Iris (2009–…): Season 1, Episode 20 - Episode #1.20 - full transcript

Hyun-Jun and the NSS are able to save the hostages, but with the cost of Sa-Woo's life. But on the night of the summit, the NSS receives word that the hostages were actually IRIS soldiers in disguise.

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Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad

Hyun Jun returns to the NSS after
hearing that Baek San and Jin Sa Woo,

who were being transported, had escaped.

Jin Sa Woo and Director Baek San
have fled while being transported!

Chul Young and Seon Hwa find
a clue to yet another conspiracy,

and are coming to South Korea.

I will go with you to South Korea.

Meanwhile, Jeong Hyung Jun is assassinated by Vick.

Hyun Jun finds Vick, but ends up
not finding out anything about IRIS.

Baek San and Jin Sa Woo, where are they?

Hyun Jun!

The NSS captures Baek San in IRIS's hideout,

but Sa Woo and the mercenaries
hold a large number of people hostage.

What? People are being held hostage?

Final Episode

What is it?

The assault team was trying to get
in and the booby trap got them.

Check all the booby traps at all entrances
again and strengthen our security.

Yes, sir.

What is it?

We were caught by a booby trap
while attempting to enter the building.

We haven't even confirmed the number of terrorists,

and you're trying to enter the building?

A counter-terrorist operation is all about moving out early.

Don't you know that we'll be at a disadvantage

if we give the enemy time to
prepare against the assault?

If you can't guarantee the safety of the hostages,

then don't attempt an entry at any time.

Who are you to order me around?

- You want to die?
- Go ahead and shoot me.


All right.

The assault team that was trying to
enter the building has been attacked.

How many casualties?

Three people were killed because
the bomb that was setup exploded.

I want to hear the news on the scene directly.

Please prepare the TP*

{\a6}(*Tele Presence: a remote video conference system)

Yes, sir.


Yes, sir.

Yes, sir, this is Kim Hyun Jun.

From now on, the operation will be directed by the NSS.

All right, sir.

From now on, the NSS will be directing the operation.

We'll put the building entry on hold

until we have more information
about the situation inside.

Are you saying we should let
go of everything and wait?

According to the analysis from the NSS,

it can be inferred that the terrorists have a
biochemical weapon in their possession.

A reckless entry may cause
the death of all hostages.

I heard it was a situation where hostages were being held,

where is the site of the operation?

Don't go to the operation and return to the agency.

Who's in charge of the operation right now?


I'll go to the site of the operation. Tell me the location.


Even if you don't tell me, I can easily find out.

Please allow me to go. I'm going
to go to the site of the operation.

We're connected to the inside!

- Aren't there any other ones?
- It's just this one.

The fact that the only live circuit is
accurately showing the hostages,

probably means that they're
showing this to us on purpose.

Transmit the video capture from
the security camera to the NSS,

so they can also see it.

Yes, sir.

It's me, sir. I've captured the video
from the shopping mall's security camera.

I'll connect it so that it can also be viewed from that side.

This is a live feed from a security
camera inside the shopping mall.

If we estimate the number of hostages
at a minimum... it's still past a hundred.

And the terrorists are armed with automatic handguns.

That gas mask you see around that guy,

it's a special gas mask for biochemical substances.

It's a model that surpasses normal
gas masks in filtering out chemicals.

I'm sure they're going to use biochemical weapons.

[Receiving call]
[Foreign Affairs Minister Yu Kang Oh]

This is Park Chul Young.


Yes. I'll discuss it with those in Pyeong Yang.

What is it, sir?

Hostages are being held in the middle of Seoul.

They've captured the entirety of a giant mall.

Whose doing is this?

Although the identity and the demands
of the terrorists aren't known yet,

it's assumed that it has something to do with the summit.

I think it's IRIS's doing

Then, is the VIP's schedule going to change?

Not yet.

Since it's not confirmed yet,

Joong Bum, you check over the VIP's schedule.

All right, sir.

And Seon Hwa, you check to see how
the hostage situation progresses.

Yes, sir.

What are you doing here?

I've received orders from Section Chief
Park to come support the operation.

Tae Sung is enough for giving
support in the operation here.

You go to the agency.

If I stay at the agency,
I'll be worried about you.

Don't worry about me.

Tell them about our demands as prepared.

It's ready, sir.

Look here.

It's a video message that's just been transmitted.

I think they're purposely feeding it to our equipment.

- Send it to the NSS as well.
- I'm already sending it.

Currently we are...

holding 107 hostages captive.

All the entrances leading to the shopping mall

have been completely sealed.

An explosive equipped with Soman gas

has been installed in the ventilation shafts of each entrance.

From what I know,

President Jo Myung Ho

will announce what has been agreed
about the summit tomorrow at 7:00 PM.

Our demand is...

that President Jo Myung Ho

announce the cancellation of the summit.

Also! We demand that he announces that
all economic ties with the North and South,

talks between the North and South be cancelled,
and that the unified line between the North and South

be cut.

Tomorrow at 7:00 PM,

if the president does not make the
announcements as we demanded,

the 107 here, along with thousands
of citizens around this shopping mall,

will be sacrificed in the Soman gas.


is the penalty for attempting to break in.

Hit the floor!

What are you doing right now?

Under whose orders did you kill those hostages?

Since you're from the NSS,

you must not know about the side that has to harm hostages.

Terror literally means to deliver fear.

In order to acquire the demands we have set,

clearly delivering fear is the secret to success.

My goal isn't unnecessary sacrifice!

This is the way these guys and I work.

According to you,

the fear these guys will have towards me,

will dramatically increase if I kill you.

This is the last warning.

If you go against my orders again,


you'll be finished.

Does that mean it's the work of IRIS again?

Along with that, there was a demand to stop

all relations and talks with the North
and to announce that information.

What if we refuse?

They said if we don't announce it by that time,

they will use the biochemical weapons
they have installed on the hostages.

What is that Soman gas?

In the G-series gases, there are
Tabun, Sarin, and Soman gases,

and the Soman gas is the nerve
agent with the highest death rate.

The gas will not only harm the
107 people being held hostage,

but if it leaks out from the building,

it will harm people within a one kilometer radius.

Comrade Chief will enter South
Korea tomorrow as scheduled.

We have to take care of this situation
somehow before the media conference.

It's an issue that puts the lives
of many hostages at stake.

I don't think it will be taken care of that easily.

If you don't take care of the
situation before the conference,

then there's no choice but to cancel the summit.

We want to investigate the scene also,
please let us dispatch our men there.

Someone from the North has come.

The director has given permission.

They failed to connect to the
shopping mall's security system,

even from the NSS intelligence room.

Considering the building's structure, there's
no way to deploy a spy camera into it.

If we risk the number of hostages,

then we could disable the booby
traps and enter the building.

We can't because of the Soman gas.

Even though they said it was with the hostages,

considering the weak sustainability of the Soman gas,

there's a high chance that they
installed it in the ventilation room

or the air purifier to increase its efficiency.

That's also too uncertain.

What's important is that we
understand the situation inside.

Yes, sir.

I'll do that.

What is the order?

We'll have to deliver our demands required for the next stage.

The NSS wants to send in an agent to negotiate.

Let them come in.

I will directly deliver our demands this time.

Hyun Jun, it can't be you.

Send in someone else.


Are you really asking because you don't
know? We're dealing with IRIS here.

You're the one in most danger.

If you're talking about danger,
it'll be the same for anyone else.

Hyun Jun.

Sa Woo will be inside.

That's what I'm believing in,

because Sa Woo...

isn't the type of person to kill
during negotiations at least.


Turn around and put your hands up.

Put your hands down.

Turn around.

Follow me.

Go outside.


I carefully thought about what you said,
how I didn't know anything about you...

To see if it was really like that...

To see if, during the short time we spent together,

what it was that I knew about you...

- And what the memories we had shared togeth-
- Stop it.

You've now sat down to negotiate.

- Just tell me if you're going to meet our demands or n-
- Wait, Sa Woo, just listen to me.

When I thought about it,

I really did have a lot of things I
didn't know about you, like you said.

Stuff like being closer than blood brothers...

is just another vague emotion.

I really had a lot of things I didn't know.

A long time ago, when we went out to
Itaewon after finishing our 1000 li* march,

{\a6}(*li is a unit of measurement for distance;
1 li = ~0.393 km; 1000 li = ~400 km)

I didn't get the tattoo with you,

because the thought of tattooing a little bird

and calling it a phoenix was so childish, but...

if I think about it now,

I wonder why I didn't do it then.

I should've done...

something like that...

to engrave our memories...

of being together.

Why didn't I do it?

Stop it!

You and I...

have come too far

to bring up such things as past memories now.

Even if I don't know anything about you at all,

I know at least one thing.

Right now, you're making the wrong decision.

You've already done something
you're going to regret.

Am I wrong?

How can you, Jin Sa Woo,

hold those children hostage and threaten them?

That's definitely not you.

Stop blabbering on about useless things and
tell me the conditions for the negotiation.


I'll say our side's demands first.

Release the IRIS associates

who are being held in North Korea right now.

The terrorists have demanded something new.

They want us to release the IRIS members
who are being held captive in North Korea,

and transport them to China and Syria.

That is outside our authority.

That's deliberately telling us to
tell the North to stop the summit,

and also meddle in their internal affairs.

Please call Park Chul Young.

Yes, sir.

All right, sir.

I will deliver the message onto Comrade Chief.

Yes, sir. I will contact you again.

Other than the cancellation of the North-
South summit, there's another demand.

They're demanding that we release the IRIS
associates who are being interrogated

by the security department, and transport them overseas.

Isn't there a way to solve the problem
by using a plan to suppress them?

The terrorists you are dealing with right
now are not your average terrorists,

and Jin Sa Woo, who is leading them,

was someone who was unsurpassed in the
special forces as a counter-terrorist specialist.

Now that Jin Sa Woo is involved in their plan,

it will be difficult to have a rescue mission
that involves no hostage casualties.

Is there a possibility that the hostages
will be freed safely if I cancel the summit?

If I were to tell you honestly,

there's no guarantee.

The president has given us permission
for the counter-terrorist operation.

Is he willing to risk the lives of the hostages?

It is the decision of the NSS intelligence

that they will not let the hostages go
safely even if the demands are met.

Right now, knowing that sacrificing hostages is inevitable,

it's important that we keep that sacrifice to a minimum.

We will meet all of your demands.

That's good...

that we can reduce the number of unnecessary sacrifices.

However, there is a condition.

Tell me.

Let the women and children go first.

I said we'll meet all of your demands.

It's not all of your hostages,
just the women and children.


Take them and go.

Free the women and children right now.

I can't do that!

What are you doing right now?

To kill all the hostages here,

is the order I received.


Who ordered such a thing?!

Mr. Black.

Bravo, enter.


Hey! You retard!

Sa Woo!

Are you all right?

Sa Woo. Sa Woo.

Sa Woo.

Sa Woo, Sa Woo, get a hold of yourself.

Hey, man,


made me...

hell of a lot lonely.

H-h-hey, man,



I know, I know, I know, Sa Woo.

I know your feelings.

You don't need to strain yourself to say it.

Don't say it. Don't do it. Don't do it.


never once...

doubted your true feelings, Sa Woo...

even till the end.

Sa Woo. Sa Woo. Sa Woo.

Sa Woo. Sa Woo. Sa Woo, get a hold of yourself.

Sa Woo, get a hold of yourself.
Get a hold of yourself, Sa Woo.

Sa Woo.

Sa Woo.

Sa Woo. Sa Woo.

Sa Woo!

Hey, Sa Woo.

You were never...

in my heart!

I can never forgive you.




Sa Woo.

Sa Woo. Sa Woo.

Sa Woo.

Sa Woo.

Sa Woo.

Sa Woo! Sa Woo!

Sa Woo.

Sa Woo...

I know all your feelings. Sa Woo...

I know. I know...

I heard about Sa Woo.

I shouldn't have brought him into the NSS...

It's all my fault.

Your fault is stopping me from killing Baek San.

I can't stand the fact that the
person who killed all the people...

that have made a relationship with me, and made them suffer...

is alive.

I told you,

that living can give a worse pain than death.

They're looking for you in the Blue House.

Hey, Seung Hee.

Why are you like this?

They're telling you to hurry up and
finish up the operation, and report it.

It's the director's order.

Go in first.

I'll go in a little later.

Yes, sir...

I already said I won't do it.

I don't want to do it.

No, that's fine.

How have you been, sir?

Ah, you've done well.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to prevent
the sacrifices of a few citizens.

However, wasn't it due to that sacrifice

that we were able to show them that
they aren't able to go against our will?

You have to leave after ten minutes if
you want to meet the schedule you have

with the international press conference, sir.

I will go first to see that the
preparations have been made.

Go ahead.

It's rude, but may I ask you a question?

Sure, what is it?

This summit,

is it worth so much that we have to go through with it

even with all these sacrifices?

Well, are you asking...

what kind of value unification has right now?

In a historical advancement,

pain is said to follow.

If we avoid pain because we are afraid of it,

then we won't be able to achieve anything.

I thought your thoughts were the same?


am not sure.

The people who have been sacrificed in the past two years,

have had nothing to do with summits, unification,

or whatnot.

That historical advancement is worth it...

for those who have been sacrificed,

I'm not sure.

Today is a day of our victory.

We have to let all our citizens know
that we've gone past this ordeal.

I hope you will be with me...

in the press conference.

I've finished checking the surroundings.

There are no abnormalities.

There are no problems, sir.

I'm the team leader of the NSS's counter-terrorist department.

You know that security will be handled by both
the presidential security and the NSS, right?


I want to check Code 1's route.

The space that's been prepared in front of the
international reporters section is the photo zone.

Code 1, after arriving along with the
VIPs in area A, which is beside the road,

will move here.

After taking photos with the international reporters,

Code 1 will move to the conference room.

Thank you.

[Seung Hee]
[Section Chief Park Sang Hyun]

[Seung Hee]

Yes, Section Chief. Where
are you right now, sir?

I've come to the agency with
the bodies of the terrorists

that we've collected, along with their possessions.


I'm going to the press conference escorting Code 1.

Section Chief.

Did they find team leader Choi
Seung Hee's whereabouts?

Choi Seung Hee?

No. I don't know.

I thought she came back to the
agency, but she's not here either.

She reported in just a minute ago from the security car.

She's at the press conference right now.

The press conference?

You heard her, right? She's
at the press conference.

Yes, I heard. All right, sir.

Section Chief Park! Section Chief Park!

Hey, Section Chief Park!
Section Chief Park!

Hey, Section Chief Park!

Hey, you're out of breath.
Is something the matter?

We killed the wrong people.

Sorry? What do you mean?

The dead terrorists, weren't terrorists at all.

The results from the body identification unit came back,

and the people we thought were terrorists,

were actually the hostages
being held in the shopping mall.

The bastards disguised the
hostages as the terrorists!


Please hurry.


Go to the reporters.

Number 3, at destination.

[Receiving call]
[Section Chief Park Sang Hyun]


- We're in big trouble.
- What's the matter, sir?

All the terrorists at the scene are free now.

The people we killed weren't the terrorists,

but hostages that were disguised as terrorists!

I'm not sure if they have something else in mind.

They will arrive soon.

Code 1, one minute until arrival.

Checking location.

Sierra 1, check.

Sierra 2, check.

Sierra 3, check.


We've acquired the sniper locations.

First team, go.

The rest of you, be on standby here.

The VIP will arrive first, then Code 1 will arrive.

Now the weather is very cold.

Let's do this.


[Hyun Jun]

[Hyun Jun]

- Take the president and go.
- Stay here.

I think we have to move, sir.

Go ahead and move!

Seon Hwa!

No! Get a hold of yourself!

Get a hold of yourself!

Seon Hwa get a hold of yourself!

Get a hold of yourself!

Don't lose consciousness.


Call an ambulance!

What about the president?

What, you?

No, it's not me.

It's the ideals I embrace.

They were too big for a vessel* like you.

{\a6}(*Korean idiom meaning a person's capability.)

For a larger, more sufficient vessel to take its place,

I need to break the small one.


Isn't a bundle of flowers and
saying thanks a little lacking,

when the Republic's greatest
warrior saved your life?

Well, I kept thinking about it on the way,

but nothing would come to mind, so...

I'll leave, so think about something good to say.

Is it really...

just these flowers?


I'm going back to Pyeong Yang tomorrow.

I'll be coming back down along with Our Leader.

What would I be doing by then?

What's for sure is that I won't be by the president,

because I don't want to be involved
in such a horrible incident again.

I don't know when I'll be coming back,

but I hope there won't be a situation
where we have to point guns at each other.

I have something to say.

That time,

at the moment the president
appeared at the press conference...

No, don't say it.

The debt you have in your heart,

I know it isn't easy for you to get rid of it all at once.

You told me...

you prayed for me not to have
nightmares when I was asleep, right?

Now I'll be the one to do that,

so that you can quickly get away...

from your dark past.

{\a6}There's a wind is blowing inside my heart

{\a6}Your image is being erased

{\a6}While having a dream called regret,

[Three months later]

{\a6}I stand here here missing you.

{\a6}I lasted a day because

{\a6}you said you love me

{\a6}I lasted a month because

Hey, Section Chief Park!

Oh! Section Chief Hwang was here, too!

Let's all go out to eat today. It's all on me!

- Why are you doing that all of a sudden?
- Did something good happen?

They went up. Five consecutive
times! Everything that I bought!

This is the first time

I've ever had something like this in the
thirty-two years of my investments!

Bravo! Congratulations!

By any chance, you're not planning anything, are you?

Hey, Mrs. Hwang,

I'm just kidding, sir.

Which type of stock was it?

You don't have to care about
types of stocks nowadays,

everything I touch turns to gold!

Man, the North-South summit is scary.

Since you suppressed all of the evil crimes,

you have to go all out for sure today!

Be sure to call Hyun Jun and Seung Hee.

Don't try to look for them.

They won't ever be coming back.


Are you just going to keep on sleeping?

Yeah, just a little longer.

I'm hungry.

Then order something from room service for now.

Are you really going to be like this?

Get washed and come out immediately.

Hey, were you always like this?


I mean, did you always nag me so much before?

This doesn't even count as nagging you know?

Oh my god...

What is this? Quickly...

Get up!



- Get up!
- All right, all right.

Oh, my back.

Wake up.

Hey, single-celled organism!

You're a single celled organism, aren't you?

You whine when you're hungry and
go all happy when I feed you.

You think you're any different?

What about me?

- Yesterday, you didn't even let me sleep...
- Hey! What, when did I, do what?

Well, I'm satisfied.

{\a6}You cannot hear me.

{\a6}If we had met and loved

{\a6}during different times,

{\a6}a different place,

{\a6}would we be happy right now?

{\a6}For the rest of my life,

{\a6}It should have been you,

{\a6}But, now it will only be my staggering figure...

{\a6}Since I can't hate you

{\a6}or forget you,

They're really cute, right?

They're pretty.

Hey, should we have five?

- What?
- Our kids.

Man, you have big dreams.

What, are you proposing to me right now?

Well, you could look at it like that.

Just give me five of them.

What kind of a proposal is
haphazard and without a ring?

Oh my god, I can't recognize this at all. I can't.

Hey! Why are you so picky?


{\a6}For the rest of my life,

{\a6}It should have been you,

{\a6}But now it will only be my staggering figure...

{\a6}Since I can't hate you

{\a6}or forget you,

{\a6}I guess

{\a6}there's nothing left for me to do,

{\a6}other than to love you.

{\a6}Since I can almost, but reach you,

{\a6}I guess that's why you're so
beautiful although you're far away.

[First Kiss]
[9:00 AM - 10:00 AM]

{\a6}Even though the more I love you,

{\a6}the more it hurts,

{\a6}Why must my heart tell me that it has to be you?

{\a6}Since I can't hate you

{\a6}or forget you,

{\a6}I guess there's nothing left for me to do

{\a6}other than to love you.

Even though we loved each other,

now we're breaking up.

Even though we're under the same sky, in different places,

please don't forget me.

Because I miss your laughter that I hear whenever

The cold wind brushes the tip of my fingers,

Your two eyes that reflected my face,

Because I'm lonely, I cry and cry again.

The words I couldn't say,

since my lips were frozen

Even though we loved each other,

now we're breaking up.

Even though we're under the same sky, in different places,

Please don't forget me.

Even though we loved each other,

now we're breaking up.

Even though we're under the same sky, in different places,

Please don't forget me.

Brought to you by WITH S2
Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad

Main Translator: munchinghippo

Spot Translators: mineun & songbird

Timer: hitomi83

Editor/QC: HUAY

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

You know the chuno* by the name of Lee Dae Gil, right?

{\a6}(*slave hunter)

That's me.

January 6, 2010
KBS 2TV Special Production Drama
Jang Hyuk

Jang Hyuk

I'm not running away because I'm being chased.

I'm running forward to find someone.

Oh Ji Ho

Are you a runaway slave?
It seems that he's not a slave.

Lee Da Hae

First episode airs on Wednesday, January 6, 2010.

{\a6}KBS Special Production Drama