Incorporated (2016–2017): Season 1, Episode 3 - Human Resources - full transcript

An executive from a rival company covertly offers to divulge valuable secrets, prompting Ben, Elizabeth, and Julian to plan a defection. Meanwhile, Laura responds to a domestic betrayal; and in the past, Aaron and Elena meet again.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Previously on

- Take this.

Bye, Aaron. - I'll find you.

- My sister, she's a sex slave.

Where is she? - Arcadia.

- Can you get in here?

- Access is restricted
to senior execs.

- What was that?
- Tell me you got a plan.

- Position's about to
open up on the 40th.

Chad got fired today.

- Then we revoke his
security clearance,

execute his nondisclosure

No one gets to senior management

without the company
learning everything.

- We got the permit.

We're gonna get pregnant.
- Micronesian nationalists

killed a dozen of
our guys today.

- Word is, it was
Inazagi agents.

- Inazagi? You think
they'd dare to?

- I mean, we both want
that promotion, right?

- I may have underestimated
you, Ben Larson.

- Sometimes I even
surprise myself.

Oh, no.

- What's wrong, Jaimie?

- I think my mom might've said
a bad thing, Officer Bucky.

- Like a bad word?

- No. Much worse
than a bad word.

Uh, but I don't know if
I should tell anybody.

- Was it about the
company, Jaimie?

- Mm-hmm.

I don't want to get
my mom in trouble.

- Of course you don't.

You love your mom, don't you?

But you also love your
dad and your sister

and your friends.

And you love me, too,
don't you, Jaimie?

- Well, sure.

- You see, Jaimie,

the company is made up
of all kinds of parts.

Just like your machine here.

All the parts need
to work together.

And if one is broken or
defective or weak...

We wouldn't want
anything like that

to happen to the
company, would we?

- I think I'm ready to
tell you what my mom said.

- Good job, Jaimie.

You did the right thing...

For your family and
for the company.

Now you're a real
company deputy.

Just like me!

- Thanks, Officer Bucky!

Both: If you hear
something yucky,

tell Officer Bucky.

If you
hear something yucky,

tell Officer Bucky.

If you hear something yucky,

tell Officer Bucky.

If you hear something yucky,

tell Officer Bucky.

If you hear something yucky,

tell Officer Bucky.

- What about Thursday afternoon?

- Uh, we have Everclear
test trials all day.

- Um, I could also do
Friday lunch time.

- I'll be working on the
presentation of the results.

I'll probably have
to eat at my desk.

- You know, they're just
gonna remove the IUD.

You don't need to
be there for that.

- I told you,

I want to be there
every step of the way.

It's just this promotion.

You know, they need to
see I really want it.

- You don't have to want it.

You know that, right?

Think we're doing pretty
well for ourselves.

Who is this
adorable little munchkin?

- Hi, my name is Hazel.

I'm a Spiga Scout Leader,

and I have a question
for you today.

Do you like chocolate?

- Well, yes, I do.

- I have great news
for you then, ma'am.

This week, we have a
two-for-one special

on our best-selling cookies.

The Triple Chocolate Fudge Bomb.

Name trademarked.

- That is quite a sales
pitch, young lady.

Please come in and show
me your selection.

- We take e-payment in
any major currencies...

Dollars, yuans, blackcoin.
- Great. Come on in here.

- So this is life on
the 35th floor, huh?

You got a pool back there?

- That's 40th and
up and you know it.

- Yeah, sure, even water's
a perk these days.

- Hmm.
- Show me the cookies.

- What are you doing here?

- You asked me to keep track of
the five new girls in Arcadia.

Well, last night, I got an I-92.

- Let's make it fun.
- Okay...

- That's a...
- Termination of contract form.

One of them tried to
escape, stole a weapon,

she got shot by a guard.

- Was it Elena?

- We don't get names in
H.R., just their codes.

You'll have to use your keyhole
to find out for yourself.

- I can't, I lost it.

- You lost it?
- Someone took it.

- Shit.

Can they trace it back to you?

- No, it has a
self-destruct protocol.

If someone tried to access
it, it'll burn itself out.

- Protocols can be overwritten.

Do yourself a favor, will you?

Forget about Elena.

Have some kids,
sell some cookies.

- Now tell me, what
are these badges?

- Well...

this one is my
dream-catcher badge.

- Oh, my gosh.

- I can't.

If she's alive, I
need to find out.

- There's no way.

Not unless you could get
a look at the body,

and we both know
that's impossible.

- Honey, time to go.

- Watch it!

- What can I get ya?

- Water.

- $5.92.

Anything else?

- Some ice, maybe?

- Try the Four Seasons.
- Okay, what about your contact?

- Nice segue.

Real smooth.

Does it ever work?

- Well, different girls,
different approaches.

You strike me as the type who
doesn't have time for bullshit.

You're direct. - Really?

What else do you see
in your crystal ball?

- You work hard.

You're tough as nails.

And your father would
cut my balls off

if he saw me talking
to his little girl.

- Mm, I'm sure he wouldn't
be the first to try.

- See, you know me, too.
- I don't.

And you don't know me, either.

- Oh, but I do.

- Aaron?

- Told you I'd find you.


I can't believe it!

I told you to sell this.

- I had to.

A couple times, actually, but...

I always made sure
to get it back.

- Last night?
- Yeah.

Dumb skint made a run for it.

I mean, you'd think
they'd be grateful.

They get to eat
better than we do.

- I don't know, I've heard
she was servicing Holmes.

The way the guy runs the
Hydroponics Department,

I'm sure he likes
to make them bleed.


- Run diagnostics.

What the... Abort diagnostics.

Disengage device.

Shut power down now!

- The Inazagi delegation's
on its way, sir.

ETA, 1100 hours.

- Good.

It's time to bring
these negotiations

to a close, Elizabeth.

- I'm confident we can
reach an agreement.

- Close the deal.

But don't settle, get
the agricultural rights

north of the Loire.

Inazagi can keep the rest, all
the way down to Gibraltar,

for all we care.

- That won't be a problem.

- One last thing.

Fellow members of the board
have been questioning

your ability to
handle these talks.

Especially under your own roof.

- If this is because of the
Peterson security breach,

I guarantee his file has
been permanently closed.

- Is that so, Julian?

- Absolutely, sir.

Mr. Peterson was acting alone.

The file's closed.

- For your own sake, Elizabeth,

keep your house in order.

And remember:

The markets are
watching closely.

- Elizabeth.

- It's been a long
time, EVP Mason.

It's a pleasure to
meet you, SVP Walters.

I hope we can wrap
this up today.

- The pleasure's mine, Ms.

But I'm afraid we have miles
to go before we sleep.

- Diana Walters, 43 years old.

Senior Vice President
of Global Resources.

Recruited by Inazagi in
'54, right out of college.

Married, no children.

- I have miles to
go before I sleep.

We have a defector on our hands.

- We can't be sure.

- What, you think she's
a Robert Frost fan?

Come on, Julian.

We've both heard
that quote before.

An executive at her level?

I want to hear what
she has to offer.

- Even if you're right,

even if she's asking
for a job interview,

a defection takes time,
planning, groundwork.

We mess it up, the diplomatic
shitstorm will be unprecedented.

- That's why I had the

tech division sent in.

You want Peterson's position?
Show me what you got.

- If you need a private
space to talk,

we can set up a velvet
curtain in no time.

- And then what?

How are we supposed
to extract her

in front of the entire
Inazagi delegation?

- I heard there's a
dead girl in Arcadia.

If it's true, we could use
her body to make a switch.

- Even if it were true, how
would you know about it?

- Rumors spread quickly.

- There aren't
supposed to be any.

- Well, that's your department's
job, right, Julian?

So, Ben... what's the plan?

- Well, Inazagi needs
to take a body home.

It doesn't need to
be alive, though.

And they just need to
believe it's Diana Walters.

- No, no, no!

Let go!

- Stop.


- Stop! Pull over!

- Please!
Ow! No, please!


- Hey! What's going on here?

- This woman works
for you, ma'am?

- She does. Why?

- I'm very sorry, Miss...
- Larson.

- But I'm afraid we've caught
her leaving with stolen goods.

- Stolen goods?

- You recognize this?

It's real bacon.

I'd say $600 worth.

- Yes, that's mine.

It's was a... present for her.

- A present?

- Yes. For her years of service.

She's been quite good to us.

- It's a very expensive
present, ma'am.

- You have to provide your maid
with a signed authorization

for things like this.

- I-I really don't have
the time for this.

You know what?

Why don't you keep it?

So you know we appreciate
your service, too.

- Much appreciated, ma'am.

Have a good day.

- You too.

- If you swipe to page
23 of the attached memo,

you'll see that our offer
is more than generous.

After all, the arable land
south of the Pyrenees

is showing high levels
of soil erosion,

making it a less desirable
site for class one high-yield

corporate acquisition
and cultivation.

As we'll demonstrate,
independent studies

from the Human Toxicity Bureau
indicate the remaining soil...

- Clear.
- Yeah.

"I have miles to go
before I sleep."

Glad you recognized my message.

- Let's skip the pleasantries.

We have about two minutes
before they check in on you.

- Direct. Works for me.

I want the basic
extraction package...

New name, face, fingerprints,

and relocation to one of
your foreign offices.

I'm partial to sandy
beaches and nice weather.

Anchorage, perhaps.

- Let's say that
can be arranged.

Why should I give it to you?

- My company's developing
a new line of seeds.

A design that'll wipe
Spiga off the map.

- I'm afraid you're gonna have
to give me more than that.

- Why do you think we're
so ready to settle

for a worthless piece
of land like Spain

or the south of France?

Because very soon, we'll be able
to grow crops in the desert.

- If your people
really can do that,

why join the losing side?

- You're pregnant.

- And I don't want my
child to grow into

a mindless Inazagi drone.

- So the rumors of the
indoctrination programs

are true. - You have no idea.

- Ma'am, it's time.

- All right, you got
yourself a deal.

- Not so easy.

The Kusari is a
next-generation tech virus.

Not only does it monitor my
position and my hormone levels,

it'll terminate me
if I try to escape.

- Shit, there's a kill
switch in her blood.

- Only EVP Mason can disarm it.


I'm coming in.

- Oh! Jesus, you startled me.

- All right, you heard the lady.

Do we have any quick
thinkers in the room?

Now is your moment to shine.

- The kill switch
and its trigger,

they're connected wirelessly.

If we find the frequency, we can
hack the Kusari and disarm it.

- Too dangerous.

We don't know what kind
of firewall it has.

It could kill her as soon
as we try to break in.

- Share your wisdom
with us, then.

How do you propose we disarm it?

- We don't.

We get Inazagi to do it for us.

- That's quite clever.

- And risky, to say the least.

- Mm.

- It could trigger an
all-out war with Inazagi.

And you'd most certainly
lose your job.

- If they're really on the
verge of such a breakthrough,

there won't be a job
for me to lose.

Or you.

Get everything ready.

- You're dismissed.

- With all due respect, I
think I should be present

for the extraction.

- It's no secret my
husband was killed

during an Inazagi
rescue operation.

- And he's a hero to
everyone in this company.

- If anything went wrong, I
couldn't put Laura through

something like that again.

- Yeah, I understand.

But someone needs to
reprogram the Kusari

in a matter of seconds and
fool it into accepting

the girl's body
as Diana Walters.

I may not be a field agent, but
I'm the best coder you have.

- You really want this
promotion, don't you?

- More than anything.

- It's here.

It's me, Victor.

I've got a client for ya.

- Put all of your devices
inside the locker, please.

So tell me... what can a
lowly Red Zone cracker

do for the cream of the
crop of the almighty Spiga?

- I need help bypassing a
self-destruct protocol.

You poor suits.

Always trying to catch up.

- How many kids get it, really?

- I'm not just any
kid, you're looking at

an honor student, here.

- Hey, I'm impressed,
don't get me wrong.

It's just the scholarship
seems like a con to me.

And they pick, what,
one Red Zone brainiac

out of every 10,000?

Who you calling "brainiac,"
you petty thief?

- You think I'm still
hacking rations?

I'm pulling blackcoins off watches now...

- That shit's gonna get
you killed, you know?

- That shit kept me
alive and fed till now.

- Hmm. Here it is.

See you after class?
- Of course.

We have five years of
catching up to catch up on.

- Uh, don't worry about
it, it's nothing.

- Today's lesson is brought
to you by Kamikaze Burger.

Home of the Double Whammy...
Now with 10% real beef.

- Chemistry lesson will
start in three, two, one.

- Elena!

Hey, wake up! Come on!

- Hey! Okay.


Okay. All right.

It's okay. Elena.

- Yeah.

- Aaron?

- Hey there, brainiac.

Let's go.

- Where are we going?

- Out of here.

- We've kept her "on
ice," if you will,

for the last few days.

Sometimes we get guests with
very specialized tastes

that we can't always cater
to, which is a shame.

So when she got shot, I thought,

"Well, lemonade, right?"

Over at Arcadia, we
always strive...

- You are aware that this
is someone's daughter

you're talking about?

You okay?

- Yeah, just...

surprised... I thought
the procedure

was going to be done here.

- Well, had to move it up.

I sent the surgical
team to Arcadia

to change the companion's face.

Couldn't risk them
being spotted on site.

- Smart.
- Mm.

Let's get set up.

- Who was she?

- Her?

Someone desperate.

People out there...

life pushes them hard enough,

they'll sign anything.

Someone like you
wouldn't understand.

- A keyhole.

This allows you to
snoop into any system

without leaving footprints.

Not exactly corporate tech.

What kind of trouble you in?

- No trouble at all.

- You sure?

A climber like you gets caught
with something like this,

he's gonna get spanked.

Or worse.

I hear that Spiga security
can be very inventive

with a cattle prod.

- Let's talk business.

If I wanted to
listen to an old hag

talk dirty, I'd
give my mom a call.

- Your mother's dead.

- Like hell she is.

- Lung cancer in '69.

Right before you joined Spiga.

That's too bad.

She would've been
so proud of you.

It's what I do, son.

- Enough with the chitchat.
How do I crack it?

- I could encode a
skeleton key for you.

That would bypass the
self-destruct protocol.

- Good.

Just say when so I can get the
hell out of this shithole.

- When was the last
time you were out here?

- Out here?

- Outside the wall.

Rubbing elbows with the skints.

Oh, last Friday, why?

Let me guess. Scored
a little blur,

some eye candy, maybe took in

the conjoined-twins freak
show down on Fifth.

- What do you want?

- The same thing you do.


You see her? - See what?

- Beady eyes, pair of
whiskers, long tail.

The rat?

I want you to catch it.

You're kidding.

- Dead or alive, your call.

- You're a fucking cu...
- Eh, eh, eh.

You kiss your dead
mom with that mouth?

- Forget it.

I'll find someone else.
- You won't.

No one's gonna give
you a skeleton key

if I tell 'em not to.

I'll give you one, though.

All you got to do is
catch a little animal

with a brain the
size of a peanut.

How hard can that be?

- Ugh, motherfuck!

- Now that's entertainment.

- Upset, betrayed... I mean,

I- I-I don't know how
else to put it.

We've been good to you.

That you would do
this to us is...

- I didn't do it for me.

The people in my building, we...
we have a fund.

We all contribute.

$50 a month, every family.

If there's an emergency,
you can access the money.

My neighbor, Rosa, she
missed a payment.

You have to understand...
You don't miss a payment.

You miss a payment
and you're out.

- Your neighbor, what did
she need the money for?

- A doctor. Her
daughter, there...

There's something
wrong with her belly.

I've been hearing her scream
through the night, so...

Excuse me if I hurt
your feelings.

- Is the pain on her right side?

- I'm not sure.

- Well, it could
be appendicitis.

- Yeah, well, I'll make
sure they include that

in her obituary.

Now, if you don't mind, I
assume I'm out of a job.

- Bring her in.

- Excuse me?

- Your friend's daughter.

Bring her tonight,
I'll examine her.

- The kid's not
authorized to enter.

- I'll sign her in.

You bring her to the gate
and I'll sign her in.

- Don't worry.

I'll wait till the
very last second

before I activate the venom.

- And then how much
time do we have?

- The moment it hits her, five
minutes to bring her back.

Longer than that, and
we'll lose the baby.

- Tell me this isn't the
craziest thing we've ever done.

- Now you want me to lie to you?

- A fruitful negotiation

calls for a celebration.

A celebration...

of kinship and unity.

We are, after all,

but simple cells in
the body corporate.

Our bodies are temples.



This man's body is a dump.

But we thank him
for his sacrifice.

To the infinite glory of
the corporate mother.

- What's wrong with her?

- I don't know. She was linked.

She was in the group... must
be some sort of reaction

to the neural connect...

- Where is the doctor?

Can I get the doctor in
here immediately, please?

- He's on his way!
- Jesus, she has no pulse.

- She's gonna be fine, Richard.

We're gonna bring her back.

- Step aside, please.

She's gone into cardiac arrest.

Stand back. 400 joules.

- Wait! Stop.
- What is it?

- There's something in
her blood, a tech virus.

The electrical shock
will set it off.

If you zap her, she dies.
- I don't zap her, she dies.

- Shit.

- Can you disarm it?
- I...

- Sir, if you can, you have
to disarm it right now.

- I'm not...
- Right now!

- Authorized.
- We're losing her.

Go, go.

400 joules.

500 joules.

Okay, we need to get
her in an ambulance.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Get out! I'm not authorized
to leave her alone.

- I'm trying to save her
life, do you really want

to take my place?

- We'll meet you downstairs.

- How long have we got?
- 17 seconds.

- Bring her back.

- Not until you
crack the Kusari.

We have to give them a body.

Come on, we're gonna lose her.

- Working on it.

- We're almost there.

- It's uploading.

- She's gone.

I'm sorry.

- Take SVP Walters's body away.

You must really want this thing.

You sure you're not in trouble?

- Look, I've done
what you asked.

- Which makes me wonder.

Your dad is George Caplan,

CEO of one of Spiga's
biggest suppliers.

What's George Caplan's son
doing chasing a skeleton key

in the Red Zone?

What kind of a fuck-up are you?
- I'm not a f...

- Didn't you get a
girl killed once,

messing around with your
dad's car autodrive?

- Yeah, well, you seem
to know a lot about me.

Why don't you tell me a little
something about yourself?

- Well, there's not
that much to tell.

I got here with the first
wave of climate refugees.

Chased up north by
the sand storms.

Government rations
were never enough.

You were probably sucking
on your gestator's tit

while my brother and
I had to scramble

for enough protein.

Sometimes there was
only one source of it.

Although it was
everywhere, really.

I'd tell you it
tastes like chicken,

but I don't really remember
what chicken tastes like.

Why don't you tell me if
it tastes like chicken?

- You want me to...
- Eat it.

I want George Caplan's
fuck-up of a son

to eat it.

- You're sick.

- I'm also the only person

that can get you
that skeleton key.

Now, how bad do you want it?

- I'm here to sign
in two workers.

- She's here.

There's a problem, ma'am.

There were two names on the log.

- Right.

Two servers to help
with the dinner party.

- Well, take a look.

- Hands off the gate.

- Rachel?

Rachel! - Ms. Larson.

- Who are all these people?

- I don't know what happened.

They heard and word
spread we were coming.

- Are they sick?

- Yeah.

- Ma'am, this is
a breach hazard.

- I know.

- These people aren't authorized
to be in the perimeter.

- They are, they're on the log.

Let them in.

- These two.

These two only!

Back off!

- Can you le...

- I said back off!
- Open the gate!

- Okay, fuck this!


- Let me in!

- Can you grab my hand?

- Aah!

Here, come on. Oh!

Uh, Mr. Morse requested the
companion's personal effects.

- Yeah.

- What are we doing here?

- This is what I like to
call my screaming place.

- Your screaming place?
- Yeah.

Every time I get evicted...

or shaken down by a cop or a
blurhead takes a swing at me,

I come here.

And I scream my guts out.

- I wouldn't know
what to scream about.

- You're shitting me, right?

You spend 17 hours
a day in that juku

letting them pump
you with nootropics

and cognitive enhancers and...

- Don't forget the amphetamines.

Sometimes I'm so
wired, I just...

spend the whole night
staring at the ceiling.

Still hearing the
lessons in my head.

- Jesus, Lena.

You're the one who's
gonna get killed.

How many of these seizures
have you had already?

- Oh, you don't understand.

When things are tough at
home and money's short,

I eat first.

Then Theo, then my dad.

And I get the best mattress,

even if I can't really enjoy it.

Anything so the
straight-A student

can keep getting straight "A" s.


how can I complain?

They just have so much
riding on this scholarship.

On me.

- What about you?

You got to come up and breathe
every once in a while,

you got to live.

- And by "live,"
you mean screaming

at the top of your lungs?

- Hey, don't knock
it till you try it.

And it definitely helps you
forget an empty stomach.

I promise.

Come on.

Give it a shot.

- So how did that feel?

Not bad, huh?


Yeah, you got some lungs
on you, girl, wow.

- I think I can do better.

- Please, do your worst.

- Shut the fuck up!

- Ben?

You did excellent work today.

I'll make sure the
board takes notice.

- Ms. Walters is stable.

The Kusari's being flushed
out of her system

as we speak.

She should be ready for
debriefing in the next 24 hours.

- And her child?
- Unharmed.

I'll deliver this to the family.

- You know you don't have to.

- Oh, I got to hand it to you,

you goddamn suits are ambitious.

Hungry, even.


You earned it.

I encoded your key in a
piece of organic material,

undetectable to your scanners.

That's a freebie.

- You... you recorded it?

- For my own
personal collection.

- If I ever see you
around here again,

I'm gonna share that video

with every single one
of your contacts.

Go home, suit.

Don't forget to take
your antibiotics.

Those little bastards
carry all sorts of bugs.

- Laura?

Everything okay?

- Yeah.

Just tired.

Boring day at work.

- Yeah.

Mine, too.

I've been thinking, and...

I'm gonna clear my schedule.

- Ben.
- Forget about the promotion.

After all, we're...

doing pretty well for
ourselves, right?

- Right.

- How's Wednesday for
the appointment?

- It's perfect.

- I'm here to thank you for
your daughter's service

to the company.

Which was greater than
you could imagine.

- These are her
personal effects.

- But where is my baby?

- Unfortunately, we cannot
return her body to you.

- Like I said, I-I'm sorry.

I can't imagine anything
worse than losing a child.

- Theo.

- Jesus.

Where's Anthony?

- I waited till he left.

He didn't see me.

- What are you doing here?

- I'm sorry, Theo.

- Where'd you get this?

- She tried to escape.

- She...
- I couldn't.

I failed.

I didn't get to her in time.

Familial DNA detected.

Play recording.

- Hey, Theo.

It's me, your big sis.

If you're watching this,
that means Melissa's

managed to escape and
given you Mom's ring.

She's a good friend.

Try to help her as
much as you can.

- She's still alive.

- She's had a tough life,
but she's a survivor.

Like we are.

Um, the reason I'm
recording this

is there have been rumors

going around.

Girls getting NDA-ed at the
end of their contracts.

We've seen too much,
I guess, and they...

They want to wipe
our minds clean.

I'm sure it was buried
somewhere in the fine print.

But, um, if you see me
years from now, and...

And I don't recognize you...

please don't hate me.

I want you to know
that I love you.

And I'll always be your big sis.