In the Dark (2019–…): Season 4, Episode 9 - Center of Gravity - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I took care of Paula
like you asked.

And these...

are the people
that she sent to set you up.

We ID'd 'em.

Darnell James.

And Murphy Mason.

Find them.

That was... um...

That was nice.


I don't know. I wouldn't
describe that as being nice.

She's got, like,
a chip missing or something.

Maybe I have a chip missing,

Who are you talking to?

Uh, what? No one.

Oh, I thought I heard... Huh.

Yeah, anyway, it's, uh, late.

I should go to bed.

Aren't you bored of this?

Of what?


I need you
to be a little more specific.

You are riddled with secrets.

Riddled with secrets?


What are you doing here, Murph?

In this motel? Alone?

Shutting out
everyone you care about?

I told you I needed some space.



Yeah. Whatever.

You might not be bored of this,
but I sure as hell am.

Okay, well, I'll see you later.

We have two options here.
Oh, great.

An ultimatum.

We are either going
to be together,

like, for real,

or I walk out that door,
and that's it.

You're not ever gonna
see me again.

Yeah, I've heard that before.

This isn't... I'm serious.

I have to start
taking care of myself.

I can't keep...

That's where I'm at.

And I really do mean it
this time.

You really mean it this time?

You mean it?
Yeah, I mean it.


Look, I don't care
that you're messed up.

So am I.

And I get there's been a lot
of damage here.

But I'll stay in this motel
and hash it out all night,

multiple nights,
whatever it takes,

but I need you
to want that, want... me.


What's it gonna be?
This is a joke.

You can't give me an ultimatum.

Pretty sure I just did.
Are you 12 years old?

If you can't even tell me
you want to try

and make this work,
I mean, what the hell

am I doing here?
I don't know. I didn't invite you.

You-you begged me
to leave Lesley.

you begged.

And here I am, and...
and you don't even care.

I didn't beg you to leave
Lesley. I didn't beg.


I got my answer. I'm done.

Fine. Be done.

Take care of yourself, Murph.

Wait, wait, wait.


Don't go.

If you want to...

If you want to hash it out,

Then fine. Let's hash it out.

So you want
to make this work?

I want to at least try.

All right.

We need to be brutally
honest with each other.

Just get it all out. I mean,

all our problems are
because we don't talk.

I don't-- I don't-- I don't
even know where to start, Max.

There's just a lot.

There's been a lot.
Yeah, I know.

We can start by you telling me

what you're doing
in this motel room.

I told you, I needed space.

I needed some alone time.

Murphy, stop. Come on.


Oh, hang on.


Are you seriously gonna
answer that right now?

Just give me a second. God.

Hello? Hey, just-just
hold on a second.

One sec.

Okay, here I am.
What did... what did Sarah say?

Her team stayed at the warehouse

and checked security cam
footage inside and outside.

No one even drove by.
They didn't send anyone.

That's so weird.

I wonder-wonder
if they knew it was a setup.


There's-there's no way
they're onto us, though, right?

Like, they don't-- they don't
know who-who you and me are?

I don't think so.

No one showed up at the meeting,

and I texted the dude
from Paula's phone. Plus,

there's the fact
that we're alive.

Yeah. Yeah, right.

Tried to explain that to Sarah,

but she still freaked,
and had CPD get me

a motel room just in case.

Oh, wow.

So I'm at the Hedgeworth a
few blocks down if you need me.

But we should probably stay put.

Okay. Um, what is--
what is our plan?

Do we have any leads?

They just want us
to lay low for a few days.

We're gonna get him.
We have to.

I know we will.

Good night.

Okay. Bye.

Who was that?

My mom.


You're not gonna
tell me what's going on?

I-I think
we have bigger problems.

Actually, we don't.
We actually do.

How can we even try to start
over if you won't even tell me

what you're doing in this motel,
or who that is on the phone?

I told you, it was my mom.

Let me see it then.


Murphy, let me see the phone.
Let me see the phone.

Let me see-- Give me the phone.
Dude, God. Stop.

See the-- Mur-Murphy,
give me the phone.


What the hell are you talking
to Darnell about?


Just please give me
my phone. Give it to me.

So you and Darnell are...


I swear to God.

Then why didn't you just
tell me it was him?

Because. Because...

Just-just trust me.

Trust you?

You literally

just lied to me about
who was on the phone.

I know I did, but...

What was that?

Nice deflection.
How did you not hear that?

Hear what?


Uh, it's probably
a smoke detector

from another room
or something.

No. It's coming
from in here.

So, it's-it's annoying.

So is you avoiding my question.

Look, I have my reasons, okay?

And what are you they?

Oh, my God.
What are they?!

You, okay? You.

Because if anything ever
happened to you, I...

I'd never forgive myself, okay?

So just drop it!

I don't need you
to protect me.

Murphy, I can take a lot,
but this cagey, condescending...

I hate that you act
like I can't handle myself.

Look, I-I already know
that you're probably

dealing again or whatever,
so just tell me.

I'm not.


I'm not!

Whatever. I'm gonna go then.

Cool. I thought we were
gonna hash it out all night.

Not if you're just gonna
stand there and lie to me!

I'm not lying to you!
I'm just not telling you

every single little thing
about my life!

Keep telling yourself that,


God. Fine.

I'll tell you.

I made a deal with Gene.

And I'm sort of working
with the cops and with Darnell.

We're helping take down
this big drug organization.

So you're a CI?



Where is that coming from?

You're a CI?
And do you have any idea

how dangerous this is?

No, Max. Please enlighten me.

How did this even happen?

I was ready to go to prison.
I was.


Chloe was lying there

in this hospital bed.

And I figured, if I can take
down whoever did this to her

and get my freedom
in one fell swoop, then...

Oh, my God, Murphy.
Are you out of your mind?

You think you could take down
a drug organization?

I did it once.

I don't need you to protect me.

I want to die.

Well, you're in luck,

because that is literally
what's gonna happen to you.

Oh, my God,
this is why...

This is why I didn't want
to tell you or Felix.

I don't need you trying to be,
like, my hero or whatever.

Okay? That's how you're gonna
get yourselves killed.

I know what I'm doing.


I do, Max. I do.

I'm gonna get out of this mess.

I'm gonna get revenge on the
person that did this to Chloe,

and then I'm gonna be able
to have a life.

Because if I pull this off,
I can actually be free.

Free. No prison time, nothing.

And if we sort...
whatever us out,

isn't that
what you want?

I want you alive.
I'm not gonna die.

I promise, I'm not gonna die.
No, you c...

No, you-you can't
promise that.

I made it this far.


And who are these people
you're gonna try and take down?

I'm not telling you.

I'm not telling you.
You're staying out of it.

Okay, well,
if you insist on doing this,

then at least let me help.

You are not helping.


And when is this gonna be over?


Vague. Lovely.

I don't have
all the answers.


Come on. Would you rather
I was having sex with Darnell?

Sort of.

Shut up.

If anything were
to happen to you...

Nothing's gonna happen to me.

Did you find anything?



Let's just... let's just
have sex or something.

We can drown out the noise.

I think we should...
work out our stuff first.

I mean,

it's just that when we do that,
everything seems like it's okay.


So, it's not okay.

We're not okay.
Not to mention,

you've effectively signed
your own death warrant

and won't even
let me try to help.

So we're not having sex?

Murphy, please just
let me help you.

No. No. We're not
talking about this.

Okay? I'm doing it alone.

I thought we were supposed
to be hashing out our issues.

You don't think
this is an issue?

We have a million other ones.

Ugh. I don't even know
where to start.

Well, this was
your brilliant plan.

Well, we love each other.
That we know.

We love each other.

I'm not entirely sure anymore.

I don't know.

You said brutal honesty.
It's what I'm trying to do.

Yeah, well, forgive me for
thinking the baseline would be

that we at least
love each other.

I think you're forgetting
that I've been listening

to you bone Lesley
every single day,

which I'm sure
you can imagine was just a...

a dream for me.

Oh, this is ironic
coming from you.

You've slept with everybody
that I know.

Felix, Trey. I don't even want
to talk about Josh.

You're threatened by Josh?
Oh, I'm... Oh, I'm sorry.

Did you forget what happened?

You chose him over me.

Do you have any idea
what that felt like?

I'd listen
to you have sex on a loop

before ever living
through that again.

I love how you think
that Josh is even

remotely in the same ballpark
as Lesley.

It's truly something.

Right, right.
Because Josh is worse?

No. You started going out
with my best friend's sister.

That's not okay!
It was unfortunate.

It was calculated!

Max, just admit that you were
trying to get back at me.

Lesley had nothing
to do with you.

Oh, my God.

Well, I'm just gonna go then

if you're gonna
stand there and lie to me.

You want to know the truth?
Yeah, I sure do.

I've never been
good enough, okay?

Not smart enough.
I grew up dirt poor.

I've lived in a shack, and I...

And I was too embarrassed

to tell anyone
which house was mine.

Girls like Lesley
were untouchable.

So when she gave me the time of
day-- I don't know-- I just...

for the first time in my life,
I felt like

maybe I was worth something.

You didn't feel like you were
worth something with me?


Well, then, it really sucks that
you blew things with Lesley.


You know,

they have websites for, uh,

guys who are looking
for a sugar mama.

You should look into that.

Oh, my God.

You're actually, like,
the perfect candidate, you know?

You're tall,
you're really handsome, I hear.

Some 60-year-old widow will just

snatch you right up.

You could live in her mansion.

Could lounge by the pool,

service her once a week.

What do you think?
Yeah, that's not what this is...

It was just nice to not feel
like a piece of trash for once.

You have no idea
what that's like.

Oh, you don't think I have
any idea what that's like?

My own parents didn't want me.

What are you talking about?

You have the best parents
in the world.

I'm obviously talking
about my birth parents,

the ones who gave me up
when I was two years old.

So, yeah, it really blows
that you-you grew up in a shack,

but you want to know

what feeling like trash
really is like?

Try having the two people
who are supposed

to love you more
than anyone else in the world

fight their own
biological instincts

just to not have
to deal with you.

So don't talk to me
about feeling like trash.

Maybe you should
just go look for them,

try and find them.


Your parents.

Your biological ones.

I mean, maybe that's why

you're having such a hard time
connecting to anyone.

That's your response?

Oh, my God.

Yeah, well, I was
just trying to...

Ugh. You're a joke.

I was just trying to help.

That's your problem.
You try to fix me.

Stop trying
to fix me.

I don't need you to fix me.

Go fix yourself.
You're way more broken than me.

The way you treat people
that love you is sociopathic.

Sociopathic? Okay.

Yeah, you're actually,
like, repelled

by anyone
that cares about you.

Well, maybe it's because
I hate myself.

You ever think about that?!
I hate myself.

You don't hate yourself.
Yes, I do.

You love yourself.
You're the most

narcissistic person
on the planet.

Live a day in my head then.
Oh, I'd love to.

You know what I'd do?

I would flip all the switches
on in your stupid, little brain

so you'd actually feel things

like the rest of us!
God, you're so dramatic.

And you know what the worst
thing about you is?

No, but I can't wait.
You have zero desire

to change. Zero.
You know what a dick you are,

and you're completely okay
with it. And you don't care

that you torture
everyone around you. Torture!

You want to know what the
worst thing about you is?

Let's hear it!
You are so starved for love

that you'll cling to anyone
who gives you the time of day.

You know that?

You're like this desperate
little boy

in search of Mommy's affection.

So, yeah, maybe my problems
go back to my parents.

But guess what.
So do yours.

There is nothing unique here.

You... uh, you...

You have somehow managed
to crawl into my skin

like a disease.

And you know
exactly which buttons to push,

and-and you just do it.
You just do it for fun!

Y-You're sick!

You know what's really sick?
Really, really sick?

You know all of that, and yet,

you're still here,
fighting for me, fighting

for us.

for his mommy's affection.

I hate you!

I hate you!

Sure. Mm-hmm.
Yeah, I do. Mm-hmm.


♪ I make a resolution ♪

♪ Gonna leave the past behind ♪

♪ I got a good feeling ♪

♪ That the future will be mine, I feel alive. ♪

Oh, my God.

- Ow!
- Oh. Oh, no, no, no.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Oh, my God.

Hey. Okay, hang on.
Hang on. Here.

Oh, my God.
Look. I got you.

Okay. I know.

I know. I know.

It's in my foot.
Okay. All right, here.

Whoa. Ooh.

Okay, okay.
Well, let me get it out.

Oh. Just hold still, okay?

You're the one that had to throw
glass at me like a psycho.

I did not throw it at you.

But just... Okay.

Stay right there, okay?
Just stay right there.

Yes. I'm dying to move.

All right, here.

You okay?



I'm sorry.

Yeah. Me, too.


I looked in every single corner
of this place. Just ignore it.

Maybe we should just
ignore everything.

Yeah, maybe.

I do love you.

You know that.

You're the only person
that I've ever...

that I've ever loved. I...

Sometimes I feel like I'm, like,

watching my life and...

just, like, sabotaging it.

I know what I should do,

and I just do
the opposite.

I knew

I was destroying us.

Completely aware,
every moment of it.

I still did it.

Yeah, I sort of knew that.

You did?


Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

Come here.

It's okay. Come here.

Why do you love me?

For some reason,
you just feel like home to me.

So I'm like this rundown shack

that somehow feels comforting
to you?

Yeah, something like that.


That's all I ever
wanted from you,

you know?

What is?

For you to talk to me,

open up.

I don't know how to do this.
I don't...

I don't know how
to really be with someone.

Yeah, I don't know, either.

But, like...


Tell me.

Maybe the reason that I...

like, sab-- sabotage
everything is 'cause I'm...

I'm just terrified that...

that if you know me, like,

if you really know me,

that you'll run.

And I just can't. I-I...

I can't.

Come on, Murph.
I do know you.

You don't.

No one does.

Well, no one
knows anyone really.

But I'll spend my entire life
getting to know you.

It's either that,
or spend my entire life

trying to get over you.

But the first one sounds
a lot better to me.

It does?

Come on.

It's always been you.
I was just scared.



I just kind of felt
like an insane person.

I knew you felt that way.
I knew.

That's why I kept fighting.

I mean, even when you were
impossible, I just knew.


We're both sort of, like...



But maybe...
maybe together, we can--

I don't know-- be okay.


I love that you're finally
realizing all this now,

but I knew
you were it since day one.

No, you did not.
I did. I...

Oh, come on. Please.
I did.

No, you did not.

I did.


Hang on a sec.

Where are you going?

To grab something
from my car.

I bought this
after our second date.

It's not much, but I...

But when I saw it,
I just knew it was yours.

Anyway, even when I couldn't
buy myself dinner,

I couldn't bring-bring myself
to sell it.

Oh, my God.


Shut up.

Oh, look,
I-I know I'm not...

I'm not really great
with my words or anything.

Oh, my God.


and this isn't

really the way that I...

meant for this to happen, but...
Oh, my God.

I just, um...
Oh, my God.

♪ Together... ♪

Marry me, okay?

♪ Forever you and me ♪


♪ My memories... ♪



♪ Memories of laughter... ♪

Okay. Um...


♪ Share this change ♪

♪ That could be forever ♪

♪ A lifetime spent... ♪

It's so gorgeous.

You're an idiot.

♪ Forever... ♪

Apparently, you're a bigger one.

Come here.

♪ It could be ♪

♪ Forever you and me ♪

Oh. Mmm.

♪ Yeah. ♪


I'm not doing kids,
though. I'm not!

We'll see.


Look how cute you are.

Maybe we should go back to
Canada or Mexico or something.


No, I don't want to live
my life on the run like that.

Look, I really think
that we should...

Max, the one thing
you want is a normal life.

And I'm gonna give that to you.

I just have to find this
boss, which I know I can,

and then, I can
actually be free,

and we can do
whatever we want.

Yeah, but nothing...

Nothing's gonna happen to me.

It better not.

Now please get out.
I have to pee.

You're disgusting.
Yeah, well.

Get out.
Well, there's a toilet right here.

There's a drain right here.

All right.
Enjoy yourself.

Where are you?

I'm at my motel. Why?

They know who we are.


I was just emailed pictures.


They sent me pictures of us
in the warehouse.

It's a threat.

Yes, I know it's a threat.

They're gonna kill us.

It's over.
We got to get out.

We need protection.


Yes, I'm here. I'm here.

What are we gonna do?

There's nothing to do.

They know who we are.

They obviously know
we're working with the cops.

But isn't...? There's got
to be someone we can talk to.

We can-- we need-- we can
tell them that Paula set us up,

or we can tell 'em...

That's not gonna work.

What aren't you understanding?

- We're done.
- No, but...

No, my-my deal was

I have to... I have
to find the head of Bolt,

and I haven't done that yet.

I have to find him,
and I have to get out of this.

You can't, okay?

We need to tell Sarah and Gene

that we need protection,
and fast.

But I'll go back to prison.

The other option is death.

Then I'll run.
They will find you, Murphy.

Oh, my God.

I have to get rid
of all the stuff

that links us
to Trevor and Paula.

Sarah can't find out...

What stuff?

The cell phones
and gun and everything.

Once that's done,
I'll call Sarah

and tell her
we need protection.


Yeah. I'm here.

I guess I'll just...

I'll just talk to you in a bit.


I'll call you.

Just be careful.

They apparently have eyes

All we can do is hope they don't
know where we are yet.

You know what I miss?

Channel surfing.


For a minute,
I actually thought it was gone.

Oh, my God.


Nothing. I just...
I thought it was gone, too.


But you-you know what I miss?


I haven't eaten in forever.
I'm starving.

I'm actually
pretty hungry, too.

Let's get something delivered.

It's 2:00 a.m. I don't think
anyone's gonna be delivering.

Hmm. What about...?

I'm kind of in the mood
for pizza.

How about, um...
how about Basil?

They're open all night.
It's all the way across town.

It just sounds so good.

You want me to go out
and get it, don't you?

I mean,
it is my engagement dinner.

I feel like I deserve pizza

for such a momentous occasion,
don't you?


I do, and so I will
brave the elements

and go get my fiancée
the pizza she requires.

Thank you.

Will you take Pretzel with you?

He's just... he's been cooped up
in here for, like, two days.

Of course.

Let's go. Come on.

Oh, uh, pepperoni?


I'll be back soon.

I love you.

Love you, too.

Look up Task Champ Chicago.

One result
for Task Champ Chicago.

Phone number is


Task Champ. This is Cheryl.

This is Murphy Mason.

I know your boss is looking for
me. Can I talk to him, please?

Oh, um, he's not here,

but let me patch you through
to his cell. One sec.


Look, I don't know
what your deal is,

but I know you're tracking me.

I've been hearing it all night.

So stop playing your little
mind games and just come inside.

Inside where?

You know where I am.

So just come in and get me

and kill me or whatever,
but do it now.

Do it right now.
I'm begging you.

Come now! Please!

I got her location. Hang up.


Okay. See you soon, Murphy.

Feed me. Feed me.

♪ If the sun should tumble ♪

♪ From the sky ♪

♪ If the sea should suddenly run dry ♪

♪ If you love me ♪

♪ Really love me ♪

♪ Let it happen ♪

♪ I won't care ♪

♪ If it seems ♪

♪ That everything is lost ♪

♪ I will smile and never count the cost ♪

♪ If you love me ♪

♪ Really love me ♪


♪ Let it happen ♪

♪ Darling ♪

♪ I won't care ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah. ♪

Come on.

Pick up. Pick up.

Where's your friend?

What friend?

You know what friend. Darnell.

I'm telling you, I don't
know where he is.

I swear to God, I don't know.

Give me her phone.

Don't touch me.

Stop touching me.

Darnell's number's right here.

Can you trace it?
If he uses it.

Call him. So call.

Trace it.

Do you think we're idiots?

You'd just start screaming.

And tell him to run.



Oh, we should go.
He's expecting us.

We can't show up
without the dude.

Who's expecting us?

Shut up.

Your boss?

I said, shut up!



What the hell, man?
I've been calling and calling.

Hang on. I can hardly hear you.

I'm out at the pier.

Look, some dudes
just came and took Murphy.


Oh, my God.

Idiot picked up
his phone.

Where is he?

Hang on.

I-I left to pick up some stuff,
and I came back,

and they threw her
in the back of a car.

Did you get a good look at them?

No! It was just some dudes.

Okay, look,
I'm gonna call the cops.

Max, do not call the cops.

These dudes will put a bullet
in Murphy's head.

Fine. Okay.

Just keep tailing 'em

but make sure
they don't see you.

I know, I know.
I'm not an idiot.

Okay, got it.
We're only a few blocks away.

Turn around.

Okay, they're-they're
turning around.

I'm gonna T-bone 'em.

Max, do not!

Well, then,
what am I supposed to do, huh?

Just let them take her away
to God knows where?

Max, just don't.

I'm gonna call Sarah.

I thought you said no cops!

She'll know what to do.

Okay, fine, fine. Just call her.

Hey, D?


Where'd you say you were?

I'm at 63rd Street pier. Why?

Because they're here.



It's okay. It's okay.



Okay, okay, okay.

Okay, slow down.
Y-Yes, I'm coming.

I'm on my way. Just stay
on the phone with me.

They just pulled up
to some club.

How far away are you?

I'm five away. I have a whole
undercover team en route.

They're taking them inside.
I'm going in!

No. Listen to me!
If you go in, you are dead,

Murphy is dead, Darnell is dead.

Look, I'm-I'm just...

I know what I'm doing!
You don't.

So just... do not step foot
out of your car, Max.

Do you understand me?

Fine! O-Okay.

They're here and clean.

Send them in.

All right, let's go.

Hey, strangers.

Want to tell me
what you guys are up to?

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.