In the Dark (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - The Big Break - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously onIn the Dark...
I have retinitis pigmentosa,

so I lost my vision
completely when I was 14.

We match hundreds
of the visually impaired

with Seeing Eye dogs.

You pay Murphy to work here,

and she doesn't do
anything except

eat candy bars and take naps.

A couple years ago,
she got mugged.

She probably would have died
if Tyson hadn't have seen it

and stopped the guy.
Oh, my gosh. Help!

Something happening to Tyson
is probably the worst thing

that could ever happen to her.

Someone killed your cousin,

Ty is fine.

You're Tyson's mom?

He's not okay, is he?

You know Darnell?

Yeah, he's my boy.

Want to grab a drink?

Fine, one drink.

It's a program for

a dance recital
at Fairview High School.

He drew a little heart
next to "Keira Shields."

Maybe she knows
what happened to Tyson.


And I've tried

I can't forget it

Yeah, you always
burn me up...

Hello, Murphy.


So, this is your spot, huh?

Is it as horrible
as I think it is?

Need a refill?

Uh, I'm good for now.

Double bourbon
on the rocks, please.


You want to play
a game of pool?

I don't think
that's possible.

Why not?
You got two hands.

Come on,
let's play a round.

I'm feelin' good.

Taking steps
in my direction...

All right, so keep
this arm straight.

And the hand steady.
You all right?

Got it?


You say I'm foolish...

Now just hit it toward my voice.

This is stupid.

Just hit it.

Hit it, hit it,
hit it, hit it, hit it.

Hit it, hit it, hit it...
Oh, my God, fine.

Ay, ay, ay

Glaciers have melted
to the sea

Did I win?

I wish the tide

Could take me over

I've been down on my knees

And you just keep on
getting closer

Ay, ay, ay

Ay, ay, ay

Ay, ay, ay

Ay, ay, ay

Ay, ay, ay...

Should we go
to your place?

I have a thing
in the morning.

A thing?

Wow, wow.
Sounds important.

It is. I have to
talk to Keira.

Tyson's girlfriend.

She might have been the
last person to see him.


Um... you got plans
tomorrow night?

To keep you satisfied...


Ay, ay...

Want to hang?

And I've done things
in small doses


So don't think
that I'm pushing you away...

So, you're hanging out
with Max again tonight. Wow.

You like him.

No, I don't.
Yeah, you do.

We didn't even have sex;
we just made out.

Oh, God. You love him.

Shut up. I do not.

You know what, I'm going
to have to sex with him tonight

just to prove how much
I don't like him.

Let's focus on Keira.
It's so weird that Tyson

never told me he
had a girlfriend.

Well, maybe
you didn't know him

as well
as you thought.

You know what she
looks like, right?

Yeah, sort of.
Her Instagram's private,

but that tiny little
profile pic thingy,

she's smoking a blunt.

Follow the pot smoke. Got it.

Incoming. Security.I'll handle.

Do you have a pass?

I lost mine.
I just need to speak

with a student,
Keira Shields.

We'll just be a second.

You need a pass.

Do we really, though?

Have a good day,

Ah, get bent, sir.


Hey, could you break me
into a high school?

I think I have a lead on Tyson's
girlfriend, but the security

at the school are being jerks.
What do you think

the answer to this question
is going to be?

Tyson is a missing person now.

We're working on it.

Bye, Murphy.

I'll get it.

Who's that?

Food truck guy.

Shut up.Murphy, you have a crush.

Oh, yeah, 'cause that's
totally my thing.

Hey, come up.

Come down. Let's go eat.

Come up. We're having sex.

Oh, sorry to interrupt.

Call me when you're through.

Just get up here.

See, Jess? I don't like him.

Then why is your hair
all shiny?'Cause she washed it.

I washed it because I spilled
a bunch of stuff in it.

Like shampoo?


Let's go to my room.


My baby is a freak like me

And she knows
just what I like

She carries all the keys
to the places

That no one dares to find

She won't tell nobody...

What are you doing?
Are you naked?

I'm looking at you.

I said we are having sex.
That's not how sex works.

Explain to me
how sex works. It's, uh...

my first time.
Is it?

Yeah, I can tell.

It's not that hard.

Uh, first, you service
me for 20 to 40 minutes,

and then I, uh,

kick you out and...

never talk
to you again.

Boom. Sex.

But, seriously, take
off your clothes.

Don't tell me
what to do.

Take off your...
Oh, my God.

If they talked,
they'd probably

Tell you all about love

Oh, concubine,
what are you made of?

No resource on this earth
is that soft.

I think I might
actually like you.


Shut up.
You like me, too.

You okay?


Jess? Jess,
there's something

seriously wrong
with Max's penis.

What?His penis.

There's something wrong with it.

Oh, I knew he was
too perfect-looking.

No. I did something.

Jess, I need you to look at it.

You want me to
look at his junk?

Well, I can't,
and you're a doctor.

And a lesbian.
Please, he's freaking out.

This is exactly
how I always dreamed

of seeing my first penis.


It hurts to breathe.

Let me have a little
look-see? Okay.

Um, it's very purple.I know.

I saw a case like this
back in school.

Uh, an orangutan
fell out of a tree

with an erection.

It looks like you broke it.

Or sprained it.
It's hard to diagnose.

You broke it.Or sprained it.

You're going
to want to stay off

your feet
and ice it for a few days.

What kind of doctor are you?

She's a vet.

Here's a fun fact.

The same thing
happens to octopuses.

The female just breaks it
right off after sex.

Super fun fact, yeah.

Read the room, Jess.

How did that
even happen?


He, like, caressed my hair
and told me he likes me.

What kind of psycho
does that during sex?

You're late.

Now, this might fly when
your parents are in charge,

but things are going
to be a lot different

around here this week, okay?

Oh, yeah? Where
are my parents?

Hello. The Ride for
the Guide fund-raiser?

Do you listen
to anything around here?

I mean...

Well, Hank and Joy
left me in charge,

and while I'm in charge,

I'm making some big changes.

You finally looking
into hair plugs?

I'm not bald.

Really? Your whole
vibe screams bald.

Well, I'm not.

I have a very strong
hairline, actually.

Let's go.
We have a staff meeting.

Staff meeting?

You're not eating?

I'm good with this.

I don't want you out here
worrying so much, Auntie.

My kid hasn't been home
in eight days,

and I'm not supposed to worry?

You know how
these young boys are.

Running around,
getting into something.

Tyson always turns up, though.
You know that.

That friend of his,
the blind girl...


She thinks something
happened to him.

She don't know
what she knows.

I got ears on the ground
in case anybody hears something.

Tyson will be back.

Eat your food.

Okay, next on
the agenda.

As we all know,
Guiding Hope could use

a little PR boost.

We only have 75
Instagram followers.

How can we
up our game?

What up, Fievel?


This meeting's about to
suck a whole lot less.

Water guy is here.

It's, uh, Felix.

Remember when he
called him Phyllis

for, like, two weeks?

I think you forgot to put the
new bottle in the dispenser.

Sorry, I just assumed
you wanted to do it yourself.

Most men do.

No, no, no, that's not it.

Just that it's, uh,
part of your job.

Sign this.

Unless the pen
is too heavy for you.

Damn. These are the moments
where I really wish I could see.

Uh, right.

Where was I?

Uh, getting owned
by the water guy.

Thank you, Murphy.

We were talking about
getting Guiding Hope

some name recognition.

We could do a calendar

of all our cutest puppies
in training.

Wait, we should go
to a high school.

You running low on Adderall?

Yes, Felix. I take Adderall.

That's why I have zero focus
and I'm late every day.

No, seriously, you know,
high school kids

are total jerks
to blind people.

And don't you always
do those outreach...

things, you know?

We need to do one
at a high school.

Yeah, high school kids
are the worst, so...

Ben Fields told everyone
at my high school

he caught me masturbating
to the Blink-182 album cover

during lunch.

Which album?

No, none. It was a lie.

Obviously, but
it haunted me

until the day I graduated.

The entire school sang

"All the Small Things"
when I got my diploma.


My point is,

is that, uh,
high school kids are awful.

Right. Exactly.

So I can call some
local schools and see

if anyone's

We might get some volunteers
and, at the very least,

Instagram followers.

Okay, but you do realize

you're offering
to do actual work, right?

Yes, Felix, I realize.

Okay. I'll allow it.

All right, I want to
talk to you guys about

telltale dog
behavior, all right?

You are a transparent idiot.


I just got my pass
to find Keira.

Fairview High School...

You wanted to see me?


You wanted to see me.Yes.

I called Fairview High,

and we're all set for
a presentation tomorrow morning.

What time do we
have to be there?

Oh, I-I thought Jess and I
would just handle this one.

Jess? She's a vet. I always do
the outreach presentations.

No, no, I know, but, I mean,
you have so much work to do here

and, like, you're the boss
this week and...

Well, yeah.

I mean, look, I don't want
to go back to high school,

but my main objective
is making sure

that Guiding Hope
is represented well.

You don't think I can do that?

Oh, absolutely not.

So how are you gonna find Keira

if you're stuck with Felix?

Oh, easy. I'll just ditch him.

And while he's doing the dumb
assembly, I'll go find her.

'Cause stoners always ditch
assemblies to get high,

so all I got to do is
figure out where she is.


Hey, there.

I'm gonna leave
you two lovebirds alone.

What are you
still doing here?

Well, I tried walking down
the stairs, but I couldn't.

Yeah, I'm sure you can do it.

I almost
passed out from the pain.

Look, I'm sorry, babe.
You broke it, you bought it.

Gonna have
to crash here tonight.

But you stayed here last night.


So, we're supposed to be
this, like, casual sex thing.

And what if I wanted
more than casual?

Then go hang out with the other
lesbians in this house.

Get your ass over here.

How was your day?


Your-your day.
How-how was it?


Murphy, what the hell
are you doing in the bathtub?

Max is in my bed.

He's, like,
touching me and stuff.

Welcome to dating.

I don't want to date anyone.

Well, I hate
to break it

to you, kid, but you're kind of
dating this dude.

There you are.

Can you grab me some more ice?

Here. Fill it up, please?

Thank you.

Everything okay, babe?

Don't call me babe.


I'd, uh...

I'd help you pick it up,
but I can't bend over, so...

Maybe you'd be more comfortable
in your own apartment.

I don't think I'd be
comfortable anywhere, babe.

I'm not the
ice girl, okay?

You seem pretty icy to me.

This "us" or whatever it is,
it's not my thing.

So you got to go.

I don't believe you.

Stop acting like
you know me.

I don't know you,
and you don't know me.

Which is why we're getting
to know each other.

I don't want to do that.

I like my life
exactly the way it is.


All your drunk
and meaningless sex.

I'm sure it's very fulfilling.

It is.
I bet.

Have fun with it.
I will.



Down here.

What happened to you?

I broke my penis.

You still smashing
that married one?

Husband finally find out
and take a bat to it?

No. I ended that weeks ago
because I'm a good person,

and this is how God repays me.

Well, look, um,

I actually came to talk
'cause I need a favor.

Oh, now you want to talk.
What's that supposed to mean?

You should have told me
your little cousin's missing.

My auntie told me to
find out what happened,

but Nia's riding me
and told me to drop it.

Just go behind Nia's back.

And end up missing, too?

Yeah, okay.

Murphy thinks Tyson's dead.

What, you been talking to her?

Wait, let me guess.

She's the one who
did this to you.

So you messing with her?

I was. Eh, but I'm off it.

Good. Girl's trouble.

Oh, what's this favor
you needed?

I need you to help me
skim a little.

How much is a little?

15 stacks.

Man, that's not really a little.

Look, we don't make the
drop until next Thursday.

I'll pay you back
before we have to square it up.

Don't let this come back on me.

I swore I would never step foot
in a high school ever again.

The things I do
for my career.
Oh, man.

I'm not
feeling so good.

I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

Now? We're about to go on.

Calm down. You do these stupid
presentations all the time.

Not to an auditorium
full of teenagers.

Well, unless you want
an auditorium full of teenagers

to see me vom on stage,
you're gonna have to start.

Oh, God.
No, no, no, no, no.

This can't be happening.
Not right now.

What?My eyes are watering.

You're crying?No, watering.

They tear up when I get nervous.

It's glandular.

I'll just wear my sunglasses.


I got it.

Hi, Dean.Uh, thank you.

Pumpkin, how you feeling?


Talked to the, uh,
school nurse.

She told me that you
got your period today.

So that's pretty cool.

Right? Being a-a
woman and all?

Okay, okay.

Okay, we have a special guest
here today

to talk to us about blindness.

Here from Guiding Hope,
give a warm welcome

to Felix Bell.

Thank you, Principal Lee.

So, uh, like he said, I'm here
to talk to you about blindness.

That's fun, huh?

I mean, not...
Being blind isn't fun.

It's actually very un-fun
at times,

but you're out of class.

That's pretty bitchin'.

Some sighted people think
that being blind

is all about giving up
your independence,

but that's just not true.

I will now give you
a quick demo

of the two most common...

...cane techniques.


And tapping.


See? This cane saves lives.

I got a question.

Well, we're not really
at the question part.

Do you dream?


Well, I was just wondering if
a dude like you can have dreams.

That's a very w-woke question.

I dream all the time.

Both when I'm asleep and awake.

But if you're blind, like,

can you see things
when you dream?

Oh, uh, this is
a misunderstanding.

I-I'm not actually...

Dude, you're legit brave.


You know, some days
are harder than others.

But I truly believe

that when life hands you lemons,

well, you can't see them
because you're blind.

All right.

Do you smell pot?


Can we help you
with something?

Do you know a girl
named Keira Shields?

What's it to you?

Yeah, are you, like,
a cop or something?

Uh, yeah, I'm a cop.

Yeah, the Chicago
Police Department is hiring

a bunch of blind girls
to protect the streets.

They'd probably
do a better job.

Can I have a hit of that?

So you ditched the assembly
you were supposed to lead?

That is badass.It's just some lame
talking points

about what it's like
to be blind.

Super accurate.

What's it like?


And annoying.

Imagine if you could only judge
people by their personalities.

I wouldn't like anyone.

Ding, ding, ding.

Is it hard to date?

I don't know. I don't do it.


Nah, it's not really my thing.

I'm just gonna have a bunch
of meaningless sex until I die.

So you really
can't see?

Like, if I go like this...

You can't see me?


Do you remember
what you look like?

I don't think anyone's
ever asked me that.

No, I-I don't.

You don't know
what you look like?


I think about what I look like

about a thousand times a day.

Come here.

Stand... here.

You're standing in
front of the mirror.

We're gonna tell you
what you look like.

I'm obsessed
with your hair.

It's blondish
and really thick.

Thanks. I washed it yesterday.

And your eyes are green
and super sexual.

I have sexual eyes?

You're seriously
so pretty.

Okay. Yep, we're done.

So, you guys friends with Keira?

I heard she goes here.

Yeah, she's our girl,
but she's been

out of school for,
like, a week.

Wait, she's not at school?

Since her boyfriend ghosted,

she's been mad depressed.

What's going on here?
Is that weed?

Uh...Uh... it's mine.

Uh, these nice girls

told me that smoking's
super bad for me

and my brain.

But I refused to listen
because I'm dumb.

From all the pot.

And who are you?

Murphy. Hello.

Yeah, I'm-I'm, uh, sort of
in charge of the assembly.

And the assembly is where you
two girls are supposed to be.

Okay, okay, we're going.

Hey, tell Keira
I'm looking for her.

It's about Tyson.

Have her call me.

So you gonna give me
detention now or what?

I have to pretend like I care
about stupid stuff

like pot-smoking
in front of the students.


Do you... have a boyfriend?

I do not.

It was like a curtain closed.

But you know what's weird?

Even though I lost my sight,

I feel like
I gained so much more.

Are you ready?

Oh.Here. No, over here.

Oh. Oh.

Is that Mr. Robbins?

Get it, Robbins.

Oh, dear God.

Here. Take this.What?

Here, here.Okay.

She is my hero.

Okay, guys,

I know what we just saw
was a lot,

but let's just try
to get back to, uh...

I thought you couldn't see.

Are you not blind?

You were lying?

About being blind?


What a psycho.

Say it ain't so

I will not go

Turn the lights off,
carry me home

Keep your head still,
I'll be your thrill

The night will go on,
my little windmill.

I'm never speaking
to you again.

Love that you think
that's a punishment.

Well, what was the
plan, by the way?

Just bring me here and
watch me get humiliated?

Like, this is
your idea of fun?

I didn't even want you to come.

My friend died, okay?

If this is some weird lie to
get me to stop yelling at you...It's not.

It's the truth, and I was
looking for his girlfriend

to try to get some information,
but I failed.

You-you cannot smoke here.
There are teachers around.

We're not students, you dork.

And you won't let me smoke
in your car.

Just... God, come with me.

Just come with me.


Your friend really died?


I'm sorry. That sucks.

Do you want one?

What the hell?

I always wanted
to go under one of these.

Where are we?

Under the bleachers.

Where the burnouts hang out.

What were you like
in high school?

Oh, I... I didn't go.

I just lost my sight.

My mom thought
I couldn't handle it, so...

She homeschooled me.

And you thought your high school
experience was bad.

The only thing worse than
being tortured in high school

is returning as a grown man
and being tortured again.

Speaking as someone
who tortures you on the reg... make it too easy.

You got to start pushing back.

Well, how?

First of all, stop letting
the water guy bully you.

I don't get bullied
by the water guy.


Okay, fine.

I do get bullied
by the water guy.

Did you really masturbate
to the Blink-182 album cover?

It was Shania Twain.

Doing okay in there, honey?

Hey, I-I looked up instructions
on how to put in a tampon.

I'm just gonna go ahead
and read them, okay?

Dad, seriously? No."Number one:

Wash your hands thoroughly."

That's... that's always
good advice, tight?

Um, "Two:
Stand in a...

a comfortable position and,"

says here, "some women
prefer to squat,"

so are you squatting
or... standing up?

Dad, could you call Murphy?

Are you sure?
I-I could just call Grandma.

Like Grandma
still has her period.

Dad, just call Murphy.

Call Murphy.

I'm dizzy. I feel
like I'm dying.

These things are horrible.
Yeah, you get used to it.

Come on, Pretzel.

Hang on.

Incoming call from that cop.


You can't let the dumb girls at
school make you feel bad, okay?

Period stains
are nothing.

God, I wish they
had made fun of me.

They were all super nice,
which was way worse.

One girl even gave me her jacket
to put around my waist.

Wait, that's why you're bummed?

You want someone
to make fun of you?


Fine, I'll make fun of you.
It's sort of my specialty.

Uh, check out
this menstruating dork.

Her uterine walls
are shedding their lining.

Man, she's so lame, she probably
has a vagina and everything.


You asked for it.

All right, we're here.
You need help?

Uh, no, I'm good.

Thanks, Murphy.

Of course, you bleeding loser.

You're the bleeding loser.

Oh, yeah?

Hey, uh, Murphy,
did you...

did you ever get into
that high school?

Yeah, I did,
but it was a dead end.

Well, hey, if you want to, um,
call me at the office tomorrow,

maybe I can help you.


Thank you.

Come on, Pretzel.

Come on.


"Maybe I can help you."

Shut up.

You like her.


Can I help you?Hey, is Murphy here?

She's, uh, in the back.Hang on.

Aren't you that
crying dude from school

that everyone keeps
posting pictures of?

No, I have no idea
what you're talking about,

but I'll let Murphy know
you're here. What's the name?


What's this?

Just a little something
to keep you on your feet.

D, how much is this?

15 Gs.

You don't think
he's coming back.

That's not what I said. I...$15,000.

Is that what you think
my son's life is worth?

Get out of my house.
Take this bag with you.

I don't want your damn money.
I want my son.

So you were
Tyson's girlfriend?

I was, yeah, until the night
he left and totally ghosted me.

I don't think that's
what happened.

I think he was in trouble.

Okay, so do you know
if anyone was after him?

He was not in trouble.
He was cheating on me.

What?I caught Tyson

messaging some chick
named Jamie,

so I called the number
and a girl answered.

He's a really sweet kid.

The Tyson I know
wouldn't do that.

Here's the thing about Tyson.

He made you think you knew him,
but you didn't. No one did.

What-what else do you know
about this Jamie?

Only that she lives in Madison.

He snuck out a couple times
to go see her.


Bet you he's there
with her right now.

Do you have this
Jamie's number?



Thank you.

And if you see Tyson,

tell him I said to never,
ever text me again.

Hey, Fievel.

Looks like you've been going
through a lot of water lately.

Either that or somebody
at Guiding Hope

has a giant crush on me.

Well, most of our clients
are blind.


It was called a dig.

And, uh, you-you can just leave
the water right there, actually.

Today, I'm gonna replace it.

You sure?

Oh, yeah.

I'm gonna replace the water
bottles myself from now on,


There it is!

Say it ain't so,
I will not go...

I guess you got it from here.

Carry me home

Keep your head still,
I'll be your thrill

The night will go on,
my little windmill.


I did the laundry,
and I found a men's sock.

It's Max's.
I used it to hold the ice.

You can... you can toss it.

Murph, it's okay
to like someone.

It's actually

one of the best things
in the entire world.

You're such a lesbian.

Just call him.

And say what?

Just tell him how you feel.

Every time you get a drink

That's him walking in.
Good luck, Murph.

And every time
you go to sleep


Are those dreams
inside your head?


Is there sunlight
on your bed?

What's up?

And every time
you're driving home

You-you left your
sock at my house.

Way outside
your safety zone...

That's why you texted me?

Well, I thought maybe you were
wondering where it was.

Oh, I lost a lot
of sleep over it.

Well, I was trying to be
a good person and return it.

Thanks. I appreciate it.

You're welcome.

So that's it?

I slept with some dude

Oh, cool.

I didn't enjoy it,

which is, like, a first.

Oh, come on, help me out.
I'm trying to win you back here.

By giving me my old sock

and telling me
you slept with someone?

I've never done this before.


Like, dated anyone.

But I sort of want
to try that with you.

I think you made
a big mistake...

Darnell thinks you're bad news.

Maybe I am.

But I feel like you
might be bad news, too.

Oh, I definitely am.


You own me

Lucky you

You own me

There's nothing you can do

Lucky you.

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