In the Dark (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - The Unusual Suspects - full transcript

Murphy's choices plunge the Guiding Hope crew deeper into Nia's game, as Jess continues to grow suspicious of the closed-door meetings between Felix and Murphy. Dean tries to keep Chloe ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I cannot believe
Ben did this to us.

I can.

Felix, what-what i-is...

We need to talk.
Wake Murphy up.

So, how was your guys' night
last night?

'Cause I nearly drowned.

In a toilet.


- It's...
- This is serious, Jessica.

It was one of Nia's guys.

I have no idea how he found out,
but I skimmed some money

from the stash or whatever...

Wait, what?
You skimmed money?

My God.Felix...

Yes, yes, Jessica, I did.
I skimmed some money.

Because unlike you two, I can't
just have sex whenever I want.

You paid Chelsea
to have sex with you?

No. I took her to a restaurant.

My point is that I don't
want to do this anymore.

It sucks.
I just, I want my life back.

Well, there's
no way out.


we can't go to the cops because
they're protecting Dean, right?

But what if we go to the feds?

You want to go to the FBI?

Yes. Look, if we turn
ourselves in, we might be able

to prove that we were forced
into this

and get some sort
of cooperation agreement.

We could,we could do that?

Maybe. I mean, you know,
i-it's extremely risky.

Nia could retaliate,

but Murphy says
she's not that stupid?

So, I put in a call

to my college roommate
who is a defense attorney.

We'll see what he says.

Okay. That's great.

I mean, we...

What did we even do?

I mean, we just laundered money
for, like, a month.

It's not that big a deal.
And I'm done

letting people walk all over me.

Done.Yes. Yes, yes, Felix.

Yeah, yes. Okay, great.


This is great.This is great.

It could be great.Yeah.


I don't want to get
my hopes up but, um,

I'm gonna go take a shower.



This is good.

You know?




your little plan
isn't gonna work.

What? What are you
talking about?


What are you talking about?

We're not just laundering
some money.

My God.

My God,
my God, my God,

my God, my God,
my God!

This is a lot of drugs.

It's a lot of drugs.
Like, a lot of drugs.

It's gonna be okay. I promise.

You promise? Okay, cool.

Just.. I'm sorry, okay?

I'm really, really,
really sorry.

She was gonna kill Max,
and it was my only move.

We'll just pretend they're not
there until they're not there.

We have to tell Jess.


No. She's, like, attached
at the hip to Sterling right now

and she's gonna have a meltdown
and she's gonna tell her.

And we cannot
have that.

All right. Fine.

How old were you?

I was in seventh grade,
so I don't know, 13?

In seventh grade?Yes.

You kissed your first girl
in seventh grade?

Yes. I know.



Hi, Murphy.


What were you two doing
in the bathroom together?

My bra got unhooked
and I asked him to help me.

It's Felix.
And I couldn't find you. What?

I should go to my desk.

Sending text to Murphy.


What did I say?
I don't want you talking to her.

Technically, I'm texting,
so I'm not breaking any rules.

This is not a joke.

But I really need
to talk to her.

Okay, well, then, you can talk
to one of your other friends.

Or you can talk to me.

I don't even understand
what happened with you guys.

I don't ask you for much, Chloe,

but I need you to do
this one thing for me.

Can you please not talk to her?But she's my friend.

And I am your dad.
What I say goes.Dad!

You can have this back
when you start listening.

Now come on. We're
already late for school.

Hey. What's up, man?

What's the big emergency?Hey.

So serious.

I talked to Sam.
The cops didn't get Nia.

She moved her stash
before they got there.

Are you kidding me?

You find out
where she moved it?

No, but I'm a try.

You gonna try.

That's all you got?For now.

Look, man,

this is not a game, bro.I know.

I'm gonna meet with Nia now.
I will figure it out.

I don't mean to
state the obvious,

but Josiah will
kill us both.

I'll figure it out.


Hey, what'd the chief say?

What do you think he said?
He's pissed about the raid.

I'm pissed, too.

What the heck, man?

So Max Parish
played us?

No. I think he made
a deal with Nia.

It's the only possible reason
he'd still be alive.

Gotta find where
she moved those drugs.

Get a warrant
for Max Parish's apartment.

I want his computer,
his phone,

anything that might have
more of Nia's contacts.

Got it.


British dude's here to see you.

You know, the one from the IRS?

Yeah. It's cool.
You can just send him back.

All yours.

Murphy. Hi.

Sorry to just drop by, but
I was, I was down the street.

No... I mean, that's fine.

What's going on?
Is everything okay?

No. Well, yeah, kind of.

My boss found a mistake
in one of my reports.

It wasn't
a big deal, but I...

I need to be able
to read to do my job.

So is there, like,
a trick to help me?

Or... I actually read
that you can put the material

in the middle...You know what?
There is, actually.

The trick is you admit
you're going blind,

and you have your phone
read everything for you.

I just don't think
I'm there yet.

I know it sucks.

It sucks, but there's technology
that helps.


Let me show you.


So, Sam told me
about last night.

Lucky you got it out in time.

Not luck.
I'm good at my job.

So you got a new spot, then?

So, you come here for a reason?

I... Nah, I just wanted
to report back that I...

took care of that
Josiah message.

You came all the way down here
to tell me

you did what I asked you to do?

What you want,
a cookie, baby?

Nah. All good.

What about the drop later?
You want me on it?

No. Thank you.

I'm actually gonna
try out somebody new.


This thing just literally reads

everything for me.

From Department
of Water Management.

Subject: Help us with
this one-minute survey.

See? Just obviously delete that.
It's trash.

Cal from unknown number.

And then, it tells you
when someone's calling, see?


It's Nia.


Just, One second, sorry.


I need you to make a delivery
for me this afternoon.


What am I delivering?

Take a guess.

Sorry, I, I actually
really have to get back to work.

Well, I thought
you were gonna

show me how to set my phone.

Yeah. I can.

I... I can later.

Maybe we could grab a drink
or something when I get off?

Yeah, sure.Okay.

Yeah, that'd be great.

There's this place
called the Linsmore.

I can be there by 8:00.

It's pretty underwhelming,
but luckily,

your vision is slowly dying
with every passing breath.


Thank you for that, Murphy.

Hi, Frank.

It's Jess.

Thank you so much for squeezing
us in at the last minute.

Yeah, of course.
Um, what's going on with Dixie?

She just hasn't
been herself.

I took her out for a walk and
she didn't stop at the curb,

which is unusual
for her.


Why? Why are we the ones
that have to do this?

I don't know.

Maybe because we're the ones
that have it?

And whose fault is that?I'm sorry, okay?

Felix, I really
need you right now.


Fine. Okay.

What's the plan?

Sam is gonna call,
give us the address,

but we're supposed to apparently
to drop off "five bundles"

to someone at 3:00.

So we just wait?

I guess so.


She hasn't had
much of an appetite,

and she doesn't call as
quickly as she used to, so...

I'm not sure.
I just got a little worried.

Yeah. Okay.

Yes, um, I-I'll run some
tests and see what's going on.


What was that?

trying to get in.



Sorry.Guys, what's going on?

I know there's something
you're not telling me,

because you two don't
even like each other,

and now you're
hanging out all day?

I love Murphy.I like Felix.

I like Murphy.

You talked to the lawyer,

and you don't want
to tell me bad news.

Just please give it to
me. I can take it.

Yeah, we...
It wasn't great.


He said we're sort of
stuck in this for now.

What did he say, exactly?

Just that it would be
really hard to prove

that we were forced into it.

I'm really sorry, Jess.



Thank you for at least trying.

Yeah, of course.

Do you care if
I sit here?


Who is that?


Why aren't
you swimming?

I just got my period.
That sucks.

Mine just ended.

This is so boring.

I can't believe
they won't even let us

use our phones
if we can't swim.

Like, what are we
supposed to do?

I don't know. My dad took
mine away this morning anyway.

My God, he did?

I would die.

Yeah, I sort of am.

This sucks.

Let's ditch
and go get nachos.



This dude's got condoms
in every room.

Extra large. Yeah, all right.

What you got, man?

Well, there aren't
any contacts here.

There's nothing here.
Not even a phone.

He must've kept his
important stuff somewhere else.

Detective Riley.

Wait... Chloe did what?

How many?


Okay.You have five?

Yes, Murphy.
I know how to count.

Come on.

Okay, good boy. Forward.

Crap. We have to take
the grooming truck.

Why? Because Jess
drove us, remember?


Where's Chloe?

Felix, this doesn't
concern you, please leave.

Chloe? Chloe!

She's not
here, you psycho.

I know she cut class to see you.

Yeah, and don't you think
if she was here,

she'd be with me?

Leave her alone.

Don't text her,
don't call her, just stop.


I think I might know
where some of Max's stuff is.

- Murphy, that was way too close.
- I was face to face with a cop,

with a bunch of drugs in my bag.

If we're actually
moving this stuff,

we have to do it after hours,
when no one else is around.

Okay, Felix, yeah.
I'll just tell Nia

this doesn't really work
with your schedule.

It's 2:30.
Why aren't they calling?

I don't know.It's gonna take more
than a half hour

to get to the city,
plus traffic.

I just don't know
why we can't be more organized

about it,
you know? Supposed to be...


What's up?

I saw you guys walking out, so...
Where are you going?

Where are wegoing?

Felix wanted a smoothie,

and I was, like,
that sounds good, so...

Yeah. Just craving a smoothie.
Super weird.

A smoothie?

Yeah. I would've asked you,

but you know, I know you're busy
with... Trixie...


So I didn't ask you.

But I would've, and I will.

Next time.


we really got to go, though.

But, um, just text me
if you want anything, okay?

Love you.

Call from unknown number.Sorry.

That must be them.

Yeah, no duh.


Hill Heights Grocery.

Green Floret

Truck number

Yeah, got it.
We'll be there.



Chloe Riley.

What is going on? Now you
think you can cut class?

Dad, it was nothing.

Do not tell me
it was nothing.

Now you're gonna march back
into that school,

and then you're gonna
march home.

Those are the only two places
you are gonna be

for the next month,


Go back to class.

was dramatic.

Mr. Riley?
Mr. Riley.Hi.

Hope Miranda.

I'm, I'm the administrator.
Do you have a second?

No. Actually,
I have to head back to work.


We just haven't received Chloe's
tuition for this semester,

and we're two months in.
I just wanted to check in...

Yeah.. really?
Um... sorry about that.

I will, figure it out.

I'll get it to you
as soon as possible, okay?Thank you.


She give you the new location
or what?

Nah, but I'm handling it now.

What? How?

There's a weekly drop
I know she can't miss.

Whoever drops off the product
will know where the stash is.

And whoever does the drop
is just gonna tell you

where it came from?


I'll make sure.

Listen, man, you'd better,
or we're...Trey... I know.


You got to be kidding me.

Come on...

Here, I got that.What?

I got that.

Watch my back, okay?

Yeah, I'll just
keep my eyes open.


We're here for the...


Put it on the truck bed?

What the hell is this?

There's five. I counted.

This is five bricks.

Are you out of your mind?


This is good.

Don't ever bring that much
again, you idiots.

Copy that. All right.

Nice to, Pleasure.

Murphy, let's go.

At least now we know
what a bundle is.

Yeah. Five bundles
to a brick, apparently.


Not during business
hours, I told you.

Felix.Give me that,
I'll hide it.

My God.

Are you serious?

Just leave it in the bag,
let's go.

That's suspicious.

People obviously saw me
leave with a backpack.

Do you think anyone cares enough
about you to notice that?

Okay, sure.

Okay, let's go.
Come on, Pretzel.

Hey, Ben.

What happened to
your backpack?

Must've, forgotten it.
I'll go grab it.

"Do you think anybody
even notices you, Felix?"

"Nobody even notices
what you do."

Got it.

Got what?

No! Get up. You should work,
we have to look normal.

I am being normal.

I know what you're doing.

You know that if you
go to your desk,

you're just gonna
pass Jess' office.

That's not true.

It is true,

and I know this because
I'm holding in,

like, a gallon of pee
for the exact same reason.

I just hate
lying to her.

At least you don't
have to see her face.

Yes, Felix, what a gift
God has given me.

What is...
What is that?


The cops can do that?
They can just take the truck?

The truck is registered
to Max Parish,

and they're using it
as evidence relevant

to the commission of an act
of money laundering.

So it's about Max,
not about us.Yeah, but...

So there's nothing
to worry about.Yeah, yeah.

Except for the fact that
they seized the truck

we're using for money laundering
to investigate Max

for money laundering.

My God,
plus the gun.

You guys, there's a gun.
We have a gun on the truck.

I moved it into my desk drawer

after we started
getting actual customers.

There's nothing on the truck
besides some shampoo.


We'll just all act normal.

It's fine. It's gonna be
fine, Jess, I promise.

Okay, I...


We are not fine.

You don't think I know that?

Thank you.

That's a cute dog.


My prints are
on those drugs, Murphy.

My prints are all over
those drugs.

We're gonna figure
this out, okay?

Murphy, the truck is
currently being towed

to an impound lot,
where they will search it

and they will find
so much heroin!

It's over. It's over.
My life is over.

It's not over. Go ask Jess
to borrow her car.

How's Dixie?

Still running tests.

Good, good.


Look, um,
I was talking to Murphy,

and we think it's probably best
to just

pop by the police station,
make sure that they know

the truck isn't
technically ours, you know.

You were talking
to Murphy. Cool.

Another one of your
private conversations?

It wasn't private.

It was just, like, you
weren't there anymore.

Look, we just want
to make sure

that they don't think
we stole the truck.

Just a precaution.


Can we use your car?

Well, is there a way in?



I think we should just go.

Cut our losses.

I'm gonna need you to not be
a little bitch for a second.

Whoa, that--Okay? Come on.

There's got to be a way in,
so think of something.

You're smart.

I'm actually not that smart,
I just work very hard.

It's my deepest, darkest secret.

Okay, well, how are
the other cars getting in?

There's, like, a couple
of tow trucks

being checked in
by some guard.

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait.

Okay, listen.

On my go, we're gonna get out
of the car inconspicuously

and walk along the fence.

We're just gonna
walk on?

We're gonna sneak on.

Wow, I should call you
a little bitch more often.



Hey. Hi.

What's... what's up?

Can you watch Dixie
just for another sec, please?

What am I even looking for?

Stop sending me
to voice mail.

Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.

Listen, I need you
to call me back,

'cause I know there's something going on between you guys,

cand I don't know what it is,
but it...

well, it sucks. So please,
please call me back.

Come here. Come here.

What? Wait.

There's a van there. Get in,
get in. Come here, Pretz.

Come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on!Okay, okay.

We did it. We did it!

We are so far
from being done.

I know, but I feel good, I feel
like we can actually do this.

Wait, something's wet.

My God. My God.

My God!

I think someone was
murdered in here.


There's, like...
blood everywhere,

and bullet holes and...

pieces of hair and scalp!

What? Hair.

No. No, no, no.

I vomited.

Yeah. I heard.

It's okay, I made it all
into the backpack.

Felix, we were supposed
to put the drugs in there.

I'm sorry I puked, Murphy.

Is there anything
not wrong with you?

You literally don't even know
how to stop being mean to me,

even in this situation.

It's, you know,
it's unbelievable.


You really want to have
this conversation right now?

Yeah, I really want to know.
Come on.

What is it about me
that you've always hated?

I just think it's funny that

you think I'm the one
who started all of this.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, what?
You really want to know?

Yes, I really want to know.

You really want to know?
I really want to know.

Fine! Fine, Felix.

You were a dick to me
from the moment you started

working at Guiding Hope.
You know that?

You literally tried to get

my own parents to fire me.

You're judgmental,
you're condescending,

and you think you're better
than everyone else.

So, yeah, I haven't been
the biggest fan of yours.


Where's Dixie?

My God.

Come to the office, I've got
some paperwork for you.

Right behind you.


Now. Now, now, now.

Get out?
Go, go, go.

All right, follow me.
Come on.

Go.I'm trying.

Yes! Get down. Okay.


Get down.
Get down, Pretzel.

Get down. Shh.

Where do we put it?
Where do we put it?

Can you fit it
in your pants?

No, I wore skinny jeans today.You're wearing skinny jeans?

And we're specifically looking
for a cell phone or computer,

but log anything that can
link back to Nia.



We've been shouting
for, like, an hour in here,

and nobody heard us.

You-you think you can just
tow people away?

You want us to believe
that you've been in there

since it was towed
from Guiding Hope?


Your idiot tow driver
didn't even think

to check the back, like,
I don't know,

maybe there were
living beings inside.

You weren't stuck.

You could have just
easily walked out.

We didn't want
to break the law, sir.

What were you doing
in the van?

Working.We were working.

Moving in shampoos,
conditioners, et cetera.

I mean, as you can see,
we've converted

ye olde truck into...
What's in the backpack?


The-the backpack.

That's where I know
you guys from. What?

The-the litter kids.
They-they brought me litter.

Did Max send you here?

What?Give me the backpack,

I'm not sure...

Give me the backpack, Felix.


Yeah, I'm so...

Sorry. Bumpy ride.
All right, get out of the van.

It's been seized as evidence.
Let's go.

Let's go!

There's a step
in front of you.

Another step. Okay.

Don't touch me.
I got it.Pat 'em down.

I'll take her.

Can we go now?

No. I'm taking you in.

One sec.

We can't bring them in.

Why not?
And charge 'em for what?

Being in the van?

After that raid last night,
dude, we can't.



I see things

over here are going super well.

Yeah, um, Ben lost the dog.

Well, I... I lost the dog.

I lost the dog.

And I've been looking
everywhere for her

and I don't know where she is
and I... Frank's gonna kill me.

I mean, he should kill me
because I lost his dog, so...


We'll find her.
These are, like,

the most well-trained dogs
in the universe.

She didn't go far.

My God.

My God.

My God!

My God.

We did that.

You did that.

That was awesome.

You did it.

You did it, Pretzel.

That's a good boy.

So proud of you.

Okay, yeah, no.

Let's not bring
the heroin out, please.



about what you
were saying...


In the murder van? About me?

You're right...

I try so hard to be
the opposite of my mother

and then I become
exactly like my mother.

And I'm... sorry.

Felix, you're not like your mom.

I am, I am.
No, you're not.

She... I mean,
I don't know her.

But she seems
awful and...

you're not.

I think we just
misjudged each other.

And, I mean...

now that I know you,
I realize you're not...

you're not mean at all.

You're just incredibly insecure.

Yeah, I am.

Thank you.

You're an insecure little bitch.



You know,
it's pointless.

She's probably just...

She's probably
walking home.

And that's on
the other side of town.

So we'll just...

Or she's right
behind that dumpster.

My God, Dixie.


Hi, baby, are you okay?


Are you okay?

I know,
you were so scared

and I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Quite a day.


I could use a drink.

My God!

What?I forgot about Josh.

IRS Josh?

Murphy, you can't blow that
guy off like any other guy.

No, it's not...

It's just casual drinks.

I'll go right now.

All right.

Sure you don't want
me to wait with you?

No, I...

My Uber's gonna be here
in, like, ten minutes.


Well, keep me updated on Josh.

You know,
within reason.

It's not,
it's not like that.


He can destroy
us all.

Just remember that.

Got it, thanks.

Lie down.

Opening Uber app.


It's Darnell.


Is anyone else here?


What's going on?

You guys are working with Nia?

How did that
even happen?

She told us not to tell anyone.

And it's not
like we volunteered.

Sam held us
at gunpoint.

Of course she did.

So, she's keeping
all her product here?

What do you care?

You don't even work
for her anymore.

Yeah, I do.

She never had any intention
of letting me walk.

I know the feeling.

Look, I, I may be able
to get us out of this.


I started working
with someone else.

Someone who can take Nia down

if you just help
me get the--

Hang on, hang on. I...

I can't, I can't work
for somebody else.

Nia and I made a deal.

And she kept it.

What deal?

To keep Max safe.

You think he's safe?

Murphy, you don't get it.

Max may be inside,

but he still works for Nia.

All I know is that...

he's alive.

And if you want to turn on Nia,
that's on you.

But it's too risky.

I'm sorry.

I get it.

I had to try.

Wait, you're not gonna--

Come on, I'm not gonna
tell anyone.

Just make sure we don't
go down with the ship.

I'd never do that to you guys.


Client list is on the phone.

Same again in a couple days.

What? Who is this?

There she is.

Hey. Hi.


sorry, we had kind of,
like, a situation at work.

How are you?

I'm great, I'm great.


You seem better than
the last time I saw you.

Well, because...


I sort of can't.

you know what I mean.

I figured out a way
to get my phone

to read Excel files.

Yeah? That's top notch.

Case file 34562 Henry Gottfried.

Case file 34563 Nia Bailey.

Anyway, you get it.

That's so cool.

what did you
say that was?

Just for work.

I had, like, a list
of all my case files.

Anyway, I know it's stupid,


I was, I was,

I was pretty
proud of myself.

I'm so sorry...

Can I, do you...

do you want a drink?

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Sorry about earlier.

Sorry for what?

No, I did--
not sorry, I just...

I just...

I don't want you
to think I'm crazy,

even though
you probably already do.

And, that whole, um,

insane breakdown thing
was only

about the dog.

Yeah, I figured.

There's just a lot going on
in my life right now.

I got into...

some bad... stuff.

Like, really, really bad.

And, and you're, you,

you are... perfect.

No, I'm not perfect.

Yes, you are,
you're perfect.

And I don't,
I don't want you

I don't want you getting
mixed up in it, so...

Mixed up in, in what?

What are you
talking about?

I can't tell you.

I'm sorry.


it's not good.

It's okay.

You don't, you don't
have to tell me.


I do know one thing.

I'm not going



How were your drinks
with Josh?


Yeah, it was good.

Where's your lover?

She just left.

Okay, well, I'm really
tired, so I'm out.

Murphy, we need to talk...

Come on.

Okay, you,

you and Felix
have been acting so,

so weird all day,
and I can tell

when you're not telling me
something, so please...

please tell me.

I just felt bad.


I know how hopeful you were
about getting out and...

I hate when you're sad, so I...

avoided you.

You need to stop...

avoiding me even when I'm sad.

You need to be okay
with human emotions.


I'll try.

I'm really sorry.

You don't need to be sorry.



How's everything going
over there?

It's all good.

Want to grab a drink?

Can't do my rounds until,

later tonight
after Felix finally leaves.

You mean I don't have
to share you with Jess tonight?

Shut up.

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