In the Dark (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 5 - Planes, Trains and Automobiles - full transcript

Murphy reaches out to an unlikely source for help in getting to Jess but when Trey makes other plans, the whole thing blows up in their faces.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
MURPHY: You have to
help me get Jess.

Did you hear me?
I need your help.

Why on earth would
I ever help you?

Hey, you're still here?

(whispers): It's Murphy.

I'm ready to turn myself in.

Uh-huh. And what do you want?

Jess. She was kidnapped, and
I need you to get her out.

Who kidnapped her?

This guy named Josiah.

He took over Nia's business.

Arrest him, too. I don't care.

Just get her out.

(whispering): The drugs.

That must be where the
cartel shipment went.

We need to get the entire stash
to get the chief on board.


Say something.

Trust me, this isn't
gonna happen without it.

I'm sorry. Just...
I need your help.

Fine. Fine.

We'll get Jess.

But we'll also need the heroin.

Every brick.

Does Josiah keep the
drugs at the arcade?


You can have it.

All of it is at Downtown
Empire Arcade on 35th Street.

That's where Jess is, too.

One more thing. What?

Look, we both know that
you didn't kill Nia alone.

So I also want Felix
Bell, Max Parish

and Jessica Damon.
(tutting) Josh.

I'm the one you want.

I am. Leave them out of it.

I know how much your
friends mean to you.


All four of you.


(whispering): What

what is it?

What's he saying?

I heard him say my name.

(exhales, sniffles)

He wants you and... Max

and Jess, too.

(grunts softly)


Felix. (Sniffles)



I'll text you my number.

Okay. Give me till the morning
to secure you a safe house.

I'll send the details.

Josiah only gave us until
9:00 p.m. tomorrow night.

Well, as long as you
surrender before then,

that won't be a problem.


See you tomorrow, Murphy.

(phone slams in cradle)



Now all we got to do is
convince Max. (Exhales)

♪ ♪

(door closes)

(distant chatter,
video game sounds)

It's not poisonous or anything.

(soft crunching)


Come on.

You haven't eaten anything.

I'm Alex.

Look, I know what
you must think.

What kind of person works
for someone like Josiah?

For what it's worth,


I'm taking care of
my little sister.

What Josiah's doing to you,

it's not okay.

(soft crunching)

(weakly): It's really good.

Peanut butter, jelly and chips.

It's my sister's favorite.

I heard you were a vet.


Oh, um...

Yeah, I...

I was. I...

I-I am. I don't know.

Why'd you get into this?

♪ ♪


I, uh... (sniffles)

Hey, hey, hey.

It's okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Is there anything I can get you?


I know that this sounds stupid,

given the circumstances, but...

(sighs) I usually have, like

three cups of coffee a day,

and my head is pounding, so


can you find me some caffeine?

Sure thing.


Thank you.

(door closes, lock clicks)

DARNELL: Max's phone
still isn't going through.

Okay, how's the
stupid list coming?

Can you... can you hurry up?

It takes more than
one minute to find

every restaurant in Winnipeg

that could be considered
a diner, okay?

I can't believe you
didn't get the name of it.

Well, it's not exactly like

Max and I were chatting it up

before we all left...
for obvious reasons.

What obvious reasons?

You know.

The motel. (Scoffs)

Can you stop talking about that?


List is done.

Here, why don't you
guys take these.

I'll use the phone in
our room for the rest.

We're supposed to be
asking for a Kyle Green?

FELIX: I would try
Max Parish, too.

I have no idea what
name he could be using.

There isn't anything
at the arcade that can

tie you guys to Josiah, right?

He said he wants every brick,

and I don't want you
going down because of us.

No, we're good.


Come on, Pretzel.

Find outside.

FELIX: I'll let you guys
know if we find anything.

(door shuts)

You okay?

Look, Josiah's not gonna know

you were in on this.

But are we really gonna be
working with Five-O now?

Come on, man. We're not.

We are not. All we're doing
is keeping our mouths shut.

And it doesn't bother you that
all that "H" is gonna end up

in some evidence
locker somewhere?



Yeah, I'm looking
for a Kyle Green.

Yeah, he would've just started.

JOSH: Where's the
chief? He's late.

GENE: Don't worry,
he'll be here.

But remember, let's
not mention Murphy.

All right? We're just gonna
keep this about the drugs.

That is all the
chief cares about.

Hey, Chief, thank you
for coming in so late.

It's not a problem, as long
as you've actually found

the rest of that
cartel shipment.

Yeah, we have. We're just
waiting approval on the raid.

Well, I'll call SWAT Monday and
we'll put something together.

With all due respect, sir,
time is of the essence here.

I want to make sure they
don't move anything.

They're not gonna
move it as long as

they don't know we're coming.

Which could happen,
given recent events.

What if we have
another mole? Clemens

we've been trying to get
this shipment for months.

I'm not gonna blow it on
some ill-prepared raid.

You understand? Okay, listen...

There's a girl being held
hostage in the basement

with the drugs.

She's gonna die if we don't
get there immediately.

KEITH: Held hostage?

Come on, give me a break.

What is this, a Die Hard movie?

No, sir, just listen... Look,
Murphy Mason and her friends

are gonna turn themselves
in if we get Jess Damon out.

We get the drugs, we get
Nia Bailey's killers.

All in one fell swoop.

But we have to act quickly.

So, wait. This is all
the evidence you have?

Yeah, there's enough
there. There isn't.

No way a judge is gonna
issue a search warrant

without significant
probable cause.

It's a dead end. Sir, please.


I'm sorry, it's a no.

Josh blew it when
he mentioned Murphy.

Why don't you just tell
him you're after the chief?

'Cause he's obsessed
with Murphy going away

for, like, ever.

He'll never agree to
cutting her a deal.

You don't know unless you ask.

Trust me, I know.

Well, now what, then?

I don't know.

Go ahead.

Go ahead... go ahead what?

Ask for help. It's why

you dragged me here, isn't it?

Maybe I just wanted to hang out.


Okay, fine, fine. Help.

Okay. There are ways to search
a place without a warrant.

That's literally the
point of a warrant.

Well, there's a
couple loopholes.

Loopholes? Mm-hmm.

I mean, I was in
Narcotics for ten years.

I had to find a way
to get creative.

Like, uh, plain
sight. Hot pursuit.

You're saying stage Murphy
running into the arcade?

If it happens to lead
you right to Jess,

and the drugs...

I don't know. It sounds sketchy.

Beat him at his own game.

I'm gonna need another drink.


Excuse me.

(door unlocks)

How's the head?

Still not great.

I found some Advil.
That should help.

Thank you.



I can't die in here.

You said it yourself, you
know. This isn't okay.

And I need you

to promise me

that you won't let that
happen. I don't have any power

around here. I-I know. I know.

I know.

But, um...

Can you... Can you just...

Can you just try, please?



Okay. It's late.

Try to sleep. Okay.

Thank you.

(door opens)


FELIX: Yeah, his
name is Kyle Green.

He has a beard.


WOMAN (over phone): No, sorry.

Max Parish?

There is no one
here by that name.

Okay. Thanks. Bye.


(dialing phone)

(line ringing)

DOUGIE: Brownsline
Café. This is Dougie.

Hi, Dougie. I'm looking for
a person named Kyle Green.

Does he work there?

No. No, there's no Kyle here.

How about Max Parish?

Y-Yeah, no, no, I-I don't
think there's anyone here

by that-that name, either.

Are you sure?

We're friends of his.

Nope. No Max Parish here.

I-I got to go. Wait,
wait, wait, wait.

(dial tone)

Call-call him back.

Yeah, what do you
think I'm doing?

(line ringing)

DOUGIE: Brownsline Café. Dougie?

I just need to speak to Max.

Okay? It... (dial tone)

Okay that's obviously
where Max is.

And he told this Dougie
not to tell anyone,

so we should, we should
just drive to that place.

It's eight hours away.

Do you have another plan?


I can't believe I came
all the way across town

to listen to your drunken ideas.

(slurs): It loosens
up the old noggin.

(laughs softly) Mmm.

So, you seriously want
to stage this pursuit?

What other option do we have?

This could be our only shot
at getting Murphy and them.

No way we can pull this off.

Mm-mm. What?

Have a drink, and I'm-a tell
you how we're gonna do it.

(British accent):
Barkeep! No, no, no.

Another round, good
sir. No, no, no. Please.

Thank you. It's
fine. It's all right.

(regular voice): That's what you guys
say, right? Yeah. Something like that.

(British accent): Thank you.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it
is to ride... ♪

Table for four?


We're actually looking
for Max Parish?

I think he just
started working here?

Can you take these to seven?

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh... ♪

You must be Murphy.

You must be Dougie.

So you do know Max.

♪ Go, laughing all the way... ♪

Yeah. Yeah, we, uh... we
went to high school together.

I'm assuming you guys are
the ones who kept calling?


Why did you pretend like
you didn't know who he was?

Why did you stop
answering our calls?

Look, Max seemed really
freaked out, okay?

He, he told me not to tell
anyone he was coming to town.

Look, just tell us where he
is. He really didn't show.

Come on, man. I
swear to God. Okay?

He was supposed to
start on Tuesday,

but he met some chick,

called me from her
house and-and flaked.

Well, listen up, Dougie,
we just drove eight hours.

So obviously we need his
number, like, now. Okay?

♪ I thought I'd take a ride... ♪

MURPHY: I love Max.

I'm not gonna do
anything to hurt him.


Please give us the number.

♪ He got into a drifted
bank and then... ♪

(line ringing)

Can you get off my ass?

Okay, sorry. Geez... close.

LARA (over phone): Hello?

Um. Hi, c-can I talk to Max?



It's for you.

MAX: Hello?

Don't hang up.

How did you get this number?

MURPHY: We're at
the, uh, that diner

you were supposed to work at.
What? Th... What, in Winnipeg?

Yeah. Why?

Josiah has Jess and he
wants 300 grand by tomorrow

or he's gonna kill her.

And we obviously don't
have that kind of money.

Max? Who's we?

I'm with, uh, Felix
and Darnell and Trey.

Why are you guys calling me?

You know I don't have
that kind of cash, either.

I know. I know. None of us do.

Which is why we, uh,

we went to the
cops, um, for help.

And they said that

get Jess out,

but only if we all
turn ourselves in.

I tried to take the rap
for everyone, but, um,

they said no.

Max, I know it sucks
and it's so unfair.

But, um,

if Jess

if she, um, if
she dies, I, uh...

Yeah, I c... I... um...

I just really need
you to... Please?


Okay. I'll meet you in Chicago.

Um, we can come pick
you up. No, I'm good.

I have a car.

I'll text you when I get close.

Max, thank you.

I'm not doing this for you.

A cockroach.

I'm literally jealous
of a cockroach.

That's where I'm at.

♪ Deck the halls with
boughs of holly... ♪

Look at him, just
crawling around,

having a nice time.

Not even cold.

♪ Don we now our
gay apparel... ♪

Anyway, at least you'll
be popular in prison.

You'll make friends.

Oh, yeah.

With my totally
winning personality

that everybody seems to
have zero problems with.


Come on.

No, I mean, I'm a total

utter failure.

In every possible

of that word.
I am a loser.

No, you're not.

Yes, I am.

I am, Murphy, and you know it.

You know, I didn't want to...

I didn't want to say this

because I didn't want to
make things, like, weird,

but I guess it doesn't
really matter now, um, but

you're good at sex.

And you can't be a loser
if you're good at sex.


Are you being serious?

And if I wasn't going to prison,
I would probably do it again

if I was horny enough, so..

(laughs softly)

Thank you. I...

I guess I try to sort of pay
attention to, like, the details

and stuff, so... Oh, I know.


♪ Fa-la-la-la-la,
la-la-la-la... ♪

Was there something,
like, s-specifically

that w-worked, or...?

No, uh... let's move on, though.


I can't believe this
actually might work.

Hey, man, you good?

What? Yeah.

I'm just hungry, that's all.

All right.

Thank you.


You guys happy? You got
your little takeout?

Well, you wouldn't let us
stop on the drive here,

so we haven't eaten
for, like, 12 hours.

We were hungry.

It's okay. Train doesn't
leave for another 40 minutes.

Wait, we're taking the train?

What is it, 1910?

Security's, like, a thousand
times lighter than an airport.

Hey, um, they forgot
my silverware,

so I'm gonna go back
in. MURPHY: Okay.

Be right back. Just
go get it. Come on.

Okay. Let's go, let's go.


MURPHY: Forward.

♪ Heedless of the
wind and weather ♪

♪ Fa-la-la-la-la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la. ♪

(phone ringing)

What up, man?

TREY: You alone?

Uh, no, not really.

Call me when you are. I got a
business opportunity for you.

What kind?

I got a way for us to take over.

♪ ♪


(exhales sharply)

Murphy, you want
to grab a drink?

No, I'm okay.

I'm gonna try to close
my eyes for a little bit.

I'll, uh...

I'll grab a drink with you, man.

Oh, goo... Cool, yeah.

No, I mean, I-I was obviously
inviting every-everyone.

Shall we? To the bar car?

Let's go.

JOSIAH: Darnell tells me

that they actually
have the money.

But if they don't,
or they don't show,

you'll take care of her.

I'll go and get the supplies.

The place will be empty
when you come back.

I'll close up early.

What's the cut-off?

9:00 p.m.



Hi. Um, do you have a second?

I have a prior engagement.

Make it quick.


It's about Jess.


I was thinking about
how she's really

your only bargaining chip when
it comes to getting the money.

And if you kill her
before you get your money,

it just seems like, I don't
know, a waste, I guess.

A waste?

A waste to punish the people

who thought they
could steal from me?

W-Well, I...

I know what you're trying to do.

I'm moving you back
to distribution.

Sutton and Fifth.

Sutton and Fifth?

Nobody buys there.
I won't make enough.

I know. So I suggest you
rearrange your priorities

if you'd like to
stick around here.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Yo, check it out.

The guy out front printed off
the arcade floor plan for me.

Nice. Okay.

All right, look here.

These stairs lead to a basement.

JOSH: Which is probably where
he's keeping the drugs and Jess.

Exactly. Now, if they walk
through the front door,

they're first gonna go
past the snack area,

where they sell all those nasty
hot dogs and things like that.

Then they're gonna go
past the main arcade area.

That's where they
have all their games

and a few tables set up.

It's about a hundred feet or
so until they get to the back

where the laser tag arena is.

This is where it
gets a little tricky.

It's essentially an
obstacle course back there.

The whole place is designed
to make you feel like

you don't know
where you're going.

JOSH: What are we gonna
do if Josiah has guys

guarding those stairs?

GENE: No, dude, I've
been there before.

It's a completely
functioning business.

They don't have no guards,
no guns, no nothing.

At least nothing that's visible.

My best guess is,
Jess is in that room

closest to the stairs.

Where's Alex? Please
tell me where Alex is.

Where's Alex?! Please
tell me where... No!

(bangs on door) Come back!

GENE: Now we just got to
hope that she's still alive

by the time we get there.

You're insane. I know.

I didn't use a toilet seat
cover, leave me alone.

No, sicko, it's just, I can't
believe that you got everyone

to do this for me.


You think we'd just
let you die in there?

Oh, my God. (Chuckles)

I'm sorry. No.

I did. Well... No, I did.

I did think that. Geez.


Do you think we're gonna
have, like, the same

prison... block?

Room? What do you call it? Bunk.

Bunk? I think.

(exhales noisily) I don't know.

They're gonna eat us alive.

You're, like, actually
looking forward to this?

You think you're gonna have
some hot prison girlfriend?

No. Yeah, you do.

Just, I guess I will
feel a lot safer there

than I do right now.

Well, then, you're welcome.

I didn't say thank you.

I've got to wash my
hands. Yes. You do.

MURPHY: Pretzel?


Hi, buddy.

How long have I been
out? MURPHY: No idea.

I'll be right back.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna go catch up with D.

No, I need to get out
of my stupid head.

You're talking to me.



What do you want to talk about?

I don't know.
Where'd you grow up?

All over.

Your parents moved a lot? Nope.

Uh, I moved a lot.

Were you in the
system or something?

Uh... yeah.

Me, too.

That makes sense why
you act the way you do.

How do I act?

You have this...
tough guy facade

and, you know, you play tough.

You're emotionally unavailable.
I bet the girls love it.

Hmm. Maybe.

(exhales noisily)

Looks like you need another one.

Looks like you
need to slow down.

This might be my last
drinks for a long time.

Trying to soak it in.

Excuse me, garçon, uh, could
we get another, please?

Can I ask you a question? Yes.

These are your last
moments of freedom.

Why are you sitting
here with me?

Because we're bros.

And where else am
I supposed to be?

With Murphy.

(chuckling): Why would
I be with Murphy?

'Cause you're into her.

I'm... what?

(laughs): I am not into...

You got your wires crossed, man.

I am not... into Murphy.

(laughs): Okay.

Are we friends? Of course.

Did sh... Did we have sex?

Sure. Sure we did.

Did it feel oddly
natural? Uh-huh.

Did she say she would do it
again if she was horny enough?


(awkward chuckle)

Yeah, you know what,
maybe I'll... just...

Maybe I'll just go see
if she wants a drink.

There you go. (Chuckles)

There you go. (Laughs)

(woman vocalizing)

♪ ♪

♪ Honey ♪

♪ You don't know what
you're gonna be, yeah. ♪

(heavy breathing)


Yeah? Oh, hey, sorry.

I've been waiting
for you at our seats,

and then I just saw Pretzel
here, so I just thought

I'd... check on you.

Okay, I'll be out
in five minutes.

Five minutes?

MURPHY: Shut up. Shut up.

All good. Yeah, just

carry on.

I'll just drink these alone.

Thank you for that rad advice.

♪ ♪

("Comin' Home Baby"
by Mel Torme playing)

♪ Do, do, do ♪

♪ I'm comin' home, baby, now ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do, do ♪

♪ I'm comin' home
now, right away ♪

♪ Do, do, do ♪
♪ I'm comin' home, baby, now ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do, do ♪
♪ I'm sorry now I ever went away ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do, do... ♪ ♪
Every night and day I go and stay ♪

♪ I'm comin' home, baby, now ♪

♪ Come on home ♪

♪ I'm comin' home, baby, now ♪
♪ Come on home... ♪

Miss y'all, dude.

Miss you, too, man. Yeah, man.

Good to see you, brother.

Hey, Trey.


Where are we going?

We don't know yet.

Did you get an address?

Uh... (clears throat)

Text Josh: "Where are we going?"

Send. Josh.

Thought you said
it was the cops.

It is.

Josh is just working,

he's working with them now,
but it doesn't really matter.

(phone buzzing)

AUTOMATED VOICE: Text from Josh.

"Meet me at Dominion Pub."

I thought he said we were
going to a safe house.

I know, I did, too.

(car door opens) MAX: We
got to stop and get gas.


I just drove ten hours.
I got to fill up.

So, yeah, seriously,
get in the car.

(car door closes)

(engine starts)

ALEX: How was your lesson?


Did you learn anything?

Not really.

(sputters) Money well spent.

Can I go to Megan's house
after the aquarium tomorrow?



Nothing, I just, I forgot
your permission slip at work.

What? Don't worry.

I'll go back and get it
once I drop you off at home.

(brakes squealing)

I'll go inside and pay.

Thanks, man.

Uh, I'm gonna go in and grab
a bottle of water for Pretzel.

Come on, buddy.


Good boy.

(car door closes)

Did you guys hook up? Yes.

(Felix clears throat)

Yes, they did, didn't you?

You did, right? Yeah, they did.

Sorry, uh, is that a secret?

I'm so sorry. Felix, can
you just give us a second?

(laughs) Me? I...

Yep, yep, you.

You're the only
Felix in the car.


(car door closes) (Max groans)

Sorry about him, he just

likes to talk a lot.

It's all good. Anyway, um...

Look, I know Murphy's
going to prison.

And you're just my
friend's friend.

But don't go down
that road, man.

I'm not going down any road.


Look, I know you
guys had a thing.

Uh-huh. And that's cool.

But we just get each other.

This is what she does.

She makes you
think you guys have

this special
connection or whatever.

All she does is distract you
while she messes up your life.

Look at me, man.

I know you think she likes you.

But she's just using you
to get what she wants.

Trust me.

DARNELL: All right,
take care of yourselves.

I'll, uh, I'll visit you guys.

FELIX: Yeah, please do.

MURPHY: Thank you
for everything.

DARNELL: Yo, Trey, wait up.

What's up?

Nothing, I just want to
make sure you're good.

This is, uh

you know, it's a lot.

Want to grab a bite
to eat or something?

Nah, man.

I'm still pretty exhausted.

Plus I should figure out
what I'm gonna do for work.

All right.

I'll hit you up
later. All right.

Stay blessed.

Beau. Listen.

It's back on.

I'm gonna need you to grab
as much "H" as you can

before the cops get there.

We want to make sure we
give them plenty of space

to get to the stairs.
(entry bell jingles)

Hey, heads up.

Hello, Murphy.


Why aren't we in a safe house?

Look, I'll explain everything.

Max Parish.

I'm Josh Wallace.

Nice to finally meet you.

Okay, then.

Should we get started?

MURPHY: Get started?

Just arrest us and go get Jess.

Well, it's not as
simple as that.

The chief didn't go for this, so
we have to improvise a little.

What do you mean "improvise"?

JOSH: Look, without a warrant,
our options are limited, but

if you guys go in first
and lead us to Jess,

then... we're well
within our legal bounds.

Okay, I don't...

I don't care, just tell
us what we have to do.


Here's how it's gonna go down.

The last thing we want
is to tip Josiah off.

So you have to follow our
instructions to a tee.

When you guys leave here,
get back in your car.

Gene will place a GPS,
so don't get any ideas.

We'll follow you the
whole way to the arcade.

All right, man. Here we go.

JOSH: It's a 30-minute trip.

And we'll have eyes
on you the whole time.

(nearby thud)


Al, hang on.

I don't even know what to say.

Is this what you do?

You just steal
drugs every night?

No! Listen, the cops are
coming to bust Josiah.

But Trey's gonna use what
I can get to start over.

What? We can be at the top.

I'm gonna be Trey's
right-hand man.

Alex, wait! No.

I don't want anything
to do with this!

Josiah's gonna kill us
both if he finds out!

All right.

Hey, give me your keys.

Mine are inside.

So are mine!

We-we got to get out of here.

The cops are gonna be here soon.

I'm not going anywhere with you.


JOSH: Now we'll wait until
the last possible second

to sound our sirens.

We don't want to tip off Josiah.

GENE: With any luck,

he won't know what hit him.

♪ O holy night ♪

♪ The stars are
brightly shining ♪

(line ringing) ♪ It
is the night... ♪

Come on.

(phone buzzing)

I have to take this call.

♪ Long lay the world... ♪

ALEX: The cops are on their
way! They'll be here any minute!

Any minute? Do you
have any idea how much

supply's in that basement?
I know, I'm sorry.

I'm rearranging my
priorities like you said.

Can I get my job
back? I got to go.

♪ Felt its worth ♪

(line ringing)

♪ A thrill of hope ♪

♪ The weary world rejoices ♪

♪ For yonder breaks... ♪

JOSH: At which point
we'll sound the sirens...

(siren wailing)

Call for backup.

Dispatch, this is Officer
Clemens requesting backup.

(sirens wailing)

JOSH: The pursuit will begin.

♪ Hear the angel ♪

♪ Voices ♪

♪ The king of kings ♪

♪ Is born, the world ♪

♪ Rejoices ♪

♪ In all our trials ♪

♪ Born to be our friend ♪

♪ Fall ♪

♪ On your knees ♪

♪ O hear ♪

♪ The angel voices ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ Divine ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ When Christ was born ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ Divine ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ O night divine. ♪

Captioning sponsored by CBS.