Inuyasha (2000–2004): Season 6, Episode 5 - Trap of the Cursed Wall Hanging - full transcript

Inuyasha and the gang meet Shinosuke, who is looking for his fiancée. They are led to a village of only women, and are separated by sex into their rooms. Kagome is left together with Sango. She asks Sango about her relationship with Miroku.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Darkness and Light!

Into the chaos of
the Feudal Era,

the Sacred Jewel brings a
group of strangers together.

500 years across time,
their destinies are controlled

by the few remaining shards
of the Jewel.

Feudal Fairy Tale.


Miroku and Sango have
a very delicate relationship.

Sango says that there's
nothing between them.

But I sense something
special between them.

You can now dream... furikazashi!

You can now dream... Brandish it!

I'm in a world... kakenuke yo!

I'm in a world... Run through it!

Yuuutsu ni nalu genjitsu ni tachi mukau

Stand up to a reality full of saddness

Mune no naka de seichou shitelu yuusha

A Hero who's growing up inside

Yuube mita yume ga sono zanzou ga

The memory of the Dream, which I saw last night

Myaku wo utsu "saa yuke" to

Jibun no kara yabutte

Breakout of your Shell

Fukulamu milai wo

A swelling future

muriyari ni tojikomeku no kai?

are you going to confine it?

You can now dream... furikazashi!

You can now dream... Brandish it!

Go in and try... kurikaeshi nayami

Go in and try... repeated wondering

Hatenaki hibi e to kimi mo

You too, to Endless days

Do you need to cry? kodoku tomo

Do you need to cry? Loneliness too...

Show me the fight... namida sulu tabi ni

Show me the fight... every time you cry

Yuluginai yume to nale

I will become your dream


Hey, wait!

He's run away.

A village of demon women?

I'm not kidding.
I saw them last night...

I went into the forest to gather
medicinal herbs and lost my way.

I wandered around and
ended up by a marsh...

The women carried something
and threw it into the marsh.

What was it?

I'm certain it was a dead body.
A body that had been skinned.

Humans wouldn't do
such a thing.

Demons! It's the work of
those demon women!

Demon women?
How frightening!

But I don't feel a strong
demonic aura in this area.

Kagome, do you sense
any Sacred Jewel shards?

Not at all.

If there aren't any
Sacred Jewel shards,

maybe we shouldn't go to
such a dangerous place.

No, you're wrong.


We have to check out every
spot that's suspicious.

That's the only way to get
the Sacred Jewel shards

before Naraku does.


Naraku's goal...

We can't let him complete
an impure Shikon Jewel.

You there, woman!
Is there a village nearby?


You're hurt.

I see. You were defeated
in battle...

Yes... However...

This is a strange village.

What do you mean?

I've been looking around...

and there are only women.

Yes, there are no men
in this village.

They all died in battle.

I see... In war, huh?

Please eat and drink.


But there are no children...
and no elderly either.

Wakana, take him
to the Kwannon shrine.

A-All right.




I fell asleep.

This is... inside a shrine?

A painting?

But why is it glowing?




What's wrong, Miroku?

I sensed a demonic aura
just now...

Demonic aura?!

Yes, it was for just an instant,
but I definitely felt it.

That old man mentioned a
marsh with demon women...

Yes, it was probably here.

There's something weird
floating downstream.


I-It can't be!


- Is he dead?
- Nope, he's alive.

Handle him more gently!

My name is Shinosuke.

Here you go.

T-Thank you.

What a gloomy guy!

Don't say such a thing.

You said you were looking for
your missing fiancée?


Just three days before the
wedding ceremony,

I was called up for battle.

I sustained serious wounds and
was unable to return home for two years.

A few days ago, I finally returned
to my hometown.

But the village
had been burned down.

And my fiancée, Wakana,
was gone.

I searched for her,
unsure if she was dead or alive.

I had just about given up,

when I heard about a village
solely inhabited by women.

A village with only women?

The village was made up
of women

who had lost their men and
children to war

and it was a place where they
supported each other.

And I thought that perhaps
Wakana had joined them.

Say, do you think this is connected
to that village of demon women?

Yes, especially about it being
a village of women only.

I understand!

We shall go with you!

But I don't even know
where it is.



Seems they've come
looking for us.

Yes, this is indeed a village for women
who have lost their loved ones.

We eke out a living here.

But this girl named Wakana
you are searching for is not...

I see.

- She's not here?
- Too bad.

What will you do?

I'll keep searching.

I cannot give up!

There's only Wakana for me!

- He's so earnest!
- I envy her!


Don't read anything into that.

Hey, Miroku...

Do you feel any demonic aura
or miasma?

I only pick up
the scent of water...

nothing suspicious, but...

With only women here,
you must be lonely.

Hey you! Are you listening?!

Yes, it is, Monk.

Oh well, I guess there's
no demonic aura around...

Huh?! The smell of death!

Miroku, isn't it time
we started off?

This isn't the village of the demon
women that we seek, is it?

Is that so?

Just a moment...

Traveling at night
is dangerous.

We are not able to
offer much, but...

Please stay the night here.

Oh yes, we humbly accept!


The ladies can please
follow me.

Gentlemen, that way.


Separate rooms?

Inuyasha, perhaps we
should continue our journey.

What're you saying?

You were the one who was
so eager to stay.


You don't like being
with us?


We're a lonely village
of women,

so we're happy to have
guests once in a while.

Please have a good night.

Isn't it nice that we don't
have to camp outside?

That's true, but...

We should be looking for the
village of demon women.

But that Miroku is such a
lecher for women!

Where are you, Wakana?


You are alive!

I'm so glad!

I thought you had
died in battle.

Do you wish to return to
your loved one's side?

I shall let you see him
again soon.

But it will be here.

For my sake...
Bring the man here.


Say, Miroku...

How do you feel about Sango?


Recently at Mount Hakurei,

you and Sango
were alone together.

Oh, you mean that time?

Did anything happen then?


I am the wind, remember!?


Sango... Sango!

Come on! Wake up, Sango!

How touching, Monk.

If you'd gone on ahead
without her,

you might have lived
a little longer...

You can't use the Wind Tunnel for
fear of the insects' poison!

Who does she think I am?!

If living longer means I have
to lose this precious girl...

Then I don't need this life!

Wind Tunnel!

The insect poison...
is spreading through my body...


Well? Nothing happened?

Nope, not at all.
Nothing at all.

Hey, Sango.

Is there really nothing
between you and Miroku?

What do you mean

Well, when we were at
Mount Hakurei...

you and he
were all alone, right?

During that time, did you make
any wonderful memories?

Sango, go on without me.

No! Only if you're with me!

I think... I might have
pushed myself too far.

So you have to be the
one who survives.


If it means leaving
you behind...

Then we'll die together!


I have a feeling I said
something like that...

But Miroku's attitude hasn't
changed one bit.

C'mon, nothing really happened?

Oh, Kagome!

There's nothing like that
between Miroku and me.

But you like Miroku,
don't you, Sango?


Are you kidding?!
Not that womanizer!


It's pretty obvious, though.

He's irresponsible, a delinquent
and lies without feeling any guilt.



But I think Miroku
likes you, Sango.

W-Why do you say that?

I just get the feeling.

That you're his special girl...

and he cherishes you.

Y-You really think so?

Right, Kirara?
Don't you think so, too?

What's the matter, Kirara?

I see, you lost your husband
in battle?


If there's any way that I can
comfort you, please tell me.

Oh, thank you, Monk.

Um, Sango?

I'm going to sleep.

Are you sure it's okay, Inuyasha?
To let Miroku go off like that?

Leave him!

That's way better than having him
here sighing all night.

Sango will be upset!


Are you...

really that stupid?

Err... Excuse me.


I'm going to sleep now.

I'll be leaving here at
first light

to continue my search
for Wakana.

Sure, do whatever you want.

I feel so sorry for Sango.

But she shouldn't be so proud.
She should just stop Miroku.

I guess that's impossible.

Huh? What's the matter, Kirara?



What's going on?

I'm going to follow them.

Wait, I'm going to get
Inuyasha, and Miroku.

They're probably close by.

Never mind. There's no time
to look for them.



What's this scent?



It's the smell of something living.

And a large number of them.

What's the matter, Inuyasha?


Go back to sleep!

- Inuyasha!
- Huh?

- Sango went off on her own.
- What?!

The smell of living
water creatures?

Yeah. I don't know
what it is,

but I suddenly picked
up the scent.

Just as the women started
to move.




Wakana, how I've searched
for you!

This way, Monk.

I see!

Inside a shrine...

seems as though the
Deity Kwannon will punish us.


Where did all those
women go?





Where is Sango?

Sango's scent stops here.


She may've gone
into the water.

W-What's that?

Kagome, stay back.

The village women!

Hey you! Whaddya do
with Sango?!

If you hid her somewhere...

Wait, Inuyasha!

There's demonic air seeping out
of their mouths!

They're being controlled
by something.

Don't hurt them.

Hah! So this is the demon women
village we were looking for.

Please comfort me, Monk.

Demonic aura...

Is there something
inside her belly?

Geez! Why does it always
end like this?!

What's the matter?

You're being manipulated,
aren't you?

And the one doing it is!

What kind of demon are you?!

I want your skin!

Skin, you say?

So you're conscious?

Where am I?!

We shall make you one of us.

W-What is that?

Some kind of egg?

Now, swallow this.

Swallow without chewing.

Shortly thereafter, the egg
will hatch inside your stomach.

And you shall become one of us.

Damn it!
As if I'd swallow such a thing!

Moshi ima kanashimi afulelu nala

If there's an overflow of sadness now

Watashi ni motalete naite ii kala

You can lean on me and cry

I get, I get, I get... Get the feeling

I get, I get, I get... Get the feeling

I get, I get, I get... Get the dreaming

I get, I get, I get... Get the dreaming

Tada kono mama

Just stay this way

Come my way

Come my way

Kono yami no hotoli

Alone in this darkness

Come close to me

Come close to me

Ima akali tomoshi

Now with the shinning light

I'll be with you... I'll be with you

I'll be with you... I'll be with you

Tada soba ni ilukara

I'll just be by your side

So come my way

So come my way

Come my way

Come my way

Sango is put under a demon's spell
and attacks Miroku.

No! Why must you two fight?!

You were forced to swallow one of those
demons? I will save you right now!

She won't be as easy to deal with
as those womenfolk.

Sango, you're a fearsome opponent!

But I can't let you kill me!

Next on Inuyasha:
"Miroku's Most Dangerous Confession"

To me, you are
a very special woman.