Jericho (2006–2008): Season 1, Episode 17 - One Man's Terrorist - full transcript

Kids find military equipment in a barn. People learn the Marines were fake, the rations won't last, even cut badly again, so mayor Grey orders the refugees to a FEMA camp; they rather fight, especially Kyle who even stole, while Roger and Jake still hope to make a deal; his barricade is undone by teargas. Arguing with Roger, Gray pulls a gun but gets shot himself and taken hostage; Jake tries to prevent Roger being shot by the police; all ends well as mother Green finds others prepared to let refugees share rations and live in empty houses, only Roger is exiled. Dale and Skylar steal a horse, which they are prepared to return, and the fuel Simmons owed him and refurnish the shop.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Jericho:

Some of them were on planes
that landed in the middle of nowhere.

They've been walking for weeks.

They must have gone through hell.

Oh, my God. Roger.

At current levels of consumption,

we will be completely out of gas
and diesel in two weeks.

There's a woman in that group
of refugees that Bill is processing.

I think you should talk to her.

Hello, Rob.
Someone on my team sold us all out.

You're smart enough to know that they
would say anything to get you to talk.

Get the package.

No. No!

We're the United States Marines
and we're here to help.

Those are to restore lights,

power and infrastructure to Kansas,
one town at a time.

Something's wrong about all this,
all right? Trust me.

They've got somebody
on the edge of town

pretending to be their headquarters.

- Is any of this real?
- The gun's real.

- Hands up. Get them up!
- What the hell do we do with them?

You'll leave your weapons
on the tank and you will move out.

What'll we do with that?

Stanley, you got room in your barn?

- Seriously?
- Why not?

You never know
when you might need a tank.

- You're making too much noise.
- Sorry.

Where did it go?

There it is.

- It's locked.
- We shouldn't go in.

- Go in here.
- Why do I have to?

So we can eat.

You see it?


Come on, Jake, there's a line here.

Those Marines coming or what?

Everybody just calm down.
You'll get your share.

You'll get your rations.

- People, please.
- Back up.

- How's Gray handling this?
- You better get in there.

I think we've really screwed
ourselves this time.

You said everyone in the shelters gets
half-rations until the Marines come.

Well, the Marines aren't coming
and you've known all along.

We did the best that we could.

People had to believe that help
was on the way. And you know what?

Half-rations is a lot more than those
refugees had before they got here.

Did you know about this? The Marines,
that they were con artists.

Yeah, but we didn't give them
any of our supplies.

And Gray is right. The last thing
this town needs is to lose hope.

Hope won't keep
my friends from starving.

I've got one woman
who's too weak to walk.

It's a mathematical problem.

We've got your friends,
plus another 50 who migrated here.

That's too many people
and not enough food.

We'll just have to figure out
how to make what we have last.

I say the first thing we do
is stop giving it away to strangers.

What if we cut the food rations
in half again?

It's more than the food.
What about medicine?

The refugees came here sick.

They've been burning
through our meds.

Come on, can we make it
to spring, Harry?

Some of us can. Not all.

Crime's been going up
since they got here.

Crime's been going up
since the bombs.

- It's gotta be done.
- The numbers speak for themselves.

- Look at them.
- I don't need to.

I see them in my sleep.

What are you gonna do?

Folks. Folks, listen up.

I am sorry to say

that the town no longer
has the resources to take care of you.

- What?
- No.

So if you could please
gather up your belongings,

you will be escorted
to a FEMA camp out near l-70.

Yeah, we've been
to those FEMA camps.

We barely made it out alive
the first time.

FEMA has medicine and supplies
and we don't.

You heard the mayor.
You need to start packing up.

What are you gonna do?
Put us in jail? Great.

If I didn't have to do this, I wouldn't.

We've been working, okay?
We've been chopping wood.

Jessica's been helping you
with your medical center.


I'm sorry.

But if you put us out on the...

This isn't a debate.

You're right, because we're staying.


Just static. No news.

Now the secret about the tank's out,
there's no need to hide the radio.

Yeah, I'll take it down
to Bailey's later.

We can all be annoyed together.

- Emily.
- Gray's trying to kick out the refugees.

They barricaded themselves
inside the church.

- Was anybody hurt?
- Yeah.

- Is there another door?
- No, they blocked that one too.

- Look, Roger, I'm sorry, but...
- Yeah, you lie about the Marines.

You get caught, you need someone
to blame, so you picked them.

We have taken in almost
a hundred people since the bombs.

Roger, you brought over 50 yourself.
We've done our part.

It's time for somebody else
to share the burden.

- Now, these FEMA camps...
- Those FEMA camps are jungles.

And putting anybody out
on those streets is a death sentence.

You've been out there
and you know that.

It comes down to resources,
all right?

And people of Jericho
have to come first.

It's a hundred of them
or a hundred of us.

- Come on.
- Let me work on Gray.

You and Emily try and talk some sense
into the refugees. Hey.

Don't give Gray a reason
to make this worse.

All right?

Gray can't send these people
away like this.

It's his call.

Well, isn't there something
we can do?

Give them warm clothing for the trip.

We've given away
everything we can spare.

- Well, there's...
- What?

April's things?


- Kyle, what are you doing?
- I'm not leaving here without a fight.

- This is a bad idea.
- What should we do?

We take down the barricade
and go out unarmed.

We look them in the eye. We ask
them to stay until the end of winter.

Look them in the eye.
That's your plan?

- You don't know this town.
- Apparently, that makes two of us.

Where did you get the food from?

You stole it.

- You broke into people's houses?
- You did the same thing

- when we were out there.
- Well this is different.

- This town took care of us.
- We took care of us.

Because we knew
one day this town wouldn't.

What do you see?

Looks like Simmons
has got his nephew guarding the barn.

- I don't think I can get in.
- You have to.

You traded them for that gas
and they're holding out on you.

You can't let these farmers
get away with it anymore.

That's easy for you to say.

- I'll go this time.
- Very funny.

What? You think
you're the only badass here?

- Yeah.
- You wanna bet?

Forget it, Skylar. Simmons is not
a pushover like Frederickson.

Neither am I.

Wait, wait, wait.
You can get hurt.

Oh, you're worried about me?
That's so sweet.

Now, watch and learn.

Found them.

You can't. Tear gas?

Gray, these have been
sitting around for years.

You can't do this, Gray.
I've given these people sanctuary.

This is a police matter now.

You have no right to assault people.
They've committed no crime.

- They'll be my responsibility.
- What, are you gonna feed them?

What, you got a little hospital
down there, Reverend?

No, I didn't think so.

What's that sound?

They're boarding up the windows.

There were half a dozen other places
we could've stopped,

but you kept talking like Jericho
was the end of the freaking rainbow.

So we kept walking,
losing people. For this.

Out of my way, Johnston.
I know what I'm doing.

You know why we never used those?
A little thing called Waco happened.

The FBI used tear gas.

And they swear it didn't start that fire,
but it could have.

- You ready to live with that?
- Dad.

We can't hold off a town.
It's too big a gamble.

It's not a gamble for you.
You get to go home

to a warm bed every night.

I told you, I'm with you.

What happens when we get
kicked out of this town?

Come on.

Come on.

Get out of the way.

Get out of the way.

What are you doing?
Get out of the way.

Keep it moving, now.

She's got no pulse.

Hank. Hank. Thank God.

- Skylar.
- There are men on the road.

Men? What men?

They're with Ravenwood.
Is your uncle here?

- No, it's just me.
- We have to hide.

- Okay, yeah, come on.
- Yeah.

- How many were there?
- I don't know. Five, maybe six.

Well, I can't see them.

You know what? I bet you have
a better view from the hayloft.

- I'm right behind you.
- Okay.




Skylar! Skylar?

Hey, stop!

It's okay. I'll wait.

One of the refugees
is still out there.

Have the rangers search the barns.
Use dogs if it'll help.

And the rest of them?

Just take them to the med center
and get them fixed up, Harry.

Then send them away?

What about the extra food
you promised them?

- Just give it to them.
- After what they did to us?

Will you just do it?
Before somebody else gets hurt.

Gray, it's not too late.
Just let them stay until spring.

You think I haven't tried
to make that work?

The numbers don't add up.

- They are good people, Gray. Just...
- Yeah, and?

Good people are dying every day.
Someone finally has to tell the truth.

It's musical chairs out there.
The music has stopped.

Oh, my God.

- No.
- Oh, my God. Get away from me.

- Get away from me.
- A hundred counts of murder.

That's what they should charge
you with if you send them away.

We have been feeding them
and we have been heating the shelter.

We've been taking from my friends
to give to strangers.

So don't you dare lecture me.

Whatever happens to them
is on you.

- Let me go, please.
- I don't wanna hurt you.

- Let me go, please!
- Oh, my God...

You're not leaving
until this is resolved.

This is resolved. Get out of my way.

They're not going anywhere.

You wanna bet?

- Just take whatever you want.
- I don't wanna hurt you.

- Just get out.
- And go where?

I got the entire police force
guarding the refugees.

One way or another, they're going.

- No!
- Stop it.

All right, stop it.

Oh, my God.

- What's going on? What happened?
- We heard a gunshot upstairs.

Gray pulled a gun.
It was an accident.

Like hell. He shot me.

- There's so much blood.
- He needs a doctor.

- Get Kenchy.
- No, get Jessica.

Shut up.
You're not running things.

Get Jessica, please, all right?
I trust her.


What are you looking for?

Super Glue.

The sole on my boot came apart
after a couple hundred miles.

My son's shoes might fit you.

- I'd rather fix these.
- Why?

They're all I have left that are mine.

Where are you gonna go?

I don't know, really.

My family lives in Chicago.

I wish there was more
that we could do.

Oh, ma'am.

There are empty houses all over
Jericho, and we sleep in a shelter.

Those are our neighbors' homes.

They were gone
when the bombs went off.

They're coming back.

Well, wherever your neighbors are,

I hope nobody's kicking them
out of town in the middle of winter.


- Jessica.
- What the hell happened in there?

- Gray's bleeding badly.
- I'm busy.

- I need your help.
- Get Kenchy.

Look, you're the only one
Roger trusts.

You want me
to save Gray Anderson?

If Gray dies, so does Roger.

I mean, people aren't
gonna just let it go. Please.

We can all get out of this.

I was just trying to help them.

Now there's no way
the town lets them stay.

It was an accident. I saw it.

Gray, just until spring.
That's all I ask.

Come on.

You were right. This is on me.

I brought them here. I did...

I did it for my own reasons, okay?
But don't punish them.

I'm begging you. Just till spring.

Go to hell.

Roger, I've got Jessica. Let us in.


You need to let me look at him.

You give them a chance,
I'll give you a chance.

I was gonna give you food.
An escort.

We wouldn't survive out there.

You know that.
We have to stay here.

Why would you die over this?


He's our only leverage.

Roger, this isn't you.

I survived out there
for three months.

You have no idea
what I can do if I have to.

- Any sign of her?
- No.

Check the buildings.

She's got to be around here

Hold up, she changed
the location again.

Meet you back at the road.


Bill, don't. Bill!

Do you think I want to?

Roger's a friend of mine, but I can't
let the mayor bleed to death.

What if you miss?
What if you hit Emily?

Get off me.

If I get the shot, Jake,

- I'm taking it.
- Damn it.


We have to get him help.
He didn't wanna do this.

Yeah, well, it doesn't matter
what we want, does it?

It matters what we do.
I tried to get us all back here.

I promised them,
if we just stuck together...

- And you did.
- Yeah.

Emily, most of us made it back.
Nineteen of us didn't.

What's going on?

And I remember
every one of their faces.

- Get away from the window.
- Jake, what are you doing?

- Stay out of this.
- Get away from the window!

Get away from the window!

Roger, get away from the window!

Roger, get away from the window!

What are you doing?

If you want your friends to live,

you better back the hell off right now
and listen to me.

- Roger, he's here to help.
- I'm listening.

What if we give you transportation?
And food and fuel?

What, so we can die out there?

- You don't have to think about us?
- No.

You can make it to the migration trail,
head south and beat the winter.

It's not your decision to make.

It won't be yours either
if you're dead.

You can't keep us in here forever.
This will end.

And when it does,
you can forget about staying.

They will kick you out with nothing.

- I'm gonna need guns.
- I can't give you guns.

I can't protect a hundred people
with what I have.

Okay. Okay.

If you let Jessica take Gray
to the medical center.

He's not leaving.

Roger, if that bullet is still in him,
I'm gonna have to open him up.

Is it a deal?


You make sure everything's ready.
I'll let him go.

Hey, Allie.

Dad, you can't be around here.
Mom will freak out.

I won't stay long. Come on.


...I just wanted to know
how you were doing.

You settling in okay
at Jimmy's place?

- Yeah, he just never stops talking.
- No, he doesn't.

How's Sam?

You know, he gets scared.

And you?

I'm fine.


That thing you had to do to Sarah,
I know how that can change people.

Dad, don't worry about me.

I'm not Sam and I'm not Mom.

So...'re not gonna live
with us anymore, are you?

I don't think
it's a good idea right now.

Then don't worry,
I'll take care of them.

Hey, hey. Come here.

You are not me.

Go on.

Go on.

- Thank you for helping me.
- Just try to keep still.

It's my job, you know.
I didn't wanna do it, I had to.

We all have our jobs to do
whether we wanna do them or not.

Just hang on.

- Take the bus.
- We're taking the bus.

- This way, let's go.
- I don't wanna go.

- Where are we going?
- Where are we going?

The bus is here.

When do you think
you'll come back?

After this, he's never
gonna let me come back.

Maybe I shouldn't have
brought them here.

There were other places,
camps, towns we heard about.

But I had to see you.

A refugee broke into the house.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah.

- I'll get the guys.
- No, listen to me.

We can't let this happen.

We're ready.

Get up.

You can't take him.

Once my friends and I
are safely out of town, I'll let him go.

He'll be dead by then.

You can't let them go out there.

A woman died on Main Street today.

I didn't even know her name.
Did you?

If you need a hostage, take me.

Think of our neighbors
who haven't made it back yet.

That's who they are.

Now, my family
can feed two people.

Who else here is willing
to share their rations?

They're coming out.

All right, move back.

Move back!

Come on, people, we can do this.
I know we can, please.

Thank you, Bob. Yeah.

Right. Good. Who else?

- Come on, who else? Please.
- I'll do it.

- Please.
- Everyone get back!

Move back.

Keep your guns down.

Keep them down.

Move back. Move back.

- Move back.
- My God.

Roger, it's over.

They can stay.

We found them homes.

Just put the gun down, Roger.
You won.

Come on, put it down.

How's the mayor?

Jessica did a great job. He's in...

He's lost a lot of blood,
but he's stable.

We talked him
into letting the others stay.


Not me.



I'd say I'd call you, but...

I'm coming with you.

- No, you're not.
- Roger, I am.

I did this so that people I love
can be safe here.

I'm not taking the person
I love the most out on those roads.

I can handle it.

I can't.

So, what do you think?

Well, it's no Saks Fifth Avenue,
but it's pretty great.

Thanks to all the deals we made,
you have a real trading post now.

Hi, Mr. Simmons, Hank.

What? You think this is a joke?
I could have shot you.

Talk to your uncle, Hank.
He broke the deal.

You're just a real big man,
aren't you?

Just give me my horse and the gas
and I'll be on my way.

The horse is tied up in the alley,
but the gas is mine.

I'm through playing games with you.
Hank, get the gas.

Meet my new employees.

This is Jim and Judy Moore's house.

They were visiting their grandchildren
just outside of Philadelphia.

The rations are on Tuesday.

We'll be by to share them with you.


Mrs. Green.

Thank you.

We got together
some canned food and water.

I wish I had more.

Nothing I say is gonna sound right.

You really sad to see me go?

It's not about that.


Take Cedar Run first, it's clear.

And then head to New Bern.

Heather, Stanley and my brother,
they can help you once you're there.

I know my way around.

Bodies were found
along Route 400 near Cimarron.

We have also received reports
that the bombers gained the trust

of local officials,
which allowed the terrorists...

Wait. I've heard that voice before.

- This guy does Farm Report.
- That's real news.

- to military installations,
to research laboratories.

In New York, the terrorists
who were apprehended

were all carrying
nearly perfect fake FBI badges.

Their identities
have not been released.

Authorities have increased
security at all critical sites...

Jimmy? Jimmy, what is it?

In the meantime, all citizens
are encouraged to be vigilant.

As we receive more information,
we'll bring it to you.

Until then, all news is now local.

Take care of each other, Kansas.