In the Dark (2017): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

Helen's investigation pulls her further into Manchester's criminal underworld. Meanwhile, can Theo cheat death as the gang continues to be hunted by a mystery gunman?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Do it!

Are you asking me if I think my dead
partner was screwing around?

They're gonna kill us.

A copper's dead,
and now they're coming for us.

What are you doing here, Adam?

You want a relationship,

with a woman who doesn't
even know who the father is.

Well, I love you.

Stay away from Frank Linnell.
I've got a bit of a reputation.

Paul was my friend. I am devastated.

You Ray Jackson?

Who was the other passenger, Ray?
Kevin Sherwood.

The last thing you want is for something
to happen to your baby.

Mr Sherwood doesn't like people sticking
their nose in where it's not wanted

And who are you then?

Kevin Sherwood.

Taken pictures of your car reg
and your face

and I've sent them to my boss.

If anything happens to me...

And you are Helen, Paul's girlfriend.

How do you know where I live?
When Ray described you,

I figured it out.

You know, who you are and the fact that
you weren't there in official capacity.

See, Ray is not the sharpest
knife in the drawer,

it's probably why he drives a cab.

Claps eyes on a warrant card
and makes all kinds of assumptions.

Look, I know what happened to Paul.
What did happen to him?

You're just probably trying to work out
what me and Paul were discussing.

You going to tell me?

whoever is investigating Paul's death,

they're not looking at the likes of me.

Probably looking at someone
a bit younger than me...

A bit blacker...

I think it's best if you leave it alone.

Best for who?

Is that a warning?

It's not a warning.

OK, Helen. Just tell yourself
he needed a bit of extra money.

He had a kid on the way,
wanted a bigger house.

Tell yourself he was doing it for you.

Piss off and leave me alone.

Hiya. I'm er... I'm police.

I'm just gonna leave my car here.


Hey, it's me. I wanna see you.

You all right?

Here's what I want you to do.

I want you to take your clothes off,

have sex with me and then hold me

and make me feel safe.

Can you do that?

Hi, it's Theo. Is Javine there?
Hold on.

It's Theo.

Theo? You OK?

Where are you?

Yeah, yeah. I'm cool.

I found a place to hide out.

What time can I pass by?

This afternoon,
but make sure you're not followed.

Really, make sure, Theo.

Look, I won't.
I got a couple of routes in mind

and I won't decide till the last minute.

Be careful.

And don't go where people know you.
I won't.

I'll see you later.
See you later.

I love you.
Love you, too.

We need to talk about this.


About what?

About the fact that I had sex with you

when I was perfectly happy
in my relationship?

But you weren't happy, were you?

You wanted something different.

Oh, come on.

You complimented my legs at a party

and the next thing I was
just spreading them for you.

We all think
that our problems are so unique,

that we're so complicated.


You can't just...

Leave? I'm pregnant and I'm grieving.

That gives me licence
to do just about anything.

Helen. Helen, come here.

You need to let me in.

I'm sorry.

Stay as long as you like.

I'll bring my things tomorrow.

Yeah, hi, it's Theo.

Can you tell Javine I can't make it?



When did you get here?

This morning.

Ugh, what time is it?


Come on, doing a fry up.

Here you are.

You thought of any hymns, yet?

Assume you're having hymns. Pop music.

Pop music?

A hit parade.

I download.

Am not a dinosaur, yet, you know.

No, haven't thought of any.

Every time I do, it just...

Just reminds me he's dead.

I was gonna ask you
if I could help carry him.

Carry the coffin.

You probably got friends who can do it,

No, it will be, erm...

The coppers.

Um, honour guard.

In dress uniform.

It's Paul's mom,
she wants the whole ceremonial bit.

She sent me an email.

A very strongly worded one.

It was like...

Twenty-six gun salute

and trumpets and...

All that bullshit.

Did you like him?


And don't,
don't just say yes cause he's dead.

Did you really like him?

Most of the time.

He could be arrogant.

Especially with a beer inside him.

And of course he was a City fan, so...


I liked him.

We talked.

About you. About the baby.

He was looking forward to it.

Did you trust him?

Didn't you?

Thought I did.


Hey, Easy, what's up?

Yo, need to see ya, today.


I... I can't today.
I have some stuff to do.

No, today.

I'll come grab ya. Sweet.

17-year-old, Meekaaeel Qureshi's

young life was cut short

by the violent and terrifying
gun attack yesterday.

Combined with the recent disappearance
of James DeSonmo,

otherwise known as Snap.

Police are working on the assumption

that rival gangs may have become engaged

in a deadly turf war.

And police are determined to prevent
the violence from escalating.

They are warning residents
not to retaliate and they're appeal...

DCI Carter.
Hey, Ted, it's me, Helen.

Helen, how're you doing?

I'm just curious,
how's that investigation going?

Well, we're confident that the boys
involved in that shooting

are from the same estate
as the lad that's been killed.

We're conducting more door to doors.


You know what it's like
on these estates.

Yep, wall of silence.

Just be chilling, yeah.


It's really sad, isn't it?

They say its gang related.

Talking about all sorts.

They don't know shit.


Well, what do you reckon?

If it's a war,

the other crew won't know
what's hit 'em.

What's the other crew?

Are you all part of that crew?

So you knew them?

Wave and Easy?

Everyone knows Wave.
Is he the leader?

Are you some sort of cop?

C'mon, look at me, do I look like a cop?

You look like a MILF!

Won't even need a condom.

All right, thanks for your time.

Yo! What was that about?

Hiya! Helen. Nice to meet you.

You didn't know him, did you?

I wonder, did you hear about
the killings that happened recently?

Two young boys.

Well, it happens all the time out here,
doesn't it?

Who are you anyway?

I'm just... I know I sound silly,
I just got moved by the story

I just wanted to find out.

You shouldn't be walking round here
like that anyway.

Did you hear about
the killings that happened?

Yeah. It's no more than
the little bastards deserve.

They bring it all on themselves.

I've seen him around
but I didn't really know him, like

you know, I mean,
I didn't really know him.

Recently there's been nothing
like that here.

There's been nothing, has there?
No, it's been really quiet.

Did you know about the killings
that went on?

Everyone's heard about them.
There's not much we can do.

You OK?

Yeah, it's just...


Uh... I've got a son.

Leon. I'm going to see him later.

Can't wait.
God, you don't seem old enough.

Started young.

Everything starts young round here.

Even murder.

I saw that story on the news,

about that boy and...

I don't know, must be my hormones

but it really moved me.

Did you know him?


Er... Kind of.

What about that other boy,

that they said went missing?

Well, I'd seen him around,
he was a good guy, you know.

Yo, T! Theo!
Just one sec.

Come, man!

Hurry up, man.
All right, coming.





Helen, it's Jess Harlow
from the coroner's office.

Oh, right. Did you just call me?


Oh, you, er... You didn't just call me?


OK, Erm... Right. Well...

What... What do you want?

It's regarding Paul.
Is this a good time?

Yeah, yeah, no.
This is as good a time as any.

OK. Well,
the senior investigating officer

has conferred with the coroner

and they're happy to authorise burial

issuing a temporary death certificate.

In the light of this,
the SIO would himself be happy

to release Paul's body.

Well, everyone's happy.

I'm sorry?

Nothing. Just, um...

I'll be happy to...

To have his body to bury.

All right, thank you.

Stay here.

All right, lads.
I'm going to be straight.

We don't know which crew is behind it.

So, the best thing we can do now
is keep our heads down

till we sort this out.

Wave's gonna stay with me at my bro's.

Where are you going to stay?
Er... Javine's mum's.

Wave's getting his bro's dog
for protection but...

I think we need someone
with a bit more accuracy.

Take that, bro.

It's kill or be killed, boys.


Come here.

Brought me his iPad

I didn't even know he had one.

There's a folder on it.



Password required.

Did you get in it?

But why would he have that?

It could be anything.

Could be a code word, secret file.

Do you want me to speak to Tech
and see if they can hack into it?

I think he was involved with something.


Like what?

There's this guy called Kevin Sherwood.

Extremely dodgy businessman.

He's got links
to credit and debit card scams

and money laundering and, er,
illegal machinery sales in Nigeria.

He said Paul was helping him.

That they had a deal.

And you believe him.

I don't want to, but...

God, you know what they say.

"If it smells like shit
and it looks like shit..."


You look like shit.

And you're gonna need all your strength
to get through this funeral.

And to be frank,

the last thing you need

is to be looking at his coffin,

and wondering if he was corrupt?

Are you sure you wanna be alone
right now?

Want to stay with me?

No, I'm... I'm at my sister's.


I'm your long lost twin sister.

I look just like you.

I even have a tiny, teeny beard

right under my chin.

It's your doppelganger.

My God, she's so ugly.

Ugly. I know. Look at you.

Oh. Come on.

Yo, the dog won't shit. Let's go, boy.

Come on, come on.

This dog is useless.

You wanna get high? Wanna get high...

Smoke with me, yeah?

Oh, I ate too much, way too much.

Way too much. Come on.

Belly feels bad.

We'll have to smoke outside.


Take that will you, bro.

Oh, bro.

The dog shit on the floor, man.

Are you taking the piss, bro?

Nah, not outside my bro's yard.

Stay there I'm getting you a bag.

Dog shit.

I ain't cleaning that up.
Scoop it, scoop it now.

Can't believe you making me do this.

I told you, "Don't bring the dog".

This is why I don't have a dog, bro.

Yo, dash it, bro.

Come on.

Calm down, you little...

Get down.

Down, now.

Now this is about Paul Hopkins.

Who's that?

The police officer who got
killed waiting for a bus.

In Gorton, right? I seen it...

Don't bullshit me.

All right, what d'you want to know?


Like who else was involved.

All right,
just take the gun out of my face.

Don't you cry

Mama's gonna sing you a lullaby


I've got bleach and will use it
in your fucking eyes.

DI Moody, Professional Standards Branch.

What the fuck were you doing in my flat?

Wasn't me.
There was a man in my flat.

Do you want me to have a look?

Let me see.

I'm Ian. Come on. Let's have a look.

So, am I under surveillance?

I wouldn't call it surveillance.

We've been tracking your movements.


You ran a vehicle check on Ray Jackson.

Any enquiry related to him gets flagged
on our system.

We know you have spoken
to Kevin Sherwood

and you visited the murder scene

of Meekaaeel Qureshi.

Yes, I also spoke to Frank Linnell.

And Sarah Rushton.

I've been all over town and why?

Because I've got 1000 questions
and no answers.

Do you mind telling me
how you came up with Ray Jackson's name?

I found parking tickets.

So I took them to the CCTV
monitoring centre

and they showed me Paul

stepping into the same taxi
on two separate occasions.

So I did some investigating

and all the signs point to him
being bent.

Paul wasn't corrupt.

He was working for us.

Paul's job was
to target fellow officers.

To secure evidence that might convict
anyone passing information

to organised crime figures.

Individuals, gangs, whatever...

He was investigating Kevin Sherwood.

Sherwood was a target Paul was making
decent headway on before his death.

You've met him.
So you know what kind of person he is.


And not only that.

He is a prick we suspect
has made payments

to a number of officers
in various units.

What about Frank Linnell?

He's not someone who we have
an active interest in.

Plenty of our colleagues do, of course.

Paul's been in touch with him.

Asking for info.

What did Linnell say?

They were friends.

They watched cricket together.

I do know for a fact Linnell was not
part of Operation Elizabeth.


Women's names.

Elizabeth was Kevin Sherwood.

What about Victoria?

It's gone.

Paul's iPad, it's gone.

Hey, Easy. What's up?
Easy is dead, Theo.

They're all dead.

Except for you. We'll find you.

Ezra Dennison and Errol Anderton,

who went by the names, Easy and Wave,
were found gunned down yesterday,

in a relative's home.

It comes just days after 17-year-old
Meekaaeel Qureshi

was shot and killed, riding his bicycle.

Police say the shootings
appear to be targeted...

Beautiful service.

It's good of you to come.
Like I told you,

he was a friend of mine.

Have they found the bastards
that did it, yet?

Did it?

The shooting. The boys in the car.

Three of them are dead.

Well, there you go.

You reap what you sow.

Ain't that right, Clive?

You reap what you sow.

If there's anything you need...


You all right?


Can I say something as a friend?

If you ever need anything, please...

For once in your life, just pick up
the bloody phone. OK? Call me.

I know how to change a nappy.

Believe it or not, I'm also extremely
au fait with the vagaries of Peppa Pig.


You OK?

How's the investigation going?

Well, I spoke with Carter,
but it can wait until...

Oh, no. This is his funeral.

We are surrounded by coppers.
This is the perfect time.

Gary, can you give us a minute?

Yeah, yeah, course.

I was gonna come see you tomorrow.

After all this.

They've had the crime scene report back.

There's a peculiarity.


So, the collision investigator
was able to measure

exactly how fast each car was going,
when the incident occurred.

And the answer, oddly enough,
was not very.


Well, the BMW was supposedly
trying to get away

at a time of night when there was
very little other traffic on the roads.

But, the only time it got up to
anything like a decent speed,

was after the shots were fired,

when it veered towards the bus-stop.

Well, you would speed up
if someone was shooting at you.

Well, this is the thing.

I told you, they dug two bullets out.

But they weren't in the right place.


They got ballistics to map
the trajectory of the bullets,

based on the relative
heights of each vehicle.

You can trace the path each bullet took.

Neither shot could have
originated from the car.

Meaning what?

That the shots were fired before?

I don't know when exactly,
but certainly before the accident.

Helen, they were fired by someone
standing outside the vehicle,

whilst it was stationary.


I need to check local intelligence.

I had been for a drink, with a friend.

And before you ask, it was one drink
and I wasn't over the limit.

The meeting should last
about half an hour

because I've gotta go somewhere at 4:00.

So, if you just lay out some
copies of the reports...

Erm, I think there'll be
about six of them arriving.

Hello, Sarah.

Are you here for me?

Well, I haven't come to make a donation.

Er, can you just give me a minute?

It's good work you do... Worthy.

Helping the less advantaged.
Ironic though, isn't it?

Campaigning for pharmaceuticals
in third-world countries,

when the rest of the time,
you are filling your own body with shit!

I'm sorry I don't know...
Oh, bullshit. What is it? Coke?

I have no idea what you're on about.

You must really owe them.

They must have such a hold on you
to make you do what you did.

Or were you just so off your...

Off your head, you couldn't think?
I don't know what you're implying.

But I strongly suggest
you find some evidence to back...

I buried him yesterday.
So, don't you dare

give me that shit!


I did some digging. There have been
incidents, haven't there, Sarah?

Evidence of recreational drug use,
a little stint at The Priory.

But I guess it didn't help.
I guess you slipped on the recovery.

I know,
the bullets were fired before the crash,

and I know that you're involved.

He threatened to hurt my family.

What's going on here?


He just showed me where.

He told me to hit the bus-stop.

You didn't ask why?
Of course I asked.

He said he needed...
He needed to cause a distraction,

that night, in that area.

I didn't know
anyone was going to be killed.

I didn't... I swear.


I was going to lose everything.

You don't know the threats.

Oh, God, I had to do it.

I had to.

Who? Who made you do it?

Who organised all this, Sarah. Who?

I'm so sorry...

I'm so sorry.

I wish you had broken your neck.


Lovely surprise.

How are you coping?

It's after the funeral
that it really hits home.

This is the tough time.

At the funeral, you said,
"You reap what you sow".

What did you mean by that?

Turn of phrase. Like Karma, isn't it?
"What goes around, comes around."

The driver of the car that killed Paul,

she said someone arranged Paul's death.

Like who?
She didn't say.

There's something I haven't told you.
About Paul...

And my daughter, Laura.

They were an item.

Lovers. Before you.

He was good to her.

What happened?

She was killed.

It tore my heart up.

Did Paul never tell you
about Laura dying?


Things had been different,

he'd have been my son-in-law.

You should talk to a guy called
Jacky Snooks, at the Social Centre,

in the New Yard Estate,

about a meeting that took place there
a few weeks ago,

with those lads who got shot.

Are you Jacky Snooks?

My name is Helen Weeks.

I'm a detective.

I could flash you my warrant card,
but I don't want to do that here.

Just want to ask you some questions,

about the killings that've been
going on, the young boys.

There's a mural to one of them,
down the road, Meekaaeel Qureshi.

Did you know them?

These... These people...
They're not my friends.

I didn't ask if they were your friends.

I asked, did you know them?

Three boys... Boys, have been murdered.

Did they have meetings here?

Did they do business?
I let them

play pool, dominoes.

How am I supposed to know,
what people are discussing?

Please, Jacky.

All right,
now me can't tell you anything.

When me close my eyes,

I'm gonna open them
and just look where I am looking.

Bob Marley?
Hmm... Him the one and only.

Bob Marley, him see everything.

But people don't know we film,
so they feel safe.

How long do you keep the footage?

I need to be looking at Thursday,
two weeks ago.

I have no idea.
You'll have to go ask the manager that.

September the 15th.
Use my computer, if you like.

We strive to ensure nothing
criminal happens in the club.

You realise that, don't you? Brew?

Oh, yeah. Tea. Tea would be lovely.
No problem.

You looking pretty large there.
When you due?

Today, any second.

Don't worry, only 4% of births come
on their due dates. So it'll be fine.

Get Gosforth.

Get Gosforth.


Helen, get the... Helen!

Get off him!

The fuck?


With Sarah's confession he'll get life.

Adam must have known.

He must have known that Paul was working

for a counter-corruption unit.

He must have realised
that Paul was onto him.

I'll tell you, what I don't understand

is why, knowing what he knew about Adam,

Paul didn't report this
to his superiors.

I, um...

Had a thing.

I had a fling

with Adam.

Paul knew.

It was over.

So if he disclosed that,
he'd have been taken off the case.

I've slept with Adam since.


How could he do that?

Helen, Helen...

No, but how? How? How? How could he?


He was trying to protect himself.

By killing Paul.

The whole operation was going
to be exposed,

Sherwood, Adam.

Adam was in his pocket.

Sherwood worked it out,
tipped him off, that's it.

Adam used his drug connections

to make it look like
the gang caused an accident,

blackmailed Sarah Rushton...

Clever bastard.

Threw us all off the scent.


What I don't get...

Is how? How did he know?

How did he know that Paul
would be there that night,

at that bus-stop?

Well, it's just a thought,
but maybe he was with him.

Remember the witness evidence?

Saying that Paul spoke to another man?
We never traced him.

Adam lured Paul out under a pretext.

What do you mean?

The baby.

So, we understand each other, yeah?
Yeah, we're good.

You need some time to work things out.

Listen, I need a piss.

I made it so easy for Adam.

Helen, you can't think like that.
No, I gave him a way in.


I'll get someone to drive you home.

No, I'm fine.

Right, so, if Adam

was in the pay of Sherwood,

and he had hired Easy and those

other boys to assist him,

don't you think it's a coincidence
that they have all ended up dead?

They're not all dead.

Three of them are dead. One's missing.

Presumed dead.
And the other is alive and well,

as far as we know.
The other? What?

Sarah said there were five lads
in the car.


So you don't think that anyone's...

Been trying to kill them off?



Helen, go home. Rest.

We'll take things from here.

Yo, T!

Just one sec.

Come, man.

Hurry up, man.

Hiya. Do you remember me?

I'm, uh,
I'm the MILF from the other day.

Look, I'm looking for a...
A kid called Theo.


Please, it's urgent.
Do you know where he lives?

What's so urgent?

What do you think?
Theo's the man?

Please, just...

Down there. End house.

Hiya. Is Theo inside?

He lives over there, across the way.

That one, there?
Yeah, the one on the end.

All right, thank you.
Yo, Theo!

Lady here wants to speak to Theo.

Come on.

Theo? It's all right.
You can't come in...

We're just about to leave...
It's OK. Theo!

Get out of my house.

Javine, get back.

I'm a police officer.

My partner died a few weeks ago.

He was standing at a bus-stop.

But... I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

I shot to miss.

No one was supposed to die.

I swear.
I know.

There were blanks in that gun.

The woman in the car...

She drove at the bus stop on purpose.

She was in on the whole thing.

It was made to look
like it was an accident,

like it was random.

You're in such danger, Theo.

Wherever you run to, they will find you.

Trust me.

They killed all the others,
they will find you.

But if you help me...

Help us...

Come on.

I'm so sorry.



Your waters!

The bathroom's through there.

Come on, I'll get you a towel.
No, uh...

No, if you could...

If you could call me a taxi...
Taxi? Round here?

You'll be lucky.

Can one of you drive?

Right, Javine?

Right, go to your mum's

and I'll meet you back there.
I'll take her, right?

I'll take you.

All right.

You know who killed them?
Wave and the others?

I've got a fair idea.

It's a secret?
Oh, shit!

It's OK, just... Just breathe.

Where are you running to?

Lake District. I'm going to find work.

Javine's mum gave us some money.

Theo, with what you know
about what happened in the gang,

you can convict the bastard
who did all this,

the ones who are responsible
for killing your friends.

Thing is, if I make a statement,
I'm as good as dead.

We can protect you.

This is why I tracked you down.



You all right?

There's a lady having a baby,
she needs help!

There's a lady having a baby,
she needs help!

Good luck.

Get yourself to the police station
and you ask for DCI Gosforth

and you tell him that I sent you.
Please, Theo, please.
