Incorporated (2016–2017): Season 1, Episode 10 - Golden Parachute - full transcript

Ben's mission reaches a critical juncture; Laura finds the thief; Theo ventures inside the wall; Elizabeth and Laura reckon with the fate of the clinic; Julian tracks a killer.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Incorporated...

- Aaron!
- Told you I'd find you.

Even though you may not realize

your dream of attending college,

there could be a place for
you in the Spiga family.

That's a group of girls being
escorted to Arcadia.

We got the permit. We're
gonna get pregnant.

Chad got fired today.

Then we revoke his security clearance.

Execute his nondisclosure agreement.

- Who are you?
- I don't know.

Your husband is going
after my husband's job.

The house comes with it.

I made you something. It's a water key.

This is good.

You're a skint from a fugee camp

who assumed a Green Zone identity.

Everything I'm doing is for Elena.

Look at you. Are you really serious

about this fighting bullshit?

Anthony, I'm serious
about not being dirt poor

for the rest of your lives.

Gavros is coming tonight.

He can get us a fight beyond the wall.

He's dead.

- We need help.
- What's wrong with him?

- He can't breathe.
- In here.

There's this whiz kid, Sanjay Maraj.

If you could make your
crops salt-tolerant...

Then that's how you conquer the desert.

If we secure his work, I can
ask the board for anything.

David Gates is gunning for you.

You're a monster.

We can erase Mr. Brill's memory

and put him back before
he has to check in.

Inazagi won't have any idea we took him.

You got a gut feeling
about who did this?

I have someone in mind.

When they put me through Everclear,

they'll find out about everyone.

I need to lock all those memories away.

Connect this to the base of
my skull to bring me back

- or Aaron will be gone for good.
- If you're getting this,

it's because you haven't
brought me back.

You have 72 hours or
you cover will be blown.

I think I could build
a 3-D outline of what

- the crime scene looked like.
- You can get me a face?

Larson, what do you see?

Larson, what do you see?

I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

Uh, the file's still rendering.

The data stream turned out to be
more complicated than I thought.

Then send it in. If we
get more eyes on it...

No, with your permission, I'd
like to see this through.

Uh, I don't have faces
yet, but I can tell you

that there are two figures
carrying Roger's body.

The killer had an accomplice.

He must have.

I should know more soon.

Contact me as soon as
you have something.


There's an emergency at the clinic.

I need to go in.

Hey, you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I just... I, uh... I need
to figure something out.


I need to go. Get some rest, okay?

Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll
see it better with fresh eyes.

Figure C, facial render complete.

Run facial recognition.

Facial recognition successful.

87% match.

There he is.

You need a new nickname, bro.

How about "Malaria"?

Small but deadly?

Where you going?

Go grab the other unit.

I just want to thank you both...

If you want to thank us,
clean up and get in there.

Your heart took a beating,

but your hands work just fine.

There are too many fragments.

Her body is literally
riddled with buckshot.

Hoppers aren't the best shots.

This way, their bosses make
sure they hit something.

She's losing too much blood.

Get me nanosutures.

Okay, take this.

- I need more.
- That was the last one.

We just got a new shipment yesterday.


You did everything you could.


I have a whole closet of
nanosutures at my old clinic.

We use 'em in the Total
Body Rejuvenation package.

Hey, we got a sick kid here.


There's something wrong
with his stomach.

The guy who dropped him off
said he found him like this.



Well, whatever's in there
is definitely infected.

I need to cut him open.

I'm so glad you were able
to take the day off work.

Oh, I've taken off
more than just the day.

I have booked us a week
on the East Siberian Sea.

Fine dining, scuba camp for the boys,

you know, quality family
time, just the four of us.



Now, what do we have here?


Mmm! Delicious!


Corinne has just outdone herself.


Jesus, Aaron.

What are you doing sneaking
up on me like that?

Who the hell is Aaron?

Worldwide, average yearly rainfall

has decreased by over 70%.

Almost 1/4 of the world's population

is currently suffering from
drought-induced starvation.

But there is a solution...

One that literally surrounds us.

If we could harness

the vast salt water
reserves of our oceans

for agriculture,

well, we could feed the world.

All we need is the will
and the funding, of course.

Turn it off.

"All we need is the funding."

I was so naive.

No, you were right.

Salt content's 1.4% and holding.

Almost halfway to being useful.

And that's the excess adenosine

and Melatonin talking.

How about a pick-me-up?

Let's, uh, get to work, then.

Let's decrease the water
temperature in tank four.

If we continue to replicate
post-arctic conditions...

What's happening?

Coms are out. Must be a drill.

That's not a drill.

Targets acquired.

Stay where you are. Nobody move.

Don't move!


On full screen. Let's
move it. You're safe.

Don't worry.

The antibodies will disable the Kusari.

Negative. No go. We're taking off.

Dr. Maraj?

- That's quarantine right there.
- Dr. Maraj...

We're gonna need you to come with us.

If you want my research
to continue on pace,

I'm gonna need my drives

and all the seeds in
the refrigeration unit.

I am trying to save

half the world's population
from starving.

Which corporation profits from it

makes no difference to me.

- Materials secure.
- Let's move out.

Head to the extraction point.

On the double.

Move, move, move, move, move.

Jesus, what happened to them?

Neurotoxic gas.

They didn't feel a thing.

Don't worry, Dr. Maraj,

we're the good guys.

Hands on the target.


Get him here alive,

and there's a promotion
in it for all of you.

Aaron, I need you to listen.

I'm not Aaron.

You grew up in a refugee camp.

I grew up in Seattle with my parents.

We had a pool and a dog named Buster.

A pool?

You got your left arm broken
stealing water rations.

I broke my arm para-sailing
on Lake Union.

This is... I don't know what this is.

But I'm not taking the fall
for Roger's murder.

You killed him. You did it for Elena.

I told you I don't know her.

You have loved her since you were kids.

I love my wife.

Your wife. Laura.

You met her when she
spilled punch on your suit

at the company picnic.

- That's right.
- You reeled her in.

Probably fucked her that
night, but it was all an act.

And she was dumb enough to fall for it.

I knew you were in there somewhere,


This is insane.

Hey, Theo.

It's me, your big sis.

If you're watching this,
that means Melissa's

managed to escape and
given you Mom's ring.

That's her. That's Elena.

We both were transferred

from the executive club
in Buenos Aires...

I bought a ring for Laura
that looks just like this.

I don't give a shit about Laura.

You don't give a shit about Laura.

This is your family.


That guy in the background.

He works in HR.

He lives down the street.


Jonathan Hendrick.

That's Henry Reed.

He's a reffo skint, just like us.

Security is neutralized.

We're heading for air transport now.

Contact us when you're airborne.


Air transport is MIA.

Standing by for command.

Widen for the helicopter.


Mohave 5-1-7, come in.

Mohave 5-1-7, do you copy?

Losing altitude.

We've been hacked from the ground.

Code looks like...


Christ. The mission's burned.

Ma'am, Mohave 5-1-7's

on a collision course with the mountain.

Mohave 5-1-7, can you hear us?

Come on. Pull up.

What's that?

Inazagi troop carriers.

If they get Maraj...

I am aware of what happens
if they get Maraj.

We've got ground rescue on the way.

Our best chance is to dig in,
wait for reinforcements.

This was supposed to
be a covert mission.

The second Inazagi sees
Spiga ground support,

you've started a war.

Oh, it's okay, Sam.

My name's Dr. Larson.

You've just come out of
an emergency surgery.

What happened?

Do you remember having
a surgery before this?

This is an implant that
ruptured in your body.

It was releasing a medicine

called Sub-Androgen into your blood.

You took out my implant?

I need that.

It's a hormone inhibitor.

It was stunting your growth.

That's the point.

Do you know how much tricks will pay

to be with a little boy?

I need you to listen to me, Sam.

The things that happened to
you, they're not your fault.

You're a child, and you're
not capable of consent.

I'm 19, bitch.

You don't know anything about me.

I had it put in when I was 12

because I needed to keep my job.

The woman I work for gives
me enough money

so my brothers and sisters
won't have to do this shit.

She makes sure the
customers don't hurt me.

I know it's hard to see, but
you have other options.

No, I don't.

Safe in the brothel or
dead on the street:

those are my options.

You have to put the implant back.

Yeah, please have Mr. Hendrick
call me when he gets in.

Thank you.

He's out of the office all day
with a family emergency.

- He didn't pick up his personal.
- So find him.

I don't even know where to look.

Is this what you're like
when you're Ben?

'Cause he's a whiny little bitch.

And there's a big building

and... and an elevator,
and I have a meeting.

I can't... can't be late.

Mr. Peterson?

Oh, it's me, Ben.


Yeah, Ben Larson from Spiga.

Ben Larson.

Ben Larson from Spiga.

I've never seen that before!

It was all Ben's idea.

You... You did this to me.

I'm sorry?


What the hell was that about?

I have no clue.

So where does Hendrick go when
he's not at home or work?

I don't know.

I don't even know where I've
been in the past two days.

What are you doing?

I may not know where I've
been, but the GPS does.

Work. Home.

What about that?

Where is that?

It's a squat over in Franklin Heights.

Why would I go there?

I don't know.

Aaron's not the best communicator.

DNA verification required.

Oh, fuck me.

Oh, no, no, no.

No, no, no.


The rescue team hit severe
weather en route.

It'll be close, but they still
should get there in time.

When Laura was nine, we
took her to the glaciers.

She'd been asking to go for months.

She'd seen an old nature
documentary at school.

I kept telling her that
things had changed,

that it wasn't gonna
look like the movie.

Then we got there,

and I watched her face as she looked out

over this vast expanse of barren slush.

There was this gift shop in the middle

that sold ice cream and...

She went very quiet.

I could feel how disappointed she was.

Disappointed in us for
letting it come to that.

And then there's Maraj.


His research could change the world.

God, if we could only leave one thing

better than we found it.

The extraction team has an update.

Commander says she needs to
speak with you right away.



What the fuck was that?

Uh, I don't know.

Now what?

I have no idea.

Should I go ask them?

What are you doing?

Dumb luck?


Muscle memory.

What did you do to me?

What did I do to you?

Dr. Maraj, stay inside.

We're taking heavy fire.

Bring up the satellite feed.

They're surrounded.

All we can do is fortify.

Where is the rescue team?

The storm is picking up.

They won't make it in time.

You need to surrender.

You need to get back inside, Dr. Maraj.

You can trade your lives
for my research.

They'll take the deal.

Move the standby drones into position.

What are you doing?

Our people are in there.

Maraj is in there. His
research is in there.

If Inazagi gets his research,

it will lower the price of
Spiga's grain by 98%.

Spiga will go out of business

and hundreds of thousands of employees

will be expelled into the
Red Zone, if not NDA'd.

Millions of people will starve
to death without him.

We're not accountable to them.

We're accountable to our shareholders.

The drones are in position, ma'am.

Activate the strike.

Activate the strike.

That is an order.


We erased Aaron?

Must be nice,

getting to press a button and
forget what you've done.

You want to know who
you are, ask the system.

Blood doesn't lie.

Do it.

Identity accepted.

Thank you, Aaron Sloane.

Program H disabled.

Blackmail... Outing me
to everyone at Spiga

if I didn't bring you back.

If you want to be Aaron, here.

Pop that in the back of your neck,
and he gets restored.

But just so you know,

the man locked away on that thing,

he's a monster.

Aaron put my seven-year-old
daughter's life at risk.

He married his wife for a promotion.

He's a lying, murdering piece of shit

who lays waste to everything he touches,

and we're all better off without him.

Elena isn't better off without him.

Elena chose to sign that contract.

She was 17.

You can't let her die out there.

Ben, you worked hard
to get where you are.

You're happy.

That's what you told me.

It's a lie.

You can build a wall

around your bullshit Green Zone life,

- but Elena is still out there.
- Stop.

I need to get out of here.

Where the fuck do you
think you're going?

If you come anywhere near me,

I swear to God, I'll break
this, and it'll all be over.

The chairman would like a word.

Chairman Fisher.

Ms. Krauss.

Mr. Gates, thank you for joining us.

The board convened an emergency session

to review your actions today.

Your mission failed.

You lost Dr. Maraj and
our best extraction team.

Your actions risked open
warfare with Inazagi.

However, the board recognizes

the value of Dr. Maraj as an asset

and the importance of keeping that asset

out of Inazagi hands.

In the face of extraordinary

your vision was clear

and your loyalty to our
shareholders unwavering.

In light of all this,

the board commends you
on rising to the occasion.

Thank you, Chairman.

Mr. Gates, thank you

for representing the board
in Milwaukee today.

Of course, Chairman.

Your ego nearly started a war.

The chairman doesn't seem to agree.

She hasn't seen what I have.

She'll come to her senses when she hears

your daughter's running a clinic

on the other side of the wall,

like a walking security breach.

Can't even keep track
of your own family.

How can you be expected
to lead this office?

Oh, it's been a while...

How is he?


Well, he's not fine,

but the procedure was successful.

I looked for the nanosutures.

The lock on the cabinet wasn't broken.

- They had a key.
- Hmm.

Who would steal nanosutures?


Cartels pay people, they cut them open.

They use the nanosutures

to sew the stolen goods back inside.


What should we do about it?

I don't know yet.


How'd you know Bowie?

You're a fighter too.


I'm sorry.

I know it must be difficult for you

knowing what happened to him.

I'm glad he has friends here.

I love my brother.

But he was lost.

Always after the next thing,
needing the spoils of this life.

I felt sorry for him.

I know that's your world too.

I have no choice.

Everyone has a choice.

Bowie and I grew up scrounging
the same trash heaps

for the same scraps of food.

When we grew older,
I chose the monastery.

And he chose the money,

the fame.

That's what killed him:

chasing the ephemeral.

What was your name?

I really should go.

I'm sorry.

You're the one who killed him.

Come join us.

I really shouldn't.


You're here.

I forgive you.

No. Don't...

Ben Larson.

Who are you?

Ben La...

Ben Larson.


Ben Larson.

Ben Larson.

Ben. Ben Larson.

You did this.

You did this to me.

Should I be worried?

I need that fancy tequila

that Mark and Dorie
gave us at our wedding.

30-year-old tequila?

Your day was that bad?

I think it's in the back here.



Smells pretty serious.

Come on. You used to be able
to drink me under the table.

I think I was a different
person back then.

So what's going on?

Work thing?

I just... I keep thinking that

I can help people or change something,

but I'm not changing anything,
not really.

I'm just... I'm...

patching holes.

How many lives have you saved?

What does it matter?

I mean, what, if I save them,

the fuck are they going back to?

Would it make any difference
at all if I just walked away?

You're amazing.

Yeah, well, remember that tomorrow

when we're both hung over

and somebody has to make breakfast.

Yeah, I'll try.

I'll always try.

But tomorrow, even if
I forget to tell you,

that won't make it any less true.

I don't deserve you.

- I'm so sorry.
- No! Dad!

- No.
- Do it first...

Elena? Tell me!

Hey, there, Champ.

You're such hot shit

you don't have to come
to workouts anymore?

Normally, that's the kind of thing

that would burn me up.

But that scout, Gavros,

he liked the damage you
did the other night.

You got us a Green Zone fight, kid,

just like I knew you would.

The thing is,

some guys lose their taste for the cage

after they take it all the way.

I'm fine.

I know you are.

You have to be.

'Cause tomorrow you're gonna
step right back in the cage,

and you're gonna show
those arrogant fucks

the killer they paid for.

You're gonna make me proud,

aren't you, Theo?

You wanted to see me?


The suspects from the
wind-contour model.

I ran the data twice.

I thought it had to be a mistake, but...

Did facial recognition confirm?

87% match to Chad Peterson.

And this is...

The wind was at his back.

I wasn't able to extract
a face from the data.

We executed Peterson's
nondisclosure agreement.

I'm sure you know what that means.


And yet you think he had
the presence of mind,

the ability, to not
only kill Roger Caplan

but to manipulate the car's
GPS and send it out of town?

I don't think anything, sir.

I just rendered the data.

But one thing I've
learned from Everclear

is, you know, memory is tough.

Sometimes it just won't stay buried.

Mr. Larson, how are you?

Feeling like my usual self again.

That's just wonderful.

I'm sorry,

about everything.

I can promise you, all of
this will be over soon.

Yeah, well, it probably will be.

I got a request from one
of the board members

for personnel files

of several of the companions at Arcadia,

Elena included.

The word is, they're cleaning house.

You can understand why they're nervous,

given all their recent
security breaches.

Why didn't you tell me?

Well, I didn't think
it would concern you,


Look, I just need to...

Yeah, I don't care

what you need.

You and I are done.

Shouldn't we change the locks?

Whoever it is,

I want to catch them.

Well, I see you took our conversation

about undue risk to heart.

I am a grown woman.

I make my own decisions.

You are the daughter of a
high-level Spiga executive

and the wife of a rising
star at the company.

Was one kidnapping not enough for you?

Don't you dare.

It's only a matter of time

before one of these
patients works that out,

and then your husband and I

are left to buy back whatever's left.

Then don't pay.

Let them kill me, like you did with Dad.

Problem solved.

You don't know the first
thing about your father.

I know that you could have saved him,

and you chose to let him die.

I couldn't save him, Laura...

Because he was never kidnapped.

He was defecting.

He was selling proprietary
seed lines to Inazagi.

What happened to Chad Peterson's family,

that would have been us.

That would have been you.

I did what I had to,

as your mother, to keep you safe.


You didn't let him die.

You had him killed.

The second he decided to defect,

he sealed his fate.

He almost destroyed us.

I love you too much

to let your idealism do the same.

Close the clinic,

or I will.

Come in, Ben.

Have a seat.

Is everything all right?

Before we can continue,

I need to be sure that you
are who you say you are.

We need to verify your identity
with a blood sample.

Identity confirmed.

Ben Larson.


You understand.

I spoke with the board today.

The promotion?

It's yours, Ben.


Welcome to the 40th floor.

Quite a spot you picked.

You wanted privacy, didn't you?

No prying eyes here.

- Drink?
- No, I'm all right.

I could do without a case
of trench mouth tonight.

So what changed your mind?

Elizabeth Krauss is unfit to lead.

I agree.

In fact, I'm opening
my own investigation

into these security breaches,

starting with the executive club.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you

the talk there is looser
than the talent.


Now, before we go too
far down this road,

what do you want?

I'm sorry?

In exchange for your help.

It's been a revolving door
of interim thugs

ever since Connor retired
as head of security.

What do you say?

You want that corner office?

I'd prefer a transfer.

Of course.

Maybe something a little
more family oriented?

How's your Mandarin?

I want to go to Sioux Falls.

Sioux Falls?

I requested a transfer
there eight years ago.

You denied it.

I never got a transfer request,

much less denied it,
but if you want to go

to Sioux Falls, I'll make it happen.

You never received a request?

We get very few.

I'd remember.


11, 12,

13, 14,

15, 16, 17,

18, 19, 20.

Ready or not, here I come!


Familial DNA detected.


Don't put the tequila away.



Good evening, Mr. Larson.

There you are.

Ben Larson, right?

May I call you Ben?

First of all, beautiful place.

I know these corporate
developments can be

kind of cookie cutter, but
you really made it a home.

Yeah, well, take these off
and I'll give you a tour.

A sense of humor.

I can't tell you how important that is

to getting us both what we want.

And what is that?

For me and my associates
here to hit the bricks.

Better not wait. Spiga's coming

and they're gonna send you
back to Inazagi in a box.

Spiga... Inazagi.

These are just labels
people use to divide us,

but this...

This is gonna help
us find common ground.

I think we're gonna do
something special, Ben.

We are gonna empty this bottle,

and then you are gonna
sleep in your own bed.

How do you feel about that?


I don't know anything.
I'm just in CI tech.

Uh, there are those labels again.

See, I used to be in
sales, and now here I am

trying to get my
customer... That's you...

To tell me about Everclear.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You've got the wrong guy.


I guess we need another shot.


Now, this is not the way
I like to build rapport.

You are making a mistake.

Ben, don't be a martyr. Be a hero.

If we have Everclear, we'll use it

to get the info we need painlessly,

just like you did with Philip Brill.

- Hmm?
- Thanks to you,

no one has to get hurt like this...

Ever again.

It's a good sales pitch.
Everybody wants to be a hero.

Not me. I'm just a selfish prick.


Laura. No.

Laura, run!

Doctor Larson.

Sorry to intrude.

All I want is information and
we'll be on our way, but...

your husband isn't cooperating.

You expect him to help you

when he's bleeding all over the floor?


Talk some sense into him.

I'm gonna get us out of this.

We are surrounded by three armed men

and you can't walk.

There is only one way out.

- It's not that simple.
- Yes, it is.

They just want information, not a war.

And we get expelled
like Chad and his wife?

Then we're expelled.

Do you really want to risk
our lives over your career?

Over my practice? I don't.


Just give him what he wants.

Your ring.


All patched up? Good.

I'm gonna ask one more time.

What do you know

- about Everclear?
- Ben.

- Where is your ring?
- Ben.

- Where's your ring?
- Oh!

You're gonna tell me what I want

or I'm gonna blow her
brains against the wall.

Ben, please.


I swore an oath to Spiga...

- Two.
- Just tell them what they want!

To guard its secrets with my life.

- I don't want to die!
- Ben, please!

- One.
- I'm sorry.


All right, all right.

Congratulations, Ben.

You passed.

Are you okay?

You're not, and that's fine.

You shouldn't be.

Did you have to go through it yourself?

I've been tested.

Trust me.

Did you know that it wasn't real?

If I knew, the test wouldn't be valid.

If I didn't know,

I'm the monster who
let your daughter die.




We feeling frisky tonight?

You okay?

Yeah... Yeah, I...

What? What is it?

I got it.

Elizabeth just told
me. I got the promotion.

Mister 40th Floor.

Yeah, that's me.


It's weird. I don't know
how many people can point out

and say, "That's what
made me start drinking."

I don't know if it's
common or not, but me,

I can say that's the
reason. That's ground zero.

I guess when your father
kills your baby brother

it doesn't take a psychoanalyst
to know what messed you up.

My brother was brain-damaged...
Hypoxia at birth.

And my dad, he decided
to spare him the testing,

the probing, all the shit

those bastards were
gonna subject him to.

He took him to the
garage, filled up the sink,

and then held him under.

My brother kicked.

Not a lot, not really.

And then he just stopped moving.

That story.

Where'd you get that story?

From you.

- What?
- I peeked in your brain

with that mind-reading device
we've been screwing with.

- You're Spiga.
- Yeah.

We took you, and thanks to Everclear,

you gave us everything.

- No.
- Sanjay Maraj.

- How do you think we found him?
- No, no. No, no.

You gave him to us.

What do you want?

To give something back.

I want to give you Everclear.

After all, you're living
proof that it works.

Wait a minute, Spiga
doesn't know you're here.

- No.
- You want to defect.

I want to disappear.

I need safe passage for two people.

You don't remember this, but we've
already had this conversation.

That's not all.

I also need a body. Spiga
needs to think I'm dead.

There's someone I'm leaving behind,

and I need to know she'll be safe.

If I get all these things...

Inazagi gets Everclear,

you get a big, fat bonus,

and no one ever finds out what you did.

Come on, Philip.

There's one right answer, and
it's staring you in the face.

I want you to line everyone up.


Felix too.

He's Goran's guy.

So Goran will want to know
if he's stealing from him.

You should get in line too.

I can't be seen playing favorites.

Let go! Let go!

It was just a couple of boxes.

Do you have any idea what was in them?

Here, this is all I
made. You can have it.

That's not even half the value.

Yeah, well, it's enough to
get us by for a few weeks.

You have no idea what
it's like out here.

You're just a tourist. You get to go

back inside the wall
at the end of the day.

What do you want me to do with him?


Lock him up.

There's a storage closet in the back.

Yeah. Yes.

We'll figure it out.

Mr. Ben Larson,

brand-new senior vice president
of Counterintelligence Tech.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

We'll start with some basic questions

to tailor the Arcadia experience
to your needs and desires.

Now, sexual preferences.



We can currently offer you
anything from 15 to 65.


You'll see we have
an exquisite selection

in that age range.

I can't wait.

From one to ten, what do you think

is your threshold for pain?

- I'm really not into that kind of stuff.
- _

You'd be surprised.

Shall I put you down for five?

Sure, but, uh, I'm afraid my tastes

are pretty unremarkable.

Just give us some time, Mr. Larson.

In Arcadia you'll discover things

you never knew about yourself.


All that Arcadia asks from
you in return is discretion.

You'll see things, you'll see
people... important people.

It may not look like it,

but they are steering the world,

and to do that, they need to know

that what is said and
done within these walls

will stay here.

Of course.


Now that that's out of the way,

what would you like on
your first night with us?

I think I would just
like to walk around.

See the sights? Get your feet wet.

I get it.

I hope you like what you see.

Can I buy you a drink?

Drinks are complimentary
here. Everything is.

I'm sorry.

I'm new here.

I can tell. I haven't seen you around.



Nice meeting you, Ben.


You don't look like an Anastasia.

You don't look like a Ben.

Let me guess. Celebrating
your promotion?


Charlie? Be a doll, champagne.

To your success.

You should be proud, you must
be the youngest exec in here.

It wasn't easy.

I'm sure it wasn't.

Should we take the celebration
somewhere a little more private?


Ben, wasn't it?

- Elena...
- You want another drink, Ben,

or should I just go
ahead and get undressed?

That's not what I'm here for.

Why are you here then?

I'm here for you.

What does your wife think about that?

Please, don't.

Do you have any idea how long
it's taken me to get here?

- The things I've done?
- Yeah.

Playing house must be hard.

I've lied.

I've cheated, I...

I've killed for you.

No, not for me.

For Elena maybe, but she's long gone.

You don't know me...

and I sure as hell don't know you, Ben.

You can call me Aaron.

There is no Aaron. There's no Elena.

There's just two strangers
standing in a room,

- getting ready to...
- No.

I know what you've gone through.


I know how much they've hurt you.

And you know what they'll do
to me if I break my contract.

They won't.

I won't let them.

Look, I have a plan,

a safe passage,

and they will never lay
a finger on you again.

You always liked a pipe dream, Aaron,

but there is no co-op,

no place on Earth where
they won't find us.

Go back to your wife, Ben.

Have a happy life.

It took me six years to
find your dad's restaurant,

and six more to get here.

I've learned to be patient.

Like moths to a flame,

our species is definitely
fascinated by shiny things.

Don't you ever want anything?

All the time.

But the only thing worse
than not getting what you want

is getting it.

Because then you realize
the hunger's still there,

and it never goes away.

What am I supposed to do?

Know that everything is
as illusory and hollow

as that girl.

And if you learn to
let go of your desire,

then you won't have
to come back to this.

To Southgate.


To this.


You're talking about dying.

I'm talking about non-existence.

Same difference.

Free from desire.

Free from pain.

You're working late.

I-I found him, the
thief. I know who he is.


So what are you gonna do about it?

- Me? Well, I thought...
- What?

That the bad man was gonna
take care of it for you?

A girl bled to death because of him.

Yes, your patient in your clinic.

So what are you gonna do about it?

He's just a kid.

Well, so was the girl who died.

Maybe the next one, too.

There won't be a next one.

I'll... kick him out.

I'll ban him from the clinic.

People here, they smell weakness.

You can't help them if
they know you're weak.


Jesus, what are you doing here?

I've come to say good-bye.

- Good-bye?
- Yeah, I'm... I'm done for.

It's over.

You're the only one I can tell.

Wait, what are you talking about?

I always thought it would be your fault,

but... it's not.


I kept some things... Some memories...

From the camp.

Your water key, for example.

- You kept it?
- Yeah.

Whatever happened to
not looking back, huh?


Who has it?

Uh, Hazel found it, and
she took it to school.

The teacher confiscated it.

Sooner or later, she'll
report it to security,

and then it's only a matter of time

till they start finding
cracks in my story.

I can't drag Hazel outside the wall.

She's... she's not like us, Aaron.

She doesn't know
anything other than this.

You have to run. If
they catch you, then...

Yeah, I know, I know.

Thanks to Everclear,

I'd give you up even
if I didn't want to.

That's not... what I meant.

Uh, do you think they'll, um...

Do you think they'll let her stay?

Find her a good family?

I'm sure they will.



Good luck.


I'll need it.

What the hell do you think you're doing,

- calling me on thisnumber?
- Relax, there are

six different levels of
encryption on this call.

We only speak at the
program. That's the rule.

I can't wait a whole week.
I may be burnt by then.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about
moving up the extraction.

You're out of your mind.

No, Philip, I'm out of time.

Something happened, and
I need to get out now,

because if I fall, you can
say good-bye to Everclear

and to your whole fucking life.

How much time do I have?

I said, "How much time do I have?"

24 hours.


This is not a negotiation.

No, it's not.

Take it or leave it. I can't
be ready sooner than that.


I went to get the kids...

from... lacrosse practice, but...

But they weren't there.

They said we never signed them up.

Forgot to sign them up, Fiona.

There he is!

Don't move!

Mr. Peterson.

We're gonna need you to come with us.



Don't you want to go home, Mr. Peterson?



Will you sign the kids up for lacrosse?

I forgot.

Fiona usually handles
all that for me, so...

We'll take care of that.




Mr. Peterson.

Mr. Peterson?

No! Hold your fire!

Hold your fire!

Copy that.

I'm sorry.

No, wait. No!

What are you doing?

No, no, please, don't!

Please, don't! You
don't have to do this.

You don't have to do this! You don't!

Okay. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

- Shh, shh, shh.
- It's over.

It's over, all right?

Hey, you and me, we just saved lives.

Now when someone sees
you out on the street,

they will know that they
can't just burst in here

and take what's not theirs.

Okay? Shh, shh, shh.

Couldn't I just change at the party?

You got to look the part, kid.

These people, they're just dying

to see a cage killer up close.

It's all about the pageantry.

Should I perform tricks for treats, too?

Your wrist, please.

Is that necessary?

I'm afraid it is, sir.

- Go ahead.
- You too.

See that? They love you already.


What kind of bug is that?

That is a shrimp.

Mmm. Comes from the sea.

Oh, you got to try one.

This might be the last of them.

I'm good.

Don't be a brute, kid.

You got to educate yourself.

You got to learn to appreciate
the finer things in life.

You do well tonight,
this could be permanent.

Tonight we play the part of the skint,

but tomorrow we're one of them.

- Terrence.
- Lionel.

Thanks for having us.

So glad they let you in the front.

You remember the kid.

How's Yaroslav?

Learn to eat through a straw yet?

Okay, kid, get ready. Here it comes.

You hear me?

Stop fucking around.

What the hell are you doing?
You want to get killed?

Oh! Yeah!

Oh, no, you little shit!

You're not dying here tonight.

Oh. I'm sorry, madam.
I'll be done in a minute.

That's okay. There's no rush.

What is it?

The man you saw last night,
do you know who he was?

He told me his name was Ben Larson.

Well, that's his name.

His title is Senior Vice President

of Counterintelligence Tech.

His wife is Elizabeth Krauss's daughter.

What did he want?

What they all want.

Oh, come on, Elena. I
saw how he looked at you.

And how is that?

Like a man in love.

He just met me.

And yet for some reason,
you're trying to protect him.

Why would I? He's just another suit.

Elena, it's me.

You can't lie to me the
way you lie to your assets.

We met a long time ago...

in another life.

So... that's him.

And now he's Elizabeth
Krauss's son-in-law.

Good. We can use that.

Unless, of course, he's
not the only one in love.

He's the only one.

You know how to reel him in, then.

Yeah, I know exactly how.

Do you remember what you
said to me when we first met?

That I wanted to make them bleed.

And we will,

but this is bigger than you or me...

or a dumb suit in love.

You know that, right?


I do.

If you've come here to
tell me that I'm wrong...

No. I'm...

here to tell you that I get you now.

I get what you did to Dad.

Even though I can't entirely...

forgive you, I get it.

It would be naive... I
would be naive to think

that someone could sit
on that expensive couch

without having some blood
underneath their fingernails.

Well, if you think that's the
reason why I did what I did,

then you don't know me at all.

Reasons don't matter.

What matters is the will to do it.

You have that will. I have it, too.

My clinic...

it's four walls and
some mangy mattresses,

but it does a lot of good,

and you will shut it
down over my dead body.


If I ever catch any of your
men sniffing around the place,

I'll have them shot.

Just so we're clear.

Kid's got a death wish.

Guess what.

Today Semo and I are the
Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Do it.

Just do it.

Nah, no, no, no, no.

This was supposed to be fun.

You don't get to humiliate me

and then rob me of the
pleasure of watching you die.

- Theo.
- Anthony!

- No, wait!
- Yeah.

You see, now that's more like it.

No! Please, no!

No, don't do this! Please don't do this!

Kill me!

You're next.

I'll give you anything.

You got nothing to give me, kid.

I-I have a name.

A name? I hate to break it to you,

but your name's not worth shit.

No, not mine... A suit inside Spiga.

He's high up, very high up,
but he's not who he says he is.

The asshole may think
he's one of them now,

but he's a reffo skint like me.

I give you his name, you own him.

You get him to work for you.

Think about it... You're a businessman.

How much would that be worth to you,

huh, someone on the inside?

This suit...

what's his name?

His name is Aaron,

but the last time I saw him,

he erased that part of his memory.

He thinks his name is Ben...

Ben Larson.

But you're gonna need me to get to him.


I was about to leave.

I had to get someone first.

The deal was
for two people only.

It still is. I'm not going.

Are you fucking with me?

No, nothing's changed.

Two people in exchange for Everclear.

Why are you doing this?

You won't remember this,

but you called me a monster once.

You weren't wrong.

Come on, honey.

It's okay.

You sure you want to do this?


But that's not a reason not to do it.

Thank you.

I want to say we'll see
each other again, but, uh...


Take care.

I'm gonna need you to
be extra brave, okay?

I'm gonna go now, have a lemonade,

and try to forget you all over again.

If I ever see you again
down at the meetings

or you ever try to blackmail me again,

I will have them both killed.

I'm on the 40th floor now.

I'll get you something
bigger than Everclear.

Oh, you better do that quickly, kid,

'cause when Spiga realizes we have this,

who do you think they're
gonna come looking for?

I'm sorry.

You did the right thing.

I don't think I know
what that is anymore.

You saved them.

And the rest?

The ones who got fucked
ed over a pipe dream?

I was... angry.

You were right.

You'd hate what I have become.


What they made us.

I can still see the kid who built

a reverse retinal
scanner in a FEMA camp.

That's who you are.

I'm still gonna get you out of here.

It'll just take a little more time.

I got to find something
else to trade, but...

now that I'm on the 40th,

I'll... I'll have
access to so much more.

I will.

I know you will...


And everything Ben's done...

it won't be for nothing.

I promise.

As with all senior
executive accommodations,

the house includes four bedrooms,

three and a half bathrooms,
and, last but not least,

the crown jewel of the house...

A state-of-the-art heated swimming pool.

If I can have your handprint here,

the house will be instantly updated

with your biometrics.

You'll be very happy
in your new home.

Sounds pretty good.

Good morning, Mr. Larson.


You are pregnant.