Jamestown (2017–…): Season 3, Episode 6 - Episode #3.6 - full transcript

Jocelyn realises that if she wants something done, she will have to do it herself. Meanwhile, some devastating news sets Pedro on a path for revenge.

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You hold the King's own signet.

You are the most powerful man
in Virginia.

I will pray for your salvation.

(SCREAMS) The Almighty Lord
once sent this wretch to save me.

This is how God works.
(GROANING) He sent a miracle.


and Maria are living souls.

You cannot bequeath them
to your children. But I have.



My servants are rash-minded types.

I would not have them disaffected
by twisted reports of their fate.

What I wrote in my will,
you keep it close

and secret to your fevered brow.

(Do not so much as speak
of my business to the air.)


James Read!
Morning, Pedro.

Help me to load these tools,
will ya? Hey.

Can you tell me what this is?

Oh, it's finely made.

It's a...a timepiece, Pedro.

It's called a pocket dial.

But how can it tell the time?
Well, there's a part missing.

A band that travels around it,
and the ring itself is

warped there, look.
Hey, can you fix it?

I mean, we should learn
who it belongs to.

Ah. I know who it is.
The same man had

pieces of furniture on the jetty.
I'll return it to him.

(CHUCKLES) A lump of brass can name
the time! James Read...

..we live in a world full
of riddles.

Oh, soup? The doctor says you are
to having nothing but soup.

No drink. No ale. Only soup.
How long have I been here?

Yesterday and the day before,
and then other days.

How long will I be here?
The doctor says
until your back is mended.

Here, you tell my wife, if she's
aiming to come and see me,
I refuse it.

It's her what drove me here,
shouting at me.

I won't give her the comfort
of hearing my voice.

She didn't ask to see you.

In fact, she don't
want to see you.


He pines for you, Mistress Rutter.
But he don't like to admit it.

Why won't you visit him
while he ails?

Oh, let him do without
his comforts.

See if it makes a human out of him!

Master Crabtree,
I believe this is yours, sir.

Ah, it was mine.
Not any more. I lost it.

Seems a man might lose time.

If you found it, Pedro,

then a simple twist of fate
declares that it is yours.

But, sir, is it not valuable?

You truly wish to give it to me?

I haven't given it to you.
Chance has.

Destiny touches you, Pedro.

Use it well.

Might you be wondering how a man
so infected and abhorred

became the trusted officer
of the King?

I have other questions first, sir.

Why have you not condemned
nor avenged yourself against me

for placing a sleeping draught
in your wine?

There is no advantage
to me in that gambit.

You have the King's signet.
It gives you full right

over the Governor.
Why have you not cut him down?

Time, madam. (SIGHS)
There is business yet to play.

He stalks the New World unchecked
while you dither.

Your gifts of persuasion, widow,

and the fondness
the blacksmith carries for you

needs benefit us both

in the furtherance of this issue.

Now I'll tell you a tale
of pirates and slaves.


My husband is the same
today as he was yesterday

and he'll be the same tomorrow.

A man who rues his own destruction

doesn't seem to me
unaffected, Verity.

I'm sure a coward's death would
suit a rank weed such as him.

And he won't have to live
with the crimes he's done.

Jumping from the battlements
don't bring Tam back, now, do it?

This is mine to keep, James Read.

Will you make it so that it works?

Why would you want to mark the
hours in the days, though, Pedro?

So I will be the best man
knows each and every moment
in all of Virginia!


"The sun should be turned
to darkness and the moon to blood

before the day of the Lord comes,
the great and magnificent day.

In those days, I will pour out
my spirit and they shall prophesy."

Chacrow, what is it so touches you?

"You find in here
word of what is to come."

It speaks to us...

..as I speak to you now.

The Pamunkey priests made such...








..were warned that a people would
come into the land of our king

from the mouth of the river...

..and burn from the world
our bloodline.

Uh-uh. Where do you suppose
you're going to?

Help me up, Verity. You have
no strength in your legs.

There's no breath in your chest.
I must speak.

I must call upon Pedro
and Maria. Help me.

Let me take a message
to them for you. No!

This business cannot be half-done.

It must have my name alone to it.



Do you wish to purchase them?
Nearly passed through my mind

that these might be the chains
that met Maria and Pedro

as they stepped onto land here.

No, it was the ship that delivered
them that made slaves of them.

Well, the reports back
from England lied

that the vessel
and its mark were Dutch.

They are as English
as you are, James Read.

The dispatch also said
that the vessel escaped

before the Governor could arrest
any of those aboard.

Yet, the same man now possesses
half the human cargo.

Yeah, I mean, it's the thistle
in your throat, isn't it?

(SCOFFS) The ship that escaped
limped along the coast, was sunk

and its crew vanished into

The man who could track down
those missing mariners

might see them disclose the truth
as to why Maria and Pedro should
belong to our government.

There is some darkness

that you might not want
to poke a stick at.

How do you wish to be remembered?

As the man who delivered justice?

Or will your legacy be, "James
Read, that made the chains"?


Pedro does not wish
to trap me in that moment.

Maria does not. Only you do.

I was obliged. Such is my work.

And one grain of dark time
will not imprison me.

You are the man who can be trusted
and who is capable of the journey.

Will you go upriver
to seek the villains?

Or will you be chained
in that moment for ever?

MARIA: The ground has had the sun
upon it all the day long.

The sky is so still!
It is soothing to lie here.


(SIGHS) ..if we fight no more,

if we accept the way things are,
perhaps then we will know peace.

Oh, yes, Maria.
You will bow to Yeardley

because you love to (!)

You will tremble with pleasure
when you see another day

picking tobacco, huh? (INDISTINCT)



The two of you
are named in his will...

..to be granted to Yeardley's
children when he passes.

A child yet born...

..will receive us as a gift.

He may live, or she may live
for many years on.

So...we are told of what our
lives to come will be.

All of those years ahead
are already decided.

Even if I kill Yeardley,

he will own us beyond the grave!

What can they do, Doctor?
Is this what the law says?

They are no more than...belongings
in that man's mind?

I will write to England.

I will make communication
with the company.

Perhaps there's a way
to take on Yeardley here

in the assembly of Burgesses...

I will not rest my hopes
on the just society more.

What'll you do, Maria?

The words of what our Master
intends to do are marked down.

But I hear no roar of the world.

Pedro...why are you so quiet?

Are you helpless?
Are you defeated?

Why do you not make
the ground tremble?

It is a vile thing that the sun
will come up again tomorrow.

(SNIFFLES) It is foul
that the flowers will grow.

Why do they grow?

(CRYING) Why are they permitted
to grow? Maria! Maria!

We thank you, Doctor,
for your wish to help us.

And now, you may go back
to your medicines

and your book and your prayers.

He ain't the one to blame, Maria.

Why not?


Maria, I did not know what my
husband had written in his will.

You told me
that our Governor would return

to the better man he once was.

I vow to you, Maria,

I will not cease trying
to persuade him. When?

Name a time
when our lives will change.

Do you threaten me, Maria?

I speak only a question,
ma'am. (GASPS)

Do you dare suggest to me...

..that you would use
what your ancestors tell you

to shift my husband's mind?

I did not say that. You know the
power your gifts wield over him.

(Be careful how you use them.)



Would you instruct my wife?

Winganuske knows that she must
always obey her brother.

Such is the Pamunkey way. Well,
she's married to an Englishman.

What is it that you're doing
living here amongst us, Chacrow?

Pamunkey are given learning
for our labours.

Many of us, to
speak your language...

..know your tools.

But what are you doing, Chacrow?

You are tired, Henry. Come.
I have food for you.

Henry, we have trouble enough
without a battle with Chacrow.

Come away, Chacrow.



I will poison Yeardley.

I will infect him
with such words and perceptions

that I will be the thief
that his heir will steal
his brains from...

No. Hear me well. What are you
doing with those things, Pedro?

Nothing will change in the field.

Look, the tobacco will need
tending. Nothing will change
with the law.

The world will not roar
for what he has done.

The only thing that might change
is Yeardley's mind.

What are you going to do?

I am Pedro.

I pulled that man from a bear pit
where he would bleed to death.

I carried him home.

Perhaps I can reach into his soul.



You have a mark, sir,

provided by the company, permits
you to trade here in Virginia.

This document is not
in proper order, Master Crabtree.

What's the matter with it?

It was not fit well with itself.
And I thought it to be true.

It seems we live
in times without trust.

You tricked me into a
knuckle fight, sir, knowing you
kept an advantage.

Now you'll assess
the balance of things.

Walk with me to the jailhouse, sir.

You'll abide there
till your fate is decided.

Neither you nor I can determine
my destiny, Marshall.

That is a call for the stars.

I will stroll with you.

It is a fair hour
to tread prison's path.


What brings you here, Pedro?

I have no writing.


I ask you a favour, Governor,
that you might assist me.

Would you put down
some marks for me, sir?

Please. It would be
a kindness to Pedro.


This pipe, sir.
Maria made it for me.

That woman knows beauty.

See the love here, sir.

What is it you want from
me, Pedro?

This little wooden sword.

I have treasured it.

It is to remind me
of the warrior I once was.

This purse...

..Lady Yeardley gave it to me.

See, sir, how it is stitched
with patterns, sir.

Colours, sir. It is mine.

These are small things, Governor.

But they are Pedro's to do with
as he pleases.

You are rich indeed, Pedro.

Each of these things has love
in it.

The day will come
when I draw my last breath...

..and they will be Maria's.

I would like that to be
written down.

Will you write it for me,
sir? Will you?


Is that the word for it?

BOTH: We bequeath. (CHUCKLE)

What I bequeath...

..will name the man that I am.

It matters to me
what I leave behind.

It matters to me
what it says about Pedro.


..will you write it down?

This brave man can come here
and say these things to me.

You know my authority.

But you are the man
who saved my life.

So I will mark them all down.

Cos you have touched my heart...

..and I respect you
as I do few men.


I need you to go
and seek trade with the naturals,

see if you can learn
why Chacrow is with us.

Ask softly, never directly.

Only in harmless conversations
you bargain with them.

Trade foolishly,
so they might perceive you

as a man with a muddy mind -
no danger to them.

Go now. Take the horse.

And Pepper, be careful.


Pedro... OK!

You have it working? So, the
engravings on the inside

mark out the hours of the day.

And here, outside,

are the letters that tell us
the months of the year.

So, January, February...

This ring spins around.

The hole punched in the band
must align with the month.

So, if we hold it up to the light

so the sun shines through...

..then there the hour is
known to us. 6 o'clock.

The hour of optimism.
Oh, James Read, you fixed it, huh?

Oh, I salute you, my friend.

Well, I pray you'll always
be my friend, Pedro.


The words you asked me to write
down for you, and your chattels.

(CHUCKLES) Thank you,
dear Governor.

I've given due consideration

to the plight
that you've presented to me.

Come. Stand with me.
See what I see.

Fields, Pedro, like these,

as far as your eyes can imagine,
filled with men like you.

God has given us riches
and we are honour-bound

to grasp those profits.

It is not fortune
that has favoured me well.

It was courage and daring.

But you, Pedro,
you are cursed with descendancy.

All the way back
to the days of the Bible,

your kind have been
marked out for servitude.

But I love you.

And you are precious to me.

Which is why I have wanted
to pass you onto my children,

so that they might love you
just as much as I do.


Thank you, dear Governor...

..for teaching me what my life is.

I will use this knowledge
well, sir.


Mistress Rutter, your husband has
such a pleading heart

for you to return to him!
Do he, now?

What of you, child? Have
you taken Pepper Sharrow
into the long grass?


I'll make sure
that you do it properly...

..so that he gives you a babe.

Will you visit Master Rutter,



Who is it, lad?
It's Bundy Wallace, sir.

Found him in the Black Wood,
his tray of goods on the ground
around him.

An Englishman slaughtered!

Chacrow, I thought
your people wanted peace.

We do not know
who did this, Governor.

Let me speak
with Opechancanough to ask him

what he can tell us. No. It'll
be me that goes to your king.

You will remain here, Chacrow.
But who will serve as your voice

in our tongue, sir?
It will not be you, Chacrow.

My dear...

..when you talked with Chacrow,

did you discover anything
about Opechancanough?

Only that the king was given
a prophecy, a warning.

This is of brass metal, Maria.

It is made in the way
that tells the time.

James Read warned me...

"Why do you wish to mark the time?"

But...he mended it for me
so that I might use it.

Now, it will speak to me

of every hour of our captivity.

It is screaming at me, Maria.

Master Crabtree told me that fate...

..had touched me, because
I happened upon this pocket dial.

If I believe him
that this has a purpose, then...

..I do not know if it has come
to teach me or to torment me.

If I could dig up all of my
ancestors from their graves,

do you know what they
would tell me?

There is a way to undo this man.

It is not hope.
It is not kindness.

It is to take him to madness.


Opechancanough says
it is Chickahominy
that must be responsible.

Tell him that
if an Englishman is killed,
I consider than an act of war.

He's explained what happens -
Tell him.


Tell him that I prophesy
- use that word -

that I foretell that if he seeks

to stage a war
through cunning and deceit...

..then he, his people
and all of his bloodline

will be burnt from this world.

I thank him for
his gift of Chacrow.

Tell him, Sharrow,
that Chacrow serves me well

and he did not wish to be here

I will know if you lie.
I'll see it in his eyes.

Why did you not use the King's
signet to defy the Marshall?

I am where I need to be.

While I am kept with lock,

the Marshall and the Governor
will find me no threat to them.

Now is the time to pursue
the business upriver.

I cannot persuade the blacksmith
to make the journey.

However fast I run...

..I will never catch
what is held in here.

Sir, I wish to return
this dial to you.

It does not serve me well.
But it brought you here.

Today. Now.

Perhaps that is how
it provides for you.

It jangles at my senses.
I prefer to let it go.

Master Read repaired it.

He is a man of delicate skills,

yet little appetite to restore
a sin against you.


He did not tell you?

The men who carried you
across the water

are hiding in Virginia
and might be found

if there was willing,

but the blacksmith lacks
the passion for it.

James Read knew this?

Why did he not speak it to Pedro?

He calls himself my friend.

It is a beguiling thing.

It is an object of providence,
madam. Look upon it.

How does it speak?

Keep it.

You might enjoy its portents.

Why did you not tell me? Why?

Why did you keep it from me?



These foul mariners who beat me,

stabbed us, these men are
here in the colony!


Because you would
try to seek them out...

..when they can never be found.

And they would live
inside your mind... (GASPING)

..and poison every minute
that you were breathing!

Do you see me as a
child, James Read,

who cannot be trusted with
the judgement of his own life?

You also wish to own me, huh?

Look at me! Look at my skin!
See it! See it!

SEE IT! Even you.
Even you, James Read.

You do not see me as a man
like other men! (GRUNTS)


I did because I love you, Pedro.

Oh, no.


The Governor loves me.

It is not love I want.

It is not kindness.
It is...it is not hope.

I want freedom.




Do you ever wish
to know what is coming, Mercy?

You ever dwell on the future
and what to pick at its mysteries?

I didn't use to, ma'am,
but that was in the past.

Now I do wish
to think about henceforward.

Because, ma'am,
that's when things might happen.

That's where the things
we wish for lie.



If I sit here
with all the clocks for God

I will watch myself
ripen till I rot.

Take it away, child.
I do not want it in my house.


Jocelyn? Jocelyn.

Our Governor has bequeathed
Pedro and Maria to his child
in his will.

Who will stop this vulture?

I will.

Ugh, soup?

How long have I been here?

You are here today, sir.

See what my mistress gave to me.

It's a timepiece.

I don't know how it works,
but it has time in it.

It tells you of the time
when you look into it.

Could it serve our wits,

twist away all them years?


You might keep it, sir.







Governor, my ancestors have

They asked me
to speak with you, Governor.

There is wickedness about.

The night is foul with dangers.

A rock or a word
might dash your brains out.

Do not sleep,

for your dreams will abuse you.

The moon will catch
your secret thoughts

and prison them forever.

Wake, sir.

For safety's sake, wake.





The mariners that stole
from the treasurer

and vanished into Virginia,

Verity says you were told
where they went to.

How do you know
when it is all too late?

Meredith, where did they go?

Gloaming Creek.


I will go upriver
to seek out the mariners.

I will go alone.
You're too late, sir.

The mission is already taken up.


James, I'm coming with you.

Gloaming Creek is where I heard
tell Tam was headed to.

No. It is a month upriver.
You are not coming.

I will seek out the boy.
Oh, sure you will (!)

Look, I may not care
for the lad, but I care for you.

So, if I get to Gloaming Creek,
then I will look for him.

James, if I don't go with you now
and I never hear of that lad more,

I will be as ruined
and as tormented as Meredith is.

Would you do that to me,
would you?

Be a true friend to me, James.

Be a true friend, won't ya?

Damn you, woman.

Where is Pedro?

The Widow Castell asked him
to accompany her

to prospect new land
along the river.

I protested that she has
her own men. She said -

It was my ancestors.

I told Lady Yeardley
they had bid Pedro

to go up the river
with Mistress Castell, sir.

They told me that
the moons will come and go, sir.

The leaves will fall, and Pedro
will carry news back to you.

He will return with word
of the thick, cunning threats

that you must beware yourself of.

It is as it must be, sir.

We cannot defy my ancestors.


The cage, Master Crabtree,
will be placed upon your flesh.

I know the business well
enough, sir (!) VERITY: Jocelyn!

If you spend your time
comforting her, she will die.

No-one will know how I will be
when I meet these serpents!

TEMPERANCE: When you fall,
you will fall like Lucifer,

never to hope again.