Ingobernable (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 10 - Resistance - full transcript

Emilia's demands change as the hostage situation continues. Canek is tormented by his grief, and his visions of La Mosca threaten to overwhelm him.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What makes Emilia Urquiza
more worthy of time and attention

than, for example,

someone with less power and influence?


We are not here to talk about me.

But you're right.

I'm privileged.

When I talk,
I have more chances to be heard.

But the message
I want to get across today...

doesn't only reflect my ideas.

Then we can assume you're talking
on behalf of an organization.

No. No, no.

But I am appealing for organization.

I'm calling upon everyone
who is tired of the abuse of power...

who is tired of violence,
corruption, a lack of safety.

I'm calling upon everyone
who had to maneuver...

between pacts of impunity
which protect a few and silence others.

I'm calling upon everyone who is tired

of begging for justice.

I'm here to call
on all the victims of the state,

victims of organized crime,
or of the crime organized by the state,

for them to get back their power...

to join forces.

For what?

What is Emilia Urquiza appealing for?

For resistance.




Command post arriving.

We found Castells.

He was my father's schoolmate.

He was making some investments.

- For Urquiza Group?
- Yes.

But my father was giving him
an amount of money each month

since my brother Manuel died.

It's weird. We couldn't understand...

We couldn't understand
why he was making these payments.

Emilia, I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry
about what's happening to you.

It's not just happening to me, Pepe.

It's happening to all of the country.

And it's happening because we allowed it.

If you're truly sorry, do something.

Like what?

Don't you realize that I'm just a puppet?

I'm not even valuable enough
in this country

for them to try and negotiate with you
the terms of my rescue.

How can I help?

You know Kelly Crawford
intends to take Los Pinos again.

What do you want me to do?

To stop the elections?

Emilia, please.

I won't intervene
in the democratic process.

I trust Raúl Mejía.

What if he doesn't win, Pepe?

Do you trust Ofelia Pereda
or any other candidate?

Because you trusted Diego, didn't you?

Ladies and gentlemen,

President Barquet would like to thank you

for being so attentive
to his godson's well-being,

Emiliano Nava Urquiza.

However, in order to avoid
unnecessary risks,

we ask you to please respect
the family's privacy.

As you can see, the Presidential Guard
has decided to take extreme measures.

It's just a precaution.

The child is safe.

He is in good health.

The President is with him.

Excuse me.

General García?

I have to admit
that it takes a lot of talent

to pretend that the kid is fine
and that the President is with him, right?


we're in the middle of a hostage crisis

and our president is the victim. Hmm?

That's my job, General.

The top government offices
trust only me to achieve results.

And you obviously need that.

- If you let me talk to Emilia Urquiza...
- A woman like you...

who doesn't have
military or police training?

What are you talking about?

I know Emilia Urquiza very well.

I worked very closely with her
for more than two years.

With her husband.

Excuse me?

You worked very closely with her husband.

Not with her. Am I wrong?


But if you are implying
that my understanding with Emilia

starts and ends with the relationship
I had with her husband,

you're dead wrong.

What you don't understand,
Ms. Vargas-West,

due to your inexperience,

is that the situation is volatile

and emotionally charged.

And politically advantageous, candidate.

The only thing
we really need to decide now

is which of you is going to make sure
she releases the President unharmed.


And which of you is going to make sure
that she turns herself in.


Because I won't be the third idiot
who lets her escape, okay?

You go, candidate.

Put a microphone on him, please.

Excuse me.


She's here.


In the middle of the woods, man!

It's awful.

It's fucking awful.

Like a dog.

They blew her brains out like a dog!

For two months, I've been trying to find

the airstrip where the plane that brings
supplies once a month lands on.

I think it's four kilometers
beyond the woods.

When is it coming back?

In three weeks.

What if everything gets out of control
and they refuse to let you go?


What are you going to do?
Are you going to kill me?

Of course not, Pepe,
but I'm not giving in either.

You understood the size of the threat,
the power that Crawford has.

So you know
that if I don't leave on my own...

I won't be able to rescue María.


It's Raúl Mejía.

We don't know each other.

I've always believed in your innocence.

A few hours ago, I got to know your son.

I have the grenade with me.

Put the guns down.

I will only release the President

if you fulfill my two demands.

First, take my son
immediately out of Mexico.

Second, let me get out of here
on my own, understood?

I promise I'll help you.

But you have to turn yourself in.


Don't touch her, asshole.

Hey, hey, hey.

I'm sorry.

Just because you're sad doesn't mean
you have the right to talk like that.

I just wanted to help.

I know.

We have to hurry now.
It's starting to get cold.

Let's go.

- Rosa, wake up.
- What happened?

She and Freddie aren't here.

It's our opportunity to escape.

- No, we have to wait for the plane.
- No, I won't wait three weeks.

I need to get out of here right now.

If you don't come, I'll go anyway.

No. Wait a second. Okay.

Go to the woods.

What are you going to do?

If we want to leave,
we need a vehicle.

We'll see each other again...

my dear sister.

Hopefully, not too soon.

But we'll see each other again.

Where's Canek?

I don't even know when he left.
I didn't see him.




We'll kill him.

We'll kill that motherfucker.

I called for these special elections
so I could leave office...

as you advised me to do.

I also did it to get rid of all the shit
lying around the presidential office.

If I had known everything I know now,
I would've never advised you that, Pepe.

There's shit everywhere,

in every institution, government office,

in everything my father
and his partners touched.

Yes, and inside me too.

I made the agreements
between Tomás and the government.

I also legitimized Redwood Security.


I can't interrupt the elections
for one simple reason, Emilia.

Because this country needs to be governed.

And I can't do it.

Emilia, It's Ana Vargas-West.
I'm alone and unarmed.

Be careful with your microphone,
Miss Vargas, please.

We don't have much time.

Kelly Crawford wants to see you.

I told Simon I could do it
if he let me take you.

He doesn't know we have a common enemy.

What the fuck is she doing?


This is our opportunity.

We'll fool him.

I know.

I have a third demand.

- Stop your guys. Stop them!
- Stop.

Copy that.

This woman is desperate.

Someone tried to kill her son,
and they will try again.

She has a grenade. She can blow us all up.

Don't trigger a massacre, General.

Do you want another dead president?

Abort the mission, Captain.

Copy that. Get back to your posts.

- Are those your only demands?
- Yes.

I'll release the President
when my son gets out of the country.

And I also want an opportunity
to tell my truth.

Your truth?

I want an interview
with the journalist Simon Chase.

That's the only way I'll turn myself in.


What are you doing?

What I was told.

Really? You're lying.

You're in love with María.
Do you know how I can tell?

Because you look at her exactly like I do.

- What?
- Get off me.


Did my mother tell you
to take these syringes with you?



Answer me.

What's wrong with you?
What is going on?

Come on.

Let's go. Let's go!

Why not?

- What's going on?
- María, you go.

Rosa, what's wrong with you?

That psycho injected me with poison.

Just go.

Go. I just can't.

No. Come. Lie down here.

I'll come back for you, okay? Look at me.

I'll come back for you.

María, don't.

Just go.



- It doesn't hurt anymore?
- No.

Put your coat on.

When the doors open,
you'll go out first, okay?

What about you?

I'll come back for you soon.

I'm going to tell you a secret.

But don't tell anyone.

I'm going to get your sister.

Don't forget...

that I love you with all my soul.

We've never done
anything wrong as a family.


I'm going to do everything I can
to fix everything, okay?

Put your headphones on.

Open the door.

Come, honey.

Put the guns down.

- Put the guns down!
- Mr. President!

Neither the kid,
Mrs. Urquiza nor me

will move a single inch

unless you put the guns down.

Don't forget what I asked you.

You have to catch her.

Mr. President, are you okay?

Mrs. Urquiza, I don't want to shoot you.

Are you okay, Mr. President?

I need you to give me the gun
and, very carefully, the grenade too.

On your knees, please.

Give me your gun very slowly

and the grenade too. Soldier!

Very carefully, okay?


After a long hostage situation,

the abductor, Emilia Urquiza,
turned herself in

and released the President,
Mr. José Barquet,

and her own son, Emiliano Nava.

Soldiers from the army
and the Presidential Guard

captured the fugitive
and took her away in an armored van.

The former First Lady's fate
is still uncertain.

Santiago Salazar, boss of bosses.

That fucking bastard killed Dolores.

How did it go with that fucker,
that nanny-killer?

Did you get any information?

I put him out of his misery.


I killed him.



Look at me when I'm talking.

I gave you an order.

I told you to get information,
not to kill him.

I need that asshole alive.


Did you kill him here?

Fucking hell.

Go. Go and see what's going on.

What the fuck are you doing here?

That fucker killed my mom, Zyan.

- I'm so sorry.
- She's so sorry.

Move aside or I'll kill you right now.

- Why the fuck are you protecting him?
- I'm not protecting him.

This fucker deserves hell.

But if I let you kill him,

they'll kill you too.


Wait, man.

Bring me that asshole.
She's upstairs. Hurry up!

Please. Leave. Go away.


What's going on?

What's going on with what?

Come downstairs. He's talking to you.

Ana? I know you're there.

Where are you going?

I have to go out.

I came to talk to you about what happened.

There's nothing to talk about.

Of course.


I'm not who you think.

I understand.

And I hope I can make it clear,
in case anybody asks,

that neither am I,
do you know what I mean?

I'm not talking about that.

I mean...

I'm not just the Chief of Staff.

What are you talking about?

I'm an undercover agent.

Who sent you?

Did they ask you to seduce me?

To look for a weakness.

Who are you working for?


- Are you going to ruin me?
- No.

I won't give them anything.

And I know you won't take
whatever you're offered.

Should I talk to the police?

Ofelia, I'm sorry.

I have to go.

♪ Walking in the mist
No one knows where I've been ♪

♪ Far from my home now
Going in circles round and round ♪

♪ I'm on my own now ♪

Why did he come here?

This place is a fucking fortress.

♪ Something's hiding in the dark ♪

I'm sorry, Mosca.

I can't carry you as a burden anymore.

You want me to stop?

Then make the right decision for once!


♪ Shadow, shadow by my side
Drifting through the misty night ♪

♪ Are you wandering just like me? ♪

What if he's not here?

We shouldn't be here.

Let's look for him somewhere else.

What if he is here?

What do you think?
First I die, then Dolores, now Emilia.

What are you waiting for?

Will you wait until there's no one left?
Just jump.


Then we can assume you're talking
on behalf of an organization.

No. No, no.

But I am appealing for organization.

I'm calling upon everyone
who is tired of the abuse of power...

who is tired of violence,
corruption, a lack of safety.

I'm calling upon everyone
who had to maneuver...

between pacts of impunity
which protect a few and silence others.

I'm calling upon everyone who is tired

of begging for justice.

What is Emilia Urquiza appealing for?

For resistance.

We are ready.

♪ Shadow, shadow by my side
Drifting through the misty night ♪

♪ Are you wandering just like me
Within this surreality? ♪


♪ Walking in the mist
No one knows where I've been ♪

♪ Far from my home now
Going in circles round and round ♪

♪ I'm on my own now ♪