Incorporated (2016–2017): Season 1, Episode 5 - Profit and Loss - full transcript

Ben improvises to keep Roger from discovering the truth about Elena; at the same time, he faces pressure from Elizabeth to complete a vital project. Meanwhile, Laura takes her therapy to the next level; and Julian offers assistance to a friend in need.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Previously on

- Take this. Bye, Aaron.
- I'll find you.

- Aaron! Oh!
- Told you I'd find you.

- I just have so much
riding on this scholarship.

- But what about you?

- You may not realize your
dream of attending college.

There could be a place for
you in the Spiga family.

- Get away from my daughter.
- Okay.

The guy who runs things
around here is named Tino,

and I work for him.
Your guy shoots,

you don't make it
to the wall alive.

- What is this?
- $20,000.

- Where did you get this?

[glass shatters] [fire whooshes]

- My sister, she's a sex slave.
Where is she?

- Arcadia.
- Can you get in here?

- Access is restricted
to senior execs.

- I need a personnel file.
- This feels a little out of

your purview, doesn't it?
- Hendrick, right?

- Roger Caplan
came to my office.

- I just need a
little more time.

- This guy is onto you.

- I need you to get
me into Arcadia.

- Who is it you're gunning for?

- There's someone
standing in my way.

- I have to go.
- Go? Wait...

Presentation's at 1:00.

- I think he's connected
to one of the companions.

[dramatic music]

[indistinct chatter]

- [sighs] Hey, buck up, kid.

I'm leaving you the shadow.

There's a contact on
the ghost drive...

A guy named Tino, who
will set you up for work

when you get out.

- I got you something too.

It's a water key.

Took me three days to get
through the metal yard

for parts.

It'll get you into any
FEMA water truck.

- Well, if things don't
work out, I might need it.

There won't be any water
trucks where I'm going...

No rationing either,
but this is good.

This is really good.

Thank you.

- Must be some back
door you found.

- Yeah. Unfortunately, it's
about to close, so, uh...

I gotta go now.

Hey, uh...

you're already better at
this than I ever was.

Keep your head in the game.
You'll be fine. 'Kay?

- All visible religious
iconography, clothing,

or headgear is strictly
prohibited in public spaces.

- Do me a favor?

Check on Elena for me.

- Do yourself a favor.

When you get out of
here, don't look back.

[light whooshes]

[sirens blaring]

- Hurry, please!

[siren quavers]

[indistinct chatter]

What the hell are
you waiting for?

- Restaurant didn't
pay their bills.

We're here to make sure that
the fire doesn't spread

to the places that did.

- Are you fucking kidding me?

- Hey!

- [grunts]

- Try that again, you get
the other side of the axe.

- No, no... [distressed


[indistinct chatter]

- You son of a bitch.
You did this.

[wallops] - No-no-no-no-no!

Aaron didn't do anything.

- He scammed the money
exchange in broad daylight.

You think I didn't
hear about that?

The whole neighborhood knows.

We got caught in the crossfire,
because you shorted Tino

and his cut, didn't you?

Didn't you?

- You think Tino did this?

- Everything we built...
It's gone.

It's all gone.

[fire whooshes]

[poignant strings]


[indistinct chatter]

[elevator dings]

- As a reminder to our guests,

air pollution levels
are elevated today.

Please use caution when
exiting the hotel.

[dynamic music]

- Target is on 24th floor.

[device trills]

[device chirping]


- 23.

- 23rd floor.

- George Caplan? I'm Anastasia.


- Thank you for meeting me here.

- I'm intrigued.

You must be quite a
powerful man to merit this.

- That's why I need you
to keep it between us.

Can you do that? - Of course.

That's what we do.

As long as this stays in
place, I'm yours completely.

The three of us then?

- [sighs] Just... just me.

Uh, please have a seat.

- Last words of advice.

Do what you have to do
to get what you need.

She's just a piece
of company property.

[door closes]

- Anastasia was it?

It's really nice to meet you.
- Likewise.

- It's real. Go ahead.

Music. [computer chirps]

[soft jazz plays]

[laughs] Ah... [clears throat]

So let me explain. That...
that man is my father,

and I have a... a problem.

It's not physical.

Dad thought that
this might help.

- I understand.

Just relax, and let
me do everything.


- [exhales]


[toilet flushes]

- Ugh. Oh, jeez, sorry.

I didn't think you'd
get here so fast.

Uh, can I have a few minutes?

- Oh, of course.
- Thank you.


- Uh... um, can you tell
me about yourself first?

It's a... it's a trust thing.

- What do you wanna know?

- Uh, where are you from?

What are your passions?

- Let's see...

My parents were diplomats, so
I grew up all over the world.

Attended a girls'
school in Switzerland.

The campus was way out
in the country...

No boys around for miles.

Sometimes, when we got lonely,

my roommate, Silvie,
and I used to...

- Okay, look, I know
this is a little weird,

but if this is gonna work,
I need the real you.

Not that softcore bullshit
they make you memorize.


If it helps, I guarantee

that I will not
keep you very long.


Come on. Where... Where
are you really from?

- [laughs] Mr. Caplan, you
know I can't tell you that.

- Oh... Okay. Mr. Caplan.

Message received.

It must be exhausting.

Losers like me blather on
all day about our problems.

- Well...

I can tell you my parents
weren't diplomats.

- Oh, yeah?

What did your dad really do?

- Nothing interesting.

- My dad negotiates
grain contracts.

It has to be more
interesting than that.

- [laughs]

[dynamic music]

[device chirps]


[device suctions] My father...

He had a little restaurant
in Franklin Heights.

- Had?

- It's gone now.

- I'm sorry.

I just made you sad, didn't I?

[soft jazz plays]

- I'm not sad.

I'm very happy to
be here with you.

- Separate building systems.

- Ben was right about you.

- Ben...
- Ben Larson.

He's a... he's a
friend from work.

He said you were special.

- Ben Larson?

Never heard of him.

- It's okay.

We're alone.

How did you two meet?

- What does this about?

- It's about Ben Larson.

- I told you. I don't know him.

- Well, I think you do.

And you're gonna tell
me the truth right now.

- The truth?

[device blares alarm] Sure.

The truth is that
with your pants off,

all you limp dicks
look the same to me.

- No...

Now I am going to ask you again,

and if you don't answer...

then I start carving.

Maybe they fix ya; Maybe
they just let ya scar up.

Do you know where Spiga
sends girls like that?

To the silos to service
the grain crews.

- You can cut me.

I've been cut many times before.

A client used to hold
my head under water...

Said it helped him cope with
the stress from the office.

There is nothing
you can dream up

in your sick,
twisted imagination

that I have not
endured in this job.

- Come on.
- So go ahead. Make me scream.

But you'll get the same answer.

I don't know Ben Larson.

- How deep do you want me to go?

- However deep you want.

- [groaning]

[alarm pulses]

- [whimpering] [gas hisses]

[inhales aggressively]

[alarm droning]

- What the hell?

- There has been an
atmospheric contamination.

Please use the oxygen
rebreather units

provided in your room.

Then exit the building
in an orderly fashion.

There has been an
atmospheric contamination.

Please use the oxygen
rebreather units

provided in your room.
Then exit the building...

[elevator dings]
[indistinct chatter]

Evacuation is in progress.

Please stay calm.

[indistinct clamoring]
- 15 rooms.

- Let's go!
- We're rolling out.

[dramatic music]

- [shouting]

[distressed breathing]

[phone trilling]


- Ben, the presentation
is in ten minutes.

Where are you?

- The presentation. Right. I...

Sorry, I'm... I had to
take care of something.

I'm on my way. [phone trills]

[device chirping]

[distant sirens blaring]

[ominous music]


[dramatic percussive music]

[both grunting]

- Ah! [moans]

[grunts and wallops]

- Ah!

[both grunting]


- Come on, let's go again.
- Laura...

- No, I know. I get it.

I dropped my guard. I tensed up.
Let's just go again.

- The point of Past Trauma
Re-experiential Therapy

is not to pound your
trauma into submission.

It's to explore every facet

of what's causing
your emotional pain.

- Fine. Let's explore it.

Go again.

- We need to talk
about your feelings.

- Oh, my God.

- That's how this works? You
want it to work, don't ya?

- Look, I have tried cognitive
enhancement diversion,

wearables, drugs, even
a goddamn VR pet,

and now this crap.

It's all bullshit.

Everyone things that they
know what I went through,

but they don't.

I have to go.

[elevator trills]
[indistinct chatter]

- Where the hell were you?
- I got held up.

- The Deck isn't
even finished yet.

- It's fine.

I got this. - [sighs]

- Mr. Larson, you're late.
- I know.

- I told you...
- I'm sorry.

[device chirping]

- Ben...

- Uh, go.

[device pings]

- Counterintelligence used to...
[clears throat]


used to be about

breaking into security
systems and databases,

but now, thanks to Everclear,

it's about breaking
into the human mind.

We no longer rely on outdated
interrogation techniques.

We can now literally
turn people's brainwaves

into usable images and
actionable intelligence.

- [sighs] [door squeaks open]

- Boris...

what the hell is wrong with you?

- Lack of good role
models probably.

- Are you sure
this is the place?

- Girl's a high-end spreader
from Franklin Heights.

This is where they got her.

Of course, if you want some
A-plus brainiac yum-yum...

- You're disgusting and
I hate that I know you.

- Nice doing business.

- We're reopening a
background check

into one of your students.

She was recruited into
Arcadia a few years ago?

- Oh... Elena Marquez.

That takes me back.

We didn't have an empty
seat in those days.

You have one or two
kids stroke out,

and you're a pariah. - Mm.

- Is Elena in trouble?
- No... no, nothing like that.

A high-level Spiga executive

is interested in
acquiring her contract,

but we're having trouble
reaching her next of kin

to update the payout agreements.

- Those sealed Arcadia
personnel files are

a real pain in the ass.

[computer shuffles]

Technically, my files should
be locked just as tight.

- [snickers]

[devices chirping]

- There's only one
contact for her.

How do you want it? - Quietly.

- By isolating the neurons
in sectors one-four-seven,

in one-four-nine,
and one-six-two,

my team has had
remarkable success

in extracting actionable data.

And best of all, we
can remove the data

with precision at the end
of the employee's contract

without causing permanent
damage as we have in the past.

Why erase everything
when we can erase

only our proprietary

[device trills]

We hope to have Everclear online
within the next three months.

Unless you have any
questions, that's all I have.

- Uh, let me ask
just one question.

We're a bio-tech
company, correct?

- Yes.
- And our firm focuses on

the development of
genetic strains,

new agricultural products,
and the production of food

for the entire goddamn world?
- Yes.

- Then if you could explain
to me what the hell

we need a mind-reading
device for.

- It's okay. I'll handle this.

Expenditures for prevention
of intellectual theft

account or a full 40%
of our security budget.

Everclear allows us to apply
those funds elsewhere.

- And what about the millions
you've already spent?

- It will shore up
the security gaps

I've already flagged for you.

- Ah... the gaps
that almost allowed

Chad Peterson to
steal our protocols.

- To the next of kin
of Elena Marquez,

we regret to inform you that
your daughter's contract

has been terminated prematurely.

If you would like to receive
the full death benefit payout,

please meet our representative
at the address on record tonight

at... 5:30 p.m.

Letterhead and send.

- David, I know we haven't
always seen eye to eye,

but if you are questioning
my performance...

- What I am questioning are
the time and resources

you're continuing to spend
on a white rhino chase.

- Everclear is not a
white rhino, sir.

It's going to be operational
within the month actually.

- Oh, really?

Then why does your
presentation not reflect that?

- Because Ms. Krauss taught
me to never over-promise.

But it will be up and
running by month's end.

- Thank you, Mr. Larson.

We'll reconvene and hear

the next candidate's
presentation in one hour.

[eerie music]


- I'm sorry. I
overstepped my bounds.

- I appreciate your loyalty.

- Of course.

- Just be careful.

You made some big
claims in there.

We all need to make
sure we deliver.

- Yes, ma'am.


[door buzzes]
[indistinct chatter]

- Please be advised.

No communication devices are
allowed inside the facility.

Visiting time is
limited to one hour.

[conversing in Spanish]

- [coughing]


[poignant music]


- I've done the math.

With what they're charging
for room and board,

plus the interest, plus
what we owe the bank,

even with you and I working
80 hours a week each...

We'll still be in debt
for the next 138 years.

When you're gone,
they'll come for me,

and then when I die,
they'll take Theo.

- This is the first time I ever
wished you weren't so smart.

- I should go.


I promised Theo I'd
make him dinner.

- You're a good girl, Elena.


- [sobbing]

[door buzzes]

[indistinct chatter]

[car honking]

- You're Elena
Marquez's next of kin?

- What happened to her?
- Sir, you know the contract

she signed restricts any
dissemination of details

related to her employment.
- Are you gonna stand there

and tell me nothing
about my daughter?

- Sir, this is just procedure.

Provide me with
some information,

and then we can discuss
the employee's demise.

- How'd she...

Did she suffer?

- No. Nothing like that.

But I will need the information.

Can you identify this man?
[device pings]

- That's the piece of shit
that ruined her life.

- With the grain this time.
- Yes, Tino.

- If I wanna look like I
was in a street fight,

I'll get in a goddamn
street fight.

[upbeat music plays on speakers]

- Why did you do it?

- Aaron? [laughs]

You got some balls, kid.

- You ruined her life
for a $20,000 haul.

- What the hell are
you talking about?

The currency exchange thing?
I heard all about that.

I just figured you were
gonna make it up to me.

This little stunt I'm
less happy about.

- You're telling me you didn't
burn down our family's place.

- Why would I do that?
I love the tacos.

Besides, she just made a deal

to settle up everything
she owes me.

- She what?
- Yeah.

- Hey, where do you think she's
gonna get that money from, huh?

I mean...

she could sell all her organs.

- Fuck!

- I'm gonna forgive
this one time,

because I can remember
what it was like

to be under the spell
of some Grade A pussy.

- [groans]

[device chirping]

- Dammit, Roger.

Take me to the tracker point.
- Routing to El Gordo Gustavo.

Location is currently
out of business.

[device chirping]

[knock at door]

- [exhales]

Thanks for coming.

- So I hear you caused a riot.

- [scoffs] I
wouldn't say that...

Though, maybe a small one.

- You doing okay?

- [sighs] Honestly,
I've been better.

- Is it Ben?

- No... he's great.

I mean, you know how
work is, but...

No, he's fine.

It's just, um...

I've been having the
episodes again.

- Are you seeing your therapist?

- I just quit another one today.

Look, I need to say something,
and it's something that...

[laughs] God, I feel ridiculous.

- Laura, whatever it is...

- Since...

what happened,

I, uh...

I haven't been on the
other side of the wall.

Not once.

- In eight years?

It's okay.

Trust me, there's
nothing out there.

- That doesn't make me feel
like any less of a prisoner.

- It's fine, Laura.

You are fine.

- You've seen a lot of things...

In the war, your job...

- Sure.

- But you don't need therapy.

- Well, doing it and needing
it are two different things.

- So you just deal with it.


- I don't...

Not really.

There was this guy
under my command

during the Oil Wars.

Smart, fast.

Understood strategy like
nobody I've ever seen.

I'm not a proud man.

I know when someone's
smarter than me,

and this kid was,

so I leaned on him
more and more.

The brass were planning a raid

on a refinery outside
of Cape Town.

I was against it,

so I asked this brilliant kid...
My guy...

He told me we could do it.

He knew just where they'd be.

So I caved.

I trusted his judgment
more than my own.

We marched in...

and then they hit us hard.

I lost 2,000 men
in three minutes.

- Jesus.

- Now as I lay
there, bleeding out,

I saw him... my guy...

With the insurgents.

He was sent to gain our trust
and destroy us from within.

And I let him do it.

Hell, I helped him do it.

- It wasn't your fault.

- Neither was what
happened to you.

- Doesn't feel like it.

- It never will.

You have to make a decision.

Are you gonna let
one twist of fate

decide who you are?

- Dad, I found something...

God, it'll end her.

It'll end Elizabeth Krauss.

I just need one last
piece, and then...

Then when we go to the board
and tell them what I found.

Call me as soon as you can.

[phone trills]

[door creaks open]

[phone pings and trills]

[steady percussive music]


- Any pregnancies? Abortions?

- No.

- Number of sexual partners?

- One.
- I hope he was worth it.

Payout's 30% more for a virgin.

Mr. Brownston!

Negative for STis and parasites,

and she's had all of
her inoculations.

- Standard 20-year contract...

The usual disclaimers.

I can offer you this
signing bonus today,

and this payout at the
conclusion of your contract.

- And my father will be
released right away?

- We can have him
out in an hour.

- All the money goes
to him and my brother.

- Less your debt
to the bank, yes.

- All you have to do is sign.

- Elena! Wait!

Ah! Ah! Elena!

- Girls like us are the
lucky ones, Elena.

We have something to trade.

- If you sign this, you'll
be giving up everything...

Your freedom, your
rights, your name.

Tell her!

- Ms. Marquez has
been fully briefed

on the terms of her employment.
- Did they tell you that

you become the
property of Spiga?

Just give me a week.

Just give me a week.
I'll find another way.

- Aaron, my dad will
be dead in a week.

- But Elena... Don't!

[device drones] - No!

[wallops] - Aaron!

- [coughs and groans]

- Listen to me...
- [groans]

- If you love me, I need
you to do one thing...

- [groaning]

- Forget about me.

- [groaning]

- That's why my closure
rate is over 90%.

- The fire...

You started it?

You destroyed our life for
a fucking commission?

[tense music]

[roars] [taser surges]


[convulsive grunting]


- Hello... Aaron.

- Roger, it's not
what you think.

- What?

That you're a skint
from a 'fugee camp

who assumed a Green
Zone identity?

That you've lied to every
person you've ever met?

What part of what I
just said is not true?

I always knew the family
man thing was bullshit,

but growing up here...

With all the dose-ers
and the chicken necks?

It's amazing you can eat
with a knife and fork.

- I can give you what you want.

- Yeah?

- Yeah, I tell
Elizabeth I'm out,

and then I convince her to
give you the promotion.

- You expect me to believe
you've got the juice for that?

- She's my mother-in-law.

Lauren and I are giving
her her first grandchild.

- You look your wife in the
face every goddamn day

and lie to her, and I'm
supposed to trust you?

- You know everything, Roger.

I don't do exactly what
you say, I'm done.

- Hm.

- All I need is one thing.

Get me into Arcadia.

I can't let her die
in that place.


Do we have a deal?

- Sure.


[watch beeping]

- Get me into Arcadia.

I can't let her die
in that place.

[grunts and wallops]

[yelling] [items clatter]

- That you've lied to every
person you've ever met...

[grunts and wallops]

- I always knew the family
man thing was bullshit...

[strained grunting]

- Ah!

- [strained breathing]

- Ah! Huh!

- [strained shouting]

- You're gonna
destroy everything.

- [strained shouting]

- I can't let you
hurt my family.

You know everything, Roger.

I don't do exactly what
you say, I'm done.

All I need is one thing.

Get me into Arcadia.

I can't let her die
in that place.

[dramatic percussive music]

Do we have a deal? - Sure.

- [heavy breathing]

Roger, it's not what you think.

[distressed yelling] No!

- That you've lied to every
person you've ever met?

- What part of what I
just said is not true?

- Aaron?

Holy shit.

What happened?

- He knew who I was.

I had no choice.

Everything I'm doing...

Everything... Is for Elena.

[poignant music]

You know that, right?


- We need to take care of this.

What are we gonna do with him?

[device trilling]

- I spoofed the
location tracking

to show Roger stopped
miles from here.

I gave his car a fake SyslD.
It's a ghost now.

Hold onto this.

- Why?

- Because we're gonna need it.

- Where are you gonna send him?

- South.

There'll be no cops once it
reaches the dust-storm states.

The car will get stripped;
The body will get dumped.

If the sun's shining, it
should have enough power

to make it to the Mexican wall.

I cranked the heat up.

He'll be unrecognizable by
the time they find him.

I saw her, Theo.

- What?
- Elena.

- You... you saw her?

- I was 20 feet away from her...

at a hotel. I...

- Why the hell
didn't you get her?

- I couldn't.
- Why not?

- You think I could
just take her?

If I get past her
guards, then what?

They'd hunt us down, Theo.

There's nowhere for us to run...
Nowhere to hide.

We have to think long-term.

And now, with the
body, the watch...

It's all going to help us.

I have a plan, Theo.
You have to trust me.


- You're a real piece
of shit, Aaron.


- I know.


- [gasps]

- How'd you sneak past
the guy's downstairs?

- Told them I was your father.

- You also tell them I
didn't wanna see you here?

- Theo, Elena's dead.

- No, she's not.

- [speaking Spanish]
- No, she's not dead.

- Aaron killed her.

- Aaron would never hurt her.

- He's ruined everything.

- You ruined everything.

My sister gave her life for
you, and you did what?

You got shit-faced
and bailed on me.

I was just a kid.

I want you gone by the
time I wake up tomorrow.

- Theo, por favor, mi hijo.

Theo, soy tu papá.

[door slams] Theo...

[lively music plays]
[indistinct chatter]

- Some Red Zone dive.

Whole department's high on blur.

The boss just dropped 10
grand on a cage fight.

Well, you know I
hate these things.

Yeah, well, the second I
see an opening, I'm out.

[laughs] You're the best.

Okay, well, kiss the
baby for me, all right?

And, uh, I'll be home
as soon as I can.

Hey, how are you doing?
I'm sorry I'm late.

Can I get, uh, a whiskey?

This is nuts, right?

[fly zips]

Hey! Hey! - Reed...

- Aaron?
- Long time no see, Reed.

- [whispering] Hey,
keep your voice down.

My name is Hendrick now.

- What are you wearing?

Oh, is this real silk?
- Hey... hey...

- What do you got going on?

Some kind of pass-worker scam?

How did you, uh, scrub
your arrest records?

- I'm not a pass-worker.
I'm a suit,

and I can't have you coming...
- You're a what?

Wait... That was your back door?

When you said you were
going to a better place,

I thought you meant... Winnipeg.

But you got over the wall.

- I got lucky.

- Yeah?

Good for you.

You fucking left me...
- [grunts]

- In that refugee camp!

- The second you use an
exploit, they patch it.

I didn't even know if
it was gonna work.

- Oh, but it did.

[exhales] - Aaron, I
have a family now.

If the company finds out
where I came from...

- Your secret's safe with me.

- Thank you.

If you need money...
- I don't need your money.

- Or prescription drugs.
- What I need...

is for you to pry open
that back door again...

and let me in.

You owe me that much...

[tense music]


- You scrubbed your DNA profile
from the FEMA database?

- I think FEMA is like...

one old lady at a
desk now, but yes.

- And what about
your arrest records?

- Actually, I pinned those on
a wife-beater in Walnut Hill.

- This isn't some
reffo-camp prank.

The companies...
They execute people

for far less than
we're doing here.

They call it "Termination
of Contract."

- I'll be careful.

- If you wanna be safe,
you need to remember

that these suits only
care about themselves.

How big their houses are; What
floor their offices are on.

Keep your head down,
and your dreams small,

and you can almost
become invisible.

You're gonna have a better
life than you ever imagined.

Isn't that enough?

- Not without Elena.

[device trills]

[dramatic percussive music]


- Go ahead. Pick your name.


[keyboard clacking]

- [laughs]


[device chirps] [fire whooshes]


- Hey, kid.

Say your name.

- Ben Larson.

- Again.

- Ben Larson.

- Again.

- Ben Larson.


- Good.


After awhile...

you'll think this is who
you've always been.
