Incorporated (2016–2017): Season 1, Episode 7 - Executables - full transcript

Ben races to finish the Everclear device and help Spiga question an enemy agent; Laura brokers to save a girl's sight; Theo's skills are tested against a well-conditioned opponent from uptown.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Previously on

- Even though you
may not realize

your dream of attending college,

there could be a place for
you in the Spiga family.

- Elena, if you sign this,
you'll be giving up everything.

- If you love me,
forget about me.

- Turn that off!

- I got orders to
execute his NDA.

Scrub his memory.

- Everyone thinks that they know

what I went through,
but they don't.

- I've been having
the episodes again.


- We no longer rely on

outdated interrogation

We can now literally
turn people's brainwaves

into usable images and
actionable intelligence.

It's going to be operational
within the month.

- What's this intel I've
risked my career for?

- There's this whiz kid.

Sanjay Maraj.

If you could make your
crops salt-tolerant...

- Then that's how you
conquer the desert.

- And Sanjay is about to.

- I need you to get
me into Arcadia.

- What is this about?

- It's about Ben Larson.
- I don't know Ben Larson.

- You're a skint
from the 'fugee camp

who assumed a Green
Zone identity.

- [gagging]

- I can't let you
hurt my family!

I have a plan, Theo.

You have to trust me.

In 24 hours, the
geolocation signal

on Roger's watch
will reactivate.

It has to be in
place before then,

so Spiga believes it's
an actual defection.

- Where are you gonna send him?
- South.

- You're a real piece
of shit, Aaron.

- I know.

[wind rustling]

[electricity crackling]

[high-pitched tone]

- Ooh.
- Oh, here we go. Here we go.

- Please don't be a fishhook.
No fishhook, no fishhook.

Please don't be a fishhook.
No fishhook, no fishhook.

- [sighs] Cock and balls.

- We've scavenged
this shit dry, man.

We're never gonna hit quota.

- Yeah, you know how
many fishhooks it takes

to feed my family?

- You don't have a family.

- Hey, hey. Get the strip.

Get the strip. - Oh, yeah.

[dramatic music]


[tires popping]


- I'm supposed to
be taking my kid

to the Scott Walker exhibit
at the state capitol today.

- I need your help
with Everclear.

- You've got 35
coders downstairs.

- And I don't trust a single one
of them with what's in my head.

- Oh, well, hooray for me.

- I'm stuck, okay?

Everclear can read thoughts,
but I don't need to see

every single one.

- Fine.

What do you want me to do?

- I need you to ask me
about Roger Caplan.

[instrumental music]


- All of this for
that goddamn girl.

[overlapping voices]

- Elena!

You've got a family now.

So do I, but you're
risking both our lives.

- Enough.
- Forget about me.

- Aaron!
- Enough.

- Fine.

Where is Roger Caplan?

- He knew who I was.

[overlapping voices]


- Hello, Aaron.

- Pause it.

Make an image loop.

[overlapping voices]

Reduce the speed.

He knew who I was.
- Hello, Aaron.

- Stop it there.

Isolate the nodes
for that memory.

- What the... the brick?

- It's not just a brick.


- Okay, got it.
- Turn off everything else.


Ask me again.


- You are giving them the
technology to destroy us, Ben.

- Roger Caplan.

- Stubborn asshole.

Where is Roger Caplan?

- [strained shouting]

- You're gonna
destroy everything.

I can't let you hurt my family.

- Hello, Aaron.

- He knew who I was.

He knew who I was.

He knew who I was.

- Jesus, what did you do?

- I had no choice.

The body's gone, and
everything is under control.


- Under control?

Congratulations, Ben.

You just solved Everclear.

You'll probably get
your promotion too.

And all you had to do
was kill some schmuck.


[somber music]

- I remember sitting there,
looking at my mom and saying,


Such a specific
memory, you know?

- The world was a
treacherous place.

And the government...

It was like they were powerless
to do anything about it.


We spent three days trapped
in an old department store...

Family of four,

no food, no water,

whole town burning down.

- And then they came.

Not FEMA, not the
National Guard...


They were there.

They didn't even have an
office in the Northeast,

let alone Boston.

Then they gave me a job.

- They saved our lives.

[triumphant music]

That's why I voted
for the amendment.

- That's why I voted
for the amendment.

- Today marks the anniversary
of the ratification

of the 29th Amendment,

granting corporations
the sovereignty

we needed and deserved,

an act which freed us
from the incompetence,

regulations, and tyranny
of the federal government.

We make our own laws.

We supply the security.

We do the things
which government

is no longer able to do.

That is why we
mark this occasion

by spending it with
the people we love.

God bless America.

And God bless Spiga. [applause]

- To the company.

- To free beer.

[upbeat music]

- Where the hell's Caplan?

- I haven't seen him.

- You know him.

Probably blowing a senior VP.

Getting ahead by giving head.

What's happening with Everclear?

- Uh, done. Submitted
this morning.

- Listen, when you get that
promotion, do me a favor.

Make sure I don't have
to report to Roger.

- I'll see what I can do.

- Hey, where's your wife?

- Well, it was
definitely infected.

- Guy at the chop shop said
he knew what he was doing.

- No, it was done competently,

but if you don't
sterilize properly...

Will you hand me the butterfly
strips out of that bag?

Yeah, those bandages there.


So the anesthesia should keep
her out for a few hours,

and then after that she
needs to take it easy.

- Got it.
- Okay.

Oh, shit.

I've got to get going.

Okay, uh, these are
the butterfly strips

in case the wound
opens up again.

- Oh, no, hold on.
- These are antibiotics.

She needs to take
these twice daily.

- You're not coming back.

- [exhales sharply]
I'm sorry, Rachel.

I just, I... I can't.

- [coughing]

- [sighs]

[electronic blips]

- Hmm.

- Yolanda says we're gonna
have a play date with Zoe.

How's Wednesday for you?

- Oh, jeez, we have plans.

I'm not sure.

- Maybe we could do a barbecue

over the weekend, hmm?

- Wow, yeah. That'd be great.

We'll be in touch.

- Jasmine?

Why don't you get all
of us some dessert?


What was that about?

- Just another playdate
that'll never happen.

They think their dumb kid
is gonna say something

that'll get them in trouble.

- I'm sorry.

- These people are
scared of us, Julian.

- Well, my position...
- I know.

And honestly, I don't
care what they think.

I just don't want it in my face.

- I understand.

[electronic blip]

I'm sorry, love.

- Make it up to me later?

- You bet.

- Roger Caplan's watch just
came online at Inazagi Center.

- He defected?
- Or was kidnapped.

Either way, our internal
security is compromised.

We have to assume
that Inazagi knows

that Diana Walters defected.

- It means they may know
what we're planning to do.

- Which is?
- To extract Dr. Sanjay Maraj.

He's a gene splicer at Inazagi.

- Maraj's location
is classified,

but we have access to a man

who knows where he is
for a short window.

- You want me to use Everclear.

- The doctor's handler
is former black ops.

So the Quiet Room
will take too long.

- Are you confident
in its abilities?

- Absolutely.

[foreboding music]


- [breathing heavily]

Here. - Yeah.


- Yeah, get the door.
Get the door.

- Okay.


- Oh, God.

- Shit. Ugh.

[alarm blaring]

Oh, shit.

Emergency beacon. Strip and run.


- I woke up in the
hospital after my, uh...

[chuckles] Third
liver transplant.

And my insurance company told me

that would be the last
one they'd cover.

So, uh, I had no choice.

My life had to change.

And here I am.

Can't even tell my
employers I come here,

but if it wasn't
for the program,

I would be roadkill.

And that's why this chip
means so much to me.

Thanks for listening.

Would've been two
and a half years

if it hadn't been for that slip.

- Philip, what do I always say?

- One foot in front
of the other.

- Exactly.

See you next week?

- Yeah, thanks.

[men shouting]

- [muffled yell]

[dark music]


[indistinct radio chatter]


[laughs softly]

Julian Morse.

Nice to meet you.

- I'm sorry for all this
unpleasantness, Mr. Brill.

- Oh, please, call me Philip.

- We need Sanjay
Maraj's location.

- Well, uh, the second
I tell you that,

you're gonna put a bullet
in my head, so, uh, pass.

Sorry, but I got
time on my side.

- You don't check in, they
move him, but that's okay.

With any luck, I don't
need you to talk.

- Do tell.

This that, uh,
mind-reading device

you guys have been
screwing with?

'Cause our intel said it
wasn't anywhere near ready.

So it's a pretty big
throw, don't you think?

- Get to work.

- Here we go.


Who are you?

- [exhales sharply]


- Looks like we're
getting parity.

- Why the sudden
leap in quality?

- Data overflow was
making it useless.

So we narrowed it down
to the visual cortex.

Closest thing to an
unedited memory.

- Huh.

Nice work.

- Sanjay Maraj.


Give it a few seconds.


That the guy?

- Indeed.
- Good.

Where is Sanjay Maraj?

- You really think
they'd tell me that?


- What the hell is that?

- I don't know.

- [chuckles]

- We don't have
time for this, Ben.

Fix it.


- Oh, yeah, that-a-boy.
Keep up that pace, buddy.

Oh, yeah.

- Go, hard! Hard!

[grunting, blows falling]

- Yeah, that's it!

- Hey, there's my favorite suit.

Thanks for coming over the wall.

- Sure.

I appreciate you letting my guy
knock off some of the ring rust.

- He's a work of art.

- I paid his parents to mate.

I adopted the best
of the litter.

Brought him home with
me to the Green Zone.

That yours?

- Yeah, he's green,
but he's talented.

Undefeated in seven.

- Not bad for a little man.
- He took out Sayeed.

Guy's three times his size.

[grunting, blows falling]

- Heavy hands.

- Mm. Yeah.

Hasn't been at it long.

Pure potential.

- I bet.

- Maybe you'd be interested
in, uh, swapping stakes.

I'll give you a percentage of
my guy for a piece of yours.

- Nice work, boy. Nice work.

- Hey, kid. Come here.

Get down here.

Spit it out.


Gums are kind of raw.

Vitamin D deficiency.
What's his diet?

- Uh, he eats well...
Three squares a day.

Right, kid?

- [laughs] Most days.

- Hmm.

- What about enhancements?

Knucks, bone regenerators?

- Nah, he doesn't need 'em, man.
Kid's a natural.

- See Yaroslav?

We fluff his blood twice daily.

We inject his muscles
with pure growth hormone.

He consumes 2,000 calories
of pure protein per day.

He is perfection.

You want to swap stakes?

1% of my guy for 90% of yours.


- If you feel so
strongly about him,

why don't we put a wager on it?

- I thought they
were just sparring.

- 15 large.

Unless you want to make it 20.




- We searched Caplan's office.

This is all we found.
It's a keyhole.

Lets you access the datasphere
without leaving any tracks.

- Black-market tech.

How did he get this
past the scanners?

- He didn't. It's made in-house.

Spiga parts throughout.

- Any forensic evidence?

- The exterior's a
hyper-polished alloy.

No fingerprints.

- Caplan built this?

- He'd have to be a
hell of an engineer.

- Caplan is a climber,
not a code monkey.

Take this up to the analysts.

Use Weinstein.


Need to know only.

- We usually treat congenital
cataracts before they form.

Uh, there's an old device
I think might work.

I'll see if I can get
my hands on one.

- Yeah? How much is
that gonna cost me?

- Don't worry about it.
I'll make some calls.

- Move!

- I thought this was
a one-time thing.

Shit. Goran.

- Who is this?
- A doctor.

Goran, I can explain.

- You know this is
my block, right?

People do business
here, and I get a cut.

- Well, no, she's not
charging anything.

- I don't understand.
What did I do?

- She's just trying to help.

- You're giving
eyesight to the blind?

- It's just cataracts.
She's genet...

- Goran...
- Shut up.

[tense music]


- No, what are you doing?
- [screams]

Let... let go!

[screaming] Help! Help!

Rachel! Help!

Let me go! Help!


- What's the matter, kid?

Your magic helmet
letting you down?

- Where is Sanjay Maraj?

- I guess you've never
heard of a fail-safe.

[dramatic music]



- Holy shit.


Mr. Brill, I need your help.

- [scoffs] No shit.

But hey, tick-tock, 'cause
in a few more hours,

they're gonna move
the gene splicer,

and then it won't matter.

- Oh, you mean Sanjay Maraj?

He's at the Inazagi Cold-Storage
Facility in White Horse

on the banks of the
Yukon River, correct?


- Why am I not dead?

- I need something else.
- Why the hell would I help you?

- Well, simple, Mr. Brill.


- How is this gonna
save my life?

- I need you to stop resisting

and show me what you're
most ashamed of.

- Go to hell.
- Mr. Brill, please.

- You want to blackmail me.

- Unfortunately, it's the
only way you'll believe me.

- Believe you about what?

- I need safe passage
for me and a friend.

- You want to defect?
- No, I want out.

And when I come to you, I'll
need to prove Everclear works.

- Please, you've shown
me that it works.

- If everything goes to
plan, you won't remember.

Your shame, Mr. Brill. Show me.

- Stop.


Please stop.

[baby murmuring]



- Pause.

Make an image loop.

[baby crying]


- Oh.

[solemn music]




He had hypoxia at birth.

We didn't know how
much damage there was.

- Right.

Inazagi does medical testing
on the so-called "inferior."


- [inhales sharply]


He'd already suffered enough.


I killed him to spare him.



- I'm sorry.


- You're a monster.

- No, I'm just a guy
against a wall.

- What the hell are
you doing now?

- Testing a theory.


- I will not help you.

- You won't have a choice.

[electronic humming]

- [gasping, grunting]


- Mr. Caplan, I appreciate
your making time.

- Humiliating me in front
of my business associates

is a funny way of showing it.

- I apologize.

But I wanted to be the one
to tell you about your son.

- Oh, yeah? What's he done now?

- We're not entirely sure.

- Mr. Morse, I'm a busy man.

- We have reason to believe
he may have defected.

- You should know better than
to throw around that word.

- I understand it's upsetting.
- It's not upsetting.

It's absurd.

This is about the promotion.

- How can you be so sure?

- He's a mid-level
screen jockey.

No one's buying whatever
he may be selling.

- Roger's smart.
- He's a spoiled brat.

And you, Mr. Morse, you
know what you are?

- I'm the man trying
to find your son.


- You spoke to the girl, right?

- Girl?
- The one from Arcadia?

He asked me for an
outcall with her.

- We found a device in Roger's
office with a photo on it.

This girl?

- That's the one.

[dark music]

[door slams]


- What do you think?

- About what?

What do you want from me?

- What's your name, sweetheart?

- You're gonna regret this.


- This has been my block
for how long, Wallace?

- Five years.

- And yet I have
no infrastructure.


- What the hell are
you talking about?

- Are you a fan
of world history?

You know how Hamas
took over Egypt?

- With violence.

- Sure, that's how
they took power.

But do you know
how they kept it?


They fixed the roads.

They gave people jobs.

They took care of things.


- So you want good PR.

- Hearts and minds.

Eyesight to the
blind, all that shit.

The offer is very simple.

I give you this space.

I help you set it up.

And then you get to help people.

- I... I don't understand.
You... you...

you want me to open a clinic?

- I want you to open my clinic.

- I'm sorry.

Look, I just came out
here to help a friend.

I can't do this.


[electronic whirring]

- [grunts]

What do you want?

- Mr. Brill, I need your help.

- Yeah, no shit.

But hey, tick-tock, 'cause
in a few more hours,

they're gonna move
the gene splicer,

and it's not gonna
matter anymore.

- Fantastic.

- Mr. Morse wants an update.

- Good. I've got one.
Where is he?

- Upstairs, interrogating
a witness.

- A witness?
- Some girl from Arcadia.



- Roger Caplan? I remember him.

- How well?

- Enough to know I
didn't like him.

- He knew you well enough.

- Aaron, stop.

- Roger Caplan thought
you had information

on someone who was in his way.

Who was he asking about?

[knocking at door]

- Not now.
- Sir, it's urgent.

- This can wait.
- It can't. The gene splicer.

I think I know where he is.

[tense music]

- Think hard about your answer.
I'll be right back.


- I don't understand.
- He's never seen the location.

He only knows the name.

Everclear is accessing
the memories

of what the subject has seen.

- Brill doesn't know
what it looks like.

- Exactly. It's a
representational image,

not a literal one.

May I?

If we run the information
through the datasphere,

there it is.

- White Horse is the
name of the town.

- Can you get the team up
to the Yukon Territory

before they move Maraj?

- It'll take time to plan...
Time we don't have.

- Well, actually, I think
I can buy us some.

- Talk fast.

- We can erase Mr.
Brill's memory

and put him back before
he has to check in.

- Returning him brain-damaged
is not a solution.

- Well, technically

but with Everclear and
the NDA procedure,

I think I can erase just today.

Otherwise, his mind
would remain intact.

- Think or know?
- Know.

Inazagi won't have any
idea we took him.

- All right. Do it.

[men shouting]

- [grunts]

- This guy's gonna kill me.

- You want Gavros to come back?

The Green Zone scout?

Listen, you fight, and you win.

- I can't win.
- Of course you can.

Hey. - What's this?

- It's insurance.

- [grunting]

- Yes!
- Oh, yeah!


- [breathing heavily]




I want to see Goran.

Take me to him.


- I'm sorry for
the interruption.

- It's fine. Where were we?

- Roger Caplan.

He asked you about someone.

- I'm not sure I'm allowed
to talk about this.

- My dear, I'm the
head of security.

I decide what you
get to talk about.

What did Caplan want?

- It wasn't a big deal.

He was just looking for dirt
on someone he works with.

All those climbers do it.

- Who was he asking about?

Was it Ben Larson?

- Who?

No, his boss.

- Chad Petersen.

- No, everyone's boss.

Elizabeth Krauss.

- What?

- He asked if I knew her.

Spent time with her.

I had.

Of course, I didn't tell
him anything about it,

but I could tell you.

You said I should tell
you everything, right?


- That won't be necessary.

If I have more questions,
I know where to find you.


[metal whirs, clicks]

- War wound.

- The injury was handled well.

Corporate clinic do that?
- Military hospital.

Before the privatization.

Nice work, right?

- Sure.

They've made progress on
biological limb replacements.

- I like to remember
what I gave.

- Your offer...

I thought about it.

- I'm listening.

- There are gonna
be things I need:

Supplies, equipment.

If you're gonna do this,
it can't be half-assed.

- So you're saying yes.

- I'm saying we'll see.

[door opens]

- You keep taking that out
of the hyperbaric sleeve,

it'll rot.

- Why have it if
I can't read it?

That bad, huh?

- Just the usual.

- Beats the alternative.

- One of our
executives defected.

Or we think he did.

- But?

- Something's not right.

You're gonna think I'm crazy.

- Try me.

- First, one of our
execs, Peterson,

gets caught stealing files.

Except Peterson doesn't
fit the profile.

So we executed his
non-disclosure agreement,

and a job opens up on the 40th.

Now this defection.

Guy's one of our top
candidates for the promotion,

and he throws it all way.

Only one person benefits
from all of this.

- So who is this mastermind?

- Elizabeth's son-in-law.


I've got no proof, no hard
evidence, just my gut.

- Julian.
- I know.

I know.

Ah, the hell with it.

They've taken up
enough of our weekend.


[electronic blip]

- Spiga is determined
to keep us celibate.


- Hmm.
- What is it?

- The executive I
told you about.

They found him.


- Hey, kid. Come here.

- This stuff never
worked for Sayeed.

- Ah, it's a whole new strain.

My chemist improved it.

- Trust him.

- Just give it a
minute to kick in.

[eerie music]

[muffled voices]


- [grunts]

[breathing heavily]

[loud buzzing]


[dark music]



[high-pitched tone]


[grunting, blows falling]


- [laughing]


- [grunts]


- [laughing]

- [roaring]


- [groaning]


- Get him out!

- [screaming]

- Get him out! Get him out!

- [screaming]

- Stop it! Stop it!

- [yelling]

- [laughing]

- [groaning]

- I'll take 99% of your guy,

you get 1% of mine.

How's that for a swap?

- [groans]

- Take it easy, kid. Take...
take it easy.

Take... hey, take it easy, kid,

no one's... No one's
gonna hurt you.

You just need to calm down.
- [hyperventilating]

- You got to calm down.

She knows how.

- Shh, sweet boy.

Let me help.

- It's a little gift for
a good night's work.

- No, no, no. No, hey.

- Relax, kid.
- No, stop, stop.

- I'll handle everything.
- St...

- Mm.
- We're mongrels, kid.

- [groans]
- We're the same.

That's why we'll beat 'em.

They'll always underestimate us.

[both moaning softly]

- [grunts]


- Go on, Philip. You start.

- My name's Philip.

I'm an alcoholic.
[clears throat]

And, uh, I have been sober...

For one day.

- Welcome back, Philip.
- Thank you.


- We've got drones circling
at a safe distance

and full communication

at the White Horse facility.

So far, no changes.

- So it worked?
- It appears so.

There's another problem.

- Roger Caplan.
- His body was found

in a dry lake bed
somewhere in Missouri.

Scavengers were
stripping his car

when our contractors got to him.

- Was it Inazagi?

- I'm beginning to think
it was an inside job.

With your permission, I'd
like to use Everclear

on the entire department.

- Fine.


Let's keep it quiet.

- Yes, ma'am.


- Never thought I'd
see this place again.

- We don't have a lot of time.

Pull up a console.

- What's this?
- Plans.

Microscopic text.

The scanners look for
tech, not organics.

[machine whirs]

Come on, pull up Roger
Caplan's personnel file.

- It's been locked and
transferred to security.

- Check for recent activity.

- They've issued
his death benefit.

- They found the body.

That's why they locked
me out of Everclear.


- Oh, what are you gonna do?
You gonna sell this?

They'll kill you and Laura.

- I'm not selling it.

I'm building it.


Look, they're gonna
use Everclear on me.

- You son of a bitch,
I told you this...

- Hendrick, I need you.


This is a two-man job.

- What is?

- The only way to get
past Everclear...

Is to erase Aaron.

[device beeping]