In the Dark (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 3 - Somewhere Over the Border - full transcript

Murphy is alone at the bus station left wondering where Jess is and where to go. Unable to reach anyone, she has to find a way to get to Felix.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You don't have to do this.

You can just say you
didn't find me. Please.

Please just call

Please just say
you didn't find me.

Call speed dial two.

Attention, passengers...


Call s... Is someone there?

I need help. I need help.

What's up? Hey.
I'm sorry, my, uh...

I don't know what's
wrong with my phone.

Something's wrong. It's not letting
me dial out. Here. Let me see.


Oh, you're out of cell range.

Where'd you get here
from? Uh, Minnesota.

Yeah, it must not
work internationally.

Sorry, I got to go.
Okay, could you...

Oh, it's kind of an emergency.

My friend is supposed to
meet me here, and she...

I don't... she's not, like,
she's over two hours late,

so I don't know where
she is. Oh. Okay...

So, could you try
from your phone?

If you put, uh, the speed
dial two into your phone,

and then if you'd try it?

Sure, sure, yeah, of course.


"Jennifer Walker"? Yeah.


It's not going through.

Listen, I'm so sorry, but
I've really got to go.

I got to catch my
bus. Here. Okay. Um...


I'm really sorry I
couldn't help more.

: Oh...

: Oh, God.

Call Gordon Howard
speed dial one.

Call Jennifer Walker,
speed dial two.

Excuse me?

Yeah? Is there
somewhere I could check

if a bus is running late or
didn't arrive or something?

I don't know.

Uh, I'd probably try
the ticket booth.

Okay, and where is that?

Just, that's just
the way you're going,

just all the way down.



Yeah, it came
in about an hour ago.

My friend was on that
bus, and I can't...

I can't find her.

Could you... Maybe you can help.

Sure. Could you help me?

Yeah. Uh, what
does she look like?


She's shorter than me,

uh, and she's, uh

she has


She has brown hair,

and she has, uh, she has

she has brown eyes.


My age.

Uh, that's

that's all I got.

I'll let you
know if I see her.


Call speed dial two.

Bus 319 now arriving

at Platform Three
from Thunder Bay.

Hey. When's the next
bus to Thunder Bay?

Looks like 7:15 a.m.



Sorry, I'm not really, uh...

I'm not really
familiar with the area,

but my, uh, friend is
flying out of there

at 4:00 tomorrow,
and I need to get to him

before... he leaves.

Would I make it if I took the

took that bus?

I mean, it's, like,
a five-hour drive, so

yeah, you should.




The ticket booth is...
is, uh, this way, right?

Down this way? Yeah,
uh, just straight ahead.

To the left? Yeah.

approaching the platform,

Eastbound 164 to Thunder Bay.

All right, buddy. Go.

: Come on,
Pretzel. Come on, boy.

Good morning.

First stop Fort Frances,
last stop Thunder Bay.

Based on current traffic,

our ETA looks to
be about 5:30 p.m.

5:30? What the...

Excuse me?

Excuse me? Uh, ma'am,

you need to take your seat.

I thought this was
only a five-hour drive.

Yes, but we've got
about ten stops.

So please, take your
seat. Wait, I'm sorry,

I-I have to be there by 4:00.

Excuse me? Is there
an express bus, or...

No. Ma'am,

please take your seat. I can't
stop... I need to get off.

Till Fort Frances, ma'am. No, please,
I really need to get off, please.

Please, I need to get off.

Okay, okay. All right,
calm down, calm down.

I'm pulling over.

Open to Uber.

I need help!

Could somebody help me, please?

Please? Anyone? I need help!

Someone, I... Hi.

Are-are you okay? No, I'm not.

Um, could I please
use your phone

to order an Uber, 'cause
mine's-mine's not working.

Yeah. Yeah, sure. I'm stuck.

I think that would be
okay. Yeah, I'll p...

I'll pay you for
it. Where you going?

I'm going to
Thunder Bay Airport.

Thunder Bay? Yeah.

I don't think you're gonna get
someone to take you that far.

Well, I have... I have money.

I have, like, 300 bucks in here.

More. I have a little
more than 300 bucks.

I'm so sorry, but
even if one agreed

to take you, it would be a
lot more than what you have,

and I just can't...

Is there anyone else I can call...
No, there's nobody else you c...

There's nobody else.


Good luck.

Aw, buddy, I'm sorry.

I'll get you something,
all right? Come on.

Find inside. Okay, okay.

: Here you go, buddy.

Um, there's, uh,
someone that's sitting here.



Do you want me to move?

No, you don't have to.

'Cause I don't care.

Okay. I'm just gonna
keep studying, then.

: 15, 13,
then if I carry 18...

Will you drive me to
Thunder Bay for 300 bucks?

I'm trying to get to
my grandma's funeral.

Um, no, sorry, I-I
can't. I have school.

How old are you?

Uh, 16.

You like sitting in coffee shops

before school? I don't mean
to be rude, it's just, um,

I'm really not prepared
for this test today, so

if you'll excuse me, I'm
just gonna keep studying.

: Oliver
has a pair of shoes...

You know what I used to do
when I wasn't ready for a test?


Not go.

Sorry, that-that's
not an option for me.



Because why, it's
against the rules?

Yeah. Are you seriously

gonna tell me that a single
day of school is more important

than me being able to bury
my beloved grandmother?

Well, I-I'm-I'm not allowed
to drive my dad's car,

so I couldn't take you
even if I wanted to.

Oh, what's your name?
What's your name?


Hi, Michael. I'm,
uh... I'm Lorri.

Okay? Um... I missed my bus.

And I don't know how else
to get to the funeral.

'Cause no one will drive me,
but I can't drive myself,

'cause I'm sure you
can tell I'm blind.

You know, my grandma and
I... We were super close.

We were really close, Michael.

And if I don't go
to this, I, um...

I just... I...

I can't, so, please.

I... I-I just... I can't. Okay?

If-if I don't go to school,
they're gonna call my mom.

I can call. I can call.

I'll call. I'll call...
Um, I can say...

I'll pretend to be your
mom and say you're sick.

You know what? She's
not gonna know.

Okay, well-well, what about

when she comes home
and I'm not there?

What time does she come home?

La... Not until, like, late.

Like, 2:00 maybe? 2:00 a.m.?!

Yeah, she-she's a nurse, and
she works the graveyard shift.

Oh, you're gonna be
home way before then.

Wait. Is your dad
home? Where's your dad?

He's-he's ice fishing
with my uncle.

He's ice fishing? He's not home.

Look, I mean...
: He's not home.

Shh. I'm not stealing
my dad's car.

Michael, you're gonna
borrow your dad's car.

You're gonna borrow his car.

You'll be there and
back with time to spare.

And your other option
is failing that test.

Michael, listen to me.

I used to be like
you when I was a kid.

I was so worried about my
parents getting mad at me

for literally everything.

And then, I went blind,

and I was like,
"What is the point?"

Yeah, but I-I'm not blind,

so that argument doesn't
really apply here.

My point is, it was a relief
to let go of the pressure.

And I want you to do that.

I want you to do

what you want to do for once.

So... so that... that
actually worked out for you?


Yeah, it did. It did.

Okay. That felt really good.

Told you.

Why are you driving,
like, two miles an hour?

I'm going ten kilometers
under the speed limit,

'cause that's what they
told me to do in drivers ed.

Of course.

Relax. Uh...

I said that we'd
be there by, like

on time.


You know, you can
sleep if you want.

No, it's fine. I just
want to get there.

Keep me awake. What
was your test on?

Just, like,
French-Canadian militiamen

and the First Nations
defending Canada during 1812.

Nothing... Oh, my God.

No. I'm tireder.

Yeah, uh, to be honest, I
probably would have failed it.

You're also probably
one of those people

who thinks a "B" is an "F."

Well, uh, not really me,
but my mom certainly is.

just really, um...

She-She's withholding,
basically. Mm.

I don't... I don't really
know how to explain it.

She's, um...

A bitch?


That-that-that sums
it up pretty nicely.

She's-she... she's a bitch.

So, um,

can I ask you something?

Here it comes.

Here-here what comes?

Was I born blind? Are my
other senses heightened?

What do I think you look like?

Yeah. Yeah?

Yeah, uh, all-all
of those. Okay.

I... No, I lost my
sight when I was 14.

No, they are not.

And I've realized I don't know
what anyone looks like, so...

That's crazy. So-so, you're
telling me that you have,

like, no idea how hot you are?

You know,
you're, like, a kid.

I'm not gonna hook up with you.

Oh, no. Sorry. That's-that...

That's-that's not
what I meant. Sorry.

Doesn't matter how old you are.
I don't care if you're young.

No, seriously, seriously. It
doesn't give you the right...

Lorri, listen to me. Um,
that's-that's not me.

I don't say that... I mean,
I'm in the car with you

by myself in the middle of
nowhere. Like, Lorri, I'm...

It's not cool. I'm gay.


Well, regardless if
you're gay or straight,

you shouldn't say things

like that to women. It's gross.

Sorry. Um, I'm-I'm
just used to, uh,

like, saying whatever I think
a straight guy would say,

so people don't
suspect anything.

Oh, so you're not out?

No, um, only to you, now,

and, uh, certain
corners of the Internet.

So, wait. Have you not...? You
never hooked up with a dude?


Well, I mean, it's
gonna happen one day.

Yeah, or, um

tonight, maybe.

What do you mean, tonight?

Look, before we
left the restaurant,

I downloaded this app.

Ah. And, uh,

well, I set my location
to Thunder Bay, and

well, this guy's
already messaged me,

saying he wants to
hang out tonight.

I figured I could go
out with him a bit

and still get back
before my mom gets home.

Look, I thought we could
both benefit from the trip.

That's what I'm trying
to say. Yeah, I see that.

Me to bury my
grandmother, you to bone.


Okay, when you put it like
that, it sounds terrible,

but, like, come on, Lorri.

Who knows if I'm gonna get
another chance to do something

like this? It times
out perfectly.

And he said he got
us a hotel room

for when he gets off work.

How old is this guy?

He's 31. Thirty-one?!


Does he know how old you are?


according to my profile.

All right, I know
I'm not your mom,

but this is not a good idea.

It's a terrible idea.
I'm just saying.

What-what happened to all that,

"Michael, why don't you do
what you want to do for once?"

You remember that whole...
that whole interaction?

Where are we? Uh, we need gas.

Okay, but I-I really am kind
of... kind of in a hurry.

Oh, my God. Relax.

Remember, I said we
have plenty of time?

My phone says we'll
get there by 1:30.

All right.

Is there, like, a little
store here or something?

'Cause I'm thirsty. Uh,
yeah, just to your right.

Come on. Come on,
buddy. Come on.

Come here.

What are you looking for?

Uh, just some water.



You all set?


Actually, do you have alcohol?

Uh, yeah. What kind?

Um... vodka. Just like a
small, flask-sized one?

Sure. Just need some ID.

You can use, uh, this one.



Over here! Marco?

Let's go.

Are you good?


Guess what?


I didn't just get gas.

I got this.

It's weed.


Yeah, uh, th-there's a
dealer at that gas station.

Everyone at school talks
about him, and, uh,

well, I-I gave him 20 bucks
to roll me a joint.

Sounds like you got ripped off.

Uh, here, um, have some.

No, I'm not smoking weed right
now, and neither are you.

Why are you being all judge-y?
I just saw you buy vodka.

First of all, I'm
over the age of 21.

Okay, well, legal drinking
age here is 19, but whatever.

Just-just focus on getting
to Thunder Bay, please.

Getting to Thunder Bay

and smoking weed are
not mutually exclusive.

Here, relax, have a puff.

It's called a "hit."


More for me.

Oh, I love this
song... let's go!

It's a little weird. What?

The, uh, the car behind
us was at the gas station.

It's a big truck.

I think he's following us.

No, no, no.

I'm paranoid, right?

Like, um, that's a
side effect, isn't it?

Like of, uh, of weed?

Okay, he's,
like, tailgating me now.

Come on, pass me.

Pass me!

What the hell is his problem?

Oh, he wants us to pull over.

You need to speed up,
Michael. No, no, no.

I-If he's an undercover cop

and he was, like, staking us
out at the gas station and

like, what if he busts me?

Go faster. We need to lose him.

No, I'm, I'm just,
I'm pulling over.

Do not pull over!

But-but he could be a
cop! Do not pull over!

What if he's a murderer? He
could be trying to kidnap us!

Why would he be trying
to...? Go faster!

Okay! Okay! Okay!

Oh, my God, Michael,
what are you doing?

I don't know!

Oh, my God.

Michael, keep going! I-I can't!

Oh, my God, is that him?


He's coming over here. He is?

Oh, I
think he has a gun!

This has nothing to do with him!

He's innocent!

You left this at
the gas station.


Sorry, I didn't mean
to startle you guys.

She left her ID.

Yep, it's your ID.

Uh, you guys all right?

Um, oh, we're, uh, we're fine.

Do you want me to
call someone, uh...?

No, please don't call
anyone. An ambulance, police?

Don't call anyone, thank
you. No, thank you.

Uh, you got it.

Why did you tell me to speed up?

I don't know...
I don't know why.

I thought it was someone else.



Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Michael, it's gonna be okay.

How is it gonna be okay?

My parents are going to kill me!

This is what I get,
right? It's like a, um

a punishment from
God or something.

It's not a punishment from
God. It just happened.

Y-Yeah, it just-just
happened, thank you.

That's very helpful.

You were just trying
to be a good person.

I was trying to get laid!

And I used your dead
grandma's funeral

as an excuse to smoke weed
and lose my virginity!

Lorri, that's how
bad of a person I am!

the worst part is,

I didn't even get you there.
It didn't even matter.

You just wanted to say
goodbye to your grandma,

and I couldn't even keep
my dad's car on the road!

Michael... My-my parents
are, they're gonna find out

that I took their Camaro
and they're gonna find out

that I crashed it and
they're gonna find out

that I skipped school
and-and for what?

Literally nothing! Michael,
you need to go home.

You need to go home.

You have no idea what I

what I got you into and you,
and you need to go back, okay?

Just trust me.

I mean, your parents don't have

to find out about
anything, okay?

We can wipe down the car.

All right?

It will just look like
the car was stolen

while you were at
school. It's like,

it'll be like none
of it ever happened.

No, what are you gonna do?

'Cause there's no way
you're gonna make it

to that funeral on time.

I'll hitchhike.

Hopefully find someone as
nice as you, all right?

I'll be fine.


You actually like this stuff?

Eh, you get used to it.

When I get older, I'm only
gonna drink, like, um,

nice cocktails, right?

You've really gotten gayer
as the day has gone on.

The cab's here.

Okay, can you just get me,
uh, situated with my stuff?

Yeah. Okay, oh.

Thanks. Okay.

This was fun.

Yeah, it was fun.

Okay, you got it?
Oh, thanks, yeah.

Um, goodbye.

I guess.



Thank you.

Ready to go.

Is she coming?

No, it's just me.


I'm sorry, buddy, I know.

Michael got the munchies,
he ate all our chips.


Hang on.

Excuse me?


Oh... oh.



What are you doing?
You forget something?

No, I just, um, I-I saw you
from the back window of the cab

and, look, you looked
so sad... I can't,

I can't leave you here, okay?

No... yes, you can, you can.

Call the cab back, call the
cab back! No, listen, listen!

I'm getting you to Thunder Bay.

I promised you I would,

and I'm-I'm keeping my word.

Okay, I-I need to do this.

That's really nice of you.

But we don't have enough money
to get a cab the rest of the way

there and I don't want
you calling that pedophile

from your gay app!
No, listen, listen!

We don't have to, okay, because.

I called my mom.


You called your mom? Yep.

Michael. And I told her
that I got into an accident.

No! And I need her to come
pick me up right away.

No, no, no, Michael.
Listen, listen, okay?

These past few hours with you
have been more exhilarating

than the entirety of my
life up until this point.

And that was because I was,

like, I-I was, I was
actually being me!

Okay, so, you know what?

I-I'm gonna tell my
mom that I'm gay.

And I'm gonna tell her
why I took my dad's car.

And I'm gonna tell her that
I'm so sick of pretending to be

so perfect all the time, okay?

And I'm gonna tell her that she
needs to get you to Thunder Bay.


That-that's all great.

But y-you need to

you need to really
think about this.

Like really think about it.

'Cause I know I told
you you can do whatever

and that, and that nothing bad

would happen...

Bad things happen,
they do. No, look...

No, trust me, Lorri.
It can't be any worse

than the constant
stress I live under

every day pretending
to be so perfect

all the time... I'm sick of it!

I'm just sick of it,
so, so you know what?

I-I'm gonna tell
her and I'm afraid

that if I don't do
it now, I never will.

You sure about this?

Yes! Yes, I am.

I mean, like,
I had, a whole two minutes

to think about it, so
I-I think I'm good.

I do.


Okay. Okay!


Let's do it.

Do you think your mom will
actually drive you, though?

'Cause, I mean, the way you
described her, I'd probably

skip her house if I
was trick or treating.

Yeah, I would, too, but, look.

I-I'm not getting
in that car with her

until she agrees to, okay?

I promise.


Stop it.


You're shaking the
entire swing set.

Oh, sorry.

I'm just, uh, anxious, sorry.

You should've had more vodka.

By the way, I-I can't switch
this to Canadian settings.

I think it's a,
uh, carrier issue.

What does that mean?

That unless you get a new SIM
card, it's not gonna work here.

You should do that when you
get to Thunder Bay, okay?

Here she is.

She's here? Yeah.

All right. You got this.

Yeah, I got this.

You got this. Oh,
she's gonna freak out

about that car. Oh,
man. You got this.


Yeah. What happened?

Well, I, uh...

I-I ran away, and, um...

Well, I lost control of
the car, and then it...

I-I crashed it.

Are you okay?

What? Oh, my God.
I was so scared.

I'm so relieved
you're in one piece.

I love you.

Love you too, Mom.

Who's this woman?


Uh, your son was very nice

and, uh, offered me a
ride to Thunder Bay.


little, uh, fender bender there.

Did she force you into this?

'Cause this whole
thing is just...

It's just so unlike you.

Well, might not

know your son as well
as you think you do.

Michael, tell me what
happened right this instant.

Well, um...

Uh, sh-she did kind of force me.

Like, I just wanted
to go to school,

and she wouldn't let me, and...

Oh, my God.

It... I mean,
it wasn't too big of a...

Why-why do you smell
like marijuana?


She smoked a joint in the car.

You kidnapped my son and then
did drugs in front of him?

Yeah, I guess I did.

Sure did.

Okay, that's it. I'm
calling the police.

No, no, no. Mom, Mom, Mom. Don't
call the police. Yeah, no. No.

You should be arrested, ma'am. Please.
Please, Mom. Let's just go home.

Come on, please. Please.

Fine. Just get in the car.




I should've had that woman pay

to have your father's car towed
all the way back to the house.

I hope insurance covers that, too.
Wait, wait, wait. Mom, Mom, Mom.

Please. Come on. Uh, I-I
have her phone. What?

So, could you... could
you just I-let me out,

and I can, um... No. No.

I am not wasting another
minute on that woman.


Please, help me!


Stop! Please!


Hey, wait!


Oh, my God.

Murphy! Murphy.


Yes! Yes.

Jess. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

How did you find
me? I... Well, I...

I put a tracking device in-in
here, in this stuffed animal.

See? Oh, my God.

Yeah. I always need
to know where you are.

Murphy, what the hell?
What are you doing?

I told you not to leave the
bus station. I know. I...

I waited for a long time.

I waited for a really
long time. Yeah.

And you never came.
Where were you?

What happened? I
panicked. I know.

I... It's fine.

I don't want to talk about
it. It's fine. It's fine.

I'm okay.


I was so scared. I know.

I know. I was scared,
too. : I was...

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. What
are you doing here?

Well, I was...

I-I thought something
bad happened to you,

so I was trying to get
to Felix before his plane

took off. Okay, what?

Is his plane taking off from

an abandoned

No, no. But I-I...

I... My phone wasn't
working, and I...

And I didn't have enough
money for an Uber, and...

So, I met this kid, and he...

I convinced him to
drive me to Thunder Bay,

but he's gay, and he hasn't
come out to his mom yet.

And so then we got
in this accident,

and he called his mom,

and he was gonna
tell her, "I'm gay,"

and then he couldn't do it.

And then the whole
plan fell apart,

and-and I... and I fell
asleep. I fell asleep.

So, you thought something
bad happened to me,

and you fell asleep?

This is a joke.

What? This is a joke.

Why? What?

What is a joke?


What? What did I do?

You still don't care.

It's unbelievable, really. Jess.

Jess, I care about you

more than anyone.

No, you don't. Yes, I do.

No, you don't.

Look at the insane
lengths that I go for you.

And then you just...

Thank you for putting
a-a-a tracking device

in my stuffed animal? That's
not what I'm talking about.

I didn't ask you to kill Nia.

You wouldn't have
to ask me, Murphy,

because I would do anything.

I've always, since we were kids,

done everything for you.

And it hurts me,

so much that you don't
feel the same way.

I do feel the same way, Jess!

I obviously feel the same way.

But I wasn't... I
will never be the same

after what I did. Ever,

Murphy. I understand,
but no one...

It's no one's fault. I...
What was my other option?

Explain to me, then.
What was my other option?

I don't know. I mean,
you're so bent out of shape.

It sounds like you were...

Should have just
left me there to die,

and you would've
been bet...

Oh, my God.

Don't ever say that to me again.




I'm sorry. Ow, I'm sorry.

Can we just...

Can we just hang
on for a second?

I mean...

Everything's fine. You found me.

You're here.

I was freaking out,
and you found me.

I'm not here.


Look at me.


I'm serious. Just look at me.

I can't.

Just do it.

: Where's...

Why is Josiah doing this?

: No, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

No, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Wait, wait, wait. Just tell...

Just tell me what he
wants from me, please.

Please, just

tell me what he wants
me... No! No! No!


Please, just tell
me why I'm here!

Please, let me out!

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