In the Dark (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - It's Always Been You - full transcript

Things begin to take an interesting turn between Murphy (Perry Mattfeld) and Dean (Rich Sommer).

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on In the Dark...
- Tyson. Help!

I know Darnell didn't do it.

How? - Because he was
with me that night.

I'm just trying to figure out
how we both got popped

on the same thing

and you got out in,
what, an hour.

We think whoever killed Tyson

sent you and Darnell James
those texts remotely.

So you can track them
and you can figure out

who hacked into his account
or whatever?

Whoever hacked
into Tyson's account

was using their Wi-Fi.

I saw someone meeting with Nia.

I recognized their gun holster.
- We all

have the same one. I think
the person who's framing you

is a cop.
- I'm crazy about you.

I don't know who it is,

but I swear to God, I'm gonna
find this son of a bitch.

Chicago PD. I'd like
to speak with Nia Bailey.

Come in.

Take off your shoes.


Detective Riley.

I'd like to ask you
a few questions.

You mind?

Have a seat.

Can I get you a
drink or something?

I'm good.

There was a, uh...

a shooting at the liquor store

on Shields Avenue
last Wednesday.

Cashier identified the driver
as one of your rivals.


In my dry cleaning business?

Honey, my only rivals
are washing machines.

How you holding up, baby?

Excuse me?

I mean, if I lost
my wife in a car wreck,

I don't know if I'd be back
to work so soon.

That's none of your business.

How's your daughter doing?

She still in the hospital?

How do you know about that?

You know,
my nephew has bone cancer.

I mean, no child should
suffer the way he has.

And from what I know
about the CPD health plan,

the surgeries
your daughter needs

will put you
well over your annual limit.

Let me guess,
you'll pay for the surgery

if we drop the case
we're building against you.

It's never going to happen.

It's just a tip here and there.
It's nothing major.

Nothing will ever
trace back to you.

You ain't ever gonna talk
to anybody.

All our transactions go through
a locker at the train station.

Oh, and...

your liquor store shooter.

Oh, there's no way.


Listen, I...
She wanted to kiss me.

I said, "I'm only 12."

And then,
and then she kissed me,

and I was like,
"Oh, I get how it works now."

No. No, no.


Wait, you are
not gonna believe this.


The, uh, sun is up.

Are you serious?

Yeah. Here.

Oh, my God.
Come here.


Feel that?


Yeah, I actually can.

I can't even believe
I'm gonna say this, but...

I think the only silver
lining about this year

is that it led me to you.


I did not know
you were such a sap.

Shut up!

Oh, it's very romantic.

Everything you say
is very romantic.

Fine, I take it back.

No. Don't. Can't.

♪ ♪

Since when do you take
things slow?

I don't know. Since
I don't want to mess things up.

Unlike stupid Max, Dean
might actually be good for me.

I just want the first time
we have sex to be in, like...

a lesbian way.

Multiple orgasms?

No, shut up. Like...

like how you always want it
to be special or whatever.

You know?
Well, you could go away

for a romantic weekend.

That's a super gay way
to do it for the first time.

No, no, no.

Why am I literally the only one

who does anything around
here while you guys get

to just sit around, talking
about your sordid love lives

and whether you want tacos
or poke bowls for lunch?

Just work!
Please, I'm begging you.


What's with him?

I don't know.

Probably his period
or something.

♪ ♪

You look like you got
less sleep than I did.



Talk to me.

Not here.

Let's-let's go outside.

Okay, what is going on?

There's a dirty cop here.

What? Where-where
did you hear that?

I followed Nia last night.

And I saw her talking
to one of our own.

You saw who she was talking to?

I couldn't see his face, but
I-I could see his holster.

So, s-someone here
is in with Nia Bailey?

I mean, I-I guess
it explains how she got off.

Or how Darnell was framed.

Wait, you...

Are you thinking
that Nia told this cop

to frame Darnell
for Parker's murder?

I don't think Nia would
want to put Darnell away.

He's one of her best guys.

I'm just...

I'm wondering if this dirty cop
might be covering for himself.

Obviously, whoever it was,

if he had time to meet
with Nia, then he wasn't...

working last night.

I'm gonna check the logs.

Sorry, you're just... you're
blowing my mind a little here.


Okay. All right, well,
look, we're gonna have

to keep our eyes peeled,
see what we can see.


in the meantime, Chloe has
a-a half-day from school.

So may-maybe
we can all get lunch.

It's my treat.




We need to talk.


Oh, God.

I feel like I'm gonna be
physically ill.

Dude, what is going on?

Okay, you cannot tell anyone.

I have to close Guiding Hope.

Hang on.

Is this just you being dramatic?

I inherited so much debt, and
I just couldn't crawl out of it,

especially once my mother
cut me off.

Okay, how much debt?

Oh, $75,000.


That's a lot.

So that's it?

Guiding Hope is, like...



Hey, Chloe. It's Jules.

Oh, hey.

How are you? You good?

Fine. Just working
on math homework.

What's the point? My phone
literally does everything.

Your dad got off early
last night.

You guys do anything fun?

Yeah, we went roller-skating.

I should take my niece.

Where'd you guys go?

Uh, Scooters.


We were, uh...

We were just about to leave for lunch.
Still want to come with us?

No. I-I think I'm
just gonna stay here.

I got a lot of work to do.


Yeah. Bye, Chlo.

You should totally take
your niece roller-skating.

It was really fun.

Will do.

How did, uh, how did
roller-skating come up?

She was just asking
what we did last night,

'cause you had the night off.

- Murphy, answer the phone!
- I was gonna!

Guiding Hope.

Murphy, don't hang up.


What do you want?

You get five minutes.

Did you get my letter?

You sent me a letter?

Look, I was framed.

There is a dirty cop
who's working for Nia.

What are you talking about?

That's how my DNA
was planted in Tyson's car.

Murphy, you know me.

I didn't do this.

And I really need you
to help me figure out who did.


I don't know you.

I knew Tyson.

And I hope...

you rot in there.

Hey. Um,
Darnell said he sent me a letter.

But I FaceTimed Jess,
and she said it isn't here.

Do you remember
seeing-seeing anything

when you-you, like, picked up
my mail the other day?

Uh, no,

I don't think so.
So, hey, wait,

why did you talk to Darnell?

I don't know.

Um, I thought confronting him

would make me feel better.
I just c... I...

I don't know.
He said that there's a dirty cop

that framed him.
Is that...

Is that a thing?
Is that possible?

When someone is guilty,
they're gonna say and do

anything they can
to convince you otherwise.

Murphy, Darnell is lying.


No, you're right, you're right.

I just got to get
out of my head.

Maybe we could get out of town
this weekend.

That would be perfect.

Yeah. Okay.

I'll see you soon. Bye.


Hey, where's Becker?

She took off a couple hours ago.
She say where?


You have reached
Detective Becker.

Please leave a message.

Well, how you been?

How's Chloe?

Everyone's good.

It's late.

What's going on?

Well, I, uh, I...

I thought I should
tell you that...

someone is coming...

for you.


it's not easy for
me to tell you who,


It's my partner.

Jules Becker.


she's got enough on you to put
you away for a very long time.

A cop?

That's a tough one.

Oh, I know, but...

look, I'm just
looking out for you,

'cause that was our deal.



Thank you.


You hungry?

I made meat loaf.

Let me warm you up a plate.

How did I let this happen?

I love Guiding Hope,

and I ran it into the ground.

I am a total
and complete failure.

Felix, I have an idea.

There are

no more ideas, Jess.

We must accept reality now.
Felix, shh. Shh.

Would you just shut up for,
like, two seconds, please?

I think I know where
we can get some money.

("My Sharona"
by The Knack playing)

Oh, my God, I'm feeling
so much better already.

Me, too. This was a great idea.

You can thank Jess.

Ooh, I love this song.

♪ Ooh, my little pretty one ♪

♪ My pretty one ♪

♪ When you gonna give me some ♪

♪ Time, Sharona ♪

♪ When you make my motor run ♪

I appreciate you
coming in on that.

What is it?

♪ Line, Sharona, I don't
know all of those words ♪

♪ To this song,
but I don't care ♪

♪ Time... ♪
♪ 'Cause I am in ♪

♪ The car... ♪
You don't even know it!

♪ Time ♪
♪ Sharona ♪

♪ My, my, yi, whoo! ♪

♪ M-M-M-My Sharona... ♪

You want to eat inside, or...?

Still a few hours away.
Let's just eat on the road.

I will... run in.

What do you want?

Mm... surprise me.

I trust you.

Be right back.

Where are we going?
It should be around here somewhere.

Murphy said it's
next to Starshine Lake.

We're taking directions
from Murphy?

Also, why are we going
to Starshine Lake?

What kind of lake name
is that, anyway?

Actually, it's kind of nice.

Oh, my God, wait, stop.

Felix, stop the car!

Look. Do you see that?
Do you see that?

That's Max's
truck. Come on.

W-Wait, no, it's freezing,

and all I have is a windbreaker.

Well, here's Joy's
jacket. Put that on.

Absolutely not.
Come on.

Can you please tell me
what we are doing?

Why are we looking
for Max's truck?

Okay, do you remember when Max
took Murphy to that lake house?


Well, um, she told me

that he hid $100,000 there.


Um, why did Max have
100 grand in cash?

Because he's a money launderer.

You know, for-for drug dealers.

Wait, what?


I'm not taking
a drug dealer's money.

Why didn't you
tell me this before?

'Cause I knew you wouldn't
take a drug dealer's money.

This was your master plan?
Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.
Felix, come on, we don't have...

We don't have any other choice.

This may come as a shock...

but I love Guiding Hope,
too, okay?

I get to go to work
with my best friend...

my best friends

every day.

And I'm not ready...

I'm not ready to let that go.

Well, neither am I.

Felix, listen,

if we get this money,

we could make a donation,
and then we're good.


You can't just make a donation
of $100,000.

That kind of raises
some flags with the IRS.

You'd have to break it up
into smaller amounts

and make smaller donations over
a much longer period of time.

Which could work.
That could work.




So, Murphy told me

that Max dumped the truck here,

huh, and then they got in a boat

and went to the other
side of the lake, so...


Are we doing this?

I think we're doing this.


You look really pretty.

Shut up.
Come on.

This is so exciting!

Call from Jules Becker.

I can't talk right now.

I just need to ask you
a question.

When Dean left the roller rink
the other night,

did he tell you
where he was going?

Yeah. He just said he
was meeting you. I don't know.

No, he wasn't.
He said that?

Yeah. He said he... he said
he was gonna... he had to do

a report or...
or he said he...

he said you needed his help
with something. Or...

I-I'm confused. What...

Murphy, what exactly
are you saying?

He said he was meeting you.

That's what he told me.
I don't...

What... Did he not...



Okay. Fine.

Bye, I guess.

♪ ♪

Oh, thank God.

Whoever hacked into Tyson's
account was using their Wi-Fi.

Hey. So, I went basic:
burgers and fries

and vanilla milkshakes.

Uh, you gonna smoke?

Oh. I was. Just...

I was just gonna
have... just one.

Yeah, just, uh, not
in the car, maybe.

Because I don't want it
to smell bad for Chloe.

Yeah. That's okay.
Uh, just wait till we get up there?

Yeah. Sure, that's fine.

All right, I'll
trade you. Here.

Um, here you go.

Thank you.


It's really good.
Thank you.

Okay, so this has to be it,

because this is
the only house for, like, miles.

Okay. Where's the money?

Uh, Murphy said he hid it
somewhere outside.

Cool. That
narrows it down.

Max took Murphy to this dump?

Well, it wasn't, like,
a romantic getaway.

It was more like an...

Learning a lot about Max today.


You find the money?

Not yet, but two other people
just showed up.

Two people? Who?

Some kids

in a van with a dog on it.

Says "Guiding Hope."

That's where Murphy Mason works.

Keep an eye on them.

They might know
where the money is.

And we are finally here.

Oh. It's even nicer
than the pictures.

Oh, that's... that's cool.

It's really quiet.

I know. It's perfect.

I think I've seen
this tree before.


No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

What are you doing?

I'm sitting.

This is my rock bottom.

I can't feel
any part of my body.

I'm cross-dressing.

I'm so hungry

and parched.

And all of this
to find drug money?

To save my failed business?


what have I become?

Shut up. What is that?


Why have we not
seen this before?

We've literally walked by
this, like, a hundred times.


Thank you so much
for helping, Felix.

Okay, I don't have gloves,

unlike some people.





Here's a... glass.

♪ In ♪

♪ A mist of a dream ♪

♪ Ah... ♪

♪ I wondered why ♪


I can't believe
we're actually alone.

I know.

♪ Were not there ♪

I think
I'm gonna go have a smoke.

Um... I'll join you.

You'll join me?

Dean Riley smokes?

I have these, um,

little cigar things.

My dad used to smoke 'em.

I don't know.

They help me relax.

♪ This could happen to you ♪

Are you stressed out right now?

A little.

You make me nervous.

You make me nervous, too.

♪ Ooh... ♪

- My God! Oh, my God!
- Hey. Looks like they found it.

We did it.
We did it.

Let them have it.

We did it. We did it. What?

I said let 'em have it.

Oh, you're bad.
We're so cool.

You're so bad.
Oh, you're bad.

He didn't smell like himself.

Smelled like s... it was,
like, smoke or something.

You warm enough?

I'm good.



Come here.

♪ Fly me to the moon ♪

♪ And let me play
among the stars ♪

♪ Let me see
what spring is like ♪

♪ On Jupiter and Mars ♪

♪ In other words ♪

♪ Hold my hand ♪

♪ In other words ♪

♪ Darling, kiss me ♪

♪ Fill my heart with song ♪

♪ And let me sing for evermore ♪

♪ You are all I long for ♪

♪ All I worship and adore ♪

I like it like this.

♪ In other words ♪

♪ Please be true ♪

♪ In other words ♪

♪ I love you ♪

♪ Fill my heart with song ♪

♪ And let me sing for evermore ♪

♪ You are all I long for ♪

♪ All I worship and adore ♪

♪ In other words ♪

♪ Please be true ♪

♪ In other words ♪

♪ I love ♪

♪ You. ♪

That was incredible.

It was.

We're both pretty messed up,
aren't we?


I know what you did.

I know it was you.

Murphy, what are you...
talking about?

You don't have to lie anymore.

I know.

I know you killed Tyson.

Darnell told me there's a, um...

dirty cop working for Nia,

and I know it's you.

This is why I didn't want
you to talk to Darnell.

'Cause they're just
trying to manipulate...



Those matches I found
in your car...

were from Birdcliff Coffee Bar,

where you sent those texts
from Tyson's phone.

You stole Darnell's letter
from my apartment.

Then I smelled your cigar.

It's the same exact smell as
when I found Tyson that night.


And the thing is,

for some insane reason...

I still want to be with you.

I'm just finally happy, and I...

I don't want to lose that.

I hate myself.

I hate myself.

Oh, my God.

I know that the reason
you didn't tell anyone

is because...

if anyone found out,
you'd lose Chloe

and she wouldn't
have anyone, and...

But, Dean,

you have to tell me
why you killed him.

You're the only one
who can give me closure.

And you owe me that.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

It's okay.
I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Was it Nia?

No, no, she would kill me
if she ever found out.

We were never supposed
to cross paths.

Tyson was late making his drop.

That's how Nia paid me.

I would give her a tip here
and there, and...

she would help me
with Chloe's medical expenses.

I knew he was one of Nia's guys.

And, after that,

he knew that I was one, too.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
And then he got into trouble.

Just keep your mouth
shut, all right?

Worst case, we'll be out
in a couple months.

A couple months?


you're up.

Well, this is not ideal, huh?

Look, I don't want any trouble,

What's your name?

Tyson Parker.

What are you in for?


My mom's gonna kill me.

Well, how 'bout I put in a word
with the arresting officer

and we'll see if we can't get
you out of here tonight.

Are you serious?

That-that would be amazing.


Just to be clear,

you've never seen me before,




Sit tight, Tyson Parker.

But, two months later,

Wesley got out of jail.

Hey. Thanks
for coming.

The hell are you thinking?
You cannot call and ask for me.

I can't call anybody else.

My dad just turned me away,

and I'm not bringing
my mom into this.

I thought I made it very clear.

You and I do not
know each other.

Look, he is going
to kill me, okay?

Wesley thinks that I got out

so quick
because I rolled on him.

He thinks I'm a snitch,
but I'm not.

Can't you at least, like, tell
him the real reason I got out?

No one knows
that I am working with Nia.

No one can know
that I am working with Nia.

He's gonna kill me, all right?

I... This is no joke.

I am sorry. I can't.

Okay, then I'll tell him
the real reason I got out.

I'll tell him
everything about you.

What did you just say?

Hey, where are you going?
To go tell Wesley the truth.

Do you understand what is
at stake for me here?

I don't care, man.
I care.

Hey, hey, hey.
Get off of me.

I care.
Get off me!

Hey! Help!
Shut up!

Shut up. Stop.

Shut up. Shut up.

Shut up. Shut up.

Shut up. Shut up.

Shut up. Shut up.
Shut up.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

Tyson, you here?


Come on, what's wrong with you?




Somebody help!


Pretzel, come on.


Somebody help!

Ow. W-Wait.

Wait. Wait! Wait!

Wait, Dean! No! Please!

Somebody help! Somebody help!


Just please say something.

Never tell anyone
what you just told me.

So you understand?

You did it for Chloe.

Everything I do is for Chloe.

I know.

It's okay.

♪ ♪

Stop recording.

Stopping recording.

Everything okay in there?

Yeah, just a second.

Where are you going?

Let's talk about this.

Help! Help!
Stop screaming.

♪ ♪

Delete all recordings.

Deleting recordings.

This can't get out,
you know that.


It can't.

I know that you care about me.

We just made love.

That's the thing.

Sex means nothing to me.

I just use it
to get what I want.

And I did.

How can you do that to me?


You're the victim here.

Think about Chloe.

The fact that I have a
family; I have a life.

You should have thought about
that before you murdered a kid.

He had a family.

He had a life.

And you took that away from him.

He brought it on himself.

Okay, it's his fault.

It's not just mine.

He threatened me.

And now I'm threatening you.

Are you gonna kill me, too?

Just keep silencing everybody?

What makes you think your life
is so important?

There's nothing special
about you.



Murphy, the car is moving.
I don't care.


I'm sorry.

Hey. Hey, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Murphy, I'm-I'm sorry.

Please. Ju...


Don't make me do this.

What am I making you do?
What am I making you do?

What am I making you do?!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

I like it.

Who is this?

Labi Siffre.


Labi Siffre.

Not a lot of people know
who he is,

but he influenced,
like, everybody.

This is the kind of guy that
I want to be when I grow up.

You want to influence everybody?

I just kind of want to,
like, have an impact.

More so.

You have an impact on me.

Mm. I guess that'll
do... for now.

Oh, for now?

Hey, listen.

All I'm saying is you don't
know where I'm going.

♪ See me flame ♪

No one knows where
they're going.

♪ Sing a song ♪

I love you, Murph.

I love you, too, kid.

♪ Oh, I'm so... ♪

♪ Glad you came ♪

♪ ♪

It's Murphy.

Now you know what it's
like to feel helpless.

By the way, your confession
that I recorded saved

to the cloud, so...

You're done.

You know, I thought about...

all the things I would say
to Tyson's killer

if I ever got this chance...

now that I'm actually here...

I don't want to tell you
what a bad person you are.

♪ You are ♪

♪ I'm still falling ♪

I want to talk about

what a good person he was.

So you're gonna lie there
and listen

to every single thing
I can remember about him.

Every single thing
I couldn't even think about,

because I was so obsessed...

with finding you.

♪ ♪

Hi, Murphy.

It's Nia.



Look like your work friends
stole my money.


Your coworkers.

Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.


They have nothing to do
with this.

I will find a way to pay
you back. I'm sorry, but...

Oh, I don't want you
to pay it back.

It's a gift.

W-What do you mean?

Actually, it's not a gift.

It's an investment.

See, when your boyfriend ran
off, I lost one of my fronts.

And I've been in need of
a replacement, and then poof.

God brought me Guiding Hope.

You want us to launder
money for you?

I don't... That's
not a good idea.

It's a win-win.

You keep your company,
I keep mine.

I've very lucrative.

What do you say?

Um, thank you,
that's a-a nice offer, but...

unfortunately, there's no way
Felix or Jess would...

No, they're in; they were in
when they stole my money.

Unless you're planning
on paying me back right now,

this negotiation is over.

I'll see you soon, Murphy.

What is this?

What is it?

What does this open?

What does this do?


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