Into the Ring (2020): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(Episode 3)


(Resignation of Candidacy)

Don't do it.

Don't do what?

You told me to quit daydreaming...

in such a nasty tone.

Are you hitting the brakes
in my life whenever you please?

You just won't listen.

What are you doing?

Don't back out.

Why do you care
whether I back out or not?

You told me to
drop out of the election.

Now you want me to stay in it?


It's none of my business.

Where do you think you're going?

Pick it up.

Pick up every piece.

Goo Se Ra. You won't make it.

Just because of a rumor that
you got a job with connections,

your first thought
is to quit the election.

Who said it's a rumor?


It happened. I did pull a favor.

It's true.


(Into The Ring)

Then it wasn't a form
for you to hand in...

No. I was going to use it
in a video of my apology...

as a letter of resignation.

If I utter a word of falsehood,

I'll head over to CEMC and withdraw
my candidacy right away.

That was the statement
I was going to make.

- Are you going to apologize?
- Should I not, then?

It's not like they threatened me...

to go back to my previous job.

I did go to the interview, knowing
that I got the job with connections.

If someone is nice to you
without any reasons,

- you should be suspicious.
- I know, right?

I should have been careful...

with the guy who gave me
the job right away at the interview.

You're only eloquent when
you're criticizing people, right?

Who helped you get the position?

Who is it?

Hey, if you knew...

(Waiting Room)

Right here! Hello.

Sit right here.

You said that you didn't know
someone else already had the job...

and left that day
without taking the job.

But the company hired
one more temporary worker...

and told me that
they were going to make me...

compete with the temp
for a permanent position.

So I quit and left the company.

Those awful ideas are endless.

Oh, right.

I never got to properly
apologize that day.

I'm sorry.

I want my apology from the people
who are responsible for it.

What should I do?

"We plan to take..."

"legal actions against
anyone who spreads..."

"false accusations
and slander the candidate."

This is a warning.

Se Ra is taking this seriously.

By the looks of it,
they are in a fierce battle.

- Right.
- I found this too.

Look at this.

"Her dad used his friendship
to get her a job."

"And her mom went to
a different candidate..."

"to make money
by working for his campaign."

"Their daughter is begging
for votes..."

"with her experience
of filing ridiculous complaints."

"Family of three
with no conscience..."

"that feeds off others
their whole lives."

Gosh, this is too harsh.

You startled me.

Mr. Seo.

(Guidance Department)

(Oh Byeong Min)

Vote for Candidate Number Five
Goo Se Ra to make a world...

where moms and kids are happy.

Hello. Vote for Candidate
Number Five Goo Se Ra.

What are these jerks saying?

(Oh Byeong Min)

That's not true.

If she asked for a favor,
she would have gotten the job.

Why would she run for office?

I don't care if it's true or not.

Your daughter is running

You should have told me in advance,

so I wouldn't have hired you
from the get-go.

Come on.

Anyway, I want you off
my campaign starting now.

This is so unfair.

You know,

I can't afford to stop working.
I have to keep working, you know.

That's none of my business.

- The one who asked for a job?
- I guess so.


My gosh, no. I think
there was a misunderstanding.

Goodness. You have nothing
to worry about.


She could have gone after me,

but not my family.

First, let's find out
how this all started.

Find out who Rurumom is.


Look at this.

All the moms who are leaving harsh
comments signed up on the same day.

I found her.

(Selling a cell phone,
can meet in Mawon-gu)

"Selling a cell phone".

She can meet in Mawon-gu?

Since I don't have money,
I can't punch her.

Let's meet up...

and have a peaceful conversation.

Don't follow me. I'm off work.

You're not off work. Come with me.

Why would I?

You ripped my resignation letter.


You ripped my resignation letter
and threw it in the air!

Be quiet.

- My gosh.
- Goodness.

Let's go.

Come with this pretty lady.

Lady, my foot.

Hey, hold on. Wait!

Hey, okay. Fine. Wait.

Hey, slow down.

Are you going to buy it or not?


you have an ID called...


- You spread false information...
- Are you giving a spelling quiz?

Your uniform says you go
to Mawon Middle School.

I graduated from the same school.

It looks like my junior has left
hateful comments about me.

No. I didn't do it.

Yes, you did.


You have the same ID.

Should I go to the police station
at 9 a.m. tomorrow to sue you?

Or should we handle
this peacefully tonight?

What is it?

You punk.

(Harvard Oriental Clinic)

Wait here until I get out.

I'll keep your phone until then.


- Okay?
- Yes.

It's embarrassing
to threaten a little kid.


Hey, let's make one thing clear.

You and I are working together
for a mutual cause.

Do your job right.


What should I do?

(Harvard Oriental Clinic)

0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 7, 5, 5, 3, 1.

0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 7, 5, 5, 3, 1.

Hey, what about me?

Don't you know the phrase,
"lady first"?

(Harvard Oriental Clinic)

There's no lady here.

I'm a candidate running for office.
People can recognize me.

Mr. Civil Servant.

You're not that well-known.

Ms. Candidate.

You're so petty.

You only brought one for yourself?

What about mine?

What was that?

Why did you look at me like that?

Goodness. Come on.



(Harvard Oriental Clinic)

There are four people inside.


Come here.

Don't move.

When he was young,
he was just a playful friend.

But he grew into
a decent and romantic guy.

How did he grow up like this?

What was that about?

Who's there?

I'm from the Chinese restaurant.

He's really bad at math,
so he made a calculation mistake.


You owe us two more dollars.

You came all the way back here...

with your husband
for a mere two dollars?

You're working so hard.

Come with me.

Oh, my. Where did they all go?

(Candidate 1 Oh Byeong Min)

It's still warm.
I bet he didn't go far.

Of course.

This is the third floor,
and there's only one exit.

Well, who are you...


(My Grandchild)

Turn that thing off! Goodness.

Oh, no.

You sneaky old men.

You should turn yourselves in
and come clean.

Darn it.

- Oh, no.
- Wait.

You can't!

Let go.

I can't give you this. No!

Let go!

- Hey, hey.
- No.

Let go! Darn it.

My gosh.

Oh, dear.

I'm done with respecting elders.

Get ready to get some bones broken!

My goodness.

Hey, calm down and back off.

How could you do this to the elders?

Whose side are you on?

I'm not on anyone's side.
I'm just doing my job.

I'm cooperating. Did you forget?

Are you okay?

- I'll help you.
- Okay.


Oh, gosh.

Yes, good work. Thank you.

I'll see you after the election.

We agreed to end this
with an official warning.

I see.

Although he's one of
your elder relatives,

as an act of good faith,
why don't you issue an apology...

to Candidate Goo Se Ra's family?

Sir, thank you very much.


acting individually without
discussing it with our camp...

should never happen again.

Yes, I understand.

Is this an apology?
How can you call this an apology?

The CEMC also issued a warning...

since this wasn't done by
the election camp...

but a mere family member.

Darn it.

(Letter of Apology)

I'm going to beat Candidate 1
no matter what.

I'm going to beat him and win.

I get how determined you are,

but you still seem like
you're in the last place.

I'm sorry to bring this up now,

but the odds of being elected
for an office in Seoul...

as an independent runner
was not even 1, but 0.7 percent.

Kwon Woo Young doesn't know
the definition of hope.

Who knows?
A savior might suddenly appear.

Mom. What are you doing here?

I'll join your camp
to dance and chant...

and prove myself worthy.

Hey, I'm a professional that
everyone paid extra money...

to invite into their election camps
for every election!

Is that true or not?

I guess it's true.

- Mom, but...
- Oh, by the way,

I already asked small business
owners to post it...

on the Mawon-gu mom cafes.

I didn't see anything when
I monitored it this morning.


I'll just take 70 bucks a day.

That's a 30 percent discount.


Ma'am, even I'm working here
for free.

I never dance
until I receive my money.

That's exactly the mom I know.

Hey, don't sit on the couch
like this doing nothing...

and go outside and do something.
Come on, run!

Hurry. Get out there!

- Okay, fine.
- Hurry, hurry!


If you write down
your account number,

I'll wire the money.

What are you talking about?

I just said that
to reassure my daughter.

All this time, rather than
the personal insults against me,

the fact that I was a foolish mom
that hindered my daughter...

bothered me more.

I, Kim Sam Sook, promise to...

vouch for Candidate Goo Se Ra.

I know I haven't lived a proud life,

but as a mom, I'll try my best.

Written by Se Ra's mom.

(Goo Se Ra)

(Oh Byeong Min)

- Oh Byeong Min, Oh Byeong Min
- Number 1

Young Mawon, Candidate 1
Oh Byeong Min

Who is she? What is she doing?

I'm sorry, sir.

- Darn it.
- I'm sorry.

Goo Se Ra, Goo Se Ra, Goo Se Ra
Candidate 5

Goo Se Ra!

Goo Se Ra, Candidate 5!

Go on, take it.

- I can't take this.
- Don't worry about it.

You should take it.

Will it be okay to take this?
I will...

Hey... Goodness.

(Candidate 3, Caught taking a bribe)

(Withdraws candidacy)

Thank you!

(Candidate 4 supports Oh Byeong Min)

(Withdraws candidacy)

Here's to Candidate Son Eun Sil
being nominated!

- Cheers!
- Cheers!

Thank you.

Please teach Candidate Son
how she can win the election.

There's nothing special about it.

Who cares about pledges lately
in a busy world like this?

First of all, change the picture
of your banner...

to a picture of you shaking hands
with the party representative.

You should make some
slanderous remarks...

so those inexperienced young punks
don't underestimate you.

Still, instead of making
negative remarks explicitly,

why don't you chant "Goo-to-Oh"...

and win the independent votes?

- "Goo-to-Oh"?
- "Goo-to-Oh"?

(The Daughter of Mawon,
Son Eun Sil!)

(Goo-to-Oh, Vote for Goo Se Ra
and become Oh Byeong Min)


"Vote for Goo Se Ra
and become Oh Byeong Min"?

What on earth?

I guess Son Eun Sil is
desperate too.

She even changed her district
to run again this year.

Candidate Oh Byeong Min's camp
conducted an unofficial survey.

(Oh Byeong Min 30, Son Eun Sil 20,
Goo Se Ra 9, Undecided 41)

Nine percent?

A player shouldn't be discouraged
by the score at half time.

She's not a player though.

She's a crazy woman...

who's running for office
instead of finding a job.

You know, it's like...

applying for a position
doesn't care about...

grades, schools, ability,
or anything whatsoever.

But when you go to the interview,
it's full of talented applicants.

An election is the same.

Any citizen who is over 25
can run for office.

Although that's what they say,
look at what's happening.

One of them graduated
from Harvard...

and the other is a part of
an activist group.

Stop it before I rip off
that mouth of yours.

Anyhow, I made it to the interview,

I'll see you later.

I should've stopped her...

when she said she'd run for office
instead of finding a job.

It's probably not just because
of the money, like you.

Whenever you brought your work
back home late at night,

it wasn't just because of
the extra money.

You wanted to be good at your job.

Se Ra probably believes
she'll do a good job...

and wants to do a good job.

That's why she is running
for office.

I guess so.

I wonder who the nine percent is.

(Goo Se Ra)

Darn it.

Oh, hello.

Is your schedule for today over?

My last schedule is to meet with you
and talk.

My office is nearby.

If it's okay,
how about a cup of tea?

I guess...

Okay, then.

(Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra)

Isn't it hard not having a party?

At the previous regional election,

I was nonpartisan, so I get it.

I went up against Cho Maeng Duk...

and got knocked out.

At the time,

I saw you once.

(3 years ago)

You're too under-qualified.

"The youth these days
don't try hard enough!"

That is what the adults say.

But it's not that
they lack in the effort.

The world is a tough place,
even if you try hard.

Instead of asking for
your vote tonight,

I wish to say it's okay.

I wish to commend you
and say it will all work out.

You had a long, hard day,
and thank you for your hard work!

You did well!

You did well!

You did well!

I think this election...

will be my last opportunity
and outburst of courage.

Could you...

help me out?

You did well.

I did?

Oh, I don't know!

This is my complaint diary.

I make one every year.

Would you still accept me?

Take a look.

(Complaint Diary)

(The voters I met
on the campaign trail)

(The noisy festival)

(Origin of salted shrimp)

(Fumigating Hanyang Stream)

(Care facilities)

(Specialty product, door-to-door)

(More speed bumps)

(Roadside trees, Community farming)

(Priority parking for residents)

(Child Safety Zones behind schools)

(Se Ra)

Did you get the call?

Her most recent call was to "Jerk".


That's me.

How disgusting.

The kid got lucky!


Did you quit the election?

Yes. I quit.

Son Eun Sil will take over.

Are you okay with that?

My 2,000 dollars.


The two grand I paid to register.

My 2,000 dollars!

Will you be quiet?

I lost 2,000 dollars.

I worked so hard for it.

No one knows how I saved it up!

My 2,000 dollars!

I apologize.


My gosh.

(Call history)

(Goo Se Ra)

(Final Interview,
Candidate 5, Goo Se Ra)

Did you give her
your complaint diary?


She wanted to see
everything I'd written.

So I sent her my old ones too.

You gave her everything you had.

Hey! Do you think
I can't find another job?

Once I do...

Korean beef!
I'll buy you Korean beef!

Ms. Goo. Work with me.

I knew you'd sort it out
before the joint campaign.

(D-4 to a joint campaign)

There are so many journalists.

I called a lot of them.
We have a special event.

Oh, here you are.

You still haven't gotten
Candidate Goo to join your camp?

But then,

if female candidates join forces,
it would seem like collusion.

If men do it, it's politics,

and if women do it, it's collusion?

My gosh, you got it all wrong.

That's not what I think.

It's what the voters could perceive.

In the previous election,
you said you wished that...

you had a daughter like me.

I still feel the same.

I feel that Mr. Oh and Ms. Goo
could be my children.

If we were to say that,

wouldn't that make you
their grandfather?

Make way for the youth.

It's time to let go of
your outdated greed.

Ms. Son, please be ready.

Let's go.



I'm the daughter of Mawon
and one who made politics my life.

I'm Candidate 2 Son Eun Sil.

- Son Eun Sil!
- Son Eun Sil!

Many voters I met
while I was campaigning...

told me that they cast
their votes...

based on the party
the candidate was a part of.

A district representative is someone
who is familiar...

with things in our daily lives...

such as installing streetlights
and building libraries.

Is the party he or she belongs to
really important?

For small scale politics,
rather than the logic of a party,

the residents' benefits
must always be prioritized!

To make that happen,

shouldn't we let someone
who loves...

our hometown Mawon-gu
and knows it best...

to handle the affairs of
our neighborhood?

That's right!

Today, I want you to meet...

someone who voiced the opinions
of our residents...

and knows Mawon-gu the best.

(Mawon-gu District Assembly
By-election Candidate Speech)

I want to introduce...

a reckless but courageous person
to you today.

I can guarantee this.

(Complaint Diary, Goo Se Ra)

That the small wishes
in this diary...

will become the dreams
and future of Mawon-gu!

I'd like to thank everyone
who has supported me...

and all the members of my party.

(Mawon-gu District Assembly
By-election Candidate Speech)

As of today, I, Son Eun Sil...

will step down as a candidate...

and hereby declare to support
the owner of this diary,

Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra,
who is running independently!

- What?
- What is going on?

What did she say?


If you're nominated,

ordinary people like you will be
able to receive more opportunities.

I'll cast my precious vote for you.

Let's win this.

(Complaint Diary, Goo Se Ra)

Candidate Goo?

She has lost her mind.

(Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra)

(Mawon-gu District Assembly
By-election Candidate Speech)

(Candidate 1 Oh Byeong Min)

(Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra)

(Announcement of
Candidate's Resignation)

(Fair election! Clean election!)

She declared it...

(Fair election! Clean election!)

If I faint, you must...

treat it as an industrial accident.

People don't faint that easily.

I've been working all night
for 14 days.

I doubt I'll go home
before 12 tonight either.

There are only two candidates left.
I wonder who will win.

I doubt Candidate Goo will win.

Who knows?

I mean,

there were 5 candidates at first,
and only 2 left now.

Who expected something like this
to happen?

Who cares who wins now?

If she was going to step down,
she should've done it earlier.

Mr. Seo.

Get rid of that poster.


(Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra)

(Final Interview)

You'll vote for me, right?

Vote for me.

(Fair election! Clean election!)

I knew it.

You barely have enough energy
left either.

- I guess...
- But we have no choice.

You need to go check
if Candidate Son Eun Sil's camp...

has been closed down.


(Candidate 3 Son Eun Sil)

Who are you?

I'm Seo Gong Myung,
a civil servant...

of the CEMC of Mawon-gu.

I came to check if your
election camp has been closed down.

It's not something urgent.

- Come back tomorrow...
- You need to...

clear things out by today,
Ms. Yoon.

Today, a candidate,

who I supported night and day,
dropped a bomb suddenly...

and stepped down
without discussing it with me.

I really need to rest
and gather my thoughts right now.

Can't you please have pity
on me tonight?


Have a seat.

I have a massage in 20 minutes.

This will be over in 10 minutes.

I want to go home too, you know.

(Agreement on
Election Camp Shutdown)

You need to finish...

the accounting within
20 days after the election.

- If you look here...
- What...

did you say your name was?

It's Seo Gong Myung.

Can you focus?

Don't fight within the frame
created by your opponent.

If you want to win,

you must make your own frame.

Move over.

"The contents of
Goo Se Ra's complaint diary..."

"will be revealed
after she's nominated."

I thought about our
publicity strategy from now on.

How about exposing
the private life...

of our sole competitor,
Candidate Oh Byeong Min?

Slandering the opponent is
the highlight of elections.

I guess the best way
to appeal to women...

in their 20s and 30s is through
rumors about his love life.

No, that's wrong.

A whole bunch of your
business cards is gone.

About that...

Well... I handed out a lot of them.

- You did?
- Yes.

I spread them around
the shops and apartments.

I really did.

(Three hours ago)

That's a total of 100 cards.

Tell me if you need more.

You know me, right?
I'm known for my credibility.

Thank you, Han Bi.

I hope you keep this a secret.

(Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra)

(Oh Byeong Min)

(The Gangnam legend is
no longer a dream.)

Put in all you have
in Minju-dong and Jeongeui-dong.

Make the voters think of nothing but
candidate number one.

What about Haengbok-dong?

Less than 20 percent of them vote
even in general elections.

They're never worth the investment,

so just...

visit a few elderly communities.


(Minju-dong, Haengbok-dong)

Why didn't we go to
Haengbok-dong much?

According to my data,

Haengbok-dong traditionally has
the lowest voter turnout.

They're mostly elders
who lived there their whole lives,

or young people
who need cheap housing.

Therefore, for the last two days,

we'll focus on Minju-dong
and Jeongeui-dong...

Let's go to Haengbok-dong.

Didn't you hear me?

Oh Byeong Min's focusing on
Minju-dong and Jeongeui-dong too.

Not Haengbok-dong.

Why do you think he dropped them?

I'll go after the votes
he gave up on.

Will they vote for free?

Leases last two years at most
and people move.

Would they care about
district representatives?

Even in midday,
the streets are empty.

Because they're at work.

I'll visit them
when I can meet them.

I can't ignore
one-third of the voters.

I'm not saying we'll ignore them.
We must choose and focus.

Let's try to win over 10,000 women
in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.

Let's go to Haengbok-dong.


(Fair election! Clean election!)

(April 8 Oh Byeong Min
Campaign Schedule)

(April 9 Oh Byeong Min
Campaign Schedule)

(April 8 Goo Se Ra
Campaign Schedule)

(April 9 Goo Se Ra
Campaign Schedule)

Gosh, it's a marathon.

Candidate Goo
must be feeling rushed.

Se Ra's quite tenacious.

Who will handle Candidate Goo?

Someone has to follow her.


Hands up if you're single.

Hands up if you live alone.

Hands up if you're
a deputy director. Oh, dear.

- Wait.
- Let's go.

Why should I...


Darn it.

I'm Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra.

You did well today. I'm Goo Se Ra.

You did well today. I'm Candidate 5.

Hello. I'm Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra.

Good luck.

Why is she handing out cards
in another district?

It's 8 p.m.

She got a prime spot.


- Her? She's...
- I'm Goo Se Ra.

That candidate
doesn't represent this district.

She's running for office
in Mawon-gu.

Exactly. Mawon-gu is
right across the footbridge.

Everyone from Haengbok-dong
gets off at this station.

It's much closer.

Oh. I see.

Mawon-gu's polling stations
are open until 8 p.m. on April 10.

Use it as an excuse
to leave work on time.

I wish you good luck
today and tomorrow!

(Goo Se Ra)

(Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra)

(Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra)

(Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra)

- Enjoy the food.
- Thank you.

(Iron Pot Jokbal)

The food here is delicious, and
the meat is domestically sourced.

We have jokbal and Goo Se Ra.

- Salute!
- Salute!

(Minju-dong Marines)

I'm Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra.

(Haengbok-dong Dumplings)


Enjoy the food.

I'm Goo Se Ra. I'm Goo Se Ra.

- The line's so long.
- Enjoy the food.

I'm Goo Se Ra.

Voluntary Night Guards)

You're eating chocolate
three times a day?

You startled me.

How do you know what I ate today?

Because I saw you.

Me? Since when?

You scumbag. You're a stalker!

I'm doing my job.

I'm watching to see if you aren't
doing anything illegal.

This isn't a presidential election.
Why campaign for 48 hours?

You make things worse for yourself.

These days,

some companies host
overnight interviews.

What won't you do to get a job?

Why didn't you
live properly from the start?

How dare you?

- Come here.
- Hey, hey.

Mock me once more and
it won't end with a light touch.

Okay, okay, let go.

My gosh.

If you saw me...

eat nothing but chocolate,

you should've brought me
dumplings or something.

I can't buy you anything,

but it's okay
for you to buy me food.

- Dumplings.
- Stop it.

- Jokbal!
- Darn you.

My gosh.


My goodness.

How long will you only dream of
a Gangnam legend?

Mawon-gu needs a young,
talented conservative...

with connections to
the central government!

(Candidate 1 Oh Byeong Min)

I'm Oh Byeong Min representing
the Aeguk Conservative Party!

After 24 hours,

I will be reborn as Mawon-gu's...

youngest district representative!

Thank you!

I'm Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra.

Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra
for district representative.

I'm Candidate 5.

I know better than anyone
how hard it is to work for a living!

Vote for Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra!

You are all my interviewers!


(End of campaigning)

Official campaigning
ends at midnight.

You cannot wear sashes, hats,

or tees and ask for votes.

Outside polling stations,

you cannot say
a candidate's number...

or their names.

Good job.

Yes, sir.

(Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra)

- Good luck, Goo Se Ra!
- Stay strong!

Good luck!

(Candidate 5 Goo Se Ra)

(Minju-dong Polling Station 3)

(Polling Day)

Next, come this way.

Show me your ID.

(Polling Booth)

Wait over there.

(Oh Byeong Min,
Son Eun Sil, Kim Cheol Su)

(Cha Eun Woo, Goo Se Ra)

How long has she been like this?

She voted as soon as
the polling station opened,

and slept since then.

She didn't wake once in 13 hours.

- Goo Se Ra. Goo...
- Let her sleep.

She'll wake when she's hungry.

Kim Ja Ryong.

Ms. Jang and I have to
go and watch the tally.

When Se Ra wakes up,

tell her to fix these two greetings.

I'll call when we have
a gist of the result.


(Election speech, Loss speech)

(Mawon-gu By-election Tally)

(Current Status)

(Oh Byeong Min, Goo Se Ra)

(Ballot Box)

(Tally Table)

(Tally Table)

(Mawon-gu By-election)


(Oh Byeong Min, Goo Se Ra)

(Invalid votes)

Too many of them are invalid.

They all voted for Son Eun Sil.

She supported Goo Se Ra too late.

(Oh Byeong Min, Goo Se Ra)

What's the current ratio?

Oh Byeong Min 6, Goo Se Ra 4.

Se Ra. Your phone's ringing.



Minju and Jeongeui-dong's
votes were counted...

and you're behind by 1,600 votes.

Unless the difference is
twice as much,

I don't think you can beat him.

You did well. See you later.

(Haengbok-dong Polling Station 1)

(Haengbok-dong Polling Station 3)

(Mawon-gu By-election)

(Goo Se Ra)

(Mawon-gu By-election Tally)

(Tally Table)

(Goo Se Ra)

What on earth is...

My phone. Where is it?

In here.


(Woo Young)

(Woo Young, 29 missed calls)

- Hurry.
- Get over here.

- Why? What for?
- Hurry up.

Move it.

- Excuse us.
- Sorry. Coming through.

What's happening?

(Oh Byeong Min, Goo Se Ra)

Goo Se Ra's even with him.


I found it.

Public Official Election Act
Article 190.

"When two or more candidates
win the most votes,"

"the elder candidate wins."

Show us your identity cards.

(Identity Card)

(Goo Se Ra, December 18,
Oh Byeong Min, December 25)

Yes! Yes!


What kind of law...

You expect me to accept this?

If she won because she's older,

what was the vote for?

This is why Korea blows.

In America, this is nonsense!

- It's not!
- It's not!

I demand a recount,

including the invalid votes.

What's that?

They'll count again.

(Current Status)

(Oh Byeong Min, Goo Se Ra)

(Loss speech)

Goo Se Ra's letter of failure.

She won by three votes.

During the 13-day campaign,

it felt as if it only rained on me.

What I wanted the most...

wasn't an umbrella.

It was someone to
get rained on with me.

To the nine percent
who got rained on with me,

I wish to say thank you.

I hope that everyone's tomorrow is
better than today.

(Goo Se Ra's
district representative project)

From Candidate 5,

nonpartisan Goo Se Ra,

who will find another job.

Who do you think were
the nine percent of voters?

The nine percent who said...

they'd vote for me.

People like you.

People like me.

(Into The Ring)

I hope we get along.

Gosh, we have another outcast.

Mawon-gu has no money.

No money? No salary?

They're bankrupt?
Why are you telling me now?

We'll issue 30 million dollars
of municipal bonds.

Why are you doing this?
You are scaring me.

I don't need to say, do I?

They're both calling me
and being nice to me.

Both sides have
the exact same number.

There's just one left. Me.

I must vote yes?

What's in it for me if I do?

What will you promise me
if I vote no?