In Treatment (2008–2010): Season 1, Episode 30 - Paul and Gina: Week Six - full transcript

Paul and Kate's concern over daughter Rosie gives way to a heated exchange about Kate's role in Paul's life.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- How are you?
- Okay.

I made us some tea.

Give me your cell.

- Leave... Leave the ringer on.
- That's kind of the point.

We've been waiting for Rosie
to check in all day.

She slept over
at a friend's house and...

She hasn't checked in yet.

At least that's what she said.

But Lord knows
it's not the first time in History

that a teenager say
she's gonna stay at a friend's

and then she ends up somewhere else.

So where is she?

Do you think
I'm withholding information?

Are you?

Season 1, Episode 30

Subtitles: Anyone, Coffee, Tagne


Sarah's parents are away and...

and Rosie's not answering her phone,
so it's a little convenient.

Didn't this happen a few weeks ago?

But this time
she's been gone for 24 hours.

I mean, she is at that age,
isn't she?

- That makes it okay?
- No, I didn't say that.

Kate doesn't trust her when she says
she's staying with a friend,

that's the cause for concern.

I'm pretty concerned.

Hence, the two phones laid out.

When did you last talk to her?

Yesterday, when I was at work.

I don't know if Paul told you,
but I run a shelter for battered women

and it's also a center
for youths at risk.

And Rosie volunteers there
about 4 times a week.

She told me she'd be there
and then go to Sarah's,

but she did say it in her responsible
voice, which should've tipped me off.

Anyway, Sarah's parents
are in Mexico and...

I don't know, maybe the girls drove off
somewhere after school.

Sarah's got a car.

And Rosie was probably
afraid to tell us

- because you might flip out and...
- I'd flip out?

Who knows? I don't know.

What kind of work does Rosie do
at the center?

Whatever's needed, basically,

from writing up schedules
to running errands.

She sits in on interviews sometimes

just so she can get a sense
of how we evaluate people,

how much trouble they may be in
and how much help they may need.

Four times a week...

It's a commitment
for a 16-year-old kid.

17-year-old next month.

It's interesting,
because when Rosie's volunteering,

- all of a sudden she's an adult.
- She's a born social worker.

Always has been,
ever since she was a kid.

How did she show that
when she was younger?

She was always the mediator
with her friends on the playground.

You know, organizing,
making it peace, that kind of thing.

Even her teachers remarked on it.

And you heard this where? I don't...

I don't really recall you at too many
parent-teacher conferences...

I was on the PTA board at Arlington,

I mean, come on, you went twice.

Did you ever see Rosie
take on this mediator role at home?

What she means is
was Rosie our social worker?

See, Gina can't conceive of
a child being born

with an intrinsic desire to help
other people

without it being a coping
mechanism for... For something else.


Rosie's always been interested
in being of service,

and that's something we encouraged.

- Did we?
- I encouraged it.

I think it's great. I think
it's incredible that she volunteers.

I talk to her about everything
she sees down at the center,

and it's certainly
not her responsibility

to deal with any of the hardcore cases
or anything like that.

I make sure that she's not
in over her head.

I tell her who's who
and what's going on and...

I do, I agree with you. I think
four times a week is a little too much.

You know, there might be a little more
to it for Rosie

than a desire to help.

What Gina is saying
is that Rosie might be working around

at-risk youths
because she's distressed herself.

Paul, do you really think
Kate and I need an interpreter?


When did she start volunteering?

It was... What?
About six months ago.

And I was thrilled at first because

it meant she was spending less time
at the mall with her friends, but...

I'm thinking
she may need more of that.

- What, more time at the mall?
- No, you know what I mean.

Just doing stupid teenager stuff.

Why should she be so concerned
with the world's problems at her age?

I don't think
that's what Gina's saying.

She's saying that Rosie
is drawn to the place

because she's trying
to say something to us,

- but that we're oblivious...
- Can I speak for myself?

- It's not what you're trying to get at?
- It's not for you to say that.


You know, even if Rosie
has a desire or a vocation

to help other people, I'm wondering:

How much of that do you think
a 17-year-old kid needs?

16. She's still 16.


So, yes, Paul, she may be trying
to shine a light on something.

Okay, that's it.
I'm gonna try her again,

since apparently her volunteering
is a cry for help.

Thank god. It's ringing.

I'm gonna kill you.
Where the hell have you...

- No, because we have...
- Let me talk to her.

Since when does that happen?

Let me talk to her, please.

When you sleep away, you're supposed
to call first thing in the morning.

That was the agreement
and you know it.

No, we will discuss this at home.

No, because we're out.
We're talking to someone.

An... an accountant.

No, you don't know him... her.

No, he's sitting right here,

and he is looking none too pleased
about any of this.

We'll talk at home, Rosie.

All right.

So I'm not allowed to speak to her?

She claimed she got to Sarah's
late last night,

they were late for school
this morning and get this:

she didn't realize
her phone was off,

which is a little like me not realizing
my head's on fire, but...

She is not staying there again.

Okay, well, you tell her that.

If I were Gina, I'd ask, "Why now?"

- "Why now" what?
- Well, if a couple came to me

with this problem, I'd say
"Why is she choosing to act out now?"

That's what you'd ask? Really?

Maybe you should call that couple,
ask them and then get back to me.

She's doing this on purpose.
It's obvious.

She senses a conflict between us
and she's turning it around,

so that she's given us a taste
of what it's like to worry about her.

She's a teenager. There's not
some master plan involved here.

This is just how teenage girls are,

I mean, it's just how they think
or don't think, in this case.

No, Kate, it's not conscious,

but it's working.

Rosie vanishes and you become
functioning parents.

You're united
in your concern for her.

Do you think that Rosie senses
the conflict between you?

I think we've been pretty good
about pretending.

We've actually gotten pretty skilled
at that.

So, why now?

As Paul asked, why now?

Did something happen?
What do you think she's reacting to?

I'd say it's more tense actually.

More tense?

Kate ran into Laura.

I didn't run into her, I saw her
as she was leaving the house.

- The house?
- My office.

His office, the house, my home,

It's a little blurred, isn't it?

- Didn't you say she stopped therapy?
- He did say that, didn't he?

Her father was hospitalized
and she asked me if she could come by.

- She was pretty upset.
- Please... please don't do that.

- What?
- Describing her

like she's this fragile little thing,
like she's some poor lost soul.

She's not.

I saw her.

How did she seem to you?

She's Tammy Kent.

- What?
- Who's Tammy Kent?

How is she Tammy Kent?

You know exactly
what I'm talking about.

May I ask who this is?

This was a girl that Paul was
in love with when we first met.

- A long time ago.
- Whatever.

- They're exactly the same type...
- No, they're not.

Yes, they are...
And he made Laura out to be

this fragile little girl,
and I am telling you, what I saw

was this highly-sexual woman
wearing stilettos at ten in the morning.

I did not describe her like that.
If you formed an image...

No... but you let me think

she was one of your fatherless
walking wounded.

No, you rushed
to that conclusion yourself.

And what he also forgot to mention
is that she's stunningly beautiful.

And very young,
but that's no surprise, is it?

Jesus Christ,
it's the goddamn history of the world,

leaving your middle-aged wife and...

Isn't it a little embarrassing for you

that you've turned out
to be like every third man?

I mean, you've spent your entire life
studying the human condition

and now you're just following
your dick around like a caveman.

This woman, Laura, she's got this...

This spoiled, aloof

and calculated look.

And she has this, uh...

This air of self-confidence

that is quite obviously bullshit,

because if anything real
ever happened to her,

she wouldn't know what to do.

She was so fake.

And all this you saw
while you were taking out the trash.

Yes, that's right,
just by looking at her.

Like it or not,
everything's communicated.

Another one of your lines.

And you just happened to be there
as she was...

Don't keep doing that.

You're making me out to look like
I'm some loose-cannon, demented wife.

If she is all that, spoiled and a fake,
why are you so threatened by her?

Because my husband
is in love with her.

And because she's the kind
of woman who always gets her man.

A woman like that
has always been his fantasy...

Gorgeous, self-centered,

That's what I want?
It's... It's good to know that.

You don't see yourself that way?

So, you're not Paul's fantasy?

No, I'm not.

Yet he married you.

I guess he got a raw deal,
didn't he?

He wanted the trophy wife
and he got stuck with a homemaker.

I'm just a good mom.

Pretty boring.

Come on, Kate, listen to yourself.
You're completely invalidating your...

Your sexuality for a start.

I think we both know that you could've
done better if you'd wanted to.

I fell in love with you, not just
because you're beautiful and sexy,

but because...

Because of your strength.

Her strength?

She was... she was grounded
and honest and dependable.

I needed that.
I think we both needed that.

Not anymore.
I don't need you anymore.

I need you.

I've always loved you,
wanted you and needed you.

But not like Laura.
You never ever wanted me like that.

How can you say that?

You keep jumping
to these conclusions that make no...

Kate, you said
you didn't need Paul anymore.

Can you talk about that a little?

I don't need him like I used to...

Not like I thought I needed him.

I don't know, maybe I don't even need
a partner at all.

I mean, would I like one?
Yeah, of course.

But it would be awfully nice
if that person were

a bit more present and available.

But do I need it?

If that's the question...

No, I think I've learned to live
without it.

What kind of partner
could you see yourself with?

I don't know.

I mean, you know, my frame
of reference for two and a half decades

has been Paul, so...

Our friends, their husbands,
what the hell do I know

about what they're really like?

What goes on behind closed doors?
I mean, do we know...

Any couple, really?

It's not like I sit around
daydreaming about it

or I have some fantastic flight of fancy
about some perfect man or...

I could be with a serial killer as long
as he told me about his damn day.

And it's not just about
being wanted.

I know that's what I said last week.

And wanted is good. I mean, of course,
everybody wants that, but...

I just want to be
a part of something.

It doesn't have to be big...

And it doesn't have to be grand.

But I'll tell you something
about women like Laura.


They're just all about sex.
You know, that's their currency.

That's... Not the actual sex itself,
that's not what I'm saying.

It's... sex as this thing
that controls,

that determines the distance
between her and someone else,

and I cannot compete with that.

Laura isn't a sexual object
for Paul.

Their relationship
isn't based on that.

It's more...


She's not his sexual fantasy.
It's not about lust.

The real threat is...

That he may actually
have fallen in love with her.

You know,
you said you were drawn to him.

You married him
because you admired him...

Because he paid
such deep attention to you.

You were grateful

that you felt you were interesting.

That dynamic of

patient-therapist was satisfying
to both of you at that point...

- But I think...
- Jesus...

Please let me do my job here.

Your job of what,
rushing to conclusions?

Eventually, Kate, you felt
that it wasn't satisfying for you.

You've outgrown that dependency.

You've outgrown
that part of your marriage.

You said
you don't need Paul anymore,

you don't need to be taken care of

and Paul may have sensed this.

You're drifting away
from under his wing,

and suddenly
he finds himself confused

about his feelings for a patient.

Laura is dependent on Paul.

He's her therapist,
her elder, her guide.

Dependency defines
that relationship.

I see, so she's not
my groupie anymore,

so I found somebody to...

To replace her. Is that your theory?
Nice one, Gina.

See, your problem is
you think it's impossible

to fall in love with a patient
without some kind of...

pathology surrounding
the whole thing.

You're trying to redefine yourself
in your marriage,

to see yourself not as a dependant
but as an equal.

Do you think you can do that
and stay with Paul?

Gina, for fuck's sake. If I'm...

this narcissistic monster
that you're talking about

who has to be admired
and worshipped and needed,

how does that fit with me sitting here
trying to address the problem

- that we've brought to you?
- I'm not saying you're a monster.

In fact, if you'll listen,

I'm not even saying it's all you.

Paul may not see you as an equal,

but perhaps
you've contributed to that.

Maybe it's how you wanted
to be seen.

It's what was comfortable for you.

Yeah, 25 years, I always felt
he could walk out at any minute.

Was that part of the attraction?

Would you stop it? Would you stop

putting these poisonous
fucking words into her mouth?

You've ignored me
in this conversation.

You see what she's doing: instructing
you on what you should be feeling.

It's fucking reckless.
Why are you speeding this up, Gina?

Do you want to meddle, is that it?
To see how fast you can do this?

Pushing Kate to a place
that usually takes months if not years?

- That's not what I'm doing.
- What takes months?

What she's saying is that you have
a predisposition to be rejected,

to not be my equal,
that you're reacting to your childhood.

That is rushing the process, Gina.

Here's the way I think it works: you're
supposed to focus on the couple first,

then talk to them about their parents
and their childhood.

Do it the other way,
they blame each other:

"I knew it. Your mother fucked you up
and you take it out on me."

Do see you see
how destructive that is?

Maybe you don't want
to talk about childhoods

because we'd end up talking
about your childhood.

So we're back to where we started.
You saw me after 10 years

and right away you decided
I'm my father.

And like him,
I'm in love with my patient

and I'm pushing Kate
to have an affair

so that I can have an excuse
to leave the house.

And now, of course, Kate...
an hour and a half with her

and everything fits perfectly.

- Game, set and match to you, Gina.
- You know what?

I can't really do this anymore.
I'm sorry.

I know this was my idea, but...
I knew, deep down, that if I came here

it would turn into this history
between you two. And I'm sorry,

it's really not helpful to me.

- I apologize...
- I'm sorry, Kate. I'm sorry.

- I'll see you next week, okay?
- Good night.