In Treatment (2008–2010): Season 1, Episode 36 - Laura: Week Eight - full transcript

A tragedy takes Paul away from the office, where a case of mistaken identity gets him in trouble.

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Previously on "In Treatment"...

You're gonna get a call
from one of your compatriots.

He's a navy doctor named Connell.

He's gonna be checking up on me.

Can you imagine yourself back in an airplane,

flying a mission after what happened?

It's what everybody wants, my father included.

Well, you know, he and Michaela,
they're united in everything.

You're putting me in a very
difficult position, Alex.

You don't expect me to lie, do you?

Paul, look -- hey, cut the crap!
I need this.

Tell me, what would you do?

I would stay in therapy.

I would continue to deal

with the difficult issues
that we've been talking about,

not sweep them under the carpet

like you've been doing in your life.

They will creep up on you again.

But you won't tell me not to fly.

- Hi.
- You'll want to wait till the next hymn.

The service has already started.

- But they said 10:00.
- For the Garrity funeral?

- The Prince funeral.
- Oh, sorry.

That's in the Gold chapel.

Okay. Thank you.

S01E36: Laura, Week Eight

I'm Paul Weston. I was a friend... of Alex's.

- My condolences.
- Thank you for coming.

- I'm deeply sorry.
- Thank you. Thank you very much.

I'm deeply sorry.


That's okay. Don't worry about it.
It will dry off in a minute.

Hi, I'm Paul.


I was a friend of your dad's.

He was really proud of you.
He used to talk about you all the time.

He would be mad to know I cussed just now.

You know, today, I think it would be okay

to say any cuss word you wanted.


Mm-hmm. I'm saying them...

in my head, without saying them out loud,

'cause of what I feel about
what happened to your dad.

Do you think swearing is better than crying?


I think, crying's okay, too.

I don't want to.

That would just make everyone more upset.

You know, you don't have to be... strong.

My dad was always telling me,

I needed to be strong.


Whenever he'd go away,

he'd say to me, "Take care of mom.

You're the man of the house."

Yeah, I kinda know what he meant.

But, you know, being the man in the house

also means, letting other people
know how you feel inside,

you know, whether you're angry or sad.

The chances are, your mom feels the same.

And maybe the two of you could...
help each other feel better.

Your dad told me that you were
an incredible chess player.

Did you leave the king and the rook

with your father on the casket?

There's this move called castling.
Do you know it?

I -- kind of, yes.

It was my dad's favorite move.

- Oh.
- He swapped them sometimes.

You sacrifice your rook to save your king.



- Goodbye.
- Okay. Yeah, goodbye.


Thanks for... calling me.


Well... I, uh, I wanted to reach you

before, uh, before you read about it,
or saw it on the news.

Are you okay? You look...

Have you slept?

Uh, not really. Uh...

Sometimes I think
it's better not to, you know?

I keep dreaming about this.

I never had a patient die before in treatment.

You'd think, in 20 years, it would have
happened before, but... it hasn't.

You should take some time off.

Well, I'm definitely gonna
take the morning off.

I have to keep my afternoon appointments.

No, you shouldn't do that, Paul.

I know, but... I've promised, so...

Also, I...

I also don't just want to sit there
and not give anything back, you know.

No, you need to cancel for your sake, Paul.

Yeah... yeah, you're right.

- Was that his son?
- He seems to be doing okay.

I was, uh...

I was talking to him earlier on.

What the hell do you say
to a nine-year-old kid whose...

father is...

not coming home?

It's hard to see so many
people in pain, you know,

and not be able to...
help them in some way.

Maybe helping is easier than feeling the pain.

- True...
- Mmm.

...Dr. Laura.

You know, my mother is
buried in this cemetery.

Oh, I didn't know she...

- When did she die?
- Oh, a long time ago.

- 18 years.
- Do you visit her often?

Well... see, we named our daughter

after my mother, Rosemary.

So... it's my daughter's name

on the gravestone, in a way, so...

I can't bear that, so no, I don't,

I don't visit often, no.

Actually, I agonized whether
or not I should come today.

- Hmm?
- I didn't want to be disrespectful.

Why would you be disrespectful?

Well -- to her, his wife.

I mean, she lost her husband,

her children lost their father.

That's something meaningful.
I mean, what am I?

A what, an ex-fling?

I think it's really great that you came today.

The truth is, he was a nice guy.

Yeah, he was funny and sweet and beautiful.

I mean, if our timing had been different or...

if we hadn't met through you

or if I had been an entirely
different person, maybe...

Well, big ifs.

Big ifs. Mmm.

Hmm. If.

I'm sorry, uh, did you get one of these?

- No.
- Uh, directions to the gravesite.

It's a huge cemetery, bit of a labyrinth.

Oh. Okay. Thank you.

- Dr. Weston?
- Yes.

- I'm Daniel Alterio.
- Oh.

I called you the other day with the news.

It's nice to meet you. Thank you.

I recognized your voice. I, I hope
I wasn't too abrupt on the phone.

I had a... long list of people
to call and, uh...

I was still reeling myself.

I understand.

Maybe you're the person who can explain to me

why almost every person
that I gave the news to,

their first response was,
"But, uh, but I just saw him."

Well, maybe this is just...

their mind's way of processing
the shock, you know.

- I'm sorry. Daniel.
- Laura.

- Hello.
- Hi.

So had, had you just seen him?

No. No, he was, he was staying with me,

but, uh, we've both been so busy.

I tried to get him to go to the
opera with me the other night.

Sean offered Alex his ticket, but, uh...

our Alex wasn't the opera kind of guy.

He was afraid of opera.

- I'm afraid of flying.
- Me, too.

Terrified. Thank God for drugs.


Alex was always trying
to get me to fly with him.

Promised if he took me up,
I'd, uh, I'd be safe.

I'm sure that's true.


I just never thought
it would end like this for him.

I mean, I knew the risks, but, uh...

I just never thought
he'd get into trouble up there.

Then again, everything I ever thought of Alex

got turned on its head sooner or later.

But look who I'm telling, the authority.

It was, uh, good to meet you.

- You, too, Daniel.
- Uh, I'm sorry. Laurie, was it?

- No, Laura. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, too.

- I'll see you both in about a half hour.
- Okay. Thank you.

Are you okay?

Yeah... are you?

Yeah. And if you weren't,
would you say anything to me?

- I would.
- Cool.

Excuse me... Do I know you?

Oh, I'm, uh, I'm Paul Weston.
I was a friend of Alex's.

My deepest, deepest condolences.

Thank you. I, I don't remember this --

You played racquetball with him.

No, no, no, no, that was a Walton.

I'm sorry, that was somebody "Walton".

Alex, you know,
he had so many friends

I never met... until now.

It's a terrible thing, you know,

to have to -- pick out a plot for your child.

Michaela, she, uh...

she left it to me.

Alex, he liked to lay in the sun, you know.

He would... lay on the roof
like, like a lizard, you know.

Any-anyway, uh, this,

I picked a spot that's...

really out in the open,
you know, right,

well, you'll see it. You'll see it
when you get there, okay?

I didn't get a chance to
say it to you before, sir,

- but you have my deepest sympathy.
- Thank you,

thank you very much for coming,
you and your husband.

You're a very lucky man.
You have a lovely wife.

Actually, Laura and I...

- No, no, no, no.
- I'm sorry, I...

I'm just all out of sorts today.

I understand.

It's so quiet.

When I was a little girl...

I'd make my mother... tie my shoes so tight

that sometimes the laces would snap.

And I liked the bed sheets pulled really taut

so that it was hard
to turn over.

I liked the feeling
of something holding me in.

I think I was afraid
that maybe I'd float away

and no one would notice.

Sorry about that before, I, I,

I should have introduced you properly.

No, it's okay.

It kind of caught me on the hop.

Paul, it's fine.

When I was growing up,

people always thought
my stepmother was my...

was my sister.

She was...

26 years... younger than my father.

A few times, actually,
she and I were mistaken for...

a couple.

And the old man would play into it,

as if she and I were...
a pair of newlyweds

who're taking the old man out
for a night on the town.

God, he loved it so much, being with her,

because she was so...

you know, young and beautiful.

So proud of the fact that...

she was with him.

How did they meet?

He was a doctor...

and, uh, a heart surgeon.

She was, she was a patient, and, uh...

he did a bypass on her.

They started to date,
and then he left my mother.

That was a nightmare.

When I was a teenager I was always...
always in trouble.

Well, I remember,
once this counselor said to me,

"What are you going to be when you grow up?"

and I remember saying to him,

"Anything... except my father."

My father was a really selfish man.

Whatever he wanted, he just took it.

No regard for anybody's...

feelings or...


I, uh, I think you should go without me.

- What?
- No, it's...

I don't know... I just don't feel up to it.

Everything's, uh, caught up with me, and...

you know, watching them put him in the
ground is just a little too much for me.

You sure?
- Yeah, you go.

Pay your respects.

No one knows who I am, anyway.


I know who you are.