Jamestown (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Episode #1.7 - full transcript

Henry proves a popular man when he returns to flaunt his newly acquired wealth in the settlement, but while many toast his good fortune, Alice fears what he may do to her and takes drastic action.

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I love you. I'll be back.

Hasn't Silas chosen
his brother over you?


- Woo!
- I knew it!

So Sharrow got nothing from you?

He never asked about no map, sir. [GRUNTS]

I've been preoccupied with what
might have happened to the map.

You must tell me you did not
look inside of the box.

You'll be returning to Jamestown?

Just as soon as he was well enough
Henry set out for the uplands.

You owe me a debt, James Read.

Make me a dagger.

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx


I knew you wouldn't leave us.


A lot of work being done.

Silas did it. And I did.

- And Alice.

She married Silas.

That's what I thought.

We'll all work together, though.
Won't we, Henry?

The Sharrows will have
the best farm in all of Virginia.

Won't we?

Everything's about to change, Pepper.





Plenty more where I found that.

This colony is taken in
the name of our monarch.

What riches are found
here belong to the Crown.

Well, then let the King go to
the far off mountains and

dig it up for himself,
if he can discover it.


If he can discover it? I always said
Henry Sharrow had balls of iron!


Henry, just remember that we are all
here as servants of the Virginia Company.

We can, I'm sure, find a fair reward
for your dauntless endeavour,

but you must recognise that this find
comes under the determination...

MARSHAL: Of the law, Sharrow.

The law, gentlemen, as you
know as well as I do,

bends to the will of the
man with the riches.

MAN: Aye.

Let us ask our Governor

what he will have us do.

We will confirm
what the sack contains first.

We will send it to England
on the first ship for confirmation.

This sack isn't going on no ship.

Nuts of iron. Nuts of fire.

Then how do you propose to
refine the silver, Sharrow?

I held rocks in my hand,

flecked, cut, shot

with silver.


More rocks than I could dig
up in a month, six months.

I've witnessed what is out there
and I know what it's worth

to Jamestown, Virginia...

you gentlemen,

- all of us.

- All of us.
- All of us, yeah!

I alone can say
where the treasure is, so...

I will decide what is right...

and what is wrong.

- Well said, Henry Sharrow!
- Yeah!

Will we drink to your good fortune, Henry?

Your throat must be as dry
as a dead dog's bones.

Uh, no. There'll be no drinking, Meredith.




You're not worth the blood
that runs in your veins.

Pay no heed to my wife, Henry.

She's a beetle-headed flax wench!

Have a drink with me,
my true penny friend.

I can't bear that he is free to terrify me.

We will see that he is
locked up for his crimes.


It must have been a terrible fire

- that you could not save your brother.
- I didn't kill Henry.

But you fear him.

I can see it.

Why do you look for him
if you dread finding him?

He saved me many times.

I want to know if he needs my help.

Do you love your brother, Silas?

He's my brother.


The Saxons called it siolfor.

The Spanish discovered great veins
rich in silver high in the uplands.

And then the saka takers.

It is said that there
were a thousand mines.

RUTTER: I heard the same, sir.

Whole mountains made of silver.


What of my precious dirt, sir?

Since there is no trier of minerals here.

[SIGHS] You will require a fierce heat
to burn off the impurities.

You might borrow my own crucible.

You know the man to do it.

There ain't a better man
for 100 mile at taming fire

than James Read himself.
Fine man. Friend of mine.

I'll ask him, Henry, on your behalf.

- I'll speak with Read.
- Well, we'll request him together.

You must have him crush the ore
into smaller pieces

to make the material porous.

Use lead as a flux to bind
the metal in the ore

and then reduce the ore to slag.

How intriguing it all is.

I have medicines, Henry,

that might help heal your face.

I'm grateful for your
consideration, Dr Priestley,

but my face is cured enough.

Let me at least apply some yarrow
to calm the pain.

Thank you, sir.

But the pain is mine to bear.


Are you the devil?

Will you devour me?

Up you get, lass.

JOCELYN: Master Sharrow,
may I speak with you?

Your name will, before too long,
be renowned.

All of London will know
that Henry Sharrow delivered

the greatest riches
ever known to a settler.

To an Englishman.

You will doubtless be plagued with
false friends and companions.

Perhaps you might be in
need of wise counsel.

Your husband is known
as an honest fellow.

- He is.
- Yeah.

I slaved for eight years
with these hands.

Every day of it I
belonged to another man.

I called him "sir" when I addressed him.

I insisted upon it.

Because I knew the day would come

when it would be my turn.

Tell your husband, next time you see him,

he's to call me "sir".

And he's to bow before me.

Then I'll consider whether

him and all those like him
will belong to me.


It was then I arrived here.

Henry Sharrow followed me down to
the water's edge and he raped me.

Why do you accuse him now?

Henry left Jamestown,

believed dead. There was
no need for me to report it.

Now that he's returned,
I'm asking for justice.

Is it not, perhaps,

because Sharrow is now
a man of great wealth?

I-I don't want his silver.

I want him to face the law
for what he did to me.

He bought you.

Yet you married his brother.

Is it possible you bring this case
to discredit Henry

in order to justify your abandoning him

when he so kindly brought you here?

Won't you at least question the man?

We're questioning Mistress Sharrow.

Shame on your church-kneed,

worm-livered, Christian souls!

We women were promised

the protection of England's
own laws if we came here,

but in this place it seems
blackness is a virtue!

Come, Verity, let us go.

Henry Sharrow can come after me
again any time that he chooses to.

How can I live here knowing that?

This business might serve in our favour.

Gallows might make Sharrow biddable.

Henry Sharrow isn't biddable.

The man's barely human.

Give us this day our daily bread...


And lead us not into temptation.

Day our daily bread.

Forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us.


It will require an oven
built of bricks and clay

- to obtain sufficient heat.
- We'll all put our hand to it.

I didn't say I'd take on the task.

Well, of course you will, James Read.

Of course he will, Henry.
Why would you say such a thing?

James, let me just
utter one word to you.

Mark it well.


There. Riches and wealth
and plenty and treasure.

Ain't them good enough reasons
for us all to be companions, eh?

Henry knows why I might
not want to help him.

Well, you're the only man here
who can assist me.

- I promise you great reward.

Will you trade with me?

Name it.

I'll build an oven,
I'll... I'll smelt your ore.

I'll give you your silver

and you will stay away from Alice Kett.

She ain't a Kett no more.
She's a Sharrow.

Build the oven.

He must see that you're
not afraid of him.

But I'm sick with fear.


You stay out of Henry's way
until Silas returns.

Supposing Silas never comes back?


I might have saved Henry.

But my courage failed me.

I'd asked him to die because...

he raped a woman.

The woman who was to be his wife.

So it is about the woman.

Yeah, it is.


Do you want to kill your brother now?

No, I want to find him,
I want to help him.

I don't want to kill him.
Why would I want to kill him?

Perhaps you do not know
yourself well enough.

The man at the Appamattuck village, Davie,

- he lied to us.
- Why do you say that?

I saw it in the face of his wife.

Why are you telling me this now, Chacrow?

Because now I think you are ready to know.

- My brother's gone back to Jamestown?
- Yes.


♪ He cries for poverty
Spends what he has heartily ♪

♪ He drinks more than he eats ♪

♪ For good fellowship is free! ♪


Henry... I see you have all
the fellowship a man could wish for.

And so you should. Tenured men
came here on salted promises

of pledges of your own lands and wives.

Henry, will you drink with me
to jubilate your wild good fortune?

No, you have that drink for me, Meredith.

I surely will!



What do you want, Secretary?

The maid Alice has made
a complaint against you, Henry.

We have no wish to regard such calumny.

Indeed, we know that...

you are a man who, in good faith,
paid for himself a wife.

But now she knows your brother's bed.

Would you still like to take
her for your own, Henry?

Can be remedied.

What would you like in
return, Secretary Farlow?

Let us not be so shallow galled.

When a man ventures into
the position of wealth,

he enters the universe of politics.

Do you imagine those
that rule here and in England

will allow you to surpass them? No.

You need a protector.

Someone potent in the
wiles of governments.

Every man in here tonight

is willing to throw away
their senses. For what?

RUTTER: Am I right?

Perhaps they have a need to.

I threw my senses away once.

Not on drink.

I am a prisoner of my own deeds.

I would have your answer.

You have my answer.


♪ Spends what he has heartily ♪

♪ Drinks more than he eats
For good fellowship is free! ♪




Silver... silver...

How long until your husband wakes?

An hour.

Is this the same place as where
Henry Sharrow found the silver?

I do not know.

The Governor took this
from a dead man's coffin.

What would become of him
should that be discovered?

And so, dear Lady Yeardley,

I will say nothing of what I know

if you abide by my instructions.

Samuel tells me that the ship
will be with us in a week or so.

When the letter from your cousin arrives,

you will pass it to me unopened.

Is that understood?


Ma'am, we must not go
about the town without

the sign of the Virgin Mary before us.

Ma'am, we might meet
the devil on the street!

We must fend him off.


Go on. Do it.

I will not stop you.




Look at me, Alice.


Look at my face.

Fate has scarred me.

So that I never forget the man I am.

I won't ask you for your forgiveness.

How can I?

I ask for your mercy.

Then if you can't give me that, then...





I'm a man that keeps my word.

I'll pay you for the dagger.

When will it be ready?

Perhaps today.

Perhaps tomorrow.


Anyone travel with you
to discover the treasure?

No, I went alone.

- No Indian guides?
- No one.

De La Warr's map.
Did you have sight of it?

I had no need to.

You have one possibility:

To return to mine the silver
from the ground.

That's too vast an operation
for one man, as you know.

I will offer a wondrous
plenty to all who follow me.

Any man that betrays
me or thieves from me,

lies to me.

They'll wish they never
set eyes on my wretched face.


What a day this might be, eh?
A day of days.

A day beyond days.

- We should mark it with an ale.
- VERITY: Rutter!

You fobbin', mewlin' puke of a man!

You'd like the arsehole of a beast
like Henry Sharrow

in the hope of a taste
of some precious dirt!

Hold your fat tongue, woman!

Is there not a day that passes

where you don't mock the wheel
with your foul mouth?!

I am loyal to my friend.
What are you faithful to, Rutter?

Is this the toad that I am shackled to?

I see no shackles, woman.


I'll tell you what I did wrong...

stayed with a woman a day too long!



you stand accused of desertion
since keeping company with the Indians.

You'll be charged and tried.

How do you fancy the gallows?

You come to Leon.

You turn over the whereabouts
of the silver,

clemency is yours.

If I die by the rope,
then my knowledge goes with me.

Do you suppose men
will let that happen here?

- MAN: Henry! Good luck, brother.
- Marshal?


Has my brother returned to Jamestown?

Get back to work, you dogs!

You have inspired every man here, Henry.

And inspiration makes a man thirsty.

- So I thank you! [LAUGHS]
- Henry...


I'm so grateful to see you alive.

I've been looking for you.

I spoke with the Appamattuck.

They told me they'd taken you in.

I couldn't get to you in that fire.
I couldn't reach you.

My spirit abandoned me.

You needed your brother and...

for that terrible moment...

I couldn't move.

I want to repay you.

I want to be a true brother to you.

Will you let me?

Will you give me that chance?



Didn't I plead with you not to go?

I was...

I was overcome with
the need to find my brother.

All the while I was alone
in the wilderness,

you never escaped my mind.

Have you any idea
how much fear I've suffered?

On our wedding day,
you promised you'd protect me.

And you know...
You know what Henry did to me

and still you left me here all alone!

- Shh, shh, shh.
- How can I trust you now?

- I had to fend for myself.
- Shh, shh.

- Alice, you have to...
- No!

I would ask that you sleep outside.

May I ask...

how did you come
by this document, George?

It's best you leave such matters
to me, Temperance.

Yes. Of course.


Does your husband not deserve
your loyalty and respect?

Not solely with your actions
and your words.

I mean with your mind.

Your thoughts. Your beliefs.

- Is it not so?
- It is so.

It'll be chaos, Henry,

if men abandon their labours
for no good reason.

The dolts will run and
those same men will die.

Then, the farms will suffer.

We need you to tell them that it is futile

to scour the mountains with no more
than hope to guide them.

Tell them you had a map.

You did have a map, Henry, didn't you?

There is a reason why
they should search and perish.

What is it?

The more men who die,

the more the ones who remain
will see that they actually need me.

I'll tell your hands not to
search, Master Massinger,

if you agree to sell me a farm.

I see you...

carry a dagger in your belt
these days, Sharrow.

Beware that the day don't come

when you will need it.



Your spirit will be glad now, James Reade.

The whole town believes as you do...

Silas Sharrow is not worthy
of a dog's respect.

I'll take no pleasure in any
man's hardship or ruin.

My brother's the returning hero.

You want to know what a man believes,

not what he says, not what he thinks,

it's what he does.


I've got no life left for me here now.

Taking your wife away somewhere, then?

If she'll come with me.

I knew a silversmith back in
England when I was a boy.

When he was refining,

he would stare at the fire,

like he was possessed.

His eyes fixed.

Never flinching.

And this is what he said to me.


is about purity.

Nothing else.

The fire removes the imperfections.

Do you see what that taught me, Silas?

Is that not a man's true work?

So... Henry's rocks have been washed
and crushed.

Now we roast them over the oven's heat.

We must heat the lead
shot until it's molten.

Once mixed together,

the lead will extract the impurities,

so that only the silver remains.

Ain't it beautiful?


Now will you drink to glory? Eh?

Come on!




Shame on you, Sharrow.

If any of you men had half
the courage of Silas Sharrow,

you'd face him alone, not
in your swaggering mob.

Have you forgotten the Silas
you've known for so many years

or is your fellowship really so fickle?


I'm sorry, Silas.

For spurning you.

It was my wounded spirit,
it got the better of me.

I love you.


There's no place for us here
any more, Alice.

The world's turned.

This whole town will be my brother's
to do with as he chooses.


See how you'll prosper
without a woman, Rutter!

RUTTER: Shackled no more!

Shackles be damned!


You took great risks going so far
off into the mountains, Henry.

A man of such courage

and will deserves to bask
in the acclaim of his fellows.

And the benefits of his riches.

When that day arrives.

You saw the silver, Governor.

I saw silvery metal.

You doubt me?

Nature has made fools of better men
than you and I, Henry Sharrow.

I urge you to hold fast your celebrations

until the metal is truly verified
by Dr Priestley.

Try anything you want.

Fortune belated...

BOTH: Is still a fortune.

My purpose here tonight
was not to doubt Henry Sharrow,

but to delay him.

He has found the true
source, so prepare the men.

And when the doctor confirms the discovery,

- we'll set out.
- You say you have a map, Governor.

Is it the diagram De La Warr made, and...

will you pass it to me
that I might examine it

in advance of my departure?

There will be no need for that.
You'll be escorting me.

I will lead this expedition myself.

You are making allies with the Governor.

And you are making confederations
with Henry Sharrow.

You are enlisting men for an expedition,

- secretly.
- He hardly has a map.

There is no greater affliction
than to be deceived

by the man you are deceiving.

Then we must decide whose side we're on.

Yeardley or Sharrow.

Will you never learn, Thomas?

We are on all sides.

We must be of service
to anyone who needs us.

Until the day comes when they
rely on us a little too much.





What's that?

It's the sound of no woman about.

Isn't this the life?


That's what the Powhatan call it.

They use it to decorate themselves.


It has a much lower
melting point than silver.

To verify Henry's metal is silver,
we must use two crucibles.

Both vessels are to be placed
in the fire at the same time,

and presented under the same heat.

If this melts before Henry's does,
then we can confirm that his is precious.

But, if the furnace makes both metals
molten at the same time,

then they are the one mineral,
not silver, but antimony.

Melt them.



Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name...








Fire! Help!


- Help!
- Mercy?!



- Help!
- Help!




Sound the alarm!

Bring some water!


Form a line from the well!


Not too close!






Water! Water!




Antimony... Henry's silver.


I'm sorry, Henry.

I must declare these metals
be one and the same.

We might take them both to England
to be tested, but I promise you sir,

this is as good a vouchsafe as any.

- The metal is worthless!

- That can't be.
- Fool's riches!

Not so proud now, eh, Henry Sharrow?




You'll always be my brother.

- Silas?

Marshal, stand down the men.

There will be no expedition.

The map is worthless.

JOCELYN: The map is worthless.

She has me in her grip.

I am expert at making enemies and
now she has mean to destroy me.

A general assembly of representatives
from all of Virginia.

What will become of us if we are
to answer to hedge-born planters?

Is he to stay in our home?
How can I sleep with him there?

Master Massinger's labourers.
Men intended for company land.

- What do you want from us?
- Massinger's bought himself some slaves.

And why was I not offered any of them?

Mercy, let us live brightly. We do
not know how much life we have left.


Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx