Interior Design Masters (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Interior Design Masters - full transcript

The nine remaining contestants are split into three teams and are tasked with renovating hotel rooms in a seaside hotel in Bournemouth.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
But what if you wanted
to turn that passion

into a full-time career?

From across the UK,

these ten everyday people

with dreams to become designers

are looking for a big life change.

They're about to face
the toughest challenge

of their lives.

It's going up!

Hoping to make a name for themselves

in the ruthless world
of professional design.

They're competing to win

a major career-defining contract

to design the grand historic bar

at one of London's top hotels.

I've been a mum for the last decade now,

and this is really my time

to shine again.

I have a need to be creative.

It's not enough for me
just to be a solicitor.

My father died three years ago,

and I thought, "Life is too short."

Judged by former editor-in-chief

of British Elle Decoration magazine,

Michelle Ogundehin
is an internationally-renowned

authority on design

and interior trends.

Interior design is so much more
than just painting a few walls.

I'm looking for magic.

She'll be joined by
some of the biggest names

in the industry.

It's like being perfectly poised
between pleasure and pain.

It's got some maturity,
it's got some depth.

And that's the space
that lets it down for me.

The contestants will face
eight commercial design challenges.


Three grand,
let's do Buckingham Palace next week.

Knock yourself out.
Know what I mean? I'm up for it.

It's so exciting!

But only the successful

will stay in the competition.

I worked so hard,

I don't want to go home now.

Fail to impress...

I absolutely hate it.

...and elimination looms.

I just feel like the bits
I should've done well at...

are the bits I did the worst at.

Oh, dear.

Welcome to Interior Design Masters.

It's week two,

and, at the design studio,

the nine remaining
contestants are starting to arrive.

I'll have a go at doing like you've done,
with sketching.

I'm feeling nervous.

I've no idea what's going to happen today.

I'm really looking forward to
the next challenge.

I'm so excited.

I just cannot wait.

I just really want to get through.

Yeah, feeling quite sick about it.

-Hi, guys.

Shall we go see Michelle,

and find out what's what?

-Let's go.

This week,
the aspiring designers will be working

in teams again.

They've been tasked with designing
commercial bedrooms.

They're about to find out why.

We are headed off to the seaside town
of Bournemouth.

On the south coast of England
lies their next challenge,

a 150-year-old hotel
in need of total modernizing.

Each contestant must transform a bedroom

in their own unique signature style.

But that's not all.

This hotel has a special selling point.

The clue is all in the name.

Hotel Chocolate.

Your brief
is to bring the bedrooms up to date

using your own signature style,

but while also
making innovative nods to chocolate.

Interior design requires great teamwork.

Michelle won't be testing them on
individual skill alone,

but also how well they work together.

Jerome, Verity and Kyle,

I want you to explore

the idea of dark chocolate.

Cassie, Frank and Terian, milk chocolate.

Ju, Nicki and Trish,

you guys get to give me
a taste of white chocolate.

And this week, only the winning team
will be completely safe from elimination,

and the dreams of any one
of the six contestants

will be blown.

Good luck.

Thank you.

With very little time
before leaving for the hotel,

the teams reveal
their signature style bedrooms.

Now they must decide how to incorporate
the surprise chocolate theme.

So, here's my mood board. It's something
a little bit different from last time,

-That's lovely,
-and that feels kind of white chocolate...

to me already.

I think we're quite lucky,

the point that, you know,
white chocolate is the lighter one,

and all our rooms are quite light.

I mean, one of the ideas, just...

thinking about how to bring in
the chocolate theme

might be playing with these circles here,

and thinking of, like,
white chocolate buttons.

We could all three of us
put that in our rooms.

-Think so. Yeah.


On Team Milk Chocolate...

I'm going to go with...

-this wallpaper.

My love for India, I think,
shines through quite a lot.

Showing off their flamboyant design styles

seems more important
than the new chocolate theme.

I've kind of gone slightly theatrical.

Oh, wow.



With a passion for vintage style,

Cassie loves adding antique touches.

My style is, I'd say, if anything,
probably slightly over-the-top.

I don't think I care about trends
that much.

I don't really want a design
that everyone's going to love it.

I want a design for those few people
who are really going to love it.

And, I love
being that hands-on kind of person,

and just trying it.

And, I've been looking a lot at draping,

and bed canopies,

and all the fabric
is pretty much Victorian.

Practicality-wise, for a hotel room,
I think it's missing the mark.

Hygiene-wise, you've got to keep it clean,

she's also using a lot of vintage pieces.

I know that if I turned up to a hotel room
and got that, I'd freak.

Yeah, well,
mine is completely different to yours.

The big thing
is I'm going to put all the colour up,

so, the ceiling's going to be

painted tangerine orange.

-I'll be honest...
-Got to be honest.

I'm really worried about the colours
that you've chosen.

You don't want to be sleeping
in a Stabilo highlighter pack, do you?

Do you know what I mean?
It'd give you a migraine.

I just... I think it's a bit overkill.


There's part of me that probably
wants to break down crying,

but I can't.
This is a competition now.

I want this,

and, actually, now
I kind of want to prove them wrong.

So, what ideas have you got for nods...

to chocolate?

Literally, the words, for me,

"milk" on one wall,

"chocolate" on the other wall.

-But, it needs to be more than a nod.
-Do we just go off...

and do our own nods to chocolate?

Whatever works for yours,
and whatever works for mine.

We'll just crack on,


whoever cocks it up,

cocks it up.

If the teams can't work together,

they'll be at risk of elimination.

And, Michelle won't be the only one

judging the transformed bedrooms.

They'll also have to impress

internationally-renowned designer
Jade Jagger.

In recent years,
she's gone in a new direction,

combining her jewelry business
with a move into interiors.

One of the most important things

that comes to a design of a hotel room

is that it's got to be used,
and it needs to be practical.

I don't like it to be over-accessorized,

but I do want to feel
that sumptuous feeling of a cozy bed

and beautiful cushions, and,

you know, invited into the room.

My design.

On Team Dark Chocolate,

they're pitching their own
bedroom designs to each other...

I'm going for quite a dark colour
on the wall

just to really add an upmarket feel,
and I'm putting in...

...but the surprise element
has thrown some off their initial plans.

And, that is my scheme.


-It's not dark chocolate, though.
-Which is similar to that.

It's pretty annoying.

I was quite happy with my design,

and now I have to make it
more chocolate-y.

Retired Army officer, Verity,

runs her own home interiors business,

and loves using light colours
in her designs.

I would describe my style as
contemporary country.

So, using quite bright colours.

Green is my favorite,

closely followed by blue and pink,

maybe, and a bit of orange.

But any colour's pretty good with me.

What do you think you could do
to maybe link it through?

Got a green chair in my design

which could be swapped out

for a leather chair,

which will be...


My biggest concern is being able to...

get these extra chocolate-y elements in

without compromising my design too badly.

I think we will be able to
link through enough

to be able to pull through the scheme,

but I can say that
with complete confidence,

if I'm completely honest with you.

Talk over, the teams are hitting
the south coast of England.

Anybody see it?

-The Chocolate!
-There it is!

It looks like Fawlty Towers!

With a budget of £1500

to make over each bedroom,

the contestants have just two days
to transform tired bedrooms

into boutique hotel rooms.

God, it's coming off like a dream.

I'm surprised it stayed up.

Very brown.

The hotel's stuck in a bit of a time warp,
a lot of bad taste going on.

Good job we've come
to make over the space,

because it really needs it.

First decision for the designers,

to keep or trash
the old bedroom furniture.

-Are you keeping the chair?

-Got it?

-Oh, good teamwork.

And the teams have a bunch of tradespeople

to help them deliver their dream bedrooms.

-Hello, how are you?
-I'm very well.

-Are you with me?
-Yes, the entire team.


Glad you guys are here!

On Team White Chocolate,

social worker Trish
is tearing everything out.

That's a good start,
that looks so much lighter already.

Trish has worked in social care
for over 30 years,

but has recently
taken a backseat to focus on

her design business.

Interior design
was always kind of like a hobby,

but my father died three years ago,

and I thought, "Life is too short."

My style, I mean, I like eclectic,

I like a little bit of quirky,

but elegance thrown in, too.

Trish is going for a contemporary style

using a white and pink colour palette.

She's upholstering the headboard,

creating new storage,

and finishing the look with a new carpet.

-That's it, just squash.
-Good luck!

We'll leave it with you!

Changing the carpet

has taken a huge bit of my budget.

I may regret it, but, to me, it had to go.

Shall we measure again,
because I don't remember.

One thirty-two.

-One thirty-two.
-And this side...

Her teammate Ju

is bringing her favorite bright colours
into the mix...

My design style is bright, it's happy,

it's patterns...

...and still managing to integrate
her team's white chocolate theme.

Nicki had an idea
of using chocolate buttons,

so I thought,
"what does look like chocolate buttons?"

And, I thought, mosaic tiles.

Oh, hello!

Wow, it stinks in here.

I know!

We're on challenge two now,
and you've got very awkward shaped rooms.

you've got a lot to do.

-How are you finding that pressure so far?
-I think...

I'm more conscious.
The first one, I was just like,

"Oh, everything will be fine,
it'll be fine!"

Now, I think I'm a bit worried,

because I have a very distinctive style.

-Right, I'll take these wires out.

With the clock ticking,
and with two hours already gone,

Ju's teammates are discovering
this old hotel

is taking more repair work
than planned.

This wall
was only ever going to be painted.

So, now we've got to make a decision
as to what to do about this wall.

-I think let's get it off.

Strip it.

I found...

a load of damp here, so...

there's no way
I'm going to wallpaper over that.

It's going to come off, I'm afraid.

It's quite wet.

My room needed an update

as much as I thought it did.

That's putting it nicely.

On Team Milk Chocolate,

their bold bedroom designs are underway...

Yeah, we've got lots and lots to do.

and Terian is going all out
with her bright choice of colours.

I've designed various bits of furniture
for the room.

-So, it has to be painted now?
-It has to be painted.

Terian's designed contemporary furniture
for her bedroom,

including a new headboard and shelves,

and she's including
her love of fluorescent colours

mixed with black and white
throughout the room.

I was a bit apprehensive about starting,

because of what happened with Frank
at the design hub.

I had felt a little embarrassed,
a little bit, about my designs,

but I had gone away,

and thought things through,
and I've changed a few bits,

but actually...

I suppose...

it just made me like my design even more.

In the attic room,
unfamiliar to self-doubt...

Pretty smart, isn't it?

...teammate Frank.

I'm slightly worried about our team
and the milk chocolate element,

because none of us could agree.

I'm probably being a bit selfish
in making sure my room's good,

because, then,
if we do have to fight for our place,

then hopefully mine's better than theirs

and I'll be safe, so...

It is a competition.

You can talk about teams
till the cows come home,

but it is a competition, isn't it?

Over on Team Dark Chocolate...

-This one, if you want to have a look.
-Yeah, nice, that is.

-I like that.

-Good, isn't it, Dickie?
-Very nice.

...retired Army officer Verity

is finally accepting the chocolate twist,

incorporating it into her room design.

I've had to bring in
this dark chocolate theme,

so there's a lot of this leatherette

that is going to go on the headboard,

but I didn't want
the room to be really dark,

so this blue is going all the way round,

and it's really bright and vibrant
against the brown.

And, she's also showing off her passion
for home accessories.

There we go, one rolled lampshade.

So, this is the fabric?

-Let's have a look at it first.
-This is the fabric.

-Very nice.

It's going to look really good
against my wallpaper.

How do you feel about the dark brown,

because it wasn't initially
in your design?

-I don't like the dark brown.

-At all?

-Any of it?
-None of it.

Do you think you've had to, then...

compromise your own signature style,

which is a very important part
of this challenge?

I think I've definitely had to tweak it,

because it just...

My signature style
would not include brown.

Full stop.


Working against the clock
to get their rooms finished...

Oh, gosh!

...teammate Kyle has hit a roadblock.

It would never occur to me
that someone would cut a ceiling

around a wardrobe and then put it in.

Removing the fitted closet
has revealed a hole in the ceiling.

Come on, no doom and gloom,
we can do this.

We'll be fine, we'll be absolutely fine.

I have a real passion for Art Deco design,

but I wouldn't necessarily see
you would look at a scheme of mine

and say, "That's Art Deco."

You would see
a touch of modern refinement.

I've always been
interested in interior design,

even from a kid.

I was constantly making all the decisions
for my parents in their house.

I'd be up till
three o'clock in the morning

painting bedrooms at 11 years old

because I just really wanted
to see what it would look like.

How are you getting on?

My wardrobe's part of the ceiling.

Oh, never? You didn't tell me that!

I want to come and have a look.

-You really don't.
-I want to come and see, too.

I want to see
the massive hole in your ceiling!

-Oh, dude.
-Oh, my gosh.

You love a good challenge, Kyle.

-I know. Off the walls.
-Oh, Kyle.

-You'll be alright.

Already halfway through the first day...



-Oh my gosh, wallpaper's going up.

-It's all painted,

-just need to paint the woodwork now.
-Oh, wow.

On Team White Chocolate,

in Ju and Nicki's bedrooms...


...their signature styles
are coming to life.

Trying to get that as central as I can.

But teammate Trish
is still behind schedule.

Trish! What's this?

I can't wait to show you.

...and it's such a beautiful fabric.

It's called Walk In The Park.

-Where are we going with it?
-I want it straight in the middle,

on top of the fabric.

Trish, have you done this before?

-No. Not at all.

But, because I've got almost
a picture of that walk in the park,

it's important I get this bit...

...there, central.

Is that central?

I've marked, look, so no, it's not.

-So we're going to have to move it.
-Right, shift it.

We're going to have to shift it. Hang on.

-Where's your pin?

Which way are we going?

-We need to shove that--
-Oh, Fearne!

-Just do this.
-Good job you're here, isn't it!

With three hours to go on day one,

Frank's raced in front of his teammates
and has finished his headboard...

I will try not to
staple my fingers together,

or to the board.

...but Terian is struggling...

Obviously taking a lot longer
than I thought it was,

which is a reoccurring theme.

...and Cassie's experimenting with
an antique-style headboard all of her own.

I've never done this bed canopy thing.

I've always wanted to do it.
It's super over-the-top.

Marie Antoinette-style.

It's going to be quite fun.

-Hi, Cassie!
-Hey, Fearne!

-How are you doing?

-What's over here? Talk me through this.
-This is my headboard.

So, I've just been upholstering this,

-so this is going here,

and I've got seven of these,

and this is all nice antique fabric,

got loads of antique lace, velvets--

-Very antique-y,
you're going totally bespoke style Cassie.

-And you're making it work.

Where's your chocolate?

Where's my chocolate?

It looks chocolate-y?

I mean, it could be...

Turkish delight-y?

I have got some chocolate.

-Right. Okay.
-I do have some chocolate.

I've got this really nice old...

vintage chocolate tin.

With time running out on day one,

on Team Dark Chocolate,

Verity's finally happy with her design...


-What do you think?
-I love it.

-Really good choice.

...and Kyle's damaged ceiling
is getting repaired....

Fingers crossed.

Very happy to actually see it go up.

Just got to get it filled round the side,
feathered in,

and then painted
so it all, kind of, works together.

...but as the first day draws to a close,

there's still a lot to do
to get their rooms perfect

for the judges' arrival tomorrow.

We've stabilized a good bit of the walls.

And, in Trish's bedroom,
they're fixing the old walls,

but it'll be a race to the finish
to hit their deadline.

We've cracked the main bit of the problem.

Once we get paint up,
the design will start coming together.

I just want some fish and chips

down by the beach now.

It's the final day of the challenge.

-Here's to a good day.


The teams have 12 hours
to complete their hotel rooms

before the judges give their verdict...

I've got chocolate-flavored coffee,

a chocolate book,
and I've got a piece of artwork.

...and Frank, Cassie, and Terian

are only just turning their attention
to the team's milk chocolate theme. the hot chocolate,

and then I've also got
a vintage chocolate box.

And, I've got my artwork.
I got that printed,

designed that and got it printed
with the milk choc,

-so, yeah, good.
-Sounds like a dream.

I don't think they took this whole, like,

actually making a thing out of it.

It's like, "Oh, a chocolate tin
with hot chocolate in it."

I mean, it's a little bit...

...of an afterthought.

But, Terian and Cassie are intent on
showing off their signature styles,

putting chocolate
at the bottom of the agenda.

It looks so good,

you've done such a good job.

It's an antique pelmet, and that's kind of
where all the colours came from, so...

quite excited to see it up.

I really didn't want to do anything
that I thought was bland,

and I like to find things
that are original.

I kind of wanted this...

opulent kind of feeling,
so I think the colours work with that.


That's not the right pink.

No it is the right pink.

Teammate Terian's also got a daring design

with bright fluorescent colours,

but Frank's sticking to Michelle's brief,

and including the milk chocolate theme
into his design.

So, I've got this image of a cocoa bean

to get the chocolate into the room

without it being a bit too tacky.

Not too bad.

I'm quite chuffed with that.

How are you doing?

I've come with a bit of an idea.

Basically, I did my lino print,
that's how it turned out.

-I'm quite chuffed.

Working against the clock,

Frank's making a last-ditch effort

to unite the team's milk chocolate theme.

Now, you're more than welcome
to use the print.

-Cassie might, as well.

-Did she say--
-Cassie said,

if you use it, she'll do it,
because it's three.

If you're not going to do it,
then she doesn't really see a point.

I think I probably won't,
because I think...

this probably will take a lot longer.

It would just look like
a random bit of art

that I half-assed

for the room.

It looks excellent in his room, but...

not in mine.

With only six hours to go...

Who would've thought there was
a gigantic hole there yesterday?

...the Dark Chocolate team are on track.

...and then if we drop it down again,
look, it matches that.

Jerome's chosen a striking feature wall
for his room.

My style is a modern boho,

but it has bougie sophistication to it.

I love dark neutrals.

It's just completely transformed the room.

This now is the "wow."

This is the geometric, the warm neutrals,

this is dark.

I put the patterned wallpaper
behind the bed

because I want that "wow"
when you walk in,

but when you're in bed,

I think it's nice to look out
onto something that's quite restful,

and I really think this is just showcasing
what I'm all about now.

Verity's adding an upscale finish
to her upholstered dressing table.

Because it's got to be
quite straight lines, these are...

a lot easier!

I think we're all
quite keen on each other's designs.

We've got a dark chocolate scheme, so...

we're looking forward to
bringing our rooms together.

It's beautiful.

On Team White Chocolate...

with time running out,

there's still a mountain to climb,

before the rooms are finished.

Ju, don't worry, we're fine.

It's down to the wire for Trish.

She's still painting the woodwork,

and her new carpet is arriving.

It's been a real rush, but,
you know, sometimes you just...

that's how it is.

The teams have
just a couple of hours to go

before their hotel bedrooms
will be revealed

to Michelle and this week's guest judge,
Jade Jagger.

Jade's design portfolio includes
apartments in Manhattan and Mumbai,

as well as a country estate in England.

This frequent flyer knows more than most
what makes an impressive hotel room.

Last week, the designers had to
slightly play down

their own personal taste,

but this week,
it's about seeing their signature style,

so their real trademark moves.

It's not an easy brief,

but it is an opportunity for them

to show, really, what they're made of.

On Team Milk Chocolate,

bedroom complete,
Frank's finished ahead of schedule...

In terms of helping the other guys,

I don't think we've been a team,

so I don't really see
why I should go and help them.

Whilst everybody's in sheer panic,
I think I'm like...

I'm ready to have a little nap.

...but Terian and Cassie are still
racing to the finish line.

Maybe right, just a touch.


Although I was questioning it,
I've been true to myself.

This is my signature style,

so they've got what they've asked for.

That's it.

Let me throw a feed.
Is it going to work?

It's so cheesy.

I do really love my room.

The wallpaper is just epic.

If I'm being a little bit cocky,

I think my room's one of the best
in the hotel.

I know that I've ticked
nearly every single box in that brief.

Oh, I say.

-We've entered another country.

I think it's got a nice feeling to it.

This feels like a hotel room.

This feels like I've left home,
I've come somewhere different,

I've come somewhere a bit exclusive...

Are we in India?

...and Frank has a good way of using
the whole room.

We can see that
he's painted the ceiling here,

he's used wallpaper,
he's used different paint finishes,

he's sort of created
more than just the headboard.

He's really good at that.

And, do we read chocolate?

The artwork looks like
maybe it's a cacao bean.

There's just a level of finishing here
that I think

is very much to do with
Frank's signature style.

Yeah, definitely.

It's got some maturity,

it's got some depth.

Do you feel this has got
that kind of practical

-longevity to it?
-I do.

I'd be quite happy to stay in this room.

Yeah, it's a good job.

I've loved getting to do my own style,

and I'm really happy with the outcomes.

I am worried about
the chocolate part of the brief.

I don't know if they're looking for
something bigger,

but I wanted to show what I do,

and push my style a little bit, as well.

I think I managed to achieve that.

Oh, my goodness.

Now, Cassie comes from
a kind of antiques background,

so I think there's no doubt whatsoever

that we're seeing signature style here.

I think that this kind of style
is probably very impractical for a hotel.

If you were coming to clean this,

you'd probably find
that it would be quite tricky,

and that's the difference between
what you can do at home,

and what you can get away with
in a commercial space.

I'm feeling good about my design.

I wanted to create a bright, fresh,

contemporary space that's practical.

Are they ready for neon?
I don't know.

Oh, that's quite fluorescent, isn't it?

Well, you know,
something I quite liked in the late '90s,

but I don't really feel that fluorescent
is a colour to use in a hotel.

We have to work for everybody,

and I could imagine a lot of people

-walking out of this room feeling--
-It's very strong.

I'm just a bit like,
"Oh, it's hurting my eyes."


I don't get the sense of chocolate at all.

I mean, even a nod?

-Well, there's the prints, I suppose.

I don't think that counts.

On Team Dark Chocolate,
the end is in sight...

I'm in headboard heaven. they pull together
their finishing touches.

Is it actually going to fit
behind the pelmet?

Well, it will fit behind the pelmet, yeah.

Really proud of our team

for pulling together
and getting the job done.

We are bang on brief.

Our dark chocolate rooms

are definitely dark chocolate.


I think the star rating
on this hotel's just going to rocket up...

at least one star.

Looking back now,

I'm really pleased I changed my design.

I definitely hit the brief,

I concentrated really hard to make sure

every element that I put in that room
was spot-on.

-It's quite snug.
-Well, hello.

It's mint chocolate, isn't it?

I rather like this,
it feels quite sophisticated.

It's nice to bring different colours
and different textures,

the lamps and the wallpaper
does do something for it.

It does seem to
hang together quite nicely.

But, I feel like she forgot the bed.

But, I think, all in all,

it feels comfortable.

I think it's quite nice.

I'm ready for another one.

I want more already!

Really pleased with what I achieved.

I think when you go into a hotel room,

you want stylish sophistication,

and you want a clean space
that is practical to be in,

and I think I have
knocked all of those on the head.

Feels really moody, isn't it?


Kind of crackled look.

It's nice to bring the black
into chocolate theme.

I guess he's really gone for that noir,
super dark.


I'm still unsure
what Jerome's signature style is.

I think he's showing a sense of maturity,

and a sense of modernity, I guess.

I love this little kind of seating area.

It feels quite luxurious
because it's not a huge room.

Nice big, oversize headboard.

That's quite a nice touch.

Makes it all feel grander than it is.

Yes, it's true.

You see like the buttons...

-Are green.
-...are covered with the green.

That's a really sweet detail.

I am happy with how the room looks.

The styling is beautiful.

I managed to keep the design aesthetic,

but also incorporate the chocolate theme.

And, what would we have in here?

I get a sort of '30s feel.

There's something nice about the wood,
and that's interesting, isn't it?

Is it sort of half a--

It's a wrapped chocolate, Jade.

-Quite a nice touch, don't you think?
-Yes, it's true.

I do see a lot of green
in the dark chocolate theme.

Got this gray
that we saw in Jerome's room,

and he'd used it quite quietly.

Here, we've kind of
flipped it on its head,

we've got white on the woodwork
and gray on the walls,

and so I do get the sense
that these guys talked.

-One, two, three, now.

Over on Team White Chocolate,

finally they're on the home straight.

I've got three kids.

This is the speed I have to work

if I want to get anything else in my life
done when it comes to ironing.

Yeah, we can do it. Teamwork.

This is pretty much bang on for me.

I love using colour on the ceiling,
I love having a feature wall.

Round shapes.

I love a bit of Scandi.

What I would call
contemporary urban living.

-You alright, Nicki?

Girls, I'm really sorry,

I'm not sure I'm going to
do anything with the white tiles.

I'm not sure I've got time.

I'm so sorry.

There you go.

It's not the best,

but I wanted to put the tiles somewhere,
I didn't want to let the girls down.

I know there's only one curtain up,
but I'm done.


Anybody want a chocolate?

I'm really pleased with the overall
look and feel of the room.

Sometimes hotel rooms can be very serious,

and I really wanted it
to be a bit more fun.

Wow. I can immediately see a playfulness

to the white chocolate idea.

She's taken these sort of candy colours,
just wrapped the room, hasn't she?

I mean, I would never imagine
painting the ceiling

mint green.

Slightly ice cream, isn't it?

-It is ice cream.
-We're in a Neapolitan ice cream.

I guess white chocolate

does have a sort of
ice cream-y vibe to it.

Ah, look, yes.

-Buttons, got our chocolate buttons.
-I like those.

Possibly coming through here.

She seems to like to play with

form and shape,
and layering,

and these wall details are very much...

-her signature style.
-Are they?

Really was a challenge this week.

There's things that...

are they 100%? No.

But, in two days...

Do you know what?
I'm dead proud of myself.

-This time I definitely see the team

working together to a theme.

There's a good sense of communication,
isn't there,

that they've clearly decided,

"OK, white chocolate, let's go with
the little round ones," but...

somehow this candy theme

has been taken a bit literally.

-Another one here.
-Too many small accessories for a hotel,

that, you know, easily pinched.

In terms of signature style,

Trish is another one
that I struggle slightly

to know what her real style is.

She seems to be quite focused
around kind of little details,

kind of fun things,

like these little trinket boxes,

but I'm not getting that sense

that she thinks about rooms
and spaces in a 360-degree way.

She's picked this headboard fabric,

I feel, because of the colours,
and then not

thought about the actual image.

We are in a seaside resort,

-and I'm looking at skyscrapers.
-Those skyscrapers are very confusing.

My room is exactly how I planned it.

The brief gave us carte blanche

to do whatever we wanted.

So, it's something
that's out of the ordinary,

but it feels like holiday fun.


It's got this tiled,



I rather love these tiles, though.

I'm not sure they're
talking chocolate to me, but--

-Not talking chocolate to me.
-The fact it's a wallpaper,

that's kind of interesting.

We've got kind of outdoor light.

I think it has definitely got
an outdoor sort of feeling.

Bit of pattern clash going on there,

-though, isn't it?
-Too much for me.

I think she's tried to choose
too many things.

This blouse-y floral look

that's perhaps more English.

Then we skip to Persia on the floor.

I mean, that's the thing with Ju,

she loves her pattern clash,

and it can be wonderful,

but somehow she's not quite...

got the expertise yet
to clash the right patterns.

And, I don't see how it ties in...

with white chocolate.

While the judges debate their decision,

the teams check out the competition.

-Oh, wow.
-Wowzers trousers.

I wouldn't feel very relaxed in this room.

Oh, no, I... No.

-It's quite high--
-I'm actually on edge.

I think some people may have forgotten
that it's a hotel room.

Practical things have gone out the window.

I would never use colour like this
in a bedroom.

If you took away the words

-"milk chocolate..."
-No, not at all. wouldn't know.

Didn't get chocolate
in a lot of the rooms,

whether milk chocolate or white chocolate.

I felt that was missed.

A bit dark for me.



Did he just wrap the fabric
around the cushion?

I think our team
have got a really strong chance.

It's just the colours.

Like, for me, I would feel depressed.

-Nice colours.
-Oh dear!

-It's not attached?

That's really bad for a hotel room.

I don't like this kind of thing,
like the outside lights.

It's just tack, isn't it?

-The finish isn't brilliant, is it?

I think it's a little bit--


And, I mean the doll's house
chairs on the windowsill,

it's like, kill me now, isn't it?

I'm not feeling that.

With a life-changing
design contract at stake,

the contestants anxiously gather
at Michelle's design studio.

I don't know, I was confident last week,

and the judges don't like my pattern,
so you never know.

I'm just really hoping that myself
and the team have done enough.

I'd be devastated to go home.

I don't like to think about it.

This week, only the winning team

of three will be safe from elimination.

Any of the six remaining contestants
from the other teams could be sent home.

Hi, lovelies.


All good?

Now, Hotel Chocolate,

we're really keen for you guys
to bring those bedrooms up to date.

Also, of course,

the nod to chocolate
was something that was very important,

and the judges felt that
some teams achieved that

more than others.

So, one team will be going through

to next week's challenge,
and will be completely saved.

And, that team is...

Team Dark Chocolate.

-Well done.
-Breathe a sigh of relief.

Go and relax.

Well done.


Well done!



To be through first,

fantastic feeling.

After being on the sofa last week,

I'm thrilled to make it through.

So, the judges
felt that two of you

did enough to also be saved
from elimination.

And, those two people are...


...and Nicki.

-Come on!

Go, Frank!

Well done.

-Nicki, well done, love.
-I can't believe they split the teams.

-Well done.
-Well done.

So, Terian, Cassie,

Trish and Ju,

the judges would like to talk to you

to decide who will be
leaving the competition.

-Hi, guys.

So, Ju, I'm going to start with you.

Talk to me a bit more
about your choice of patterns,

because we really did have
the kind of Portuguese tiles going on,

then we went to English country garden
on your throw,

and then ended up with a bit of Persia

underfoot from your rug.

Tell me how you chose those?

The brief was to have a signature style,

and I am very much about what clashes,

what doesn't go together,
and just put it all together,

and create the feeling
for the whole space.

But, how do you get that
difference between

clash that you go, "Oh, wow,
I wouldn't have put that together

but hey, it works,"

and clash that's just clash?

Because, I feel
there's a language to pattern,

and it isn't just about,
this is stripes, this is squares,

this is kind of dots.

You've really got to
get your head round that to improve.

I never thought that way.

Okay, Trish, let's move to you.

Were the furniture pieces that you chose
the most practical?

Because, you had that really quite fun

little tray table

with two little vintage chairs next to it,

are those really going to withstand
daily wear and tear?

There were too many accessories in there.

Putting chocolate everywhere,

whilst I understand it was the theme,
you know...

-Bit too much.
-Too much.

I mean, nobody was going to
clean all those boxes

that were lovely set out.

There's a difference between
doing a home

-and doing a hotel.
-I know, yeah.

Terian, you went for a really

eye-popping scheme there.

Who was your hotel room for?

I'm sick of going into hotels and feeling

it's dark, and dingy,
and I just wanted to create a fun,

fresh, contemporary space.

There is great strength
in really holding on to your ideas,

but also there's sometimes
greater strength in just letting them go.

Yeah, I suppose a lot of this I'm...

making up, I suppose, as I go along,

but I know I have it in me,

and I want to be able to showcase that.


we know that your signature style
is a great love of Victoriana,

but the brief was to bring it up to date.

-How do you feel that you did that?

I wasn't going to buy anything
that wasn't going to last.

Did you feel the bed was durable?

I'm hoping, as long as people don't
touch it too much, which, you know,

-is what's going to happen.
-But, this is a hotel!

It's a hotel!

I thought it was a lovely idea,

-but it could have been simplified.

Okay, this is a competition.

You know that, sadly,
one of you is going to leave us this week.

The person that I'm going to send home
this week... Trish.

I think you've got
the most amazing innate talent,

and I feel your love for interior design,

I really do.

But, I think your lack of experience
shone through this time.

-Well done.
-We love you, Trish.

Thank you.

We'll miss you so much.

Shocked to be leaving so soon, but yes,

I completely take their feedback

and can see why I'm leaving.

Give us a hug.

Thank you.

So, I'm going to take forward
this amazing experience

to help me in my new career.

What an amazing opportunity.

I'm so proud of myself.

Keep in touch.

I'm feeling gutted right now.

I'm happy, you know,

to be given the opportunity
to stay in the competition,

but I am so sad that Trish is leaving.


Good luck, you lot.

Thank you so much, Trish.

I am so happy about it

and so relieved
to live another day, really.

I'll see you at the wrap party.


Have a drink or ten!

Yeah, definitely!

Next time...

This, do this!

I'm so excited!

...the designers are off to the shops...

That is really nice, actually,
because I am getting some tension. transform retail spaces

in the north of England.

-Look at this!
-No way.

I pull back the curtain,
I'm going to see you in your undies.
