Instinct (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Long Shot - full transcript

When a woman is shot outside a community center, Dylan and Lizzie are challenged by the mayor to solve the case in less than 24 hours to quell pressure from the media and special interest groups.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Dylan Reinhart.
Not too long ago,

I was an operative in the CIA
known as Agent Reinhart.

When I left the agency
and started teaching,

I became Professor Reinhart.

I wrote a book about abnormal behavior

and criminals, which was so successful

a serial killer used it
as clues for his murders.

That's when the New York Police
Department reached out to me

to help catch him,
which I did. So they hired me

and I became Consultant Reinhart.

So now I'm working with this woman,

Detective Lizzie Needham
of the homicide division,

catching killers.

Looks like I need a new name.

Don't they call you Professor Psychopath?

Sweet, but take it down a
notch for the neighbors' sake.

Ah, I forgot Harry's dish.

Go on ahead.

Bye, Miss Rameen. Bye, Miss Rameen.

Bye, Miss Rameen.

See you tomorrow.

Just make sure you call him
"Your Honor," all right?

Okay, thanks.



What is that, a Glencallan face I see?

Double, please. Neat.

So what's up?

Don't tell me Joan's still pushing

that ridiculous deadline
for your first chapter.

Mm. Tailor can't fix the snag
in your Brunello Cucinelli?

My father called.

He wants me to join him
for a hunting trip this weekend.

And you need to tell me
that you don't want to go,

but you can't say no
to your dad, so I'll say

what a great guy he is, and tell you

you should go, and you'll start packing.

It's slightly more egosyntonic than that.

You know, you have a real filthy mouth.

I actually want to go.

You know, it's hunting, the one
thing my father and I share.

Double, neat.

Thank you. Sorry to interrupt, gentlemen.

Was it "mitigating circumstances"?

I can't read my own writing.

Exactly. Try that on the judge.

Thanks, Andy.

I owe you one.


So you can take the lawyer
out of his white shoes, but...

Well, it was mostly a wardrobe
issue I had with practicing law.

You know, the soul-crushing part
was secondary.

- Are you deflecting?
- I'm deflecting,

you're deflecting off your dad,
who, by the way,

- I actually like.
- Of course you like him.

You're both charming sports fanatics

who make a mean martini.

Thankfully, that's
where the resemblance ends,

and you're not
an egomaniacal powermonger.

Not yet.

You know, you don't have to go with him.

You're busy with a new job.

Maybe, uh, maybe you don't need
your dad in your head right now.

He's not.

But hunting is the one way
I can spend time with my father

where I'm not his target.

There was a shooting

outside the youth center in Astoria.

You'll be on special assignment.

It's not yet a homicide,
but the victim is likely.

Meaning l-likely to die?

Just learning the lingo.

If you're pulling us into this

because it's my rookie beat,

- I hear the neighborhood's changed.
- No.

It's the mayor who wants
her shiny new toy on this case.

"Shiny New Toy" just might stick.

But why is the mayor involved?

She fears it's a powder keg that
could blow up the entire city.

The victim's name is Rameen Nasjami,

the director of the youth center.

This photo...

was taken by her mother
earlier yesterday.

Her headscarf wasn't found at the scene.

Missing hijab. Was this a hate crime?

That's what the mayor needs to know.

The hate crime squad wasn't assigned,

but overnight the Twitterverse exploded.

Conspiracy buffs on one extreme

are accusing us of bias.

"When the shooter's Muslim,

they jump to terrorist. When
the victim's Muslim, they..."

And let me guess, the
other side is screaming

that the mayor is fabricating
a fake hate crime

- to play to her base.
- Bingo.

"Three down"? What's that about?

There've been two other incidents

against Muslims

in the boroughs recently.

And the lovely troll on this thread

is encouraging folks to add number three

- to the body count.
- We got to get ahead of this.

Which is why I need
answers by the end of the day,

when the mayor is threatening
to break with the NYPD

and denounce our position publicly.

You expect us to find the
shooter in nine hours?

More like eight. Go.

Let's go.

Detective Needham.

Uh, hello.

It is such an honor to meet you.

- Why is that?
- You are a legend

in the 1-19.

My sergeant's always raving

about your gunrunner bust
back in the day.

- A legend.
- She took down four perps

by herself without even
drawing her weapon.

Okay, we're on a deadline.
What are you doing here?

Uh, Zack Clark. I was the first
officer on the scene last night.

Ah, nice to meet you, Zack.

But if you think that blowing smoke

is gonna get you out of filing your 61...

Oh, no, no, ma'am.
Uh, I have my incident report.

Uh, at 2200 hours,

multiple 911 calls reported

hearing a single gunshot.

Responding officer... me...

discovered a female victim, unconscious,

bleeding from a chest wound.

Now, EMS removed victim via bus

to Dutch Kills General Hospital.

She went by bus?

- Ambulance. More lingo for you.
- Oh.

I'm sorry. I thought you were
Detective Needham's partner.

Oh, I am.

- Dylan Reinhart.
- We're partners. He's not a cop.

- Oh, uh...
- ‭Go on.

Well, uh, a canvass of the area

hasn't turned up
any eyewitnesses, weapons,

shell casings or useful CCTV footage.

- What do you think, Zack?
- ‭Oh.

I'm not a detective.

But it's your beat.

You must have your ear to the ground.

Well, with no robbery,

no sexual assault,
suggests a targeted hit.

And since Rameen, the victim,

took over the youth center,
it's attracted more kids,

including gang affiliates and Muslims.

Older residents
are calling it a mini mosque,

though I've never seen evidence of that.

Did Nancy Drew have time
to run the vic's name?

Yes, ma'am. The only time
Rameen had police contact

was a few weeks ago
when my partner got called

to a domestic argument
with her older brother.

Might have led with that.

Well, at the time,
he decided not to file the DIR...

a Domestic Incident Report.

But now I wonder. I mean, I have heard

devout families can react when
relatives get too westernized.

Could this have been an honor killing?

Well, that would be very rare...

if I can say that word
without licking my chops.

Okay, let's take a breath
and start at step one.

- You got wheels?
- ‭Uh, no.

I came by subway. My shift ended at 0400.

You got off the clock four hours ago.

Why are you even here?

There was a shooting.

You're certain my trip
won't be a problem?

- I-I wasn't sure of protocol.
- Protocol's simple:

you clear your teaching or writing

or hunting schedule with me.

This trip should be okay since,

according to the mayor,
we'll be done by tonight.

I'm just surprised you're a hunter.

Charlie was a hunter.

Did you work this beat together?


Are you kidding me?

It's closed?

This was Mrs. Wisniewski's shop.

She was four foot nothing

and all the drug dealers
were afraid of her.

She used to make
the most god-awful pierogies.

Kind of wish you had one now?

You can't live in the past, Lizzie.

Sure can miss it, though.

Crime scene. Here we go.

Excuse me.

That's not encouraging.

Backward "E" in "get""
May be a number three.

Third victim.

Thank you all for showing up.

It means so much to our family
and to my sister Rameen.

That's the avenging brother?

You all know what a fighter Rameen is.

The doctors hope she'll stabilize

so they can remove the bullet.

I'm sure Rameen will not give up.

What's going on?

Let's find out.

I bet you know who shot her.

You're blocking my sidewalk.

Oh, boy.

- It's not your sidewalk.
- I got a delivery.

Ain't nobody shop
at your wack store anyway.

- Don't you talk about my...
- Break it up.

Break it up. Hey.

Break it up. A young woman
is fighting for her life.

Show some respect.

We got respect.
It's them doesn't any respect.

Guys, can you take a step back?

Everybody has a right to be here.

So just go about your business

like the neighbors you are.

We don't need this.

Thanks, guys.

Well done.

Yeah, that works once.
We're gonna need backup here.

Any comment, detectives?

Nothing to share yet.

I mean a comment about the breaking news.

What they're calling number four.

"Number four"?

A mosque in the Bronx

just went up in flames.

They've assigned the Hate Crimes
Task Force to the mosque fire.

You will stay focused on this.

Don't let me down. Our squad

will provide backup and coordinate

to see if there's a link
between the incidents.

Oh, there's not.


I'm not saying it wasn't provoked

by shared sentiments,
but a shooter's not an arsonist.

Their profiles are opposites.

Ruling out pyromania, which we can,

arson is impulsive
and impersonal, whereas...

I-I can elaborate on this another time.


She was the best.

No one hated Rameen.

Maybe they hated how she looked?

Have there been other problems here?

Smaller things like threats
don't always get reported.

People feel ashamed of being targeted.

Or they don't want
to get the police involved.

There was a bag of something nasty

left here on the steps.

But it was months ago.

And Rameen said to just ignore it.

What about the graffiti?
When did that show up?

That was us.

We painted that.

With a backward "E"?

It looked cool.

And "Go back where you came from"?

We meant Park Avenue.

So who's not wanted here?

Brett Maxton. The real estate scion?

His family's developing this property.

- And the youth center is...?
- Kicked out.

By an eminent domain partnership

between Maxton's empire and the city.

I am beginning to appreciate more fully

our mayor's interest in this case.

City Hall and Maxton
pulled off their unholy alliance

without much press,
but my sister's shooting

could stir things up.

I'm sorry, but I've got to
get back to the hospital.

Oh, we understand.

If you could just answer
a couple more questions.

We heard Rameen's headscarf is missing.

My parents told the police

because she left home wearing it,

but I know Rameen
doesn't always keep it on

when she's not with family.

Your family's devout?

My folks are more traditional

than Rameen, or me.

But they're not zealots.

They're just parents trying
to adjust to a changing world.

Like all of us.

And like many young women,
Rameen's discovering

for herself what the head scarf
means for her.

You say head scarf, not hijab.

Yeah. I'm American; I speak English.

We won't hold you any longer.
My respects to your family.

One more thing: We heard
you had an angry argument

with Rameen a few weeks ago.

Yeah. She wanted to fight Maxton.

Stage protests over closing the center.

I told her Maxton is a billionaire bully

from a long line of bullies.

He warned her he'd crush her.

I was afraid he would.

I'm saying don't cut off a line
of inquiry with a suspect.

Surely you don't think that
perfectly normal young man

shot his sister in a medieval rage?

- I don't.
- ‭Well, hello.

Tick tock. Time's winged chariot and all.

Even with a deadline, to
investigate is to be thorough.

To plod.

Certainly not to cut corners.

- Even when you see a dead end?
- ‭Okay.

Your instincts may be more
finely-tuned than mine,

but for me, working a case
means being methodical

and presuming as little as possible.

So you have no presumptions about the man

that's kept us waiting for 20 minutes?

No, this guy's a total dick.

Who's apparently a fan of the
Jetson's school of architecture.

Brett Maxton. Sorry for the delay,

but it gave you a chance
to admire our vision here.

Kind of takes the breath away.

I bet the rents will, too.

These are all condos,

but we'll have rentals

- in phase two.
- Oh, phew.

I know some people fear change,

but we're bringing jobs,
revenue, improved infrastructure

and new schools to an area

that was crying out to be re-branded.

- You play squash?
- Since I could walk.


But how's Rameen? I was hoping you guys

brought me some good news.

She's still critical.

Damn shame.

She's my kind of gal.

I sent my orthopod to take a look at her.

Rameen deserves the best.

We heard you threatened to crush her.

Sure did. She hit me,

I hit back. It's how I do business.

And how would you do that? Hit her back?

It was a bluff. I ended up
shelling out two mill

to move her center to a new location.

Cash for her cause,

tax write-off for me. Win-win.

We'll be in touch.

Oh, uh, what's the re-brand?

What are you calling
the new neighborhood?


For Land Intersecting Astoria.

Sort of like the foodborne bacteria

that causes projectile vomiting?


Thanks, guys. Dig up whatever you can

about Maxton's contract
with the youth center.

That sleaze can't be taken at face value.

And Q&A with that guy's a waste of time.

What is that?

Detective Needham.

You stole that?

I liberated it from the demolition heap.

Stan's bodega.

Charlie and I didn't work
the 119 together,

but I met him there,
on my first day, at Stan's.

He was on his way out. I was nervous.

He told me I'd be fine.

"Just remember," he said,
"cops don't change the world."

Sounds like Charlie
thought you might need

to check your idealism.

Idealism being...

Charlie was right.
We don't change the world,

it's changed by angry online trolls

and guys like Brett Maxton.

...idealism being the
prelude to cynicism.

- I'm not cynical. I'm...
- Good, I caught you.

Our brass catcher's
ballistics report is out.

How did you find us?

I thought Brett Maxton
might be your next stop.

Go on.

Well, they can only rely on the X-ray

of the victim's spine until
they get the bullet out,

- but it's consistent with a .22 cal.
- And the entry wound?

- From above, downward, high angle.
- ‭Burns? Stippling?

So shot from a distance,
probably a rifle.

- And only one shot?
- ‭Yeah.

And under cover of darkness.

We're looking for a marksman.

There. Fourth floor,

front apartment window.

Whoever lives there had the perfect shot.

Come on.

131. Ana Kalinski is the landlady,

or used to be.

Wait till you meet her...

Please come in, Detective, um...

Needham. Don't you remember me?

I do. I was asking about, uh...

Oh, I'm Dylan Reinhart.
Detective Needham's boss.

- I love your building.
- Oh.

I'm afraid, like me,
it's seen better days.

Oh, come on.

Don't sell your building,
or yourself, short.

I know a classic when I see it,
Mrs. Kalinski.

My boss is so right, Mrs. K.

The new hair really suits you.

And have you lost a few pounds?

I had to make an effort after Mr. K died,

but I hate it when women
let themselves go.


But be kind.

Most women don't have
as much to work with.

Oh, a charmer. Just like my husband.

He liked the finer things,
as I can tell you do.

We've come to ask you about the shooting.


But I can't pretend

I didn't see it coming.

When you bring in a certain element...

Who rents the front apartment
on the fourth floor?


Was Troy mixed up in this?

Do you think he could be?

I don't know.

H-He came back from Iran

or wherever, different.


And he's had some run-ins

with that Muslim girl.

- Oh, no.
- What's wrong?

I didn't see Troy last night.

With the sirens and all...

that kind of thing can set him off.

So I tried to peek in,

but he changed the lock.
You don't think...

Well, let's find out.

Police. Troy, open up.

Is there another way in?

From the fire escape.

You'd have to jump,
but a strong man like...

I got it. Stay here.


Oh, your gold
slippers remind me of a girl

- who broke my heart.
- Oh.

They're very chic.

Ah, lovely.

I'm in!


Troy? You here?

Oh, no. Is he dead?

I believe introductions are in order.

Dylan Reinhart. Meet
Detective Lizzie Needham.

And you, I presume, are Troy.

Look, I-I'm not a danger
to myself. I hadn't slept

in three days, so I took a pill
and put on my tunes.

Which finally knocked me out around 9:00,

until... just now, when...

What do you listen to?

Mostly jazz.

Bud Powell last night.

Yeah, I'm not supposed to drink
with the pills,

but... I was desperate.

What did you do in Afghanistan?

I was a cook.

Then how come you got
a sharpshooter badge?

Uh, my first MOS was field artillery.

They, uh... they
reassigned me when my symptoms

- started showing.
- Your landlady thinks

you have PTSD, but she's wrong,
isn't she?


I'm, uh, I have schizophrenia.


So Bud Powell, the jumpy stuff,

wouldn't put most people to sleep,

but it drowns out the chatter.

Look, look, I'm med, I'm med-compliant.

I'm not depressed; my landlady's
a bitch, so you can go.

There was a shooting at the
youth center last night.

The director was shot.

The-The Muslim one? Uh, is she okay?

She's in the hospital.

Did you hear anything?

- Do you own a gun?
- No, I'm not allowed to. Um...

I was hospitalized a few years ago.

So, legally you can't,
but do you have one anyway?


Are you...

I was asleep.

- I didn't even know that girl.
- We heard you had some issues.

You guys think she's Muslim,
she's my enemy?

We're gonna need you to come
with us to the station house.

Yeah, then you'll plant a gun in here.

No way.


We shouldn't take him in.

- Why not?
- ‭How to say this

without invoking "instinct"?

Yes, this guy was a sharpshooter,

and he had a shot from his window,

but he's hardly giving off
the cool assassin vibe.

With pills and alcohol,
he could've experienced

blackout behaviors and not even
know what he did.

You're right. Okay.

Okay, look. I know the mentally ill

aren't more violent than
the general population,

but to presume innocence

is just as reckless

as jumping to guilt.

He never actually answered
my question about the gun.

Right, boss.

I mean it. I'll slow down.

Here's a lead you might enjoy tracking.

Looks like Brett Maxton
wasn't entirely honest

about paying the center's
relocation costs.

- Shocking.
- ‭He struck a deal

for $2 million with Rameen,

but then hasn't even made
the initial payment yet.

What about Troy?

Your instinct's right.

We'll get better cooperation
keeping him here.

I'll sit on Troy until the guys can get

a search warrant, and then
I'll get patrol to babysit.

Oh. I know just the
young officer for the job.

And I know just the guy to help
us crack Brett Maxton's books.

This is more than a favor.

It's a game of squash.
You're on the same team.

I have assets in Pyongyang
I trust more than Brett Maxton.

But surely your alter ego,
"Oliver Tate," must relish

the chance to hobnob
with real estate royalty.

You think Maxton's capable of murder?

As your father once said,
"Aren't we all?"

I'm seeing him this weekend.

Hunting trip.

You must be dreading that.

Yes and no.

Will he try to drag you in from the cold?


How is it you know everything
about my father,

- and I know nothing about yours?
- I'm better at this than you.

Also, I didn't go into
the family business.

My dad isn't head spook.

Just try to stay out of his line of fire.

Brett's locker combination
and computer password...

- you've got it?
- ‭Yeah.

Once you find what you need,
you can download it here.

Is this the best you can do?

It's the best you can do.

We both know tech-savvy
is not among your superpowers.

We have the court for an hour,

but I usually thrash him quicker.

- Can't you go easy on him today?
- For you,

I will compromise my morals,
my dating standards,

my allegiance to queen and country,

but I will not compromise my game.

Hey. Uh, Steve called.

Said to give him
a call back when you can.

He sounds nice.

But, uh, if you ask me, he's
trying a little too hard.

What are you doing here

and why are you answering our phones?

'Cause it's my job.
I got it, all thanks to you.

I am the new homicide
administrative assistant.

I used to bend the law, now I uphold it.

I'm like Dirty Harry.

But without, you know, like,

the gun and the badge and...

with a pretty severe case
of asthma, actually.

Oh! I gotta get that.

New member? I've never seen you here.

Uh... no, you haven't. Yes, I am new.

Ah. They must have given you
an old combo.

You're punching in three digits.

They just changed to four.
We can call an attendant.

- What's your name?
- ‭Um, it's, uh...

It's-it's Oliver Tate.

Call for help with that.


Those are Rameen's parents.

Unfortunately, the call was premature.

She won't be able to answer
questions for a few hours,

but she did pull through,

and the surgeon removed the bullet.

It's on its way to ballistics right now.

Any weapons turn up in Troy's apartment?

‭No. But his computer has a history
of searches on conspiracy sites.

Oh, like 63% of all American...

Okay, I'm just plodding
here. No need to jump.

What did you find?

Well, I may have come into possession

of a trove of Brett Maxton data...

Don't tell me how.

...which I passed on
to a lawyer to decipher.

I hope this lawyer is discreet.

Oh, I would trust him with my life.

- Put it on speaker.
- Lieutenant, yes, I hear you, but...

Hate Crimes is taking over.

Put it on speaker.

No, of course we can't ignore
an escalation like this.

Subway attack on Sikh tourists.

- I agree, it's blowing up, but...
- Put her on speaker.

Of course, Hate Crimes has
to come on board, but...

But keep us on it, too!

- Let us follow the shooting.
- I was going to say that.

- Are you making progress?
- Yes!

Well, if you want
to take the next few hours...

Yes, thank you, we will.
That's great. Thanks. Bye.

You hung up on her... on my phone.

She was heading towards a yes.
I just didn't

want to give her a chance to say...

Police! Stop!



- He a friend of yours?
- I knew him as a kid.

Right, Kev?

Kev was one of the smart ones.

Knew when I was packing
gummy bears, knew I'd share.

My partner thinks I'm stuck in the past,

but those were good times, right, Kev?

How many ways have you broken
your mom's heart since then?

- Look, I still help my mom.
- ‭Hey.

Hey, hey, what's this thing for?

You here to harm Rameen?

N-No, Miss Rameen's been good to me.

Hey, this is her hijab.

She-she left it at the park, okay?

Why did you run from us?

You got any warrants, Kev?

Anything on you
I should be concerned about?

- I didn't shoot her.
- Do you know who did?

You ever have a gun? I'll ask around

- and find out if you're lying.
- It wasn't me, okay?

I gave the gun to Troy.

I guess we are making progress.

Kev's more a poser than a banger.

A good kid, but he makes stuff up.

I don't know about any gun.

And too many cops, too much noise.

Yeah, there's a vigil
planned for tonight.

That's a bad idea.

Man, things could go sideways fast.

You must have seen a lot of that on base.

You know I didn't catch
schizophrenia in battle, right?

Yeah. You were just the
right age for a break.

Do the meds help your voices?

Most inner voices

are intrusive and critical.

I don't have the same diagnosis as you,

but I do know what it's like
to have voices in my head.

I've had them since childhood.

Sometimes I have to work
hard to ignore them,

figure out what's true.

Yeah, who to trust?

Look, I want to help you through this,

but I can't if you don't tell the truth.

So what about this gun?

Kev started packing for show.

And I had words with him about it

right here on this stoop last Saturday.

Thanks for being honest.

Yeah, but... but you won't find that gun.

Why not?

I threw it in the construction Dumpster.

That gun's...

It's long gone.

Garbage was collected yesterday.

Still, I need you
to identify every snot rag,

every dirty diaper,
every rancid chicken bone.

You want photos, too?

Are you being a smart-ass?

No, ma'am. I want to be thorough
and not miss anything.

Knock yourself out.

Like I said, almost empty,

except for this.

That was easy.

Uh, complete that thought.

Too easy?

Okay, no prints on the
gun, but while ballistics runs it,

we'll take turns with Troy.

He wouldn't tell us
where he threw the gun

just to lie about when.

Unless he shot her.

We need to clear up the discrepancies,

even if his answers contradict your gut.

Well, Hate Crimes is on this now.

Why sweat it? Unless...
you're bucking for 2nd Grade.

She's just trying to set the
right example for Shiny New Toy.

- Told you it might stick.
- Nice work.

Hate Crimes agrees that their suspects

aren't associated with your guy,

so he's only good for the shooting.

But let's seal it with a perp walk.

Whoa. Whoa. We haven't begun

We're not there yet.

Is this coming from the mayor?

It's coming from me, Detective.

We got crowds descending for a vigil,

and we can defuse the situation

with an announcement before dark.

But it's premature. Troy
isn't even under arrest.

So collar him. The guy had means:

access to a gun that he lied about.

He had motive: issues with the
victim, and he had opportunity:

- right out his window.
- He's cooperating now,

but that might stop if he's put
through a stressful ordeal.

Which is why I'll take over

- the interrogation.
- ‭Jasmine!

Lieutenant, please just
give us another hour

with him as a favor, please.

Is that ballistics?


They got a hit. The gun's a match.

It was used to shoot Rameen.

Make his arrest official
and transfer him to the Tombs.

I'll alert the press.

A pistol?!

What happened to plodding,
not cutting corners?

That pistol from that window
is a near-impossible shot.

He is a trained marksman.

But a murderer?
I don't believe he did it.

It's not our job to convict or exonerate.

That's for the courts.

We go after the truth until
it's taken out of our hands, and

if that's me being cynical or
just knowing how things work...

Okay, okay, I get it, boss.

Cops don't change the world.

So what's next?

Next, I do my job,
and you go home and pack.

Enjoy your hunting trip.




Look up every mention
of Troy you can find...

summons, public records, 61s,
anytime you even heard his name.

- Do it now.
- ‭Yes, ma'am.

- Troy!
- Hey, Troy. Troy, Troy, Troy.

Any comment about the gun?

- Where did you get that?
- Where did you get it?

- Any details on what you did?
- Any details at all?

Did you do it?


Hey. Sorry I'm late.

I got to take a shower

after digging through
Brett Maxton's documents.

What a sleaze.

Please tell me
you found something felonious.

That's the worst part. I-It's all legal,

how the Maxtons operate.

They did it in Brooklyn,
now they're doing it in Queens.

They make slightly above-market offers

and gobble up whole blocks,

but in the fine print,
structure the payment schedules

tied to an index chosen by the obligor.

Can you say that in any
of the languages I'm fluent in?

Maxton can stretch his payments
over so many years,

his payees won't get their money
for decades.

By the time Rameen's
youth center is paid off,

those teens will be 75.

I forgot how good you are at this.

Thanks. I had some fun.

At least one of us is up to the job.

Uh-oh. What went wrong?

I don't know. I didn't take this on

believing that I could surpass
experienced detectives...

- Like Lizzie.
- Uh-huh. But...

I did expect my talents

to be added value.

Maybe I'm not the expert
I like to think I am.

Oh, no. No, we're not doing that.

You're about to go and see your father

who's always judged you
unfairly, so you're pregaming

by beating yourself up. I won't have it.

Get him out of your head, Dylan.

Banked it in.

You're right.

Our hunting, his faint praise...

it's all tied in.

My first kill.

Hunting with my father.

I actually aimed away.

But the bullet ricocheted.

Hell of a shot.

I got to go.

You may have just helped us
solve this case.


Lizzie, I have a theory
that may free Troy,

but I need your help to prove it.

What if this wasn't a hell of a shot?

What if this was the worst shot ever?

You were right.

Ballistics did a chemical analysis,

found traces of aluminum
on the bullet. Look at you,

plodding through physical evidence.

What made you think it ricocheted?


They also found

traces of paint. Bright orange.

Colors match,

and they verified the spot
the bullet hit. Go up.

Take a look. I've already been.

Oh, no, I'm good.
So, the bullet hit there,

then veered...

Down to where Rameen fell. The thing is,

there was no shot from Troy's window

to where the bullet hit,
but there is a shot...

You don't want to ride up
and take a look?

I can visualize.

Oh, my God, you're scared of heights.

I have a healthy respect

- for elevation, yes. ‭
- Oh.

Then you're gonna love
where we're going next.

Please don't tell me
we're going on the roof.

We're going on the roof!

Be careful out there.

I'm nowhere near the edge.

I mean the tar.


Oh, why didn't you warn me?

I did warn you.

Look at that.


I don't think
we should disturb the scene.

Do you need a hand?



Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa.

Yes, yes, yes.

Hey, guys.

Did you plant a GPS

in Detective Needham's neck?

No, sir, I asked the officers downstairs.

Have you found anything on Troy?

Yeah, but it may not matter. Rumor is

- he's gonna take a plea.
- ‭Oh.

- Troy confessed?
- I was worried

he'd be pressured into it.

And once he files
an official plea in court,

he'll be sent away.

- What did you find out?
- Not much.

Troy filed a complaint
with the Housing Authority.

Normal stuff like leaks, rodents.

Were there any counter-complaints?

What are you thinking?

Rameen wasn't the target.

Troy was.

I just saw him on the news.

Poor boy.

But I can't say I'm not relieved.

I'm sure. Such an unstable person

living here for so many years.

At least he will get the care he needs

if he pleads insanity.

- I could testify to help with that.
- ‭Thanks.

You're way ahead of us. There is

one thing about Troy's
confession that doesn't add up.

He claims he threw the gun away
five days ago,

before the trash collection.

Can you shed any light on that?

Well, uh, yes.

I heard him and that gang boy

arguing on the stoop
about a gun just yesterday.

And you know what,

I saw him heading to the Dumpster

- after the shooting.
- I-I'm sorry.

I thought you said
Troy never left his room.

Well, I meant that gang boy

- Ah.
- went to the Dumpster.

Maybe Troy threw the gun down to him.

You're very good at this.

You can count on me as a witness.

It's like you said when we met, you knew

something like this was gonna happen.

You're intriguing, Ana.

In fact, you're the only person I've met

in the last ten hours

whose behavior is mysterious to me.

Why is such a stylish woman

who is so much better maintained
than the building she owns

still stuck in a neighborhood like this?

Why hasn't she sold out?

She's so clearly in her prime.

Ready to move on.

Deserves the finer things.

Oh, well...

But you couldn't sell, could you, Mrs. K?

Brett Maxton wouldn't buy a building

with a rent-controlled tenant,
a disabled vet

whose apartment is protected.

A developer would be as stuck with him

as you have been.

So you had to get rid of him.

You tried eviction,
but the Housing Commission

was on his side.

Then, last week,

you overheard Troy and Kev

arguing about a gun.

You saw where Troy threw it away,

and you retrieved it.

You only meant to fire wild

and have Troy blamed.

Your plan would've worked,

but Troy changed the locks,

and you had to throw the gun away.

And Rameen may live,
so if you cooperate...

I do not go on the roof. No one does.

- It's not safe.
- ‭I agree.

And I tried to tell
my partner that, but...

she's the boss.

From the Dumpster.

Breaking news from the
suspected hate crime in Queens...

"Awesome job."

That is a direct quote

from the mayor, who's on her way
to join the vigil.

It looks like Rameen will live,

and even Brett Maxton is hopping

on the goodwill train, announcing

that he will donate outright a
new home for the youth center.

What got into him?

He may have been threatened
with some bad PR.

Well, the prevailing story

in the media is our city keeping calm

and carrying on against zealotry.

How's the Twitterverse?

Freedom of speech continues to run amok.

God bless America.

How did you two crack this one?

Ask Shiny New.

Hate crimes aren't the only aberration

that can go viral.

Greed can infect a whole community

if certain conditions encourage it and...

What he's saying is that most people
wouldn't kill for a million dollars,

but if someone
put a winning lottery ticket

in your hand and there
was only one obstacle

in your way...

‭Look at you with the behavioral context.

Just for the record, I could not
have cracked this one

without the thorough plodding
of my partner.

Oh, and Officer Clark was an asset.

He really came through.

I think we should bring him up
on the squad.

Of course you do. He's just like you were

when you started out:
overeager, overachiever.

She just wants someone
else to boss around.

‭Okay, okay.

I may have been hard on him,

but I think that Zack is the kind

of new blood we need around here,

a cop who still wants
to change the world.

I'll think about it.

Don't you have a train to catch?

Oh, no, I canceled on
my father hours ago.

The trip was with your dad?

- Mm-hmm.
- ‭Was he disappointed?

Oh, he's used to it.

I've been disappointing him
since the day I was born.

- Long story?
- ‭Oh, ongoing.

But I'm starting to be okay with the fact

that we're very different men.

I'm more about the hunt.

- My father is all about the kill.
- Excuse me.

Someone's waiting to see you.

I, uh...

I didn't want to go home without, um...

thanking the both of you.

You're so welcome. No one does this.

Yeah, I'm, uh...
I'm gonna be glad to get home.

I'm never gonna complain
about that neighborhood again.

I might even get used
to the, uh, bulldozers.

Thank you, guys.

So long.

Hey, um, wait a minute.

I have...

something you might like.

Stan's bodega.

Mm-hmm. Take care.

- You gave him your memento.
- ‭I did.

What will I cling to now?

Just so you know, I don't think

you ever have to give up your idealism.

Oh, I don't know.

I hear you can't live in the past.

But why would you want to

when the present looks so auspicious?

I was-I was referring to our partnership.

Oh, but we're not partners.

I'm your boss.