Interior Design Masters (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

The remaining contestants are put into two teams and have to take on student accommodation. They each have to redesign a bedroom, but will need to work together on the kitchen/living room.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-[inspirational music]
-Who doesn't love interior design?

But, what if you wanted
to turn that passion

into a full-time career?

[Fearne] From across the UK,

these ten everyday people

with dreams to become designers

are looking for a big life change.

They're about to face the toughest
challenge of their lives.

It's going up!

Hoping to make a name for themselves

in the ruthless world
of professional design.

They're competing to win

a major career-defining contract

to design the grand historic bar

at one of London's top hotels.

Judged by former editor-in-chief

of British Elle Decoration magazine,

Michelle Ogundehin
is an internationally-renowned

authority on design

and interior trends.

Interior design is so much more
than just painting a few walls.

I'm looking for magic.

She'll be joined by some of the biggest
names in the industry.

It's like being perfectly poised
between pleasure and pain.

It's got some maturity,
it's got some depth.

And, that's the space
that lets it down for me.

[Fearne] The contestants will face
eight commercial design challenges...


Three grand,
let's do Buckingham Palace next week.

Knock yourself out.
Know what I mean? I'm up for it.

I'm so excited!

...but, only the successful

will stay in the competition.

I worked so hard,

I don't want to go home now.

[Fearne] Fail to impress...

I absolutely hate it.

...and elimination looms.

I just feel like the bits
I should've done well at...

are the bits I did the worst at.

Oh, dear.

[Trish laughs out loud]

Welcome to Interior Design Masters.

[energetic electronic music plays]

[Fearne] It's week four...

I am feeling the pressure now.

We all have to keep upping our game
to stay in this.

Of the ten contestants
who started,

there are now just six left.

The competition is definitely
becoming more intense,

so it is going to be tricky,

but I'm the only one
that hasn't been on the sofa.

I'd go as far as to say
I'm very lucky to be here this week,

so I've really got to bring it.

Being on the sofa last week...

wasn't the greatest experience,
to be honest.

So, I'm going to step up my game.

I'm going to be the nice, you know,

compromising, less opinionated Frank,

than we've been used to in recent weeks.

-Come on in.
-Hello, everyone.


The aspiring designers
are about to discover

what their next project is all about.

So, for your next challenge,

we are headed off to
the University of Leicester.

[energetic electronic music plays]

[Fearne] Working in teams of three,

the contestants are overhauling
college dorm rooms

in residence halls in central England.

With students to satisfy,

I'm looking for you to go above and beyond

as you redesign
six self-contained studios,

but there's a twist.

Each team will also get
a communal kitchen to spruce up.

Oh, cool.

[timer ticking]

[Fearne] This week, only contestants
on the winning team will be safe.

Anyone on the losing team

could be at risk of going home.

-[rapid percussion]
-Well, good luck, guys.

Thank you.

[Fearne] Before the makeovers begin,

-[tense bass]
-a quick get-together

to show each other the dorm designs

they've already prepared.

First up, on Team One, are Frank,
Ju and Cassie.

I want to use the existing wardrobe,

and re-clad that in ply.

I'm going to make a new desk
and a raised bed.

-I think it's quite a good scheme.
-It's very good.

-Do you want to see mine?
-Yes, please.

I put in a queen size bed,

raising it
and basically making it a loft bed,

with wardrobes
effectively going underneath,

so the height of it,

you'd be able to get an extra large, say...

baggy hoodie.

I know you said about the hanging.

As a girl with dresses,

I'd want somewhere that dresses could be--

That's so true, yeah.

As always,
I wanted to make something bright,

but no feminine this time.

Lots of black and white.


...student studios,

-generally white, small boxes.

[Fearne] Sharing plans on Team Two
are Nicki, Kyle

and Jerome.

What I've come up with
is an idea of a, kind of,

modular room.

Move the wardrobe over here

to create some storage underneath,

so they can take it out

and use it how they want
in the room.

These shelving areas will retract,

so when you're not using them

-it will give you more space to work.

I'm thinking of sticking with white,

but I'd like to run a black band
around the room.

-The furniture I'm putting in,

I'd like to use black melamine
for the desktop and for the wardrobes,

and I'm hoping what that will do

is give the illusion
that the desk isn't there as much

so it feels a bit bigger in there.

[pumping electronic music]

[Fearne] Judging alongside Michelle
this week

is British interior stylist and designer
Sophie Robinson.

With a passion for bright colours,

she's renowned for matching them
with bold clashing patterns.

For me, this is the perfect challenge.

It's going to stretch the designer
in all directions.

So, there's a big practical demand,

storage, durability.

But, also because we're designing
for young people

who are away from home for the first time,

I want to see a real sensitivity,

and a little bit of breathing space

for the occupant
to put their own stamp on it.

-Shall we talk about the kitchen?

I think this is the one area

we can go absolutely mental,

and I can literally see the cabinets
almost in a triangle,

so that top triangle would be hot pink,

that one would be baby blue,
that one would be emerald green,

-that would be red.
-I love that.

Literally just crazy.

And, then doing the floor

in a really heavy duty patterned lino.

I've worked with Frank before,

and we have quite different...

We have quite different styles
and quite different tastes,

and, you know, that kind of shows.

[Kyle] So, what do we do
with this kitchen?

There's a lot of orange wood
in this space.

[Kyle] Can we replace cupboard doors?

[Nicki] We can paint them.

[Nicki] Yeah, so doors and handles.


-We can do this.
-Yes, we can.


I think I have got,
in my opinion,

some of the competition's better people
within my team.

So, I feel we're going to
have a good week this week.

[uplifting music]

[Fearne] Designs decided on,

the two teams head off
to the University campus.

I'm looking forward to seeing
how my modular idea...


I think the ideas you've come up with
are brilliant, so...

It's like, sometimes other people's ideas
are better than mine!

[Fearne] With a budget of £1500
to make over each room

and £500 for the team's shared kitchen,

the contestants have two days

to turn these small spaces

into dorm rooms to die for.

I've never been in a student hall.

[Fearne] Upstairs, on Team One,
are Ju, Frank and Cassie.

[Ju] The kitchen, it's not huge,
we don't have to--

-It actually looks nicer
than the pictures.

[Fearne] Taking on the ground floor

on Team Two are Jerome, Nicki and Kyle.

Do you think this will be easy to
sand down and paint up?

I've got finishing sandpaper, so we'll
go over it once, to take the sheen off.

[Fearne] Before work begins,
the contestants must empty out

the old furniture
to make room for the new.

[Cassie] Okay, Frank,
need a hand with your bed?

I'm good, thanks, babe.


human skin cells.

Is that sick on the bed?

[Fearne] To help their designs
come to life,

a bunch of tradespeople

to assist each team.

Morning, Ju.

Hi, Fearne. How are you?

Yeah, what you up to?

It's a bit scary this time

because I'm using black paint.

I've never used black paint before,

I'm more of a bright and colourful,

but I just want to try to push myself.

because, you seem like, as a designer,

quite a different person
to the first challenge, when you were...

Ju with the floral wallpaper,
and that was your thing,

-and now we're painting walls black.
-I know!

-Is it quite liberating?
-It is, it's fun.

It's like, you know,

I wanted to show who I am as a designer,

but I think I have done
two of that already,

now I can start experimenting.

[Fearne] Going black on the walls
isn't Ju's only bold choice.

-She's also found an inventive idea

for a pinboard.

It's got little pieces of metal
mixed in it,

so when you put the magnet,
it sticks to it.


[Fearne] Also experimenting in her dorm

is antiques dealer
and fellow teammate Cassie.

Just building a drawer unit
and it's going to be...

set on the wall in my room.

I want to get this done quite quickly

because we're doing
a blue square around it.

[Frank] Look at you!

Such huge pieces, but this--

Oh, it looks wicked.

[Fearne] In Frank's room,

he's taking an unusual approach
to the ceiling.

With the wallpaper,
we're going to do it in this...

asymmetric formation

where it will go parallel to the door

and then it will go
almost like a canopy over the bed area,

and hopefully we'll have some left over

to put some on the walls.

[birds chirping]

On your shoulder.

[Fearne] And, he's not holding back
the pattern in the kitchen,

using geometric vinyl on the floor.

-Good choice, Frank
-I think it's great,

-and it's got no grooves in it, either,

so cleaning-wise,
they can just mop it down.


Lino's the way forward.

This is week three of lino,

and it's--
-It was lino cuttings, then lino on walls,

now lino on floors.

Lino's a winner.

[energetic electronic music]

[Fearne] Downstairs on Team Two...

This plug socket needs to move into here.

...their ambitious room designs
are underway.

So all this, black wall,
and you're going to have a shelf on there?

Yeah, which are black,
so it needs to be black.

What about the headboard?


But, with time ticking on, they need some
quick decisions on the shared kitchen.

We just need to think about the colours
going to go on the cupboards.

I think maybe we just
get that one scanned.

But, it means the kitchen's
going to be a bit bluer

-than green.

-Hello, lovely people.
-Hi, Fearne.

-Hi, Fearne.
-You okay?

Yes, how are you?

What's happening? This is
a horrible-looking kitchen situation.

We've got big plans, though.

-Have you? Like what?
-It's going to be amazing.

We're going to cut some decals
into geometric shapes.

What does "decal" mean?

-Is it this thing?
-It's basically a tile sticker.


So, that was just an experiment.

Is there some harmony in this group?

Yeah, I think so.

We've got to keep off the sofa,

and the only way of doing that
is by staying as a team.

You've not been on there yet, have you?

-How did you manage that, Kyle?
-I don't know.

-You've managed to...
-Just been hiding.

wheedle out of that one,
haven't you, so far.

You lucky thing.

-I'm trying not to think about that.

[guitar picking]

[Fearne] Hoping to impress in his dorm,

design graduate Kyle's
putting his practical skills to the test

with a brand new room layout.

I've got a lot of...

units to go in
that are being re-clad in ply.


These units are going to be...

part of a wall storage unit
as you go in, on the left.

[tense music]

[Fearne] To create as much space
as possible,

Kyle is reinventing the floor plan.

The modern Scandi-style dorm

will comprise of ceiling-mounted
LED lighting,

a newly-positioned bed,

hidden storage,

and a fold-away desk.

Yeah, fab, that's good.

Right. Next job.

More flat-pack.

[Fearne] But, team-mate Jerome
is sticking to the same room layout,

making a statement
with his bold colour instead.

I have previously been critiqued
for shopping, and that's what I'm good at.

I'm a stylist, I shop.

But, you know, students,
they're nocturnal, aren't they?

They go out all night, so they want
a dark hole to come back to sleep in.

So, perfect, I think.

It looks great, I love the black.

I'm coming along. I was a bit nervous.

-It's controversial, sometimes.
-It's just the right amount.

And my next step is clearing out,

and then this afternoon
can get my wardrobe in,

get my desk in.

-Brilliant, looks great.
-By the end of today,

possibly tomorrow,

I can be pretty much wrapped up.

I'm slightly concerned

at the amount of storage
Jerome might have put into his room,

and if he's followed the brief enough.

So, the main area that's
going to be built-in is the bed.

The section underneath it is storage.

[Fearne] Elsewhere, on Team Two,

graphic designer Nicki
has her own ambitions

-to impress the judges this week.

It's not just about making this room
look great,

there's so much more to think about
in this task.

It is about the storage,
being clever with it.

[breakbeat music]

[Fearne] Nicki's creating a modern,
monochrome-inspired room

with an integrated
adaptable storage system

using boxes that fit together
and can be stored under the bed.

She's going for maximum flexibility
of the space.

Now, obviously, time-wise,
do you think you can get it all done?

because you've had to rip everything out,
and some people haven't,

some of the other designers
have kept some furniture as is.

So you have got a lot to do
in a short space.

You know me, Fearne!

Love to push it to the max!

I do have a lot to do,

but I think we can do it.

[energetic electronic music]

[Fearne] The teams are over halfway
through the first day.

Very nice.

It does look very real.

Well, kind of. As much as wallpapers go!

[Fearne] On Team One, in their dorm rooms,

the new cabin-style storage beds
are going up...

That looks really cool.

...and in the kitchen,

Cassie's giving the old white tiles
a bit of a revamp.

Instead of changing the tiles,
we're just

giving them a face-lift.

We've got this black and white floor
going on,

so we thought it would be nice
to bring the black and white on to here,

so we've just got these grout pens.

I do feel that the tiles look whiter,

grout's blacker,

it looks better.

So, yeah, good improvement
for not a lot of money.

I think it makes sense for the wood
to go in line with the bed.

That's it, exactly, yeah.

[Fearne] Downstairs, on Team Two...

These will be the drawers
for under my desk.

[Fearne] Kitchen on the back-burner,
they're more focused on their dorms.

But, Kyle's making slow progress
building his own furniture.

So, because of the FR treating

on the plywood,

-fire regulations,

it's left a residue all over the plywood.

[Fearne] For health and safety,

he's had to spray it
with a fire retardant resin.

-Which has meant

that each surface has had to be sanded

in order to get it smooth.

And, I'm now realizing that
I can't sand it enough

to get the wood a uniform colour.

So, yeah, it's just lost time.

[tense music]

[Fearne] But, time is critical,

as more delays
could result in Kyle's room

being unfinished
for the judges' arrival tomorrow.


With only three hours left
on day one of the build,

teammate Nicki's also up against it,

as her furniture's had to be sprayed
as well.

Just causing all sorts of problems.

I mean, this stuff is like a resin,

almost all over,
a sticky resin all over the boxes.

So, I'm having to add
an extra step in the process

to prime it first.

I really want to get a solid dark colour.

It's just looking patchy,

so it's not brilliant,

but I'm hoping that this stuff
is going to...

be the magic solution.

[relaxing downbeat music]

Yeah, it's looking fab already.

[Fearne] But, Jerome's taken
an easier route

with flat-pack throughout,

so is well ahead of schedule
of his teammates.


So, this is your...

-luxurious monochrome?
-Student studio, yes.

Have you really kept that
sort of imaginary student in mind?

Definitely, I've thought about that.
I mean,

this already to me is feeling quite,
you know, late teens,

into your early 20s, your first place.

You really want to put your mark on it.

It's the first time they're away
from home.

So, you're happy?

Yeah, I'm really happy with it.

Do you feel like
you've been ambitious enough?

Definitely, and within the scope of what
we've got to do in the kitchen as well,

I wanted enough in here
to show that I've done something,

but not enough that it was going to be
detrimental to the team.

With the first day coming to an end,

on Team One,

Cassie's still got a big job to finish,

laying a cork floor
that needs time to dry overnight.

I don't think it's a risk to do this.

I've done cork flooring before,

and I've done it wrong
and it worked, so...

I think it will be fine.

Quite white in here,
it needs something a little bit softer.

So, it's definitely giving that to it.

I'm hoping that we should
be able to get it all down tonight

and sealed ready for tomorrow.

We're going to be alright with this.

-We have to be alright!

[energetic electronic music]

How you feeling about your rooms?

-I feel a bit better now.

[Fearne] Arriving on campus
for their final day...

Look! What do you think of the floor?

-Love it.
-Really like it, looks really good.

The contestants have 12 hours
before the judges arrive.

Just fitting a ready-made unit

that we've incorporated
into the build of the cabin bed.

Get the drawer fronts on, it's going to
bring in yet more colour to the scheme.

On Team Two,
Jerome's well ahead of schedule.

It's going really well...

for me, anyway.

I'm on top of all my tasks.

I've just got the desk to build,

the doors to go on the wardrobe,

and by lunchtime
we should have furniture in,

and then a clean down and a dress,

but my other team members
are having a bit of a time,

they've set a lot of tasks for themselves,

and have a lot to catch up with.

What are you thinking?

Yeah, a bit nearer to the wall.

In Team One's kitchen,

there's a lot still to do,

so Nicki's taking charge.

Things needed to happen,

and weren't happening as quickly
as they should've done.

I did sort of step up to the role.

So, Jerome is on the kitchen.

Okay, and I just superimposed

-some different designs on tiles.

I quite love the geometric.

-I shall give it a whirl.

I don't want to take the role because
I want to go, "I want to be leader!"

But, if nothing's happening,
I will step up and take that role,

because the task has to be completed.

[Nicki] Hey, Jerome, how's it going?
Oh, they look great!

-[Jerome] Going well, I think.
-[Nicki] I think they look really great.

[guitar picking]

Hoping to have the edge over their rivals
in the other team kitchen...

-So, I put orange on this door here.
-Yeah. Here, there.

...they've gone for bright colours

to complement the bold new floor.

I feel like we're between

kind of Tweenies,

Big Brother, and an easyJet crew room.

-Somewhere like that.
-An easyJet crew room?

-Not back to easyJet?
-With the orange.

[Frank laughing anxiously]

I don't know.

I'm not sure.
Definitely not sure on the colours.

The only thing I'm sure on
is the lino. Love the lino.

I just didn't realize
it was as primary-coloured.

But, yeah, we shall see.

It's too late now, so we've just got to
make it work as best as we can.

Okay, so this is the sides

for our shelving,
which is going at the end of the bed.

[Fearne] But, with only hours to go,

priority for Cassie

is finishing her dorm room.

Got a lot to do on the bed,
a desk to go up,

Got this to go on the wall,

doors to go back on here, and we've got...

very little time.

This is probably the first time I've felt

a little bit ruffled.

It feels like it's not going to
come together at the minute.

We've got the light now.

But, there are no such worries
for teammate Ju,

as her design's on track.

Very happy. I chose black tiles,

and then we're going to have
white grout on it,

just to give a little bit of contrast

and make it more fun.

Downstairs, on Team Two...

Love it.

That looks brilliant.

Coming together.

...Kyle's bespoke furniture
may be ready...

Got a door to put on that one.

It's not going to meet the shelf.

...but his ambitious redesign
has come at a cost to the team.

I do feel bad, because I know that,
because of the complexity of my design,

I haven't been able to do much
in the kitchen.

Kyle's room,
there is a lot of built furniture,

and whereas people will say
I buy a bit too much,

I think sometimes
it can look a bit too made,

so there's a lot of natural wood in there,
and to me it just looks like a workshop.

[Fearne] On Team One,

with only a few hours left
before the judges arrive...

[Frank] You've not finished them yet?

I know, it's just taking forever.


...Cassie and Ju are so focused on
finishing their own dorm rooms...

Close enough.

...Frank's been left alone
to complete the team kitchen.

I knew this would happen.

Cassie's still holding on to a builder,

and silly me, who's "not a team player"

is pulling together the team task

and compromising on trades
to get their room done.

So, my room's going to be the furthest
behind and probably worst finished now.

[tense guitar picking]

[Fearne] And, with time running out,

the contestants don't have long
to get their rooms fit for the judges.

[steady drum beat]

Helping Michelle this week

is Sophie Robinson.

With 20 years of experience,

popular interiors blogger Sophie
is a much-loved face

on the British design scene.

So, student accommodation.

This is a multi-faceted brief
on so many levels, isn't it?

[Michelle] Well, we don't want them
to be bland.

I do not want to see bland, 100%,

so I'm also looking for
designers who can...

be innovative.

Creative, clever ideas,

answering those practical demands,
which are really strong.

Appeasing the universities,
these are hard-working spaces,

and yet still creating a very inviting,

youthful and homely vibe.

[tense music]

[Fearne] On Team One,

they're racing
to get their dorm rooms finished.

And, that's my alarm going off.

I wanted to have this up by now.
Never mind.

With 30 minutes to go,

Frank finally gets back to
finishing his room design.

-[Frank] Thank you very much.
-[Builder] You're welcome.

Finally. Okay.

There's a few things
I'm having to miss out.

I'm not going to be able to varnish

the side of my bed.
I might be missing a shelf...

...and my paint jobs

could do with touching up.

[Builder] How high do you want this?

-[Frank] Perfect.
-[Builder] Yeah?

There you go.

It works!


Let's go take a look.

[epic electronic music]

I feel happy with my room,

but I don't really like my wallpaper.
I still don't really like it.

But, I just tried to, you know...

to design for someone else that's not me.

Talk about a radical transformation!

Storage is a headline, isn't it?

There are drawers everywhere,

and yet they don't feel like they're
massively encroaching on the space,

because she's raised the bed.

because it's a clever,
simple trick in a small space,

isn't it, to raise the bed and use
all that space underneath it,

because otherwise it's completely wasted.

[Michelle] I think we've got that balance
between the interior design,

because we've got some design storage,

working out how to
make the most of the space.

[Sophie] There's a magnet wall here,

to hang your own pictures.

I think we've even got
some extra sneaky storage here.

This, maybe,

was a bit of a punt,

doing tiled mosaic desktop.

I'm not sure it's that practical.

You've got grout here, you know,
a bit of ink, a coffee,

could potentially stain and be a problem,
so that's...

not ideal.

I think she's really
taken on board that...

this isn't so much about doing
your own signature style,

this is about thinking about the client,

so, a big tick from me.

There's certain aspects of the room

that I absolutely love. I love the OSB,

I love the wallpaper,

I love the colours that I chose.

I just wish the finish was better overall.

I mean, first up, just love the ceiling.

Got to disagree with you.

I love it over there,
because we've made this wonderful,

kind of cozy nook for the bed.

-So it works there.

But here, I felt like, "My goodness,
what's this over the top of my head?"

[Sophie] But, it feels like this
has been well thought out.

All the materials,
you've got velvet and suede,

and wool, so the textures
give it that nice, soft, homey feel.

This is quite slickly done, isn't it?
You do wonder,

why did I not get
a few more drawers over there?

We could've used all of that for storage.

[uplifting classical music]

[Cassie] Really pleased with the room.

Some of the finishes
aren't as great as I would've hoped,

but I feel that I've done this to brief,

and I've done something...

that is worthy of great photos and...

that should be recognized
for a good design.

-[Michelle] Changed the floor.
-[Sophie] That feels much nicer.

-Cork floor.
-I have to tell you, Cassie, okay,

is Victoriana queen.

-Okay, not getting that!

She's focused on materials

here, hasn't she?

We've got the cork,

the sort of terrazzo tile.

That's a nice bit of quality.

It's quite rough and raw,
though, isn't it?

Yeah, and we've not got drawers here,

we've just got one enormous cupboard,

which I would actually say
is really impractical.

[Michelle] I'm not quite sure what
happened with these units.

[Sophie] There's a real feeling
of running out of time here, isn't there?

I do quite like this, though.

That's quite fun.
I do love a bit of wall-hung furniture,

because it allows you
to kind of keep the floor,

which makes it feel bigger,

so this room does feel
quite spacious and light, doesn't it?

And, this looks really underwhelming
and blank at the moment,

but we've got to remember
this is her being sensitive,

and giving a space

for whoever occupies this room

to create their own artwork.

Yesterday, I was thinking
it's too much colour,

that green with the yellow,
it's like a Brazilian flag.

It's not going to look right.

And, I don't know, today everything
came together beautifully.

I'm very happy with our kitchen.

[Michelle] This is nice and zany
and upbeat, isn't it?

Oh, wow. This is ticking my box, totally!

Invested big bucks in the floor here.

Which I always think, spend the most
you can possibly afford on the floor,

because if you've got a rubbish floor,
it just taints everything around it.

So this has really lifted it.

This is a great way of showing that...

a couple of tins of paint
when the budget's really tight,

you can create so much impact.

It's interesting, isn't it, now that
we've seen the three individual rooms,

how they've come together here,

and yet this is completely different

to any of the rooms we've seen.

All I can say is they must have been
playing to their strengths.

[anxious pumping music]

[Fearne] On Team Two...

I probably need to learn
to simplify a bit more.

...finishing touches almost done,

Kyle's ambitious design
has finally come together.


But, teammate Nicki's
discovered a problem.

Don't believe it.


Great. It's getting caught on the top.

[uneasy tones]

The units are meant to slot in underneath
and they're not fitting.

Set it too high. I should've checked.

Her made-to-measure
storage system doesn't fit...

Thinking what's going to
look best for judging.

It just looks so messy.

...and time has run out.

The idea is that those boxes under there

would slot into here.

They would then yin and yang
on top of each other

and slide into the hidden cupboard
behind there.


I really hope

that the judges still get
what I'm trying to... do.

It's just...

a shame.

Just perch a book under that
so it doesn't look so bad.

Can only do your best
with the time.

Anyway, c'est la vie.

It is what it is, isn't it?

Feels good to be out of there, right?

I'm really pleased with my room.

I think it has a wow factor,

and it does have a youthful feel.

Just hope that I've done enough
to go through to the next week.

[Sophie] Crumbs.

[Michelle] It feels very dramatic.

[Sophie] You know, he's gone for the look
and seen it

all the 360 degrees around the room.

Jerome would say himself
that he's a great shopper,

and I'm looking around and I can tell you

which large shop

that a lot of these pieces have come from.

I'm seeing something quite similar here
to the original room,

where some of the other designers
have got in under-bed storage.

-Got a bench here, some open shelves.

A lost opportunity under the bed.

We could possibly have had
some extra drawers,

even if it was, if you're going to shop,

you get the pull-out drawers
that you shove under there, don't you?

Nice big wardrobe.

How disappointing.

There's just one rail,

so unless you've got literally
a wardrobe full of ball gowns,

that is a waste of space.

When you're designing
tight, small spaces like this

every little inch counts.

Buying something from the shops
can be quite a waste of space.

[energetic electronic music]

I have very mixed feelings about my room
if I'm completely honest.

I'm happy with the design,
I'm not happy with the execution.

[Sophie] Completely different layout.

And look, I bet this...

Oh, yes.

This is the first bit
of foldaway furniture

we've seen.

[Sophie] The big headline for me in here
is the furniture design.

It's really innovative,
he's done everything from scratch.

I mean, I just want to kind of root around

and work out if there's any more--

-Look! ...clever ideas.

-[Michelle] Nice.
-[Sophie] Hidden storage.

You can see how one more level of finish
on the top of these surfaces in a colour...

-[Sophie] Yes, please!
-[Michelle] For you!

That would've maybe just lifted it
a little bit more.

But, then he's spent so much time

and effort, probably,
constructing all of this.

But, it is that thing as well,

as a designer, you have to be able to
step back and go, "Okay,

what is the finishing touch
I could have put?"

It's a little... honest.

It's a little raw,

and I think it could just feel a bit more
uplifting and a bit happier in here.

[breakbeat music]

I really like the overall look of my room,

but I am disappointed that,

although my design concept is still there,

it didn't come together

in the manufacturing of it.

[Michelle] Wow.

She's really moved everything around,
hasn't she?

Yeah, again, zoning it,

so you've got a brighter
work space area here.

Although you've lost all your plugs
that you would use for your desk.

Nicki is very ambitious
with what she wants to do

in all of her rooms so far,

and so every single one
has been this kind of like,

"Wow! Oh, my God! She's done so much!"

Individually, there's some great things
happening here,

but was it appropriate to this room?

Actually, from a practical point of view,

this, to me, is pointless storage.

Remembering her mood board,

the idea was that
all of these boxes interlocked,

but this is such a faff.

Look, there's a cupboard in here.

But, you can only get at that
if you pull all these things out.

So, maybe if these...

were just drawers?

Keep it simple.

It all came together,

pretty much down to myself
for getting in there

and getting the jobs done.

It feels really...

different in here.
They've created, like...

a nice social, party,

breakfast bar area.

And they have just used one colour.

What I loved about that other kitchen

was there was lots of colour pop,

and different zones made,

and we have made a fantastic zone here,

which is... That's fun, that's really fun.

Why not have a bench seating like that,
rather than a table?

But, from a teamwork perspective,

having seen the three individual rooms,

do you get a sense
of three characters here,

or one unified character,
or no-one quite had enough time...

-The latter. devote to it.

[Sophie] This does feel like
the afterthought.

[pumping pop music]

[Fearne] Before returning
to the design studio,

a chance to check out the competition.

-This must be Kyle's. He built so much.
-Oh, wow.

Is that the desk?

Kyle, clever boy.

That's not so clever.

Doesn't quite work at the minute.

[Cassie] The idea's there.

I'll be honest, that looked...

pretty shoddy.

You're very quiet.

-Yeah, come on, Frank.
-I'll say two words.


Flat-pack city.

Ours had a better finish,

more thought of how it's going to be used...

What have they done?

It's vinyl.

...and I think ours has got the edge.

I like what he's done in terms of ceiling,
I just...

It wouldn't necessarily
say "student" to me.

I genuinely believe
we have better designs on our floor.

So, this is Cassie.

Upstairs, there's bad finishes,

there's impractical beds,

there's little storage...

[birds chirping]

Very bright.

...and a crazy colourful kitchen.

But, it is actually
stressing me out to look.

If you look at it all at once--

It is quite... It's very vibrant.

To stay in there for any length of time
is quite a strain

on your eyes and your brain.

Wherever I look, it's stressing me out.

Yeah. It's actually giving me headache.

[rock drumming]

With a life-changing
commercial contract on offer,

time to find out which team is safe,

and which team
will be facing the judges this week.

It's design, it's objective.

You really don't know
what they're going to say to you

whether they're actually going to like
what you think's good.

I really want to stay in the competition,
I'm so proud of where I've gotten to.

It would mean the world
to go through to next week.

Hello, designers!

-Hey, Fearne.

So, it was back to university
for this task.

Did it bring back some nice memories?

Brought back some memories.

Some blurry ones?

Blurry ones, mostly.

Now, this week,

the task was all about
maximizing a small space.

So, it was less about shopping and styling

and much more about
practical design solutions.

There was one particular studio

that universally was loved by the judges.

They felt that this designer
really hit the mark

with a great design,

but also left enough scope
for the students to leave their own mark.

Ju, well done.

I thought I was out today!

More tears! I can feel it coming.

-Thank you.
-And together, as a team,

they really loved your communal kitchen.

They felt that it was
a ray of sunshine to walk into.

So you guys will be through to next week.

Well done, guys!

Well done, guys.

Thank you.

-Well done, guys.
-Well done!

Well done, Ju.

How I'm feeling?
I'm so happy, I can't even speak!

I cannot believe it.

I genuinely thought
that this time I was going home.

[anxious music playing]

[Fearne] So, Jerome, Nicki and Kyle,

the judges would like to
discuss your designs,

and one of you will be going home.

Hi, guys.

[Jerome] Hi.

You know this sofa.

Come and have a seat.

Old friend.

So, as a team,

you were tasked to kind of

renovate and zhush-up the kitchen.

So, you guys were quite lucky, in a way,

that Jerome finished early.

Definitely worked in our favor.

I would've liked to have seen
more teamwork.

If I'm honest,
a lot of the ideas came from me.

That's a harsh blow, boys.
You got any comeback?

I definitely think in terms of coming
and saying, "Oh, this needs to be done,"

if I wasn't there to do it,
it just wouldn't have been done.

Kyle, first time on the sofa for you,

Why do you think you're here?


was a bit too overambitious with what
I tried to create in the time that we had.

I'm happy with the design,

I'm really proud of what I did,

and what I created
and the thought I put into it.

You were actually
in the minority of designers

who chose to completely reconfigure
the layout of that room.

Was that worth it?

I think there was a point
I should've stopped,

but I would always...

I'd always try and push myself
as far as I can physically go,

and I've fallen short this time.

It's a shame, there was a potential

for a really quite stylish
and striking scheme,

and that...

-didn't come out in the reveal.
-No, definitely.

So, Nicki.

You always have like a thousand ideas.

-But this was a tiny room,
-I know.

and you kind of threw everything at it.

I wanted to put a concept on it,

rather than it be
about the look of the room.

So, it was about, you know,

coming up with a modular idea
that the furniture could be moved

and used in different ways.

-Did you try moving that furniture around?
-I did...

Unfortunately, yes,
there was a technical oversight.

Basically, the furniture
didn't fit into the hole.

That was the main thrust of your design,

was this modular, adaptable,
move around-able...



you're putting the blame on it not working
on a mis-measurement

under the bed?

There was... fundamental flaws, but--

I think you needed a room

probably three times bigger

to allow the space

to pull that out
to shift it into a shelf.


We move to Jerome,

and you have a fantastic eye,

we know that you love to shop.

In terms of maybe
staying within your comfort zone,

I happen to know that
this is a dead ringer

for your personal lounge, isn't it?

This... Oh, this colour scheme, this...

-Yes, it is.

And I think, you know, I know it works...

and I know it's a great canvas
to add stuff to.

I had considered putting more colour up,

but... I chickened out.

I was surprised
that you hadn't used more...

fitted furniture. I want to know
why that was, had you thought about that?

I know a lot of people did
put cabin beds in,

but, for me,
I just feel it's a bit juvenile.

These are young adults.

It's bad enough sleeping in a single bed,

so I didn't want to play around with that.

I thought there was ample space
under there to get suitcases and such in.

So, is your admission
that you didn't really think of creating

more fitted, bespoke storage

in order to create more storage solutions?

In a nutshell, yes.

Yes, I did go with a flat-pack wardrobe.

So, it's something to work on--

But you think that's enough?

Prob-- No.

No, it's not enough.

It's getting harder and harder
to draw a line between you all.

-I think we came to the conclusion
-[serious music]

that it's about...

the desire to really push the envelope

in service to that brief

and in service to that end user.

That, for me,
is what interior design is about.


on that basis,

the person I'm going to send home
this week... Jerome.


[dramatic piano music]

Thank you.

It's been a great experience,
it really has.

-[Kyle] You've done so well.
-[Fearne] Gutted to see you go.

[Jerome] If I have any regrets,
it would just be

not taking things that extra mile,

but, I'm really proud, you know?

I lack in confidence, I've noticed,

and I don't push myself
probably as far as I should,

so that's something
I need to take away and work on,

because I could achieve great things
if I just believed in what I was doing,

and this competition
has showed me that I can do it.

Next step for you,


Jerome's work is really slick,

but I feel he didn't push himself
beyond his comfort zone.

I didn't see that level of innovation

and design that I was looking for.

-Thank you.

Nicki has a million ideas a minute,

but she's got to learn to edit that back.

And, Kyle knows he was quite ambitious.

He knows he's got
a more architectural sensibility,

and he knows that maybe on the softer
styling side is where his weak points are.

So, I need to see him pull that
all together in the next challenge.

[Frank] To me, to you.

[Fearne] Next time...


...the designers take on holiday cabins

in the heart of the English countryside.

[Ju sighs]

I'm not panicking.

[Nicki sighs]

What do you think with all the...


I really hate it.
It's just so "no."

[driving rock music]

Subtitle translation by:
Christian Bretschneider