Go. Out that way.

All right, get all the stuff out,
don't make a sound.

- I'll buy us some time.
- Go with him.

No, we can't fight,
we don't stand a chance.

You help them get everything out,

Dale, don't wait on me.

Are you contacting me to tell me

you've accomplished your mission,

- No, sir, but there has been progress.
- Progress?

Yes, we're hopeful
that within a few weeks--

I'm not interested in hearing
about how hopeful you are.

If you have questions, ask them.

I'm trying to make sense
of some difficult intel

and I'm asking if it's possible

Sarah Mason has ever been
in the employ of the U.S. government.

No, she hasn't.

You know everything
you need to know

in order to apprehend this terrorist,

I'm tired of your delays.
Fm tired of your failures.

The next time you contact me,

I wanna hear that Sarah Mason
has been located and eliminated.

Is that clear?

Yes, sir. I will find her.

Mr. Hawkins.

So, what did your boss say?

I accept your offer to assist
my search for Sarah Mason, for now.


- And no politics.
- Mr. Hawkins.

She still has the bomb.

I know.

I'll be in touch, major.

Oh, we gotta stop meeting like this,

You wouldn't happen
to know anything

about a stash of stolen vaccine
in this building, would you?

- I checked, it's clear. Put it down.
- I'm sure it is.

Come on, Jake. Let's play ball.

Come on, Jake.

Go whole lot easier for you
if you just tell me where the meds are.

I don't know
what the hell you're talking about.

Get on the horn,
tell them we found the vaccine.

It's somewhere
inside this warehouse.

Roger that.

Copy that.

Sir, the vaccines have been located.

- In Cheyenne.
- What?

The J&R office in Cheyenne says
it's been delivered and destroyed.

- How?
- I don't know, sir,

but the books are saying
that the load is accounted for.

We'll get the rest of the seed
in a few days.

And then get the rest done
in a week or so.


Then I think I'm gonna head
to Cheyenne with Trish.


Just for a week or two
to check things out.

I think that's a really good idea.

Maybe you can give me some pointers
on how to take care of Stanley.

I'll make a list.

And I'll follow it to the letter.

Don't worry.

I'll take care of Stanley.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

We just heard from the truck
over by Kendall field. They're done.

- We should be done here shortly.
- Yeah, but...

They're gonna need you.

I heard what happened with Goetz.

- It sounds like we got awfully lucky.
- It wasn't luck.

Say what you want about J&R,

but they don't make mistakes
with their books.

Someone on the inside
changed the disposal-facility log.

How that happened, I have no idea.

I think I have an idea.

I got a radio call from Christina
from Fall River, Missouri.

She said that an Army Humvee arrived
in her town with boxes of the vaccine

and a medical officer
to help administer the drugs.

That's good news.

You went outside
your chain of command.

You put yourself at risk
to help those people.


Are you upset
that they received the inoculations?

I'm just trying to understand you.
You're a military man.

Military men follow orders.

We also have families.


My wife was in Santa Fe
when the attacks came.

After that...

I'm sorry.

I have to hope that she's okay.

Until then, I do my job.

And I I trust that wherever she is,

some Army major is looking after her

the way I try to look after the people
under my charge.

Thank you.

- Where did that come from?
- The fax in Beck's office.

You know, I've seen that before.

Been coming through Beck's
fax machine for days,

but I've just
been throwing them away.

that's what you're supposed to do.

If there was no other way
to reach each other,

the members of my team had a
method of communicating in the open

so that no one could read it but us.

- Is it from Chavez?
- No.

He would...

- He would just call.
- Then Cheung?

I don't know, maybe.

Let's find out.


You found my message in a bottle.

- Who is this?
- I can't talk now,

but I know who you are,

I know what you're trying to do,
and I wanna help.